Big Ego for Something so Small, eh?
- Location
- Earth
From both the phone and the page, a stylized yet abstract bird of prey looked at him, one rendered in flame, the other in ink.
Dat dastardly tinker memory.
From both the phone and the page, a stylized yet abstract bird of prey looked at him, one rendered in flame, the other in ink.
Sophia is much more unstable here; murder is a little much.
And the Dynamic Duo pretty much outed themselves to the PRT.
Minako was zen as fuck the whole time. Since when is anyone on Earth Bet that calm?As to the other bit, I have no idea what you mean as the only uses of power explicitly outlined in this chapter were from Sophia and Taylor.
I would like this a lot more if Colin wasn't so blatantly breaking/trying to break the unwritten rules.
Sophia is much more unstable here; murder is a little much.
And the Dynamic Duo pretty much outed themselves to the PRT.
I would like this a lot more if Colin wasn't so blatantly breaking/trying to break the unwritten rules.
Both of the Duo were entirely too cool for being interrogated by what amounts to the parahuman FBI.As to the other bit, I have no idea what you mean as the only uses of power explicitly outlined in this chapter were from Sophia and Taylor.
Both of the Duo were entirely too cool for being interrogated by what amounts to the parahuman FBI.
Even innocents are unsettled by law enforcement investigators, so when you couple their performance with Minako's previous takedown of multiple gangers?
That's enough to get anyone even moderately competent into digging into their backgrounds.
And running biometric matching software on known parahumans in the city.
Given that the best defence of secret IDs is obscurity, any investigation will turn up actionable intel.
Now, the rules do say they can't do anything with it. Still, it'll be in the databases.
In a city where Coil has hooks into the PRT structure.
Both of the Duo were entirely too cool for being interrogated by what amounts to the parahuman FBI.
Even innocents are unsettled by law enforcement investigators, so when you couple their performance with Minako's previous takedown of multiple gangers?
That's enough to get anyone even moderately competent into digging into their backgrounds.
And running biometric matching software on known parahumans in the city.
Given that the best defence of secret IDs is obscurity, any investigation will turn up actionable intel.
Now, the rules do say they can't do anything with it. Still, it'll be in the databases.
In a city where Coil has hooks into the PRT structure.
I was referring more to him comparing active independents to the students, as opposed to Taylor.
Well, that could be true. He could do that.
But enough of the Unwritten Rules. Lets talk about the good things given to us this chapter.
Taylor's telepathy is starting to properly tune in, and she's getting conscious use out of Telekinesis. That is good. She's also thinking more heavily on how her powers could be impacting others.
And I don't know about you, but this sure felt like the end of the first arc.
I know right
Sure.The thing with the rules as I understand them is that if you do find out someones identity, you don't use that fact against them. That's the big caveat. And also, since when as the PRT followed the Unwritten Rules word for word? I fully expect that if Piggot could have the names of ever villain in Brockton in a closed folder somewhere, she would. Just so she can have it as ammo if she needs it.
Yeah; he gathers that info and sits on it until it suits him, or the stakes are big enough.A fair point. But Coil doesn't conscript every cape not affiliated with the Protectorate into his service. There's supposed to be a lot of independents in BB and they can't all be working for Coil. Prior to getting Dinah, I always had the impression he was very low-key because it didn't serve him to stick his neck out and make big moves all that often.
Yeah, not buying it.As to their cool under stress. Catherine's a military brat and likely has a decent amount of experience with authority figures breathing down her neck. As to Minako. Well, she's just very zen. Or so she would have everyone think.
Please tone down your bashing. Sophia is a psychopathic bitch, but she is not this stupid.
Please tone down your bashing. Sophia is a psychopathic bitch, but she is not this stupid.
But the PRT are not the only ones with interest in that kind of thing.
And we do know that PRT data security is not all it could be; TT used to hack in, even if she never advertised the fact, and Coil simply bought what he wanted.
Remember what Coil did with the E88's identities?
And Tagg's example shows that elements of the PRT are not above playing hardball when it suits them.
So yeah, teens.
Never as smart as they think they are.
Yeah; he gathers that info and sits on it until it suits him, or the stakes are big enough.
And then he kidnaps a Dinah, or pulls an E88 as a distraction.
Especially when you are small fry enough to be sacrificed.
Do note that Coil owned the two unaligned Tinkers in Brockton Bay: Leet and Chariot; he just hid his involvement.
Ditto the Undersiders and Travellers.
Dude has a record of acquiring, or trying to acquire/neutralize useful parahumans to deny them to others.
If he got the idea that the Duo are possible handles on Taylor? Damn right the thumb screws would come out.
And a certain birdie might get....... irritated.
Yeah, not buying it.
Especially if Armsmaster is running around with a panopticon installed with possible biometric identification features.
Competent!Armsmaster might not have hard info at the moment, but I expect him to smell the bullshit as well.
Please tone down your bashing. Sophia is a psychopathic bitch, but she is not this stupid.
Citation please.I understand that Taylor is not entirely herself anymore, what with Jean bleeding through and the general influence of the Phoenix, but really, she reacts to reading someone's mind with "huh, that's cool". Aside from the fact that it's explicitly not a thing in worm, and thus important, it's also heavily associated with Ziz, to say nothing of the huge violation of privacy that she doesn't seem to care about in the slightest. With the additional powers, telekinesis, mental influence, and precog, I'd have expected her to at least make a comment about the similarity.
Taylor might be accidentally making Sophia more hostile by telepathically pumping her own aggression for Sophia at her.It's already been said that there was something else happening in the background that we didn't see that led up to Sophia's more extreme reaction when confronted. Until we figure out that, I would hold judgement personally.
Taylor might be accidentally making Sophia more hostile by telepathically pumping her own aggression for Sophia at her.
Citation please.
I've seen people repeatedly mention this in fanfiction, but I've not gotten any canon citation for this.
So please, can you give me a citation for this claim?
"Bullshit," Glory Girl said, "The brainpower you'd need to interpret and decode someone's unique neural patterns would need a head five times the usual size to contain it all. True psychics can't exist."
Tattletale grinned, "Scholars want me to be wrong, and their research reflects that. Telepathy scares the everloving crap out of people, especially since the only suspected telepath out there is-"
"The Simurgh," Glory Girl finished for her.