Fiend: Thread Three, Thread Harder. [Exalted/Worm]

Looks like Heartbreaker's finally found out what it's like to be on the other end of a mindfucking.
malhavoc431 said:
Simurgh is currently suffering an epileptic fit due to Defiler absolutely shit-wrecking her precogging.
Given how f*cking energy intensive precognition is, I can actually see Simurgh dying from energy deprivation / exhaustion.
Serous said:
Pretty sure its not Heartbreaker.
Also, I think that the Smurf is gone. If she's here, I'm expecting more booms.
Its just that the effects of what she did to the man has not yet faded yet.
logiccosmic said:
I took a step back, Sundancer mirroring me, and he must've heard, because he begged, "Please! I can't do it - but I can't keep feeling - "
True, he could just be a typical Simurgh Scream victim but at the same time, who lives in Montreal and can force people to feel emotions?

I'm thinking Heartbreaker got mindraped hard by the Simurgh and is spreading the pain. After all, misery loves company.
logiccosmic said:
I stepped over it, and then crushed a body underneath my other, several times larger, foot.
Wait, her feet have different size? I must have missed that when i read her description.
logiccosmic said:
Also, probably no snip tomorrow. Busy day, and I'm still feeling like crap. But maybe~
No sweat, you can focus on getting better.

I liked this update, it was .... ominous. Just the right tone for that scene before things start going downhill.
TheProffesor said:
But that obviously doesn't work when it comes to planet Earth. We do not breath essence.
Wait, what? Did you check that by activating your Sorcerer's Sight Charm? ;) You can't really know that since you have no way of checking.
I'm thinking you are confusing this with Memory of a Human Flashlight where humans don't breath essence on Earth Bet, because they clearly do in this story, otherwise Taylor would need special powers to recover Essence.
Roadie said:
Will-Crushing Force is precedent for a Shaping but non-mental-influence attack that has mental effects.
Actually that's not mental influence. It works by crippling the target by cutting their soul apart to remove the free will part. This isn't mental influence because you are not imposing a behavior or opinion on them which can be rejected by an act of will, instead you are removing the victim's ability to perform acts of will. Similarly Abyssals can reduce someone's will by cutting it in pieces with their sword so that's not something new from the Infernal book either.
That's a bit like saying that punching someone in the face is a way to cause a mental effect without mental influence. It is true, since pain and concussion and even passing out are mental things, but since that's very much not mental influence it is not really relevant.

For example SWLiHN other Shaping Charms that affect people's mind. There is Principle Invoking Onslaught, which can affect it by turning them into pillars of salt, and there is Chiralty Prohibition Index which is basically "now people in this area obey the following rules", which also carries an influence keyword that can be resisted on top of being Shaping.

Simply put, if you can do something bad to an Exalted, they have some way of defending against it. Of course the author might decide it might make the story more interesting if Taylor's Exalted hax is balanced by an inability to defend against that sort of thing. But I'd be surprised if that were the case.
illhousen said:
It's not Heartbreaker. If it were, he would try to mindfuck Taylor and Dancer into killing him. Unless the scream specifically targeted his ability to mindfuck, but it's kinda counter-productive as far as spreading chaos is concerned.
I think it's being suggested that this is one of Hearthbreaker's victims.
Arkeus said:
Wasn't Heartbreaker only able to use his powers on women?
Naw, he used his power to instill the Fear of Himself into little Alec, and (I'm pretty sure that) Alec's a male.

And the rest of his children, a portion of which were presumably male as well.
Interlude 6a (Ashley)

"All clear!" The cop at the door shouted, wrenching it open. The metal locking mechanism CLUNKED, letting in cool night air. It replaced the sweaty, stinky, and sweltering air of the shelter, made unbearable from hundreds of people crowding it. In a far more orderly fashion then they had entered, the occupying mob filed out. A minimum of pushing and nudging, and Ashley made it out before the shelter was halfway empty.

The relief at being back in open space, with the view of concrete walls replaced by uninterrupted cityscape was tempered by the gaping holes in said cityscape. Entire buildings were gone, gaps barely visible through the faint cloud of dust lingering around their former sites. Ashley swallowed, a mixture of panic and horror chilling her further. She hadn't been dressed to go outside, let alone desperately try to find a shelter in New York City.

The Simurgh hadn't even come to New York, and this disaster had eclipsed everything but Behemoth's attack in '94. Before she turned North, Ashley could see that the destruction had centered on the Times Square area. How many hotels, or condos had been there? How many people sleeping hadn't woken up?

No one was going to be happy, and heads were going to roll.

Carefully navigating over the occasional chunk of broken glass, hampered by her shoeless feet, Ashley started the long journey to her apartment. No vehicle, whether personal or taxi was on the road, and the subway was certainly still down, in the aftermath of everything. And, to make the point moot, Ashley didn't even have her keys.

A long walk in sweats and socks. But, no other option.


Teeth chattering, Ashley walked into her building, before smacking her head with her palm. No keys. And no one was at the desk in the entry hall - leaving no options other than the simplest. Ashley reached over the desk, and looked at the phone. Maintenance was Ext. 0451. Ashley pulled the receiver over the counter, and dialed, arms stretching to push the buttons. And no answer. Frustrated, she tried twice more, to no more success. The receiver was slammed down, without solving her issue. But she had other options.

Ashley took the handful of paperclips from their tiny container on the desk, along with a polka-dotted handled nail file, and walked to the elevator. Five paperclips were completely unfolded by the time the elevator reached her floor, an overabundance for one simple task. She looked up and down the hall, making sure no one was coming. Coast clear, she walked four doors down, stopping in front of Unit 409, and kneeled, doorknob at eye level.

Nail file in one hand, and straightened paperclip in the other, Ashley got to work. File went in the lock - and there was no room for the paperclip, then. She could stick it in, but she could not wiggle it. Would two paperclips be firm enough? She withdrew the file, and tried again with the new set of tools. And all she had to show for it was two slightly bent rods of soft metal. She pulled them out, irritated. She could whittle the nail file down, but with what? Her feet?

The elevator dinged, and Ashly shot up, nearly hitting her head on the knob in her haste. She tucked her failed lockpicking kit behind her, and waited for whoever was coming up to go to their apartment, before resuming her attempts. Or, even better, she could ask the blue-clad maintenance man who was following the elderly asian lady.

"Mister, hi, I need help," Ashley pleaded, even as he turned, opening the door next to the elevator. The old women scooted past him, and nearly slammed the door into his face.

"Room," he grumbled, rubbing his nose at the close call.

"409," she said lamely, surprised that he was helping out as well.

With a heavy sigh, the man slumped over, and fished for a key along a ring the size of a dinner plate. He found it, muttering under his breath the whole while, and jammed it into the door. He nearly broke it, turning it so hard, and walked away without another word, radio on his belt crackling with static.

Ashley went inside, locking the door behind her, and took stock of the empty apartment. Near-empty, with only a suitcase, and a few cardboard boxes aside from the furniture. It certainly wasn't lived in. But, even without a TV, the laptop was still charging on the couch, ready for use. The fridge was empty, so it was the only thing to do, for now. Ashley opened it, and waited for it to start up, fingernails drumming along the base of its keyboard.

Internet, first. The headlines, from multiple new sources, all had one of two common threads to them. Either, 'Simurgh attacks two cities,' or 'Rampage in New York'. Ashley didn't really want to know the exact details of the former, along with the fact that the latter was probably more pertinent at the moment. She clicked on the first one, working her bottom lip with her teeth in nervous anticipation.

'Rampage Rocks New York, Before Simurgh Attack.'

AP (New York) - Late yesterday evening, less than an hour before the Simurgh was reported in Canberra (See: Simurgh attack: Canberra and Montreal), two unknown capes engaged in a conflict that rocked the city. Buildings have been entirely destroyed, and hundreds, if not thousands are missing, even with the limited communications imposed by the Simurgh attack closing on this event's heels. Preliminary casualty reports are very much guesses, but are suggested to be at least several thousand. At this time, no official response has been made from either the NYPD, or the New York PRT, but unofficial sources and eyewitness reports make certain facts clear:

Starting in Hell's Kitchen, the aforementioned two capes began a destructive brawl, damaging a building, before using each other as weapons. Both have been reported at being 'at least as large as a dump truck', and considerably strong. One, or possibly both, were thrown or moved through several other buildings, collapsing them. Legend, and several members of the Protectorate, were seen arriving on scene.

Eyewitness reports then state that some of the Protectorate capes turned coat, and helped one or both of the two initiators. Quintessence, one of the more senior members of the NY Protectorate, has been caught on camera, wearing a new costume, and using her ability to create forcefields to demolish an occupied building.

Caution: Video below contains graphic material: Viewer discretion is advised.

Ashley skipped the video, and skipped further down, numb. At the end, was a one line update:

UPDATE: 0415AM: One cape has been identified as Defiler, the villain outed early in January, also known as Taylor Hebert.

She closed the window, running her unoccupied hand through her hair. No good news at all, but there was one other source for cape news. A quick bit of toying with the internet, and she was proxied. And then she brought up the page for Parahumans Online.

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♦ Topic: The Lawgivers:
In: Boards ► Teams ► NEW
Lady_of_Problems (Unverified Cape)(Original Poster)
Posted on January 25th, 2011
Just to let my fans know, I've joined a new team! It's gonna be great! And look out, whoever stands in my way!
The Lawgivers are here!

Current Roster:
Damsel of Distress

(Showing page 4 of 113)

Killkicky_Shin_Menace(Veteran Member)
Replied on January 25th, 2011
Pff, yeah right, what a joke. As if anyone would believe that. :rolleyes:

TheTeachingAassitant (Veteran Member)
Replied on January 25th, 2011
I dunno. Weirder shit has already happened.

Replied on January 25th, 2011
So you're working in lesbian porn now?

Replied on January 25th, 2011
Cut that out DarthFishySama, as that sort of stuff ends up bringing in mods and banhammers.

One of them is 15, in case you forgot. Don't be a creeper. Sheesh.

Replied on January 25th, 2011
Sweet, kick some ass for us!

Replied on January 25th, 2011
Huh, wonder what

Edit: The lag is insane.
I wonder what Defiler is doing, slumming with a no-name?

Happy_Face (Verified Cape)
Replied on January 25th, 2011
Cool, then I can kick both your asses!

Happy_Face (Verified Cape)
Replied on January 25th, 2011
Cool, then I can kick both your asses!

Happy_Face (Verified Cape)
Replied on January 25th, 2011
Cool, then I can kick both your asses!
User received a temp ban for this post: seriously, stop double, triple, and quadruple posting. This was tedious the first time.

WaterArthropod (Moderator)
Replied on January 25th, 2011
Happyface, stop triple-posting. This is the twelfth time you've done that today, alone. There won't be another for some time.

♦ Topic: Damsel of Distress:
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► New York State ► Minor Villains
Edict (Verified Cape)(Original Poster)
Posted on October 3th, 2009
Yes - That was a new villain we stopped.
Never fear, citizens of GenericSmallTown, we will always stand up for you!

(Showing Page 5 of 5)

Replied on November 25th, 2010
Why don't you join your criminal lover, and then go to jail. Scum like you, glorifying villainous, corrupt parasites that take from hard working Americans deserve nothing more than a shallow grave.

Where you belong too.
User received a ban for this post: seriously, advocating the death of other users is never tolerated here.

Replied on November 25th, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving, Damsel!

Replied on December 24th, 2010
Merry Christmas, Damsel!

Replied on January 28th, 2011
Holy shit, she's with Defiler now.

♦ Topic: JAN 27th:
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► New York City
Mechanical_Messiah (Veteran Member)(Original Poster)
Posted on January 27th, 2011
EDIT: Stay safe, people! Get off the computers and to the shelters!

1) Speculation is alright, but these are people's lives. A modicum of respect is necessary
2) We don't know anything solid yet.

What we do know:
• Two Capes fought, starting everything (EDIT: AP said one is Defiler)
• Quintessence went full-on crazy, was directly responsible for the majority of the damage.
• Legend was seen blasting the second unknown out of the city.
• He used a LNG Carrier in the harbor as an improvised explosive, ending it.

(Showing Page 1 of 283)

► NewYorkManInDaH
Replied on January 27th, 2011
I think the heroes are outside my house!

► Sokijo
Replied on January 27th, 2011
I could feel something from my house, anyone know what's happening?

► DasBuildingen
Replied on January 27th, 2011
I heard some explosions

► Vanilla_Spoonful
Replied on January 27th, 2011
I feel sick. There's blood everywhere where I am. Oh god.

► Fleshy_Cosmonaut
Replied on January 27th, 2011
OMG my neighbors apart is gne

► DomesticatedAxe
Replied on January 27th, 2011
y u so h8 nyc?

► bodyrug
Replied on January 27th, 2011
i bet it was wretch

► Brainful
Replied on January 27th, 2011
Please stay safe people. I don't want to have to mourn any of you idiots tomorrow.

► Zombro
Replied on January 27th, 2011
I'm not sure if it's the booze, but I think something is happening. It woke up the kid, too. brb

► NewYorkManInDaH
Replied on January 27th, 2011
Shitshitshitshit shit. RUN! Capes fighting in the streets, buildings falling. It's a goddamned warzone out here in NYC!

A fist banging on the door nearly caused Ashley to drop the laptop, before she set it down gently. That laptop was probably the most valuable thing left, and no one would be happy if it broke. She looked through the peephole, and flung the door open.

"Taylor!" Ashley said in surprise, stepping aside to let her in.

"Daphne," Taylor said, carrying a blond - who had to be Sundancer - bridal style.

Ashley's lip curled, and she had to restrain herself from telling Taylor to drop her like a load of bricks. Instead, she kept herself civil. "What's wrong with her?"

Taylor shuffled into the apartment, slow under the weight of Sundancer, before gesturing with her head for Ashley to move. She complied, vacating the couch, and taking the laptop with her. Taylor set Sundancer gently down, before replying to Ashley, "She was upset. For," she paused, "personal reasons."

Ashley felt jealousy and anger, mixed with fear. This was supposed to be her ticket to the big leagues, and then this stupid bitch jumped the line. And now Defiler was treating Sundancer, who had helped kidnap her, like another teammate, without consulting her. But Defiler had certainly been trying to eclipse the Endbringers lately, especially in terms of damage done. Even if only a third of the casualties were from her, she should be making the Slaughterhouse Nine green with envy. It was the only reason Ashley held her tongue, keeping her real feelings unaired.

Instead, she looked concerned, and asked, "Is she going to be alright?"

"Should be," Taylor replied, distant.

"What happened? Did you fight the Simurgh?" Ashley asked, curious.

"No, she left by the time we got there. And villains were coming out of the woodwork to pick up scraps," Taylor whispered, the simmering anger in her voice telling Ashley exactly how Taylor felt. Ashley would describe it best as 'murderous' with a nice heaping of 'maimful'.

She shrunk back, not wanting to be in the way, if Taylor decided to go off like she had earlier, against the other big thingy. Taylor didn't move, or say anything else. Out of nervousness, Ashley licked her lips, and asked, "So… now what?"

A/N: Next time, on Fiend: [Redacted]:[Redacted] [Redacted] [Redacted] [Redacted]. alternatively: [SEALED BY THE ORDER OF THE MAIDEN OF SECRETS]
I'm trying to figure out who the parahuman forum members are shout outs to.

Mechanical_Messiah is clearly Robo Jesus, NorthDakotaMan is SouthDakotaBoy, and I think Fleshy_Cosmonaut might be me but otherwise I'm stumped.
Undead-Spaceman said:
I'm trying to figure out who the parahuman forum members are shout outs to.

Mechanical_Messiah is clearly Robo-Jesus, NorthDakotaMan is SouthDakotaBoy, and I think Fleshy_Cosmonaut might be me but otherwise I'm stumped.
I only have time to glance through right now but Sokijo is pretty obviously Sojiko.
Undead-Spaceman said:
I'm trying to figure out who the parahuman forum members are shout outs to.

Mechanical_Messiah is clearly Robo-Jesus, NorthDakotaMan is SouthDakotaBoy, and I think Fleshy_Cosmonaut might be me but otherwise I'm stumped.
DarthFishySama is a combo name of our regular creeper bans try to guess the three used. :p
Undead-Spaceman said:
I'm trying to figure out who the parahuman forum members are shout outs to.

Mechanical_Messiah is clearly Robo-Jesus, NorthDakotaMan is SouthDakotaBoy, and I think Fleshy_Cosmonaut might be me but otherwise I'm stumped.
WaterArthropod is clearly ES but I think we got a listing back when we already had a interlude.
Lancealot said:
DarthFishySama is a combo name of our regular creeper bans try to guess the three used. :p
Fishy and Sama are easy but what about Darth? The only poster that comes to mind is Darth Artemas and last time I checked he hadn't done any creeper stuff. So is there some other poster with Darth in their name or did I just miss something?
UberJJK said:
Fishy and Sama are easy but what about Darth? The only poster that comes to mind is Darth Artemas and last time I checked he hadn't done any creeper stuff. So is there some other poster with Darth in their name or did I just miss something?
Darth Shinji

EDIT: Also, I have no clue who fishy is, so we're about even. XD
Aahahha it's hilarious how apparently both Taylor and Ashley are completely misunderstanding the other.
UberJJK said:
Fishy and Sama are easy but what about Darth? The only poster that comes to mind is Darth Artemas and last time I checked he hadn't done any creeper stuff. So is there some other poster with Darth in their name or did I just miss something?
Satori said:
Darth Shinji

EDIT: Also, I have no clue who fishy is, so we're about even. XD
Actually, I will say that I wasn't singling out specific individuals on SB here when I typed that up. No, there's a trend I noticed on SB with users who have the words "Fish" and "Darth" in their names, along with how well liked they are, along with how likely they are to receive long bans for easily avoidable idiocy (and no, once again, I was not using single individuals here, as I can point out three people with "Darth" and "Fish" in their screennames who fell into this observation catagory). Also, the "Sama" was just a minor poke at anyone (and not just Psyko) narcissistic enough to add something like "Sama" to their screenname.:rolleyes: The same goes for those who use other pretentiously narcissistic names such as "God", "Awesome", "Sexy", "Evil", "Satan", "666", or even "Jesus" in their screenname. Narcissistic drama-queen cunts, the whole lot of them.:p
logiccosmic said:
Interlude 6a (Ashley)
Does this mean that Black Nadir only has 6 parts or is this a mid-chapter interlude? Either way, I think I know who this Ashley is.
logiccosmic said:
Near-empty, with only a suitcase, and a few cardboard boxes aside from the furniture. It certainly wasn't lived in.
Yup, my hunch is getting steadily confirmed here.
logiccosmic said:
This link is brilliant. Congratulation dear Sir/Lady, on this masterful stroke. I read all the rest of the update to the tune of that song.
logiccosmic said:
Welcome to the Parahumans Online message boards.
You are currently logged in, Lady_of_Problems
Yup, Ashley identity 99% confirmed. It's either Damsel of Distress or you are trolling us.
logiccosmic said:
User received a temp ban for this post: seriously, stop double, triple, and quadruple posting. This was tedious the first time.

WaterArthropod (Moderator)
Replied on January 25th, 2011
Happyface, stop triple-posting. This is the twelfth time you've done that today, alone. There won't be another for some time.
Haha, forums shenanigans.
Not much on the Lawgivers or DoD, though.
logiccosmic said:
Replied on November 25th, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving, Damsel!

Replied on December 24th, 2010
Merry Christmas, Damsel!

Replied on January 28th, 2011
Holy shit, she's with Defiler now.
Showing her lack of popularity through the posts of her #1 fan. A fine move Lady/Sir, I am impressed with your combination of subtelty and irony.

logiccosmic said:
► Sokijo
Replied on January 27th, 2011
I could feel something from my house, anyone know what's happening?

logiccosmic said:
"Taylor!" Ashley said in surprise, stepping aside to let her in.

"Daphne," Taylor said, carrying a blond - who had to be Sundancer - bridal style.
Also I like the image of Taylor carrying Dancer like that.
logiccosmic said:
But Defiler had certainly been trying to eclipse the Endbringers lately, especially in terms of damage done. Even if only a third of the casualties were from her, she should be making the Slaughterhouse Nine green with envy. It was the only reason Ashley held her tongue, keeping her real feelings unaired.
So ... DoD respects Defiler because she slaughters tons of people? I'm really starting to wonder if they'll work as a team.
Sojiko said:
Does this mean that Black Nadir only has 6 parts or is this a mid-chapter interlude? Either way, I think I know who this Ashley is.
Sojiko said:
So ... DoD respects Defiler because she slaughters tons of people? I'm really starting to wonder if they'll work as a team.
Damsel follows Taylor because she wants to be famous. But at the same time, she doesn't really want to put the work or effort into it (and despite appearances, Damsel is actually quite good at a few things in the "Cape Business" that Taylor has no clue about at the moment). Taylor is a very well known villain at the moment, and the past day has more or less put her into that little space of "Scary badass I never want to piss off". But of course, most of this has already been said before.

No, the better question(s) to ask is what is going to be the fallout here? :3
Robo Jesus said:
Damsel follows Taylor because she wants to be famous. But at the same time, she doesn't really want to put the work or effort into it (and despite appearances, Damsel is actually quite good at a few things in the "Cape Business" that Taylor has no clue about at the moment). Taylor is a very well known villain at the moment, and the past day has more or less put her into that little space of "Scary badass I never want to piss off". But of course, most of this has already been said before.
Thanks for the clarification, it is much appreciated.
Robo Jesus said:
No, the better question(s) to ask is what is going to be the fallout here? :3
Given that Taylor has neither Cold Fire Desolation Brand nor Radiant Fury Dissolution, there probably won't be much fallout. At least not of the radioactive hate kind :p .

I'm really wondering how DoD and the rest of the world is going to react to Defiler's ... unorthodox method for fighting the Simurgh. And how effective it was.