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The Awakening
[X] Plan: Getting Stuck In
-[X] Social Options: (Choose 2)
--[X] Artemis
--[X] Elena
-[X] Learning Options (Choose 2)
--[X] Continue learning Yellow magic
---[X] Specialist Spell (Bolting)
--[X] Begin learning Red magic (Fire)
-[X] Reinforce the Northern Kingdoms.
-[X] Boons:
--[X] The Revisionists find fertile ground for your story.
--[X] The world at large receives good fortune.
-[X] Banes:
--[X] A bane unique to your path forward appears.

"But what if she doesn't like me?"
"Oh, my dear child, she
is you. Do you like yourself?"
"Then of course she'll like you. After all, there is so much about you to like."

-Marikara's Awakening

"…and so, after that, Mary dropped me off at my home. From there, I caught a ride with Angela and the message riders the rest of the way back, and I ran into Artemis on the way, and so here I am," you finish.

Once again, you're in Archduke Letoro's office, which is looking even more cluttered and used than the last time you were here. You and Artemis had been ushered here as soon as you came through the castle gates. You hadn't even had the chance to put your bag down. Once you'd reached the office, the Archduke had asked for reports on how your journeys had gone.

Artemis had given an abridged version of her story: apparently she'd been able to send messages so the Archduke had simply wanted to confirm some details. You, meanwhile, told your story in more detail. That had taken some time, and your throat hurt.

Slowly, the Archduke leans back in his chair, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as he glances down at the letters you'd given him. "First of all, excellent work, Mistress Levinheart," he says after a slightly longer pause than usual. "It is good to know that Apollo is safe, as well as the other students from nations outside the Empire." He grimaces. "As for the Archmage's request… unfortunately, despite Kopoi and the agents from other kingdoms' best efforts, we are as of yet no closer to discovering the identity of the informant."

You nod; that makes sense. "Hopefully that means they're hiding from the Regent as well," you say.

"Spirits willing," the Archduke says. He studies you. "If we do discover their identity, would you trust that knowledge in the hands of the mages of the Hall? Not just the Archmage, but the entire council?"

You nod again. "I may not like Blitzbolt, but I think he'll support the decision they all make."

"Good, good," Archduke Letoro says. "Now, we must turn our attention to next steps." He looks to Artemis. "While you and your force did excellent work in the Northern Kingdoms, it is clear that they remain the primary focus of the Regent's ambitions. While we here in the South intend to march on the Southlands Duchy soon, it is possible the Regent will decide to focus his efforts on subjugating the North, sacrificing his southern flank for time until he can bring his full force down on us after defeating the North. That cannot be allowed to happen."

Artemis frowns. "Surely that would take time," she says. "The Northern Kingdoms have their defensive line at Starhelm, or at least they should by now. It won't hold forever, of course, but it should buy time-"

"Possibly, yes," the Archduke says. "But with everything at stake, the council has decided that we cannot afford to risk them collapsing too early, especially since they took the initial hit of the Regent's kidnapping plan far harder than we did." He closes his eyes for a moment before continuing. "Additionally… there is a message in a significant force moving to help protect the North in their time of need. If we simply attack the Southlands, even with the justification that the mercenaries that invaded and abducted our children came from there, the Regent will be able to spin that into a simple land grab. However, if we prove that we are acting in the defense of others, if we show that we are fighting for more than just ourselves, that will give those in the Empire who are not convinced by the Regent's claims cover. Those who still support the ideals of Emperor Thaddeus, those who simply see through his deception, they will be our best hope to force the Empire to negotiate without a massive war, one that would see all of humanity struggling to recover for decades to come."

After a long moment, Artemis nods. "I see your point, Father," she says.

"That's good," Archduke Letoro said. "It would be bad form to have the leader of the expedition thinking that her job was a pointless one."

Your friend blinks. "Father?" she asks.

He gives her a dry smile. "You are the only one who makes sense," he says. "After all, not only have you been fighting this war longer than any other Southern noble, taking your efforts against the Talons and their proxies into account, but you have already been to the Northern Kingdoms and formed connections with them."

"I guess that's true," Artemis says. "I won't let you down, Father."

"I know you won't," the Archduke says. "You never have."

Father and daughter study each other for a second before Artemis glances at you. "Father, I know that Ryza is now the Head Mage of Agrithe, but could I ask that she be permitted to accompany me?" You nod quickly.

"I was going to ask Mistress Levinheart to assist you myself," the Archduke says. "While you will be getting some pegasus knights to assist you, having another flier, especially a powerful mage, will be essential." He glances at you, the ghost of a smile crossing his face. "It seems she is willing."

"Of course," you say. "Artemis is my friend; I want to help however I can." You hesitate. "When will we be leaving?"

"It will likely take a week to finish final preparations," Archduke Letoro says. "Why?"

Taking a breath, you continue. "There's an important manakete rite of passage that after… everything that's happened, I think I'm ready for," you say. "It's called the Awakening, and it's when I fully make contact with my dragon-self. The thing is, this rite is something that is usually done with family, and since Artemis and everyone here in Agrithe are sort of like my new family now I was wondering if I could borrow her and a few others for a few days to go home and do that quickly please?"

The Archduke frowns, but doesn't immediately refuse. Instead, he glances at Artemis. Your friend's eyes narrow slightly as she scoots closer to you. The pair stare each other down for a second before the man sighs. "You have given Agrithe much," he says softly. "I suppose that it is only just that you be given some leeway in return. However, remember that your home is right on the border, and there are some signs that Duchess Callista is starting to get suspicious. Can you promise to keep my daughter safe there?"

You nod. "Of course," you say. "If anything dangerous shows up, we'll just leave and be faster than them, and we've proven we're pretty good at protecting ourselves." Artemis nods.

"While I acknowledge your skills," Archduke Letoro says. "It would satisfy me if you were to take some guards with you. Since I am sure you will wish to bring more than just Artemis, you will be unable to fly anyways." He sighs. "As for who you will bring, I have some ideas who you want. I will not say no to any of them, but I do ask that you consider that Agrithe needs its people to stand in its defense."

You frown guiltily as you recognize the shadows under his eyes; it's clear the stress is getting to him. Quietly, you scrap the idea of asking him and Dione to come along: he would consider it his duty to stay, and you don't want to take his wife, who can provide him help and comfort, just to make yourself feel better. "Alright, I will," you say. "Thank you for your understanding."

"Thank you for all your aid," he replies.

Artemis pats you on the shoulder. "I should probably check in on the preparations, since I'll be away for a few days," Artemis says. "And I'm sure Ryza has things to do as well. If there are no other pressing issues, we should all do our duties."

The Archduke nods. "Send the Barons back in on your way out, if you would," he says, shuffling some parchments on his desk. "As you said, there is much to be done."

You and Artemis leave the office to find a slightly odd scene.

First of all, you see that Phoebe's arrived from helping to settle all the horses down after you scared them, which is good. However, she seems to have picked up Belle and Kelton, and your thief friend seems to be trying to stare intently through the slit of one of the guards' helmet. The man isn't saying anything, but from his stance you get the feeling he's annoyed.

Before you can ask what she's up to, she suddenly points. "You blinked!" she crows. "I saw you blink!"

Kelton rolls his eyes. "Hey Ryza," he says to you. "Could you tell Belle to stop antagonizing the guards before she gets locked up? That'd be great."

Belle grins as you make your way over. "I'm not antagonizing anyone," she says, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you to her side. "It's not my fault they're all terrible at the no-blinking game! It's great to see you, boss. Fancy new threads."

Sighing, you lean into and return her hug briefly. "It's good to see you too, but do please stop antagonizing the guards," you say.

"Fine," Belle says, giving you an exaggeratedly petulant pout. "Since it's you that's asking." She lets you go and allows you to go hug Kelton too. "So, how was your trip?"

"It went well," you say. "I got a lot done, and I was able to help a lot of people at the same time." You swish your cloak. "I'm a full mage now."

"Cool!" Kelton says. "Just please don't get all cryptic and mysterious on my like old man Dreamseer is, please."

You giggle. "I'll do my best," you say. "So how were things here while I was gone?"

Worryingly, your friends glance at each other before they answer. "Well," Belle says. "It turns out you were really smart to have us stay behind, since there was a guy who tried to break in and steal some of your stuff not long after you left."

"What?!" you and Artemis say together. You hadn't noticed her finishing her quiet conversation and coming over, but you're too worried to berate yourself for your inattentiveness.

Kelton waves his hands. "Don't worry, we dealt with it and everything," he says. "Belle and I were alternating watches, and she was on the scene when she heard someone sneaking around in your new room."

"Yeah, and so I went in to check, and I saw the guy fussing around with some of your scrolls, seemingly looking for something. Of course, I told him to drop them, but apparently he'd figured out a pressure point. Or at least, he was told a pressure point, 'cause he threatened to throw his lamp into the pile and burn it all up if I didn't let him go."

You feel faint. "Please… please tell me you just let him go…" you whimper. The thought of maybe the last remnants of your people's knowledge going up in flames…

"I was considering it," Belle says. "But in the end, I didn't have to, since it turns out there was someone else in there as well." She grins. "So your little apprentice Siri's taken to hiding out there and reading your stuff. Turns out she was there past her bedtime, and she zapped the guy from behind with her little lightning book. That gave me time to get on top of him and get the lantern away."

"Then I came in and saved her," Kelton says, "Since James had been going to drag Siri out and he heard what was happening and came to get me."

Belle scoffs. "I totally had that clown! Guy barely knew how to use that oversized butter-knife he called a dagger!" You let out a slow breath, and Belle's voice softens. "He didn't get anything," she assures you. "I checked everything, and there was nothing missing."

"Good, good," you say. "So did he say why he was doing it? You said something about someone telling him…"

"Oh, he was definitely hired by someone," Kelton says grimly. "Unfortunately, he couldn't say exactly who it was, since he and the servants that had been bribed to give him access to the castle were all paid through intermediaries. None of them were able to finger the mastermind."

You frown, folding your arms. "I bet it was Cicenco," you grumble.

"So do I!" Belle says. "But since we didn't have any 'evidence'," she crooks two fingers on both her hands in the air next to her head. "The big boss here said that I wasn't allowed to go over there and return the favor. Or, even better, send that Kopoi guy over to return the favor for us."

Artemis grimaces. "While I appreciate the indignation," she says. "Father's right, especially in these times. Retaliating for a merely suspected crime is not something we should do, not with war on the horizon." You nod along with her.

Belle and Kelton both look disappointed. "I mean, I guess," Belle says. "At least, the failure seems to have driven home the point that your stuff is going to be protected, since there hasn't been anything since."

"That's great!" you say. "Thank you for making sure nothing happened to my stuff." You look around. "Could I see? You said something about turning that tower room into my sleeping place…"

Both nod. "Yeah, the Archduke allowed us to do that," Kelton says. "Well, as I understand it, his wife convinced him to allow it, so you should thank her. Come on, let's go take a look."

You glance at Artemis. "Go on," she says. "As I said to Father, I need to go check in on some things, but hopefully I'll be ready to go to your place for the ritual tomorrow. A few good horses should be able to get us there and back before we have to head back north."

"Okay, that sounds good," you say. "See you soon. You too, Phoebe." The cavalier nods and waves as she follows Artemis down the corridor.

As you turn to walk up the many stairs towards your new room, Belle and Kelton fall in on either side of you. "Ritual, huh?" Belle asks. "Anything we should know about?"

"Well, I'm going to be going to my home to carry out a rite that manakete used to mark adulthood," you say. "And since it's normally done with family and friends, I invited Artemis and Phoebe to come along. Do you want to come? You too, Kelton?"

"Is water wet?" Belle asks. "Anything to get out of this place for a bit!" Kelton nods too. "So does that mean you'll finally grow taller?"

"Har har," you say. "No, I'm just going to be waking up dragon-me so she can have more of an influence on our situation. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be very friendly so long as you don't annoy her by staring into her eyes."

For an instant, Belle seems to blanche, but then she grins. "Nice try, boss, but from what you've said she's still you, so she'll probably be just as much of a sweetie as you."

"While that's mostly true, she is still my dragon-self," you say warningly. "She's highly emotional and impulsive. She won't hurt you, of course; she is me and I like you, but just… be careful with joking about her; she might take it the wrong way."

The two glance at each other over your head. "Alright, good to know," Kelton says. "I mean, sometimes I forget that you're this ancient creature and not just a sweet little kid who's too smart for her body."

You're not entirely sure how you should take that. Thankfully, before you have to figure out what to say, you finally clamber up the last stairs to the tower room. Pushing the door open, you look around.

The first thing you notice is that, aside from a slightly different shape, this room has been laid out exactly like your bedroom back home. The bed is tucked into the same corner, some shelves have been set up where your ones were, even a closet had been stood where the door to your walk-in closet had been. Your breath leaves you in a soft gasp: the people who'd seen your room back at the mountain must have spent a long time remembering and organizing everything to make sure that it was as close as possible. "Thank you…" you whisper to nobody in particular.


Blinking, you refocus and notice Siri sitting cross-legged on the floor, a scroll unrolled in front of her. She's currently in the process of trying to both clamber to her feet and roll up the paper at the same time. "Sorry, sorry," she says. "I didn't know you were back! How are you, Mistress?"

"It's alright," you say. "I don't mind you looking." Looking down, you catch sight of a picture you recognize. "That's a Marikara story, right? What do you think of it?"

"It looks nice," Siri says. "I'm still having a bit of trouble reading your language, even though I've been studying that dictionary-thing you left behind really hard." Shifting your gaze, you spot it sitting next to the story-scroll. "But I really like the pictures. Did your parents make them?"

You shake your head. "No, certainly not these ones. Father would sometimes draw things to do with runewrighting, but he didn't do a lot of artwork, and Mother always preferred things like weaving and knitting and carving. She said that she liked having something physical to show for her time, especially if it was something that would be helpful."

Belle, meanwhile, is studding the pictures over Siri's shoulder. "So are these made the same way as that picture of you and your parents? It looks kind of similar, but surely that took a lot of work to set that up and then make a bunch of different scrolls. Unless this is a one-of-a-kind scroll."

"No, no, Marikara scrolls are actually pretty common," you say. "Well… they were. There were some manakete, usually older ones, who dedicated the rest of their lives to making copies of scrolls so that everyone could have them. There are some rituals that allow such copies to be made, though from what I've heard they're really complicated."

"Are you sure they're hard?" Siri asks hopefully. "Master Shadebringer and James're always making me copy things when they're mad at me, so if there was a way I could use magic to make that easier that'd be great!"

Before you can answer, the sound of footsteps from outside draws your attention. "Siri! Siri, are you in there?" James's voice calls. "I just heard that Mistress Ryza's back, so we should find her and see if there's anything we need to-" He pushes open the door and freezes as he sees you. "Ah…"

"I found her!" Siri says cheerfully.

You smile, choosing not to correct her. "I was just looking at what everyone set up for me here," you say, looking around. "Thank you, everyone. And thank you all for protecting it from that thief."

"Thank you, Mistress, but I didn't do much with that," James says. "I just ran and got Sir Kelton here. He and Miss Belle did most of the work."

"I helped!" Siri says. "I did, I swear I did! I used that lighting trick you taught me and it shocked that guy and let Belle get the drop on him! Did they tell you that!?"

Smiling, you pat Siri on the head. "Yes, yes they did, and thank you for helping," you say. "So, other than that bit of excitement, was there anything else that happened?"

Apparently, not a huge amount. James and Siri have managed to keep all the runes and other magical stuff mostly working; you'd left some notes that they claim were super helpful. There are a few things that you'll need to look at, but thankfully it seems that you'll be able to go carry out the Awakening without feeling too guilty.

When you mention the Awakening to James and Siri, the little girl's eyes light up. "Can we come?!" she asks, bouncing on her feet.

"If you want to," you say. "You're my friends, and this is supposed to be done with friends."

James rocks back and forwards. "I… I'd love to…" he says, sounding both tempted and regretful. "But… but someone needs to fix things…"
(James: d4=3)
"Well let's make it so things'll work for a while!" you say. "I've gotten some practice with runes while I was at the Marble Hall, so that'll make things easier! That way, you can come along. I mean, since I'm Head Mage, we're going to be working together a lot, so it's really important that you and my other half get to know each other. Besides, it's my job to teach you about magic, so I should show you an interesting magical ritual."


"No buts! Come on, let's go fix things, chop chop!"

The rest of the day, you find yourself hurrying around the castle, doing your best to quickly-yet-correctly fix all the various magical items being used as part of the preparations. While you're still a bit sad that human rune-structures tend to be clunkier and less efficient than manakete ones, you're a bit grateful now, since that means they're a bit easier to fix. This is especially true now that you've had some time to practice

Of course, there are still some issues. You should really start studying Red magic, so that you can work up to the stone-shaping ritual. That would really make these sorts of repairs go faster, as well as making it easier to make your own runes. Well, you're going to have some time on the trip over, so that'll be something to do.

The sun is starting to crawl towards the horizon as you pass through the training yard. You've gotten all thing things James had trouble with, now you're just checking some of the more-used things (you'd just finished with a set of runes on a forge that enhance the interior heat without hurting anyone outside the furnace).

As you walk, you watch the lines of people with spears, swords and bows practicing under the direction of older, more experienced soldiers. You spot Robin with his archers, and he gives you a friendly nod when he notices you. However, you also notice one person off by herself. Elena's standing in a corner, swinging her axe over and over into a training dummy.

Frowning, you slow to a stop as you watch her. Her stance is… tense, and as you look around you see plenty of people glancing her way… and not all of those looks are friendly. In fact, they remind you a bit of some of the looks you got from of the least-friendly people you've met.

More than that, though, the more you watch her, the more you get the feeling that she's… lonely.

Thinking it over, you suppose that makes sense. After all, she did just leave everything and everyone she'd known behind. You remember that feeling, and you didn't have the additional issue of knowing that the people you'd liked and trusted had been doing bad things. If you hadn't had Artemis and the others… you'd have been really lonely too, but it looks like Elena's not that lucky.

Squaring your shoulders, you turn and walk in her direction, ignoring the eyes you feel on your back. If nobody else has reached out to help Elena feel less lonely, then you guess it's up to you.

The axe-woman spots you, and you see her flinch. However, she doesn't run away, simply turning and planting her axe in the ground. "Hi," you say when she doesn't comment. "How are you doing?"

She shrugs. "I'm doing alright, I guess," she says, clearly trying to sound casual. However, you can see that her eyes are wary, and she's squeezing the haft of her axe far harder than she needs to. "So… you're the… manakete? The dragon-kin? Axton and Lancel told me about you."

You nod; dragon-kin isn't that inaccurate, and she did try to use the proper term. "That's right," you say. "It's nice to meet you better; we didn't have much chance to talk earlier. Sorry again for scaring you."

"It's alright," she says.

"That's nice of you to say, but I should have been more careful," you say.

She shrugs again. "If you say so," she says. "So, is there something I can do for you, Mistress?"

"It's just Ryza," you say. "Or Levinheart if you want, but I'm still not super used to that. And not really, I just wanted to check in, see how you're doing." You look at the training dummy. The straw-filled bag is leaking pretty badly, with dozens of marks from the axe on it. The pole it's attached to is even notched in some places. She must have been here a while.

"Really?" Elena asks, sounding slightly skeptical. "Huh, that's a first."

You feel your eyes narrowing slightly. "Are people being mean to you?" you ask. You're not entirely sure what you'll do if the answer's yes, but you get the feeling it will involve "accidentally" practicing your lightning magic someplace where the thunder echoes will make their ears hurt.

Elena waves her hands. "No, no, nobody's doing anything like that," she says. "It's just… well, I get the feeling that everyone just thinks I left the Talons to save my own skin. Apparently, that's what mercenaries do."

"I don't think that," you say. "I wasn't there, but I trust the people who were, and I trust that they wouldn't have let you come back here with them if you'd just been doing that." You smile. "I know I said it before, but thank you again for helping Artemis. She's my best friend, and I wasn't there to help her."

"I… you're welcome," she says. After a moment, she flushes. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound ungrateful or anything; you are being really nice. It's just… weird. I mean, I grew up hearing all kinds of stories about dra… your people, and then I meet you and you're…" she gestures vaguely at you.

"I'm just me," you say softly. "If you remember nothing else, remember that: I'm just me. I know you heard about me from Axton and Lancel, and they were both pretty scared of me for a while, but I'm friendly, and I'm not going to hurt anyone."

Elena slowly nods. "O...okay," she says.

The pair of you stand in silence for a few seconds before you continue. "So, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I've been trying to teach people about what manakete were really like, so I'm happy to answer anything you've got."

The former Talon opens and closes her mouth a few times, before nodding. "I… thank you," she says. "I'll think about it."

You wilt a little in disappointment, but reassure yourself that she didn't reject you, she just needs some time to think. "Alright," you say. "Well, it was nice talking to you. I'll leave you to keep whacking the poor bag." Elena's lip twitches slightly as you say that, so you feel somewhat vindicated as you turn to leave.

You only get a few steps, however, before Elena speaks again. "I really didn't just join Lady Artemis to save myself," she says. "I… well, when I joined the Talons, I'd only ever heard how great they are, and they had saved the village from bandits that one time so…" she sighs. "Then… then they were asking us to kidnap kids… and that didn't seem so great…"

Turning back, you give Elena a gentle smile. "You tried to stop it," you say. "That's more than any of the Talons I met down here can say. You don't have to feel guilty about something that you couldn't stop, when you tried to stop it when you could."

The two of you stare at each other for a moment before the woman lets out a bemused chuckle. "Thanks," she says. "You're… you're a sweet kid." She shrugs. "I guess all the stories I heard were wrong. Wonder what else I'm gonna find out was completely wrong."

"I don't think every story's wrong," you say. "You just got the bad luck to have two of them be wrong in quick succession." A sudden thought occurs to you out of the blue. "You know, if you want to learn more, I'm going to be doing some cool manakete stuff, and Archduke Letoro says I have to bring guards. Do you want to come?"

She stares at you. "You… trust me that much?" she says.

"Uh-huh," you say. "Besides, the ride over will give you time to think about any questions you might have."

Elena grimaces. "Great, more horses," she mutters.

Your eyes widen. "Wait… you don't like riding either?!" you ask.


You bounce on your feet. "Everyone I've ever talked to says that riding's great, but I just can't get into it!" you say. "I thought I was all by myself."

Slowly, Elena gives a real smile for the first time. "I know, right?" she says. "Everyone's always talking about how horses are the greatest things since wyverns, but all I can think about when I'm on one is how bumpy it is and how much they don't listen to me. Teana tried to teach me to ride once, but her stupid mule just kept wandering around eating no matter what I did!"

You and Elena spend the next few minutes commiserating with each other about how uncomfortable it is to ride. You get the feeling that the few Agrithians who are near enough think you're both insane, but a part of you is glad that you get to show the world that you're on Elena's side. Mother knows she needs someone to support her. Underneath the awkwardness and worry is someone who's genuinely good and kind, and she deserves to have that recognized.

Besides, the smile she has on her face when you finally have to leave to finish working on the runes is far better than the sad, worried look she'd had when you first approached her.

The next day finds you (unfortunately) in front of Artemis on Actaeon as you set off for your home. As she'd said, it's faster than the carriage and cart you'd used the first time you went back, but it is still slower than flight. However, even if you hadn't wanted to avoid half-shifting in order to not make dragon-you tired and grumpy, there are simply too many people on this expedition.

There's yourself and Artemis, of course. Then there's Axton, Lancel and Phoebe, who are helping Elena, Siri and James. You expected all of them, as well as the two yeomen to act both as guards and to give rides to Kelton and Belle. However, you hadn't expected to be joined by Robin and four additional yeomen.

When you'd spotted him as you'd arrived at the stables, he'd raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure if I should be hurt that you didn't think to invite me," he says in a serious tone. "After all, we did spend those weeks together tracking the Talons."

You squirm a little. "I'm sorry," you say. "The Archduke said I should be careful who I invited since everyone was so busy, and I was already kind of pushing it by bringing both James and-"

He waves a hand. "I'm joking, R- Mistress Levinheart," he says. "I understand it's easier to bond with those closer to your relative age. I'm mostly here because my lord asked me to be: while he trusts you, he feels it's best to have backup available in case things do go wrong, and you're right that he wants to send as few people as possible. I've taught my current crop everything I can before they go to battle; a few last lessons over the days won't make that much difference." He smiles. "I am curious to see how the other part of you will be different."

Thankfully, the ride is calm. While on Actaeon, you can't really do much other than share details of your time in the Marble Hall with Artemis and anyone who gets close enough to talk to, or listen to details of their time in the Northern Kingdoms. You're glad that you're going to get to see it yourself; it sounds like a beautiful place, and maybe you'll have some time to slip into the Divine Realm and see if you can find out anything more about the Union while you're up there.

During time in camp, you decide to focus on unlocking your Red magic. Not only will it be very useful to have a broader access to the colors, but since Red magic is so deeply connected with emotions, it'll be good to get some more practice in. The first night, you unroll Practical Magic and find the section on Red magic.

Begin by finding something you are passionate about. This could be anything, but for many manakete it is best to find something that you can explain or debate with another manakete, for expressing emotions helps to strengthen them.

Once you have found an interest, the next step is at once simple and complicated: express it. Talk about it, either to yourself or to others, and go with the flow of the emotions it brings. Let it bring out emotions in you. These emotions need not be good or bad, but they need to be
strong. They need to be emotions that awaken the shadow of your draconic heritage. In fact, if you have already carried out your Awakening, simply debating with your dragon-self will be one of the easiest ways to reach a heightened emotional state.

Ride these upwelling emotions. Even if it seems that you are flying on the edge of losing control, that is to be expected. Red magic is emotional, do not hide from that fact. If you should go over the edge, channel and control your emotions to bring yourself back to a neutral state and try again later, but don't be afraid. Every user of Red magic loses their balances at times. Eventually you will be able to follow the upwellings back to the core of Red magic that burns within every manakete, like the molten lava that is buried deep within the earth. Draw it up, and you will hold the power of fire.

You grimace: this sounds… slightly unpleasant. Oh, you're sure it's helpful, and you're sure it'll work, but you've been practicing the steps of the Path so long that the idea of risking losing control made you shiver. Maybe it'd be best to wait until… you shake your head. No, no, you're going to have faith. You're going to trust that the old, wise Red manakete that had written this had known what they were talking about.

Yet… is it really so different from the Path? No step said that you should not feel; being a manakete was all about feeling. No, you just needed to be careful in your feelings.

Now, to find something to be passionate about… Well, that's pretty obvious: knowledge. You want to know things, you want other people to know things, so you can solve two problems with one stone!

As the trip continues, you quickly run into the problem with this plan… everyone seems to agree with you. Whenever you tell Elena a story about Manakete, or Artemis something interesting about magic, or Siri… anything at all, really, they lap it up! Which is nice, of course, but doesn't really produce the upwellings of emotions that the scroll talks about.

Still, you have time. You'll figure something out.

Countess Mantrae raises an eyebrow delicately.

You'd reached Castle Legerius this morning, and after a tense meeting between Artemis and the Countess (and Belle refusing to show up at all, instead declaring that she'd meet you all further down the road.) you'd thought that asking if Sypha was available to come attend your Awakening would have smoothed over tensions. After all, surely it would be considered a good sign that, after the less-than-successful first interactions between yourself and the leaders of Legerius, you still considered them friends enough to be a part of this monumental moment in your life.

It seems, however, that she's still a little worried about letting Sypha out of her vicinity. Or at least, you think that's what that raised eyebrow means. "I promise I'll make sure she gets back home safely," you continue quickly. "I mean, other than the monsters in the basement of my home, which I've put up a ward to stop, and Baron Cicenco, who you dealt with, there weren't any problems either time I went. It's perfectly safe, I promise!"

Countess Mantrae simply studies you for a long moment longer. "I am sure that you will," she says. "Intellectually, at least. However, it is difficult to forget that the last time she left safety, she was very nearly taken away, never to be seen again. Surely you will understand my concerns."

You sigh. "I do," you say. "After an incident where I almost got eaten by a bael, it was the better part of a month before Mother would let me out of her sight. But just because something bad happened once doesn't mean it's going to happen every time. Besides, I'll be there for her, along with Artemis and Robin and everyone. We got her out of the Empire, we can make sure nothing bad happens to her."

"I suppose you have proven yourself quite capable, Mistress Levinheart," she says. "And perhaps there is an element of fate in your timing…"

You cock your head. "What do you mean?" you ask.
(Jenna: d4 = 2)
A small smile works its way onto the Countess's face. "Allow me to show you," she says, rising and leading the way out of the the balcony-room. "I'm sure you would wish for Mistress Flarestone to accompany you, but sadly her attention was required elsewhere. However, there is another who happens to be here that you might be interested in inviting."

Confused but interested, you follow Countess Mantrae through the castle towards the roof-garden. As you enter, you hear Sypha's voice talking animatedly to someone. Quietly, you and Countess Mantrae make your way through the rows of plants to find Sypha sitting, talking to a figure that it takes you a moment to place.
(Bernard Rickman: d4 = 4)
"Hi Ryza!" Sypha says as she looks past Bernard Rickman, jumping to her feet. "You're back! Is something going on?"

"Hey Sypha," you say, accepting your friend's hug. "Nothing bad, I just wanted to ask you something, but I didn't know that Berna-, sorry, I mean Lord Rickman. Though I suppose young lord is more accu-"

The Imperial noble sighs, clearly holding back a roll of his eyes. "While I do appreciate that you are working to remember decorum, Mistress Levinheart, at this point I fear it will take far more remedial lessons than we have time for in the current climate, so perhaps it is best to simply let the titles be for the moment."

"Bernie, don't be mean!" Sypha says. "I'm sorry, Ryza, he's in one of his moods right now, all secretive and stiff."

"It's alright," you say. "It's just good to see you, Bernard. What brings you here?"

The young noble hesitates, glancing at Countess Mantrae. "My lord father has a… delicate message, that needs to be passed on. One that cannot be trusted to just anyone. Therefore, he sent me to deliver it personally."

You cock your head. "Really?" you say. "What's the message, if you don't mind me asking?"

Again, Bernard hesitates. Glancing over your shoulder, you see Countess Mantrae give him a small nod. "Due to your journey to the Marble Hall," he says, "Mistress Softshimmer contacted Lord Warwick-Lightbringer, to tell him both of what transpired while you were there, as well as the evidence you provided that the Regent was behind Sypha and my abductions, as well as other crimes. Of course, the Baron passed this information onto my father, and he was most displeased. Together, my father and Baron Warwick-Lightbringer plan to petition the Duchess to lodge a formal complaint against the Regent and demand that he step down, as he has clearly betrayed the best interests of the Empire and its people. However, should this effort fail… well, it is prudent to have a backup plan, just in case."

You're not quite sure you understand all the nuance of what he's talking about, but by the sound of it the Southern Kingdoms might be getting some more friends either way: either Duchess Callista takes a stand and the whole war can be avoided, or she doesn't and Bernard's father and this Baron Warwick-Lightbringer will be willing to help out down here. "Well, I hope everything works out," you say.

"So do I," Sypha says. "But you said you wanted to ask me about something?"

You nod quickly. "Yes, yes," you say. "Well, I'm going home quickly to do something important…" You explain the Awakening, and how you're hoping that Sypha, as one of your best friends, would be willing to be there for you.

Sypha hesitates, glancing between you, her mother, and Bernard several times. "This is really important to you, isn't it?" she says. "This Awakening?" You nod. She takes a breath, before nodding. "Then I'll be there for you, as you were there for me. I'll go with you to see this Awakening." She doesn't look at her mother as she says that, and her voice has the same steady, calm tone that tells you that she's not asking permission, she's making a statement of fact.

"Thank you," you say, taking her hands. "That means a lot to me."

Bernard clears his throat. "I know that I cannot talk you out of this, cousin," he says formally. "So I will not try. However, Mistress Levinheart, I would request that I also be allowed to observe this ritual, if you have no objections. At the very least, I would travel with my cousin to the mountains, to ensure that no harm befalls her."

You and Sypha share dry looks. She rolls her eyes slightly, but smiles. "Of course you can come along," you say. "It'll be good to spend time with you again; we haven't had a lot of time to talk since you went home."

Because it was still fairly early in the day, and because you wanted to make sure Belle didn't get into any trouble, you didn't spend long at Castle Legerius. You gave Sypha and Bernard a bit of time to get everything they needed, as well as giving the horses some time to rest. As you suspected, Countess Mantrae insists on sending a few of her own men along, just in case. You're happy enough to see Sir Octavio and Claire, and they both seem happy to see you too. Finally, you're able to set out again, continuing down the road and making sure to pick up Belle as you go.

You take the time to catch up with Bernard a bit. He confirms that, aside from the precautionary preparations the Regent had pushed Duchess Castilla into making, at the moment the Southlands were mostly calm. You feel a little twinge of guilt: by the sound of it they're really not ready for what's going to happen. You can only hope that, as soon as it becomes apparent that the Kingdoms are all going to stand together, the Regent will realize that it's in everyone's best interests to back down.

By the time you all stop to make camp for the night, your thoughts have returned to your attempts to awaken your Red magic. You feel a bit guilty for thinking it, but a part of you had sort of hoped that talking to Bernard, who's always been a little pricklier around you, would awaken a few more volatile emotions in you. However, aside from a few dry comments about proper protocol and forms of address, he was also very agreeable. Apparently, having been kidnapped and learning that the new head of the Empire was behind it, he'd learned that the institution was not as flawless as he'd imagined.

You're so caught up in your thoughts, staring up at the moon shining in the sky while the camp was set up behind you, that you almost don't notice Artemis sitting down next to you. "You know, Ryza, it's okay to not get things right away," she says softly. "I remember it took you days and days to be able to cast light magic, and there you were in a calm, peaceful environment."

"I know," you say. "But… it just feels weird. I mean, it seems like it should be simple. I've already walked the Path of Awakening, so just finding a strong emotion to focus on doesn't seem like it should be hard."

Your friend pats you on the shoulder. "I don't claim to really understand the details of your whole manakete thing," she says. "But emotions are always hit or miss: they're something humans have never really been able to control. The fact that you can at all is a testament to your abilities."

Smiling, you lean against Artemis. "Thanks," you say. "And I do know I'll get it eventually. I just wish I could make some progress now."

"Hey, boss," Belle says from behind you, causing you and Artemis to turn. "I've been thinking, and I might have an idea to help you with that."

You hesitate, there's… something in the glint of her eyes that makes you a little worried, but if she has a plan… "What are you thinking?" you ask.

Her grin widens slightly. "Come on, let's go get some of the others," she says. "This'll work better if there's more people."

Okay, this is definitely getting a bit worrying. You glance at Artemis, and she also has a slightly suspicious look, but she shrugs and nudges you to get up. "It can't hurt," she says quietly as you follow Belle over to the main campfire. "Let's see what she's got in mind."

Once you and Artemis are settled, Belle looks around. "Alright, now that we're all here, we can get started," she says, still grinning. "Now, I'm sure you all know about Ryza's plan to learn to use fire magic." Sypha perks up. "Now, to do this, apparently she needs to get emotional, so she can find some sort of inner fire." She shrugs. "Don't claim to completely understand what she means, but since it seems important to her, and since having her be able to throw fireballs sounds cool, it's our job as her friends to help her out." Everyone nods and agrees, and you feel a warm glow in your heart that even if your human friends don't really get what you're trying to do, they take it seriously enough to help anyways.

"Now," Belle continues. "She's been trying to get worked up in a calm, thoughtful way, and while I appreciate the enthusiasm, I think it might be time to take a different tack."

"What are you thinking?" Elena asks, sounding interested. You'd noticed her and Belle talking a few times on the trip, and from the snippets you'd overheard they'd been commiserating together about being former Talons that people mistrusted. You're glad Elena's finding someone else to connect with.

Somehow, Belle's grin widens. "I think that our little mage-akete is overthinking things too much, and we need to help her get back to more basic emotions. Things like fear. Maybe, if high-minded debate about grandiose arcane principles doesn't get her heart racing and her emotions going, maybe a good scary story'll do it."

You're… not entirely sure if that'll work, but you suppose it can't hurt to try. If nothing else, it'll be a chance to spend time with your friends, and that's never something that's wasted. "Okay," you say. "We can give that a try."

Kelton grins almost as wide as Belle's. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea," he says. "And I think I've got a perfect story. The story of… the Monster of Miau!"

Next to you, Artemis raises an eyebrow. "The Monster of Miau?" she says, sounding unimpressed. "I've never hear of-"

"No, no, Artemis, let him tell it!" Sypha said. "It sounds really interesting." Siri nods along, staring wide-eyed at the soldier.

Kelton leans forward, the light of the fire throwing shadows over his face that make you quiver a little. "This is a tale that happened long ago…" he says dramatically. "In a tiny little house on the outskirts of a tiny village… there lived a boy, and a girl… and they were brother and sister…"

Even though you know, in your mind, that Kelton's probably talking about himself and Arden, the low tone of his voice draws you into the story, almost making you ask what happened next. You didn't have to, of course, as Kelton continued to story. "Now, on this dark and stormy night, with rain lashing against the roof and walls… little did they know that there was a monster in the house with them! The Monster of Miau!" Next to you, you faintly hear Artemis scoff under her breath, but you're too caught up in the story, especially since you can see Sypha's hands wringing and Siri vibrating so much you're surprised she's not literally bouncing.

"Now, the girl was searching for something, so she lit a candle and went into the cupboard, where the monster lurked…" Kelton continues, his voice dropping to a whisper. "She opened the door, which creaked slowly… slowly, and she started to bend down to dig in the pile that it had claimed as its lair… and then it lunged!" He jerked forwards, causing you to force back a yelp. Sypha didn't quite manage, squeezing Bernard's hand so tightly you faintly see him grimace in pain. "The girl was too fast, though, and she fell away from the monster before it could sink its terrible fangs into her flesh, screaming at the top of her lungs."

"The boy, hearing his sister's scream, was filled with dread, for she was older, and he knew she was not easily scared. However, he also knew that bravery existed in the overcoming of fear, rather than the lack of it. And so he armed himself and took up a candle of his own, and dashed to the room where the beast was terrorizing his kin. He burst in, ready to ward off the terrible danger!"

"As he looked at the cupboard, at first he did not see the creature, and so he momentarily let his guard down. However, sensing weakness, the creature burst from the darkness and dashed into the light, its countless legs a blur, its black, furry shape hideous in the flickering flames! Its fangs glistened with poison, deadly and dangerous, as it darted towards another shadow, where it might conceal itself so that it could lunge forth again in ambush!"

"What did the boy do!?" Siri gasped.

"Seeing his sister scrambling away from the monster, the boy lunged forwards, determined to smite it with the wrath of the Sentinel!" Kelton say, hunching slightly in the shadow. "The monster was quick, his first blow fell just behind it, and it turned, nearly seizing his weapon before he pulled it away! Then, as he aimed another blow, it turned, dashing towards his bare feet, where it could do the most terrible injuries, its eight eyes flashing with rage! He scrambled, waving his weapon and candle to ward it off as it came closer… and closer… and then… BANG!" He slammed his hand down on the log hard, causing you to leap and yelp, your wings flaring and wrapping around yourself and Artemis protectively, while Sypha jerks almost into Bernard's lap with a cry.

"It's alright, Ryza," she says. "It's just a spider."

Just a spider?! Spiders are awful!

Meanwhile, your friend throws Kelton, who's looking quite satisfied with himself, a dry look. "Let me get, little house spider?" she says.

"Not so little!" he says, making an o with his fingers at least twice the size of the coins you've seen. "Bugger was that big! And he was totally gonna bite me, but I got him first!" He grins at you. "So, did that work? Can you use fire now? Fire's supposed to be good at getting rid of spiders, after all!"

You feel your heart rate slowing as you search within yourself. There's certainly something, you can feel your heart beating, twinges of fear, but as you try to trace them you start to lose the trail towards the flame that's supposed to be flaring from your core.

Before you can shake your head, a soft, slow clapping fills the night. "Bravo, Kelton," Belle says mockingly. "A nice try, but a blunt effort." She smirks. "If you really want to scare someone, you can't just go for the obvious answer. You have to… know, your mark. Know what makes them twitch… know what makes them jump…" She looks at you. "Now that we've had the warmup, let me tell you a real scary story."

"This story also takes place a long time ago… even longer than Kelton's funny little tale. It takes place far away, atop a hill in the distant north… in an old library across the valley from a castle…"

"Oh spirits…" Bernard groans.

Belle ignores him. "Now, this was no small library. It was one of the biggest, most prestigious libraries in the world. The pride of Starhelm, of the entire North, even."

You frown. This… doesn't seem like a scary story so far. In fact, that sounds like a place you'd want to go. You glance up at Artemis. "Did you see it while you were up there?" you ask her. She shakes her head, grimacing. "What-"

"If you were to enter the building… you would see rows of books without end," Belle continues, her voice taking on a soothing, almost hypnotic tone. "Piles and piles of scrolls, taller than the tallest man. The combined knowledge of centuries of humans. Magical, yes, but also the stories of people. Of small villages, scattered tribes, ancient heroes, reviled villains."


"However… there were things happening in the world. The people living around Starhelm… they yearned to be free of their distant overlord. So, they gathered their friends from around the North, and they gathered at their precious library."

Oh, you do not like where this is going…

"There, they decided that, from that day forth, they would be free. The others went back to their homes, but they promised to stand by each other, should the time come." Slowly, Belle's face fell into a frown. "But the overlord far away… he did not like that they wanted to be free. And so he sent his soldiers, and he sent his wyverns, and they came to that library on the hill."

Artemis puts a gentle arm around your shoulder, and you see Sypha patting Bernard's shoulder. However, none spoke as Belle continues. "The soldiers and the wyverns came to that library… and they saw it as a symbol of the people who wanted to defy them. And so they lit torches, and their wyverns exhaled their breaths… and flame began to engulf the library atop the hill in Starhelm."

You feel your fists slowly clench as Belle continues to talk. "The fire started slowly, for the outer building was stone. First it was the tapestries that burned… for there were some stories told in cloth and stitching. But the flame was hungry, and so it crawled through the tapestries and it leapt to the first shelves."

"The librarians, they tried to save their books. Some, they threw out of those windows that were not yet burning, but the wyverns that flew about were made to spit their burning breath into those windows, and the books that were thrown out caught fire, along with those who tried to save them. Other librarians tried to take the books to a basement, in the hopes that it would be safe… but the flames followed them even there. In the end, all that was left was the great pile of scrolls… a statue… a symbol… until that melted-"


Everyone jerks as you shout, your wings flaring, this time in pain and fury. "How…" you whisper. "How could anyone do something like that?!" Twisting out of Artemis's half-hug, you stalk away, ignoring the questioning words from behind you.

Once you have some distance, you take a long, slow breath, trying to control and channel your emotions. However, as you take a breath and start bringing yourself under control, you realize that you recognize that searing, flaming sensation in your gut. Carefully changing your mind, you make sure to keep that swirling, seething anger at how people could do such terrible things to innocent scrolls and books, you delve deeper and deeper into your psyche, searching for what the Red manakete described…

There! That boiling core of emotions, right now seemingly glowing red with irritation. Dipping your metaphorical hand in, you carefully pull out a swirl of magic. As you open your eyes, you look down to see a coil of Red magic swirling around your hand. Frowning, you snap your finger, focusing on the thought of flame… and it works! The Red magic snaps into the physical world, burning bright over the palm of your hand.

Not quite the way you'd planned for this to go, but it seems to have worked.

"Ryza?" Artemis asks softly. "Are you okay? I know that's a really unpleasant story…"

"Well, I guess it kind of worked," you say, showing of the flickering fire in your palm. "I should be mad at Belle for trying to scare me like that, but I guess she does know me well enough to know what'll get my emotions going." You toss the fireball to yourself, flicking your emotions in your mind until you've find the one that puts a not-very-friendly grin on your face.

"So maybe I'll throw this just over her head rather than at her head!"

You take a long, slow breath of mountain air, flexing your wings as you stare across the Narrow Pass and at the countless jagged peaks beyond. It's a cool day, a bit cloudy and overcast, but not rainy.

Behind you, watching with interest, are all your friends. Well, almost all, you wish Apollo and Lacroix could have been here. You'd also kind of hoped to see Angela flying around, you'd had a nice talk with her, but it seems she's elsewhere, and you're sure she's really busy.

Besides, the people you really wish could be here are Father and Mother. For all that, number-wise, you have more people to attend your Awakening than you possibly could have dreamed of growing up… in your heart, you know you'd trade every single one of them, even Artemis, for another day with your parents. Perhaps it is good, then, that such a thing is impossible, so you're not tempted to try.

You shake your head. Now isn't the time for sadness or regrets, now is the time to celebrate. To grow and show the world that you're strong enough, wise enough, to fully accept your nature. To guide your dragon-self, to make sure she doesn't go feral and bring ruin to the people you love, and to the name of the species you're trying to rehabilitate.

"Ryza?" Artemis asks. "Is everything alright? Is there anything we can do to help?"

You turn, shaking your head. "No, no, I'm just thinking," you say, returning to stand in the center of the semi-circle they've formed. Some of the guards stayed near the small camp that had been made, but to your slight surprise and pleasure, Elena had shyly asked if she could come and watch. "First of all, I would like to thank you all for being here. I know I haven't known you long, in the grand scheme of things, but… it means a lot to me, that you'll be with me in this moment." Everyone nods and murmurs their agreement, and you use that moment to center yourself. Once the last echoes have faded on the wind, you continue.

"The Awakening is the rite of passage into adulthood for manakete. It is one of our most sacred moments, and it's a moment where you're all going to meet a part of me that only Artemis has really met before. I'm going to transform, but it's not like the half-shift you've seen before. This time, it will truly be my dragon-self in control of our body. She'll be out and about, and she'll be getting used to being awake."

Several of the humans shiver slightly. Artemis especially grimaces: and you remember that she didn't exactly have the best introduction to dragon-you. You quickly continue. "Don't worry, she won't be dangerous. She is me, after all, and I care about each and every one of you. That means she'll care too. She just might get… a bit overexcited. She's never been around many people before, and dragons are emotional and impulsive by nature. She'll want to talk and play and spend time with you, and sometimes she might go too far by doing things like picking people up or playful shoves that are too strong because she's not used to being around humans. Heart-me'll still be there in the back of her mind. I'll work to set boundaries and make sure she doesn't overdo it, but if she ever does anything to make you scared or uncomfortable, tell her firmly but politely. I'll make sure she takes your words seriously."

"Okay…" Sypha says, clutching Bernard's hand. You make a mental note to remind dragon-you to be especially gentle with her: she's clearly not completely over the time the wyvern kidnapped her.

"If she's only met me," Artemis asks. "How can you be sure she'll take well to everyone else?"

You nod; it's a good question. "Even though she hasn't been fully awake since I rescued you from the castle, she's still been there, in my mind, for everything else. It'll be… sort of like a dream for her, maybe? She might not remember it consciously, but she'll know that you're important, and she'll act accordingly." And if she doesn't, you'll rein her in.

After a few seconds of silence, you nod. "Alright. If you would all back up a little and give me some space, I'll Awaken her. She'll be as big as half-shifted me, and she'll probably start moving around pretty fast, so be sure to give her plenty of space." Everyone quickly agrees and backs well away, leaving you alone in the center of the plateau in front of your home.

Carefully, you kneel and grip your stone to yourself: Gyra-Dregon's and your father's are in your bag carefully tucked just inside the door. Today, you don't want any sort of distractions or fluctuations, this is between you and yourself, no other stone need be involved. Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes and dive into your own mind. Humming Mother's song to ensure you remain calm and docile, you dig gently into your psyche, following the trail your stone leaves you.

Finally, after a few minutes of searching, you find a barrier. It's not a physical thing, of course, but in your mind's eye you see it as a curtain made of pure lightning. It ripples and sways with your every thought and feeling, but at the moment it is mostly still, even as you stare at it. This is it: the barrier between heart and dragon. Once you push this aside… there's no going back. There are rituals that can seal away a dragon form, sending it back into torpor, but only elder manakete have the skill and knowledge to carry it out. This is your moment: you have to make it work.

You take another breath: "Trust your dragon," the scroll had said. You do trust her.

She is you.

You are her.

Together, you're going to make this world right.

Firmly, calmly, and with faith, you take hold of the curtain and pull it aside.


You stretch languidly, your tail flicking and scraping against the stone as a massive yawn pulls itself from your muzzle. "Ahhh…" you say contentedly, spreading your wings to catch the rays of the Mother's Gift. It's a little chilly, but in the direct sunlight it's not too bad. "That was a good nap." You wonder what's going to happen, you don't smell Mommy around. Is she giving you a test?

'No, I'm afraid not,' a quiet, calm, achingly familiar voice says.

You blink open your eyes, cocking your head. That sounds like your voice, only smaller and… wait a minute… "Are you small-me?!" you ask. Mommy and Daddy had told you about small-you, the part of you that was awake when you were asleep, and they'd said you'd meet her when the time was right!

'I am,' small-you (Heart-you, Mommy's voice reminds you) says. "And yes, the fact that we're talking does mean the time is right."

You throw back your head and let out a joyful roar, that's great! Now you can be awake all the time, rather than just waking up when you're needed! You have so much you want to do, and sleep is boring even though you don't remember it you know it's boring! "It's nice to meet you, small-me!" you say. "I-"

Finally, your sense of smell, usually so sharp, pokes you and points out that you're not alone up here. You sniff experimentally: they smell a bit like hearts, but not quite… wait a minute, you know that smell! "Artemis!" you squeal, spinning in place, taking in the dozen or so humans until you spot the one you remember from that scary night that you hadn't liked very much, but she'd been in it so that'd made it okay! "Hi Artemis! How are you doing!?" You bound over, shaking the rock under your feet and shredding it with your claws before pressing your muzzle into her stomach to sniff her.

"Gah!" Artemis says, stumbling slightly. "Ryza, please, not so rough!"

'She's right,' heart-you says gently.

Flinching, you step back, fearfully folding your wings to appear smaller. "I'm sorry!" you say, pressing yourself into the ground. Had you hurt her? She hadn't liked it when you flew her away even though you know it was the right thing and you think she's okay with it now, but you don't want-

'Easy, easy,' heart-you says, and you faintly feel a ghostly sensation as if someone were scratching you behind the horns. 'You just need to be patient, she still likes you.' You let out a breath of relief, you want Artemis to like you so bad!

Artemis nods, smoothing her face even as you hear her heart beating a little faster than what you think is normal. "It's alright, Ryza," she says bravely, stepping forward and reaching out a hand to pet your muzzle. "I was just a little surprised, that's all. I'm used to you being a lot smaller."

The fear flows away as if it had never been, leaving happiness in its wake. "Okay!" you say, contentedly accepting her pets. "I'll try not to surprise you again, but I like being big since that means I can do so much more." Spotting a rock nearly a quarter of Artemis's height, you extend your wing and roll it over before using your tail to flick it down the mountain behind you. "See?! I'm pretty sure small-me couldn't even move that!"

'No, I couldn't,' heart-you says. 'But be careful-'

"See! She agrees with me!" you say, trying to ignore the rest of her comment. However, a disapproving flare reminds you that you need to be careful, you don't want to hurt anyone on accident. You should have looked behind you to make sure nobody was there. You flinch, your wings folding again.

Another voice speaks up. "Are… are you talking with her?" a small human girl says.

You search your memory for a moment: you know that smell… the look of her seems familiar too… "Sypha?" you ask, hoping you're right. You sense a nod of confirmation from heart-you, so you must be! As you start to hustle over to her to nuzzle her too and to get pets from her, however, heart-you sends a calming pulse.

'Easy… steady… let her come to you.'

Easy for her to say, she'd gotten to spend all sorts of time with Sypha! You wanted to spend time with Sypha! However, Mommy said to listen to small-you, so you stop and stare intently at the tiny human girl.

The small human girl shivers slightly, her heart going even faster than Artemis's, but she bravely steps forwards to pet you, followed closely by a boy who smells a bit annoying but you suppose he's not that bad he just wants to keep Sypha safe. "Hi Dragon-Ryza…" Sypha says.

"Hi Human-Sypha," you say, accepting her pets as you are due. "And hi Human-Bernard, you kind of annoy me at times but you're Sypha's family so you're okay."

A sigh sounds in your mind. 'Maybe be a little more… tactful,' heart-you says as Bernard bristles a bit.

"But it's true!" you whine at yourself.

"Yeah," A new voice says. "But just because something's true doesn't mean you always just say it." You look over at the reddish-haired woman who smells of dirt and shadows, to find everyone else staring at her too so it must be the right thing to do. "What?"

"Belle…" a boy who smells of leather and courage says. "You are… literally the last person who should be talking about tact." The woman who smells of iron and regret standing next to him nods in tandem, their stances and natures matching.

Casually, you flick your tail over and push Claire into Kelton. "There, that's better," you say as the two stumble and cling to each other to not fall over. Ignoring their spluttered questions, you look over at Robin. "I remember you," you say, stomping a little as you march over to him. "You were the one who kept poking the ground. Why didn't you just sniff it, it would have made everything so much easier; smells stay longer than tracks."

The older man smiles dryly. "I will keep your advice in mind, mighty dragon, once I develop a nose as good as yours," he says.

"We all have our burdens to bear," you say airily, looking around. Who else… who else…

A squawk comes from your other side. "Siri!" the small, magical boy says just before a tiny form wraps itself around your leg.

"Ohspiritsyou'resoCOOL!" the tiny limpet says, clinging on even as you curiously lift your leg to sniff at her. "Hi I'm Siri and I wanna be your best friend forever!"

You giggle happily, flicking your tongue out to lick the little girl. "I think that position's taken by Artemis," you say. "And I think Sypha takes spot two, but I have an opening for spot three on the best-friend list, would you be okay with that little happy one?" She nods, still clinging to your leg. "Great! Do you want to go flying?!"


You laugh, lifting her over your neck and letting her drop onto your back. "Great! Let's go flying! Anyone else wanna go flying?" You half-expect heart-you to tell you not to, but she simply shrugs mentally.

'I've flown in this body before, and it's worked out fine,' she/you say. 'Just make sure not to do any rolls: I know rolls are amazing, but they'll fall off.' You nod, small-you thinks wisdom. Even if rolls are the best thing ever! (Except goats. And deer. And Artemis, though for different reasons. And Mommy and Daddy…) you flinch. Mommy and Daddy… they're not here… you remember why… it hurts it hurts it hurts it- Heart-you steps in swiftly as pain and sadness and grief start to coil into your being, making you want to throw yourself to the ground and start sobbing.

'There will be time for that,' she says, storing the emotions away. 'For the moment… let's be happy.' You nod, you like being happy.

During this brief, aborted meltdown, there is only silence from your human friends. You are about to ask your question again, maybe you made a mistake and spoke in your language and they didn't understand you, but then you hear the sound of Artemis's boots. "I'll go," she says.

"My lady…" Axton starts.

"I know you're just trying to keep her safe, but she'll be fine!" you say, a curl of irritation sharpening your words and causing the man to flinch back. You frown, it's right that he does that, after all the mean things he said and thought about-

'Don't follow that emotion, not at him!' heart-you says firmly, and you feel the seeds of anger blown sharply away in the wind, leaving contentedness in their place. 'He is our friend, and as you said he just wants to make sure Artemis is okay.'

"But…" you say, trying to cling to the anger that had started to give you strength and power and will, but heart-you firmly pushes it down, feeding you a mixture of happiness that Artemis was willing to trust you and sorrow that you'd just made Axton and Lancel flinch away because of something you'd said. You'd done that. That had been mean, hadn't it? "Sorry…" you say, lowering your head in contrition at them. "I'm sorry; I promise I'll be really careful."

Lancel gently puts an arm on his friend's shoulder, saying something he probably thinks is too quiet for you to hear but you've got really good hearing so you hear him clearly. "She has dedicated herself to keeping Lady Artemis safe," the younger horse-rider-archer ('Yeoman,' heart you supplies) says. "You did promise to trust her."

Slowly, Axton nods. "Yes," he says. Then, louder, he continues. "I accept your apology, Mistress Levinheart."

"Just Ryza!" you say as you crouch down to let Artemis onto your back. "I don't understand why you humans are so wrapped up in titles all the time. Don't they just make everything confusing and awkward?"

"Maybe they do, sometimes," Artemis says as she settles onto your back behind Siri, who seems so excited by everything that she isn't fussing about all these irritating titles! She's just happy, and you can respect that! "But they also keep peace and stability and order. They-"

Rolling your eyes, you jerk your wings open and shoot into the sky as fast as you can. "Less talk, more fly!" you say happily, feeding on the happy squeal you hear from Siri.

You soon lose yourself in a haze of emotions. Flashes of situations cross your mind; convincing Sypha and Claire to take a ride as well (your attempts to get Kelton to join them are rebuffed, sadly.) You remember proudly dropping the remains of a goat you'd spotted, only to be confused by the smells of bile as they see you take a bite. 'Humans need to cook things, and so do hearts,' small-you says.

Well that sounds like a lot of pointless work.

You remember mock-fighting with Kelton, roaring in mock-distress as he "defeats" you (just as Mommy had let you "defeat" her sometimes) and flopping dramatically to the ground. Siri then jumps him from behind, a tiny jolt of lighting giving you the moment to get back into the fray and pin him down for a solid nuzzling.

You remember talking to Elena as she gently pets you. She confesses to having always wanted to pet Bloodhunter, the wyvern in the Talon tribe she'd been a part of before they went stupid and evil and Artemis had to put them down. You assure her that you're happy to let her pet you, especially so long as she keeps scratching you behind the frills oh Mother that feels good!

You spend time with everyone, even those who aren't as keen on you. Bernard takes some time, but eventually you manage to remind him that you'd saved his skin that one time ('That was mostly me,' heart-you said and thank you for that reminder you don't need to rub it in my snout!) When he asks if he can tell his family about you, you say yes: of course it's okay, hasn't heart-you been trying to get humans to know what you're really like? This seems like a great thing to talk about, how happy and well-behaved and not randomly picking everyone up and flying around you are?

Your emotions flow and change, with only small, steadying corrections from heart-you. A few times, such as when you go off to be by yourself, she lets you truly feel, and you sob at the fact that Mommy and Daddy aren't here. However, she reminds you that just because they're not here, doesn't mean they're not watching you from the Mother's side,

However, the strongest memory comes at the very end.

It's been nearly two hours since you woke up, and you can feel your energy fading. Soon, you'll lose control of the body, and small-you'll go back to being in charge, but this time you'll be around to poke her and remind her to do things rather than just think about them. You feel tired. Not the scared, painful tiredness of that night when you carried Artemis, but a contented, peaceful tiredness. A tiredness that promised interesting rest rather than boring sleep. Still, you have a little while longer, so you have some things you still need to do.

"Artemis?" you say.

"Yes, Ryza?" she responds, leaning against your side, her fingers gently tracing the edges of your scales. You'd convinced her to come and sit alone with you; after all she is your best friend, and you want to spend time with her. You nearly forget what you were going to say, but heart-you gently reminds you.

"Thanks for being such a great friend," you say. "You make me really happy when you're around." Tucking your neck into your wrapped wing, you gently nuzzle her. "I love you, Artemis. You're the best big/little sister like I never got to have, and I'm sure Mommy and Daddy would love you a lot too. Well, maybe Mommy would huff and puff and take a little while, but Daddy'd keep her calm."

The human girl hesitates for a long moment, and for an instant you and heart-you are aligned in concern that you were too forward, but after that moment she leans forward and presses her forehead to the point between your eyes. "I love you too, Ryza," she says. "And I'm so glad you came into my life."

Gained Support Rank B: Artemis

You smile contentedly, your manic energy finally fading away into easy calm, as you feel your grip on the body slip away. As heart-you gently steps in to resume control, you allow yourself to fade back, curious as to where your life is going to go from here.

What matters is that you are awake, and you are happy, and you are ready to face the world.

'Bring it on, meany-Regent, I'm gonna go with Artemis, and I'm gonna smash all your stupid meany plans!"

AN: No vote this time, the chapter was already going on too long.
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When Cavalry Rides and Flies
"The first time I saw young Lady Cartese's dragon flying openly above our army, her golden scales shimmering in the sun, I knew the tide had turned. I knew that one day soon, all men would be free."
-Unnamed Agrithian soldier

You'd always imagined that after undergoing the Awakening, everything would make a lot more sense. You'd thought you'd feel more mature, more confident, more able to navigate the sometimes strange and concerning world you found yourself in.

However, you honestly don't feel that different. Oh, you certainly are different. Dragon-you has always been a presence in your mind, but she's been just a… pressure. Someone/something who's there when you're scared or stressed or in trouble. Someone who pushes you to be brave, to be strong, to move forward against anything that tried to hold you back.

'Come oooonnnnn…' dragon-you whines as you stand atop a small hill next to Artemis, watching the mass of men and animals mill around below, constantly getting in each other's way and yelling at each other. 'Why are they so slooooowww…'

She's certainly never been this talkative before!

'But it's true!' she says. 'They are slow!' You're forced to nod in agreement: it turns out that large groups of humans are very slow. At least when they're trying to get going.

After you'd dropped Sypha and her people off at Castle Legerius, you'd made your way with Artemis and the others back to Agrithe. When you'd arrived, you'd found a large group of men and women, armed and armored, many with horses, dozens of flags being waved around and drums and horns being played to try and organize everyone. It didn't look as big as the massive army you'd seen marching when you'd been on your way to the Hall, but there were a lot of them, and more importantly they're going north to help people rather than hurt them.

Dragon-you'd been impressed as Artemis set about organizing them to set off. From what little you'd understood from listening in on the meeting with the dozen or so leaders of various ranks, there were troops from four different Kingdoms present. While most of them were Agrithian, there were a large contingent of lightly armed and armored Rignalian infantry and foot-archers, led by Alejandro Rignali. The other two kingdoms weren't anyone you really knew, as there wasn't anybody from Legerius. However, you'd been happy to see Angela and her two friends were being sent along to provide aerial support. You'll have to introduce them to dragon-you soon, since you'll probably be expected to help them out since you can fly too.

Of course, it had still taken the entire day to get everyone to agree to a basic plan of how to even get moving! Despite Agrithe providing the majority of the army, the two older men in overall command of the contingents from the other kingdoms, a Count Sobieski of Parves and Sir Rimpler of Vennlani, had seemed to think they knew better than Artemis what should be done, and had needed to be argued down by your friend and Alejandro. Even once they grudgingly accepted that Artemis was in charge, the sheer number of people crowded into a tent, all gathering around a map, made the meeting drag on and on. Thus, it had taken ages to hash out who would take what roads, pass by what towns, and Mother that was just for the first two or three days of travel!

You believe in communication and collaboration. They were the foundation of manakete society. Still, that meeting had gotten ridiculous!

Still, you'd reassured both parts of yourself as you got to sleep last night, that had to have been the worst of it. Now that everything had been planned out, it would merely be a matter of carrying out the plan, which shouldn't take too long.

'We really shouldn't have gotten our hopes up.'

Artemes glances at you, smiling wryly as she reads your pained expression as you watch a cart nearly run over a trio of men arguing over a map, provoking another yelling match. "The joys of coalition warfare," she says dryly. "Everything has to be argued about and planned out meticulously in advance, and it still turns into a clust- mess when the time comes to execute the plan." Getting up onto Actaeon, she rides over towards the group of Agrithian yeomen that seem to be having an argument with a group of Parvei cavaliers over who went first on one of the narrow roads north.

'You know…' dragon-you says, coils of mischievous humor weaving into her voice and starting to overtake her. 'We could probably get everyone moving way faster! Let me out, let me fly around and roar and give orders, and everyone'll be jumping!'

You smile as you gently channel the worst of the humor away from your dragon-self before it can trigger a transformation: she's entitled to feel her emotions so long as they do not overtake her. 'As funny as that'd be, it'd be counterproductive,' you think. 'Besides, it'd be mean to scare them like that.'

'Come oooonnnn, I wanna get out!' your other half whines.

That was something you had been prepared for: newly Awakened dragon-selves were eager to have control of a manakete's body as much as possible. All dragons wanted to act, of course, but as they grew older and more mature they would settle down. For young dragons, however, the heart had to remain resolute. To teach their dragon-self that while there was a time and place for decisive action, there was also a time for planning and contemplation. No matter how much dragon-you whines about how unfair it is that you got to be awake and in charge for ninety years so it's her turn now, you have to be calm but firm.

A long-suffering sigh fills your mind. 'Fine,' she says. 'But can we at least fly ahead? I'm bored.'

You nod, that sounds fine, so long as Artemis agrees. Flapping your wings, you glide down to where she's directing traffic. "Hey, Artemis, do you mind if I fly ahead?" you ask. "I know the way, as well as where we're planning to stop. I can make sure there's no problems on the road."

Artemis considers for a long moment before nodding. "That sounds like a good idea," she says. "Are you planning to go as yourself, or… other you?"

You had intended to just fly in Heart-form, though you probably should bring Belle and Kelton, since they're coming along on this mission and you didn't want to leave them behind. Besides, something about Artemis's face… "Why do you ask?"

Your friend walks Actaeon back a few steps to give you both some privacy. "I was thinking… I know you don't really like showing off, but your dragon form is incredibly impressive. The stories of your nature are pretty much all over the Kingdoms now, and there's a lot of interest. If the soldiers could see you, know that the skies above them are under your protection… I think that'd do wonders for morale. But only if you both are comfortable with it."

'I knew there's a reason she's our favorite!' dragon-you thinks. 'I think it's a great idea! Come on come on let's do it!'

You consider, but eventually nod. You have been telling people about your nature, and it's only fair that they get to see all of it. To see that even when you're big and scaly, you're still their friend. "Alright," you say. "I'll just go grab Kelton and Belle and then we'll be off. See you later," Artemis nods, smiling, before going back to yelling at people twice and three times her age to stop being whiny babies and take turns. Grinning, you flap back up to the hill.

"So are we finally moving out, boss?" Belle asks. "I mean, say what you will about Talons being jerks, but at least they know how to keep a marching schedule."

"Hey!" Elena says.

You nod. "We are," you say. "And dragon-me's gonna be flying for a bit. Either of you want to come along?"

"Of course!" Kelton says, grinning as he stood. "It's always nice to spend time with other you." Your other half preened, pride and joy swirling in her being enough that you almost felt light on your own feet.

As your friends and retainers grabbed their packs, you closed your eyes and focused. While transformations could be done with a flicker of a thought, when you have a moment to set it up it was a good idea to take it. You quickly calculated how long it'd take to fly to the projected camping spot, added some extra time for unforeseen issues or to just let dragon-you have some time out and about. Then, as you started spooling your emotional energy out, you carefully crafted it into determination and loyalty and steady will. 'Flying is fun,' you tell both parts of yourself. 'But we are also doing this to help Artemis. To help Agrithe. To help everyone who will be hurt by the Regent. We need to make a good impression, to show these people that we are their friend and ally. To show them that they don't have to be afraid of us. We're flying to the camp site and making sure everything's okay.'

'Agreed,' Dragon-you says, her voice becoming firm and unyielding as her emotions line up with your Determination and shift her nature to match. 'We are the scions of Kepesk-Okar. We are the representatives of our people. We bring hope to the hopeless and lightning to the cruel."

"We will not fail.'

As your stone crackles in your hand and your body begins to shift in a crash of thunder, you mentally step back and hand over the body to your dragon. As she smoothly steps into place and finishes the transformation, you nod in satisfaction and settle back. You'll speak up if you have to, but she has things well in hand right now.


You plant your talons firmly, claws digging furrows into the ground as you spread your wings to glitter against the rays of the Mother's rising gift. "Come, Kelton, Belle," you say, listening to the gasps of shock and awe from the crowd below. You stand up straight; you are no fearful hatchling. You are Ryza Levinheart, daughter of Matriatch Aithusa and Runemaster Fafnara, and you are flying north to fight evil, just as they are. "We fly."

Once your friends and allies have clambered onto your back and settled among the narrow spines that form your back-ridge (weighing seemingly nothing against your draconic might), you flap your wings, rising smoothly into the air. You are a child of Yellow and Lighting and Magic: you were born for the sky. You have no need of running starts or clumsy leaps: your magic and your wings are enough. "Hold on," you say, rising higher into the air, circling over the army. After all, you have a job! You're not just flying, you're inspiring, which means you have to be seen.

Judging by the voices rising from below… you are succeeding. Allowing a thin smile of triumph to split your muzzle, you turn north and beat your wings hard, shooting forwards with a triumphant roar, exalting the humans below to follow you to the noble battle that is ahead.

As the sounds of cheers and shouts from the army starts to fade, Belle lightly kicks your side. "You okay, big girl?" she asked. "You seem kinda tense."

"There is time for play and merriment," you say firmly. "This is time for action. We have a mission, and we will accomplish it."

You hear the faint shifting as Belle and Kelton glance at each other. "So… are there problems ahead?"

You shift around a cloud so that you're still clearly visible from below. "That is yet to be determined," you say. "But those who follow us deserve to know that they will not fight alone, that the skies will be their friend rather than their foe." You glance back, huffing as you notice that despite your determined efforts to inspire the humans to get their act together and get moving, they're still milling around like lost goats. Still, you do not turn back. Your primary objective is to fly ahead and scout for any issues on the road, not get the wyrmlings in order. That is Artemis's objective, and you will not step on her tail.

Normally, you'd probably be irritated, but right now you're too engulfed with the need to focus on your job to feel anything other than dedication to completing it.

Belle pets your neck. "Don't worry about them, they'll get moving eventually," she says. "Despite what I said to axe-girl, even the Talons took ages to get started on a march. Once they get going, they'll be fine." You hope so, otherwise any information you spot might be out of date by the time the humans get to it!

As you fly over Agrithe, following the path Artemis's part of the army was planning on taking, you kept your eyes on the ground, looking for any issues. There was a group of cattle being herded along by a few villagers, but as you start to angle down to tell them to clear the path, a gentle nudge from your heart-self points out that it'll probably be hours before the army arrives, and by the looks of it the humans herding the cows are heading towards a village not far away. They're no risk to your mission, so you fly overhead, though you listen as the boys shout and point up at you in surprise.

Other than that, there's not much of interest you see until you spot Angela flying over. "Hello," you say when she gets close enough.

"Hey, Ryza," she says, glancing at Kelton and Belle on your back. "Got bored marching with the ground-pounders and decided to get a move on?"

"I have a job to do," you say, turning your eyes back to the road as you see another group of humans with big muscles and axes in the woods next to it: are those bandits? After a moment, you dismiss the idea. They are in the middle of cutting down some trees, probably to help repair that small manor you see further off the road, there's plenty of scaffolding around it. They are no threat. "I am scouting the path and showing my allegiance."

Angela grins. "I mean, that's what we all say," she says. "But can you really deny-"

Your eyes flash as you glare at her. "I am completing my mission!" you say coldly. "I am dedicated to my task!"

The Whitewing's pegasus nickers as she drifts away, forcing a nervous Angela to rein her back into speaking range. "What's her problem?" she mutters, clearly thinking you can't hear her. As your eyes narrow and you start to open your mouth to disabuse her of that notion, she speaks up. "Sorry to offend you, I was just making conversation… You okay? You seem… tense…"

Kelton's hands gently run across your neck, clearly trying to calm you down. Far more effective is the tiny note of reproach coming from heart-you: she's hanging well back in your shared mind to let you handle the mission, but she reminds you that picking fights with your allies just because they don't understand your dedication is counterproductive to that mission.

You hold back a huff; you'd thought people hired to do a job would be more interested in doing it right than just flying around having fun!

"It's alright," Belle says with a forced casualness that belies the way her heart rate has picked up. "Ryza's her dragon-self right now, and she seems to be in super-serious mode. Apparently, she focuses on one emotion when she transforms, and that's all she feels."

… At least she'd been listening, even if she was almost criminally oversimplifying…

Angela's eyes widen slightly. "You mean… I thought you said you were still yourself when you did this," she says, gesturing to you.

"That was true. It is no longer. I am Awakened, and at this time I am in control of the body." You pause as you watch a trio of human females, looking little older than Sypha, screaming and dropping their baskets of cloth to dive for cover as they spot you flying over. "One moment. I must inform those wyrmlings that I mean them no harm."

"Hey that might not be-" Angela starts to say, but you're already smoothly circling down, careful to avoid an aggressive dive. Still, you faintly hear the girls whimpering from under the bush they'd found as shelter as you land.

Carefully, you hook a few pieces of rough-spun, wet cloth from the dirt road and put them back into one of the baskets before pushing the wicker containers to the edge of the bushes. "You need not fear me," you say as softly as you can: your task is to allay the fears of the Southern Kingdom's people, not enhance them. "The old stories told about my people are wrong; I am no monster. I am simply flying ahead of Artemis Cartese, because she is my friend and I want to keep her safe." You press your mouth carefully closed to try and simulate a smile without baring teeth. "As you are clearly no threat to her, I am no threat to you. I am Ryza Levinheart. What are your names?"

Pleasantries may take you away from your primary objective, but as time was built in to your transformation you can afford the delay to achieve your secondary objectives.

You hear the sound of Angela landing behind you as one of the girls warily peeks out (the other two are still buried in deep, as if a frail shield of sticks and leaves would hide or protect them if you truly meant them harm.) "I know she looks like an overgrown wyvern," the Whitewing says soothingly, swinging from her saddle and crouching down. "But I assure you, she's quite sweet so long as you don't threaten anyone she cares about."

'Aw, thanks Angela,' heart-you comments dryly.

The little black-haired girl, even smaller than Sypha and with a dirty, ragged look about her, frowns. "…so you're not gonna eat us?" she asks, ignoring the hissed command from one of the others to not shut up.

"I have never partaken in the flesh of humans, and I have no intention to do so."

As the small human mulls over your answer, Kelton pokes your back. "Maybe letting other-you handle things will help?" he suggests.

You shake your head. "That is not how it works. I am in control of the body, I will not simply relinquish it. Not until I have completed my task."

"Even if you being in control is making the task harder?"

You shake your head. "That is impossible," you say. "I have been set this task and I will complete it."

Other-you hums thoughtfully. 'Not technically impossible,' she says. 'But you're doing a good job right now.' You nod; that is self-evident. You are speaking soothingly and not baring teeth to small creatures. That is allaying fears. '…it's a little more complicated than that…'

Slowly, the black-haired girl crawls out from under the bush. "…Okay…" she says, looking up at you. "…I'm Dali."

You nod gravely. "Hello, Dali. I am Ryza Levinheart," you say again.

"You're a mage?" Dali asks as the other girls, another black-haired girl and a brunette, poke their heads out too. "Did you use magic to turn yourself into a dragon?"

"Yes, but not in the manner you are thinking," you say. "I am a manakete, dragon and heart together. I am simply assuming this form so I can complete the task Artemis Cartese gave me: to scout ahead and to show the people of Agrithe they need not fear me." You frown thoughtfully. "You will see a large number of people passing by sometime today, depending on when exactly they actually get moving. This is no cause for alarm."

Dali's eyes brighten. "Wait, you said you were working for Lady Artemis?" she says. "Does that mean she's gonna be with those people?!" You nod: this seems an effective way of minimizing concern on these children's part. "Oh Sentinel that's so cool! Dani, Dara, did you hear that! Lady Artemis is coming here!" Without warning, she hugs your snout before dashing off.

"Wait! Dali! You forgot your- oh spirits…" the older black-haired girl says, throwing you a slightly wary look as she struggles to pick up two of the baskets while the brunette grabs the third. "So sorry to trouble you… milady?"

You shrug your wings. "Simply Ryza will suffice," you say.

The girl looks confused for a moment, but clumsily curtsies, using her head to hold up the baskets. "Well, thanks for not eating us, have a good day." The brunette bobs as well before the pair follow their excited younger friend.

Angela rolls her eyes. "You realize that now the entire town's probably gonna be out to watch the army pass, right?" she says. "Well, it'll get the population excited, so mission accomplished, right?"

"Mission accomplished, they were no longer hiding from me at the end of the conversation," you say.

As the pair of you take off and continue on, Angela looks back at you. "Well, nice knowing we'll have another flier around," she says. "We always have a lot to do: expect to be asked to transmit messages, scout ahead, even find lost detachments. I was a bit worried that my girls and I'd be run ragged trying to do a full squadron's job by ourselves."

You nod. "If it helps Artemis on her mission, then I will comply," you say.

Angela cocks her head. "Are... you, gonna be around the whole time?" she asks.

"Unlikely," you say. "I only have a short time left in my emotional charge, and much of the rest of the transit will likely be handled by my Heart."

"Okay," Angela says. "Well, I should probably get back to my part in this. It was nice meeting you, Dragon-Ryza." You nod politely as Angela turns to fly back the way she came.

As the Whitewing disappears into the clouds, Belle squeezes her thighs against your shoulders. "Well, you certainly made a splash," she says. "Those girls aren't gonna be talking about anything else for a week. At least."

"So long as they are not frightened, then I consider that a success."

The rest of the trip to the projected camp spot passes peacefully. You're mostly out of energy when you arrive, but you still take the time to carefully fly around, scanning for the slightest sign of trouble. However, there turns out to be nothing, allowing you to settle down in the rubble that had probably once been a watchtower like the one you sheltered at in Legerius, but had completely crumbled. As you take one last look around and see no danger, feeling Belle and Kelton slipping off your back, you close your eyes and let go of your will.

You have done your duty well, and can rest satisfied.


You yawn, stretching slightly as you return to your smaller heart-form. Even being separated from the majority of it and having a bigger body to contain it, being around that much emotion is exhausting! "Well, we're here," you say, looking around. "Did you two have fun?"

The two humans stare at you. "Ryza… I know this is normal for you," Kelton says, "but it's kinda creepy, how you go from super-intense and seemingly about to bite the head off anyone who looks at you wrong to casually asking if we had fun."

You frown. "I'm sorry you feel that way…" you say.

The soldier waves a hand. "I mean, it makes sense, knowing what I know about you," he says, dodging as Belle tries to kick him in the shin. "I'm just letting you know so there aren't any hurt feelings if someone's more nasty about saying it to you."

After thinking for a moment, you shrug. "I mean, it's part of being a manakete," you say. "I'd never actually hurt anyone who didn't deserve it, not unless I'd transformed in anger which is something I'll only do if I really have to." You're willing to bend to fit in with human society, but you are still a manakete. You're proud of your heritage, and you're not going to force your dragon-self to comport to human expectations just to make them a bit less confused. She deserves to be herself so long as she's not needlessly hurting people.

Belle nods. "I guess that makes sense," she says. "So, now that we've looked around, are we going to go back to Artemis?"

You consider for a moment. "Maybe later, but for now, I'm fine with waiting here if you are," you say. "I was meaning to practice magic a bit, but I get the feeling that it'd be harder to do that if I was on the move or there's a lot of noise when we're in camp."

As you find a nice wall to sit at and start digging out your scroll on Red magic, dragon-you flickers a bit of discontent. 'We should be practicing our natural magic,' she thinks. She's still riding the after-currents of her determination high, leaving her mental "voice" cool, steady and certain.

'Why do you say that?' you ask. Just because the Heart is in charge of planning and day-to-day life doesn't mean that the dragon's opinions should ever be discarded.

'We fly to war,' your other half says firmly. 'Our task, our calling, is to protect and help Artemis. While it is good to have the ability to cast more colors, our truest power will always come from the lighting in our blood. Every major battle we have fought has been won with Yellow magic.'

This isn't quite true; after all the lich below your home would have resisted Yellow magic far more than your White magic, but since you don't expect you'll be fighting many monsters… you slowly nod. 'Alright,' you say, rolling through the scroll until you find the Yellow section. 'So Arcthunder's pretty good for close-range work, but how about we look at Bolting? Being able to help Artemis from a range seems like a good idea, since this form of our body's pretty frail.'

The dragon-spirit has a flash of irritation at the thought of there being a fight she wasn't handling with breath and talon, but you channel the anger away. There is a place for both of you in every part of your lives, even the unpleasant parts. 'A good idea,' she says.

Nodding, you dig around in Practical Magic for a bit before you find the beginning of the section on Bolting.

Legends say that, once, there was an angry manakete who threw a bolt of lighting at the sky, only to be shocked (both literally and figuratively) when the sky retaliated with a bolt of its own. While it is unlikely this story is true, it does teach several lessons. First, of course, is that manakete must always be careful with their magical powers, lest there be unexpected consequences of its misuse.

For the purposes of this scroll, however, the lesson is that there is energy all around us, but especially in the sky. After all, the lighting that Yellow manakete call upon is generated naturally in the clouds above, and that energy can be called upon by a careful manakete in order to project power beyond the normal limits.

The most obvious example of this is the Bolting spell. By casting a carefully-crafted and calculated spell into the sky, a manakete can induce the charge that already exists in even open air to react in such a way as to cause a bolt of lighting to fall upon a distant location. A similar, though more powerful, effect can be accomplished if the manakete can sense and compel the obedience of a Yellow spirit, but such things are best left to elders. Therefore, this scroll will focus on the first, simpler method.

There are several obvious advantages of being able to cast an aggressive spell at long range. First, of course, is the fact that doing so keeps the manakete safe from any retaliation, unless their target is able to cast similar magic. Some of the most powerful monsters, such as Gorgon Matriarchs or Arch Mogalls, are capable of casting a corrupted, quasi Black long-range spell, but they are few and far between. Most opponents a manakete might attack will never be able to fight back, especially if the caster is Sky-Blessed. Another advantage is that, by drawing upon the innate power of the sky, a manakete is able to cast a far more powerful single bolt.

However, there are also clear weaknesses to this method. First and foremost, the casting of a Bolting is a complex, time-consuming effort. With the time and effort of one long-ranged spell, a talented manakete could cast many simpler spells, especially when factoring in the time between the initial casting and the sky delivering the bolt. Calculating and casting this spell will also completely consume the focus of the manakete, leaving them unable to move swiftly and extremely vulnerable to close-range attackers. If a manakete has even the slightest concern of immediate, close danger, they should not begin a Bolting casting until they have secured their immediate surroundings.

Another challenge is the fact that, by leaving much of the power to the sky, a manakete loses much of the fine control they have over their magic. Once the spell is cast, barring a complex, dangerous redirection-spell, the bolt
will hit the designated point… no matter what or who is currently occupying it. Extreme care must be taken that no inadvertent harm is done to friends or innocents when engaging in long-range casting.

The final weakness, the one that is the most subtle, is the risk of becoming callous or arrogant if Bolting becomes a staple spell. The ability to deal death from afar is a powerful ability, but one should never forget that death
is being dealt. Sometimes violence is necessary, and it can be tempting to isolate oneself from the reality of battle, especially if it is against a foe that one would rather not fight, but with power comes the responsibility to use it well. If manakete forget that fact, then we risk becoming as our ancient ancestors: so caught up in our own immediate needs and desires that we forget that other creatures usually deserve their existence too.

You nod slowly as you start reading over the actual mechanics of the spell. It's complicated, just as the scroll said, but with all the practice you've had… you think you'll be able to do this with a bit of work, and it will be very useful.

You spend the rest of the day practicing, asking Belle and Kelton to run targets down the hill and make sure that nobody's around to maybe get hit by any stray lightning bolts. Belle grumbles at the "drudge-work," but seems interested enough in watching you cast that you're pretty sure it's mostly performative.

Your first few bolts don't even reach the ground, simply flaring into the sky due to miscalculations on your part. Finally, however, a massive bolt of lightning, filled with the incalculable power of the sky, burns its way into the dirt… several tens of meters away from the pole you'd been aiming for.

More work is clearly needed.

By the time the first Agrithian horses gallop into the clearing at the bottom of the hill, carrying one of the banners you'd seen waving around the army camp, you've managed to get your bolts to within ten meters of the intended targeted point. Still not something you'd feel comfortable throwing around where it might hit Artemis, especially since you're nowhere near the maximum range that the scroll described. The further away you are, the harder it is to figure out exactly where you need to hit, even if the travel-time of the spell isn't noticeably longer.

As you stand up and wave, the leader of the yeomen rides up the hill towards you. "Mistress Levinheart, is everything well?" he asks worriedly. "The village we passed warned that there was an angry spirit manifesting on this hill, should we move camp?"

"No, no, that was me," you say. "I was just practicing magic, and I got a bit over-excited." You wince. "I should probably go apologize and let everyone know that everything's okay…"

Leaving the yeomen to work with Kelton and Belle to scope out where everything would go in the camp, you fly back towards the village. Despite this, you feel good about the progress you made. You have plenty of time to practice and make it as safe as possible to use in an actually dangerous situation. You'll probably have to start practicing predicating where people will be going at distance, so you can preemptively aim at where they'll be, but even if your first few actual castings miss, it'll make the Imperials keep their heads down.

As you land near the town, you see more Agrithian soldiers, mostly cavalry but with a core of infantry bringing up the rear, marching past the village. You also see Artemis standing next to Actaeon, with Axton and Lancel flanking her, as she talks to a worried-looking old woman who's gesturing in the direction of the hill. "Hi, Artemis," you say as you trot over.

Your friend turns to you, smiling wryly. "Hello, Ryza," she says. "I was just talking to Headwoman Merinda here, something about a wrathful spirit, angry at the disrespect we humans have been heaping upon the land." She raises an eyebrow. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

You kick the ground. "I'm really sorry, Headwoman," you say, flapping your cloak. "I'm a mage, and I was practicing magic. I forgot that if the bolts were coming from that high up, people would see them and maybe draw the wrong conclusion. No angry spirits."

The woman hurriedly reassures you that everything's fine, she just wanted to make sure that her lord's daughter did not inadvertently run across a dangerous spiritual manifestation. Soon, you're hopping up onto Actaeon behind Artemis as she rides onwards towards the camp.

As the two of you continue on, Artemis glances back at you. "So you certainly made an impression," she said, grinning. "All around the army, I heard people talking about how glad they were that you're on our side."

'See,' Dragon-you says. 'Told you I'd done a good job! Can I do it again tomorrow?!' She was back to her flexible, emotionally-excitable "baseline."

'We'll see,' you say. She gives a disappointed groan.

A minute later, Artemis continues casually. "So, I was passing the village of Boh-lensa," she says. "And pretty much the entire town was along the path, cheering for us. While I appreciate the support of the people I will one day lead, I wasn't exactly expecting them to have heard we were coming far enough in advance for everyone to make it over."

You squirm. "I… might have told a few children who were scared by me that I was with you. Or at least, that you'd be coming along soon."

Your friend chuckles. "I kind of figured something like that happened," she says. "Well, I'm glad you're concerned about people's feelings. If nothing else, you're showing that a dragon-form flying over is no more dangerous than a wyvern flying over."

"Though, it'll probably just take some more repetitions to get the point across."

As the march north continues, you don't get another chance to just go flying as your dragon-self. Instead, just as Angela had told you, you quickly get roped into being a flying messenger, scout, and general fixer communicating between three different columns of soldiers, each with their own sub-columns of foragers, skirmishers, baggage trains, and associated hangers-on.

Thankfully, the combination of your cloak, mage-name, and the point you'd made on the first day by flying in dragon-form meant that you weren't treated like a child when you had to interact with Count Sobieski and Sir Rimpler. Some of their subordinates need a bit of reminding that you're still Head Mage of Agrithe even though you have to hover to look anyone in the eye, but thankfully there're no major problems.

On occasion, you're able to get far enough ahead that you can afford to spend some time practicing your Bolting targeting without disrupting everyone's sleep at camp (with how tired everyone is after a long day's march, you don't want to do that.) Around the time you pass Veicia, you finally manage to hit your target, though you still missed more often than not that day. However, the fact that you're making progress means that you're hopeful that you'll be ready by the time you reach Starhelm.

Still, as you get closer and closer to the war you know is coming, you can't help but remember what Master Darktide's vision had shown. You're sure there's more to it, that you're not going to… but unless the Regent decides to pull his soldiers back, to stop trying to grind everyone who doesn't agree with him under his boot… you are going to have to fight. You're not going to stand back and let anything bad happen to Artemis or anyone else.

'No, we won't,' dragon-you says, picking up on your regretful determination and mirroring it. 'We won't let anything bad happen to her or any of our other friends.'

The knowledge that you're not alone, that you have both halves of yourself fully awake and ready to endure this situation… that makes things better.

Finally, after days and days of traveling, you find yourself riding with Artemis and a small advance force consisting of most of your friends (on your insistence), a bunch of yeomen you don't know well, as well as Alejandro and Count Sobieski and a few of their men. As the armies approach Starhelm together, they're now close enough that people can communicate without fliers, so these sorts of multi-Kingdom forays are more common.

Today is the day you expect to reach the castle itself. The bushy-mustached noble cavalier had proudly said that it was important that there be a show of unity by the representatives of all the major powers coming to relieve the North enter the castle as one. When asked why Sir Rimpler wasn't with you, Count Sobieski had said that the knight had volunteered to stay and ensure that the combined Parvan/Vennlani force not get bogged down.

From the way Alejandro shakes his head and Artemis forces herself not to roll her eyes, you get the feeling the poor man had been volun-told. Hopefully he won't be too annoyed about it. You'll all have to work together well once you get settled, and if there are hard feelings that would make that harder.

However, you're distracted from that line of thought as your sharp eyes pick out something on the horizon. "Is that the Library?" you ask, pointing at the ruined-looking building at the top of the hill.

Artemis nods sadly. "It is," she says. "Alina said that the people of Starhelm made a conscious choice to never repair it, to keep a constant reminder of what the Empire had taken from them." She sighs. "I guess Lord Starhelm decided that his children were a more pressing symbol than a burned-out ruin. I can't say I really blame him, but-"

Before she can continue, the sight of three fast-moving white dots approaching makes you flinch. "That looks like Angela, Bucephila and Alexandra!" you say. Now that everyone was close enough together, the three Whitewings had taken to flying their scout-patterns together, in case they ran into trouble. "I hope nothing's wrong, there wasn't when they reported in yesterday…"

"Unfortunately, things can change quickly in war," Artemis says grimly. "Still, at least it shouldn't be a major problem. This probably isn't the Empire's main army: Alina and the northern scouts would have told us if they were on the move. I'd guess this is some sort of probing attack, enough to require informing us without being a serious threat."

Alejandro and Count Sobieski nod as the three pegasus knights come in for a landing, cantering down the road to meet the rest of you. "My Lady, my lords," Angela says, her face flushed with annoyance. "It seems the Imps beat us here."

"How many, Dame Whitewing," Count Sobieski says before Artemis could speak, causing your friend to throw him an annoyed look.

Angela gestured back towards the hill. "Not too many," she says. "I'd say a few hundred, maybe as many as a thousand. They've taken some heights across the Starlight River from Castle Starhelm and are setting up camp, but they don't seem to be intending a full siege. There were a few detachments around the area, but we couldn't get any closer without drawing the attention of the two wyverns they had flying around terrorizing everyone!"

You frown. "More Talons?" you ask.

"Unlikely," Artemis says. "I killed Bloodhunter and its rider when I was up here the first time. I suppose it's possible they sent another two chapters in, but I'd imagine that this is a regular Imperial raiding party. Did either of them seem to be Sealed?"

"No, my lady," Angela says. "I'm pretty sure both were just normal riders. Still, two-on-three odds aren't good for Whitewings, so we fell back to let you know what was going on."

Artemis nods. "Very good idea," she says. "Do you think they saw you?"

"Don't think so. We were pretty far away, and we had cloud-cover. They might have caught a glimpse, though."

The nobles look at each other. "We don't have the numbers to see their whole force off right now," Alejandro says. "But I know my boys and girls aren't far, and I'm pretty sure everyone else is in the same boat. We can pick off a detachment or two, weaken their numbers before our main force arrives to see them off. Might give us some prisoners or idea of what they were intending."

"That sounds like a good idea," Artemis says, pulling her bow from over her back and starting to string it. "Let's go take a closer look; that'll determine what we do. Ryza, take off but stay close."

You nod, spreading your wings and flying next to Artemis as Angela and the other Whitewings, still riding on the ground, lead the way up the hill towards the weathered ruins of the Starhelm Library. As you approach, you can still see signs of scorch marks on some of the rough stone walls, a memory of what happened here once.

You will not let the Empire do something like that again!

Once everyone's in position, using the ruins as cover, you flap up to peer over the top of a wall while Artemis, Alejandro and Count Sobieski look through spy-glasses from the ground.

You quickly see the camp the Imperial troops had set up; it seemed mostly the same as other camps you'd see, save for the small earthen wall that had been dug up halfway down the hill overlooking the big bridge leading across the river. There are men and women milling about in the camp, but other than some sentries along the barrier they mostly seem relaxed.

On the other side of the river, in the plain between the water and the castle, are several groups of riders. They seem mostly focused towards the camp, and their garments seem to be lighter and brighter-colored than the Imperial troops, making you tentatively identify them as Northerners.

One group suddenly starts moving, and you look up in time to see the two wyverns, flying wingtip to wingtip, diving towards them. However, the Imperials swiftly abort their attack as the riders scramble towards each other to provide arrow support, leaving the wyverns to swoop lazily back into a higher hunting pattern. A clear, present threat the Northerns could do nothing about… they only had to get lucky on an overextending skirmisher group once, and there'd be blood.

There are a few other groups of Imperials you spot. Another, smaller bridge, closer to you, is being guarded by a group of Imperial cavaliers, enough to force the Northerners to give them a wide berth. Further down the river is a small village that straddles the river, similar in size to Miau or Glenhaven. Amidst the small, wooden houses, you see flashes of movement from more Imperial soldiers. There don't seem to be any townsfolk about, and as you watch you see a big, axe-wielding man forcing his way through a door, a bag over his shoulder.

Finally, and most strangely, on another hill, closer to the castle but still on the western side of the river, there's another group of carts. You can't get a great look, but there seems to be a bunch of people setting up some sort of big wooden structure, surrounded by what looks like oversized bows…

"What're they doing?" you hear Kelton mutter as he peeks around the wall as well. "There's no way such a small force could take that castle if the Northerners have enough people to risk having some riding around outside."

Artemis hears him, and gives a growl. "Making a point," she says. "'We can come into your land,' they're saying 'and you can't stop us.' They've probably sent a surrender demand, but I don't think they intend to take Starhelm today. Probably waiting for the main force to get ready back in the Empire before making their real push."

"Whoever's in charge down there, however, hasn't figured on reinforcements from this angle. All their men are focused on the castle, so we have an opportunity to punish their arrogance!"

Pre-Battle Phase

Your Forces:

Ryza (Level 5 Yellow Manakete, Thunder's Cry, Mother's Hymn, Firecall, Gyra-Dregon's Dragonstone, Shadow Elixer Flying)
Belle (Level 5 Thief: Steel Sword Infantry)
Kelton (Level 4 Soldier: Steel Lance, Javalin Infantry)

Artemis (Level 4 Bow Lord, Steel Bow, Steel Knife, Elixer, Cavalry)
Axton (Level 3 Yeoman: Steel Bow, Iron Knife, Cavalry)
Lancel (Level 3 Yeoman: Steel Bow, Iron Knife, Cavalry)
Phoebe (Level 3 Cavalier: Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Cavalry)
Elena (Level 3 Fighter: Steel Axe, Hand Axe Infantry)
Ten Generic Yeomen (Level 3, Iron Bows, Iron Knives, Cavalry)

Alejandro (Level 4 Myrmidon, Killing Edge, Infantry) & 4 Generic Myrmidons (Permanently together, Iron Swords, Infantry)

Count Sobieski (Level 5 Cavalier, Silver Sword, Steel Lance) and 3 Generic Cavaliers (Permanently together, Iron Swords and Lances, Cavalry)

Angela (Level 4 Pegasus Knight: Steel Lance, Javelin, Flyer)
Bucephila (Level 4 Pegasus Knight: Iron Lance, Flyer)
Alexandra (Level 3 Pegasus Knight: Iron Lance, Flyer)

Castle Starhelm (Unknown number of forces, will likely reinforce you if possible.)

Enemy Forces:

Group 1: Two Wyvern Riders (Level 6, Steel Lances)
(Only fliers can engage)

Group 2: Nine Cavaliers (Levels 3-5, Most with Steel Lances/Swords, One Silver Lance)
(Fliers/Cavalry reach on first round, Infantry reach on second round)

Group 3: Twelve Fighters/Soldiers in Village, most with Iron Weapons, few Steels
Group 3.1: Two Soldiers (Level 3 and 5) and Two Fighters (Level 3 and 5)
Group 3.2: Two Soldiers (Level 4 and 5) and Two Fighters (Level 3 and 5)
Group 3.3: Two Soldiers (Level 3 and 5) and Two Fighters (Level 4 and 5)
(Fliers/Cavalry reach on first round, Infantry reach on second round)

Group 4: Eleven Soldiers/Archers with incomplete siege equipment. (Levels 1-4, Iron Weapons)
(Fliers reach on first round. Cavalry reach on second round. Infantry reach on third round)

Group 5: Main Imperial camp. Too many to fight, can be harassed by Bolting to limit reinforcements/sow chaos.
(Will likely send out reinforcements, but will take time to get organized)

You and the rest of the advance force are on a hill amidst the ruins of the Starhelm Library. The Imperial main camp is unassailable by your small numbers, but there are several detachments that are vulnerable. Defeating them will show the Empire that they can't simply roll over a small kingdom without resistance, as well as showing the Northern Kingdoms that they can rely on you to protect them.

Primary Objective: Give the Empire a bloody nose

Secondary Objectives
[] Write In (Plan)

[] Write In (Plan)

AN: I'm back. I had a project I was working on, as well as needing some time to come up with what I was going to do next. I hadn't actually put much thought into this war-arc before.

You'll notice that the voting time is a full week: this is both to let people catch up/remember what was going on, as well as deal with this potentially complicated battle.
Last edited:
First Blood
[X] Plan Rapid Intervention
-[X] Secondary Objectives: Minimize civilian and friendly casualties, clear the skies, scatter the siege equipment.
-[X] Cavalry: Charge the Imperial cavalry before they can react to our presence.
--[X] Ryza: Strike the enemy cavalry with Bolting shortly before allied cavalry reach them, to distract them and disrupt any counter-charge. (Aim for the middle of the group, obviously.)
-[X] Remaining infantry: Approach the village, both to interrupt looting operations and to take cover from aerial hostiles.
-[X] Pegasus knights and Ryza: Move to take out the Wyvern Riders after Ryza finishes casting Bolting.
--[X] This should go without saying, but Ryza is to use Arcthunder for this part, not Bolting.
--[X] Do NOT chase the wyverns into enemy archer range.

"Numbers and weapons do not win battles. With sound tactics and planning, local superiority can overcome great odds."
"So what you're saying is that we want more numbers and weapons in the right place?"
-Wyrmguard Oreius to the young Emperor Peter Wyrmblood the Third

"As much as we want to hit their siege equipment right away, we need to clear the board first," Artemis says. "The cavalry'll ride on their own horses, that'll give us access to the plains where the Northerners are. That will allow us to move more freely and clear an avenue to the castle in case things go wrong. Alejandro, take the infantry and go relieve that village, there may be civilians who weren't able to make it to the castle, and even if there aren't, disrupting enemy foraging will make things easier for everyone once we push the Imps out of Starhelm." Count Sobieski frowns at Artemis giving orders, but doesn't comment.

The younger nobleman, meanwhile, gives a swooping bow. "Of course, my dear lady leader," he says, giving Artemis a grin and a wink as he ties off his horse and stretches languidly.

Your friend rolls her eyes, but doesn't waste time commenting. "Ryza, I'll need you to stay here and provide cover with your Bolting," she says. "If those cavaliers are able to retreat in anything even resembling good order, they'll be a major pain going forwards. I need you to drop a bolt or two on them before we get there. That should disrupt them enough for us to shatter them."

"Alright," you say. "I can do that."

Artemis hesitates for a moment. "I know that Kelton and Belle are your retainers, and your friends, but they need to go with Alejandro. He and his men are good, and Elena's good too, but if those Imperial infantry start grouping up, they'll need all the help they can get."

You nod. "I know," you say. "I'll be fine."

"What about those wyverns?" Angela asks grimly. "The second they see a siege caster on the field, they'll go straight for her to try and disrupt her."

"I'm counting on that," Artemis says. "They'll have no idea that Ryza's able to fly and cast, and with you and your flight with her, I give you all good odds against those two. Clear them out, and we'll have control of everything except the Imperial camp and siege gear, and if we're fast we can clear that hill too." She smiles grimly as she swings herself onto Actaeon. "It's time the Empire learned that they don't get to do whatever they want anymore. That if they make the mistake of showing their throats, we'll rip them out."

"Oh-rah!" Kelton says, banging his lance on a stone as your dragon-self mentally roars. Belle rolls here eyes, but tosses her sword to herself before moving with him to join Alejandro and his myrmidons, who all draw their blades as Elena awkwardly shuffles to join them, hefting her large axe.

As the infantry begin circling towards the village and the horsemen-and-women canter down the hill to begin their charge on the Imperial cavaliers gathered around the bridge, you flap your wings and glide up to the top of a ruined wall. Planting your feet, you take a long, slow breath as you call up your Yellow magic. You stare out across the plain, measuring distances and calculating angles in your mind as lightning sparks and flickers around you. 'Let them burn!' your dragon snarls, her battle-lust beginning to fill you up. You coil and twirl the anger and determination together, bringing your power higher and higher.

You can see heads starting to turn as Yellow magic begins to fill the air. Both wyverns twitch in their flight patterns, and you can tell from their body language that they're nervous. The Imperial cavaliers turn to stare up the hill, the infantry pause in their looting to gape in your direction. You feel yourself smirking as dragon and heart come into alignment: let them look. Let them stare. Let them know that their precious Emperor didn't manage to kill all the manakete.

Your people still stand for truth and good, so long as you draw breath!

Throwing your head back, you shout as you unleash a bolt of lighting into the sky.

US: [Ryza: (6s Rerolling + 2a.s.)]

THEM: 38

(8, 6>7, 8, 9, 3>10, 5>8) +2a.s
8 success
(7, 8, 7, 7, 4,) (3, 10, 4, 3, 8,) (7, 4, 6, 5, 8,) (5, 1, 2, 5,) (2, 9, 5, 9,) (5, 5, 10, 8,) (6, 7, 2, 9,) (1, 3, 8, 3,) (6, 4, 3)
5 success

Win by 3-4: Kill 1 cavalier (Level 5), grant allies Advantage

As the bolt of lightning vanishes into the air, you watch it go, following the faint trail of Yellow magic as it gathers power from the atmosphere, building and rebuilding itself to cross the distance towards the cavalry. They're starting to react, their leaders shouting and waving a silver-shining lance around as they point, but despite being relatively slow, your spell still flies like lightning. After a few seconds that seem to stretch on forever in your mind, the Bolting stabs down from the sky and lands right in the middle of the crowd of armored men and horses with a massive boom of thunder.

"YES!" 'YES!' both of your halves cheer together as the lightning strikes true. One of the better-armed looking cavaliers (though sadly not the leader, who you'd kind of been aiming for) is hit dead on, all but vaporizing him and his horse in a massive rush of electricity. The nearby mounts are thrown into a panic, rearing and neighing desperately as their riders fight to keep them under control.

As your wings flare proudly, you begin a second casting, only to abort it as you realize that Artemis and the other southern riders are accelerating from a canter to a gallop. Artemis and the yeomen take the lead, spreading out into small squadrons around Artemis and the other leaders and raising their bows as they thunder forward in a charge that you can feel even from this distance. Meanwhile, Phoebe and the other cavaliers forming a tight wedge with Count Sobieski at the lead, his shining silver sword raised as he shouts for his fellows to set their lances and "run the Imps down!"

The Imperial cavalry, seeing the approaching danger, scramble to set up for a counter-charge. You're forced to admit that their leader's very brave, rallying his fellows to join his charge, his silver lance glimmering as he sets it for the counterattack. The rest of the cavaliers stumble as they follow, but they're able to form a somewhat respectable wedge of their own.

US: [Artemis + 4 Yeomen (6s +1s) (12s Rerolling)] [Phoebe + 1 Yeoman (4s Rerolling + 1s) (3s Rerolling)] [Axton + 3 Yeomen (4s Rerolling + 1 d.f) (9s Rerolling)] [Lancel + 2 Yeomen (4s Rerolling) (6s Rerolling)] [Count Sobieski + 3 Cavaliers (7 + 9 Rerolling)] = 48s Rerolling + 2s + 16 Rerolling + 1 df.

THEM: [Silver Lance (7 Rerolling)] [Steel Lances/Swords 6+ 5(5) + 4 Rerolling] = 42 Rerolling

(8, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5,) (2>10, 7, 3>4,) (10, 9, 6>1,) (8, 8, 7,) (8, 1>10, 2>10,) (9, 7, 2>3, 4>1), (2>8, 5>8, 8,) (10, 8, 8, 2>8,) (7, 3>8, 6>8,) (7, 8, 8,) (1>8, 4>5, 3>2,) (9, 1>8, 5>3, 2>5,) (9, 8, 4>1,) (7, 9, 5>3) (5, 9) (9, 7>5, 2>10, 2>4, 2>5, 4>1, 5>1,) (2,>1 1>9, 5>7,) (8>8, 6>3, 6>4,) (2>8, 4>10, 9)
37 success + 1df
9, 8>9, 10, 3>8, 6>6, 5>1, 10, 6>8, 8>9, 10, 5>7, 6>4, 3>2, 3>7, 6>9, 6>8, 6>2, 7>4, 8>3, 9, 1>5, 1>4, 2>5, 3>3, 8>4, 6>7, 1>9, 7>6, 7>2, 1>5, 4>3, 4>2, 9, 7>6, 10, 6>1, 5>10, 10, 1>9, 3>3, 9, 7>5
15>14 success

Win by more than 6: Kill multiple cavaliers, rest are routed

The Imperial cavaliers might be very brave, but it quickly becomes apparent that they're also very doomed.

Artemis lets out a shout, her and the other yeomen's bows twanging. A hail of arrows falls upon the approaching cavaliers, sending several to the ground and causing the other horses to buck and twitch, their unified charge breaking up under the force of your previous spell and this new assault. A second volley flies, stunning and stumbling more of them.

Then, just as it looked like the lightly-armored horse archers were about to carry through with their charge and slam right into the more heavily-armored cavaliers, Artemis gave a whistle and a cry, waving her bow as she pulled on Actaeon's reins. In a beautiful and surely practiced motion, the yeomen split into two groups, turning quickly towards the wings with one last volley of arrows, leaving the path clear for Count Sobieski and his men (and Phoebe, of course).

"FOR DEATH AND GLORY!" you hear the mustached man roar, even at this distance and over the thunder of hooves. A moment later, the two wedges of cavaliers slam into each other with an almighty crash that makes you flinch.

Thankfully, it seems that your lighting and Artemis's archery did their job, as the Imperials come off decidedly the worse of the clash. Their leader is unhorsed by Phoebe's lance, his own thrown off by an ill-timed jump from his panicking horse. As another of the Imperials tries to take advantage of Artemis's retainer's distraction, one of the yeomen who'd stayed close put an arrow into the man's mount, sending him toppling to the ground and rolling several meters. He doesn't get up again. Meanwhile, Count Sobieski's laying into men on either side of him, his silver sword managing to cut into even solid armor. One of his retainers takes a nasty lance hit, but manages to stay in his saddle and keep up with his count as the two wedges separate.

The horses of Imperial cavalrymen who'd been knocked off just keep going, neighing and screaming plaintively as they head for the hills. Those cavaliers that managed to survive the clash start to turn, only for Artemis, who had rallied her yeomen into a loose concave, send a fourth volley of arrows into the battered, beaten knights. The survivors of that volley seem to decide that discretion is the better part of valor (or their horses decide it for them) as they keep riding, clearly on their way out of the fight.

You let out a slow breath, trying to calm down a little. It doesn't look like any of your friends or the people riding with them have gotten hurt, but this isn't over yet.

IMPERIAL REACTIONS: Infantry: 15/20, Camp: 20/20 (Reinforce Roll: 3/6)

You can see the Imperial raiders in the village scrambling to find each other, though the buildings make it hard to tell how much they're succeeding. However, it's clear from the speed of their movements that they'll be at least somewhat successful before Alejandro and Belle and Kelton can get to them. You hesitate for a moment, wondering if you could risk sending a Bolting at the Imperials to try and break-

You're jolted out of the thought as a horn blows from the Imperial camp. A moment later, a wedge of thirteen cavaliers, similarly armed and armored as the first group and led by another silver-lance wielding warrior, canter out from the tents and begin making their way past the earthworks towards the other bridge. Their leader's head is turning, clearly taking in the battlefield and deciding where he and his men can do the most good.

Meanwhile, in the air, the two wyverns shriek in rage as they turn and flap towards you, their flaming wings jetting off puffs of fire as they accelerate at their riders' urging. You can see their eyes locked onto you… and if they're anywhere near as angry as you'd be if someone had just dropped a lightning bolt on your friends… they very much want to kill you.

'Let them come,' dragon-you growls, twisting and writhing as her emotions coil and whip in your mind. 'Let me at 'em! I'll take 'em both myself! I'll rip 'em apart! I'll show them what a real dragon can do!'

'No, we follow the plan!' you say, channeling her confident rage into determination. 'They're not worth your full effort, not while Angela and the others are with us!' As you think this, your Pegasus Knight friends rise from behind the ruins of the Library, lances raised as Angela shouts a taunting threat across the sky towards the rapidly-approaching wyvern riders.

STARHELM REACTION: 20/20 (Reinforce roll, 5/6)

Then, your eyes are drawn towards Castle Starhelm as another horn, a high, clear clarion, blows from the castle as the gates swing open. A moment later, five riders gallop out, riding towards the rapidly-gathering twelve men already scattered around the plain in front of the castle.

Three of the new riders are dressed much the same as the others, light-colored clothes, leather armor, and wielding bows like ones Artemis and her yeomen wield. The other two, however, ride slightly behind the others. You peer at them; they're both women, and they wear long, flowing white robes that blow in the breeze of their ride. Atop their heads are fancy-looking hats, and each carries a staff that they raise to the sky, blue-white light shining out to engulf their fellows.

You can't sense the White magic from this far, but you recognize a Mend when you see it. If the yeomen riding with those healers take any injuries, you can tell that they'll be instantly patched up, the stress and strain of battle washed off under the magic of the Mother's chosen ones. As the Northern riders gather, they start turning towards the siege camp, their bows raised against that threat to their home.

Before you can focus any more, the wyverns' shrieks draw your attention back to your own problems. You still have to deal with them.

US: [Ryza (8s Rerolling + 1s (Triangle Advantage) + 2 a.s.)] [Angela + 2 Pegasus Knights (6s Rerolling + 1 a.s.) + (7s Rerolling)] = 21s+1s + 3 a.s.

THEM: [20+2d.f.]

(5>3, 4>7, 8, 5>5, 6>1, 2>10, 6>10, 10,) (9, 4>4, 2>4, 2>6, 9, 4>5,) (3>4, 5>9, 4>6, 4>5,) (8, 4>2, 4>6) (1)
9>7+3a.s = 10 success
(5, 6, 3, 10, 5, 3, 4, 5, 4, 7,) (3, 9, 2, 1, 9, 8, 2, 4, 9, 4)
4 success

Win by more than 6: Defeat both Wyverns, 1 gets a death save (5/6: escape to be healed at camp)

As you bounce from foot to foot, you watch as the wyverns start circling over your head, still shrieking angrily. They're out of range of your normal spells, and if you were to try to prepare a Bolting, they'd be on you before you got halfway through the casting, probably accepting some pokes and jabs from your protective screen of Whitewings in order to get at you, and with your mind focused on the spell… well, that wouldn't be good.

Thankfully, you have another way of bringing your lighting to bear.

Flapping your wings from where they stick through the slits Artemis had helped you put in your Marble Hall cloak, you lift off and shoot up into the air. "You're not welcome here!" you shout as Angela, Bucephila and Alexandra form a triangle in front of you, their lances raised.

The riders of the wyverns jerk, clearly not expecting you to be able to come up and fight them on their level! In the moment of confusion, the wyverns take the lead, diving towards you with vicious hunting shrieks, flame boiling in their maws.

You and the Whitewings split up, each drawing one of the wyverns. Angela and her friends are a well-carved rune-structure, spreading out to surround the wyvern, darting in and out to poke at her haunches, tail, wings, and any other vulnerable point they can find. The wyvern and her rider, meanwhile, twist and thrash, lashing out with lance, claw and fire-breath. A single solid blow to any of the Pegasus Knights would surely cripple or kill them, and the pegasi nicker nervously and swing wide, keeping the battle at a tense, deadly stalemate.

Meanwhile, the other wyvern rider shoots towards you. You see the man's eyes behind his helmet, wide and confused even as he aims his sharp, heavy lance at your heart. The wyvern has no such compunctions, spitting a wave of fire at you from his maw as he roars again.

However, you are not deterred. You are Ryza. You are Yellow and lighting and magic. You are heart and dragon intertwined. You are Sky-blessed. You won't lose to some wannabe flyer and his ill-tempered brute of a mount!

Letting your draconic half dip into your wings to take some of the pressure off your mind, you jerk yourself to the side before cutting your flight magic for an instant, dropping like a stone and easily getting out of the way of the charge. As the rider and wyvern try to reorient, magic flashes around you as you build your first feedback loop, Yellow magic blazing and making the wyvern flinch away instinctively, it's Red magic drained of some of its power by the howling maw of your might. The rider smoothly takes the lead, pulling his mount into a spiral to get back onto target, lashing out at you with a wide swing of the lance, the glinting steel points bracketing the long, razor-sharp blade aiming to cut you open.

However, dragon-you just laughs, contempt starting to overtake her as she flares power into your shared wings, spreading them again so that you shoot up until you're above him. By a combination of not needing to accommodate for someone riding you, someone who'll fall if you move in the wrong way, and simply having better flight magic, you easily outmaneuver the wyvern and his rider, feeding your Elthunder into Thunder's Cry to build an Arcthunder.

Recognizing what you're doing, the rider throws his mount into a spiraling, evasive dive, clearly trying to build speed so that he can turn back up and get above you again for another pass. The wyvern, meanwhile, shoots billowing smoke from his maw too provide cover as you start taking aim. It's an effective tactic; most human mages would likely have been utterly blind, forced to guess where the wyvern was to try and hit them or risk over-charging their spell and losing it as they wait for the smoke to clear.

You, however, are not limited to mortal sight. Your eyes find the core of Red magic that makes up the wyvern's heart, your ears catch the beating of his wings, you smell the mix of oil and steel and scale and sweat and fear. Pausing only for an instant, you unleash the massive wave of lightning, stabbing into the heart of the distracting cloud and striking the wyvern at the middle.

As the dragon-kin shrieks in pain, you muse about how, the last time you fought a wyvern, even with Robin and Sir Ector's help, you were only able to wound Deathbringer. However, you've grown since that battle. You've learned so much about yourself, about your magic, about the world. You've awoken your dragon, bonding with her and allowing her to take some of your burdens. You've also… you're forced to admit, grown more cold. You don't like fighting, and you hope you never will… but this world has called upon you to be more than just a scholar, to be more than a mage. This man came here to conquer. To take a people who just wanted to be left alone and force them to kneel or die.

You will not allow it.

The wyvern's scream cuts out as your lightning ravages rider and mount both, the scent of cooked flesh, melted metal, and burned scale filling the air as the wyvern rider spirals into a partially-standing tower, smashing through the stone. A moment later, the rest of the ruined tower collapses, surely crushing the wyvern rider. If they hadn't been dead to your spell, they certainly were now. Turning in the air, you look back to see how Angela and the others are doing.

Thank the Mother, it seems that you were able to distract the remaining wyvern and rider, allowing the Whitewings to gain the upper hand. Blood runs from multiple punctures in the wyvern's scaly hide, and her wingbeats are slightly unsteady. Angela and her friends haven't had things completely their own way: Alexandra looks a little singed, and Angela's holding her side slightly. However, the trio continue their attack relentlessly, wearing down their larger, stronger foe with a combination of speed, skill, and teamwork.

The female wyvern shrieks in rage, swinging her tail fast enough to catch a glancing blow on Bucephila, forcing her to bank away. "Zap 'em, Ryza!" Angela screams, diving in again to strike a blow to the rider, though the man's armor protects him.

Hearing this, and clearly deciding that if he couldn't beat three Whitewings, he wasn't going to beat three Whitewings and a manakete mage, the wounded rider drops into a dive. Your lightning builds again as the wyvern circles the tower, building speed while keeping herself somewhat safe. Angela and Bucephila follow after her, while Alexandra moves to cut the wyvern rider off. You follow the youngest Whitewing, still charging your magic.

As the wyvern shoots from around the tower, going remarkably fast, the beast sends out a blast of fire at Alexandra. The Whitewing dodges away, leaving the shot open for you. Your second Arcthunder flares out, but this time a combination of having to avoid hitting your friend and your target flying even faster and more erratically than the last one means you don't get a full, solid hit. The wyvern and her rider still scream in pain as Yellow magic slashes into them, but they manage to keep flying even as Angela chucks a javelin at their retreating backs, managing to score another hit.

However, as the wounded pair retreat towards the safety of the camp, you have time for one more spell. Re-building your feedback loop, you pump energy into it, hovering in place as you carefully aim, feeding the energy into Thunder's Cry…

Then, just as you're about to unleash your magic, the wyvern rolls over, flying upside-down for a moment as she spits out a wave of fire into the air between you. As you try to look through it with your magical senses, you blink as you realize that the flame is so charged with Red magic that, at this distance, you can't actually see through it! "Clever girl…" you mutter to yourself as you take a guess and unleash your spell, trying to spread it over the entire area: no reason to hold it or let the energy go to waste.

The wyvern cries out, so you know you hit her, but as the fire fades you see her flipping back to fly upright, her rider petting her neck soothingly as they tiredly flap back towards camp. You might be able to catch them (your dragon starts flapping you forwards before your heart gently retakes control of the wings), and you can tell that Angela's considering it. However, it's just too risky: there's no way three Whitewings and a manakete can fight an entire camp of hundreds of Imperials. The wyvern's out of the fight for now, and will be until she can be healed.

As you look around, you see Artemis and the other cavalry finishing their reorganization (Phoebe having grabbed the Imperial leader's silver lance before Count Sobieski could get it), the Northerner cavalry finishing grouping up and starting towards the siege camp, shadowed by the Imperial reinforcements. You peer towards the village; Kelton and Belle and the others have reached it, but you can't get a good look at what's going on.

You hope they're okay…

US: [Belle: (7s + 1 df.)] [Kelton (6s Rerolling)] [Elena (5s + 1s (Triangle), 1 force reroll)] [Alejandro + 4 Myrmidons (5s Critting + 1 a.s.) + (12s)] = 6s Rerolling + 5s Critting + 25s + 1df. + 1 a.s.

THEM: [4 Soldiers (18 rerolling)] [4 Fighters (17, 4 force rerolls)]

(9>3, 5>3, 6>8, 6>9, 5>10, 9) (5, 2, 8>5, 3, 2) (7>3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 2, 1,) (6, 6, 6, 2, 7>10,) (7,) (8, 9, 10,) (10, 6, 6,) (10, 4, 6,) (2, 7, 10)
16+1 a.s + 1 df = 17 success
(2>3, 2>4, 5>4, 5>8, 8>4, 6>4, 6>5, 9, 5>4, 6>9, 1>9, 1>8, 8>3, 3>4, 9, 2>2, 2>2, 7>2) (5>5, 8>2, 1>7, 2>4, 8>9, 8>8, 8>2, 7>5, 7>8, 5>9, 5>1, 9>1, 9, 5>2, 7,>8 8>9, 3>4)
8>7 success

Win by more than 6: Defeat and scatter them, find 2 treasures

Belle POV

You dance back as the big, axe-wielding brute takes a swing at you, growling angrily as blood runs from the wound you'd just slashed into his side. Smirking, you dance to the side, allowing your cloak and skirt to twirl up to reveal your legs. The man hesitates for an instant, his eyes locked onto the smooth flesh of your upper thigh.


You punish his moment of inattention by darting to his other side, jabbing your blade into his flesh. As he doubles over in pain, you take the opening to roll over his back as he swings wildly at you. As your feet hit the ground, you immediately jam your blade up through his neck, causing him to drop with a gurgle.

Men. They're all the same.

"Excellent form, Belle!" Lord Alejandro says cheerfully, his Killing Edge slicing through the air as he cuts into another axeman. This one doesn't drop, able to stay upright just long enough for one of his fellows to finish the Imp off.

When the lot of you had arrived in the village, finding it partially in ruins, you'd unfortunately been met by two-thirds of the Imps in relatively solid order. However, by a combination of your speed, Lord Alejandro's swashbuckling bravado and his men's solid skill, Elena's dogged determination, and Kelton's seemingly pathological need to get hit by every single enemy fighter as he stabbed them and gave other people openings to finish them off, you're winning pretty well.

As the battle moves on a little, you take a moment to look around. You haven't seen very many corpses other than the ones you and the others have made, but there are a few: villagers who either couldn't or wouldn't run when the "foragers" came knocking. You sneer angrily; for a group that claims to be all about protecting all of humanity, these Imperials seem particularly hurty-killy.

You start to move forward to join the others, only to pause. Cocking your head, your turn slowly, looking for the source of the sound that had tickled the edge of your senses. You're pretty sure you'd accounted for all of the Imperial bandits, except the four further in, so what…

There! Tucked in between a house and a tipped-over pile of firewood, shivering fearfully, is a little boy. Probably only about ten or eleven, he's covered in dirt save for the thin trails where tears had cleaned his face. He's clutching something that you can't quite see.

Sighing, you come over and crouch down. "Hey there, buddy, it's okay," you say as softly as you can, wiping the blood off your sword before putting it away. "You're safe, they can't hurt you anymore. Come on out, you should be at the castle where it's safe."

"I know…" the boy whimpers. "But Grandpap wouldn't go… said that this was his home and he d-die in it… I tried to get 'im goin', but…" You sigh, memories of an old woman flashing before your eyes. You know exactly how stubborn old people can get. "Told me that… that I should take the heir- the airl… the thingy that's been in our family so the bad men couldn't get it. Said his grandpap got it fighin' for Starhelm, and that no Imp would touch it as long as any of us were alive."

You gently hold out a hand, helping the boy out of his shelter. "You did a good job holding onto it," you say, forcing down the instinct to get a look and see how valuable whatever he's holding is.

Rule one, don't fuck with kids.

The boy shivers, looking down at his hands. "I- I guess…" he says before looking up at you. "Are… are you gonna keep fighting them? There's a whole bunch more over the river…"

You nod, giving him a savage grin. "Yep," you say. "I come from down south, and we're here to kick all those no-good Imp's asses for coming here and making trouble." Swearing around a country boy who's probably heard way worse is very different from swearing around a sheltered little light spirit like Ryza.

A look of determined anger crosses the boy's face. "Then you should have this," he says, holding out his treasure.

You flinch. "Kid, I can't-" you say, trying so desperately hard not to be tempted…

"It won't do me no good," he says. "But if it'll help you make those bastards pay for what they did to Grandpap and everyone, then take it! Take it and send 'em to the abyss where they belong!"

In addition to the boy's family heirloom that he physically shoves into your hands and refuses to take back, what other interesting treasure do you find that might help, or at least be interesting?

[] Village Items (pick 2, top two will be chosen and the specific form of the item will be rolled for EDIT: A short mini-vote will choose the exact form of the Seal or magic weapon.)
-[] A Seal (Knight's Seal or Mercenary Seal)
-[] A magical weapon (Killer or Brave, sword, lance or bow)
-[] A damaged dragonstone (Useless, but Ryza'll want it)
-[] A big chunk of runestone that has dragon markings on it.
-[] An Elixir (Shadow, Fire or Light)
-[] A letter you find on one of the Imperials

Meanwhile, while the infantry finish cleaning up the village, what do the cavalry and fliers do? (Vote by plan)

[] The Cavalry…
-[] Link up with the Northerners and try to attack the siege weapons before they can fully prepare.
-[] Posture towards the camp. They can't fight it, but they can draw off any reinforcements.
-[] Circle around to cut off the Imperial's retreat. They can't stop them, but they can make them jumpy enough to maybe retreat without any more fighting.
-[] Fall back. You've given the Empire a bloody nose, no need to risk yourselves further.
-[] Write-in

[] The Flyers…
-[] Link up with the Northerners and try to attack the siege weapons before they can fully prepare.
-[] Posture towards the camp. They can't fight it, but they can draw off any reinforcements.
-[] Stay at the Library and bombard either the camp or the siege engines with Bolting.
--[] Camp
--[] Siege
-[] Write-in

AN: And once again, I am reminded that I'm terrible at balancing fights…

I want wyverns to be tougher, so I'm going to be putting out a "patch" where they now get 1 + 1/5 their level in Defense (and promoted wyverns get even more.) However, as this ability is connected to their being related to dragons, that means your Tenfold Shields will also be 1 + 1/2 their level in Defense.
Last edited:
Then the Green-Cloaked Cavalry Arrived
[X] Village Items
-[X] A Seal (Knight's Seal or Mercenary Seal)
-[X] A letter you find on one of the Imperials (Premise of letter: looking for prisoners who know passages through Divine Realms.)

[X] The Cavalry…
-[X] Link up with the Northerners and try to attack the siege weapons before they can fully prepare.

[X] The Flyers…
-[X] Stay at the Library and bombard either the camp or the siege engines with Bolting.
--[X] Camp

"It takes great skill to use a bow. It takes great skill to ride. It takes even greater skill to do both at the same time. And you wonder why yeomen are so effective in battle?"
-Archduke Gengin Cartese after his victory at the Battle of Porcupine Plain

'Let's go get'em!' your draconic self snarls, your own jaw curling slightly as the force of her emotions washes over you. Your eyes turn inexorably towards Artemis as she and the other Southern cavalry ride towards the Imperial siege camp, using the river as cover from the Imperial cavaliers as everyone raced towards the hill covered in scrambling soldiers. By the looks of it, Artemis and the Northerners will arrive at around the same time, but the Imperials will probably reach it a little faster.

You grit your teeth and force calm upon your mind. "By the time we got there, the battle'd be half over!" you say. "We can help best from here!" Landing on the ruined wall again, you look between the boiling mass of men and beasts in the Imperial camp and the slowly turning ballistae at the siege camp.

After a few seconds, you decide that the greatest danger to Artemis probably comes from the main camp. If a big force comes out, centered around the wyvern that's just landed heavily among the tents to get healed, they could cut Artemis off from both yourself and the castle. She'd be able to keep going north, but with no idea what's up there… that'd be dangerous.

Meanwhile, while those ballistae probably have range comparable to your Bolting, the men scrambling around them seem to be having some trouble, and unless that group of Imperial cavalry does a way better job at stopping Artemis than the last group, the siege camp will be overwhelmed before they can do much.

No, your job will be to keep the main camp busy, so that they can't interfere anymore.

Closing your eyes for a second to re-center yourself, you start calculating angles. You don't bother doing a perfect job of it: the camp's very big and you don't need to hit anything in particular, just make everyone jump. Lightning flashes around you for a moment before shooting up into the air, coming down a few seconds later in a massive bolt that sets a tent on fire. About thirty second later, another bolt falls, sending a group of half-saddled horses galloping off, some dragging their screaming riders behind them.

'…Okay, I guess this works too.'

"That's a thing of beauty," Angela says, hovering just close enough that you're forced to recalculate a little to compensate for the nexus of Green magic nearby. "For some reason I've never really understood, pretty much the only magic we can get to work from pegasus-back is Light magic, so aside from a rare few Purge casters we don't get much siege-magic support." She grins wryly at you. "You sure I can't convince you to come work for us?"

Sending another Bolting on its way, you glance over, taking a short breather. "No so long as Artemis needs me," you say.

The Whitewing shrugs. "Eh, worth a try," she said, watching as you prepare another magical lightning bolt.

(Artemis POV)

You watch with grim satisfaction as lightning falls on the invading Imps like rain (okay, maybe not that fast. Ryza's good, but she's got her limits.) That will keep their heads down long enough to do your job.

As you push Actaeon to the head of the loose formation of yeomen, you look over to see one of the Northern troubadours, flanked by two of their yeomen, angling to meet up with you. As she gets close enough, she lowers her staff. "Your arrival brings the dawn, Lady Cartese," she calls over the sound of hooves. "Her Highness was getting a touch worried that you would be delayed."

"Not a chance," you call back. "I promised her we'd be back with reinforcements, and here we are." You're glad that Father decided to send you up here. While you would have argued for someone to be sent north to reinforce them, it feels right that you return to finish what your started yourself. You'd just expected to have to argue for the privilege a bit.

Besides, this way the Northerners get to see Ryza at work, to understand that manakete aren't the mindless monsters the Empire smeared them as. After all, though nobody'd said it, you, Father and Mother had all known that she would follow you wherever you went, especially after you got to meet her dragon-self.

Shaking your head, you focus on the moment. You can marvel at how such a small, innocent girl can transform into a creature that varies wildly between gleeful, overgrown puppy and ice-cold determinator that would give Kopoi a run for his money later. Right now, you have to focus on finishing this fight. You've managed to get away with no deaths and only a few minor injuries so far, you want to keep that streak going.

You won't have a convenient bridge this time, but contrary to what some people think horses are perfectly capable of getting across most rivers, especially since this one didn't look too deep. However, it would slow them down, especially Phoebe and Count Sobieski's men, and by the looks of it the Imperial cavalry would reach the other bank first.

Thankfully, you're not dependent upon getting them into melee. The foot archers on the hill would be able to provide the Imps some cover, but when combined with the Northerners your yeomen have them comfortably outnumbered, and you even have magical support in the form of those two troubadours. That makes you even more glad Ryza was wise enough to target the main camp to keep their heads down. You're pretty sure you can beat these guys, but if more riders, or worse, a wyvern or two, circle around behind you…

Well, that wouldn't be good.

As you think, you watch the Imperial cavalry break into a gallop to ensure that they reach the other side of the river first. Thirteen in all, their leader waves his silver lance around, clearly trying to rally the less-disciplined soldiers guarding the siege camp. The soldiers shakily gather about halfway up the hill, while most of the archers line up in front of them to send arrows over the heads of the cavalry. It's clear they intend to slow you down, to bog you down in an attempt to either buy the main camp time to send more reinforcements or to get those ballistae swung around so they can contribute to the fight.

Frowning, your thoughts race. Agrithian cavalry doctrine focuses on speed and maneuverability: while you could grind through them safely from your side of the river, using it to protect yourselves from the cavaliers, that would cede the initiative to the Imps. They could pull back, force you to cross, get those ballistae working… no, you had to strike hard and fast, but charging across the river into the teeth of swords and lances is not a winning strategy.

Looking over towards the Northern yeomen, you get an idea. "We split up!" you call to the troubadour. "Tell your people to circle that way, towards that shallow-looking area. I'll take my men to that one! We outnumber them, so either they split up and we defeat them in detail, or they consolidate and one of us can punch through to the siege weapons before they can intervene in the fight!"

The woman's eyes flick around, and a second later she nods. "Very well," she says. "Allow me to accompany you on your charge. It would be poor repayment to our friends in the south to allow their leader to fall in our defense." Her staff shone brightly in her hand. "By Sol Invictus's will, my magic will protect you."

You hesitate for a second, but ultimately it makes sense. Ensuring that both sides have some magical protection will go a long way to helping keep everyone you brought here alive and healthy. "Alright!" you call. "Let's go!"

Pointing to her followers, the troubadour sends them back to join their group as the two groups shift apart. A moment later, you feel a warmth engulf you as the woman casts Mend on you, strengthening your body and washing away the fatigue of the riding and fighting you've already done today. Taking the lead, you move to the head of the loose wedge of skirmishing cavalry screening the armored fist of Phoebe, Count Sobieski and the other cavaliers.

You can almost see the thoughts flitting through the enemy cavalier leader's head as the two groups of Kingdom cavalry split up. He can't stop both of you, the two crossing points are just too far apart. He knows that whichever group he doesn't engage will surely overrun the nervous-looking infantry guarding the siege equipment. He knows that a squadron much like the one he commands was annihilated by your charge earlier. True, you don't have Ryza's magical support this time, but that still has to have made an impression.
(Strategy Chosen: 4/6)
Finally, he seems to make his decision. Waving his lance one last time, he slings it over his shoulder and draws a javelin as his men move to shadow the Northerners. He clearly has decided that, while he cannot honorably withdraw without a fight, he wants to preserve his own men. That means that, after a ranged, likely indecisive skirmish across the river against the weaker force, he'll probably pull back in good order while your own people are smashing the siege camp.

Your lip curls. While his tactics make sense… it still strikes you as cowardly, to leave the people he'd been sent to defend to die to save his own skin. Still, letting him go through with it achieves your objective of sending a message to the Empire that the free people of the East aren't just going to lay down and allow themselves to be trampled with less chance of death among your people.

"Let's go!" you cry as you urge Actaeon into the ford, followed by your soldiers. A few wild arrows are sent your way by the archers on the hill, but they clearly hadn't planned out their ranges so nothing hits.

Meanwhile, at the other ford, the Imperial and Northern cavalry begin their deadly dance.

US: [Troubadour (4 + 1 d.f.)] [Magical Superiority (1s)] + [Yeomen 15(3) Rerolling] = 1s + 45 Rerolling + 4 + 1 d.f.

THEM: [Javalins 6(5) Rerolling + 7(4) Rerolling] = 58 Rerolling

(7) (1, 9, 5, 10) (4>3, 5>4, 4>2,) (9, 6>8, 5>9,) (4>1, 9, 7>7,) (1>8, 5>6, 4>5,) (2>9, 1>7, 10,) (3>7, 6>7, 5>3,) (8>10, 9, 5>6,) (6>8, 6>2, 8>4,) (7>7, 6>8, 4>2,) (9, 8>2, 9,) (10, 6>5, 1>1,) (10, 4>10, 9,) (9, 6>3, 1>10,) (7>10, 7>5, 2>10,) (4>5, 10, 7>6)
Success: 21 + 1 d.f
(3>6, 5>7, 3>7, 4>4, 2>9,) (6>2, 5>3, 5>1, 5>7, 6>10,) (10, 3>5, 3>1, 6>6, 4>8,) (5>8, 10, 9, 6>9, 8>5,) (5>1, 7>9, 4>9, 1>5, 7>8,) (3>3, 5>6, 7>1, 8>2, 4>7,) (2>1, 10, 10, 10,) (4>1, 4>10, 7>8, 5>7,) (10, 9, 6>9, 9,) (4>6, 5>10, 8>4, 6>7,) (10, 1>10, 9, 3>1,) (10, 9, 2>4, 2>4,) (1>9, 3>2, 5>2, 4>10,)
Success: 24-1 = 23

Lose by 1-2: Minor wound on troubadour and d3 yeomen (2)

You grimace as you watch the javelins and arrows fly: despite the courage of the Northern yeomen, it's clear they're not as skilled as your own men. You suppose that makes sense, after all they didn't have Robin to train them, but still they allow themselves to stray a little too close, clump up a little too much, and get in each other's way enough that some of the Imperial missiles find their mark. The troubadour does her best, and does manage to keep all of her followers in their saddles. However, even she takes a javelin to her side, preventing her retaliatory spells from doing more than singe the leader of the Imperials. Meanwhile, the heavy, well-made armor of the cavaliers stands off the arrows well enough, with only a few minor wounds to some of the horses that are quickly treated by vulnerary patches.

However, your allies' bravery serves its purpose, allowing you and the other Southerners to cross the river. For a moment, you consider turning to drive off the Imperial cavaliers. However, as you glance up at the siege equipment, you see that a few of the ballistae are being turned towards the ruins of the Library, where Ryza still stands, continuing to cover you with her lighting bolts. At this range, they'd have to get exceptionally lucky to hit her… but with the size of those bolts, they'd only have to get lucky once.

No, you'll clear out those siege engines first, then turn on the cavaliers if they decide to stand and fight.

"Forward!" you cry, digging your heels into Actaeon's sides and sending him towards the hill. The Imperial infantry scramble to meet you, soldiers locking shields and setting lances while archers draw their bows for a proper volley. As you raise your own bow and hear the creaking limbs from the yeomen behind you, you brace yourself for combat.

US: [Artemis + 4 Yeomen (5s + 1s Rerolling +1s + 1 d.f) (12s Rerolling)] [Phoebe + 1 Yeoman (3s + 2s Rerolling + 1s) (3s Rerolling)] [Axton + 3 Yeomen (4s Rerolling + 1 d.f) (9s Rerolling)] [Lancel + 2 Yeomen (4s Rerolling) (6s Rerolling)] [Count Sobieski + 3 Cavaliers (7 + 9 Rerolling)] [1 Troubadour (4 +)] [Magical Superiority (1s)] = 48s Rerolling + 3s + 16 Rerolling + 4 + 2 df.

THEM: [Soldiers w. 1 Steel Lance (13) Rerolling] + [Archers w 1 Steel Bow (19) Rerolling] = 32 Rerolling

(10, 1>4, 10, 10, 3>3, 8,) (10, 10, 5>10,) (3>5, 2>7, 8,) (8, 10, 8,) (10, 2>9, 8,) (9, 4>3, 3>1, 2>2, 3>8,) (7, 6>4, 5>10,) (3>10, 2>5, 1>2, 8,) (2>3, 6>3, 3>8,) (2>1, 4>5, 4>7,) (1>5, 2>2, 8,) (10, 1>6, 4>7, 1>4,) (2>5, 7, 7,) (3>4, 8) (1>10, 6>3, 4>9, 3>4, 4>8, 4>6, 2>1,) (2>10, 4>7, 2>1,) (7>10, 1>7, 8>3,) (1>10, 1>4, 7>1) (4, 9, 1,) (9, 8, 1, 7)
Success: 36 + 2 d.f.
6>10, 4>10, 7>3, 1>6, 2>7, 2>10, 6>2, 1>10, 1>10, 6>5, 5>5, 8>10, 9, 8>10, 2>3, 6>1, 5>3, 2>6, 5>4, 10, 9, 8>8, 4>9, 4>6, 1>4, 10, 5>5, 3>7, 7>2, 9, 5>1, 2>1
Success: 13-2=11

Win by more than 6: Rout infantry, destroy siege equipment, scare off cavaliers

You almost feel sorry for the Imps.


A pitiful volley of arrows flies from the top of the hill, gravity speeding them on their way as they descend towards you. One lucky one strikes your shoulder, but before you can even begin to process the pain it's wiped away by the Mend spell from the troubadour behind you. Gritting your teeth, you loose your own arrow, followed by the rest of your men. Your volley loses some of its momentum climbing the hill, but they still fall among the Imperials, forcing the soldiers to duck behind their shields.

As you swing half your yeomen right, Axton and Lancel lead theirs left to give the cavaliers a straight shot. Despite the slope, Phoebe and Count Sobieski accelerate their mounts, and as another volley of arrows tears into the Imperial's flanks, their morale shatters. The soldiers scramble for cover, some throwing down their weapons and trying to run away. However, they're ridden down a moment later, and the Southern cavalry burst into the siege camp.

Shooting one of the archers wrestling with a ballista, you point to the loaded weapon. "Shoot that into the camp, then break it!" you screech over the sound of screaming men, neighing horses, and twanging bows. "We can't hold this, but we can help Mistress Levinheart hold them back!"

Thankfully, even in the swirling melee, two of your yeomen hear and move to obey, swinging off their horses and re-sighting the immobile bow towards the Imperial main camp. While yeomen are not the best-trained when it comes to ballistae use, Robin makes sure that everyone has a least a passing understanding for situations like this.

Leaving them to their business, you watch as Phoebe spears a man trying to wield a massive sledgehammer with her new Silver Lance before drawing her sword and beginning to cut ropes on the massive trebuchet that had been rising to bombard Castle Starhelm. Meanwhile, Lancel pulls out a torch and starts striking a flint near it, ready to start setting things on fire so the Imperials have nothing to salvage once they get their act together and come to retake this hill.

On the other side, Axton and a few yeomen had surrounded a couple of carts that some of the engineers and laborers had taken cover under. "Come out!" the older yeoman shouted, aiming his drawn bow at them.

The Imperials cringe back, clearly expecting to be shot at any moment. You don't think that's going to happen. These men (and a few women) are unarmed and clearly not trained soldiers. However, just in case, you make your way over, ready to intervene if any of your soldiers start moving to take justice into their own hands. "If you come out now and do not resist," you say sharply, "then you will not be harmed." From what you know of Princess Alina, you don't think she's the kind of person who'll execute noncombatants. At least not without a good reason.

As the workers crawl out, whimpering and keeping their hands up, you leave them to Axton and the troubadour, turning to focus on the Imperial cavaliers. Thankfully, Count Sobieski had managed to keep most of the men under control, forming a loose picket line near the crown of the hill between you and the enemy rather than riding off after some of the Imperials who'd managed to escape the hill. The Imperials have pulled back a little from the river, letting the Northern wing of the cavalry attack lick their wounds.

For a moment, your eyes seem to meet the leader of the Imperial cavaliers. You can tell he's considering an attack: his men weathered the storm of skirmishing arrows well, and your numbers are close to each other. Without the barrier provided by the river, it'd be easier for his heavy shock cavalry to get close to your skirmishers.

However, the second he moves towards you, the yeomen across the river will come to your defense, and he can't survive a pincer attack, even from light cavalry. This is especially true since your yeomen won't rout as easily as the men who'd been up here: they'd probably been conscripted levies as opposed to the well-trained regulars of the Agrithian non-noble army. With a core of melee cavalry of your own, you'll hold him off long enough for the Northerners to flank him, no questions asked.

Meanwhile, he has no hope of immediate reinforcements: Ryza's Boltings continue to keep the Imperial camp diving for cover. You briefly see a new wyvern try to fly out of the camp, but a few more aimed bolts later it dives back into cover. No, there's only one choice for him to make. Raising his silver lance again, he rallies his men and turns north: there's plenty of space between them and the Divine Realm border to circle back around to the camp.

You consider going after them, to either defeat them utterly or at least make their lives miserable as they retreat. However, you can see that the speed of Boltings is slowing: Ryza probably can't keep up the bombardment for much longer. Besides, you still need to finish destroying the Imperial siege gear, get the prisoners across the river… you can't really afford to go galloping off seeking to win harder than you already have.

No matter how much as you want to.

The village has been cleared: you see Alejandro leading the infantry back towards the Library. All three pegasi are still in the sky, circling menacingly to dissuade the third wyvern rider from trying anything. By all accounts, this battle's over: it won't be long until one or more of your main forces arrives, then you'll see the Imperial raiders off for good.

"Count Sobieski!" you call. "I will escort the prisoners to Castle Starhelm and touch base with Princess Hornglade, can I rely on you to ensure that our forces make it here on time?" The older noble nods. For all that he still clearly thinks he'd be the better overall commander for this expedition, he wouldn't let personal grievances distract him in the face of the enemy. "Make sure Lord Rignali doesn't do anything foolishly brave. Axton, I'm leaving you in charge of the Agrithian force. Get them up here and support our allies, so we can see these invaders off before they do any more damage!"

"Yes, my lady," the veteran yeoman says. "What of Mistress Levinheart?"

You chuckle. "I'm sure Ryza will make her way to the castle herself, if for no other reason than my being there. If she does choose to go with you, then be sure to convey my gratitude to her for her excellent aid."

Ryza POV

You let out a slow breath as you watch as Artemis and her people make their way down the hill, leaving several bound people who you guess were Imperials working on setting up the siege machines, heading towards the ford where the Northern cavalry are waiting. Thankfully, even as you're forced to slow your casting as mental exhaustion starts taking hold, it seems the Imperials have decided that this battle is over and they're not going to try and keep fighting it. You can see a few groups starting to mass on the other side of the camp, but in your current state you're having a bit of trouble accurately targeting them…

'We did good, right?' dragon-you asks, your shared tiredness bringing an edge of worry to her mental voice.

'Yes, we did good,' you reassure yourself. You kept the Imperials from doing anything bad to Artemis and the others while they were clearing everything out. You've surely saved Starhelm. Everything's great.

Spreading your wings, you let your Yellow magic fade into the static-charged air and fly up to join Angela and the others. "Do you think it's over?" you ask.

She nods. "I think so," she says. "They've got another wyvern in there, the one you nearly shocked, and they'll probably have the one we wounded back up and about again. But I don't think they're going to be fool enough to try anything." Shading her eyes, she watches as most of the Southern cavalry split off from the Northerners and ride towards the bridge where the remnants of the first Imperial cavalry group, while the yeomen turned towards the castle. Meanwhile, Artemis and Phoebe join the Northerners in hustling their captives towards the castle.

"Let's go see what's going on," you say.

"Sounds good, kid," Angela says, whistling to rally Bucephila and Alexandra. "We're probably going to be heading back to the main army so we can kick the Imps out, but maybe something else's come up."

The four of you aren't assaulted as you fly towards Artemis. The new, bigger wyvern pokes up again, but as you turn and start casting they dive back into the camp, clearly not willing to try and fight you yet. You're slightly surprised that there aren't any Imperial mages trying to contest you: you remember reading that humans have siege tomes, so why aren't any of them here trying to hit you?

Maybe the Imperial mages are all still mad about what the Regent had tried to do to the Marble Hall? If so… well, that was a big help. Magic is super helpful, so if the Imperials won't have much of it, that should make this stupid war be over faster so you can get back to helping make the world better.

Gliding down, you hover next to Actaeon. "Hi, Artemis, are you okay?" you ask.

Your friend nods. "Yes, I'm fine," she says. "Our friends saw to that." Glancing over, you see the Northerners all staring at you as if they'd never seen anything or anyone like you.

'I mean, they haven't,' you think at yourself. That is true, isn't it? You'd hoped some of the news of you might have crept this far north, but it seems that's not the case. At least not to the point where Northern soldiers are comfortable with you on sight.

You probably shouldn't let your dragon out until they've settled down unless you have to. Dragon-you grumbles in irritation at this, but as annoyed as she is you can tell she knows deep down that you're right. She just won't admit it.

Bringing yourself back to the outside world, you smile at the nearest White mage. "Hello," you say. "I'm Ryza Levinheart. Thank you for helping Art- Lady Cartese out." As much as titles irritate you, you should use them around new people, so as not to make a bad impression.

Swallowing, the white-clad woman inclines her head. "Sun shine on you, Mistress Levinheart," she says, shifting her Mend staff in her hands. "Might I presume you are the mage who was providing Bolting support?"

You nod. "Yes, that was me," you say. "I'm glad I could help."

Artemis nods before looking at Angela. "Dame Angela, please aid my comrades in organizing and bringing our army into position," she says. "If there's a message that needs to be sent out from the castle, Ryza will be able to handle it."

The Whitewing nods. "Sure thing, my lady," she says. "See you on the other side." With that, she nudges her pegasus and gallops off before rising into the air. You watch carefully as the three Pegasus Knights fly away, just in case the wyverns try anything. However, they seem content to stay and organize their soldiers, as they don't poke their snouts out of the camp.

Landing on the back of Artemis's horse, you glance over at the cluster of bound Imperials being marched along, surrounded by men with bows pointing arrows at them. You frown as you realize that, unlike the wary surprise that the Northerners are throwing your way, most of the prisoners are staring at you in undisguised horror. Specifically, at your wings.

It seems that rumors of your nature have started creeping this far north, at least on the Imperial side.

"Don't," Artemis says softly. Looking up, you see her looking over her shoulder at you. "There's a time and a place to try and make friends, and this isn't one of them. They'll be imprisoned and interrogated to find out what they know about the wider Imperial invasion, so I don't think they'll be in the mood to discuss the fine distinctions between manakete and dragon nature."

You shrug. "Okay," you say. "So what now?"

Artemis nods towards Castle Starhelm. "We'll meet up with Princess Alina," she says. "And we'll see what kind of forces she has available to her. Then, we decide how exactly we're going to defend against the Imperials, because they'll be back. And in greater numbers."

Sighing, you suppose it was too much to hope that they'd realize this war was a bad idea once the Southern Kingdoms showed up and go home. "Alright," you say. "Anything in particular I can do to help?"

"Well, just being around as a flying siege caster's a huge boon. That and a deterrent to wyverns: in the north the Empire's used to having aerial supremacy. Hopefully, you'll be able to pick a few more of their wyvern riders off before they figure out just how big a threat you are to them."

Nodding, you look around, only to frown and shade your eyes. "Is that Belle and Kelton?" you ask, pointing towards the two figures jogging towards the castle from the village, followed by a few other figures. Those aren't soldiers…

"I think it is…" Artemis says. "Looks like they found some survivors in the village."

The White caster speaks up. "Praise the sun," she says. "Her Highness sent out the evacuation order as soon as we realized the danger that was approaching, but sadly there were some who couldn't or wouldn't make it to the castle in time. After all, we do not serve their ancestral lords, there were some who wouldn't listen to the Princess. When we saw the 'foragers,' we feared the worst." Whistling, the robed woman makes a few gestures, gathering a group of riders. "Do not worry, my lady, we'll escort them in."

"I'll go with you," you say quickly. "Those are my people who're leading them, I should make sure they're okay."

"Are they… like you?" the woman asks warily as you lift off from Actaeon's back.

You shake your head. "No, no, they're human," you say as you fly alongside her. "I'm a manakete, what humans have known as dragons, but I'm not like those old stories. I just want to help my friend and stop the Regent and his people from hurting anyone else."

"I see…" the woman says, frowning slightly. "Well, it is good that you are here, Mistress Levinheart. My name is Sister Selinda."

Cocking your head, you study her robes: they're not the same as the cloak you were given, and you don't see a ring on her finger. "It's nice to meet you, Selinda," you say. "Forgive me if this is weird or rude, but are you not from the Marble Hall?"

She shakes her head, a slight frown marring her face. "No, I'm not. While it is the largest magical school in the world, it is not the only one. The Corona Cathedral in the Divine City is where those who wish to dedicate themselves to Sol Invictus go to receive their training both in divine magic and scripture."

For a moment, you consider trying to discuss your idea that the First Mother and Sol Invictus are the same goddess, but before you can decide if this is the right time or place you reach Kelton and Belle. "Hey, Ryza," Kelton says cheerfully, waving with a shield that has a lot of bangs and dents in it. "Nice lightning work, good to see your practice paid off and you didn't hit anyone on our side."

"It's good to see you too," you say, calling up a coil of White magic to wipe away a few of the injuries you spot. "Is everyone okay? Elena? Lord Rignali?"

Belle nods. "Yes, everyone's fine," she says. "We got the drop on most of them, and the last group didn't put up much of a fight." She waves a dirty, slightly torn piece of parchment. "Kelton found something interesting on the leader of the group, and since there were a few villagers that needed to get to safety, Lord Flirt sent us over to deliver that to Lady Artemis and you." She gave a cheeky grin. "Also, there's another little something I think you'd be interested in," she continues, throwing a glance at Sister Selinda.

Before you can answer, the priestess speaks up. "You know divine magic?" she asks you, sounding surprised. "I had thought you an Animist."

"I know White magic, yes," you say. "Manakete can learn all colors, and being able to heal and help people is something I want to be good at. As for my beliefs, while I recognize and respect spirits-"

'And hope they can help us solve humanity's problems,' Dragon-you says dryly.

"-I venerate the First Mother," you continue without missing a beat. "She's a goddess of light and healing too, so we should get along."

Selinda frowns thoughtfully before glancing back towards the Imperial camp. "As fascinating as that sounds," she says. "And it sounds like you and I can have a nice discussion about theology, we should get moving. It seems that the invaders are nearly finished organizing."

Looking over, you flinch as you see two wyverns in the air and multiple squadrons of riders galloping about, far more than you could hope to fight. The wyvern you'd hurt before is in the sky again, so at least one talented White mage must still be working for the Regent. The other is the larger, particularly ill-tempered looking female you'd seen poking up and down a few times. Her rider is dressed in slightly more ornate armor; that must be the person in charge of the army!

Thankfully, despite the villagers walking with you, the Empire makes no move to try and attack you. Instead, they move to look around the ruins of the siege camp, meeting up with the cavaliers that had retreated, as well as sending a few groups to secure the ruins of the Library. Alejandro and his people had already ridden off on their horses, so there was no danger there. The wyverns occasionally start flying in your direction, but a quick crackle of Yellow magic into the sky is enough to dissuade them.

A few tense minutes later, you reach the castle. It's not as big as Castles Legerius and Agrithe, but it's still very impressive. Made of shining white bricks, it almost seems to glow a little in the sunlight. The gates are quickly swung open, allowing the lot of you in.

The courtyard of the castle is even more crowded than the ones at Agrithe and Legerius. Not only are there soldiers and horses, but there's a large number of village people, along with their own animals: sheep and goats and cows. The scent is overwhelming, but despite the pervasive scent of fear, you see hopeful looks being thrown around, and you're pleased to see that a few of those hopeful looks are sent in your direction. You smile and wave at anyone who looks at you, and while nobody reciprocates they don't cringe away fearfully either.

As the group begins to break up, with the yeomen pushing their horses towards the overcrowded stable and the villagers hurrying towards their fellows, another woman in the same outfit as Sister Selinda approaches, hugging her cloak around herself to hide the red stain on her side: she must be the other White mage from outside. "Mistress Levinheart," she says. "Her Highness and Lady Cartese are atop the wall and wish to speak to you as soon as you arrive."

You nod. "Alright, thank you," you say. "Are you alright?"

The priestess flushes slightly. "I am well, just got a little tangled up during the fight against the False Savior's men," she says. "But please, excuse me, there are people who need tending to." With that, she hurries off. Sister Selinda gives you a small bow before following her.

"Well, that was fun," Kelton says, looking around. "Never actually been forced into a siege environment before; worst we faced in Miau were some bandits we could handle with a bit of help."

"Be glad," Belle says darkly, hugging her cloak around herself. "And keep your wits about you; it doesn't look like the siege's gone on long enough for things to get truly desperate, but people might still make a grab for any valuable they see."

You shake your head. "Don't worry," you say. "Once we push the Empire back, everyone will be able to go home safely." For some reason, Belle and Kelton throw each other a look, but you're busy scanning the top of the walls, eventually spotting Artemis, Phoebe, and another woman pointing into the distance. "There they are," you say.

"Good luck getting through the scrum," Kelton says dryly. "But I guess we gotta go. Stick close; I'll push us a path."

You, however, have a different plan, born of the impatient insistence and cheeky pride currently swirling about in your draconic self. She isn't wrong, however. "Nah, I've got this," you say, spreading your wings. "See you up there." Then, before either of them can try to dissuade you, you give a big flap and fly up towards the wall. It's important that the Northern Kingdoms get used to you, since you're going to be helping them out. That way, they don't get surprised when you start flying or casting without a tome or other such things in the middle of a fight.

Plus, it's a chance to show off a little. You hear gasps and cries from below as you land on the wall and make your way over to Artemis.

Your friend grins wryly. "I remember a time when you were nervous to even say that you could see in the dark," she says.

Puffing up your cheeks, you frown at her. "That's not true! I was just following your advice not to stand out too much until we could talk to your father and figure out what to do."

"That's true, I suppose," Artemis says, before glancing back at a brownish-red haired woman with a white cloak stitched with sunbursts, holding her arm out to block the path of a man in big, heavy armor carrying a spear. "Princess Hornglade," Artemis says formally. "Might I present my friend, Ryza Levinheart, Head Mage of Agrithe."

You curtsy a little. "Hello," you say.

Princess Alina raises an eyebrow as she looks you up and down. "Well met, Mistress Levinheart," she says, inclining her head slightly. "Lady Cartese was just telling me a little about you, after your rather impressive display of siege magic. It is good to know that we will have expert magical support."

"Thank you," you say. "Apollo said you were really good too, and Sister Selinda and her friend also seem like they're pretty good, so there shouldn't be any problems with magical help."

The princess blinks before smiling dryly. "It's nice to be remembered fondly," she says. "So how are things at the Hall? I don't remember ever seeing you there, though it has been some time since I left."

You frown. "Things are okay," you say. "But the Regent was trying to kidnap all the Kingdom students. Archmage Stormspeaker and I were able to stop them, but when I left there were still a bunch of soldiers lurking outside…"

Alina jerks back as if struck. "I had known he was mad…" she said, her eyes narrowing furiously. "But I did not know his lust for power ran so deep…" She takes a long, slow breath. "It seems that I am further in your debt, Mistress Levinheart, both as a noblewoman and as a mage. I have friends there, who I doubt would have been treated well if captured."

"I was glad to help," you say. "There were a lot of nice people there, after all."

"That there are," Alina says. "That there are." There was a long silence before she continued. "Forgive me, Mistress Levinheart, if this is rude, but might I ask what you are? After all, at the risk of sounding arrogant, I had thought I would be youngest accredited mage for a good long while. And I've never seen anything like those wings…"

You shrug. "Well, you still are," you say. "I'm ninety-three, which means that in pure years you're still younger than I am. If we start talking relative ages, things get weird, but I'm happy to let you keep that title."

Alina blinks. Then she blinks again.

"Yeah, you never really get used to that revelation," Artemis says, looking over the wall towards the Empire. "As I told you, things are rarely as they seem when Ryza's involved."

Seeing that the princess is still stunned, you continue. "I'm a manakete," you say. "Humans would call me a dragon, but while she's an important part of me, she is only a part of me."

'Say hi to the princess for me!' dragon-you thinks cheerfully.

"…She says hi."

Swallowing, Alina closes her eyes for a second and takes a deep breath. "I had heard a few rumors about there being new information about dragons…" she says slowly. "But with everything else going on I didn't have time to look into it…" She looks to Artemis, who gives her a nod. "Very well. If Lady Cartese and Archmage Stormspeaker trust your judgement, then I shall trust you as well. Especially since you come to aid us in our time of need." She shakes her head. "Well, I guess that explains a lot of things…"

"Sorry for just dumping that on you," you say. "But I learned that humans don't expect manakete, so I have to be clear to avoid confusion or embarrassment."

Alina nods. "That makes sense," she says. "Well, setting that aside, we needs to decide what to do about these invaders. Lady Cartese has already told me that reinforcements are on the way, so we'll need to be ready to-" she stops, peering into the distance. "Wait…"

"I think you're right," Artemis says, pulling out a spyglass and looking through it. "It seems they figured out that there must be an army nearby, and they probably don't want to be cut off."

Shading your eyes, you stare at the Imperial camp. You'd expected some of the activity to taper off now that the fight's over, but if anything it's picked up, The cavalry are patrolling aggressively, having taken over most of the plain between the castle and the river, but they keep a respectful distance, especially as a few ballista are shot from towers towards them. You briefly consider beginning a Bolting cast, but they're moving around too erratically to be worth it.

Meanwhile, behind them, the camp seems to be being packed up, big draft horses being hitched to wagons as tents are pulled down. "They're leaving?" you ask.

"It seems so," Alina says. "It was clear this was a probing attack, designed to force a response, but they don't seem to have expected reinforcements from the south. At least not this quickly." She frowns thoughtfully. "But for what purpose…"

"Maybe the letter Kelton found will be able to tell us," you say, spotting your friends arguing with a pair of guards at the top of the stairs, clearly trying to get to you. "They're just over there."

Alina looks over before gesturing to a nearby archer. "See that those two are granted passage, they have useful intelligence," she says. The archer bows before hurrying over. A minute later, Kelton and Belle are ushered over, though you notice a few men lurking nearby, watching them.

It seems that, even though the North and South are allies, they're still a little wary of each other.

If your friends notice, they don't give any indication. "Ryza, your ladyships," Kelton says. Belle nods just enough to not be rude, but doesn't say anything as she wraps her cloak around herself. "So here's what I found. It got a little beat up, but I made sure the guy who had it didn't bleed on it too much."

"Thanks, Kelton," you say, taking the piece of parchment and handing it to Artemis, who hands it to Alina. The princess opens the note, studying it for a few seconds.

"Interesting…" she murmurs, glancing at the Imperials. "Those men were not just foraging for food and supplies, they were specifically ordered to work to capture people who have knowledge of the land, especially at and even beyond the border with the Divine Realm…"

You cock your head. "Why would they want that?" you ask.

"I don't know," Alina says thoughtfully. "But I intend to find out." She looks to Artemis. "Thanks to your efforts, we have some prisoners to interrogate. Would you join me?" Artemis nods. "Thank you. Captain," she looks to the armored man behind her. "See to the defenses. I don't expect the invaders to assault the walls, but if they do, inform myself and Lady Cartese at once."

"Yes, your Highness," the man says.

Meanwhile, you look up at Artemis. "What should I do?" you ask.

Your friend pats you on the shoulder, offering you her spyglass. "It'd probably be best if you stayed here," she says. "While I doubt Princess Hornglade will go with… the Mary method, shall we say, interrogations are never pleasant affairs. Besides, if the Imperials do try anything, you'll be instrumental in seeing them off.

You frown, but nod. "Okay," you say.

As Artemis and Alina leave, the soldiers surrounding the area drift to other parts of the wall, leaving you, Kelton and Belle alone. "Well, we're here," you say, unfolding the spyglass and peering towards the Imperials. Wow, it really does work, you can see everything! Including that cavalier making the middle-finger only gesture towards the castle... wait, you'd thought that was a friendly hand sign...

"Yep, we're here," Belle says, moving to your right side as Kelton stands on your left. "But now that we've got the noble busy-bodies away, there's something else I found that you might want to take a look at."

You start opening your mouth to tell her off for being rude to Artemis, but you're distracted by a glinting object she pulls from her cloak… one seemingly coated in magic. "What…" you say, slowly taking the shield-shaped object. You flinch as you see that some of the glinting comes from carefully-cut fragments of dragonstone, one of each of the five colors, as well as dusting that's surely more dragonstone… but the sheer magical power in such a small space means this is no simple runic structure…

"Voidspit…" Kelton says in awe. "Is that a bloody Knight Seal!?"

Belle smirks. "Yep," she says cheekily. "While you were off banging your chest and beating up goons, I found a nice kid who wanted us to use this to get revenge for his grandad. Apparently, his family'd had it for ages. The local nobles must not have known they had it, or they'd have stolen it or taxed it or just offered so much money for it the family couldn't refuse." She jerks her head. "That's why I didn't pull it out before: while Lady Cartese seems a good sort, she'd have argued for your right to it, I didn't want to test the new girl's temptation until I get a measure of her." She looks at Kelton. "From what I know, you can never fully tell with these things, but I think it might work for you."

As you hold it, feeling the flow of magic, you think Belle might be right. You can faintly sense tendrils of magic brushing towards Kelton with a… curious but slightly approving air. There are other tendrils drifting about, some towards the big knight near one of the ballista, organizing another volley at the Imperial cavalry. Another coil drifts towards Phoebe, following after Artemis, but that snaps as she gets too far away.

This object… for all that it was stolen from your people, just like every other magical item… if it helps end this war so you can make a better world afterwards… maybe you can bring yourself to give it to a trusted friend. Someone who knows what it cost to make it, who will respect the lives and sacrifices of the manakete whose stones went into it…

An hour later, the Imperials pull out of their camp and retreat down the road. An hour and a half after that, the first elements of the Southern army arrive, setting up camp in the remains of the Imperial camp (as the castle is still full to bursting.)

From there, Artemis, Alina, Alejandro, Count Sobieski and Sir Rimpler take over a tower office and begin making plans, organizing their soldiers, and sending out messages to other Northern troops in the surrounding kingdoms. You feel a little lost, but Artemis makes sure you're kept enough in the loop to not be completely confused. Still, you have enough free time to do something interesting.

What is the one major thing you do while plans are being made?

[] Talk with Sister Selinda about Sol Invictus and the Mother, to see if you can figure out what connection might exist between them.
[] Take a closer look at the Knight Seal Belle found. It's intensely magical, but there's more to it than that…
[] Try to spend some time with the leaders of this army you've found yourself a part of. You know Artemis well, of course, and you're an acquaintance of Alejandro Rignali, but you'd like to get to know Princess Alina, Count Sobieski and Sir Rimpler.
[] Spend some time with the other soldiers you know that came with Artemis. Elena still seems a little lonely, and you haven't had a lot of time to talk to Axton and Lancel and Phoebe recently. Plus, spending time with Kelton and Belle is always nice.
[] Write-in (subject to veto)

In the end, what role does Artemis (and you, by extension) end up taking in the immediate future of the war?

[] Launch a lightning raid into the Empire. You don't have the numbers to fight the armies gathering across the border head on, but Artemis talks about using cavalry and flying raids to hit supply lines and other vulnerable points to slow them down and weaken them for when the major clashes begin.
[] Set up a defensive position on the border. This means that, if the Empire returns, they'll have to do so in force rather than small raiding armies like the one you saw. As you've learned, big armies are slow, so if they have to move one you'll have more time to figure out what to do.
[] Scout the border of the Divine Realm. The letter Kelton found has you worried, even though most of the nobles dismiss it. Artemis is willing to back you, though, so she's taking a group of yeomen up to check it out, along with your friends. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's something, but if nothing else you might get a chance to meet some Divine Realmers.
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Take Me to Church(land)
[X] Spend some time with the other soldiers you know that came with Artemis. Elena still seems a little lonely, and you haven't had a lot of time to talk to Axton and Lancel and Phoebe recently. Plus, spending time with Kelton and Belle is always nice.

[X] Scout the border of the Divine Realm. The letter Kelton found has you worried, even though most of the nobles dismiss it. Artemis is willing to back you, though, so she's taking a group of yeomen up to check it out, along with your friends. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's something, but if nothing else you might get a chance to meet some Divine Realmers.

"Angels are mysterious things. Existing in only a few scattered pictures and ancient stories, nobody knows if they are previous creations of Sol Invictus, if she is simply the most powerful and glorious of their numbers, or if their relationship is something beyond our mortal understanding. All that is known is that they ride on wings feathered in light, and that none alive have ever seen one in the flesh. All that is known is that once, before the Emperor befouled this sacred land, they watched over it and those who were faithful… before the dark times."
-Canticles of Sun-Father Michael II

You sigh slightly as you leave the tower office. You appreciate that Artemis wants you to feel involved, and wants you to be seen as being helpful by the other nobles so they'll respect you, but you are aware that this is not your area of expertise. You don't really know how to command and organize large numbers of men to protect an area. You were even confused about why chokepoints were being discussed until you were reminded that very few humans have access to flight, so natural barriers are a much greater deterrent than they would be for manakete.

Most of all, you have to continuously sit on your dragon-self's urge to blurt out that you should just all get together in a big group and march over to Wyrmrise and bite the regent's tail until he stops being a jerk. Or better yet, send you over there to breath lightning on him.

So while you appreciate being kept in the loop, to be able to listen and learn how humans do things in case you have to do this again in the future, you're not sure how much help you are. All you've really been able to do is answer a few questions about magic that you're pretty sure Princess Alina could have answered (but she was nice enough to let you do it) as well as reiterate some of the things you saw on your trip through the Empire.

The news about the large army coming up from the southwest is met with consternation but not panic. "We figured this would be the main target," Sir Rimpler had said, the large painted pegasus feather in his big, poofy hat bouncing slightly as he nodded. "And a great many of those soldiers are likely intended for the invasion of the Divine Realm rather than us, and the Empire will be loath to spend them early."

You'd nodded, that made sense. Apparently, while the united Northern Kingdoms have about as much land as the Divine Realm, the former Union is more unified, wealthy, and is better prepared to resist an invasion. It will take a lot of people to conquer it.

Not that you intend to let things get that far.

On that note… "I still think we should take a look at the border region, where that letter said the Imperials were looking for information…" you'd said.

Count Sobieski had managed not to roll his eyes at you, but you could tell he wanted to. "Your concerns have been noted, Mistress Levinheart," he'd said. "But I am still of the opinion that they were simply taking the opportunity to do some reconnaissance in the act of sending their message." Most of the other nobles in the room had nodded, both the major players like Princess Alina and other landed Northern nobles as well as the ever-present cluster of hangers-on that made the room so crowded…

Before you could argue more for the position, a bell had rung elsewhere in the castle, and Alejandro Rignali had suggested that you all break for lunch. "It's getting a little stuffy in here," he said, fanning himself slightly, the very topmost button of his shirt having already been undone to show his neck and the very top of his chest in a way that you'd seen draw a few of the women's attention.

'Hey,' Dragon-you cuts into your musings, drawing you back to the real world. 'Focus! We hear something, what's that?'

Refocusing, you frown as you hear quiet but still angry voices coming from down a staircase. You might not have noticed them if your other self hadn't pointed them out. 'I don't know,' you think back, spreading your wings and hopping over the banister in order to glide down faster, ignoring the shocked cry from further back the corridor you'd been walking down. 'Let's go find out!' Your other self pulses her agreement.

You have to go down a few floors, but eventually the noises become more distinct. Landing on the appropriate floor, you hustle down a few corridors before turning to see a group of people surrounding a single woman.

"-don't belong here!" one of the men, a villager if you had to guess, though he seemed to have been conscripted to some sort of guard duty as he has a spear that he's not quite pointing at the woman, but is dangerously close. "We don't want no Imps here!" A few of the other men, a combination of villagers and soldiers, agree.

You start as you realize that the woman they're surrounding is Elena! She has her back against a wall, and while you can tell she's trying to appear non-threatening she's gripping her axe very tightly. "I'm not doing anything wrong!" she says, fear and anger chasing each other as she presses herself harder against the wall as the Northerners circle closer. "I came with Lady Cartese and the others, I'm just try'na help-"

"Yeah, and if you think anyone's gonna believe that I'm the Sun-"

"I believe it!" you snap, flapping your wings and taking advantage of the relatively high ceiling (and your small size) to fly over the harassing Northerners and float in front of Elena. "After all, I was there for all of it."

The Northerners stumble back, their eyes widening as they stare at you. You're generally popular around the castle, even if it's not in the same comfortable, easy way that the people of Agrithe are starting to treat you. Instead, whenever you're around, especially if your wings are out, ordinary people stare at you with an either worshipful or fearful reverence. You don't feel comfortable with it, but if it'll help you protect Elena, then you'll use it.

The leader of the gang stutters, but manages to draw himself up. "Mistress Levinheart," he says. "We were just making sure there were no spies sneaking about-"

'As if!' Dragon-you thinks, anger coiling around her being, and for once your heart isn't in the mood to channel it away.

"I looked to me like you were all bullying her just because she's not from around here!" you say out loud, turning in the air to sweep your eyes over everyone. "Elena's my friend, she came with me from Agrithe to help you all, and without her telling Lady Artemis what the Talons were doing she might not have known exactly what was going on and the Imperials might have taken over the castle before we got here. Do you want that?"

Most of the Northerners quickly shake their heads, but you hear one of them muttering under his breath, clearly thinking you can't hear him. "So not just an Imp bitch, but a treacherous Imp bi-"

An Arbiter-honest snarl originates from your dragon-self and escapes your shared throat as you spin in place to glare at the man. You don't care about the faint hissing of Yellow static starting to fill the air around you thick enough to generate tiny sparks, you don't care that your ears have lengthened and your eyes gone slightly slitted. All you care about is making that jerk stumble back a bit as you pin him to the wall with your gaze. "Care to repeat that?" you ask icily.

Dragon-you is far less restrained. 'Make. Him. Suffer!' she growls mentally, her rage building. That, more than anything, reminds you of your place as the Heart. You have to rein this in!

Focusing, you ignore his babbled apologies and the way everyone else is backing away to give you a clear path to him. Forcing calm back on your mind, you channel out some compassion as you speak more gently. "I understand that you're scared," you say. "I understand that you're scared and it's easy to lash out when you're scared. But Elena didn't do anything to deserve this. She's come here to help you, just like I have. We all need to work together, just like Lady Artemis and Princess Hornglade and everyone else. That's how we're going to make things right."

The humans all glance at each other. "I-if you s-s-say so, Mi-Mistress…" the man you'd been glaring at stutters out.

Guilt pools coolly in your gut. "I'm sorry I scared you," you say. "What you were doing and saying was wrong, but I shouldn't have lost my temper." Dragon-you grumbles a little, but you can sense the guilt seeping into her too, and she wilts slightly as it suffices her being enough to shift her emotional state away from her anger.

The Northerners look at each other again, and you're heartened to see a few of them are looking guilty too. "I… We're sorry…" the leader said, lowering his lance as the others began slinking away. "We were just…" he seemed to struggle to find words for a few seconds before shrugging helplessly and leaving himself, leaving only you and Elena in the corridor.

"Sorry about that…" the former Talon says, slumping tiredly against the wall. "I saw them glaring at me, but I thought I'd be able to lose them…"

Gently, you pat the bigger woman on the shoulder. "You have nothing to be sorry for," you say, landing. "I'm sorry I lost my temper, that can't have been pleasant."

She smiles wryly. "Maybe if you'd been looking my way," she says bravely, though you get the feeling she isn't being a hundred percent honest. "But since you were protecting me, it's fine. You did nearly hit me with your wing a few times, though."

The two of you stare at each other for a second before you nod. "Alright," you say. "I'm glad that you're okay."

"Me too," Elena says. "I mean, I probably could have fought them off… but that would have just gotten me in real trouble. Best thing to do in the long run would have just been to take it…"

You shake your head sharply. "No! No you shouldn't have to just let people walk over you because you're different! I know I don't."

'Mostly,' your other half thinks dryly.

However, you press on with your initial thought. "If anyone gives you problems, come talk to me or Artemis, we'll set them straight. You came here to help us, and that means we're going to help you."

The Imperial woman looks at you oddly. "…You'd really do that, wouldn't you?" she says, a faint note of wonder in her voice. "I'm just a farm girl turned mercenary turned deserter… and you'd do that for me?"

"Of course," you say. "That's what friends do for each other."

"…You really mean that?" she asks. "That we're friends? I mean, you're really nice, but we don't… we haven't known each other all that long."

You consider Elena's words thoughtfully. It's true, you haven't known her very long, and aside from a few stories, mostly about her time with the Talons, you don't know a huge amount about her past.

However… "Yes," you say. "You were there at my Awakening, that alone gives you a big leg-up, and my dragon likes you-"

'She gives great head-scratches! Tell her she gives great head-scratches!'

"-especially when you're petting her," you continue. "And nothing I said before was wrong: you are here risking yourself to help make things right. It's not your fault if they don't recognize that." Lifting your head, you take a sniff as the smell of cooking meat drifts up from the courtyard… "As for the rest, why don't we sit down and learn a bit more about each other?"

Elena blinks a few times before slowly smiling.

"I… I'd like that."

Gained Support Rank C: Elena

"-so now we're going to be riding north, to the border," you say to Axton and Lancel as you sit and watch them rub down their horses after a day spent patrolling the area around the castle. Night is falling, and you're glad to hear that there weren't any problems.

While your conversation with Elena over lunch had been fun (and somewhat productive, as enough people had seen the two of you together that hopefully nobody would give her any problems anymore) it turns out that Alejandro had been using that lunch he'd suggested to quietly talk to the various nobles and their aides, convincing them to support sending a small expedition north to the border to check things out.

"For all that he's an incorrigible flirt," Artemis had muttered after the meeting finally broke up and the two of you stood by the window, watching him chat casually with a few women. "He does know what he's doing when it comes to sweet-talking people into doing what he wants."

Unfortunately, the man himself hadn't been able to convince the council to let him go as well. With Agrithe being the biggest single force currently around (Only a portion of the Hornglade army was present, along with a few scattered remnants of the Starhelm forces that hadn't followed their lord into the Empire and a few knights and men-at-arms from nearby kingdoms showing the banners) it had been decided that you'd provide the scouting force. That meant Artemis was in charge, and despite the requests of several of the nobles you'd insisted on joining her.

Which led you here, telling Axton and Lancel to be ready to ride out again in the morning.

The two men nod. "Very good," Axton says.

As you watch them tend to their mounts, you frown slightly. "I'm sorry it's been a while since we really got a chance to talk," you say. "I know you came to my Awakening and dragon-me played with you a bit-"

'I picked Axton up and put him on top of one of those pillars,' she says proudly.

'Yes, and that wasn't a nice thing to do,' you remind her.

'Everyone else was laughing! And I said sorry afterwards!'

Meanwhile, you continue your verbal comment. "-but we haven't really talked much otherwise…"

The two glance at each other. "Surely that is not so surprising, Mistress Levinheart?" Lancel says. "After all, you're Head Mage of Agrithe. You have more important things to do than seek out two common yeomen."

"But you're not just two common yeomen!" you say. "Not to me! You're two of the first people I met after I woke up. That means something to me, and I don't want to forget that."

Axton sighs, but Lancel nudges him and gives him a meaningful look. "We appreciate that, Mis-" You give him a Look. "-Ryza," the younger yeoman says. "So, other than the meeting, did anything else interesting happen while we were gone?"

You spend some time telliing them about what happened with Elena. "I don't get why they were being mean to her," you say as you finish, munching on the dry, salted jerky that Lancel had offered you. It's not as good as the freshly cooked and seasoned cuts of meat that Mother and Father made ('or the taste of raw goat in your mouth!' your bigger half says), but its almost addictive in its own way. "I mean, she's here to help, isn't she?"

Axton shrugs. "Most people tend to be very insular and suspicious of outsiders," he says. "There's a reason small villages have a reputation for being somewhat unwelcoming of strangers. Add on that these people were just invaded by people who sound like her…"

"But Miau was really nice to us," you say.

"True, but there are always exceptions to the rule. Besides, the people had met Lady Artemis before, and as such were less suspicious of her. The fact that we were clearly in distress also helped, most people will be willing to set aside some prejudices for those in need."

You suppose that makes some sense. Even though you're sure that Mother would have let a stranded, weary traveler rest if they'd come to your doorstep, she likely would have kept an eye on them. "So did you both grow up in small villages?" you ask. "Axton, you said something about a forest once…"

The older man nods, tearing off a piece of his own jerky as he looks up at the stars. The three of you are sitting outside the stables, listening to the ongoing hum of conversation from the hall. For some reason, none of you had felt like joining in tonight. "Some ways north of Castle Agrithe, yes," he says. "We were even smaller than Miau, which might have been part of the reason we were a bit more insular. Urban folks say that in small towns, everyone knows everyone, but that was literally true for us. Pretty much the only outsiders we saw were the occasional messenger or traveler who'd gotten lost or our lord when he came by hunting."

You turn to him in interest. "So what brought you out here, then?" you ask.

A small, rare smile crosses his face. "While most of the village was content to stay in our little corner of the world, Father had always been a wanderer, at least according to Mother. He'd been called up for levy service in his youth, and afterwards he'd stayed behind to train as a yeoman. Even after he had completed his active service, he took every opportunity to leave the reserves, to get back into the thick of it. It seemed he spent more time away from home than present."

Frowning, you realize there's a lot of past-tense talking in there. "What happened to him?" you ask.

Axton sighs. "He met the fate all warriors do eventually," he says. "He met someone who was younger, faster, luckier, and he died. He died defending Agrithe, which I'm sure is the sort of death he wanted… but that didn't help Mother. She never recovered from the grief, just… wasted away."

You reach out and pat his arm. "I'm sorry…" you say.

"It's the way of the world," he says. "Eventually, all things pass."

'So did he join to go fight the guy who killed his dad?' your impulsive self asks. Thankfully, your heart thinks better of phrasing it that way.

"So did you become a yeoman to honor his memory?" you ask instead.

He shrugs. "In part, I guess," he says. "Though part of it was that I simply didn't have anything or anyone left in the village after Mother passed. It's part of the reason I stayed on after my initial service ended; I'd found a place at the castle, and I felt it was better to stay with it."

"So… you don't have any family anymore?" you ask. When Axton shakes his head, you frown. "That sounds lonely. You should try to find-"

Lancel chuckles and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Don't," he says, but there's humor in his voice as he speaks. "It won't work. Pretty much everyone in the yeomen has tried to find a girl for Axton, and he's rebuffed us at every turn."

'… maybe we should go see if Legerius has any girl yeomen, like we found Claire for Kelton, so he'll be less stuffy,' dragon-you says. You nod to yourself, it's not a bad idea, though you probably should think about that later- 'But then he'll stay grumpy we should do it ~nowwwww~…'

"Mistress Levinheart?" Axton asks.

"Nothing, nothing!" you say quickly as humor and embarrassment swirl between and around the parts of your being at being caught thinking about something like that! "So, Lancel, what about you? What's your story?"

The two glance at each other, but after a moment both shrug. "I grew up in a stone-working and mining village, near the quarry that supplies Castle Agrithe," Lancel says. "It's where I picked up what little I know about it: I was pretty young when… well, digging is always a dangerous job. Sometimes, people break into old tunnels, ones that are best left sealed…"

You have a feeling you know where this is going… "What sort of monsters were down there?" you ask nervously.

The man signs. "Just the one: a great bloody cyclops. No idea how it got down there, but one minute everything was normal in the village, and the next… well, that massive thing's bursting out of the ground, waving around an axe bigger than some houses and doing what monsters do."

You blanche: while intelligent, magical monsters like gorgons are far more dangerous, few things can match the sheer destructive power of a cyclops. They're also very difficult to permanently kill; stories of them having their heads ripped off and their hearts torn out, only to continue fighting, are pretty common. Just about the only way to really kill them is magic; preferably expunging every trace of corrupted "soul" from them with White or Black magic or reducing their body to ash with the elemental colors. "How-"

"-Did I survive?" Lancel asks. "We were lucky. So, so lucky, that Master Shadebringer happened to be in town. The village militia were able to hold it off, distracting it with various arrows and javelins, as he used his power to destroy it. We still lost a lot of good people that day, including my family, but the town survived." He sighed. "I was like Axton, I guess; I didn't have anyone else. Besides, I'd nearly been crushed, but one of the yeomen with Master Shadebringer had grabbed me and carried me to safety, and I wanted to pay the good deed forward."

Looking between them, you consider the similarities between you all. All three of you've had your parents torn away by violence, only to find a new calling in Agrithe. True, Axton and Lancel'd already lived there, but still… "I'm sure your parents would all be very proud of you," you say. "Artemis and I probably wouldn't have made it to Legerius without you…"

Axton rolls his eyes. "I understand that you're trying to be nice," he says. "But we all know that's not true. You could have flown Lady Artemis home easily enough without us."

"Besides," Lancel says. "It's weird to hear you saying that, even though I know you're older than both of us put together."

Smiling, you wrap and arm around both their elbows. "Agree to disagree," you say to Axton. "But even so, I'm glad I met you both. Thanks for giving me a chance, even if I scared you when we first met."

"You're welcome, Ryza," Axton says. "Thank you for putting up with our suspicions."

Gained Support Rank C: Axton and Lancel

The next day finds you, Artemis, Phoebe, Axton, Lancel, and ten yeomen you don't know riding towards the border, with Belle, Kelton and Elena riding on the backs of some of the bigger horses. Sister Selinda is guiding you, though by the sound of it she'll have to return as soon as she's gotten you to the right place. You're not sure if you hope you find trouble, so you can say "I told you so" to all the doubters, or that you find nothing so that there aren't a bunch of Imperials sneaking around planning to invade the Divine Realm.

Thankfully, even as Starhelm turns to a tiny dot on the horizon, there's no sign of trouble. In fact, the first other person you see is an old man sweeping the pathway leading to a small shrine that, according to Sister Selinda, acts as a sort of marker for the border.

"Welcome, travelers," the old man says in a crinkly voice, but you can see the White magic gliding gracefully around him. He's not as powerful as Mistress Softshimmer, but in some ways you get the feeling that he's more attuned to his magic than she is, despite her surely having a Guiding Seal. "What brings you here?" He looks you all over, frowning a little. "And so armed and in such numbers."

The troubadour gets off her horse and bows deeply, forming an O with her hands over her heart. "Sun shine upon you, Father," she says.

The man repeats the gesture. "And also upon you, Sister," he says.

Standing, Sister Selinda gestures back to the rest of you. "This is Lady Artemis Cartese of Agrithe and her retinue, who have come from the south to help the Northern Kingdoms in their time of need," she says formally. "I am sure you have heard of the invasion into Starhelm by the servants of the False Savior?"

Frowning, the man nods, his eyes pausing on you for a moment. "I have," he says. "Though I would prefer if you do not use such incendiary language, especially not of the dead. Whatever the sins of his linage, Emperor Thaddeus was doing his utmost to make amends, and Sol Invictus shines warmly upon those who earnestly seek redemption. The world is lessened by his loss."

The younger priestess flinches. "My apologies, Father," she says. He makes a gesture of acceptance, still studying you. "Well, there is some evidence that the Imperials are planning to do something up here, and Lady Cartese, in her wisdom, wishes to survey the land, to ensure that there is no trouble."

Finally looking away from you, the Father looks Artemis over, nodding slowly. "While I hope that no war comes to this place," he says. "I am grateful that you have come so far to protect others, young lady."

Artemis, who'd dismounted, nods. "All those who seek freedom must stand together when the wyrm awakens," she says. "Besides, the Empire targeted my friends and I before they came here, so I have my own reasons to fight."

"I see," the man says, his eyes drifting back to you.

Swallowing slightly, you slip off Actaeon's back yourself. "Can I help you, Father?" you ask.

He starts slightly before giving a wry smile. "My apologies, child," he says. "I have just never seen such a bright sanctum of lightning magic contained within a physical form." He watches your cloak swish. "Nor have I ever seen a Marble Hall cloak upon so young a body."

Sister Selinda glances at you. "Mistress Levinheart is an… oddity, that is true, Father," she says. "But her heart comes from a pure place, and she seeks to protect others."

"That is good," the father says. "But where are my manners? I am Father Simon, the caretaker of this humble shrine." He glances up at the sky. "If you need time to rest, then you are all welcome here," he says. "And as you will be traveling in lands unfamiliar to you, I believe I have a map that will help you."

"You are most gracious, Father," Artemis says.

He waves a hand. "It is but a piece of parchment, child," he says. "though I would ask that you return it before you depart." His smile takes on a slightly teasing air. "I worked in a library in my younger years, in the Divine City. You would be shocked at how many people forget to return that which they have borrowed."

Artemis nods. "I will do so, Father," she says.

As the yeomen get off their horses to give them a quick rest, the old man walks back into the shrine, using his broom as a staff. A minute later, he exits with a large, rolled piece of parchment. "Here, Lady Cartese," he says, offering it to Artemis. "Sunlight brighten your path."

"And the Spirits be with you, Father," Artemis says.

"Thank you for your help," you say as everyone starts getting ready to leave.

Father Simon studies you again, his brow furrowed thoughtfully. "Forgive me, child," he says. "But might I know your name? Not just the title you seem to wear somewhat uncomfortably, if I might be so bold."

You jerk, you still aren't used to your mage-name, but you hadn't thought it was obvious! "Oh, yes," you say. "My name's Ryza."

"Ryza…" he says slowly. "Not the sort of name that is common in the Southern Kingdoms…" He glances at Sister Selinda again.

You hesitate for a moment, but you're trying to spread the word about what manakete were really like. "That's because I'm not from the Southern Kingdoms," you say, unfolding your wings. "I am a manakete, what humans know as dragons. I'd thought that Jenna had sent letters to the Revisionists up here, telling them about how we really were?" Had those letters somehow gotten delayed?

Father Simon blinks once, then twice. "I… see," he says, his eyes tracing your wings. "I will admit, that was not what I had expected," he says. "I had thought you had been particularly blessed by a spirit…"

"I have not seen her other form, Father," Sister Selinda says. "But I have spoken to enough of the soldiers from the South to know that it is true. She is of draconic blood."

"Hmmm…" Father Simon says.

A few tense seconds pass before Kelton speaks up. "Is there a problem with that?" he asks in what's clearly intended to be a mild voice, but you can tell that if the man gives the wrong answer, there are going to be some sharp words and maybe a few thrown spears.

The man waves a hand. "No, no," he says. "Sol Invictus has never seen fit to reveal all things to her servants, and thus we are often surprised. I had not expected this morning to be told that the ancient ones still walked the land, I had though the old Emperor had been… most thorough."

You flinch. "Well, I know I'm alive," you say. "And I'm hoping to find others." Looking around, you see the yeomen have finished re-mounting. "Well, it was nice talking to you, Father Simon," you say, flapping back onto Actaeon's back. "But I have to go help Artemis and the others. If you want to know more, you can talk to any Revisionists you know, I was told there were quite a few living here in the Divine Realm."

"So there are," Father Simon says as he watches you. "Though sadly, not so many live near me." He pauses. "However… perhaps I shall find a replacement to watch the shrine temporarily so that I might learn more. It is not every day that a living legend walks out of history one sunny morning."

…You're not quite sure how you feel about that statement…

Thankfully, before anything more can be said, Artemis gives a whistle as she looks up from the map. "Alright, we have a job, people!" she calls. "Mount up and let's get going." She gives a nod to Sister Selinda and Father Simon. "Thank you for your assistance. Rest assured, if the Empire is planning something up here, we will deal with it."

Both priest and priestess nod. "Sun guide you, Lady Cartese," Sister Selinda says.

"You too," your friend says as she gets up in front of you, letting you wrap your arms around her as she leads the way west at a canter.

As you glance back, however, you see Father Simon staring after you, a small frown on his face. Sister Selinda says something you don't catch, and he simply nods, not taking his eyes off you.

'… I don't know if I like him,' dragon-you says quietly.

'I know what you mean,' heart-you says back. 'I mean, he didn't do anything bad, and he seemed nice enough, but…'

'He was kinda weird,' both your halves say together.


As you begin your patrol of the border, occasionally dipping into the Divine Realm to cover more ground, how do you personally scout for trouble?

[] You stick close to Artemis and the rest of the group. While you will fly around and ahead, you're always within easy range of them. This does limit your options somewhat, and it's possible you'll miss something, but if you run into trouble you're assured to have help.

[] You range well away from the others, covering large amounts of area. This means that you're all but guaranteed to find out about any shenanigans going on, but it's possible you might do so far enough from help that you'll either have to handle things alone, or flee with your tail between your legs if it's beyond your solo abilities.

[] You convince Artemis to split the group up to cover more area. She and Phoebe will take five yeomen, Axton and Lancel five more, and the infantry will cover the wooded areas that horses are less maneuverable in. You will act as the glue holding these groups together. While you're all but positive you'll find any trouble that might be out here… you'll do so with only a portion of your full force.

[] Write-in (subject to veto)
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Sun and Shadow
[X] You range well away from the others, covering large amounts of area. This means that you're all but guaranteed to find out about any shenanigans going on, but it's possible you might do so far enough from help that you'll either have to handle things alone, or flee with your tail between your legs if it's beyond your solo abilities.

"No matter the unity of our nation and church, no matter its ideals, no matter its faith, no matter how hard it works to show all the light of Sol Invictus, there will always be those willing to break faith to serve their own ends. Such is the curse of human greed and human nature."
-Proclamation by Sun-Father Leon I in the aftermath of the First War of Divine Defense

(Intentions: d3=3)
A man stands in front of a large statue, frowning up at it thoughtfully.

He'd seen this statue many times before, of course. After all, it was located behind the main alter of the shrine he watched over. It was a statue depicting his goddess, a tall, detailed work of marble art depicting a beautiful woman wearing a flowing robes, holding a diamond-tipped scepter in one hand and a golden orb representing the sun in the other.

However, most of the man's focus is on the two smaller figures kneeling on either side of the woman, staring up at her adoringly. One boy and one girl, both are childlike in their appearance, and both have feathery wings sprouting from the back of their robes. He stares at those wings… they're smaller than the wings he'd seen on the girl… feathered rather than wyvern-like… but the similarities are still uncanny.

Taking a long, slow breath, Father Simon turned and started down the aisle of his shrine, the faint tap, tap tap of his staff filling the large, empty room. Normally, he said he was too old to travel. More than that, he was happy here on the outskirts of the Divine Realm, far from the politics and scheming that all worldly powers engaged in. However… there came times when his Goddess's message rang clear in his mind, when he could not deny Her will for him. On those days, he put aside his own wishes, gave praise to Her for trusting him to act as a vessel of Her will and pick up the subtle clues She gave him, and set out to do Her bidding.

After all, Sol Invictus was the goddess of knowledge, redemption and truth, the protector of the wrongly accused and the whispered will to be better than one's base impulses. Simon had long had suspicions and ideas and theories, based on years of rumor and half-considered ideas. However, those are now solidified by the clarion call of a single meeting, and if he does not share this new revelation, if he hoarded it like treasure, then it's of no use to anyone.

He had told young Ryza that he might speak to some of the Revisionists he knew of, and he planned to. However, in truth, his primary intention in the Divine City was to visit an old friend.
(Associate: d6 = 6)
Mathias would surely be most interested in who Simon had met and what he suspected young Ryza was capable of.

"You know, you don't have to do this," you say as you wrap your arms tighter around Kelton's shoulders, your legs tucked under his arms as he carries you on his back.

The soldier shrugs, causing you to hold back a yelp as you tighten your grip to hang on. "Maybe not, but that doesn't mean I won't," he says. "You're pretty light, and with all the flying around you've been doing you deserve a rest."

It had been a few days since you left Simon's shrine, and so far you haven't seen much of interest. While Artemis and the humans are staying relatively close together, spread out only a little to sweep for tracks or other signs of disturbance, you have been flying a much wider search pattern, using the map the old priest had given you to keep your bearings as you look for any trouble.

So far, you haven't found much. You've seen several groups of woodsmen and hunters, but Artemis told you that was to be expected, so you'd left them be. You had seen a cart trundling along, seemingly trying to skirt just outside the borders of the Divine Realm. That had been interesting enough that you'd reported it to Artemis, and she'd come over to take a look. However, it had turned out to just be some "smugglers," and while your friend clearly hadn't liked them, she had said that they were only a minor problem and not worth the time and effort to arrest and escort to Starhelm.

However, there is still quite a bit of border region to search, so here you still are. You and your retainers are currently walking through a more wooded area along one of the many branching streams in the area, someplace horses would have a bit more trouble with. The rest of the scouting group is nearby, you can hear them all around you and even catch glimpses. If there are any Imperials hiding in the area, you're spread out enough that you'll find them.

Any others, you'll have to find yourself on your next wide flight.

Your attention is brought back to your immediate surroundings by your other self in time to duck under a low-hanging branch that would have tangled in your hair. "Thanks, Kelton," you say. "Have you done anything like this before? I thought Arden was older than you."

Your friend gives a bark of laughter. "True, but I probably could carry her like this if I wanted; she's a bit of a stick. Not that she'd let me. No, my sister's off limits, but there are some kids back home who think I'm cool, especially when I rescue pets from trees and carry them back after they get injured playing in the forest. So yes, I do have experience carrying kids, though most of them couldn't beat a wyvern rider one on one."

Humming, you lean your chin on Kelton's head. "So do you miss Miau?" you ask after a moment. "It's been a while since you've been back, and depending on how long we have to stay up here helping the Northern Kingdoms it might quite a while longer. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good," Kelton says. "I guess I do miss it a bit; even the way the mayor'd chide me when I took initiative rather than solving everything in a committee. But what I'm doing is important; while I'm sure life for most people in town wouldn't change if the Empire were to take over tomorrow, the process of getting there… well, change always brings about instability, and bandits and thieves thrive on instability."

"I feel like I should be offended by that last bit," Belle says dryly.

Kelton throws her a grin. "Nah, you're not a thief, you're a privateer! That's totally different."

The redhead kicks his shin. "Yeah, because that's totally wrong! Privateers are bought pirates, not land thieves! I'm a…" she frowns. "You know, I don't think there's actually a word for what I am… huh…"

"Spy?" you offer. "You're kind of like a less-scary version of Kopoi, and that's what he is."

Belle gives a bark of laughter. "That's like saying a candle's kind of like a less-hot bonfire," she says. "Fell Seals are supposedly the most intense type of seal, the one that changes their wielder the most. When you get around to giving that Knight Seal of yours to someone, they'll just get a little more intense and chivalrous and junk like that. I don't know what that guy was like before he picked up that Fell Seal, but I doubt it was anything like he is now." She shrugs. "Besides, spies steal information. I'm more of a… security consultant? Counter-assassin? Professional back-watcher?"

You reach out a hand for her, your other arm tightening around Kelton's shoulders to hold you up. "I think friend works best," you say.

"You see, this is why you need a professional back-watcher," Belle chuckles, but she does reach out and hold your hand. "Even now, you're still way too nice for your own good."

"I don't think so," you say. "At least not when it comes to you. You've been with me for a while now, and you've always been nice to me and helped me out, so why wouldn't I trust you?"

Belle stares at you for a moment before smiling. "I mean, that's logical, but I've found most people aren't actually very logical, especially not when it comes to people like me. It's… well, it's nice to have someone who doesn't just make assumptions, even though I'm used to it." She smirks. "Besides, you pay well."

"On that note, I've gotta ask, what do you do with the money?" Kelton asks. "I know you send a lot of it somewhere; you're the one who gave me the idea to send some of my pay to Arden to help her out while I'm not around, but you've never said what you do with it. I didn't think you had any family."

You bump your chin against Kelton's head. "Be nice, Kelton!" you chide him.

The former thief is silent for several long seconds before she sighs. "I guess, if you're both willing to trust me, I can trust you too," she says. "So you know how I said I knew Baron Cicenco by reputation because I grew up in his lands? Well, the reason I knew he's an untrustworthy douche is because I lived in one of the orphanages in the main city near his castle. My mom died in a big Flame Fever outbreak when I was ten, along with a lot of other kids' parents. So the orphanage was really overcrowded. His Baronly Goonishness made a lot of promises about how he'd make sure everyone was taken care of, but I guess he thought it wasn't worth the effort, since we were constantly over packed and underfed." Her eyes narrow. "In that sort of environment, the only way to survive was to look outside the law. A lot of the kids stole, I just turned out to be the best at it. Only one to never get caught."

You frown. "Couldn't you have asked Countess Mantrae for help?" you ask.

Belle laughs bitterly. "Ryza, most commoners will never be in the same building as their noble overlady, let alone get her to make one of her minions do what they're supposed to. No, we were on our own." She sighs. "But while things have settled down since I've grown up, I never forgot how bad it was in there, so I tried to help out as much as I could. Before you hired me, I wasn't able to give much, but now I'm able to send enough that I like to think I'm making a real difference. Doing more than he ever did."

As you watch the woman wrap her cloak more tightly around herself, you can't help but feel that there's a bit more to this than she's telling you, but at the same time you're not going to go picking at a scar that's clearly still painful to her. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Belle," you say softly. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

She smiles. "Not while you're stuck saving the world from the Regent and his emperor-murdering, world-conquering conspiracy of goons," she says. "Afterwards… I don't know. You going to Baron Cicenco's domain probably won't be pleasant for anyone, but…" she shakes her head. "Don't worry about it. We'll be fine. Besides, you have your own problems to deal with."

You shrug. "Well, I'll probably be passing between Agrithe and my home pretty regularly," you say. "And I was planning to stop by Miau so that Kelton could visit. It wouldn't be hard to stop by the orphanage so you can visit. I'd like to meet them, since they helped you be the kind of person who'd protect me from Ubel and help save Sypha even though it was a lot more dangerous for you."

Both humans look at you. "Wouldn't it be easier to just turn into your other self and fly straight there and back, skipping all the other stuff on the way?" Kelton asks.

"I mean, you're my friends," you say. "So it's important to me to make sure you can stay connected with your friends and family, and if you're okay with it I'd like to get to know them myself."

'Besides, I'm super fast so we can do both and still be quicker than that stupid carriage,' your other self gripes as memories of the bumpy ride with Sypha surface.

Belle chuckles. "Well, if that's your goal, you'll have to go to Castle Legerius too," she says. "And make sure to drag Kelton along so he can talk to his girlfriend-" Kelton tries to kick her, but she dances away, laughing.

You laugh too, hugging Kelton's shoulders. "It's okay, I like her too," you say. "And I know you like her a lot; you got as upset when you were mad at her as I was when I was really mad at Artemis for a minute or two," you say. "That means that you care."

"I guess that's true…" Kelton says.

The three of you continue walking in silence for a few seconds before Belle gives you a cheeky grin. "On the topic of boys and girls having certain feelings for each other," she says. "I've been meaning to mention that there's a few boys in Agrithe who've been asking me what sorts of flowers you like. I figure you for an edelweiss girl, what with growing up in the mountains, but if that's not the case-"

You squawk, which causes Kelton to laugh and squeeze your legs tighter. "Don't worry, it's part of growing up," he says. "After all, you are a very cute little girl, so it's only natural that some boys'd develop a crush, especially since you saved Lady Artemis-"

"Please stop!" you cry, but even as they laugh at your reaction, you can't help but be happy that there's enough of a relationship between the three of you that you can have these jokes with each other and not take offense.

Or at least you sure hope they're joking!

Gained Support Rank B: Kelton and Belle

Before anything more can be said, the sound of approaching hooves causes you to turn to see Artemis approaching. "Ryza, Kelton, Belle," she says. "Great, you're all here. Axton saw some signs of a big rider group moving through his part of the line recently, close enough that we probably only missed them by a few minutes, maybe half an hour. You up to take a look, Ryza? It could just be a Divine Realm patrol, but they seemed to be trying to avoid the road."

You nod, flaring your wings and slipping off of Kelton's back. "Sure thing, Artemis," you say. "Which way did they go?"

Artemis points. "They seemed to be going that way, along the border on the Divine Realm side and heading east. They weren't a huge group; we would have heard them if they were, but big enough that you need to be careful."

'We can take them!' your impulsiveness says. You shush her; confidence is good, but so is caution.

"Alright," you say, flapping up into the air. "I'll go find them."

Artemis nods. "Thank you, Ryza," she says. "I have a bad feeling about this, so I'm going to get everyone else together and we'll be right behind you. Figure out who's out and about, then come let us know what we're dealing with." You nod before sliding up into the canopy, flying in the direction that Artemis had pointed, trying to both stay in some sort of cover and find whoever's riding at the same time.

Thankfully, despite there being wyverns and pegasus riding knights, it seems that humans still have trouble remembering to look up for trouble or danger. After a minute of flying, you start hearing the sound of horses up ahead. Slowing your wing flaps, you quietly glide through the trees, relying more on magic than on aerodynamics. Finally, you peek around a big, bushy bunch of leaves into a small clearing near one of the branches of the stream.

You frown, there's about ten horses and twice as many people wandering around, seemingly taking a short break. Unlike the Agrithian yeomen and their green cloaks and the Northerners and their white coats, most of the riders are dressed in a mish-mash of different outfits and seem to be riding horses of varying quality. The only thing they have in common is the fact that they all have bows and light armor on their torsos.

Standing near them, stretching their legs, are more familiar figures. These are clearly Imperial soldiers; wearing the red armor you'd seen marching about in the camp you'd shot lighting bolts at. Each carries a round shield with what looks like three mountains painted on them, another symbol you recognized. They stay near their horse friends, and they seem to be split into two equal groups: one by the stream, the other near a large wall of tangled berry bushes on the other side of the clearing that they seem to be foraging from.

Meanwhile, between the two groups and a little towards the center of the clearing, three figures are looking at a map and talking. One is a young man dressed in an outfit similar to Father Simon's, though less ornate. He has a Heal staff in his hand, and you see that he seems to be doing most of the pointing.

The second man makes you shiver a little: he is clearly wearing a black Marble Hall cloak. You can sense the Black magic coiling about him. You don't figure he's hugely powerful, but he's clearly experienced. He seems to be mostly quiet, just standing with his hand on the shoulder of the last figure. Under his other arm is a tome, one that you're pretty sure is Elflux (you haven't studied Black magic, but you've started to recognizing the decoration humans put on their more advanced tomes).

The final human is an armored woman, holding the reins of a bigger, similarly armored horse. She's listening quietly to the white-robed man, her free hand on the hilt of her sword. As you watch her, there's… something about her. Something that makes you sure she's the leader of this Imperial group. It's as if she has an aura, not magical, but simply of authority, of will.

Oh, and the fact that she has a fancy cloak with the same mountain symbol as the soldiers (but much more detailed) doesn't hurt.

Carefully, you creep closer through the air, making sure to not make any noise that would alert them to your presence. You're no Black manakete, but with the amount of cover you have, it's not too hard to get close enough to strain your ears and listen in.

"-and you'll have to avoid this shrine here, the guy who runs it is much more observant than he pretends to be," the priest-looking man is saying. "Other than that, most of the path is pretty clear. I'll be able to make up something that'll lure off this Solar Knight garrison long enough to slip the strike force past."

The woman grunts. "Very good," she says. "But you'll forgive me if I want to see this all for myself. It's not in my nature to trust a traitor, even if he is betraying other traitors."

The priest puffs up. "Dame knight, I find it insulting that you-"

"Both of you, please," the Black mage says, his hand moving to touch the unarmored part of the cavalier's upper arm gently as he speaks. She glances at him as he does this, but doesn't comment or pull away. "Everyone makes mistake, my lady, and this young priest is trying to make up for the mistakes of his ancestors. That is a good thing." He glances at the priest. "Similarly, we are putting a great deal of faith in you, as is Lord-General Wellingford. We must be certain."

The two nod to the Black mage before glancing at each other. "Very well," the priest says, rolling up the map. "A force this small should be able to slip by the garrison without a distraction, so I'll be able to show you all the way to the Hornglade border."

"Very good, priest," the cavalier says. "Alright, men, take a breather, we move on in ten." There are a few sighs and grateful agreements, and the men seem to settle down a bit. However, you can see they're keeping their weapons close at hand.

This isn't going to be easy.

You start to slip back towards where Artemis is hopefully bringing up the rest of the group. That should allow you to decide what to do.

Pre-Battle Phase (Remember, Vote by Plan):

Your Force:

Ryza (Level 5 Yellow Manakete, Thunder's Cry, Mother's Hymn, Firecall, Gyra-Dregon's Dragonstone, Shadow Elixir, Flying)
Belle (Level 5 Thief: Steel Sword Infantry)
Kelton (Level 4 Soldier: Steel Lance, Javelin Infantry)
Artemis (Level 4 Bow Lord, Steel Bow, Steel Knife, Elixer, Cavalry)
Phoebe: (Level 3 Cavalier, Silver Lance, Steel Sword?, Cavalry)
Axton (Level 3 Yeoman: Steel Bow, Iron Knife, Cavalry)
Lancel (Level 3 Yeoman: Steel Bow, Iron Knife, Cavalry)
Elena (Level 3 Fighter: Steel Axe, Hand Axe Infantry)
Ten Generic Yeomen (Level 3, Iron Bows, Iron Knives, Cavalry)

Enemy Force:

Group 1:
Level 6 Cavalier w. Steel Sword and Iron Lance (Boss)
Level 6 Black Mage w. Elflux
Level 2 Priest w. Heal and Light

Group 2:
4 Level 4 Yeomen w. Iron Bows
4 Level 5 Soldiers w. Iron Lances, 1 Steel Lance

Group 3:
4 Level 4 Yeomen w. Iron Bows
4 Level 5 Soldiers w. Iron Lances, 1 Steel Lance

You and your friends are coming from the south-west, along a narrow creek into a small clearing. The northern part of the clearing is a mass of berry brambles which will be very difficult to get through. However, the rest is open.

The Imperial scouts are separated into three groups, though they are all close enough to quickly support each other. Two groups of soldiers and yeomen are on either side of the clearing, both eight strong and led by one slightly more experienced and well-armed soldiers. The commanders of the group seem to be an exceptionally-skilled cavalier as well as a Black mage, supported by a renegade Divine Realm priest. They are slightly closer to your obvious entrance point, but you get the feeling they're the most likely to be able to react to an ambush quickly.

Primary Objective: Defeat the scouts

Secondary Objectives
[] Write In (Plan)

[] Write In (Plan)

AN: A bit of a short chapter, mostly just finishing up the "talk to common soldiers for supports" vote from before as well as setting up the meeting with the Imperial scouts.

I had four different complications, and after rolling I considered switching out the one you got for a different one since in hindsight it was a bit worse than renegade priest, but I decided I wouldn't meddle in things after rolling.

Also, I'm trying to remember to give the enemies bosses rather than just mooks with better weapons, which is what the cavalier is. She's got Strong Dice and a personal skill, so keep that in mind.
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Death by Dragon
[X] Plan: Still Pinchy, but less Angry
-[X] Secondary Objectives: Capture the Priest if possible, any other surrenders are as opportunity allows. Try not to let any escape.
-[X] Strategy: Ryza circles around to the northeast and transforms using Determination for Four Turns before attacking. To draw attention and pin the enemy formation in place, while our main force moves in to ambush them from the Southwest. Ryza prioritizes archers during this period as best as she can, bombarding with dragonbreath.

"It just wouldn't die… we just kept shooting and shooting and it just wouldn't die…"
-The last, battle-shocked words of a survivor of a dragon attack, The First Emperor

Artemis nods along with you as you quickly describe what you'd seen. "Well, this means we're in the right place," she says. "You're sure they said they were going to Hornglade?"

You nod. "Yes, I'm sure," you say. "And the priest was saying something about getting past some sort of garrison."

"Which means they're going through the Divine Realm all the way to Hornglade…" Artemis says. "Any long-term garrison of Northern Kingdom soldiers will have been pulled away to reinforce the main front that's going to be opening soon." She frowned. "But what's their goal? They haven't even taken Starhelm yet, and it'd be foolish to leave a fully functional castle at your back. They'd never be able to hold Hornglade even if they took it…" After a moment, she shakes her head irritably. "Questions for the treacherous priest when we get our hands on him." She looks at you. "Ryza, do you think you can do what you did at the Talon camp? Hide in the trees and zap them with lightning bolts to distract them?"

You cock your head. "I mean, I probably could. Why?"

Artemis gestures around. "The terrain here is rough enough that they'll probably hear us coming if we just try to charge in, and the foliage makes it too hard for us to move fast enough to hit them before they're ready. You've proven you can sneak up on them, so if you go around to the northeastern side, opposite us, and start shooting lighting bolts at them, then that'll get all their attention in that direction. You won't have to hit much, maybe just their leader and a few archers, and that'll throw them into enough chaos for the rest of us to take them from behind."

Frowning, Belle shakes her head. "Way too risky," she says bluntly. "Ryza's good at sneaking, that's true, but they weren't really looking for her. The second they start taking spells, they'll spot her pretty quick, and Kelton and I still haven't convinced her to get a proper suit of armor. One arrow… that's all it'd take, one lucky arrow, and they've got ten bowmen."

'My scales're way better than any silly dead animal skins,' you're other self mutters.

As Artemis hesitates, clearly caught between what she thinks is a good plan and wanting to keep you safe, you turn your dragon's grumbling over in your head. She quickly notices, and your twin selves confer at the speed of thought. The plan is good; getting humans looking one way while your friends come up the other way has worked before and you don't see a reason it won't work now. However, you've also seen what arrows do to more robust human bodies, you have no desire to learn what they'll do to your frail heart form. Even if they miss your main body… if they hit a wing, they could send you into a tree as you try to correct, either hurting you or leaving you vulnerable to more arrows.

However… while the heart form is frail, the dragon form is very much not.

"I'll do it," you say, pulling out your dragonstone, lightning crackling faintly along its length as your dragon's will and strength hardens your heart and mind to what must be done. "But they're going to find out they have bigger problems than just a flying lightning mage. My dragon and heart are one; my larger part will lead the attack."

Kelton whistled. "That'll certainly make them pay attention…" he said.

The former thief's eyes also widen, but she doesn't agree immediately. "Wyverns can still be hurt by bows pretty bad," she said. "Something about their underscales being weaker and more vulnerable, same as their wings." When Kelton gives her a look, she bristles. "Looked up wyverns in the big library back at Starhelm, figured that was the best way to figure out how to keep Ryza safe if that came to it. You got a problem with that?!"

"True, but not all wyverns have that weakness," Artemis says, trying to head off an argument. "Big, old ones, especially those that've absorbed some of the energy from their rider's Elysian Seals, are said to be functionally immune to arrows, with only exceptionally skilled archers wielding the most powerful bows able to hit a weak point and punch through." She looks you over. "I'm guessing your dragon self's scales are even stronger?"

'That's right,' she says as you translate. 'I'm not afraid of their little pointy twigs or their bigger pointy sticks!'

Artemis smiles, pulling you closer into a hug. "That's good, but be careful," she says. "Even the greatest of knights can be felled by ill luck if they don't take care to prevent it, and I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you because of something I asked you to do. Defeat and distract them, yes, but your ultimate goal is to stay safe. If you're injured, fall back; they're far enough away from the Empire that we can harry them if need be. We don't have to win today if victory will be hollowed out by death."

Dragon-you bristles a bit at the idea of turning tail, but you soothe her. That won't be necessary, but you want to make sure Artemis is comfortable. "You stay safe too, Artemis," you say. "You don't have super-hard scales or innate healing magic."

"Well, that just means I have to shoot them before they shoot me," Artemis said. "Alright. Focus on the northeastern set of archers first, them and their soldiers. We'll come in and deal with the black mage before he can hurt you too much, then we'll clean up the last group." She tips your head up to look into your eyes, clearly trying to talk to your dragon (you poke said part of yourself to make her pay attention). "A few things. First, we can't let any of them get away, not unless there's no other choice. The longer we can keep the Empire from knowing your full power, the longer before they start breaking out the wyrmbane weapons." You shiver at the memory of Sir Ector's lance. Yes you want those to stay away as long as possible. "Second, I really, really want that priest alive. He can tell us what they want, and whether he has any coconspirators. Depending on how deep the rot goes in the Divine Realm, exposing it might be enough to get them into the fight. That would truly make the Empire's position here untenable. Father will have led the Southern Kingdoms into the Southlands by now, and I half expect the Whitewings to jump in of their own volition at some point. If it truly becomes every single human nation fighting the Empire at the same time… they'll have to back down."

You nod. Keep soldiers from escaping, keep priest alive so you can make him tell you things. That all makes sense. "Alright," you say, spreading your wings. "I'll see you on the other side. Don't charge in until you hear me roar." With that, you take off and start flying towards the northeast.

Flying low, you can't see where exactly the Imperials are, but as your dragon comes closer to the surface your ears lengthen, your nose sharpens, and you can track them well enough by scent and hearing to avoid blundering into them while not getting too far away. Thankfully, they all still seem to be clustered in the clearing, so you don't have to worry about stragglers.

Finally, after a few minutes, you reach what you're pretty sure is the right place. "Alright," you say to yourself, clutching your stone to your chest. "We're going to do this together. This is going to be your first real fight, that time we rescued Artemis doesn't really count-"

'I was born to fight,' your dragon says, anger starting to swirl around her. Not at you, but at the invaders, those that came here to attack and steal and skulk about like cowards…

For a moment, you consider feeding that emotion. You're angry at them too. Angry they're making you and Artemis fight them when you could be doing more important things! You could be really helping people! You could be making magic more accessible and less reliant on grave robbing and desecration if you weren't here fighting off a bunch of people trying to bully everyone else into doing what they want! However, after that moment, you force yourself to channel it aside, replacing it with determination. You have goals beyond just destruction; you need to distract, to protect, to make sure that priest lives. If you let Rage take the fore… well, there probably won't be much of a clearing left by the time you're done.

'Very well,' your dragon-self says as Determination begins filling you up. 'We will not fail. All who try to stop us will be destroyed, with minimal collateral damage.'

'Remember,' you think as lightning begins to crawl around your body, as you feel strength and power begin to flow from your stone into yourself. 'The priest has to live. And so do Artemis and the others: that's the primary objective.'

'Understood,' your dragon finishes as she steps into the fore, your wings wrapping around you with a crack of thunder, your body shifting and warping into its original, strongest form. "Artemis and friends will live. The priest will live."

"All others will submit or die.

Transformation Counter: 3 Rounds

Your body flares with strength and purpose as you push yourself into the air, your massive wings beating hard as sparks of lighting score the ground and trees around you. Your heart steps back; she knows not to get in the way. She's set you your task, put you on your flight path.

Now, it's your turn.

Shooting into the sky, you align yourself with the direction of the Imperial scouts and fly forward as fast as lightning, letting out a bellowing roar both to tell Artemis it is time to attack as well as to draw the Imperials's attention towards you. You can take a few bumps and nicks in this form, better than your soft, squishy friends. You can also take some spellfire, especially as you focus your innate power into a shimmering barrier of Yellow magic, enough to turn or at least dampen any spell thrown in your direction. You are strong, you are focused, and you are dangerous. These Imperials will learn the folly of threatening those under your protection.

Not that they'll live long enough to implement that lesson.

An instant later, you shoot over the clearing, diving down towards the nearest group of archers. They're the greatest threat to Artemis, if they turn to shoot at her, as well as being a possible threat to your smaller, squishier self if your pool of emotional energy should run out before the battle is done. Best to deal with them fast. There are soldiers near them, but you're not concerned about them.

The humans below you are scrambling around in terror, shouting and screaming and pointing up at you. The woman leading them is shouting for everyone to get mounted, to not panic and get it together, but you ignore her. She is not your problem, at least not yet. You'll deal with her when the time comes, if Artemis hasn't already done it.

Instead, you focus on the enemy below you, aiming to engage and destroy them before they can get ready.

Dragon!Ryza ((6d (Level+Character) + 3d (Determination+Elthudner) rerolling (Yellow Caster)) + 1s(Air Supremacy) +1s(Magical Superiority) + 4 a.s. (Monster out of Myth) + 3d.f. (Tenfold Shields)
= 9d+2s+4a.s.+3d.f. (Advantage)

Soldier Leader (5 (Level) +1 (Steel Lance) rerolling (Shield Wall))
+Soldiers 3(5 (Level) (Iron Lance) rerolling (Shield Wall))
+Yeomen 4(4 (Iron Bows))
+1s (Outnumbering)
= 21 rerolling +16 + 1s

(3>6, 4>5, 7, 4>10, 4>5, 9, 10, 10, 2>4) (3, 10) +4a.s.
(6>2, 2>8, 1>3, 1>4, 9, 3>8,) (6>9, 6>9, 10, 8>5, 10,) (4>7, 9, 6>3, 1>9, 1>6,) (9, 8>5, 2>3, 8>3, 2>4) (4, 1, 1, 2,) (1, 6, 10, 7,) (8, 4, 3, 2,) (8, 8, 2, 10,) (3)

Win by 5-6: Kill all the archers and 1d2 Soldiers (1)

Screams of shock and terror fill the air as the group of yeomen who had been foraging for berries try to react to you. Two of them scramble towards their horses, while the other two draw their bows and shoot wildly in your direction. One flies by you harmlessly, while the other clatters off your belly scales harmlessly. Meanwhile, the four soldiers scramble to try and get in front of their less-armored brethren, their spears pointing upwards.

Had you not been so focused on your goal, you might have admired their courage or shook your head at their foolishness.

Unfortunately for them, you are determined to see this little hunting trip done quickly.

Lightning boils in your mouth, your draconic essence automatically creating a feedback loop for your own breath just as your heart self would to make Elthunder. A moment later, you let out a roar and begin to spew lightning from your mouth. It was possible that, had you waited a second or two longer, you could have gotten some of the soldiers in the same breath as the archers, but they were not your objective at this moment. Your goal was to eliminate the archers, and in that you succeeded. As you flare your wings and being to pull up from your dive to come around for another pass, you leave all four men as nothing more than charred skeletons, their bodies ravaged and destroyed by the power of your Yellow breath.

As you pull up, however, you're surprised that one of the soldiers, the one wielding the steel lance who looked like he was in charge of this little group, was extremely fast to react. As you reach the bottom of your dive, he lets out a battle cry and charges! Jumping off a stump of a tree, he takes a flying leap towards you, his spear outstretched! For an instant, even your determined, focused mind is stunned. What does he think he's going to accomplish?

The answer comes as the sharp, hard tip of his spear slams into your side, right where your left foreleg meets your torso. You hiss in pain as the blow pierces your scales and drew blood. Not enough to really be a threat, of course, but enough to sting!

Unfortunately for the brave but so very stupid human, his little hop put him in easy reach of your forelegs, and you grab him out of the air in both taloned limbs, your claws digging into his armor and causing him to cry out in pain. As you flap higher into the air, you idly crush him between your palms. Killing this little annoyance might not have been your primary objective, but as armor crumples and bone shatters and he gives a final gurgle before going still in your grip, you shrug; might as well while you've got him. Carelessly, you toss his broken body aside and begin re-setting for your attack dive on the other group of archers.

"Sol help us…" the priest gasps, his staff shuddering in his grasp as he stumbles behind the dark-cloaked man.

Transformation Counter: 2 Rounds

Coiling and twisting in the air, you spiral to the side few clumsy arrows fly your way, coming from the group of yeomen who had finally managed to scramble onto their horses. Normally, you'd simply ignore them, letting the pathetic weapons clatter off your scales, but Artemis had ordered you to be careful, and you would obey her wishes so long as they did not hinder your primary objective. Resetting, you begin your dive towards the second group of archers, lightning beginning to flash and flare in your mouth.

As you dive, you assess the situation. The four yeomen you're targeting are trying to spread out, to prevent you from killing all of them at once as you did their fellows. The soldiers protecting them have also spread out, their shields up (as if such paltry defenses would protect them from you if your mission was to destroy them) and their spears readied. Meanwhile, the three soldiers from the first group have scrambled over to the leaders of the Imperial scouting party, the woman waving her lance as Black magic gathers around the tome in the mage's hand. The priest, meanwhile, starts clumsily casting a Mend spell.

More importantly, you hear the sound of horses approaching rapidly from the southwest as Artemis and the rest of your help rush towards you. You roar again, letting them know where exactly you are.

A moment later, you see Artemis burst out of the trees at speed, with Phoebe slightly in front of her, Axton and Lancel slightly behind, and five of the six other yeomen arrayed around them. You frown; where are the rest? Then, you shake your head; it's not really important. Artemis is heading for the main group, so you will eliminate or at least pin the other group in place. You flare your wings slightly; not to pull out of your dive… but to land, to show the enemy that you are just as much a threat with talon and fang as you are with your breath.

Dragon!Ryza ((6d (Level+Character) + 3d (Determination+Elthudner) +2d (Support) rerolling (Yellow Caster)) + 4 a.s. (Monster out of Myth) + 3d.f. (Tenfold Shields)
+Kelton (6s (Level+Character)+1s (Steel Spear) +2s (Support) Rerolling (Shield Wall))9
+Belle (7s (Level+Character) + 1 d.f. (Deceptive Beauty))
+ Elena (4s (Level+Character) + 1s (Steel Axe))
+Battalioned Yeomen: 5(3s (Level/Battalioned) Rerolling (Mounted Fighter)) 5x3
+ 1s(Air Supremacy) +1s(Magical Superiority)
= 11d rerolling+24s rerolling+12s+4d.f.+4a.s.

Soldier Leader (5 (Level) +1 (Steel Lance) rerolling (Shield Wall))
+Soldiers 3(5 (Level) (Iron Lance) rerolling (Shield Wall))
+Yeomen 4(4 (Iron Bows))
= 21 rerolling +16

(1>8, 8, 7, 8, 1>5, 5, 6, 1>2, 10, 5, 8) (4>10, 10, 3>10, 6>8, 7, 1>8, 5>10, 9, 5>7,) (3>7, 3>9, 8,) (10, 2>7, 5>1,) (1>1, 3>4, 7,) (1>1, 7, 10,) (9, 4>9, 8) (9, 6, 3, 9, 1, 6, 2,) (2, 6, 5, 5, 2)
(6>8, 6>10, 4>6, 4>7, 9, 5>4,) (6>6, 3>7, 7>8, 3>9, 9,) (9, 3>7, 9, 10, 6>9,) (9, 4>5, 7>9, 2>2, 10)(7, 1, 9, 3,) (8, 6, 7, 5,) (7, 9, 9, 8,) (1, 3, 10, 6)

Win by more than 6: Kill them all

The Imperial horses scream and buck in panic as you dive towards them, clearly recognizing that you are not a relatively friendly wyvern. However, in a display of courage and skill even you're forced to grudgingly acknowledge, the bow-wielding riders hold their ground and aim at you, sending a quartet of arrows in your direction.

You could dodge. However, there's no point, and it would mess up your attack run and make it so it would take longer to kill them, so you simply close your eyes for a second, allowing the pathetic little sticks to strike you. One does hit you straight in the eye, stinging a little past your scaled eyelid, but there's nowhere near enough force to punch through. Another digs into your wing, but you ignore it; your powerful flight magic easily compensating for the tiny irritation of the humans' desperate bid to avoid their demise.

A second later, you finish charging your lighting breath, and quickly send out a massive blaze of lighting towards the yeomen. One is able to prance his horse out of the way… but the other three are struck, sending man and beast convulsing to the ground for an instant before their flesh burns and their skeletons char. You faintly sense your heart-self wince; she clearly isn't completely happy with being the initiator of this slaughter.

You, however, steel your heart with your determination. The enemy that threatens you and yours must die. Better it be in a one-sided massacre than in any sort of fair fight.

Flaring your wings one last time, you hit the ground hard, the damp earth beside the stream giving under your talons and claws. Instantly, you transition your heavy landing into a lunge, leaping upon the last horse as it starts to bolt. The creature screams in terror as you smash into it, sending it to the ground with its rider under it. Barely giving the man time to start to plead for mercy, you open your mouth and bite him in half; he's the main target, not his hapless mount. As you spit the bloody corpse out, you wince slightly as the panicking horse kicks you wildly in your belly with its steel-shod hooves. While your scales there are strong and hard, the sheer force of the adrenaline-fueled animal's pained blows does hurt a tiny bit.

You swiftly stop the kicks with a slash of your talons along the horse's neck, nearly ripping the large head off with one blow.

Turning, you bare your teeth and spread your wings threateningly in the direction of the shivering soldiers. You don't bother saying anything. They are not the priest, thus whether they live or die is irrelevant to your mission, only that the do not leave here.

Swallowing, the leader, the one with the steel lance, steps forwards. "Run!" he says to his men as he points his lance at you. "Warn the army that the rumors are true!" One of the soldiers had already taken off, and given permission the other two swiftly follow.

Instantly, you crouch and leap over the lead soldier. Killing him is meaningless, but part of your mission is to prevent any escape. You beat your wings as you jump, the gust of wind sending the steel-lance wielder to the ground as he tries to stab at you as you pass. Landing, you stab your neck forwards, managing to get your jaws around one of the fleeing soldiers. Her scream of terror is cut off in a wet crunch of rending steel and snapping bone between your jaws as you swing your head from side to side a few times, shaking the last remnants of life out of her before throwing her corpse aside. Then, you start drawing in a breath to send more bolts of lighting-

However, you jerk your mouth closed as you hear the sound of hooves from ahead; Artemis must have predicted what the soldiers would do and sent the rest of the rampage around to cut off the enemy's retreat. You grin a bloody grin; she's so very clever and practical. It's good to work with someone who knows what they're doing. You like her, though this does mean you can't risk using your lighting breath in case you hit your friends.

You are distracted by the feeling of a lance jabbing into your tail; again hard enough to punch through the scales and leave a little nick in the flesh underneath. Mildly irritated, you swing your tail and slam it into the lead soldier, sending him flying into a tree hard enough to shatter every bone in his body on impact. He slumps to the ground, lifeless.

Meanwhile, ahead of you, Belle had leapt off the horse she'd been riding on the back of, smoothly rolling to her feet in the path of one of the fleeing soldiers. He stabs at her desperately, but your friend twists out of the way, gliding along the side of the lance to get inside his reach. She jabs him in the side, just under the main chest plate, before pushing on, leaving the reeling soldier to be riddled by arrows from the yeomen even as they try to keep their horses under control.

Snorting, you bound forwards; you'll have to spend some time in this form around the Agrithian horses to get them used to you; having them fearful to approach is an intolerable risk to mission completion!

Meanwhile, the last soldier had managed to get a bit deeper into the forest, only to be intercepted by Kelton. Your friend plants himself in the path of the runner, his spear lashing out to trip him. "Look, just drop the spear and stay on the ground," you hear him say as he sends the man sprawling. "I'm normally all for heroic last stands and courage in the face of adversity, but there's courage and then there's just stupidity."

Belle laughs. "Surprised you can tell the difference!" she calls.

The Imperial, however, is clearly too driven by panic to listen. Mewling pitifully, he clambers to his feet, swinging his lance wildly like an overly-long club in Kelton's direction. Your friend easily raises his shield to block the blow, causing the spear haft to clatter off, before seemingly instinctively jabbing back with his own lance, sending the man to the ground with a gurgle. "Shit…" he mutters. "Ryza, a little help?"

You're confused as to why he needs it, but as the prone soldier keeps trying to swing at Kelton, you shrug. You want him to be safe and you have the energy, so why not? "Alright," you say, gathering a bolt of lighting in your mouth and shooting it into the twitching soldier on the ground, burning out his chest and causing his pained writhing to stop. It's cleaner that way anyways, he probably didn't even feel it.

Kelton jerks back, cursing. "Fu-" he starts, throwing you a slightly panicked look.

'He meant he wanted help healing the man…' Heart-you says tiredly.

…Well he should have said that then! How were you supposed to know the details of the mission were changing!?

Artemis: (6s (Level+Character)+1s (Steel Bow)+1s (Support) +2 a.s (Noble Huntress))
+Phoebe: (5s (Level+Character) +2s (Silver Lance) +1s (Support) Rerolling (Thunderous Charge))
+Axton: (5s (Level+Character) + 1s (Support) +1d.f. (Guardian) Rerolling (Mounted Fighter))
+Lancel: (5s (Level+Character) + 1s (Support) Rerolling (Mounted Fighter))
+Battalioned Yeomen: 5(3s (Level/Battalioned) Rerolling (Mounted Fighter))
+1a.s. (Monster out of Myth)
=35s rerolling + 8s + 3a.s. + 1 d.f. (Advantage)

Jill: (8s (Level+Boss) +1s (Steel Sword) +1s (Support) Rerolling (Thunderous Charge))
+ Battalioned Black Mage (6s (Level) + 1s (Elflux) +1s (Support) + 1s (Magical Superiority) Reroll 6 (Shadow Caster))
+ Priest (2 (Level) + 1 d.f. (Mend))
+ Battalioned Soldiers 2(5s (Level) Rerolling (Shield Wall))
+ Soldier (5 (Level) Rerolling (Shield Wall))
= 26s rerolling + 3s + 5 + 1 d.f.

(7, 9, 1, 5, 9, 3, 3, 1)(7, 4>3, 10, 2>3, 3>6, 3>2, 9, 7,) (10, 10, 1>5, 6>1, 9, 10,) (10, 2>4, 4>2, 7, 9, 7,) (4>5, 6>8, 10,) (9, 8, 10,) (5>10, 2>7, 4>7,) (10, 8, 5>8,) (4>2, 4>8, 8)
(7, 4>6, 4>4, 3>3, 7, 4>5, 4>7, 9, 5>7, 7,) (9, 8, 6>2, 7, 9,) (6>2, 5>1, 5>10, 3>6, 1>7,) (6>5, 6>10, 1>10, 4>7, 6>3, 10,)(7, 10, 2>5,) (5>10, 2>5, 7, 3>7, 3>5)

Win by more than 6: Capture priest, kill/capture the rest of the group

While that had been going on, a part of you had paid enough attention to Artemis's part of the mission to tell if she needed help. After all, the most important of your objectives was making sure your best friend survived, so even if you'd been forced to turn to leave the Imperials to run, you would have done it to protect Artemis.

Thankfully, she had things well in hand. The Imperial leadership and the shocked remnants of the first group you'd struck had been so focused on you that they'd very nearly missed Artemis and friends until they were almost upon them. The Black mage had been gathering up a spell to cast at you, but he was able to turn it towards Artemis as she drew back an arrow and shot one of the soldiers through the neck.

However, before he could send it on its way, Axton and Lancel both shot their own arrows directly at him, and you were sure that the unarmored man was about to die. However, the Imperial cavalier was faster. "NO!" she screamed, kicking her horse and sending it into the path of the arrows, taking them instead. One dug into the horse's side, causing it to topple, while the other struck her under her armored plate, causing her to gasp in pain. The horse topples with a scream, sending the woman clattering to the ground. Shockingly, she's able to stumble to her feet, her sword flashing as she turns towards the approaching cavalry.

Phoebe, however, is faster. Her long silver lance snakes out, slamming into the woman's breastplate hard enough to pierce straight through, causing her to topple back with a pained gurgle.

"JILL!" the mage cries, his Elflux lashing out in fury towards Phoebe. Thankfully, Artemis's bodyguard was able to jerk her horse to the side, forcing her to abort the rest of her charge that would have taken her lance straight into the mage, but keeping herself safe.

The last two soldiers, meanwhile, had tried to shift to be between the approaching cavalry and their leaders, but before they could get more than a few steps the other yeomen shot them. Neither man died immediately; one was able to catch an arrow on his shield before being toppled by another into his upper leg, while the second fell as two arrows dug into his stomach and another slammed through a weak point in his shoulder, though a wave of White magic washed over him as the priest shifted his Mend spell onto the man enough to keep him alive. Neither of them were in the fight anymore.

Before either spell caster could begin to summon up another spell, the Southern horse archers surround them, loaded bows pointed in their direction. "Drop the tomes, now!" Artemis calls sharply, her bow shifting between the two men. "First and only warning!"

The two mages glance at each other, then at you (you bare your blood-stained teeth in their direction). The priest makes a startled squawking noise, dropping his staff. The Black mage hesitates a second longer, his eyes flicking to the fallen Imperial cavalier who had sacrificed herself to save him.

As you sense dark magic beginning to gather around him, Axton speaks up. "Don't make it meaningless, what she did," he says sharply. "Don't die when she gave her life for you."

After a second longer, the mage finally lets his tome slip from his hand, the Black magic fading into the air. "Who are you?" he snaps angrily. "I had not thought bandits were so numerous in this land." He glares at you. "Especially not fighting alongside monsters."

Artemis's eyes narrow. "You will address Ryza with respect, Imperial," she growls. "We need the priest alive, so he can tell us what treachery he's planning, but you…" her arm pulls her arrow back a little farther in warning.

"H-how dare you!?" the priest babbles, though he's clearly terrified as you stalk closer; there are no living Imperials over near you, and thus your mission demands that you be near the potential source of trouble. "You are not welcome in the Divine Realm, in-invaders!"

"And Imperial invaders are?" you ask, pushing into the circle of yeomen and putting your muzzle right in front of the priest. Your orders are to keep him alive, so you're providing him some cover in case one of the Agrithians accidentally lets go of their arrow, but you don't like him very much.

The priest stumbles away, whimpering as he stares at your teeth, but the Black mage speaks up. "As a member of the Solite clergy, Brother Danvien has the right to invite outsiders in," he says, nervous but clearly angry. "As I do not see a Solite priest or priestess with you, it seems far more likely that the only invaders here are you."

"Your Regent sent you to invade the Northern Kingdoms, who requested aid from Agrithe and her allies, aid that was freely given," Artemis says. "You started this war, you don't get to complain about us fighting it."

"But we are not in the Kingdoms, girl," the mage says coldly, starting to take a step forward, only to flinch back as you snap your teeth in in front of him. "We are in the Divine Realm, and unless you have been given some leave that you have not shared, you had no right to launch an invasion of the Divine Realm in order to attack us!"

Artemis waves a hand irritably, lowering her bow. "Bind them," she says to her men, nudging Actaeon back. "Ryza, Axton, Phoebe, with me."

Heart-you, seeing the battle is over, steps closer to the surface of your shared mind and nudges you to obey. You huff, but you suppose the mission is mostly complete, so you shuffle over to join your friends. "Why is the stupid mage still alive?" you ask, your tail lashing. "He's not part of the mission."

"No, but he might be useful," Artemis says quietly, frowning. "The problem, though, is that he's not technically wrong. We were acting in the defense of Starhelm and Hornglade, but we don't have any legal authority here in the Divine Realm. And by the looks of it, that priest is a citizen of the Divine Realm, so not only could he kind of give them the authority to enter, but taking him will be… problematic."

"He was acting against the interests of the Divine Realm," Axton says.

"True…" Artemis says. "Ryza, you're certain that the Imperial cavalier's words indicated that he was betraying the Divine Realm?" You nod. "Alright…" she says. "Alright, here's what we're going to do…"

[] "We'll take them straight back to Starhelm and interrogate them there. True, abducting a member of the Divine Realm's clergy might anger them if they ever find out about it, but as a state of war exists between the Independent Kingdoms and the Empire. Since these men were engaged in activities directly related to that war, by tradition we are in the right to have attacked them. We'll certainly get to control whatever narrative comes out of this."

[] "Ryza, you mentioned there's a Solar Knight garrison nearby? We'll take them there and explain everything to the Knight-Priestess in charge. They'll want to know about Brother Danvien's treachery, and after we explain what they were up to that should absolve us of any problems. True, they'll probably want to deal with their traitor themselves, so we won't get the full benefits of questioning him, but we should be able to get something, and we might even be able to convince the Divine Realm to move closer towards joining us in this war."

AN: …Oh the f**king humanity of that first fight in the second round… I mean, I get that I'm trying to depict dragons as being really dangerous, but to see the other side roll so well, only to get so utterly stomped anyways… I really gotta start throwing harder battles at you all…

Anyways, happy holidays all. I might have something short out tomorrow, but other than that I hope you're all well and sorry this took so long.
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Sunlit Smile
[X] "Ryza, you mentioned there's a Solar Knight garrison nearby? We'll take them there and explain everything to the Knight-Priestess in charge. They'll want to know about Brother Danvien's treachery, and after we explain what they were up to that should absolve us of any problems. True, they'll probably want to deal with their traitor themselves, so we won't get the full benefits of questioning him, but we should be able to get something, and we might even be able to convince the Divine Realm to move closer towards joining us in this war."

"I stand in the light of the Sun, to defend that which is good.
I stand in the truth of the Creed, to guide the world to Her Truth.
I stand against the darkness, the madness of hate and lies.
I stand against the conqueror, who would force us all to kneel.
And when my time comes, I will go to Sol Invictus gladly,
knowing I have done my part to advance Her Holy Will!"

-The Solar Knight oath

As you feel your draconic self step back and allow you to reshape your body back into your heart form, you grimace slightly. The smell of blood and burned flesh is thick in the air from the aftermath of your dragon's rampage, and while you know it had been necessary… well, it still made you grimace, knowing the fear and destruction you'd set in motion.

'They would have done it to us if they could have,' she says, a slight note of defensiveness weaving through her being.

'I know,' you respond sadly. 'Doesn't mean I have to like it.' Your other half disagrees, but after a moment you make peace with yourself: Heart and Dragon won't always be on exactly the same scroll, but you will always support and help each other.

As you float over to where Kelton and Belle are helping to arrange the dead soldiers in a neat-ish pile, you notice that the yeomen you don't know as well are throwing you nervous looks. Another reason why, even though your actions had been needed, you were in no hurry to repeat them. After all, you didn't want to be a source of fear, especially among Artemis's people. Flying around and looking impressive is one thing. Killing a bunch of people who'd never really had a chance was different.

Shaking your head, you refocus yourself. There's no use dwelling in the past needlessly, not when time would be better spent making what reparations you could. "Sorry, Kelton," you say as you reach your friend. "We misunderstood." Even though it had been your draconic half that had spit that lightning bolt, your heart also bore responsibility: you are one and the same, after all.

The soldier gives you a grin, though you can see that his smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Eh, it's okay," he says. "You told me that scaly-you takes things literally, and that I have to be careful what I say to her. I should have remembered that and been more clear." He looks you over. "Are you alright? You took a few hits in that fight."

Frowning, you take a moment to mentally check yourself. Your wings hurt a little from where some of the arrows dug into the membrane, and while your tail doesn't physically exist it stings a little too. However, as you press a hand under your elbow, you hiss slightly, feeling a bit of warm wetness leaking onto your blouse. "I'm alright," you say as you channel White magic into the wound. "Nothing got much past the scales, so everything translates to small flesh wounds. Nothing I can't handle."

"You should still be careful with those," Belle says as she comes over. "Those can lead to nasty infections if you don't take care of them properly."

You hold up your glowing hand. "I'm fine," you say again. "I can just pulse a bit of White magic through myself every now and then, that takes care of most issues."

The former thief grins. "Must be nice, to just be able to erase anything that goes wrong with a flick of a finger," she says.

You shake your head. "It's not that simple," you say. "For anything more than little scratches, I do have to focus. I actually picked up that anti-infection spell at the Marble Hall; I'm guessing Mother could do something similar, since I remember her using White magic on me every week or so, but she never had time to teach me before…" you hesitate before shaking your head. "Magic's a powerful and useful tool, but it can't do everything."

"Yeah, Arden says that all the time," Kelton says. "Still, it's nice to have."

"It is," you say before looking around. It seemed that, while you'd been talking, the yeomen had finished making a pile of the bodies. You frown as you see one of the men working a glinting locket off of one of the fallen soldier's necks, your sharp eyes spotting what looks like a child's sketch inside as it falls open. "Leave that," you say, making your way over. "That belonged to him."

The man flinches as you come closer, but glancing over at Artemis he takes a breath. "Won't do him any good," he says defensively. "And I can get some co-"

"That's something his family gave him," you say, an unconscious edge sharpening your voice as your other self picks up on your distaste and weaves it into herself. "It's one thing to keep a tool, something that we can use to end this stupid war. But my people have had their lives and memories stolen from their tombs and homes for too long for me to be happy with my friends doing the same. Even to people who were doing bad things. Leave it."

The yeoman starts to open his mouth, his eyes narrowing slightly, but then he glances past you, grimaces again, and drops the copper-looking locket back onto the man's body. "Sorry, Mistress Levinheart," he says.

"Thank you," you say, looking over at the others. A few pull small rings and other baubles out of their pockets and put them back amid the bodies. Once they're done and everyone's stepped aside, Artemis comes over. "Whatever their sins," she says softly to you. "They don't deserve to just rot here. Ryza, could you cremate them?"

You nod. "Okay," you say, pulling out Firecall and closing your eyes. Summoning up your Red magic, you form a fireball in your palms before feeding it into the pile, purging off the lingering traces of heightened emotions from your recent transformation into a controlled blaze that consumes the bodies without letting it escape into the rest of the forest. You feel the eyes of everyone on you, including the two bound prisoners, but you force yourself not to look to see what sort of glares they're giving you. While Red magic is born of emotions, you still want to keep them under control.

Finally, after a few minutes of work, you let out a breath and release the remains of your irritation at being forced to be out here, your pain at what you'd had to do, and your hope that someday soon this will all end. "It's done," you say softly, leaning against Artemis as your other half coils gently around your mind, silently giving you strength and comfort against a distasteful but necessary act.

Your friend ruffles your hair gently. "Thank you, Ryza," she says softly. "There's nothing more for us here, let's go. Do you want to ride with me for a little bit?"

You still don't like riding, but the thought of being close to your best friend is appealing right now, so you nod. "Yes, thank you," you say.

Soon, the Agrithian scouting band, followed by the surviving Imperial horses that hadn't run away from you during the fighting, were heading towards the Solar Knight garrison. You're glad that Artemis decided to go there; the thought of being able to have a friendly conversation with someone new rather than skulking around and fighting people sounds good. Thankfully, the map that Father Simon gave you includes the location of the nearby Solar Knight fortress, and since you're not trying to hide from them it'll be easy to get to them. Hopefully, they'd believe you when you said that the Imperials and one of their own people were up to something.

After about an hour of riding with Artemis, you're finally feeling settled enough to spread your wings again and go scouting ahead. The sooner you can find someone, especially if you can get a good word in edgewise and explain things before they see a few tied-up people being marched through their forest. That would probably not be a great impression, no matter how necessary it was.

Thankfully, after only ten or fifteen minutes of sweeping back and forwards ahead of the rest of the group, you spot something interesting. A group of about six people standing on a small rise, surrounded by several animals and peering back the way you came, towards the still faintly-visible coils of smoke from the pyre. Even from this distance, you can faintly sense the the wisps of White magic. Not just from the people, but from their mounts, mounts that each have a glinting horn coming from their foreheads. Artemis had told you that the Solar Knights were not only almost all powerful White mages, but that they almost all rode unicorns. That must be them!

Good thing, too, as even from your distance you can see one of them pointing in your direction. You frown slightly as you carefully approach, trying not to look like you're coming in on an attack run while still calling up enough Yellow magic so that if they started trying to shoot spells at you, you'd be able to protect yourself as you retreated. That one that's pointing… is it just you, or does she look a little smaller than the others? Not as small as you, physically, but yes, she's noticeably shorter than the other five women…

Shaking your head, you refocus as you carefully flare your wings and come in for a landing a safe distance away, keeping your hands extended to show that they're empty. "Hello," you call as you look the six women over. The five adults are all wearing similar uniforms: a light breastplate of silver with gold edging, each with a sunburst in the center. They also wear white robes similar to the one Sister Selinda wore, though they're more open, showing off the white dresses underneath. Rather than hats, each also has a light helmet, similar-looking to the Whitening helmets, though with a unicorn horn rather than wings. Each woman carries a staff over their shoulder: several Mends, as well as one you're pretty sure is a Physic Staff, which from your studying is one of the more complex bits of White magic humans have designed. Each also has a White tome. Most of the women carry Ellights, though the oldest looking woman has a more ornate looking Arclight. They also all have a ring glinting on one finger that shines in the same way as the Knight Seal you have; these women must have been able to bond with the seals in a way to boost their strength.

You really hope these women will accept that what you and Artemis are doing here in the Divine Realm is necessary, since you don't think you'd be able to beat these five in a fight. Maybe you'd be able to fight off one, but from the amount of magic in the air, you get the feeling that any one of these women could give the rest of the team at least a fight. All together-
Your worried thoughts are cut off by an excited squeal. "Oh Sun you're real!"

You blink as your eyes flick to the younger-looking woman. You'd put her at about fifteen or sixteen, though the excited grin on her face and the bounce in her steps makes her seem younger. She's wearing a similar robe to the others, but she doesn't have any armor, and she's wearing a hood with a similar design to Sister Selinda's hat rather than a helmet. She's clutching a Heal staff, and has no tome.

You don't have time to take in more than that, however, as she starts towards you. "Wow, you're actually real!" she says cheerfully. "I thought-"

Smiling fondly, the oldest woman reaches out and puts a hand on the girl's shoulder as she starts to leave the cluster of knights. "Melissa," she says, her voice kind but firm in a way that instantly reminds you of your mother's voice when you're doing something that's relatively innocent but still not what you're supposed to be doing.

It certainly works on the girl, who instantly freezes. "Sorry, Mother…" she says meekly as she lets her mother pull her back into the group, gently pushing her towards another of the Solar Knights, who takes hold of her shoulder and guides her further back.

The older woman, meanwhile, steps forward to draw your attention. "Please forgive my daughter," she says. "She is always happy to hear from her aunt, especially when she writes about interesting things happening at the Marble Hall." She looks you over, her eyes lingering on your wings. "But first, introductions. I am Knight Corona Mother Marina Tenerife. Might I assume that you are Ryza Levinheart?"

You nod. "I am, yes," you say. "You know someone at the Marble Hall? I thought that there were schools for magic in the Divine Realm."

The knight nods. "There are, yes," she says. "But my sister always wanted to explore and understand, so she worked and trained to be one of those that was allowed to go to the Hall. Once she was there… well, she decided that she had a chance to change things for the better from the inside, and that doing so would be the best way to help make the world a better place, rather than coming home to work directly with us." A flicker of mixed emotions flashed across Mother Marina's face before she smoothed it away. "Forgive me, though, I'm sure you have a reason for being here. What brings you to the Divine Realm, Mistress Levinheart?"

Forcing yourself not to grimace as you hope that you won't spoil this nice conversation, you approach closer. "Well, I'm here with Lady Artemis and some of our friends," you say. "You've heard about the Empire invading the Northern Kingdoms, right?"

Mother Marina nods gravely. "We have, yes," she says. "That's why we're out in force; normally a patrol like this would only be done by two Knights. While there is an ongoing back-and-forth dialogue between the leaders of the Imperial army and His Holiness, we Knights have decided that it is best to be ready in case any of the Imperial troops decide to… wander, shall we say."

You perk up slightly, that sounds promising. "Well, that's actually why we were up here," you say. "When we reached Starhelm, we found some information that indicated the Empire might be up to something along the border, so Artemis and I came to take a look. We ended up finding a group of them that seemed to be scouting out some way to get to Hornglade by sneaking through the Divine Realm."

"Truly?" Mother Marina asked, raising an eyebrow. "Daring of them. Had we discovered them, we would have been…. most displeased with their attempt to subvert our wish to not be involved in any way in this war. We certainly would not have wanted to be involved in such a way that would aid them against our cultural cousins in Hornglade." She frowns darkly. "What became of these invaders?"

You squirm slightly. "Well, since we're currently fighting them, and they were coming to attack us, Artemis said that it was okay for us to stop them. We… we ended up killing most of them, though we did take some prisoners." Mother Marina nods, though there's a slight frown on her face. "However, there is a complication, one that Artemis thought you'd all like to know about. The rest of the group's following behind me, but I came ahead to let you know we were coming."

The Solar Knight nods again. "And I thank you for that," she says. "While we appreciate the right of free people to defend themselves from aggression, we very much prefer you don't do it in our homes and land. However, as the Imperials had invaded first, we are willing to accept that you did what was needed. Still, you mentioned a complication?"

You hesitate for a second, wondering if it would be better to let Artemis handle this part of the conversation. However, you dismiss that thought. Not only would that be cowardly, but you have an advantage that apparently Mother Marina's sister spoke highly enough of you that she recognized you on sight. Hopefully that means they know how much you want to avoid conflict, and thus they'll take bad news better from you than they would from Artemis. "Well, the Imperials were trying to avoid you," you say. "And they were doing that with the help of a priest from the Divine Realm."

A few sharp intakes of breath make you flinch back as the Solar Knights look between each other. "You're certain they weren't guiding a messenger group?" one of the knights asks, earning her a sharp gesture from Mother Marina. However, the older knight never takes her eyes off you, and for an instant you see White magic beginning to gather around her before she seems to consciously force it away.

You nod. "Absolutely," you say. "I was able to get close enough to overhear them before the fight started." Closing your eyes, you focus on trying to remember the exact words, helped by your draconic self's memory. "The priest was saying something about avoiding a shrine because the priest that works there was observant, and that after that he'd tell you all something to draw your attention elsewhere as the 'strike force' passed." You frown. "The cavalier leading the Imperials didn't like him very much, something about treachery, but the mage with them kept the peace between them by saying the priest was trying to make up for the mistakes of his ancestors."

This time, the volley of murmurs from the knights was laced with more anger than surprise, but after an instant of panic you get the feeling that the anger isn't directed at you. "There wasn't any mistake!" Melissa declares angrily, her smile dipping into an angry frown.

"Melissa, calm yourself," Mother Marina says coolly, causing her daughter to close her mouth. "Are you certain that is what was said, Mistress Levinheart?" the older knight continued after a long moment of waiting for her fellows' grumbles to subside.

"I am," you say. "Might… might I ask what he meant? And why does that upset you all?"

Mother Marina blinks before sighing. "Right, Miranda mentioned that you'd just woken recently, so you don't know all the details of the tangled history of the Empire and those that have sought to find better paths outside of it." She pauses for a moment before continuing. "Ever since Sun-Father Leon was guided by his visions to secede from the Empire in order to create a nation where Sol Invictus's commandments could be followed more purely, there have been some who have claimed that, at best, he misinterpreted his visions. Others have been less charitable." That got another round of irritated mutters. "Well, while it is not illegal to hold unorthodox opinions, attempting to subvert the Solar Knight's mandate to protect our borders… that is something that cannot be tolerated." She fixes you with a piercing glare. "This renegade priest, is he still alive?"

You nod. "Yes, Artemis told me that it was important that we keep him alive, so I made sure not to hurt him during the fight."

"Thank you for that," Mother Marina says. "But we should have this conversation with your Lady Artemis as well. Come, lead the way."

You watch as the knights quickly mount their unicorns (and horse, in Melissa's case) before lifting off. "They shouldn't be far," you say. "Come on, this way."

As you lead the way down the hill towards where Artemis should be, you notice Melissa pushing her horse over towards you. You glance over at Mother Marina, who sighs but nods. "Hi, Melissa," you say, drifting close enough to talk to the younger Divine Realmer.

"Hi," she says, her eyes watching your wings move with every flap. "Wow, Auntie Softshimmer said that you had wings, but they're a lot bigger than I thought they were gonna be!"

Your eyes widen. "Wait, your aunt's Mistress Softshimmer?" you ask.

"Uh-huh," Melissa says. "That's how she was able to tell us about how you saved everyone at the Marble Hall from the False Savior's men." She smiles. "She also said that you were the best test-taker she'd ever seen, and that you can use magic without even having any sort of tools, and that you can turn into a dragon, and all other sorts of cool things. Is that all true?!"

Your draconic self preens slightly. 'I like her. Can we keep her?' she asks.

'We are not old enough to be adopting anyone,' you tell yourself. "I don't know about the first one, but yes, I can use some magic without any help, though I'm still learning how to do that with Red, Green and Black magic. And yes, I can turn into a dragon."

"Cooooollll…" Melissa says, her eyes going slightly wide in a way that reminds you of Siri at her most excitable. "I've seen some of the old statues of dragons that survived the False Savior's rampage, and they looked really strong and elegant. Everyone said they were all gone, but I always dreamed of getting to see one some day." She started to reach out as your wing came closer, but she seemed to catch herself and grabbed the reins again. "Could… could I see you as a dragon sometime?"

Glancing past Melissa, you see the other knights giving each other wry looks of amusement as they watch her. Mother Marina shoots you a silent question of if you'd like her to come and redirect her daughter, but you shake your head. It feels nice to be appreciated by someone you've just met, so you're willing to put up with some gushing. "I'm sure she'll be fine with that," you say. "But not right now. We're still a little tense from the fight we had earlier; it was her first battle."

'Yes, and it went well, didn't it?" other-you thinks. "We achieved all objectives flawlessly." You supposed that's mostly true.

Melissa starts to open her mouth to say something else, but Mother Marina speaks up. "I know you're excited, Melissa, but we have to show proper decorum when speaking to guests, even if they are unexpected and unusual ones." Her eyes turn forwards, and as you refocus you hear the sound of horses approaching from ahead. "Besides, we are about to meet more guests."

The younger Divine Realmer grudgingly drifts back to behind her mother and the others, allowing you to fly forward to meet Artemis as she comes out of the trees ahead of you. "I found them," you say as you come to hover in front of her.

Your friend looks over your shoulder to see the Solar Knights waiting for you to finish. "It seems like they took things relatively well," she says after a moment, giving Mother Marina a nod before smiling slightly at you. "Thank you, Ryza. I was confident that this was the best course, but I had expected some tension at the beginning."

You nod. "I just told them what the priest and the Imperials were saying, and apparently he was saying some things that they really don't like around here," you say. "It helped that they'd already heard of me from a family member at the Marble Hall, and so that got me some credibility to start with."

"Well, as they say, it's often not so much what you know or what you can do, but who you know that determines where you go in life," Artemis says as she guides Actaeon around you. You frown slightly as you follow; while you suppose it makes sense that if people don't know you they won't know what you can do, it does seem that it should be important that you're actually capable of doing what you need to do too. In this case you are capable, but still… Shaking your head, you refocus on the moment; you can puzzle out this latest bit of human strangeness later.

"Welcome to the Divine Realm, Lady Cartese," Mother Marina says, her eyes flicking to the banner that Phoebe carried for Artemis when she was meeting with people. "Though I wish you could have seen our holy place under better circumstances."

"As do I, Mother," Artemis says. "However, when responding to Imperial aggression, we go where we must to dull their blades before they strike." She jerked her head back. "The renegade priest is one of yours, so I am sure you will wish to deal with him personally. However, as the Imperial mage is part of the army making war against Agrithe and her allies, I request that he be turned over to us so that we might determine what his plans were for Hornglade and the other Northern Kingdoms."

Mother Marina drums her fingers on her staff, which she's rested across her knees in a gesture that seems important somehow. "While I understand that the aggression was ultimately aimed at you and yours, Lady Cartese," she says. "Ultimately, he and his fellows were in the Divine Realm without permission, and thus they will be questioned by us. The Solar Knights will be taking custody of both prisoners. We also invite you and your companions to come to our temple-fortress, at least for a time." Her smile turns slightly thin. "After all, while your reasons and motives have been explained to my satisfaction by Mistress Levinheart, one who's judgment I have been informed by trusted sources can be relied upon, it is still important that all the protocols be observed."

Artemis tenses ever so slightly. "We presented ourselves, upon the advice and in the presence of a Solite Sister, to Father Simon, and he recognized our presence," she says carefully.

"Truly? That is good, that will smooth things over," Mother Marina says, nodding. "However, in these times of tension, it is still important for the Solar Knights to have our own hand in who enters the Divine Realm." Her eyes narrow as they flick to the priest still sitting, bound, on the back of one of the horses. "That is why it was… inappropriate, shall we say, for a mere Brother to be inviting strangers into our lands."

Your friend relaxes. "Very well," she says, inclining her head. "In that case, I will gladly accept your invitation, Mother Knight. We have been riding rough for a while, it will be good to rest and recover, if that is agreeable to you."

Mother Marina nods. "I am glad," she says, her smile softening. "Come then, we will show you the way."

As the now enlarged group of riders turns and begins heading towards where the map Father Simon gave you said the Solar Knight base was, you settle yourself back onto Actaeon. It seems that, for the moment, things are going well. Hopefully Artemis will be able to figure out what the Imperials were up to around here, so that you can go back to Starhelm having proven that you were right all along to insist that the lead Kelton had found be checked out!

Once you get to the Solar Knight fortress, you will have some time before you have to go back to Starhelm to rejoin with the rest of the Kingdoms as they continue the fight against the Empire. What do you do during this time?

[]Melissa still seems to have some questions; try to spend some time with her. After all, you've learned that having friends can be a big help in times like these.

[]From what you saw at the Marble Hall, mages tend to stick together and respect each other. Maybe you can talk to the Imperial mage, try to get him to be reasonable about all this.

[]You still sense some tension amongst the Agrithian soldiers. While your closest friends are still firmly on your side, maybe taking some time to reassure the others that you're not going to eat them would be good.


AN: Once again, sorry this took so long. I just got distracted by other things and forgot to put as much thought into it as I should have. Hope you all had a good holidays and that your 2024 is going alright so far.
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Of Angels and Dragons
[X]Melissa still seems to have some questions; try to spend some time with her. After all, you've learned that having friends can be a big help in times like these.

"To say, 'I believe what I believe and that's that,' is to say you have decided to quit growing. If life is about anything, it is about growing. The day I quit changing and learning is the day I die; I have faith that Her light is bright and wide enough to encompass all truths."
-Sun-Father Goodier II

Thankfully, nothing major happened on the way to the Solar Knight's fortress. You stay with Artemis, simply resting after a stressful day. Sitting behind your friend on Actaeon's back, you flip your hood up, lean your head against her back to block out the sun, and close your eyes for a quick nap. You've been flying around a lot these last few days, and while you're not nearly as stressed as you were a few times when you were half-shifting a lot, you do still get tired.

After a while, Artemis reaches a hand back to pat your head. "Ryza, we're here," she says softly.

Looking up, you blink as you see the large marble walls ahead of you. "Wow, it looks nice," you say.

"Thank you, Mistress Levinheart," Mother Marina says. "It is important that anyone coming to the Divine Realm see us at our best. After all, the Solar Knights are not just warriors, but members of the clergy as well." She gestures at the small castle. "Many of our fortresses started life as convents, before the Exaltation. This was one of them, so despite the additions of crenelations and other fortifications, we kept a lot of the old design."

You nod along with her, your eyes scanning. Now that you look at it, while it's still huge to your eyes (even after all this time since waking up, seeing constructions this big that didn't start life as a mountain is still incredible to you), you do notice that it's a bit smaller than Castle Agrithe or a similar Southern castle. However, Mother Marina seems very proud of it, so you don't want to say anything that would make her think you're criticizing the way her people do things, so you take a second to rephrase your question. "So how many people live here?" you ask after a moment.

You're not sure if something appeared on your face, or if Mother Marina just guessed what you were thinking, but she smiles dryly. "Being rather remote, and near the border, there are very few full-time residents other than we Solar Knights and our support troops." she says. "There's a small village a few miles north that provides much of our food, though we also have some gardens that can provide for us if need be. However, this place is a little more quiet than you're probably used to."

Shrugging, you look around. "Well, when I was growing up it was just my parents and I in our mountain home, so I wouldn't say I'm entirely used to lots of people being around."

The woman blinks slightly before nodding slowly. "Yes, I suppose the legends did say that your people were fewer in numbers than humans," she says. "No matter, you are welcome here for as long as you need."

"Thank you, Mother Marina," you say.

A minute later, you're gliding off the back of Actaeon as you look around the courtyard. It looks mostly the same as the ones you've seen in other castles, though there are several long plots of flowers and herbs, some of which you're pretty sure are related to the medicinal herbs that go into vulneraries. It's also a lot less crowded, so you can really take a moment to admire the statues standing around the edges, most depicting a woman carrying a staff and a golden orb, but others of various other women in Solar Knight garb, as well as a few men wearing priestly robes.

"Mother," Melissa says as she hops off her horse. "May I show Mistress Levinheart around?"

Mother Marina nods. "Remember to do your chores first, but after that, if Mistress Levinheart is agreeable, then yes you may."

You glance at Artemis, who nods. "I think it's a good idea," she says. "I need to debrief with the men, and then, with your blessing Mother Knight, I would ask to be included in any interrogation of the prisoners." As the older woman frowns, your friend continues quickly. "If only the Imperial, as the priest is of your nation and thus your responsibility."

The Solar Knight remains silent for several long seconds before speaking carefully. "I shall consider it," she says, making a sharp gesture, sending some of her fellows to lead the still-bound prisoners into the building itself. "Until I make my decision, I ask that you and all of your followers remain within the fortress. However, at this moment you are permitted into all the areas of the fortress normally open to outsiders." Whistling, she called over a few young men carrying spears and shields very similar to the Imperial soldiers, though their armor was a brilliant white and their shields marked with sunbursts. "When you are ready, these gentlemen will see you and your comrades wherever you need to go."

Artemis's eye twitched slightly, but her voice remains calm. "Thank you for your hospitality, Mother Knight," she says. "By your leave?" The knight nods, and Artemis moves over to the group of Agrithian yeomen and rallies them with a wave of her hand, gathering them to have a talk.

A part of you feels like you really should be going over and being with her, but honestly you want to talk to Melissa. It's always nice to spend time with someone who seems to like you even after they find out you're a manakete, without first having to get to know you really well.

There were also a few things she'd said that make you curious. She'd mentioned dragon statues, which you'd already known about. However, you'd thought they'd all been destroyed by the Empire. If there were some that survived… well, maybe there was more to the Revisionists in the Divine Realm than just wanting to be able to say the Empire was wrong. Best to talk to an expert and find out.

As you slip away from Artemis with a nod, you watch as the young White mage helps some of the stable hands wrangle the unicorns into the large, well-built stable. "Hi," you say. "Anything I can do to help?"

"Thanks, Mistress Levinheart, but I've got this," she says, rubbing her mother's mount on the nose with a faintly glowing hand. "Despite what you might have heard, unicorns aren't as skittish as the legends say, but they do prefer people who they know, especially ones who can use light magic." She paused. "Though you can use light magic, right? If you're going to be staying a while, it might be a good idea to get them used to you."

You don't know if you'll be staying that long, but this seems a good enough way to break the ice with Melissa, so you trot over, channeling your White magic to form a shell around your Yellow nature. Anima magic does tend to overwhelm White magic when they're in close contact, so having a big nexus of it around would probably make the unicorns uncomfortable.

It seems to work somewhat, as the horned horses don't shy away from you. However, they don't approach either, simply watching you as they let Melissa and the Divine Realmers guide them into the stalls. "So you help out with the unicorns?" you ask curiously.

"Among other things," Melissa says, letting the last of the unicorns nuzzle her before coming over to join you. "I just recently finished my basic troubadour training back in the Divine City, so I'm not really a Solar Knight yet. Mother was able to get me assigned here, though, so that I could start learning how to become one." She grins. "Mostly, though, I think she wanted to keep an eye on me. I can get a little overexcited sometimes. Sorry if I ever made you uncomfortable, Mistress Levinheart."

You raise an eyebrow slightly; she doesn't sound that sorry, but you can't really blame her. "It's alright," you say. "And you don't have to call me Mistress or anything. I prefer just Ryza."

Melissa cocks her head. "I mean, if you want," she says. "But Auntie Softshimmer always said that Hall mages prefer to be called by their mage names."

Shrugging, you glance back as you see Kelton and Belle wandering over. "I think most do, but I was only there for a few days to get accredited, so I didn't absorb much of the culture or anything like that." Stepping back, you gesture your friends to join you. "But first, introductions. Melissa, these are Kelton and Belle. They kind of work for me to help keep me safe, but mostly I just like spending time with them. Kelton, Belle, this is Melissa; she lives here. Her mother's the head Knight Artemis was talking to."

The young Divine Realmer looks the pair over, seemingly especially impressed with Kelton's armor. "It's nice to meet you," she says, forming a circle over her heart with her hands. "Welcome to the Divine Realm. It must be cool, getting to run around with a dragon all the time." Her eyes widen. "Wait, do you ever get to ride her?"

Belle raised an eyebrow. "Why, want a go?" she asked.

Melissa started to open her mouth, clearly to agree, only to pause and glance at you. You simply smile as she slowly closes her mouth. "Ah… if Mis- if Ryza's alright with it," she says after a second.

"Maybe later," you say. "But for now, I want to let that part of myself rest."

'Boo! I can fly her around!'

'We want to make a good impression,' you say. 'Besides, Artemis's people are still a little stressed from the fight. Let's give them some time to cool down.' Dragon-you doesn't like it, but you can sense that she knows your right, so she just huffs and continues scanning the world around you for any threats or points of interest heart-you might miss.

Despite looking a bit disappointed herself, Melissa nods. "Okay…" she says. "Well, now that I'm done with the mounts, let me show you around! Come on, follow me!"

As you follow the human girl, you notice one of the other Solar Knights wander after you in a way that's clearly meant to be casual, but you could tell she was keeping an eye on you. Melissa seems to notice as well, as she huffs. "Sorry about that," she says quietly. "It's not that Mother's friends don't trust you, it's just…" she sighs. "Some days, I feel almost like the garrison's mascot. It's nice to be loved, I guess, and I know I can't cast aggressive magic yet, but sometimes I wish they'd let me go out and do things on my own." She shakes her head. "Sorry, forget about that. Come on, the main garden's through here…"

As Melissa leads you around the convent-turned-fortress, you're once again impressed by how beautiful the place is. You'd grown up underground for the most part, but generations of your tribe had worked to make the underground warm, inviting and beautiful. It was clear the people who had designed this place, despite the fact that it'd been turned into a military base, had the same idea. There are large windows everywhere, letting the spring sun shine brightly on the countless statues and murals that decorate the walls. Soon after, Melissa leads you to the central garden she'd mentioned. It takes up most of the central area of the fort, and like the courtyard it was a mix of flowers and medicinal herbs, though it also had a few patches of various fruits. "Not enough to fully feed us if there's a siege, but enough to give us some variety. Another of my jobs is to take care of the gardens."

Next, she takes you to the main chapel. You'd suggested going to the library instead, but Melissa had insisted you see the chapel first. "It's my favorite place in the whole fort," she'd said as she led the way. "Besides, the library's not far beyond that, so we can go take a look if you still want to." You decide not to argue, simply letting her lead the way.

She does manage to lose your "escort" on the way by ducking through a few smaller corridors and hiding behind some big potted plants, which was kind of fun.

As Melissa pushes the door open and proudly gestures you in, you look around. The room looks rather similar to the shrine you'd been shielded in, though much larger and filled with lines of long wooden chairs that seem designed to probably seat everyone in the castle. There are also statues lined along the wall, as well as detailed mosaics that seem to tell some sort of a story.

Melissa traces your gaze, smiling. "The Path of the Sun-Father," she says. "It tells the story of how he came to found the Divine Realm." She points at the right corner near the door, and turning you see a young-looking human on his knees in a field, staring up at a gold-leafed carving of the sun (despite that being an act that should have destroyed his vision). "Sun-Father Leon was originally an Animist, but Sol Invictus chose him to be her first champion upon this world, and so she sent him a vision that compelled him to convert. That's the first Step of the Path, Faith. Next…"

She continues telling the story, how this Leon became a priest, quarreled with a cruel but high-ranking noble and issued a denunciation that led to Leon being charged with sedition and tried by the Emperor of the time himself. Convicted and exiled, he would find the unfinished Sunstar and complete it, inspiring him to find allies and eventually break away from the Empire and create the Divine Realm as a theocracy.

As she speaks with eagerness and not a hint of doubt or question, you wonder how much of this is accurate. You know for a fact that humans have forgotten or exaggerated things over the centuries, so it would make sense if this was another example of that. After all, from what you were taught, the Mother didn't send direct visions or guidance, trusting her children to make the right choices with only minimal nudging from the Arbiter.

You frown; it seems that hadn't worked out, so maybe she'd decided to try a new strategy with her human faithful.

"-and so, once the last of the nobles accepted the mantle of the Solite priesthood, they declared Sun-Father Leon their leader, completing the Exaltation of the Divine Realm," Melissa finishes proudly before looking back at you. "So what do you think?" she asks.

You slowly nod. "It's certainly a gripping story," you say, smoothing your face. Whatever your wonderings about the accuracy, it was clear that the Sun-Father was trying to do the right thing, especially when he opposed the corrupt nobleman who was taking advantage of his people and hiding behind his familial connection to the Emperor to get away with it. While you'd thankfully had Countess Mantrae's backing when Baron Cicenco decided to start throwing his weight around, if you hadn't… well, you wouldn't have taken it lying down either, and apparently the old Imperial noble had done way worse things.

"It is, isn't it?" Melissa says, completely missing any flickers of doubt on your face. Belle seems to notice, however, as she gently pats your shoulder when the troubadour turns. "But my favorite part of the shrine is the main statue," she continues, pointing to the large marble statue of a robed woman, cradling a large golden orb in both hands. Following her closer, you feel a sense of peace wash over you as you sense White magic flickering about the statue; either it's enchanted, or there's just been so much magic cast on and around it that it's sunk into the stone.

As your eyes trace down the statue, you freeze as you see the bottom. "Mother, are those…" you whisper, pushing past Melissa to kneel at the foot of the statue, your fingers tracing along the feathered wings of one of the many children crowded around Sol Invictus's feet. "Are… are these manakete?!"

"I… I don't think so," Melissa says, joining you on the ground. "Those are angels, the other servants of Sol Invictus aside from Light Spirits." She gives you an odd look. "I mean, I know they have wings like you, but your wings look more like wyvern wings rather than the bird wings angels have-"

Shaking your head, you extend your wings. "Most manakete have wings like this, yes," you say quickly. "But White manakete have small, feather-like scales on their wings…" You can tell that the feathers carved on this statue are intended to be genuine feathers, but you chalk that up to simple error. "This area was the home of the White tribe, and Solariana's Union was also here… I think that angels are just the modern human name for White manakete!"

Melissa blinked, staring between you and the statue. "… huh…" she says slowly, sitting back on her heels. "I mean… everyone agrees that nobody's ever seen an angel, though some versions of the Path story say that the Sun-Father saw an angel in some of his visions…" She reaches out and pokes one of your wings, causing you to flinch it back. "But yours are so much bigger…"

"That's because I'm Sky-Blessed," you say. "Most manakete couldn't fly in their heart forms, just when they transformed, and so their wings were a lot smaller." You use your fingers to measure the relative sizes on some of the statues. "Yes, these wings here are the right proportions… I'm almost certain these are supposed to be manakete."

"Huh…" Melissa says again, squinting. "So that's a thing…" She slowly nods. "I guess it makes sense in a way; after all there were a few old dragon statues that survived in remote places, only to be found and refurbished after the Exaltation. I suppose the same thing could have happened to some ang- sorry, manakete statues…" She looks at you. "But why would there be so many statues of your people? I mean, dragons make sense, since dragon forms are really impressive…"

You hesitate for a moment. You hadn't ended up talking much about the Union with anyone. You'd had a chance back at Starhelm, but with everything else that had been going on you'd decided that reconnecting with some of your friends that you hadn't gotten a chance to talk to much had been more important. Now, however… well, you have someone who doesn't seem to be freaking out about an icon of her culture actually having been appropriated from yours, so getting Melissa's take on the matter seems like a good idea. "So, you know how I said something about a Union?" you say as you pull your backpack off and start digging around in it. You'd brought along the copy of A Nation United specifically in case something like this came up, after all.

"Well, back in the past, before the Emperor killed most of the manakete, there was an old nation called the Union," you say, unrolling the scroll. "It was founded by a manakete named Solariana, but unlike most manakete, she wanted to create a place where humans and manakete could live together in peace and harmony."

Melissa's eyes widen as she sees the first picture, the one where Solariana is standing with the First Grandson, the head of the human worshippers of the Mother. "Sol preserve us…" she whispers. "That staff… it kind of looks like one of the two staffs the Sun-Father carries, the one he uses when he doesn't need to get out the Sunstar. And those wings, I see what you mean about angels being manakete…" She turns to stare at you. "So this means… our people lived together once?"

"I can't see any other explanation," you say. "I was pretty sure of it before, but after everything you've said… I'm now certain." You stare at the picture. "There was a time when humans and manakete lived together in peace…"

Where had it all gone wrong? Why hadn't the Union, or at least its ideals, spread all over the continent? Why had humans started killing manakete, why had manakete started killing humans?

What had happened?!

You feel a soft hand on your shoulder, and you lean back into Kelton. "Thanks," you say, slightly surprised at how thick your voice sounds. You hadn't thought learning that you were right, that there was hope for a long-term peace between humans and any other surviving manakete you could find (you still cling stubbornly to the hope that you're not alone, that you're not the last of your kind…) would hurt, but somehow it does…

Melissa, meanwhile, is still looking at the scroll. "Look how happy they all seem…" she says, her voice uncharacteristicly soft. "This… this is big, isn't it? I mean, I'd always thought dragons looked cool, and there were a lot of people who said the False Savior went too far with a lot of things, so what was one more, but this…" She shakes her head. "Wow. I'm surprised Auntie Softshimmer didn't mention this in her letter."

Bringing yourself back to the moment, you scoot closer to Melissa. "I didn't talk much about this at the Hall," you say. "I did talk to the Imperial Revisionists, at least the ones who were there at the time, but I was more focused on telling them about general manakete culture, rather than the Union specifically. Besides, Mistress Softshimmer wasn't in that meeting, and with everything that happened while I was there she had more important things to worry about."

"Okay, I guess that makes sense," Melissa says. "But still, this is really cool! Look at this, look at this!" She points at a picture showing Solariana's dragon form saving the human who had sheltered her when she was injured from a pack of doogs, solidifying their friendship. "These White manakete… I can see where the stories of them being angels came from, if they fought monsters a lot."

"All manakete fought monsters," you say. "Before… before the Empire, monsters were the only real threat to us. I got attacked by a baal when I was little, but Mother saved me."

Melissa winces. "Those are the big spiders right?" she asked. When you nod, she shudders. "I read about those, but I've never seen one. Apparently they mostly live in the south, but they sound awful!"

You nod. "Yes, it was," you say. "I haven't run into any more, but I've had to fight a few monsters that had taken up residence in my home while I was asleep."

Your new friend listened attentively as you alternated between the details of what you'd been up to since you'd woken up and going over some of the interesting things you'd learned from Solariana's scroll. You note wryly that the amount of practice in telling your own story that you've gotten it down to something of an art form, able to touch on all the important points without getting bogged down on the details (or hinting at the embarrassing parts and then being forced to explain them when someone asked).

For the most part, Melissa seems fascinated. However, as you start talking about Lacroix's theory that Sol Invictus is another name for the Mother, her smile slowly fades. "You… are you sure about that too?" she asked warily.

You cock your head. "I can't be certain, of course," you say. "But it does seem to fit with the evidence. Sol Invictus seems to have a lot of the same traits as the Mother, and we know that Solariana was spreading the faith of the Mother to the humans of the Union. Why?"

Melissa slowly sits back, looking at Kelton and Belle, who'd mostly been sitting and listing, though your soldier friend had occasionally jumped in to embellish some of the fights you and he had gotten into together. When they both simply give her confused looks back, she starts fidgeting with her fingers. "Well… it's just, we take a lot of pride in being Sol Invictus's chosen people. The ones who have heard Her call the most clearly, who follow Her commandments and advance Her will upon the world. If you start telling people that she might have been someone else's goddess first… well, some people might get upset that you're saying that we're just replacements…"

"Wh- no, no that's not what I'm saying!" you say quickly. "I mean, the White manakete always said that they were the Mother's firstborn, and there's some evidence of that, but that doesn't mean she loves the rest of us any less. Surely it'd be the same for humans who also are working to make the world better!"

"I'm sure you believe that, and from what I've seen in this scroll I can… I can see that too," Melissa says carefully. "But… well, people have very strong feelings when it comes to religion. More than any other, Solism has been pushed around and suppressed by outside forces; with some in the the Empire trying to call it seditious by nature, some Animists just saying Sol Invictus, if she exists, is a powerful light spirit." She shakes her head. "It's just… I don't want to distract from all the wonderful, amazing things in this scroll, all the things that will help people like and understand you more, by giving reactionaries an excuse to say nasty things about you and try to turn people against you as some sort of heretic." She grimaces. "Heretics… well, they don't do too well in the Divine Realm…"

You consider her words. It's clear she means them strongly, and while she does still seem to like you, you can tell she's a little wary of even thinking about the idea herself. Still, you don't want to tell even more lies about history than already exist.

In the end…

[] You decide you're not going to hide parts of your people's history just to make some humans more comfortable. The evidence points towards The First Mother and Sol Invictus being one and the same, and after any initial issues you're sure that knowledge will improve relations between human and manakete going forwards. After all, the Empire is mostly okay with Sol Invictus, so surely they'd be okay with her first children too.

[] You decide Melissa does make some good points. With the Empire seemingly trying to take everyone over, any division among the people who are inclined to oppose that (who seem to overlap remarkably well with the group who tend to like you and your manaketeness) would be bad. You'll have centuries to figure out how to best share the oneness of Sol Invictus and the Mother, no need to rush it.

After that tense discussion, Kelton quickly suggests focusing on other things, allowing you and Melissa to bond over discussing some of the more fun, heartwarming aspects of the Union, and how those ancient trends have continued on in the Divine Realm. Apparently, the focus on education, especially of the young, that Solariana nudged the humans of her time to adopt is still in force. True, it's a bit more restrictive, with schooling being focused primarily on religious studies, but those schools do accept all rather than just the nobility or wealthy. There is also a strong focus on medicinal care, with Melissa proudly explaining how much better the average life of the people of the Divine Realm is than other parts of the continent.

You quickly lose track of time, letting yourself forget the war going on beyond the borders of the Divine Realm. Finally, however, the sound of the shrine door opening causes you to look back to see Artemis and Mother Marina entering. "There you are, Melissa," the older Knight says, smiling. "It seems you and Mistress Levinheart are getting along well."

The younger Divine Realmer nods eagerly, her temporary worry having been thoroughly washed away. "We are, Mother!" she said cheerfully, hopping to her feet. "We were talking about history! Did you know that manakete used to live around here, and that they and our ancestors were friends back before the False Savior ruined everything!? Ryza has this scroll she was showing me and it's so cool!"

As Melissa continues to happily chatter to her mother, you roll up A Nation United and put it carefully back into your pack. "It seems you've found yourself another convert," Belle says cheekily, ruffling your hair.

"I hope that can spread," you say. After all, while the Revisionsts as a group are probably your best hope to repairing the reputation of your people from nearly a millennium of slander, having more help on that front could only be good.

Artemis, meanwhile, makes her own way over. "Good to see you're still making friends," she says, sitting down next to you. "Everything alright?"

You nod. "There was some tension at the start," you say. "But other than that, she and I had fun talking about the Union."

"That's good to hear," Artemis says. "I will admit, I was a little worried that some people might take offense to the idea that there was a nation that came before them, but it seems that fortune has favored us in finding rational, reasonable people."

"Okay," you say. "How about you, everything okay?"

Artemis hesitates for a moment. "There were some… concerns, among the men," she says carefully. "But Axton, Lancel and I were able to assuage them, at least for the moment." Before you can say anything, she quickly presses on. "More importantly, the good impression you made with Mother Marina allowed me to talk her into letting me observe the interrogation of the renegade priest, and so we have an idea of what the Imperials were up to."

Right, there's a war going on. "What is it?" you ask.

Standing, Artemis gestures you to follow her as she joins Mother Marina, who's shepherding her still-excitedly-chattering daughter out of the shrine. "It seems that the attack on Starhelm was a feint," your friend says grimly. "The Imperials wanted to draw the Northern Kingdom forces there, so that they could launch a surprise attack to take Hornglade. The group we met were an advance scouting force, meant to find a path along the border of the Divine Realm to avoid detection. While it's unlikely they would have been able to send an army sufficient to hold the castle long-term, the chaos and confusion they would have generated would have been enough for the main Imperial host to push deep into the Northern Kingdoms, perhaps even convince some of the less-certain lords to surrender rather than risk continuing the fight."

That all sounded very bad. "So what now?" you ask.

Artemis gives you a reassuring smile. "Well, there are a few options," she says, "and I'll be interested to hear your input after dinner."

Dinner? You glance out a window, only to blink as you realize that even the northern sun has nearly dipped below the horizon! Wow, you hadn't thought you'd spent that long talking with Melissa! "Sorry I wasn't around much," you say.

Laughing, Artemis pulls you into a side-hug. "It's alright," she says. "I know how much you enjoy meeting new people and learning new things, so I'm glad you got a chance to. Besides, making new friends, especially with people we're hoping will be our allies in the future, can only be a good thing." She gives a nod to the Divine Realmers who had turned to give her a curious glance.

"Alright," you say, following after her. All in all, despite the tensions of this morning… things were looking up.

After dinner, you, Artemis, Axton and Lancel sit down to have a planning session, and eventually you decide what to do once Mother Marina lets you all go.

[] You all decide to return to Starhelm and regroup with the main army. You've done what you needed to do, and if there are any more Imperial scout groups the Solar Knights will deal with them. There is still a lot to do, and Artemis wants to be a part of the decisions of how to fight the war. You just want to stay with her and make sure she doesn't get hurt.

[] You all decide to push on and poke the wyvern a little. While a more dangerous option, you have some idea of where the Imperials are camped, and they seem to have kept their main force away from the Divine Realm's border. If you could slip into the Empire and do some damage, that might help the war effort. It might be a bit tricky to disengage, especially if the battle doesn't go well, but you'd be hitting from an unexpected angle, so the likelihood of meeting heavy resistance is low.

[] You all decide on a very risky move: try to bait the Imperial force that had been planning on going to take Hornglade into carrying through with its mission. This will take some doing, as you don't have a complete understanding of the signals and signs the scouting force had been using, but Artemis thinks it's possible they could be diverted into an ambush on the Northern Kingdom side of the border. This would give the united armies a chance to deal a meaningful blow to the Imperial host if it works, but if it doesn't, you could either fail to lure them out, or accidentally engage them in the Divine Realm, something that would severely irritate Mother Marina and other Solar Knights.
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