By Spirits be Driven
[X] Plan: The Paranoid Diplomat
-[X] Spend time talking to Missionary Jogby, trying to get to know both him and the Divine Realm in general. After all, he apparently works closely with the Sun-Father, so it's both polite and wise to understand him better.
--[X] Focus on talking about the present rather than the past. What's the Divine Realm like? How does it interact with its neighbors? All those things could be useful to know.
-[X] Keep your eyes open for anything unusual or unexpected going on. Not only does this satisfy your niggling paranoia, but being in a new place is interesting! (2/3)
-[X] Spend time talking to Missionary Jogby, trying to get to know both him and the Divine Realm in general. After all, he apparently works closely with the Sun-Father, so it's both polite and wise to understand him better.
--[X] Focus on talking about the present rather than the past. What's the Divine Realm like? How does it interact with its neighbors? All those things could be useful to know.
-[X] Keep your eyes open for anything unusual or unexpected going on. Not only does this satisfy your niggling paranoia, but being in a new place is interesting! (2/3)
"Therefore go, and bring My light to all nations, purify them by Truth, Redemption and Knowledge, and teach them to be better than their base selves as I taught you. And surely I am with you always, as My sun rises after every dark night."
-Sol Invictus, according to Canticles 19 and 20 of Sun-Father Leon I
As you settle back into the squishy seat of the carriage, glad for your small size since it keeps you from sinking too deeply into the overly-soft cushioned seats, you look around the interior curiously. It's not quite as ornate as the outside, but there's still plenty of gold glittering at you. Were it not for the curtains covering the tops of the windows, the sunlight probably would have been reflecting painfully into your eyes.
What really attracts your attention, however, is the intricate painting on the ceiling. "That's one of the steps on the Path, isn't it?" you ask, pointing at the beautiful image of a crowd of well-dressed men and women kneeling in front of a single man in rough brown robes holding up a glowing staff, a marble statue standing behind him and almost seeming to glow itself. "The one Sun-Father Leon took to create the Divine Realm?"
"Indeed it is," Missionary Jogby says. "The Exaltation, the moment when the Divine Realm reached its purest form and fully dedicated itself to Sol Invictus as the core of its national identity. You have learned of our history?"
You nod. "A little," you say. "Melissa was telling me about it, while we were talking about… about some of my people's history."
You don't know exactly why you change the answer you'd been intending to give. You and Malissa had worked together and decided that it would be best to leave the connection between the Mother and Sol Invictus unsaid for the moment, but there'd never been any concerns about discussing the Union. After all, one of the goals you've taken upon yourself is to redeem your species' name in the eyes of humans, and discussing a time when your people and theirs lived together in peace would surely help with that. Especially someone who already seems somewhat interested, or at least they work for someone who does.
However… there's just something about this Missionary Jogby that makes you a little wary. After a moment of studying your feelings to try and understand them, you think it has to do with his seeming… inflexibility. Maybe you're misjudging him, but the way he all but told Mother Marina not to send anyone to check up on what the Empire was doing because the Divine Realm is supposed to be peaceful just rubs you the wrong way. Not only could that deny Artemis and your other friends help if the Empire rallies faster than you expect, but it speaks of such a focus on making sure things stay the way that they're supposed to be that he doesn't notice that they've already changed. You hope you're wrong, that there are more robust conversations going on behind closed doors, but you can't help but wish they'd be a bit more draconic and do something about the obviously-crazy Regent and his bad habit of sending armies to conquer the people you like!
Besides, he seems to be very proud of the Divine Realm, so talking about that will probably put him in a good mood. Best to stick to safe topics for now, feel out how he'll respond to other things.
If any of your internal discussions and thought-flights appear on your face, Missionary Jogby doesn't comment. Instead, he smiles. "A well-educated child is a blessing upon her parents and the Sun," he says. "Did she discuss the rest of the Sun-Father's Path?"
You nod. "We spent a while talking about it the first time Artemis and I came to Mother Marina's place," you say. "It was a really interesting story. I liked how Sun-Father Leon worked to protect his people from that noble. I had problems with a noble who tried to bully my friends and I, but Countess Mantrae helped me out, so I know how those villagers the Imperial lord was abusing felt."
Missionary Jogby nods gravely. "Indeed. It is a sad fact of this world that those who become too engrossed in worldly power lose sight of the fact that the divine mandate of high birth is to protect and guide the people in their care." He gestures up at the ceiling. "That is why, after securing our freedom from the Empire, Sun-Father Leon's Exaltation called upon all the nobility to accept the mantle of priests and priestesses of Sol Invictus, as well as give up their special status and accept the rest of the faithful as their equals. While we do not always live up to his example or Her wishes for us, having a mistress beyond this world reminds us that we are not truly so much greater than other mortals. Not compared to the divine."
Cocking your head, you consider that. While the sentiment is nice, it does remind you of something you'd thought of when Melissa had been telling the story, but she'd just been so excited you hadn't wanted to push her. "So does everyone in the Divine Realm worship Sol Invictus?" you ask.
"For the most part," Missionary Jogby says. "There are a few who stubbornly cling on to other faiths, mostly immigrants from other lands. For example, a decade or so ago a small Felician clan was driven from their ancestral lands by a larger clan, and the Sun-Father was gracious enough to grant them sanctuary within the Divine Realm. Despite the efforts of several Missionaries, most of the clan still worship their old gods: Father Flame and Mother Moon, despite their own theology admitting that they have been dead for a millennium. However, a few have seen Sol Invictus's light and have been welcomed into the Church."
You frown. "And what about those who don't?" you ask. "What happens to them?"
Missionary Jogby looks confused for a moment before waving his hand. "Ah, I see how my words could easily be misunderstood. Worshippers of other faiths are not few because those faiths are repressed, we Solites know how that feels in the Empire and will not repeat the mistakes of others. Those Felicians who still venerate the old ones, they are free to do so, as are those Animists and Sentinalites that dwell within our borders. However, most quickly come to recognize the benefits of being part of the Church. For example, one of the Felicians who chose to accept Sol Invictus is a Missionary herself now and acts as the Sun-Father's primary representative to the other nearby clans."
"So only those who worship Sol Invictus can do that?" you ask.
"In an official capacity, yes," Missionary Jogby says. "Since the Exaltation, all government and leadership positions are filled purely by members of the clergy, and many other priests and priestesses act as teachers, healers, and protectors." You frown a little, and the Missionary must have noticed because he continued firmly before you can formulate a question. "However, that is a far more egalitarian method than other nations use. After all, in the Empire, how many of 'low birth' will ever be given the opportunity to rise to the true potential they were blessed with? In the Divine Realm, however, anyone with the will and ability to rise to the heights of Sol Invictus's favor. For example, Father Simon? Though he plays at being a rural preacher, he could easily have taken a role as a Sun-Speaker, one of the Sun-Father's closest advisors and a potential successor, despite his parents having been poor farmers. In another land, he would never have had the chance to choose to be anything other than a farmer himself, which would have been a terrible waste for one blessed such as he."
That all sounds really nice, and you suppose it does fit with some of the complaints you've heard from Belle. However… "But what about those who have a lot of ability, but deeply believe in some other faith?" you ask. "Artemis, she's brave and smart and a great leader, but she's an Animist. Would she be able to live up to that in the Divine Realm?"
Missionary Jogby chuckles. "I did say in an official capacity," he says. "We are fallible humans, of course, so the systems never work quite as perfectly as their designers intended. Thus, wise leaders learn to work around the flaws. There are plenty of advisory positions that are not the province of the clergy that are nevertheless respected, and there are some careers, such as banking and mercantilism, that can bring great wealth despite not fitting within the… skill set of a pious Solite. Besides, the Divine Realm has no interest or desire in broad expansion. We have learned from the mistakes of the Empire, trying to control the entire continent with one ruling government is folly and will lead only to suffering. No, so long as the word and light of Sol Invictus is able to flourish, we will be satisfied."
Silence falls in the carriage as you consider. All in all, compared to what you'd seen of the Empire, the Divine Realm sounds much nicer, and it did produce Melissa and Mother Marina. However… well, Bernard had also said a lot of good things about the Empire, and they were currently trying to conquer the rest of the continent. Or at least, some of them were. It could still be that, either willfully or not, Missionary Jogby's painting a rosier picture of the Divine Realm than it really had earned. However, at the moment you have no evidence to suggest anything nefarious.
"What of you, Mistress Levinheart?" Missionary Jogby asks. "As I mentioned before we left, while I have heard some stories from the Revisionists, I would not claim to be as knowledgeable as they. Might I hear your tale from your own mouth?"
You nod, this was part of the reason you had agreed to go on this journey. The more humans you can show that manakete are people like them, the better. "Sure," you say. "Well, I was born in Kepesk-Okar, down on the eastern side of the southern mountains…"
Whatever else you might have to say about him, Missionary Jogby is an excellent listener. He nods and follows along with your story, asking intelligent clarifying questions that prove he is actually paying attention and thinking about what you have to say. In the end, you only talk a little about your childhood and manakete in general, instead focusing more on your adventures with Artemis and beyond. Partially, this is because you want the Missionary to know just how much you and your friends have done to stop the Regent and his goons from taking everything over. After all, if he has the ear of the Sun-Father, then he can help you convince Mathias that the Divine Realm should help out as well.
However… you are honest enough with yourself to know that you have Melissa's words in mind as well. If Lacroix, who probably doesn't know nearly as much about Sol Invictus as one of her priests does, could spot the similarities between her and the Mother, it's likely Missionary Jogby would be able to in an instant. Thus, despite a few probing questions towards your own faith and belief systems, you're able to avoid talking about the Mother too much. You're not ashamed of her, of course, but you don't want to risk causing any problems.
Thankfully, Missionary Jogby seems to accept your less-than-complete answers, though you get the feeling he is filing away those answers for later consideration, as you do for a lot of things you hear from other people.
Eventually, you're able to nudge the conversation back to the Divine Realm, and specifically the Missionary's role in it. "As was said before, our primary purpose is to negotiate and carry messages to other realms. Originally, our purpose was to go out into the wider world and spread the truth of Sol Invictus beyond the Divine Realm, but over time we have been called more and more to act as more worldly emissaries, especially to the Empire and Northern Kingdoms. The Felicians, while they do not war with us as they do with the Empire, are still resistant to having humans enter their lands, and the other realms are too far for regular diplomatic missions. Thus, we rarely get to spread Her word farther than it has already gone." He sighs. "Some days, I do wonder if we are straying from our purpose…"
"...Well, I don't know as much as you about Sol Invicstus's commandments," you say. "But from what Melissa told me, she's a peaceful goddess, so anyone whose job it is to go out and spread peace is surely doing what she'd want, right? After all, once people stop fighting each other, then it's a lot easier to tell them about all the good things about your faith."
Missionary Jogby nods. "That is true," he says. "Do please forgive an old man's musings, they are born somewhat of disappointment. After all, it was not so long ago that Sun-Father Mathias believed that Emperor Thaddeus would finally be the one to truly guide his lineage from their less desirable traits under the guidance of Hierophant Wolsenly. Sadly, with first the disrespect of some of his Emperor-cult ambassadors, then his death, perhaps that dream was not to be."
You had been about to ask about the Hierophant, hoping to maybe sus out more about the Council so you could maybe figure out who your friend in the heart of the Regent's group was, but your other self latches onto something else. "Emperor-cult?" you ask at her prompting.
The Solite priest sighs. "Emperor Theodore is a… polarizing figure. Here in the Divine Realm, while we respect his efforts to protect humanity from the Fell Dragon, the one who led others to destroy civilizations- and yes, I am certain that many manakete were not like that, the fact that you and I are having this conversation proves that, but there is much evidence that such destruction did happen-" he says, recognizing where you were going with your opened mouth, "-we also remember the terrible destruction he wreaked on our ancestors after the Battle of Fell Mountain. For the Empire, however, his nuances are often forgotten, especially when some of his descendants have sought to deify him as a flawless savior of humanity. It was they who began calling the Fell Stone the Fire Emblem, alleging that Emperor Theodore gained power from it and used it to complete… to ensure that humanity would be safe, their words not mine. While their attempts to form a functional religion around their bloodline never caught on, the cult of personality does linger to this day."
You carefully channel your anger and pain to the side to deal with later; you're all but certain that the Fell Stone/Fire Emblem is a dragonstone, probably the "Fell Dragon's". You also know that, even in the most ludicrous of stories, there's often some pebble of truth, and that truth would be useful for you to know. "What do you mean, gained power from it?" you ask.
Missionary Jogby chuckles dryly. "The story changed depending upon which Emperor was espousing it. Some claimed that Emperor Theodore simply became stronger and wiser than other men by drawing upon the magical energies within the stone, and that blessing then passed down to his children. Others said that it completed the Fell Slayer, granting that Mastercraft the power of three stones rather than two so long as it's in "worthy hands". Others don't even bother creating a specific gift, simply claiming that by holding it, they are worthy to be lifted above other men. No, it is a story, one that they use to shore up their legitimacy." He waves a hand. "But let us not concern ourselves with such things. You mentioned that your father was a runemaker, I have always been curious about how one goes about designing the more detailed ones."
You briefly consider continuing to push, but decide that if there is a good reason he doesn't want to talk about it, you don't want to sour things too early. You will have several days to get some answers.
Besides, you like talking about magic and runewrighting.
Over the next few days of your journey, you alternate between riding in the carriage, talking with Missionary Jogby, and flying above and around the carriage when you need some air. The two Solar Knights and their subordinate cavaliers don't complain when you lift off, only asking that you remain close. You test the boundaries a little, flying high enough that you'd be out of reach of most spells while you could theoretically still use Bolting (not that you had any intention of starting a fight!) but the guardians don't complain about it.
Some of that could be due to the large, complex-looking Purge tome that one of the Solar Knights carries in a backpack. You remember reading about it during your study session for the White magic portion of your accreditation test, a tome that taps into light's near omnipresent nature to reach out long distances the same way as your Bolting magic uses lightning's tendency to follow the paths of least resistance.
These Solar Knights certainly came prepared…
Beyond testing what would and wouldn't be allowed by the Missionary's guards, you also get a much better look at the Divine Realm from the sky than you would through the carriage window. The sheer openness of the land is something of a shock to you, while the Northern Kingdoms had been a land of many broad plains and few clusters of trees, there had been plenty of hills and other landmarks to help you find your way around. In the Divine Realm, other than the occasional village, large grove of cultivated trees and the winding roads, the entire Divine Realm seems to be one big, flat expanse. There is the big river that you crossed to get deeper into the Divine Realm and had been following ever since, but other than that it's just plains, plains, plains.
You suppose it's beautiful in its own way, though you do wish there were more trees. You like having some shade every now and then, it means you don't have to use as much healing to get rid of the irritating sunburn that sometimes starts developing on your exposed hands and cheeks. Thankfully, your hair keeps your neck safe, and your wings don't get sunburn, but still, it's not your preferred climate.
Near the beginning of the third day of travel, you finally get your wish. "What's that?" you ask as you peer out of the carriage, having decided to take a break and continue the discussion with Missionary Jogby about the Divine Realm's educational system (he's very proud of it, apparently one of his sisters is one of the Sisters of Knowledge who dedicate themselves towards teaching children).
The man looks out his own window to look at the wall of trees you'd spotted, the most you'd seen since passing out of the border region. "The Forest of Light, the biggest forest in the Divine Realm," he says before chuckling. "Which isn't hard, seeing as it's our only big forest. Not only is it the source of most of the lumber we use, it's also home to most of the modern unicorn population. Now that we are here, it should be only another day before we reach the Lady's Lake. After that, we will cross the Northern River and travel up the Pilgrim's Path to the Divine City."
"That sounds good," you say. "Do you think we'll see any wild unicorns? Princess Alina has one, though I never really got a chance to spend much time with her." You don't mention that Luxann and Glinda, despite a few attempts to talk to them to get their opinions on some of the things Missionary Jogby had said, had mostly just directed you back to him, claiming that he was far better qualified for such discussions.
"It is possible, though most remain deeper in the woods and avoid the roads. There are some Solar Knights who are blessed enough to be accepted by the herds who follow them and ensure that no poachers or other threats harm them, but most wild unicorns are very skittish around strangers. Only a rare few present themselves to the handlers to be taken for training, and even fewer consent to be ridden by anyone other than a Solar Knight. It is believed they are drawn to particularly pious wielders of light magic."
'Probably more the White magic than the piousness,' Dragon-you thinks. 'We should go flying, maybe we can see them from the air since they probably don't look up much. Most creatures don't.'
You suppose that makes sense, and you do want to stretch your wings for a bit. "I'm going to take a flight, but if I see any I promise I'll leave them alone," you say, ignoring the disappointed noise from your other self.
"Thank you, Mistress Levinheart," Missionary Jogby says, knocking on the carriage wall as he always does to indicate for it to stop and let you out. Honestly, that seems unnecessary to you, you'd taken off from a moving carriage multiple times when you were riding with Countess Mantrae and Sypha, but the man insists on safety first. Once the caravan has stopped for the moment, you slip out, give a friendly nod to Glinda, and lift off into the air.
Sadly, as the day wears on, you don't see any unicorns, though with how thick the trees get at times it's possible they're just hidden by the canopy. However, as the sun begins to sink towards the horizon and you are considering whether to go back and ride the rest of the way with Missionary Jogby or keep flying and looking around until camp is made, you spot something that gives you pause.
'Wow, look at that!' Dragon-you says, pointing your attention towards a large lake to your south, the source of the river. You study it, wondering for a second what got your dragon-self's attention, before you notice that the reflections on it are… wrong. They're too bright, too solid, and the colors are more akin to the height of noon than to the approaching evening. 'What's going on with that?'
'I don't know,' you think back, scanning the lake. It is a huge lake, going on and on, but not that far into it you see a small island. Straining your eyes, you decide that it looks like there's a building upon the island, a church similar to the ones you'd seen in every town you passed. It's too dark and too far to get a good look, but you're pretty sure you see a few flickering lights inside, so it's inhabited. 'But I know someone who'll know!' Zipping back down, you balance yourself on the step of the carriage and poke your head in the window. "Missionary Jogby, I see the lake," you say. "And it seems to be glowing a little!"
The man looks up from his book and smiles. "A good omen, if the Lady of the Lake is feeling in an expressive mood," he says.
It takes you a second to place the name, but then you remember something you'd read at the Marble Hall. "That's one of the major White spirits that lives in the Divine Realm, isn't it?" you say.
"You are well read, Mistress Levinheart," Missionary Jogby says. "Indeed it is. One of the most powerful and active of her kind, she is also one of the few that, on rare and blessed occasions, will actually communicate with us mortals. The monastery you might have noticed on the island was built so that properly ordained monks could pray and listen to hear her whispers, as she is believed to be one of Sol Invictus's preferred vessels for communing explicitly with her faithful. If the lake is reflecting her presence enough to be noticed at a distance, then perhaps the monks are receiving some portent that will help guide the Divine Realm through these troubling times." He makes the sun-like shape with his hands over his heart as he says this.
You smile, this sounds really interesting! While it had been strange and hard to understand, communing with the major Yellow spirit that had protected you by Father's wishes had certainly been a unique experience. "Do you think I could go and see?" you ask. "I met a-"
Your smile fades as Missionary Jogby immediately shakes his head, a frown crossing his own face. "I am afraid that is impossible, Mistress Levinheart," he says. "Only those who have undergone the proper rites and blessings are permitted to set foot in that monastery and commune the Lady of the Lake, and despite your invitation from the Sun-Father you have not undergone those rites. I know that you are curious, but some things simply Are Not Done."
"But I communed with a Yellow spirit that lives near my home," you say. "Maybe I can hel-"
"No." You flinch slightly, in all your days of talking to him, Missionary Jogby had never been that short with you, and his magic had never flared like that! True, he hadn't always answered all your questions, but he had always been calm and reasonable even in non-answers. To have him completely shut the conversation down… Sighing, the man shakes his head again. "For the same reason I cannot tell you what the Sun-Father wishes to speak with you about, I cannot permit you to intrude upon that sacred space. Respected guest that you are, you are not a member of the Church. That is final." He looks out the window past you. "We made good time, though. There is a rest station near the lake, we will stop there for the night and continue on in the morning."
'This is so unfair!' Dragon-you thinks moodily as you stand on the shores of the lake a few hours later, the moon and starlight nearly drowned out by the soft glow of the water as the White spirit manifests. 'Surely it'd be a good thing to have someone who knows about how spirits work try to talk to it!'
'We don't know that the monks there don't,' you say, but you can't help but agree with your other self. Even if you couldn't help, what was the harm in just letting you look?! You know enough about magic that you know how to not disturb anything, even if you are a Yellow manakete and thus Anima by nature!
However, it seems that Missionary Jogby isn't taking any chances of you sneaking off. While he always asks one of the Solar Knights to stay with you when you wander anywhere out of the camp or rest area, tonight both of them had silently fallen in behind you as you made your way to the lake, following the nearly-visible weaves of White energy. Neither had given you any orders or even seemed upset, but you are certain that they would act to stop you if you tried to fly away.
So distracted are you by your thoughts that you almost miss the swirl of White magic. Blinking, you shake yourself and stare as the water shifts, small waves that seem to glitter building and washing against the shoreline. "Is this normal?" you ask the Solar Knights, watching as the waves seem to grow in size.
"No, it is not," Luxann says, moving to stand next to you, her hand gently gripping your shoulder. "Please, step back, it seems that the Lady is particularly-"
You flinch as a coil of White magic follows a larger wave, one that washes over the bank and nearly reaches your feet. As it retreats, the dampness continues to glow, almost as if it's leaving a trail for you to follow…
'Come on, let's go!' your dragon says, and for once your heart can't bring itself to channel the emotions away… Tugging your shoulder from the Solar Knight's grip, you step forwards onto the "path" just as another wave washes up, its warmth seeming to seep through your boots even though no water gets in…
"Mistress Levinheart!" Luxann says, starting to reach forward, only to stop as Glinda hisses something you don't quite catch. Almost in a daze, you step into the lake itself, the warm waters lapping about your feet as White magic swirls around you…
You blink-
Curious Statement: It has been a long time since the last one of your kind approached.
You swallow. You're not scared, you don't feel frightened, but you feel small, despite the fact that you can't seem to feel your body… "Y-you're the Lady of the Lake…" you say. "The White spirit…"
Dry Amusement: That is what they call me.
Your dragon-self, who at once feels closer than ever yet farther than normal, shifts around you, her awe leaking through your bond and nearly sending you to your knees on the non-existent ground. "You… you're so big…" she says, her scaly body seeming to brush against your smaller heart/form/mind/essence/existence/thing. "Like… bigger than Mommy…"
Gentle Reassurance: I am old, little one, but fear not, I will not harm you.
Questioning Request: What brings you to my shores?
Her shores… what had… "I… I was just curious… I wanted to know what you were saying to the monks…"
Careless Shrug: Nothing. I was just saturated with energy and was releasing it.
"So… you don't speak to them?"
Clarifying Statement: I do, on occasion.
Continuing Clarification: Sometimes, they are bright enough to draw my attention, like you are.
Sad Rumination: They interest me for a time, but they don't fully understand me.
Your other self reaches out like she would have to attract Mother's attention and touch, but the spirit pulls away.
Gentle Warning: Careful, little one, you are brighter and more mixed than most, but I am still bigger than you.
Brighter? Mixed? Frowning, you look down at yourself even though you aren't sure you really exist, and you see a light shining around you, light that seems different from lightning... "What's this?"
Surprised Admission: You know what, I don't know, I've never seen anything like it, not on one whose soul burns with lightning.
Strange Murmuring: It does seem… familiar…
Thoughtful Notation: Both your selves have it.
You do? You try to look for your dragon-self, and after a few seconds of trying you finally see her sitting next to you, her thirteen foot long soul/essence/being/body/nature/lighting/magic pressed to the ground/water/void/reality as she stares out into the bright, seemingly featureless surroundings. Indeed, after a moment, you see a similar glowing bit of light right at the base of her neck… Desperately, you try to focus through your draconic self's feelings. This feels different than the Yellow spirit that you'd spoken to before…
Weary Answer: Younger, more dedicated to his set purpose was he.
Explanatory Continuation: Less used to communing.
Oh, you guess that makes sense. Father did bind that spirit to… "Wait a minute, how did you know-"
Reassuring Answer: You told me, and I sensed a bit of another spirit's essence on you still. Your mind is your own.
Had you? You suppose that you could have accidently said that out loud. "So… why did you want to talk to me? Why did you call me?"
Curious Observance: It has been a long time since I saw one of your kind.
Regretful Statement: I was starting to miss them, they always were bright enough for me to talk to when I wanted to.
Impressed Congratulations: Though few had minds as magically gifted and thoughtfully organized as yours.
Both your halves preen a little at the compliment. "So you know about manakete? Could you tell me what happened?"
Thoughtful Choice: I could, though it would take much of the time your mind will be able to endure.
Cautionary Explanation: Even as bright and magical and mentally adept as you are, there are limits to what you can take.
Hopeful Offering: So in return for giving me someone to really talk to, if you have any questions I'll answer what I can before you're overwhelmed.
Forcing yourself to focus despite the warmth and your dragon-self's desire to simply bask in the spirit's presence. If what the spirit said is true, then this might be your only chance to get some maybe useful information out of it…
[]Ask the spirit about the manakete of the Union. Perhaps it/she/he will know something interesting. It seems knowledgeable.
[]Ask the spirit about the ideas you had about getting energy to help humans cast magic better. It seems talkative.
[]Ask the spirit about the light that it didn't recognize glowing within you. It seemed curious about that.
[]This doesn't seem safe: just talk with the spirit for a little before letting go: you don't want to risk hurting yourself.
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