I think in order for Flandre to get good character development. First she needs get her little ass whooped by somebody she shouldn't really have pissed off. Second she need realise just using raw power isn't going to work all the time. Finally she really get more abilities and hone the skills she got already.Like so in this amv observed:

Do you guys agree with me on this subject.
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We're more or less in the right place for that, to be honest. Even with Four of a Kind, she can't go up against the Aces and come out unscathed.

...Also, as of this post, I don't see the AMV you're talking to.
We're more or less in the right place for that, to be honest. Even with Four of a Kind, she can't go up against the Aces and come out unscathed.

...Also, as of this post, I don't see the AMV you're talking to.
Can you see it now.
EDIT: we need go to Hunter x Hunter.
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I think in order for Flandre to get good character development. First she needs get her little ass whooped by somebody she shouldn't really have pissed off. Second she need realise just using raw power isn't going to work all the time. Finally she really get more abilities and hone the skills she got already.
Do you guys agree with me on this subject.
I disagree. Getting beaten feels like an unnecessary risk of a BAD END and holds little chance of triggering an epiphany in Flan. Kyubey's goon squad hurt us pretty bad and dredged up some painful memories and all that did was make Flan go berserk. Picking a fight we OOC expect to lose seems to be inviting unnecessary risk for an unlikely payoff right after its been shown we don't have unlimited tries at a world.

But that's not to say getting Flan to improve her people skills is impossible. I feel we need to give Flandre a personal stake in some self improvement. So far Flan's been resisting Remi's etiquette lessons because that seems to be the only way she's been getting big sister pay attention to her (Remi's not entirely blameless for Flans mental state guys), she needs to be taught to do the opposite.

As a youkai, Flandre will never be "tamed" or "humbled" or taught to be "sane". Pride, indifference towards suffering and a vengeful streak come with the territory. But that doesn't mean there's no way to establish a rough code of conduct in her head when more fragile forms of life are involved.

I say the first step is to give her a minion she can become personally attached to. Certainly not a yes man but not someone who will challenge us on everything either. Let Flandre use her interactions with her new friend as a template for other people. If her actions almost get this this minion she's become personally attached to killed (because just getting the minion killed only risks a roaring rampage of revenge) that could cause her to examine and adjust her approach to lesser creatures accordingly to avoid a repeat of this. A good mistress looks out for her servants.
I disagree. Getting beaten feels like an unnecessary risk of a BAD END and holds little chance of triggering an epiphany in Flan. Kyubey's goon squad hurt us pretty bad and dredged up some painful memories and all that did was make Flan go berserk.
To clarify something here, what nearly sent Flan into BSOD/RROD territory was the idea that Remilia had not only abandoned her, but actively turned against her.

[X] A proper mistress's duty is to look after her servants! Pick up Vita and carry her in the direction she was taking you until you get somewhere safer.

[X] A proper mistress's duty is to look after her servants! Pick up Vita and carry her in the direction she was taking you until you get somewhere safer.
-[X] If anything gets in the way, make it pop. You can show off your own Laevateinn once your Servant is recovered and able to fully appreciate it.

[X] Ask Headless for advice!
Votes are still open; they will probably close later today, but I have family coming down for the weekend, so it might stay open a while longer.

Nothing has changed, votes are now locked.
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Taking Care of Vita
[X] A proper mistress's duty is to look after her servants! Pick up Vita and carry her in the direction she was taking you until you get somewhere safer.

You stand up and glare in the direction you think the shot came from. You see a few buildings that could have given the right height and angle of attack, and you sweep your gaze over them for a moment. Then you turn back to Vita, just as she glows red and her dress disappears, leaving her in a different brown outfit. You are somewhat upset by this, and extremely envious - it seems that everyone has some way of keeping their clothes in good condition except you. You make a note to yourself to find some way of getting magic clothes like them, so you don't have to keep getting new clothes.

That is not for now, though, but for the future. For now, your duty is to look after Vita - she is (or will be) your servant, after all, so you have to take care of her. You lean down again and start to hook your arm around her waist, but you can see the strange cylinders coming back. You narrow your eyes - someone is definitely coordinating things ... you pick her up and jump into the air. From what you saw, the cylinders don't have much in the way of flight ceiling, so if you fly higher than Vita did you should be safe! However, the cylinders put on a burst of speed, and one of them latches onto your ankle with a tentacle. You sigh.

Glancing down, you see that several of the cylinders have wrapped one tentacle around the cylinder grasping you, and a second tentacle around some piece of architecture - a post, an arch, a window - in an attempt to prevent your escape. They aren't firing, though ... maybe they want to take Vita captive? You fly up as high as you can, straining the cylinder's grip on you - then you kick it with your free foot, snapping the tentacle and launching you higher until you slow your ascent. The cylinders begin retreating then, and you see two cloaked figures, one tall and one small, before the building blocks them from your view. You disregard them - they aren't stopping you, so they must not be important.

You ascend to what you believe is a safe height, and as you travel outward your headache diminishes further - in fact, it's soon gone altogether, and you smile happily. You feel much better, you have someone who will soon be your servant, and she's already indebted to you! Maybe you can discharge that immediately by having her get you some of those clothes .... Your ruminations are disrupted by the arrival of several individuals in blue uniforms with metal breastplates. You consider stopping, perhaps to ask for directions, but the possibility of them being enemies is something you cannot discount. Their uniforms don't resemble Vita's, after all. You're about to close your parasol and sweep them from the sky when they peel off, and Signum streaks past you. She slows and pulls herself upright, and you shift your flight path to follow her.

"What happened to her?" You shrug; she does sound a little worried, at least, but she seems to be upset about something.

"Someone shot her," you say. "She was fighting those metal things, and then they ran away, and then someone else attacked her. I didn't see who, though." She frowns at you but doesn't say anything.

It's only a few minutes from that point to some sort of command center - you see several large metal carriages, and there are a lot of people. Signum lands in one fairly clear area near one carriage, and as you land you see a blonde woman in a white coat come hurrying toward you. Four individuals try to follow her, but are blocked by Signum - two older girls, a boy and a girl. Your eyes light up as they settle on the girl, and you gently lay Vita on the ground at the woman's urging without paying much attention, because hovering about the girl is a tiny white dragon! It must be just a hatchling, but if she has a dragon, that means she knows where more are, and that means you can fight dragons! You've only fought a couple dragons, and those weren't too strong, but maybe she knows where really strong ones are. You blink as the woman's words sink in.

"What? Why would she need to go to a hospital? And there's nothing wrong with me!"

"So we can make sure there isn't anything wrong with her," she says. "She seems to be fine, relatively speaking - we couldn't detect the attack that did this, but it must have been powerful - but I'd like to make sure, and it's impossible to tell if she's suffering any side effects of the imaginary space overlay. Similarly, while you seem to be fine, from my brief examination, you were in the same region, and you look like you were within the area of effect of whatever hit Vita as well. If nothing else, we can provide you with clothing and properly identify you so we can contact your family." You pout; you don't know what an "imaginary space overlay" is, but you did have that headache ....

You frown as you look around, trying to figure out what to do. You see a big man in a blue and white uniform arguing with a shorter woman wearing Vita's uniform - as a matter of fact, she and the doctor with you are the only other people wearing that uniform, so they must be part of Vita's company ... maybe you should help her?

What do you do?

[ ] Go with Vita to the hospital.
- [ ] Do you let them examine you?

[ ] Let them take Vita to the hospital, but don't go with them.
- [ ] Go see the other woman in brown.
- [ ] Ask the little girl if she knows where any dragons you can fight are.
- [ ] Go back to where Vita was attacked, see if you can find anything interesting.

[ ] Don't let them take Vita to the hospital.
- [ ] Where do you take her?

[ ] Ask Headless for advice.
[X] Go with Vita to the hospital.
-[X] They can look, but no touching.
[x ] Ask Headless for advice.
-why the hell not?

P.S Why the slag that option is still there?
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[X] Go with Vita to the hospital.
-[X] They can look, but no touching.

I'm sorely tempted to do something with 'Headless' in an omake here. For, well, reasons.
Looks like we were wrong about this taking place between As and Strikers. Definitely part of Strikers. Early Strikers, maybe?

-I'm sorry. :(
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Now, unlike PMMM verse, those are people i definitely do not want to just peacefully cooperate with. Do not have good ideas for appropriate disruptive IC vote atm though =/.
Now, unlike PMMM verse, those are people i definitely do not want to just peacefully cooperate with. Do not have good ideas for appropriate disruptive IC vote atm though =/.
Meanwhile I have no idea who these people are, or why you wouldn't like them.

Hurray for cluelessness!

Could I get an explanation, please?
I... think FelSpite believes the arguing man in blue and white is Regius, the Ground Army Officer that's against Hayate?
Well, i never actually was able to force myself to watch Nanoha, before for some wicked reasons i learned stuff from crossover and direct sources.
Basically the only group i could have symphatized to would be team Testarossa BUT it requres a bit more sane Precia with at least decent relation in between her and Fate. Sadly, there is like an only one fanfic which follows the idea (it's good btw)

I HATE TSAB with passion if only because they are those_obvious_good_guys which_you_have_to_follow_unless_you_are_seriously_mad_and_there_is_no_other_choice_anyway / Mary Sue United, and well the opposition simply lacks sanity or decent endgame goal/purpose.

So, while i obviously can't be absolutely sure who exactly those guys are due to my serious lack of canon knowledge (i'd say 80/20% in this case) the simple fact of their verse-origin makes a straight-cooperation route extremely unappealing in my eyes anyway.
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Now, unlike PMMM verse, those are people i definitely do not want to just peacefully cooperate with. Do not have good ideas for appropriate disruptive IC vote atm though =/.
You could always just vote to let them take Vita to the hospital, and check up with the other lady in brown. That's likely Hayate herself, if I'm managing to remember uniforms right (I'm probably not).

She'll probably relish the company of another Person of Mass Destruction, at this rate.

EDIT: Nevermind, ninja'd.

Not sure what to suggest in your case, pal.
Not sure what to suggest in your case, pal.

*Shrugs* Well, thanks for trying with an advice, but you don't really have to mind my issues esp. if it may contradict with you fun/vision. I mean i'm kinda used that for the last 20 years of my life things in any media/fiction almost never go the way i would like for them to, so it's not that big of a deal.
Then the people you want to side with is Riot Force Six, who are... detached enough from the TSAB to not be that much of a worry, perhaps? They're still members of the TSAB, but it's an independent enough force due to involvement with the Church. Plus, they're the main force in the plots.
[X] Go with Vita to the hospital.
-[X] They can look, but no touching.
-[X] Ask for some blood to drink. Nicely.

I have no idea what I'm doing! :D
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Well, let's actually analyze our options here. First, just going away with or without Vita now would be contradictary to our previous decisions and kinda strange/pointless. Second, i do not think that agreing to the examination of any kind would be a right idea IC wise. Third, there was a mention of Laevateinn, why not bring it up now in some form?

Also, how well are we feeling atm? Mostly in the regard of needing rest or "food" any time soon, as it may be important.
[X] Go with Vita to the hospital.
-[X] They can look, but no touching.

I really need to catch up on Nanoha, only knowledge I have about Strikes is from Nanoha GamerS comic.
So after some thought I think off the top of my head that there are 3things the hospital could thing we are.
  1. Some sort of super advanced Familiar (Highly unlikely but possible)
  2. A child either vat grown or kidnapped in some sort of illegal super soldier experiment, we obviously escaped. (Most likely)
  3. Some sort of living Lost Logia (Ranges from unlikely to moderate)