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  • New dice system: the author will design a new, better dice system to add some randomness and risk.

    Votes: 17 40.5%

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Voting is open for the next 1 day, 17 hours
[X] Try to engage and kill the wyvern and the nearby Talons. While you could try to run, it would take a little time to get everyone on horses. Better to clear the area, or at least, before making your escape.
-[X] Aim to take out the wyvern's rider if it would be easier than killing the wyvern itself.
[X] This is not the place nor the time for subtlety. Shift into dragon form and kill that wyvern. If humans fear dragons, then you will use that to your advantage! Let these Talons know your wrath! (Anger and Determination shine in your soul.)
[X] This is not the place nor the time for subtlety. Shift into dragon form and kill that wyvern. If humans fear dragons, then you will use that to your advantage! Let these Talons know your wrath!

Like, maybe I'm just missing something, but my tactical read of the situation suggests that we're not getting those horses until the hostiles are cleared out.
No, I doubt you're missing anything, I suspect that's exactly the case. I can't think of a single sane, reasonable way to execute an effective retreat here, up to and including turning into a dragon just to run, which wouldn't work and ruins our secret anyway. And if we are going to fight--sudden, maximum force is the only way to go. We have zero time to screw around; decapitation strike on the boss lady for the win!

The downsides, of course, being...
A: The secret gets out.
B: That annoying twerp Bernard will start freaking out.
C: Psychological effects, from the violence and the use of Anger as a transforming emotion.

We knew the secret getting out was a risk when we started this; sadly, it looks like that's how things played out. If we leave no survivors, that might solve the problem temporarily, although it's yet more stress. Bernie can whine all he wants, he's only got two options; leave with us or stay with them. The mental health issues...yeah. No way around it, it's not good, and I got nothing for it. We're just going to have to stay alive the next half hour and then worry about it, I think.

Plus, we've now got that...awkward..conversation where we break the news about our destination. Ryza needs a damn vacation, ASAP.
Like, maybe I'm just missing something, but my tactical read of the situation suggests that we're not getting those horses until the hostiles are cleared out.
No, I doubt you're missing anything, I suspect that's exactly the case. I can't think of a single sane, reasonable way to execute an effective retreat here, up to and including turning into a dragon just to run, which wouldn't work and ruins our secret anyway. And if we are going to fight--sudden, maximum force is the only way to go. We have zero time to screw around; decapitation strike on the boss lady for the win!
A fighting retreat could pull it off. Ryza and our archers throw suppressive fire to force the enemy to take cover while everyone gets mounted one at a time, then they get out of there. The group races away to create distance, and in the immediate term only the wyvern can keep up. When they have enough distance to be out of sight of the Talons trying to chase after spooked horses, Ryza transforms and surprises the wyvern and rider while our archers do what they can to back her up.
A fighting retreat could pull it off. Ryza and our archers throw suppressive fire to force the enemy to take cover while everyone gets mounted one at a time, then they get out of there. The group races away to create distance, and in the immediate term only the wyvern can keep up. When they have enough distance to be out of sight of the Talons trying to chase after spooked horses, Ryza transforms and surprises the wyvern and rider while our archers do what they can to back her up.
Yeah, that sounds solid on paper, I just have problems imagining it playing out well in practice. Firstly, getting everyone mounted up is going to take a fair while, bearing in mind the all factors mentioned earlier by Hestia&theCourt plus the fact that all the horses are spooked. And consider that the ten men supporting the wyvern are described as carrying "a combination of weapons". I don't doubt that two or three of them are probably bows, and we'll be doing all that while under fire ourselves. Plus, I'm not confident in our ability to keep the wyvern suppressed; I think it might just as likely charge us directly or take to the air to attack from above. No way we could handle that plus their counterfire plus the ground troops charging at the same time we're attempting to mount.

But presuming we got mounted up, yes, only the wyvern could chase us. Isn't that kind of enough of a problem right there to wreck a smooth getaway? I don't really know how much damage a wyvern can take or inflict in this quest, but it doesn't have to do much to trip us up and let those reinforcements catch up.

Now if we could pull it off, I'd be all for drawing off the wyvern and dealing with it alone, elsewhere. I'm just not sure we could get to that point without it being a real mess. Way to many things have to go right, and escorting a noncombatant VIP isn't the time to gamble.
[X] This is not the place nor the time for subtlety. Shift into dragon form and kill that wyvern. If humans fear dragons, then you will use that to your advantage! Let these Talons know your wrath! (Anger and Determination shine in your soul.)
More seriously, @SoaringHawk218 is the name meant to imply something? Or are you gonna keep that hidden?

No, it doesn't mean anything in particular. Just a mercenary giving their best weapon and the defining feature of their group an intimidating name. Talon companies are usually nicknamed after the wyvern their leader rides.

As for the discussion on immediately retreating, I will say that it is possible. Will it be easy? Probably not. Might it bring costs? Yes. Are you forced to fight here in this moment and will you instantly lose if you try to pull out? No.

There was a good plan that got you 99% of the way to the exit without any meaningful resistance and failed because you happened to wander into another distraction designed to draw off the Talons while Sypha escaped a different way, you can lean into your successes if you want.

EDIT: And to be clear, this distraction was part of the plan that Mantrae's people set up through the note you and Robin delivered. They knew that, not only would scattering the horses take a lot of time and energy away from the Talons, it would be something they'd be forced to respond to, especially the Wyvern.

I'll roll combat as normal, but rather than results like "kill x Talons," it'll be more like "hold them back until x people escape." It'll leave an enemy behind you, but unless you're crazy enough to hang around until the entire chapter arrives (which I will stress they are not here yet, no matter what Rachel says. They're probably still scrambling around trying to figure out what the void's going on) that's going to happen anyways.
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[X] Suggest an immediate retreat. While you might be able to win this fight by working together, you already have Sypha. Just leave, this doesn't have to be a bloodbath.
-[X] Be ready to kill the wyvern and rider when they pursue. Transform if needed, but stick to ranged fire if possible.

Our goal here is escape. We don't have the bunched-up-fist to play bloody knuckles, which has the same amount of strategic complexity as what we have here. We still don't want to give our secret away.

We have enough punch to slap her down and escape. We should do that.
[X] Suggest an immediate retreat. While you might be able to win this fight by working together, you already have Sypha. Just leave, this doesn't have to be a bloodbath.
-[X] Be ready to kill the wyvern and rider when they pursue. Transform if needed, but stick to ranged fire if possible.
[X] Suggest an immediate retreat. While you might be able to win this fight by working together, you already have Sypha. Just leave, this doesn't have to be a bloodbath.
-[X] Be ready to kill the wyvern and rider when they pursue. Transform if needed, but stick to ranged fire if possible.
[X] Suggest an immediate retreat. While you might be able to win this fight by working together, you already have Sypha. Just leave, this doesn't have to be a bloodbath.
-[X] Be ready to kill the wyvern and rider when they pursue. Transform if needed, but stick to ranged fire if possible.
[X] Suggest an immediate retreat. While you might be able to win this fight by working together, you already have Sypha. Just leave, this doesn't have to be a bloodbath.
-[X] Be ready to kill the wyvern and rider when they pursue. Transform if needed, but stick to ranged fire if possible.
is it possible to use Rachel's armor against her to both act as a lightning rod and to amplify the damage?

Didn't notice this until now, but it'd be something Ryza would notice. Rachel is not wearing her armor right now. Its almost like her tent got suddenly set on fire while she was getting ready to go to sleep after a long flight and she suddenly had other things to worry about :p
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Bernard hisses in frustration. "There is no time, you silly girl! Just-"

"No." You're sure your eyes flash as you glare at him. "No. I am tired of all you self-sacrificing twits!"

You frown. Stubborn? You're not stubborn! It's not your fault humans keep coming up with silly ideas like staying with the bad people who're hurting them!
That's called feudalism, Ryza. People who don't follow it get put in the stocks, if they're lucky.

Bernard, however, is far more focused on his cousin's safety than on his own. He is also clearly still injured, as the movements of his legs are stiff. Combined, these factors means that, not only does he not notice the discarded cup laying on the ground, when he steps on it he can do nothing to prevent himself from tripping and falling.

He doesn't curse. He doesn't even make a sound. However, the cup goes flying past you and smacks into a pot hanging over the embers of a fire outside one of the tents, causing a loud clang.
If we all get out of this okay, Bernard is never living that slapstick catlike-tread moment.

On one hand, I get that mages are rare. On the other hand, a child would need rare talent to be sent on this kind of mission. Still on the second hand, is that really the best response you can think of? Did you hit your head when you were Three-Stooging off that coffee mug?

Meanwhile, Robin got off two more shots at Robert, but it's clear that the cavalier's metal armor is well made.
Dammit Robin. Shoot him in the face or aim for the soft target.

"Who's there!" the lead figure calls, hefting his spear and shield into a ready stance. "Come out and face-"

"KELTON!" you squeal joyfully.
The party's coming back together. All we need to do is get back to Agrithe and get some prisoner exchanges as part of Archduke Leto's deal.

You watch as the wyvern comes to a hover above you all before slamming down onto the ground just inside the camp itself, flattening a tent under its bulk. It glares around furiously, hissing challenges at the intruders that had entered its territory.
...well, there are also a few hidden steps in there.

Yes, I know you have scads of hostile forces, you imbecile, it's why I created a distraction to run away properly.

If you wanted your boss battle and set piece battle, write a damn book.

Is this directed at me or Rachel?
I mean, you are kinda writing a damn book, so it only makes sense if it's directed at Rachel? I assume?

*fall over dying of laughter* Oh my god you really want to hype this Wyvern up, don't you? Naming him after the Mad Earth Aspect's Monkier is certainly a way to hype an overgrown lizard. I can hear the sheer offense that the WoW Dragons must be feeling from universes away.

More seriously, @SoaringHawk218 is the name meant to imply something? Or are you gonna keep that hidden?
To me, it says that Rachel is indulging her inner chuunibyo. Deathwing is a name that's trying so hard to be cool, no matter what video games exist in your world.

We have zero time to screw around; decapitation strike on the boss lady for the win!


Plus, we've now got that...awkward..conversation where we break the news about our destination. Ryza needs a damn vacation, ASAP.
Not that Ryza doesn't need a vacation, but the draconic decapitation strike should make it easier to argue for our destination.

In theory, I like the idea of "run, only transform into a wyvern if they attack". But my mind's eye can't suspend its disbelief hard enough to believe that we could escape without at least taking out the wyvern first.

[X] The unexpected reunion with a friend fills you with determination!
[X] This is not the place nor the time for subtlety. Shift into dragon form and kill that wyvern. If humans fear dragons, then you will use that to your advantage! Let these Talons know your wrath! (Anger and Determination shine in your soul.)
-[X] Remind yourself that you're only fighting to make sure you have a chance to escape.
[X] Suggest an immediate retreat. While you might be able to win this fight by working together, you already have Sypha. Just leave, this doesn't have to be a bloodbath.
-[X] Be ready to kill the wyvern and rider when they pursue. Transform if needed, but stick to ranged fire if possible.

Much as I would love to see the carnage from a "dragon up" scene, we're looking at the one opponent onsite that could put up a real fight against dragon!Ryza; fighting them while they have support is unwise. And tipping off the Empire this early about there being a manakete in play would give them all the time in the world to come up with a counter.
[X] Suggest an immediate retreat. While you might be able to win this fight by working together, you already have Sypha. Just leave, this doesn't have to be a bloodbath.
-[X] Be ready to kill the wyvern and rider when they pursue. Transform if needed, but stick to ranged fire if possible.
[X] This is not the place nor the time for subtlety. Shift into dragon form and kill that wyvern. If humans fear dragons, then you will use that to your advantage! Let these Talons know your wrath!

While fighting to escape is cool and all, wyvern riders are normally High-tier troops. Without really good archery or magic dedicated to taking it down will make any encounter with it hurt. An already frustrated Ryza reaching a breaking point after all this silly death and loss finally snapping also makes a lot of sense story wise, regardless of secrets.

Also, the dragon!Ryza is getting more and more angry from all the half-shifting she is doing and probably will go rogue if she doesn't stop using the technique as transportation. I'm hoping a full shift will let the dragon blow off some steam and give the manakete more time to not piss off her dragon form before she understands the shifting scroll.
While fighting to escape is cool and all, wyvern riders are normally High-tier troops. Without really good archery or magic dedicated to taking it down will make any encounter with it hurt. An already frustrated Ryza reaching a breaking point after all this silly death and loss finally snapping also makes a lot of sense story wise, regardless of secrets.
Ryza is a decent mage. Robin is pretty much THE Archer bar none.

This line of thought holds no water.
Ryza is a decent mage. Robin is pretty much THE Archer bar none.

This line of thought holds no water.
My line of thinking is that Robin and Ryza are the only ones who can actually attack the wyvern and as we have no baseline to how tough a wyvern and rider are to yellow magic (i know yellow counters but I don't know how hard) but unless luck is involved I can't imagine Robin one-shotting the wyvern. If we can't one-shot it then it will attack and while Ryza can dodge (thank you wings) I don't want to rely on people having to dodge the fire-breath or swoops which im sure that our non-combatants can't really. Yes, they want Sypha alive but I don't think the wyvern will be that careful even if its being ridden.

Meanwhile, transforming means that we become the target able to both body block and be impossible to ignore. Not that we would likely have to as a dragon would wreck the wyvern.

Hence my line of reasoning is that its a lot safer to go dragon tactically and even if it doesn't help keeping her powers a secret, it fits her current mood and can help the dragon calm down from all the half-shifting she is doing.
[X] This is not the place nor the time for subtlety. Shift into dragon form and kill that wyvern. If humans fear dragons, then you will use that to your advantage! Let these Talons know your wrath! (Anger and Determination shine in your soul.)

Let's go.
[X] Suggest an immediate retreat. While you might be able to win this fight by working together, you already have Sypha. Just leave, this doesn't have to be a bloodbath.
-[X] Be ready to kill the wyvern and rider when they pursue. Transform if needed, but stick to ranged fire if possible.
[X] Suggest an immediate retreat. While you might be able to win this fight by working together, you already have Sypha. Just leave, this doesn't have to be a bloodbath.
-[X] Be ready to kill the wyvern and rider when they pursue. Transform if needed, but stick to ranged fire if possible.

Well, then my vote is easy. No need for full dragon yet, especially with an emotion as unwieldy as Anger
[X] Suggest an immediate retreat. While you might be able to win this fight by working together, you already have Sypha. Just leave, this doesn't have to be a bloodbath.
-[X] Be ready to kill the wyvern and rider when they pursue. Transform if needed, but stick to ranged fire if possible.
Much as I would love to see the carnage from a "dragon up" scene, we're looking at the one opponent onsite that could put up a real fight against dragon!Ryza; fighting them while they have support is unwise. And tipping off the Empire this early about there being a manakete in play would give them all the time in the world to come up with a counter.
By the same token, we're looking at the one opponent we can't be confident a few normal warriors could defeat with minimal risk. (Unless we count, like, a score of Talon mooks as a single opponent.) Rachel can put up a fight against dragon!Ryza, precisely because she's enough of a threat to consider turning into a dragon against her.

My line of thinking is that Robin and Ryza are the only ones who can actually attack the wyvern and as we have no baseline to how tough a wyvern and rider are to yellow magic (i know yellow counters but I don't know how hard), but unless luck is involved I can't imagine Robin one-shotting the wyvern.
Exactly as hard as bows do. Most games do this by tripling the base Might of the weapon; this doesn't triple the user's offensive stats, but it also doesn't triple the defender's defensive stats, so this generally more than triples damage. It's extremely common for player-controlled pegasus knights to get one-shot by mook archers who the player didn't notice...um, or so I've heard.
Point is, I wouldn't be surprised if a good archer (like Robin clearly is) would one-shot a typical wyvern rider. Wyverns generally have higher Defense than pegasi, but Robin is no mook.

Of course, Rachel isn't a typical wyvern rider. Sticking to the games for a bit longer, it's pretty common for named "boss" enemies to have skills, items, or something that lets them mitigate or ignore their class's Achilles heels. Even if Rachel doesn't have the equivalent of Iote's shield, she's probably tough enough that we can't just trivially shoot her down.
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 17 hours