Fiend: Thread Three, Thread Harder. [Exalted/Worm]

illhousen said:
Local villains too: what happened there was bad for business. Well, the Mob was already going after her, I can see other remaining gangs doing the same now.
I really don't think villains would be eager to get themselves on the bad side of something that terrifying. Refuse to work with her and try to get them away from their business? Sure. Actively seek confrontation? Not so much.
illhousen said:
Given that the official source just says that Defiler fought the unknown cape and the collateral damage can be attributed to her in part? That the death of unknown cape is attributed solely to Legend? And that there soon will be reports about Defiler appearing in other cities apparently for no other reason than to wreak havoc?
Interlude said:
At this time, no official response has been made from either the NYPD, or the New York PRT, but unofficial sources and eyewitness reports make certain facts clear
Not the official source.
As far as most people know now, Heroes switched sides and started killing civilians, which is a misconception that will likely be corrected relatively soon.
The highly inaccurate information displayed here is not a good basis to predict the mid-term decisions of the various players in this situation.

Also the Protectorate knows better than almost anyone that Defiler was helping and that they owe her for finishing things before they got even worse. I don't think she'll really jump up their priority list for extermination. Discreet recruitment? Maybe. If she gets blamed for this disaster, they might pretend to make her a priority, but I don't think that'll actually happen.
Menma said:
You over estimate the ability for your average criminal to set aside their differences- most of these guys would gladly ignore her in the hopes that she knocks off the competition. She doesn't exactly seem like an Endbringer level threat (yet).

No one really knows how the NYC scenario started, the only witnesses for the beginning are either dead, or not talking.
Finally, there is no reason for the PRT to mention the shadow cape at all. (provided they even realize the connection.)

On another note, now that I think about it, logic did skip what happened in Montreal.... so isn't it entirely possible that they got mind fucked by Simurgh?, I mean they probably encountered nothing but... How can we be sure?.

Please note that not having a destiny does not make you immune to mind screws.
Taylor should be immune to Simurgh's mind-screw; either through spontaneous development of a charm to defend against UMI or Shaping or whatever her attack counts as, or because her weird interactions with the physics of the Wormverse make her undetectable to Simurgh (who can only see through post/pre-cog).

Also, remember that neither of them could hear Simurgh's screaming in the update; kind of implies the Simurgh was already gone by the time they arrived.
SolipsistSerpen said:
But... I wonder. Remember Sundancer's reaction? One of the Simurgh's tricks is to deliberately arrange visuals to provoke mental associations.

Did she figure out that one of the Travelers would be showing up at Montreal somehow? It's unlikely but not impossible.

Of course, it's possible that it's just entirely coincidental trauma, too.
Taylor's presence there means that Simurgh shouldn't have been able to predict her or Sundancer. So I highly doubt it, although admittedly I wouldn't put it past her completely; she could have considered the possibility that they might show, and put a few scenes like that around the city on the off-chance her guess was right and that when they did show it was in one of the right places.
Menma said:
Simurgh cannot see or hear, this is true. However I am pretty sure she will notice you if your currently beating her face in, or grappling with her.
Touch is not a sense she is missing.

Your assumption that being outside of fate makes her immune to mind screws is silly-Infernals can totally get mind fucked if they aren't prepared, and there is no guarantee that Taylor can apply for the appropriate charms to counter it.

Don't get me wrong, I find it unlikely that they got mind screwed for narrative reasons, but it is not impossible.

Also, I am pretty sure the scream is a targeted ability, so there is no guarantee they would hear it.
Actually, I don't think she does have a sense of touch; the interlude was pretty clear on the fact that each Endbringer only has one sense/set of senses, and Simurgh's is pre/post cog, plus her 'what will happen if X' thing which is basically an extension of her precog.

You... seem to have missed what I was saying. Sorry if I wasn't clear. Basically: either Taylor will develop the appropriate defense charm spontaneously (something she's done plenty of times before), or her lack of fate will make her invisible to- and thus untargetable by (directly at least)- the Simurgh.

True, but it is very suggestive that they didn't hear it.
Menma said:
Simurgh cannot see or hear, this is true. However I am pretty sure she will notice you if your currently beating her face in, or grappling with her.
Touch is not a sense she is missing.
She is said to have NO WAY to interact with the present. So I am assuming she has no sense of touch.
Menma said:
No, your missing what I am saying.

It's never been written anywhere that I can recall that Simugh lacks a sense of touch.

Your assuming, without evidence, that Simurgh can only target through precog (admittedly, without it her ability would be the equivalent of a dumbfire missile.)

Finally, Taylor MAY NOT QUALIFY for the proper defenses- either because she does not have the right charm selection (not going to look at the spread sheet right now.) or lax experience (author fiat.)
It's flat out stated in the interlude that Simurgh only has pre/post cog as senses, and no sense of touch.

She is utterly blind in the present, with no eyesight or other senses to perceive things in the now. No sight, no hearing, no touch or taste. Not a crippling flaw, and a difficult flaw for others to use against her. The present is only a fragment in a long span of time when one can see the past and future both.
She needs some way to target, and whilst her postcog probably does tell her where Taylor was a second ago, that's almost certainly not precise enough without also knowing where she will be in a second. As for developing new charms... true, it's not guaranteed she would, but with the way she's been picking up new charms as needed in the past? I'd be surprised if she didn't.
Maybe Damsel gets called out on Choking when a welll placed shot might have ended the fight a hundred corpse down?
Larekko12 said:
Maybe Damsel gets called out on Choking when a welll placed shot might have ended the fight a hundred corpse down?
Which fight? The Echidna one? She was kind of unconscious for most/all of it, IIRC.

Edit: ninja'd
Oh yeah. ANd I guess she'd be kinda useless for the second run around. But at the time that became a run around she choked.
At least no tanuki showed up :3

Those forum post things are amusing as they always are....
illhousen said:
No, Internet + Bible of Broken Truths, on the other hand...
Sadly that sort of Social Charm can only affect a limited amount o fpeople through the internet. It needs to be written on a physical support to continue working at full power regardless of how many people are affected.

Placing them at highly visible spots in various cities around the world would probably affect way more people. On the other hand it would probably spread more (geographically) with the internet, which may have more effect overall.
Sojiko said:
Sadly that sort of Social Charm can only affect a limited amount o fpeople through the internet. It needs to be written on a physical support to continue working at full power regardless of how many people are affected.

Placing them at highly visible spots in various cities around the world would probably affect way more people. On the other hand it would probably spread more (geographically) with the internet, which may have more effect overall.
Why not do both?
Great and now Cauldron will go into the advertising and billboard buisness with Defiler as spokesperson for something so that they have an execuse to plaster her face on everything.
Scya said:
Great and now Cauldron will go into the advertising and billboard buisness with Defiler as spokesperson for something so that they have an execuse to plaster her face on everything.
"Hi, I'm Defiler, and I want to tell you about a great new product. It's called Orphan Tears. Now, being heinously evil myself, I understand the needs of the modern day villain better than most..."
Honestly, I think this story is in need of a breather-chapter or two. The only thing that came close was Taylor teaming up and then going apartment-hunting with Ashley/Daphne/DoD. Basically, give them some time to sort out the team-dynamics.
Kelenas said:
Honestly, I think this story is in need of a breather-chapter or two. The only thing that came close was Taylor teaming up and then going apartment-hunting with Ashley/Daphne/DoD. Basically, give them some time to sort out the team-dynamics.
Well, Defiler won't be suffering any Torment for a while at this rate, so she can take a short break I think.
Essex said:
The problem is that they're almost broke and Taylor has less than a week to come up with a heck of a lot of money to pay for their new costumes (assuming Weaver survived the battle). Unless their new member has access to her own funds (and it is likely that either she didn't have direct access to those funds, her former teammates are already in the process of transferring the money elsewhere or the government is preparing to freeze the accounts), they'll be out hunting for cash within a few days.
Well, Sundancer knows where the funds they were paid to abduct Damsel are, right?
illhousen said:
Then she will hit Torment and solve all related problems in one fell swoop by beating the shit out of them.
They will bond over trying not to piss Defiler off ever again.
Violence. The answer to everything.

I would really enjoy the irony of solving a social problem through Torment, instead of causing one.
Sojiko said:

I would really enjoy the irony of solving a social problem through Torment, instead of causing one.
Torment can solve all kinds of social problems! You want to confess your love to a boy, but don't have the courage? He's now dead because he was flayed alive by silver sand, so you don't have to worry about it anymore! You want to get into a club to talk to someone so he'll stop hating you and blocking your way into a job? You and everyone else there are now hedonists, and you can bonds over booze and drugs and hookers! You want to talk someone into torturing a prisoner to get vital information? Now neither of your can empathise with anyone, so they see no problem with it!