Fiend: Thread Three, Thread Harder. [Exalted/Worm]

Sojiko said:
Note that if that was literally true, the Charm would fail to activate (and obviously have no effect).
(Ah right, she needs Everything gets worse to use it on whatever memory, so she'd just need to grab that as well.)

On another note, Taylor probably hasn't effected the S9's actions up till now, so it would be reasonable to guess that they're soon to be short a few members. Given the reputation Defiler is earning, she might get a visit in a few months.
SolipsistSerpen said:
Well, don't worry, I don't think you're real enough to get offended by anything you say.
If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand that fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with bodies and heartbeats. - "Messiah's Handbook: Reminders for the Advanced Soul"
SolipsistSerpen said:
Well, don't worry, I don't think you're real enough to get offended by anything you say.
...welp, hear that? I'm absolved of all culpability!


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♦ Topic: The Lawgivers:
In: Boards ► Teams ► NEW
Lady_of_Problems (Unverified Cape)(Original Poster)
Posted on January 25th, 2011
Just to let my fans know, I've joined a new team! It's gonna be great! And look out, whoever stands in my way!
The Lawgivers are here!

Current Roster:
Damsel of Distress

(Showing page 131 of 131)

► BladeSmirk
Replied on January 28, 2011
So, I heard rumor that Defiler was also last seen in the company of Sundancer during the Simurgh's latest attack. You guys don't think...?

Replied on January 28, 2011
Huh. If she's going to keep the theme, she's going to have to rename herself to Dancer in the Sun or something similar.

Replied on January 28, 2011
2 D's, 3 D' can't seriously make a team just for that, can you?

Replied on January 28, 2011
Yes, well, having seen Damsel of Distress in person when she got run out of Rochester, I think I can safely say that this is the closest she'll ever come to Double D's, let alone Triple.
User received an infraction for this post: Poor taste


(I'm so, so sorry)
NeonPixieStyx said:
The way I remember it (I'm not really in the mood to go back and check this) Cody and Luke were killed. Luke got vaped by Legend, and Taylor turned Cody into savory BBQ with acid hellfire for trying to loop back after she smacked the stupid out of him.
Unlikely, considering Cody was sold to the CUI before they even went to New York. Also, no, that didn't happen.
Taylor: Stop arguing! Both of you will get along with one another, starting now! Is that clear?
Damsel: But she-!
Dancer: But I-!
Taylor: I said, IS THAT CLEAR?!
Both: ...yes ma'am.
illhousen said:
On another note. I have a question that should probably be addressed to EarthScorpion: how does Countless Cities Clotting interacts with Loom-Snarling Deception?
1.Can Infernal hide scars with LSD?

2.What happened when she uses active healing while LSD is active?
Ah, the age-old question of how magical scarring interacts with magical disguises. This is mostly a gut-feeling answer here, so here goes;

1. The scars are a Crippling effect, and LSD cannot hide that you have, for example, lost an arm. Hence, I'd say that the scars remain, but you can conceal what they're made of - yes, making them a weakspot in the disguise.

2. The CCC-healing works as written. It says it has an effect, nothing about LSD contradicts that - hence, your disguise is twisted by the terrible power of the Demon City as much as your flesh is.
illhousen said:
On another note. I have a question that should probably be addressed to EarthScorpion: how does Countless Cities Clotting interacts with Loom-Snarling Deception? Can Infernal hide scars with LSD? What happened when she uses active healing while LSD is active?
EarthScorpion said:
Ah, the age-old question of how magical scarring interacts with magical disguises. This is mostly a gut-feeling answer here, so here goes;

1. The scars are a Crippling effect, and LSD cannot hide that you have, for example, lost an arm. Hence, I'd say that the scars remain, but you can conceal what they're made of - yes, making them a weakspot in the disguise.

2. The CCC-healing works as written. It says it has an effect, nothing about LSD contradicts that - hence, your disguise is twisted by the terrible power of the Demon City as much as your flesh is.
Indeed, and more importantly I'm pretty sure we've already covered this earlier in-story. Ahh, here it is.


Also, here's a small teaser line of future story text. I wonder how many people will actually catch the reference being made here?

"I distrust a man who says 'when.' If he's got to be careful not to drink too much, it's because he's not to be trusted when he does," Damsel said dismissively.
illhousen said:
Leader: Me.
Slayer: *Green Sun Nimbus Flare*
*Leader's corpse falls on the ground*
Slayer: *Rejection of Rebellious Fools*
Slayer: *Rejection of Rebellious Fools*
Slayer: *Rejection of Rebellious Fools*
RoRF is activated when you decide to ignore someone who is talking, and forces everyone to ignore that person. I'm not sure what is the point of activating it here.

If you want to do that, Crowned By Fury works just fine.
That doesn't create the illusion that no on talked. Everyone can hear them just fine. They are just compelled to act as if they hadn't.

But I can see it now "why is this idiot speaking up!?! I don't know that fool, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear anything ..."
The problem is that you can't just leave the dissenters alone, that would establish a bad precedent.

Actually that would work much better by using RoRF on the boss (so that his followers ignore the old boss saying he's in charge) while killing the first extra who steps out of line to make sure they all behave.
Man, I know it's wrong, but I can't help but think of monaco: what's yours is mine, when i read this scene.
Hmm. I know it was mentioned earlier that Damsel is actually decent at the overlooked logistics side of villainry. Can/should we expect her to speak up to Taylor soon about how to get access back to her funds?

That could prove hilarious if she only does it after they've knocked over every gang warehouse in the area.
Huh. And they are back in action. I'm guessing that those aren't money in that briefcase. Cauldron formulas? Drugs? Some sort of tinker weaponry? Who knows.

Anyway, I guess they are about to start making waves again. Does Sundancer know where Mob's headquarters are?
Awww Taylor and her gang are having a nice downtime where nothing bad ever can happen!
illhousen said:
Advices by Taylor "Defiler" Hebert:
Q: How to be overlooked by cape community?
A: Destroy every gang in a major city right after Endbringer attack when the truce is traditionally still in effect.
Eh. It's the day after the attack. I figure that for all cities that weren't hit the Truce would be considered over.
chrnno said:
Taking advantage of the direct aftermath is considered breaking the truce. It is very likely that at least one of the gangs she hits had links with parahuman who went to the fight and thus she would be taking advantage of it.
It's not the direct aftermath. If she was in Canberra or the Canadian city that got hit, it's name is eluding me right now, I could buy it but not in New York.

Everyone injured who wanted to be healed would have been healed by now so it's fair game in New York.
[warning] Wall of Text and gratuitous linkage incoming [/warning]
Wel, fff... I made a mistake and erased my post before sending it. Let's see..
logiccosmic said:
"You can't change your feet to some other size?" She asked, clearly curious.
Technically she can with Loom-Snarling Deception. Sort of. But yes, she has strange limitations on her shape-shifting, because she isn't a normal Changer at all. Note that since the classification is not about how capes do things but rather what effects their powers have in practice, Defiler's ability to turn into a shadow or a stone giant make her a bona fide Changer, albeit an unusual one.
logiccosmic said:
"No. I've gone up four sizes, too." I grumbled, shuffling my ridiculous boat-like pink footwear.

"Dress?" she - almost - squeaked.

"Shoe," I answered, slightly irritated. Really, four dress sizes? What did she think I had been before, a size double zero?
The snips has barely started and I'm already laughing. This is going to be a good one. ^_^
I have to say that given how lanky Taylor is, I have to agree 100% with her. DoD is right to be embarassed.
logiccosmic said:
They both needed to, if not get on the side of good, then at least make themselves useful. I could fix this, if they cooperated.
Actually if Taylor learns either Golden Years Tarnished Black or Crowned With Fury cooperation becomes optional. GYTB would be great for her campaign against evil, but I have a soft spot for CWF, possibly because of its total lack of anything resembling subtelty, and how trivially easy it is to use ; it really convey's Malfeas's style. Also VWF is a prerequisite of Fealty-Acknowledging Audience, which is not only awesome at making large groups loyal but also (and more importantly) lets the Warlock share mutations from By Rage Recast. Beyond the obvious stengthening of the minions, it lets her do awesome things like increase their longevity or healing ability : healing from wounds 4 times faster is not the real benefit, recovering fully from anything short of amputation is more important, letting the blind see and the tetraplegic walk. Walking into a hospital and granting youth* and health with a wave of her ar* to all those who merely say that they love her? (a dismissive wave of her arm, because Malfeas) That would be totally awesome.

* degeneration from old age is a crippling effect, so combining those let anyone bless physically revert to their thirties (maybe late twenties) and stay there until they reach about 200 years old.
logiccosmic said:
"Then let's go destroy every gang in New York City."
The way she concludes a rather subtle manipulation with that is precisely why Fiends favoring Malfeas are among my favorites sort of Infernals.
logiccosmic said:
Several hundred dollars poorer, we all rode in Damsel's van
Given that Damsel lost the keys, I'm guessing they had to wire the thing. Hehe. Maybe I shouldn't enjoy their misery like that but I can't help but smirk at the disconnect between their terrible might as a supervillain (supervigilante?) group and how they have to steal not just a decrepit van but their own vehicle.
logiccosmic said:
Damsel was mirroring Sundancer's silent treatment- embarrassed, over having to pay an obscene amount to a locksmith to get into the van. I had shrugged it off as the cost of doing business, but she was holding the debt like it was a promise of her firstborn child.
Hahaha, so that's what happened. Can't even steal their own car, that's pretty pathetic, especially for such a high profile group. I actually laughed at them, does that make me a bad person?
logiccosmic said:
I cleared my throat, and enunciated clearly, "Are we all clear on the plan?"

Sundancer replied first, "Yes. We hit hard, and fast. Grab everything inside that we can carry, and then keep moving."
Malfeas would probably approve at the directness of the smash and grab (He certainly approves of taking other people's stuff, He used to steal His little brother's toys all the time), but the end here suggests you are anticipating some meanigful response. A true Malfeas-approved plan would be "smash, grab, calmly stroll away secure in your knowledge that those puny insects cannot do anything to you", not "smash, grab, run away".
Still, I'll give it a 80%. Nice effort, Defiler.
logiccosmic said:
In front of us stood the warehouse that had been full of guns last week.
So ... she isn't using her awesome Stranger power to check things before entering with her minions (squishy minions!). That's reckless. Oh well, that gets her a +10% to her Malfeas Approval Rating, at least.
logiccosmic said:
"Go." I whispered, hoping they hadn't heard anything.
OK, I have to admit that I don't get that sentence, specifically the second half. From the way it is worded, she is hoping that her "go" won't be heard, but that's just plain weird. maybe she is hoping it will only be heard by team Lawgivers and not the targets? Or maybe she is hoping the target won't hear the wall being obliterated (btw, nice job DoD)?
No matter how many times I re-read this, I can't understand what it is saying, so it should probably be clarified.
logiccosmic said:
I rushed through the new entrance, heading along a path I had tread not long ago. Silent, and swift.
Like a scarlet wind?
logiccosmic said:
I kicked the table, and it flew up, clipping all but one of them in the jaw. The woman closest to me, missed being hit by the flying furniture, only to take the swung rifle to the chest.
... what swung rifle?
That's another line that could use clarification, even if it isn't as confusing as the one quoted above (I clearly get the impression that all the guards got quickly beaten down). I know what is happening, but I'm not clear on the how here. Is this the gun Defiler just snagged, used as a club? Was it lying on the table and knocked the woman over as it flew away from Defiler's kick? Is it another Lawgiver doing their part while the boss is kicking the rest into submission?
That line gives me the impression that I should know that the rifle-swinging has been mentioneed earlier, but it hasn't. maybe that's an edition artifact? Whatever the case, the scene would still be good without changing it, but it might be better with some clarification here. Unless you are aiming to make ita bit confusing, transmitting the chaos of the action to the reader (but that's not the impression I'm getting from the clear and crisp exposition of the rest of the action).
logiccosmic said:
"Hands up," I ordered. "Don't be stupid, and you won't get shot."
"Turn around," I continued, gesturing with the pistol.
See this? That's precisely the sort of thing you can't do without blowing your nature if you learn Crowned With Fury. But as far as I'm concerned, that's an upside added on top of making Defiler such a better* leader. "Infernals: there are no drawbacks(tm)".

* warning: the Infernal version of "better" might not match mortal expectations
logiccosmic said:
The loft was dark, lights off, but it could either be unoccupied, or have someone setting a trap.

Unluckily for them, they weren't helping themselves.
... Oh! I hadn't noticed until Taylor pointed it out, but that's true. Yay for Witness to Darkness. When I did notice it, I couldn't stop myself from laughing (there might also have been some hand-rubbing involved).
logiccosmic said:
Sundancer, after checking that we were far enough away, lit up her fiery orb. Harsh light emanated from it, as it grew hotter and hotter. She loosed it, and it flew right through the hole Damsel had made. As one, both of us turned away, as a brief fireball blasted out the windows of the warehouse. Sundancer walked towards me, gently stepping over the melted pavement.
Ah, yes, Sundancer is much better than a few grenades at cleaning up behind yourself. Also, MALFEAS APPROVES (although he is slightly disappointed that the searing sunfire was not the green radioactive type).

A good an enjoyable and satisfying snip. Intra-party stuff, Taylor becoming a leader (both motivating her minions and using their skill to great effect), action, superpowers, and progress on the protagonist's agenda.

(now I am saving this before sending because I am not typing everything a thrid time)
Sojiko said:
Malfeas would probably approve at the directness of the smash and grab (He certainly approves of taking other people's stuff, He used to steal His little brother's toys all the time), but the end here suggests you are anticipating some meanigful response. A true Malfeas-approved plan would be "smash, grab, calmly stroll away secure in your knowledge that those puny insects cannot do anything to you", not "smash, grab, run away".
Still, I'll give it a 80%. Nice effort, Defiler.
No no no, That was smash, grab, and smash again. Then they left. Also, the impression I got is that they were leaving in a hurry because they have a tight timetable to hit everything.