@Entropy Judge : Will Flandre telling Nanoha about the vampire thing happen in the presence of these other people if we pick yes?

[X] Yes.
[X] Disagree because you want to stay with Vita.
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@Entropy Judge : Will Flandre telling Nanoha about the vampire thing happen in the presence of these other people if we pick yes?
... Flandre will not spread around knowledge of her being a vampire, but unless you specify to make sure only Nanoha is around, she would normally do something like telling the others to go wait in a corner, because she's busy talking to someone and they're being rude. Of course, depending on how people act/react to what she does, it may be more or less of an issue. If she ends up leaving, she probably won't tell Nanoha at all - because then it won't matter - but she will probably tell whoever her caretaker is.

I'm not sure vampires existed in Nanoha-verse...
'Nanoha' is a sort-of spinoff of a game called Triangle Heart 3. I'm not familiar with it, and it's not really related to the Nanoha-verse AFAIK.
[X] Yes.
-[x] Whisper it into Nanoha's ear.
[X] Disagree because you want to stay with Vita.
[X] Yes
-[x] Whisper it into Nanoha's ear.
[X] Disagree because you want to stay with Vita.
Tally-keeping. Still open.
[X] Yes

[X] Yes
-[x] Whisper it into Nanoha's ear.

[X] Agree to go.
-[X] After they wait their turn for the honor of speaking with you. You're still busy talking with this girl, and she seems fun for a human, so you'll bother with those others when you feel like it.
-[X] And Vita is coming with you. After all, she is going to be your servant.

[X] Disagree because you want to stay with Vita.

[X]Agree to go - if you can take Vita with you.
[X] Yes
-[x] Whisper it into Nanoha's ear.
[X] Disagree because you want to stay with Vita.
[X]-Agree to go.

Announcing we're a vampire around the government spooks is unlikely to do anything good. If anything it will likely set off an even bigger political shitstorm than the one already going on for custody of Flan. Some scientist might want to tinker on us, or if the only stories they've heard of vampires are of the nosferatu variety they might claim they need to lock us up for "national security" or something.

Whispering the revelation to Nanoha is too much of a gamble for me.
  1. She knows as much about vampires as the rest of these guys do and could sell us out right away either intentionally or accidentally.
  2. The spooks could overhear us, since they're standing right there and the room is possibly under surveillance.
  3. If (when) we start destroying stuff Nanoha and co. are in deep shit if they knew beforehand what we are and said nothing. Withholding sensitive information is a Serious crime in the military.

These idiots are really going to try to take us back to Gensokyo? Great. Fresh meat for the SDM's larder. We can always leave after we get bored of them. Want to make the CDC look bad? How do you think they'll look when they can't keep track of a little girl after they made such a big show in front of a rival group to get their hands on her?

Then we can say we'll only behave if they give us our servant Vita.
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[X]-Agree to go.

Announcing we're a vampire around the government spooks is unlikely to do anything good. If anything it will likely set off an even bigger political shitstorm than the one already going on for custody of Flan. Some scientist might want to tinker on us, or if the only stories they've heard of vampires are of the nosferatu variety they might claim they need to lock us up for "national security" or something.

Whispering the revelation to Nanoha is too much of a gamble for me.
  1. She knows as much about vampires as the rest of these guys do and could sell us out right away either intentionally or accidentally.
  2. The spooks could overhear us, since they're standing right there and the room is possibly under surveillance.
  3. If (when) we start destroying stuff Nanoha and co. are in deep shit if they knew beforehand what we are and said nothing. Withholding sensitive information is a Serious crime in the military.

These idiots are really going to try to take us back to Gensokyo? Great. Fresh meat for the SDM's larder. We can always leave after they take us back to wherever their base is when we get bored. Want to make the CDC look bad? How do you think it will look when they can't keep track of a little girl after they made such a big show to get their hands on her?

Then we can say we'll only behave if they give us our servant Vita.
Your being a worry-wart again Charty.:p
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[X]-Agree to go.

Announcing we're a vampire around the government spooks is unlikely to do anything good. If anything it will likely set off an even bigger political shitstorm than the one already going on for custody of Flan. Some scientist might want to tinker on us, or if the only stories they've heard of vampires are of the nosferatu variety they might claim they need to lock us up for "national security" or something.

Whispering the revelation to Nanoha is too much of a gamble for me.
  1. She knows as much about vampires as the rest of these guys do and could sell us out right away either intentionally or accidentally.
  2. The spooks could overhear us, since they're standing right there and the room is possibly under surveillance.
  3. If (when) we start destroying stuff Nanoha and co. are in deep shit if they knew beforehand what we are and said nothing. Withholding sensitive information is a Serious crime in the military.

These idiots are really going to try to take us back to Gensokyo? Great. Fresh meat for the SDM's larder. We can always leave after we get bored of them. Want to make the CDC look bad? How do you think they'll look when they can't keep track of a little girl after they made such a big show in front of a rival group to get their hands on her?

Then we can say we'll only behave if they give us our servant Vita.

I see no point in hiding from people when they are eventually going to find it out in the future. How long do you think we can keep hide our origins? We are already needing blood and people are going to wonder why we keep asking for blood. Plus more horror genre savvy person can easily add one and one together and come to vampire conclusion anyway.
We are already needing blood and people are going to wonder why we keep asking for blood.
A note: Flandre currently does not need blood. Her last action in Mitakihara was to go on a feeding frenzy in a school, after all - she's asking because that's the vote that won because she's smart enough to realize that she will need a stable source at some point unless she wants to go around fighting an organized force of mages.
Plus more horror genre savvy person can easily add one and one together and come to vampire conclusion anyway.

If Nanoha can put two and two together that's great, but that's different from outright stating in a room full of potentially hostile humans we're an unholy monster of legend that eats humans. The CDC are jerks, they don't need to try to be reasonable when they've got an excuse to be ruthless and they're not going to pass up a chance to one up Nanoha's division especially when that's the whole reason they're here.

If we drop some hints that point to why we need blood and someone figures it out that's great. But outright stating it is going to result in heads rolling when shit hits the fan.

Plausible Deniability is absolutely crucial. For example:
  • Let's say Flandre tells Nanoha we're a vampire. Whether or not she believes us or outs us irrelevant. When we start using our powers and eventually properly Feed the CDC can come out and say "This was all preventable. We're all such badasses we totally would have secured the vampire, but those losers knowingly withheld the truth about the monster from us until it was too late!" Nanoha and co. will be lucky to get a court-martial.
  • Now what if Nanoha or someone else puts the pieces together on their own? Then when Flan starts being Flan Nanoha and peeps can fire right back that we looked and acted just like any other girl while in their care. The CDC can't throw blame at anyone when their own goons came sniffing around and were totally fooled too.
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If Nanoha can put two and two together that's great, but that's different from outright stating in a room full of potentially hostile humans we're an unholy monster of legend that eats humans. The CDC are jerks, they don't need to try to be reasonable when they've got an excuse to be ruthless and they're not going to pass up a chance to one up Nanoha's division especially when that's the whole reason they're here.

If we drop some hints that point to why we need blood and someone figures it out that's great. But outright stating it is going to result in heads rolling when shit hits the fan.

Plausible Deniability is absolutely crucial. For example:
  • Let's say Flandre tells Nanoha we're a vampire. Whether or not she believes us or outs us irrelevant. When we start using our powers and eventually properly Feed the CDC can come out and say "This was all preventable. We're all such badasses we totally would have secured the vampire, but those losers knowingly withheld the truth about the monster from us until it was too late!" Nanoha and co. will be lucky to get a court-martial.
  • Now what if Nanoha or someone else puts the pieces together on their own? Then when Flan starts being Flan Nanoha and peeps can fire right back that we looked and acted just like any other girl while in their care. The CDC can't throw blame at anyone when their own goons came sniffing around and were totally fooled too.
still I am not a fan of hiding things that we need to reveal ourselves anyway when push comes to shove... right now to them we are nothing but 10 year old girl and they will NOT allow us to have fun defeat whatever enemy we come across. By telling them we are more then just ordinary 10 year old human they will at least not get in the way whenever the enemy comes across our path.
still I am not a fan of hiding things that we need to reveal ourselves anyway when push comes to shove... right now to them we are nothing but 10 year old girl and they will NOT allow us to have fun defeat whatever enemy we come across. By telling them we are more then just ordinary 10 year old human they will at least not get in the way whenever the enemy comes across our path.
We get what you're saying here Charty but you are planning on making shit much more complicated then it already is.
[X] No
[X] Disagree because you want to stay with Vita.

If it's in the presence of anyone but Nanoha, I'd rather not risk saying it at all. Devices have high grade sensory and recording abilities.