Firebird, a Worm AU/Xover?

Taylor is a teenager. Teenagers have moments of Drama and No One Understands Me and perceive the rest of the world and people in it(particularly their parents) through a lens that is completely unconnected to reality and the real state of events whatsoever.
While this is true, I was somewhat surprised that GG didn't call her on it. I mean, the subject at hand was exactly what the result of his ignoring her was.
I still find sick that we can write about a teenage mass murderer torturing teens to death but not about teens having sex.
*shrug* It's a thing. I don't determine the rules here, but I do abide by them. I can write teenagers having sex elsewhere should I desire to do so.
Don't blame SB/SV, blame American society. It's fine with brutal violence but has some incredibly hypocritical Puritan views on sex.
I should have included this disclaimer in that statement.

I'm well aware of the source of the United States and its view of sex. My statement, however, was not invitation to derail into a discussion about that. So, please, let's not do that. :)
I should have included this disclaimer in that statement.

I'm well aware of the source of the United States and its view of sex. My statement, however, was not invitation to derail into a discussion about that. So, please, let's not do that. :)

Oh fine. And I had such interesting things to say too!

Can we talk about murder instead? I mean, Taylor's powers can do the obvious stuff, but there are so many interesting ways to kill with either pyrokinesis or telekinesis.:p
Oh fine. And I had such interesting things to say too!

Can we talk about murder instead? I mean, Taylor's powers can do the obvious stuff, but there are so many interesting ways to kill with either pyrokinesis or telekinesis.:p

I suppose, if you really must, then yes. Though to be fair, a lot of those will require a degree of control that Taylor may not have yet. Without even going into murder, there's so many ways to disable someone with telekinesis alone beyond the simple 'grab someone and hold them in place' tactic.
Wow. That was a heck of a long chapter, and it was all awesome. I'm liking seeing things start to pick up. Also, any type of fire powers are awesome. Combined with TK, precog, and mind reading... The Phoenix is kinda broken, isn't it?
As to the other thing. Taylor was under suspicion, albeit reduced since Armsy was shifting away from her. Dean reported because he had heard she was a subject of interest, so he reported his findings. Armsy came at it from the wrong end of things, to letting her dad know, but he was gambling it would achieve a specific effect. We do have commentary/WOG about how non-cape organisations will report parahumans to the PRT. See canon Browbeat, who was Ward-conscripted because the hospital reported him when they noticed his healing.

Armsy reported to Piggot directly, who preserved the information in a private file she keeps only on that flash drive. Less people in the PRT know than you would think.

Thanks for the answer. I do agree that the it is likely a media circus when a known cape's identity is made public, with everybody speculating, having an opinion and following it in the news.

However, my questions and thoughts lean more to how the public and parahuman community would feel about knowing that identities are deliberately being investigated. Or perhaps I should say that I wonder how they would feel if they know that possible parahuman's are being investigated. I ask because the viewpoints shown so far, Armsmaster/Colin, Browbeat/Madison, Gallant/Dean & Miss Millitia/Hanna in the Protectorate and Piggot in the PRT have no problem with investigating Taylor. However, they can very well be operating under a "if it doesn't come out it isn't a problem" attitude. (Although there will be a problem with real "fire" works if Taylor reads somebody and finds out that Armsmaster outed her to Piggot.)

Also, how do the public and parahuman community would see the outing of identities to individuals or organizations. You've basically shown two viewpoints so far. Armsmaster, Browbeat and Gallant did not seem to have a problem outing Taylor to their superiors and Armsmaster was not shown to have a problem outing her to her father. (He was shown to regret not investigating their relationship yes, but I did not read him as regretting outing her secret to her father.) Victoria on the other hand seems to believe that it isn't her secret to tell and Catherine and Minako also appear to believe this.

Lastly, thanks for having Victoria bring up how Danny left Taylor alone with Armsmaster. I missed that when I read the previous chapter.
The Phoenix is kinda broken, isn't it?

Not at all! You just need to have it in with characters of similar power level. Like the Silver Surfer, Galactus, Oblivion, Eon, Eternity, Death, the Sorcerer Supreme*, and others on the more cosmic level.

*Don't tell me Doctor Strange couldn't hang either, fuckin' guy once stalemated the Infinity Gauntlet for a few seconds. He stalemated omnipotence. He can hang.
An unfortunate result of the US 's puritanical origins. To this day US society at large has not gotten over it. As an American, yes, I know it's stupid, but there's not much I can do about it.
Don't blame SB/SV, blame American society. It's fine with brutal violence but has some incredibly hypocritical Puritan views on sex.
Guys you do realize that the reason the site blocks any 18 and under sex is that in large parts of the world that can get this site shut down for kiddie porn? Not just in America.
Guys you do realize that the reason the site blocks any 18 and under sex is that in large parts of the world that can get this site shut down for kiddie porn? Not just in America.
Yes. That's why I'm saying not to blame the site itself. It's just responding to outside pressures.

As Chibi said, though, let us not derail the thread any further.
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"He left you alone? With Armsmaster?" Vicky asked. "Wow. I just.. I have no words for that. I mean, I heard he's mellowed a bit while he's been off building or sniffing flowers or whatever it is tinkers do in their spare time, but the guy's always been kind of, well, a dick."
Aww this was the perfect moment to make an Avenue Q joke like say Armsmaster went off to visit his girlfriend in Canada~(warning lyrics may not be SFW) :(;):p:whistle:
Alright, let's go with Author answers things corner once more!

Wow. That was a heck of a long chapter, and it was all awesome. I'm liking seeing things start to pick up. Also, any type of fire powers are awesome. Combined with TK, precog, and mind reading... The Phoenix is kinda broken, isn't it?

Understatement of the continuity.

Have to agree with Sasha. This isn't even coming close to touching what the Phoenix is capable of.

Thanks for the answer. I do agree that the it is likely a media circus when a known cape's identity is made public, with everybody speculating, having an opinion and following it in the news.

However, my questions and thoughts lean more to how the public and parahuman community would feel about knowing that identities are deliberately being investigated. Or perhaps I should say that I wonder how they would feel if they know that possible parahuman's are being investigated. I ask because the viewpoints shown so far, Armsmaster/Colin, Browbeat/Madison, Gallant/Dean & Miss Millitia/Hanna in the Protectorate and Piggot in the PRT have no problem with investigating Taylor. However, they can very well be operating under a "if it doesn't come out it isn't a problem" attitude. (Although there will be a problem with real "fire" works if Taylor reads somebody and finds out that Armsmaster outed her to Piggot.)

Also, how do the public and parahuman community would see the outing of identities to individuals or organizations. You've basically shown two viewpoints so far. Armsmaster, Browbeat and Gallant did not seem to have a problem outing Taylor to their superiors and Armsmaster was not shown to have a problem outing her to her father. (He was shown to regret not investigating their relationship yes, but I did not read him as regretting outing her secret to her father.) Victoria on the other hand seems to believe that it isn't her secret to tell and Catherine and Minako also appear to believe this.

Lastly, thanks for having Victoria bring up how Danny left Taylor alone with Armsmaster. I missed that when I read the previous chapter.

I think it's an area that has a lot of room for how it's perceived. I can't imagine that the PRT doesn't have a database of who they suspect various villains to be and given they are essentially police for parahumans, the general public likely doesn't think anything of it. Oh, sure, there's probably civil rights groups who raise a stink about it as they are wont to do, but largely, I don't think the public thinks of it as anything more than performing their duties.

Now the parahuman community, well, that's another story and I don't imagine they like it all. But it's a question of what's being done with that information. Having the information is one thing, what you do with it is the more important thing. The PRT may know things, but they don't act on it unless their hand is forced openly(see Coil outing the E88), because there's a un-codified system of rules that they function by. (Even if I personally think they'll disregard them if it's convenient/the gains outweigh the losses)

Not at all! You just need to have it in with characters of similar power level. Like the Silver Surfer, Galactus, Oblivion, Eon, Eternity, Death, the Sorcerer Supreme*, and others on the more cosmic level.

*Don't tell me Doctor Strange couldn't hang either, fuckin' guy once stalemated the Infinity Gauntlet for a few seconds. He stalemated omnipotence. He can hang.

Honestly, my reading of that scene(if we're thinking of the same scene) was that the fact that he could do anything was more due to who was wielding that power. Warlock outright stated that the shit he was pulling couldn't work against Thanos and Thanos was mocking her incompetence the whole time. She clearly had less than a solid grip on the absolute power that the IG grants.

As to the Surfer. I dunno. He's very low-end for cosmic tier, so I don't know if he'd actually be able to do anything more than annoy the Phoenix. He'd crap all over the entities though.

Jesus this thread moves fast overnight...

Awesome chapter Chibi.

Thanks! And yeah, it did get rolling after this chapter.

Nah. More like Dash. Flies fast, fights physical, doesn't always (read: usually) think things through, is especially hair-trigger when it's someone close to her, very protective of a shrinking-violet-personality healer with a nasty side, a surprisingly good friend, in spite of it all.

Hm... I can see that.
Taylor is a teenager. Teenagers have moments of Drama and No One Understands Me and perceive the rest of the world and people in it(particularly their parents) through a lens that is completely unconnected to reality and the real state of events whatsoever.

That wasn't my experience at all in high school. 85-90% of the people I knew were really calm and easy-going.
Welp, that went a whole lot better than I thought it would. I was picturing an EPIC disaster. We only got a pissed and pissy Taylor. Hehe. Well, great job here, keep it up!
It's weird to me that Lisa's power would have been affected by the Phoenix anti-precog effect. In canon, Lisa's power ignores anti-precog effects.

(Being classified as a Thinker does not mean she's a precog, any more than Miss Militia's perfect memory makes her a precog.)
It's weird to me that Lisa's power would have been affected by the Phoenix anti-precog effect. In canon, Lisa's power ignores anti-precog effects.

(Being classified as a Thinker does not mean she's a precog, any more than Miss Militia's perfect memory makes her a precog.)
Yes, but you'll note that the reason the Protectorate is freaking out is that it's not just an anti-precog effect, but an anti Thinker effect. All the Thinker powers shut down, including the non-precogs, globally.
Taylor is a teenager. Teenagers have moments of Drama and No One Understands Me and perceive the rest of the world and people in it(particularly their parents) through a lens that is completely unconnected to reality and the real state of events whatsoever.
I gotta agree with Stormseed, the stereotypical teenage!drama was overdone. Honestly, most of this chapter seemed like her reactions were chosen based on what would cause more drama rather than what would be in character for her. Pointless drama like this is one of the things that irritates me the most on stories.

And if you are going to make Taylor not spam her precog in order to keep the story interesting, make something happen in story
that explains it, like her using it to see how a conversation will go, saying something different in response to what she saw, and it make things go worse. As it is, you have her actually thinking about how she never uses it when it matters, and it just seems like she is constantly juggling the idiot ball.
Coil is best served, I think, in the background. We'll likely get something with him in the future, but I want to avoid having him too prominent because that wrecks him as an interesting antagonist. He won't make his move until he has things laid out exactly as he wants, if he makes a move at all. You thought it was the PRT, but it was really me, Coil, all along!

Taylor = teenager. Everything is drama.

And Armsy is just a huge bundle of optimism!

Honestly, I'd really rather you not have Coil be a major antagonist at all. You are already doing an openly AU story, so you could make things a little different. Coil is the main antagonist of almost every Worm story out there, for once I'd like to see a story where he isn't a Big Bad for Taylor to fight against (and no, curbstomp fics don't count).

When Taylor and Vicky landed on top of Coil's building as a "safe" place to talk, I groaned, in no small part due to the fact that, as both can fly easily and enjoy doing so, they could have a conversation guaranteed to be private by just staying up in the air.

As is, this feels like a story I read where they figured out Coil is using his power because they did something that doesn't make sense fire them (I.e. they were manipulated by his power to do it). This is not even close to the way his power works, but with how unlikely it is for Taylor and Vicky to have just happened to have landed on Coil's so he could find out about her. And yes, I know you said there might not have been cameras, but if that is the case than you are just bring a massive troll. That is your prerogative to do so, but it is likely to lose you some readers.
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