Tool Use
[] Raise your hand.
-[] "Cu Chulainn! By my command Seal, I summon you to my side! Incapacitate Minerva! Pin and Silence the Doll who stole my body!"
-[] Summon Aegis as soon as possible to try and survive Carmilla

Get up. You had to get up. Your body was just filled with pain. It was getting colder and colder. You didn't have much strength left in you but you knew what happened. She took your body. She was going to get away. You grit your teeth as you found the spark you needed to clench your fist.

Slowly but surely, you raised your hand. You gasped for breath and spoke in a weak voice, "Cu... Chulainn... By my Command Seal, I summon you to my side."

Light appeared on your left hand as energy rushed throughout your broken body. Crimson light filled your surroundings as the snow melted around you, magical energy filled the air as your command was made manifest. You held your hand out as you felt it take hold.

You weren't done yet. No, not by a longshot at least. You continued holding your focus as you finished the command in its entirety.

Tasting blood in your mouth you continued the order, "Incapacitate Minerva. Pin... And silence the Doll who stole my body! BERSERKER!"

Light exploded before a figure soon appeared before you. It was the man you fought earlier tonight. No longer was he under the effects of his Warp Spasm but he was now but a normal man. His blue hair flowed with the gust that was kicked upon his arrival.

Holding a crimson spear, he stood tall but his figure was filled with numerous wounds. Cuts, pieces of his body ripped off, bones sticking out his side and torn skin greeted you as Berserker showed himself to you in his full glory. But despite this he remained on his feet, never wavering or showing anguish.

His red eyes fell upon you as he narrowed his gaze. His eyes fell upon the spear which pinned you to the ground and frowned at the sight of it.

You stayed on the ground as he looked down on you, the moonlight shining down from above with the Clouds parted. The stars twinkled as the winds gently rolled overhead, sending a cold howl running through the snowy hill and dead woods.

"So you're my Master this time, huh?" Berserker noted with contempt.

"Yes. I am," you replied with a labored tone.

"Got it," Cu Chulainn replied with a cruel smirk as he grabbed the shaft of the spear holding you down, "Try not to bleed out, runt."

He pulled Gae Bolg out of your body causing you to spasm in pain. Flesh was torn and blood flowed down the snow. You gasped and held your stomach as the wounds refused to close.

"If you can tough it out, I'll listen," Berserker said as he vanished to hunt down Minerva.

You coughed and held your stomach as pain wracked your mind. You were bleeding... You were dying. Dying... You don't want to die. You grabbed Gae Bolg before you while holding your wound.

You were bleeding from your stomach and missing arm. You let out a shaky breath as you crawled away. You swallowed as you kept crawling until you reached your arm, picking it up with your freezing fingers and holding it close.

Repair. Repair. Repair...

You attached it to your stump and felt skin knit together as you pumped what little magical energy you had into it. Your mind was filled with knowledge, you dipped your hand into it and retrieved what was necessary to survive this... Mess.

Focus on your arm... After that it's keeping your stomach from bleeding out. You slowly got up to feel your arm attach again but it remained unresponsive. Your body needed more energy to fix it and make it functional.

Looking along the tree lines, you saw her. A woman in red stood by a tree, giving you a curious look. Her eyes narrowed before she dashed towards you.


"Aegis!" You screamed as shields appeared before you but the Countess simply smashed through them.You dived out of the way as she cleaved through a tree with her scepter alone. You coughed as you tried to crawl away from her.

"I wasn't expecting any survivors," Carmilla murmured as she walked over to you, "Your kind just continues to surprise me more and more. Durable but not too expressive. It only helps that you all wear the same face. I can figure out which torture implement works on you best."

She grabbed you by your hair and slammed you into a tree.

"You're the one Brie wants to kill. Berserker's Master, wasn't it?" Carmilla asked as she pinned you to the tree with her hand, "You've given a lot of people trouble lately."

You struggled to breathe as she left you dangling on the ground. You held her wrist as you grit your teeth and looked her in her yellow eyes.

"Let... Go," you hissed as you tried prying her hand off. However the Servant was too strong for you as she narrowed her gaze.

"That face, I really hate it. I might as well rip it off..." Assassin growled as she had her clawed hands come close to your eyeballs.

Only that she stopped.

She dropped you as she stepped back. You coughed and winced as your wound stung you. Carmilla knelt down and made you face her by lifting your chin up.

"Maybe you could be of use. I felt Berserker vanishing from the lake. Did you make him go chase after Brie?" Carmilla asked with a deadly tone.

"I... Yes. I did," you replied as you held your side.

The Blood Countess stared at you long and hard before looking to the side, "I see. I can use you."

Your eyes widened as Carmilla let go of your face. She grabbed you by the hair and started dragging you away.

"Gah! W-Wait! Stop!" You cried out as she pulled you along.

"If Berserker comes, tell him to stand down. Or I'll kill you," Carmilla said as she kept a tight grip on your hair.

"What do... You want-?" You felt pain on your wound as your blood seemingly started to boil. You gasped and cried out to see that your wound had stopped bleeding.
Blood wasn't...

Was she manipulating your blood to keep you from bleeding out? It hurt. It hurt so much tears slid down your cheeks.

"I'm going to ruin a Cult's night," Carmilla hissed as she dragged you along, "It's not every night I get this chance. If you do anything stupid I will kill you and just absorb your energy. Then I can go back to hunting Brie... That bitch."

If she finds out who you were, you're dead. Under no circumstances can you divulge your identity, not now at least. But a cult...

Was she going to abandon the operation and rescue Olga?

Tool Use
[] You don't want this. You need to escape. You have to track down Minerva. So scream as loud as you can, "SAVE ME, BERSERKER!"
[] "At least let me walk. I can't escape you. Stop dragging me."
[] Keep silent. You're too tired and in too much pain. Your consciousness can't hold. Too much has happened... Rider. Please be safe.
[] Write in...
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La Pucelle
[] "At least let me walk. I can't escape you. Stop dragging me."

You held your head as you were being dragged away. Carmilla's grip on your hair was like an iron vise as she dragged you across the snowy ground. You cried out in pain as you struggled and gasped but the combined agony of your stomach wound and her grip was making it hard to think.

You held onto her wrist and spoke, "At... Least let me walk... I can't escape... You. Stop dragging... Me."

Carmilla dropped you into the ground hard, knocking your head on a rock hidden under the snow. Pain filled your head as you cut yourself.

"I don't think you're in the position to make demands. All you're good for is directing that muscle-bound idiot of yours into slaughtering the lot of that cult," Carmilla growled as she stepped on your arm, "Once you've done that, I'll grant you the mercy of a swift and clean death. That'll get Berserker out of my hair now be a good girl and shut up."

She then dragged you on your feet and took out a whip, striking the back of your legs. Pain flared into your tired mind as you staggered forward. You grunted and stumbled before regaining your footing. You let out a shaky breath before walking.

"Still alive, runt?"

You perked up as you walked before Carmilla narrowed her gaze at you. You responded in your mind with a mental nod.

"Figures. I have something to report. My ex-Master is a little too good at hiding. Considering your situation, you're going to need my presence."

You felt a twinge of confusion at that.

"I may be a Berserker but I know when a job's a job. And my job is to kill shit my Master points me at."

You steadied your thoughts as you recomposed yourself, "You'll help me?"

"I did say if you lived through bleeding that much, I'd listen. For a bit. Until I get bored anyway."

"Tell me. Those Servants you fought. What happened to them?"
you asked as you followed Carmilla.

"Can't say. Man, you're a breath of fresh air from that last bitch I followed around, tell you what."

"What why can't you say?"
you questioned with a sharp tone in your mind.

"I can't exactly remember much when I'm all jacked up. But I can show you what I could remember. Better to show you than explain, it's not really my thing."

And so for a brief moment you saw things through Berserker's eyes. Through the haze of madness, anger and bloodthirst, you were brought back to the past which he recalled.


Several moments before the Switch

It was a difficult battle. Archer had been thrown into the lake twice while Scathach held off Cu Chulainn's brute strength with her primordial rune. The flaming giant howled as he takes and ground his crimson spear against his Mentor's barrier.

Scathach bit her lip as she held him off for a moment longer until her rune shattered. Berserker swung his fist her way and drove her into the ice, splitting the frozen waters as Scathach fell.

However the Witch had bought enough time. Saber clenched his fist as he shot towards Berserker with a roar of his own, his silver arm shining bright as he struck the mad Hero straight into his chest. Airgetlam roared and golden light showered the night sky.

Berserker staggered from the blow before pummeling Saber into the ground with his pillar of light. The Irish Hero reoriented himself as he let out a bestial shout while raising his spear.

Ruler felt that it was hopeless. But someone had to take a stand. As he was, this man was simply too powerful. Too powerful... She held her flag as Cu Chulainn took to the air.

"I will not let you harm Rider!" Ruler declared as she slammed her flag into the ice, golden light erupting all around, "By my authority as Ruler, Heroic Spirits rise up to my call!"

Saber grit his teeth and slowly got up while Archer climbed out of the freezing waters. She stood tall in the face of Cu Chulainn's dreadful power and gathered what strength she had left in her body. The Maiden of Orleans readied herself as she braced herself.

"Father in Heaven, grant unto me your strength. Let your Light guide us through Madness' flames!" Jeanne prepared herself to face her foe, " God is Here with Me!(Luminosité Eternelle)"

"GAE BOLG!(Let The Beast's Barbed Son Soar)"
Cu Chulainn roared as he jumped into the sky with his scarlet spear.

The Mad Hero's spear burned bright, so bright that the sky lit up in response as his rage carried through the land. Ruler's holy light bathed her form and flag as to protect the Servants recovering behind her.

The world shrieked as Gae Bolg flew through the air, descending upon the Saint as she stood her ground to protect Rider's form. Golden light stood against deep scarlet and held its ground. Ruler gasped as she realized that this throw was stronger than the one she endured on the highway. Her eyes flickered as she was forced to contend with the throw's power.

"I... Won't lose. I will not fail again! By God's grace I will be victorious!" Jeanne roared even as the world turned into a whirl of crimson and carnage, she held on. Her light shined through the depths of madness that would have consumed lesser people.

But the Saint's light held on. She gasped as she looked above to see Cu Chulainn hit the ice.

The frenzied Hero snarled as he took his colossal form to charge straight at Ruler. Again. This again? A blur of Silver went past her and Saber engaged the giant with his blade and silver arm. Saber clashed with the Irish Hero and blows were exchanged, cracking the ice and splitting the waters.

"Archer! Archer support Saber! I can handle this!" Ruler gasped as she held Gae Bolg in place, "Archer!"

Jeanne turned to see that the Indian Hero was covered in scarlet power. He seemed to be struggling against it as he held in his hand a blurried orb of power. His eyes met Ruler's as dread filled her stomach.

"Ruler... It's a Command Seal. I can't resist," Archer hissed as he was wracked with anguish, "It's Kiara..? No. My supply. It's been cut off."

"Archer?!" Jeanne yelled.

"Kill me!" Archer roared as he held an Astra in his hand just waiting to be invoked, "Quickly! Before it's too late!"

Ruler's eyes widened as she shut her eyes. Gae Bolg was pushing her back, it's going to hit Medb and most likely rip through the landscape and hit a part of the city. But if she held on, she would be able to keep the barrier active, with her taking Archer's blow with no protection.

Should she abandon the light and slay Archer before he strikes or should she hold on? Or should she spend the last Command Seal she had acquired from Kiara as this alliance's reward.

"Kiara... Kiara's dead... Who.. did it?" Archer hissed as he struggled while red lights danced around him, "Brahmastra..."

La Pucelle
[] Ruler abandons the Barrier and slays Archer where he stands.
[] Ruler endured Gae Bolg alongside Archer's last attack.
[] Ruler shouted from the bottom of her heart, "Rider, please wake up!"
[] Ruler saw a man with crimson hair wield blades of black and white come to her aid.
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[] Ruler shouted from the bottom of her heart, "Rider, please wake up!"

The orb in Archer's hand burned deep orange, the color of fire which threatened to swallow the world. It was the same fire that was in Archer's hand that was one of his weapons he utilized in his legend. The orb burned and burned as Archer sought to stop it with his dying breath but the compulsion of the Command Seal he was under was too much.

Ruler held against Gae Bolg as she watched flames dance like a chaotic spirit shrouded with the power of the Divine. She can't move, she can't stop him and Saber was busy holding Berserker back with his own strength. Ruler tried to think and think until she shut her eyes and cried out.

She shouted with her final command, not amplified by a seal, but it was a call for help. One that would be heard by everyone in the lake.

"Rider, please wake up!" Ruler screamed as her barrier began to crack from Gae Bolg's power.


From the day she was born, she had always been special. Loved by her servants, by her people and by her parents. As a child, she was loved and cared for and anything she wanted was given to her.

She was ultimately a greedy child, a spoiled girl who only knew love, she knew not of hardship or suffering but merely... Boredom.

Lessons were not fun, work was not fun, living was not fun so she sought greater stimuli. She sought entertainment until her tastes gradually twisted and turned, becoming perverse as she soon was drawn to the pleasures of violence and of the flesh.

She was beautiful and her loveliness was her greatest asset, that and her guile. So she used both to lure Kings and Princes... And so she had her first marriage, her second... Her third, kings, Heroes, generals, merchants, she tasted every fruit she could get her hands on and sent them all to heaven with her body. And so she acquired wealth, power and love.

Heroes would kill for her, Kings would wage wars for her, good men and son would do the unthinkable for her smile. She had it all and she relished in it. The cries of pain and suffering were music to her ears. She wanted more, more stimulation, more entertainment until she was bored of it all.

She was the Eternal Lady, beautiful, young and without flaws. But as she looked down from her castle of gold and silver, she found herself simply warming the beds of Kings, looking to embrace the bodies of Heroes and partaking in the love of the powerful. Ultimately, she was alone...

Until that man defeated her.

Red eyes. Beautiful red eyes that saw through her.

He rejected her. He was different. She sought to conquer him but he was dumb as a rock, only sought fights to entertain himself, like a mad dog that wagged his tail whenever he saw something exciting. He had a brilliant soul. Shining... As if made of light.

She wanted to conquer him but she couldn't. He was too bright, too strong, too brave but he didn't give the time of day. He was the first person she could not grasp with her hands. The first person to see her not as a Queen but as just another woman, a human being... His red eyes didn't eye her with lust or longing or love...

The Queen found that charming. It was something new for her... But at the same time she hated losing. She hated that he rejected her and struggled to make him pay for that. In the end she orchestrated his death but that man died standing up. Till the end he defied her until his last breath.

And then years went by... Until she was ultimately killed.

She was called into the world once more somehow to serve in a Holy Grail War. A War where she met a young girl, lost and confused with no way to run or turn to... And just like that man, the girl... The poor sweet Doll didn't worship her beauty or long for her love. The girl treated her as a person.

A friend, confidant, ally, partner, support and finally, one by bound their soul. A retainer that would stand by her side no matter how dreadful their days would become. It had been a thrilling adventure from start to finish. The girl indeed loved her but the girl loved her as another girl.

Just Medb. Not the Eternal Lady or the Queen of Connacht. The girl loved her as Medb, a selfish young woman with numerous flaws.

The girl cherished her, loved her and cared for her... And it was one of the most beautiful things she ever laid eyes upon. It was so pure, so precious that it changed her, slowly but surely. She wanted to live... She wanted to get up.

And if it's for that girl she would have no need for her crown or status! What she wanted... As Medb and as the Queen of Connacht was for that girl to be happy. She toppled down kingdoms for her wants and there was nothing, not even death that would stop her!

So get up, Rider!


Archer watched as the fallen Queen's eyes opened as Caladbolg returned to her hands. Her eyes shined brilliant Gold, a testament of one of her Noble Phantasms at play. She was wounded from being struck by the barbed demonic spear but she rose above the pain and agony.

Rising up to Ruler's call, Rider grit her teeth. The rainbow sword spun as the flames of Brahmastra filled the air. Archer moved and stepped forward as Rider dragged the sword along the ground and swung it.

Before Archer's Noble Phantasm could be activated in full, Medb drove Caladbolg straight through his heart. The rainbow sword spun once to deal the finishing blow as the Archer gasped for air from being hit. Medb watched him as the flaming orb faded as he held on to her blade.

"You've come far from our battle at the church," Arjuna commended as he cracked a smile, "How wonderful..."

Rider pulled her sword out and caught the man as he began to fade. Jeanne held off Gae Bolg some more as she cried out from exertion. Archer held on to Rider as he resisted his own death.

"One... Last gift," Arjuna declared as he steadied himself and drew his bow. He aimed for the crimson spear and fired, "Fly, Gandiva!"

His blue arrow streaked through the air and smashed into Gae Bolg, dispelling it and freeing Ruler from her labor. Ruler fell down on her knees as Rider supported Archer on his final moments.

"A shame... I could not do battle with you. Perhaps... In the next life," Arjuna said as he slowly began to fade.

Medb looked down on him and said, "Truly, it is a loss for the world to lose you. Here. Drink. It'll ease the pain."

She held a cup on her hand but Arjuna shook his head. He gently pushed it away before placing a hand over where Gae Bolg struck her. Medb blinked as she realized what he was doing. What last strength he had was used to heal the mark Gae Bolg had left on her person...

The White Bowman passed a moment later.


Rider... She was okay. But Archer's gone.

You returned to your thoughts as you sent a mental signal out, "Is this true? All of it?"

"I had hundreds of eyeballs. Some of them were on Saber, others on that little scene. Graceful exits like that aren't my style. So anyway, I beat up Saber and then Scathach drove her Gae Bolg into my arse."

"Stop. No. Stop. I don't want to hear it,"
you growled internally as you ended up on a highway.

You noticed that there were no cars passing by but there was someone there. A man clad in an armor of thorns. Your eyes widened before Carmilla snarled as she got between you and the man.

Lancer. Then that means...

"That's as far as you can go, Assassin," Hans' voice said as he deactivated a rune which hid him from the naked eye. He limped forward with his cane and held out his hand, "Leave the Doll behind and we'll let you go."

"You have no idea what I'm going to use her for. Just let me be on my way and I can hand you her body parts later," Carmilla said as she wrinkled her nose, "The others back there were breaking their backs fighting Berserker, and here I thought you were a big man, Lancer. Has your manhood shriveled up and turned to thorns as well?"

"Your words have no use, woman. We all know this will end either way," Lancer growled as he cracked his knuckles.

"If you're going to destroy Archer's base then you would have no need for Berserker's Master. Archer's dead, killed by Rider. You should have no fear running amok alone," Hans stated as he narrowed his gaze, "Give us the girl."

Carmilla grabbed your shoulder and brought her claws upon your neck, "Then I have little use for her... Or I can get her to sic Berserker on you two. Don't think I forgot what you did."

"Every moment you waste here is a moment your Master is in trouble. Do you really want to waste time here?" Hans snarled as he tapped his cane, "The girl, if you would please."

"Ah..." You choked as you shut your eyes.

Hans looked at you with a narrowed look before Lancer tensed up.

"Ah... A... Ae..." You mustered your courage as you clenched your right fist, "Aegis!"

Your shield of light expanded and you felt Carmilla's claws draw a line on your neck. She only cut your skin but she didn't hit your artery as you pushed her away, Lancer darted forward and struck Carmilla straight on her stomach and sending her flying back.

Lancer then turned his gaze towards you, green light escaping his helmet. You raised your shield and smacked his hand away as you reinforced your legs and jumped away.

"Wait!" Hans cried out before you screamed.

"BERSERKER!" You cried out before a blue blur landed in front of you.

Lancer froze as Cu Chulainn appeared before you with his spear... Two spears in his grasp. The red eyes Frenzied Hero grinned with a bloodthirsty look as he met his fellow Hero's gaze. Berserker split the ground by dragging one Gae Bolg through it, letting the debris fly and strike at Lancer and his Master.

Carmilla recovered from her shock and got up to launch a bolt of blood at you. Berserker smacked it aside with one of his spears.

"Berserker..." You gasped as you fell forward straight into one of his muscled arms. The bleeding, it was only Carmilla's power that stopped you from dying outright.

Berserker didn't waste any time and jumped away taking to the sky. You... You wanted Rider back.

"You're a handful but you're light. Hey, don't pass out now," Berserker growled as he carried you in his arms, "I even got your spear. I can't fucking believe that hag is just handing these out like candy."

"Rider... Rider..." You mewled as tears flowed down your cheeks, you were blacking out.

"Stop crying or I'll kill you. Shit," Berserker growled as he moved through the trees, "Fucking Ferdiad's on our tail. Son of bitch is so stubborn."

You were... Blacking out. No more. Everything was fading away. Away...


"Hey! At least tell me where to go!" Berserker barked at you from somewhere far away, "Hey!"

[] "Prioritize my survival... Somewhere safe. Suburban homes. Break in. Medical. Much closer."
[] "Bring me to Rider. Find... Rider. Please. I want to see her."
[] "Need prana. Dragon Vein. Caster's old base. Self repair. Bring me there. Guaranteed recovery."
Hiding Spot
[] "Need prana. Dragon Vein. Caster's old base. Self repair. Bring me there. Guaranteed recovery."

You held on to your consciousness and struggled to keep yourself awake, "Need prana. Dragon Vein. Caster's old base. Self repair. Bring me there. Guaranteed recovery."

Berserker grunted before making his way through the woods. He changed courses and moved to the path to the abandoned Skii resort. He followed the directions you shared with him through your mental link.

You held on to his arm and slowly but surely faded out. This body was just a little too fragile for your liking. You could just hope that you didn't die midway on your trip. The cold and loss of blood was a bad combination. You endured at least until you could secure enough Prana to brute force your healing.

You blacked out.


You woke up and you realized that you weren't dead. A dirty cloth was made to cover your body but you were already warm. Just touching the ground and feeling the air was enough for you to be warm. You recognized it as the latent mana lingering in the air. This could only mean that Berserker made it to Caster's old haunt. You weren't directly on top of the Dragon Vein but you were close to it and that was enough for your small body to gather and use for repairs.

You don't know how to speed up the process but the bleeding had stopped. The wound had been sealed but Gae Bolg's curse remained in the form of stinging pain. You're never going to get used to that. Archer wasn't here to help you with it either.

How long were you out? You didn't know... But while the mana in the air was abundant, it didn't take away the exhaustion you felt from your limbs. A soft sigh left your lips as you slowly got up to survey your surroundings. You were in an abandoned cabin, looking outside you realized where you were.

You were at the abandoned Skii resort. Partway through here would be Caster's old haunt but the Castle should have vanished with the death of its master. Medb used the same underground resource here to lay siege to Caster's home base.

You slowly got up your feet and fixed the robes you wore. Minerva had such restricting fashion sense... But you figured it's because she didn't want to look too much like a child. You looked at the mirror past the moth eaten bed and saw yourself staring back at you.

In reality, it was Minerva that was looking at you but the reflection obviously followed your movements. Walking close to the mirror, you held your palm against its surface before running your hand along it.

You were younger, your hair was longer and messier behind you but you had the same eyes and lips. Medb's never going to let you hear the end of this. With Minerva out there, you're not sure what her next move will be. The most obvious thing would be she would make use of the chaos to slip away undetected alongside your body. She won't be taking her chances but it's only a matter of time until Medb figured it out...

Not unless Rider was being a moron which, if you'll admit, was all the time. You didn't have confidence in Medb finding out but if it was Ruler or Scathach then they'll know. Not unless Minerva vanished before Rider took notice. There was also the fact that Minerva had one last command seal to use on Medb. That's going to come to play later.

You stepped back before moving to the door. It was still night time so you couldn't have been out that long. You're just surprised that you could heal this fast, was it a property of Minerva's body or something? The aching was still there as if Gae Bolg never left your body and was still lodged inside you but it was manageable.

Exiting the cabin, you found that it was still dark outside. The moon was low on the distance but daybreak was still a few hours away. You were finally coming to the end of this long night.

Your boots dug into the snow as the short set of steps down the cabin creaked. Your breath smoked as you looked around for any signs of life. Your gaze was eventually drawn to the light of the city in the distance. So vast and busy, even with the Grail War going on everyone was still living their lives. It was just a few days until the Purge occurred.

Everyone would be wiped out once the New Year came. Man, woman, young or old, everything will be wiped clean by the Clocktower... Not unless Emiya gets to the Grail first and stops them.

Rider's wish was all that mattered, everyone else could go die-

You stopped your thoughts there and winced. Holding your head, you fell down on your knees as your head hurt. What... The hell? You eventually turned to look at the sky. The stars... There were... Vanishing. Your eyes sharpened as you frowned. You can make out the trails of prana, forming something in the sky...

The sky... Why was it like that? All the lights in the sky were vanishing.

You went limp as you looked a the ground, "Urgh... Rider."

"Crying for Rider ain't gonna bring her to you," Berserker growled as he dropped some dead rabbits on your front, "And you can't live off mana either. Better get cooking, runt."

You stared at the animals he brought and blinked. You sagged and slid down the fall you were leaning against.

Hiding Spot
[] "I... I got it. I'll need materials. Can you fetch them for me?"
[] "How many enemies are there? Have you found the majority of them..? I don't want them bothering me..."
[] "The sky. Something's happening to the sky. Do you know what's going on, Berserker? The stars, they're vanishing."
[] "I want to see Rider again. I want to tell her I'm okay. I... I don't want Minerva to turn her against me."
[] Write in...
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[] "I... I got it. I'll need materials. Can you fetch them for me?"

You looked at the animals Berserker had hunted and grimaced, "I... I got it. I'll need materials. Can you fetch them for me?"

Berserker stared at you for a few moments before walking away. You walked up to the animals and picked them all up in your arms. You need a place to skin and cook them. You wandered back to the cabin where you first woke up as the stars continued to vanish from the sky.

You walked in on a small kitchen in the cabin and set down the animals. You started preparing them with what meager tools you could find. Eventually you heard Berserker return with what you needed, some cutlery and a skewer.

Those will do so you began to work...


Roasting the rabbits over the fire, you picked out the most cooked of the batch and sunk your teeth into it. Taking a chunk of the meat, you chewed and found it stringy within your teeth as you swallowed.

Bland but filling.

Berserker quietly stared at the flames while you ate the rest of the first rabbit. You were slowly regaining your strength and you had a lot to think about during your meal prep. It was fortunate that the area was abandoned, you didn't want to find any enemies lurking around here.

The fire crackled and you bit into another rabbit.

Swallowing, you set the skewer back down and sighed, "I need a plan."

"The plan is simple from where I am at. Find your friends," Berserker snorted as he glanced your way.

"As if Minerva will make it that easy. She has one command seal and she could easily use that to kill Rider," You hissed as you glanced his way.

The Wildman looked at you with a raised eyebrow, "Sweet Celtic Corns, you've got it bad for that chick."

"Who wouldn't. She's hot," you scoffed as you looked at the fire.

"Goes beyond that. But you're smart for thinking Minerva's going to pull shit," Berserker barked as he grabbed a rabbit and ripped it apart with his teeth, "That girl's always scheming, always one step ahead, she would be long gone now if this whole region wasn't locked down."

"She could pry a hole in it," you noted as you watched Berserker scarf down his food, "Did you let her get away?"

"Fuck no. But that girl's smart enough to cover her tracks with her magecraft. I'm a Servant, I have superhuman senses and even then I'm motherfucking Cu Chulainn, she shouldn't have been able to get away... Not unless she had help," Berserker growled under his breath as he crunched through the rabbit's flesh and bone.

"If she gets to my allies first then it's going to be an uphill battle. There will be an investigation but there's so many moving pieces..." You admitted as you rubbed your hands together, "This whole body switching threw me off."

"Minerva would only have one goal in mind and that's escaping. But she's a sadist too so she would be looking to cause as much chaos to use as smokescreen..." Berserker spat as he looked your way, "Though the bigger concern now is... Well..."

He pointed up the sky where the stars were vanishing one by one. You felt the dreadful feeling of terror well up inside you. Something told you this wasn't good.

"Oh. It's probably nothing," you noted with a disinterested look.

"Like hell it's nothing, did you inherit Minerva's brain damage too?!" Berserker barked as he looked your way, "The sky is fucked up, runt!"

"Stars are vanishing... No, they're being obscured," you murmured as you got a good look at the heavens.

"Obscured?" Berserker scoffed as he leaned forward, "Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me."

"Pretty sure it does," you retorted as you looked at him.

"Hmph. Well what are you going to do about it, runt?" Berserker asked as he narrowed his gaze your way.

"What is there to do? I'm in this body, Minerva could be turning my friends against me and I'm stuck here with... With you!" You growled as you got up your feet, "You! And not Rider!"

Cu Chulainn smirked as he bared his teeth your way and reached out to hold your face. His hands were rough and calloused, he could easily snap your neck if he wanted.

"Yeah?" He challenged as he grinned, "Then what can this Cu Chulainn do for you to make you complain less, little runt? If it were me, I'd raise hell out there and let those friends of yours come. Are you just going to sit here wallow in shit while Minerva gets off unscathed?"

"I... I can't just move rashly, what about my friends?! I have to make sure they're fine!" You argued with him.

"And when are you going to fucking do that?!" Berserker roared as he got up his feet, "Let them come! Let them get mad! All that matters is you fucking kick Minerva's ass. If she's talked to your cronies then stab her first before you answer whatever questions they have! Stop making this more complicated and just get out there and ram your foot into her ass cheeks!"

"In our state?! We'll get dogpiled and Minerva will hurt Medb! Think this through! I've given this thought!" You snarled right back as you looked into Berserker's red eyes, "That's... That's what Minerva has over me. If it weren't for that command seal..."

That silenced Berserker leaving you two in the quiet darkness of the front of your cabin. You felt powerless... What... What can you do?

"Then just win the Grail," Berserker growled as he spoke once more, "Beat the other Servants, win the Grail, free Medb. That's all you have to do... And you have the power to do so."

The Grail...

You parted your lips as you looked at his red eyes, "That's..."

"That's all you can do now. That's everything you could do now. Now stop crying for Rider and give me shit to kill," Berserker growled as he grabbed you by your clothes to pull you close, "Now tell me... What do you want to do, Master? Who's Night are we going to absolutely ruin?"

You stared at him before clenching your fist, "You really are just a dog that just wants to fight..."


[] I want to win the Grail. I want to save Rider. For that... We'll need to take out the other Masters. Lancer is the closest, you'll find him and Hans.
[] You'll raise Hell. You'll let them all come to you. The Cult seems like a good place to gather everyone... Plus you have your suspicions on the stars disappearing being from there.
[] "No one's... We're going to stay put and... Think. Regroup. Reorient. Just leave me alone. I want to think of a way to save Rider."
[] Write in...
[] You'll raise Hell. You'll let them all come to you. The Cult seems like a good place to gather everyone... Plus you have your suspicions on the stars disappearing being from there.

You closed your eyes and gathered your thoughts. It was the simplest solution to a problem you're complicating. You hissed as you met his gaze and told him of your decision. Those red eyes of madness, they were making your blood boil, stressing you and pushing you over the edge.

His aura was affecting even you but you knew this decision was for the best. If you were going to break this stalemate, you'll have to do something at least. With what's happening to the sky, it may be a good time to interfere. Not only that but you'll settle this the best you can. You'll apologize later.

"Let's raise hell, Berserker," you decided as you looked him in the eye, "They'll come to us and I can work from there. The Cult will be the best place to stand on and there's already things going on there... That is if my suspicions are correct."

Berserker gave you an insane grin, baring his teeth as he held out his hand. Gae Bolg... Your Gae Bolg manifested in his grasp. He then handed it to you, "Good. Then let's get this show on the road, Master."

"I'll need to top off my capacity using the Dragon Vein. That should allow you to transform without killing me... But only for dire situations," you told him as you held on to the red spear, "Plus I'll need new clothes."

"Well what are you waiting for? Get on with it," Berserker laughed as you stepped out of the cabin. Power... You need more Power.


Your orange winter jacket flowed as you stood before the most concentrated point of the Dragon Vein. It was a pool of the world's energy and it was available in abundance right before you. Berserker stood by your side as you zipped up your winter jacket while fluffing up the furred edges.

It was a miracle there was some spare clothes available in the resort. One that matched your child-like proportions too. You stared at the pool of power and drew a line in the snow. Soon it grew to a magic circle you will use to extract the prana you need.

Wolves howled in the distance at your presence before you looked behind you.

"Defend me, Berserker," you ordered.

"Hey as long is it isn't dog meat, they're free game!" Berserker roared as he engaged the wolf pack.

"Draw. Pull. Draw. Pull..." You echoed as you held your hand out and had the circle, "I only need a portion. Now give me some!"

The pool of power burst as you smiled. You'll get Rider back! No matter what it takes!


Minerva's body was a genuine mana battery. It was a small wonder that she could use such complicated and powerful spells during your battle. You were being carried by Berserker towards where Kiara's Cult was stationed... And what you saw was madness.

Fires on buildings and cars driven into lampposts, you watched as chaos reigned within the suburban parts of New Rimeland with the Chaos threatening to swallow up the whole city.

The police have responded to the riots occuring and have engaged numerous Cultists in shootouts. And then you saw the worst of them with their flesh turning dark purple with the whites of theirs eyes vanishing.

You knew those symptoms. They were similar to when you fought the Guru posing as Archer's Master in the Sanctum. The same anger and madness filled the minds of these people as they killed Innocents and cops alike.

Fire raged across homes and screams filled the air. There were only more coming from the cult and some of them didn't even seem to belong to Kiara's private army. They were white robes people some clothed and others not, high and delirious as they killed people.

You got down Berserker's arms to see a truck being driven by the Cultists crash into a cop car and gun down the officers present. You held Gae Bolg in your hands as your grip tightened around it.

"They seem to be too far gone. What's your path here?" Berserker sneered as he looked at the rioters having seen you both.

"They won't stop fighting even if you chop off their limbs and stab their vitals. They're all magically enhanced by the drug... Black Karma. The police won't stand a chance," you explained as you watched several Cultists rush you.

You and Berserker moved in sync before jamming your spears into the throats of hostiles. He seemed amused that you copied his form before you knocked down the Cultist into the ground.

"But if you hit them on their throats or heads, they'll die like any other person," you replied as you held your spear.

"And here I thought you'll bitch about sparing these vermin," Berserker chuckled as he crushed a man's head as if it were a grape fruit, "What's your plan?"

[] "Kill them. Kill them all Berserker. We can't let them get to the city. We need to protect who we can and help the police."
[] "I need you to be loud and obnoxious. Use your aura to goad them into attacking you. Build that wall of bodies you always wanted. I'll go on ahead while you do your thing... And hopefully find a friend."
[] "Leave the fodder. We'll go for the source and cut off the snake's head. Don't stop for anything, I'm going to kick the culprit's ass to the moon."
[] Write in...
Crashing Heavens
[] "Kill them. Kill them all Berserker. We can't let them get to the city. We need to protect who we can and help the police."

You got ready as you held your spear, "Kill them. Kill them all Berserker. We can't let them get to the city. We need to protect who we can and help the police."

"Now you're speaking my language," Cu replied with a toothy grin, "So no killing cops?"

"You're free to kill the psycho rioters but never the cops. Otherwise I'll kill myself and make you lose your fun," you threatened as you glanced his way.

"Great. Just my kind of thing. Can you keep up?" Cu asked as he spun his spear.

"Yeah," you nodded as you spun your own spear.

You kicked off the ground with a reinforced limb and shot towards the nearest Cultist harassing a cop. You skewered him before Berserker came running and picked up five Cultists to crush into the ground. Swinging his spear, he sliced through several insane rioters while you jumped off a cop car and pinned down a crazed gunner.

You cleaved through bodies with your spear as you and Berserker became a red blur. You gored and impaled several cultists while Berserker slammed cars on them or ripped them to shreds. You saw a S.W.A.T. officer hold back a group of Cultists even as bullets riddled their bodies.

You darted in his line of fire and sliced off the heads of your foes. Spinning Gae Bolg, you thrust and skewered the heart of one rioter coming for your back.

"Aim for their heads," you advised the cop as you stared down the barrel of his gun, "Don't waste ammo and lead your shots."

"Wha-Wait, don't you look like Miss Brie?" The cop blanched as he stared at you, "Why are you tiny?"

"Silly Cop. I am Brie," you managed a small smile as you tore the Cultist's heart out, "Go! Help people!"

An explosion erupted behind you as Berserker swatted rockets out of the air into empty stores. You hissed as you reinforced your legs and ran up the side of a building wall and reach the top of the roof.

You found white uniformed men with rocket launchers taking aim at Berserker below. They swung their weapons and firing at you. You moved forward as the rocket sailed past your ear before Gae Bolg found its target's heart.


You pressed your spear deep within the man's torso as your arms became reinforced. Soon you had enough strength to lift the grown man up and throw him into an incoming rocket, forcing it to detonate in the air.

Berserker got to the rocket Man on the other building and turned him into paste. You both jumped off as cultists ingested the Black Karma drug and went crazy. They swung at you, forcing you lean back and cut their throats before you rolled away.

Reinforcing your arm, you threw your spear and turned it into a red flash. The enhanced flesh and muscles of the Cultists were no match for Gae Bolg's power and were all skewered.

You dragged your spear out of their bodies as Berserker engaged the buffed up cultists coming for him. Cleaving through limbs and flesh, he revealed in the carnage as you supported him.

The police were being pushed back by a wall of rioters until you and Berserker came to their rescue. Your Servant was a killing machine as he bathed the streets in red while you simply followed his lead.

Soon enough the cops saw your work and grew wary of your presence.

You cleared the path and supported them before moving to another area. People were being attacked but you would kill and kill and kill, until you cleared the plaza out if cultists and the civilians got away. Some of them had their phones out but you flicked your wrist and cracked them all at once.

No need for more paper work.

"Nice job, runt," Cu laughed as he slid behind you, "Looks like we caught their attention."

"Prepare to advance to the base. Butcher anyone in your path," you snarled as you both watched as rioters and cultists run towards you.

The sky opened up above you. Magic circles appeared and blasted rocks your way. Berserker reacted first and vaulted off the ground to pummel the meteor with his fist. The debris showered upon the charging cultists and mulched them.

It began to rain fire and brimstone from the heavens. Fires broke out behind you as explosions rippled through the air. Another meteor came for you but Berserker shattered it with his fist.

"Can you keep up?" Cu growled as you held your spear.

"Always," you replied as the two of you watched as Cultists in white clothes gathered before you two as they swarmed as one horde towards you.

Demented, tainted by Kiara's drugs and manipulated to the point of being inhuman, you narrowed your gaze as you held your spear. They were nothing but creatures foaming from their mouths driven by instincts.

The stars fell, mankind regressed to bedlam and you killed them without remorse. One way or another you're putting a stop to this madness.

You charged at the first way before Berserker overtook you and cleaved his red spear. You went past him and pierced the hearts of those you came by. The two of you shredded your way through bodies and steel as Berserker laughed in the chaos.

Meteors fell, crashing down on the earth and splitting the ground. Buildings were razed as people were left screaming. You fought and cut through the line of insane men and women before someone came to stop you.

Light crashed down before you and Berserker before you saw someone step forth. Ruler stepped onto view with her Flag raised as she opened her eyes.

"This is as far as you two will go!" Ruler declared as she narrowed her gaze, "You're to cease this senseless killing at once!"

"Senseless she says! We didn't see you help the blue pigs fight off the crazies, Ruler. Doesn't seem senseless to me," Berserker chuckled darkly, "Now step aside or you'll get hurt."

"These people... They can still be saved. I will not allow for this massacre to continue. The Clocktower will restore them," Ruler declared as she narrowed her gaze, "Master Minerva, this is your final warning."

Berserker bared his teeth and stepped forward but you held up your spear to bar his path. Cu Chulainn snorted as he looked your way, "Think you can convince the peasant girl?

"Cu, shut the fuck up," you barked as you glanced his way. You the turned to Ruler and walked towards her, "You're barking up the wrong tree, Jeanne. Doesn't matter how many we kill here if we don't stop Olga now, everyone will die far worse than if we let the Association kill everyone."

Ruler narrowed her gaze and tightened her grip on her flag, "You... What do you mean?"

"I mean what I mean, Jeanne. Now help us or I'll leave you behind. I still need to find my body and Rider. Then I can invite you to that ménage à trois you always wanted," you huffed as you leaned on your spear.

Ruler was silent while Berserker whistled out loud behind you. Meteors fell from the sky as Jeanne D'arc's face grew crimson, her pale skin flushing deep scarlet.

"Damn, that's hardcore," Cu noted as he stabbed a cultist on the ground.

"Shut up, Cu," you growled as you turned to him

You turned and dodged a flag coming down on you as Ruler's hands shook.

"Brie... Y-You..." Ruler hissed as she glared at you.

"Well that was eas-" you blocked her next blow with Gae Bolg, sending you flying had Berserker not caught you.

Groaning, to let out a hiss escape your lips, "I shouldn't have said that."

"It seems that you've tamed Berserker. Good. Hold her still, Child of Light," Ruler growled as she held her flag.

"As much as I'd love to do this skit we're sort of busy, Jeanne!" You yelled as you landed on your feet.

Ruler looked at you and narrowed her gaze, "Then... It's really you? But you're smaller. Why are you smaller?"

Crashing Heavens
[] "So are you still up for that thing?"
[] "Who else would suggest a threesome with Jeanne D'arc and Queen Medb of Connacht?"
[] "Yes. It's me. It's a complicated situation. Stop asking why I'm smaller or I'll embarass you some more."
[] Write in...
[] "Yes. It's me. It's a complicated situation. Stop asking why I'm smaller or I'll embarass you some more."

You sighed at her words. You should have expected this but at least she was listening, "Yes. It's me. It's a complicated situation. Stop asking why I'm smaller or I'll embarass you some more."

Jeanne jumped back in surprise as she held up her hands, "I-I was just surprised is all I mean... If you're here then... Who's the girl that's with Medb?"

So she linked up with Medb somehow?

"What was she like?" You asked with a narrowed look, "Our bodies... We switched souls somehow and I'm stuck in this form for the time being. Jeanne, I need to know if Rider could figure it out that the girl she's with isn't me."

"I... Oh no. She was robotic. Like how you were when Medb drugged you. We didn't notice the difference at all," Jeanne said as she bit her lip, "She wasn't acting like how you are now normally, but more as that soulless robotic facade you have. I would have noticed it if she were like you now but I wasn't familiar with you that way... Though Lady Scathach did have her suspicions."

"Please tell me that the Witch is on the job exposing her," you groaned as you rubbed your head.

"Lady Scathach has gone to suppress the association once more. The Clocktower's getting impatient especially with what's happening. Either way, Brie, we'll figure this out but there's something you need to know," Ruler said as she knelt down before you, "She'll most likely try and use Rider against you. You have to be ready for that."

"I haven't stopped thinking about it since I woke up. Don't worry. You folks really didn't notice?" You asked with a grimace.

"It's my greatest failing. But then again, I never knew my trusted friend and ally would succumb to darkness," Ruler said before raising her head to meet yours, "But worry not, I have Kiara's collateral Command Seal remains with me. My command spells outnumbers hers. I can counter whatever orders she gives Medb."

"But doesn't that usually need you to be in the vicinity? What if she forced Medb to commit suicide while you're not there?" Cu theorized with a raised eyebrow.

Ruler froze at that before horror dawned on her face, "Oh. Oh no."

"Ruler. Where did you leave Medb?" You asked her with a warning tone.

"So that's why she wanted me to leave. I have to go-" Ruler said before Cu grabbed her by her shoulder.

Jeanne tensed up before Berserker reached behind her head underneath the base of her braid. He pulled something out. It was a black spider with a red crystal stuck to its abdomen.

Ruler's eyes widened before Cu crushed the familiar.

"You're walking into an ambush," Cu growled as he turned to you, "Like I said, that bitch is troublesome."

"I left them at the church... With Kotomine. If I'm right then they should be relocating. They could be anywhere now," Ruler breathed as she held her hand to her lips.

"Either Minerva kills Medb now or she strings her along to lure you in. Quite the funny pickle," Cu chuckled as he looked your way.

"We can't just leave Olga like this either... I..." You began before Ruler turned to you.

"I'll go. I'll save Medb," Jeanne assured you with a determined look, "Please... Stop Olga Marie."

What difference would that make if you'll just end up doing the same upon reaching the Grail? You'll just end up letting the city burn regardless.

"Fine. Go!" You told her before Ruler turned and went off. Can she do it? You're not certain but you'll trust her.

"Done? Let's go," Cu growled as he started moving towards the Temple. You followed suit and bared your spear.

You're taking Olga down once and for all.


You and Berserker arrived to the front entrance with Cultists spilling out into the open. You narrowed your gaze as you and Berserker rushed at them as the howled in madness. They tried striking you but a spear skewered them soon after.

Berserker rend them into paste while you were more precise in your blows. Berserker reveled in the violence while you simply cut down those that were in your way. You moved and thrust through a muscle bound man before ripping Gae Bolg out of his body and jumping to pierce his heart.

You reinforced your limbs and knocked him to the side and straight into a wall. Berserker impaled a man coming for your back before you spun your spear and ripped his throat open. You an Cu Chulainn turned to the giant double doors and ran through it.

"There's no end to them," you breathed as you ran up to a gunman and cut off his arms before driving him into the wall.

Berserker laughed as blood danced in the air, "More dummies for us, huh?"

"Just how many Cultists were affected!? Did they all take that drug!?" You growled as you jammed your spear into a woman's leg before smashing her jaw aside.

"They're comparable to mindless beasts. But that's rich coming from me!" Cu growled as he cleaved through several bodies at once.

You caught your breath before you both rushed ahead and came upon the next door. You entered a room, the final room which held the Cult of Serene Lotus' Sanctum.

There you found a man on his knees. Numerous bodies were strewn around him, numbering in dozens, hundreds even all pierced by black arrows by their limbs, pinning them into the ground. They were all alive but hurting.

Emiya got here first and he managed to non-lethally take down these many Cultists.

The red haired man was exhausted as a clash of steel erupted ahead of you. Saber was in the middle of dueling Carmilla before a pool of white power. You could see glowing white palms forming praying hands as a girl stood on top of them.

Olga looked down on you with her lone eye as the stars above twinkled. Saber pushed Assassin back but he was losing his strength. His prana was being drained from him bit by bit as time went on.

Berserker grit his teeth as he looked down at his hand and clenched.

"Berserker, kill!" You ordered as Cu Chulainn shot towards Olga where she stood above the prana pool.

However from the pool arose a shining tendril which forced Berserker to clash with it. Another tendril grabbed him by his leg and swung the Servant across the Sanctum into the wall behind you.

"You're here... But did you get smaller perhaps?" Olga asked as she rubbed the phantom pain of her missing limb, "It doesn't matter. You're far too late anyway."

Emiya slowly got up as he looked your way, "Who... Are you?"

"Your Savior," you replied as you held your spear, "Why didn't you kill them?"

"Well... They could still be saved..." Emiya breathed as he held his chest, "Can't just kill them, unless I have no choice."

"Your funeral," you told him as you got between him and Olga, "Stay behind me, old man. You might hurt your back."

Olga raised her hand and more Cultists rushed out of the doorways.

"Heroes don't dirty their hands. Fortunately, I'm not one," You told him as you held Gae Bolg.

"Don't! Please!" Emiya snapped behind you.

[] Use Gae Bolg. Employ Lethal force against the hostiles coming for you. Cut them down, Emiya doesn't have to do it.
[] Use Aegis. Employ Non-Lethal takedowns. Take out their limbs and leave them alive. He won't stop bitching about it later if you kill them.
Last edited:
Sky Flower
[] Use Aegis. Employ Non-Lethal takedowns. Take out their limbs and leave them alive. He won't stop bitching about it later if you kill them.

Hearing Emiya's plea forced you to stop. A sigh left your lips before you jammed Gae Bolg into the ground. The man behind you blinked in surprise as you faced him with a narrowed look as you charged your Magic Circuits. They flared in response to stimuli before you held your breath as you realized your magecraft.

You parted your lips and said, "Fine. Way to make my Job harder, Old Man!"

You held out your hand as you started chanting.

"Cliffs at the Shores of World's End. I stand against Eternity. I am the Rock unmoved by Time's waves," you began as light circled around your forearm and before your palm, "Strike me and feel retribution. Strike me and be destroyed! Manifest oh shield of Wisdom! Shelter me from my enemies! AEGIS!"

Olga's eyes sharpened as you manifested your shields just in time for the first cultist to swing his arm towards you. You clashed with his fist as it shattered before your Golden Shield. You turned and swept him by his legs before smashing your shield into his face.

Another cultist rushed you as you slammed the edge of your shield into his skull before spinning to land your heel into the side of his cheek. You delivered a liver blow before kicking his knee, your shield struck him across the face before he fell.

Rabid snarls came from a cultist that rushed you down and pushed against your shield. Your breath hitched as you sprung up and caught the Cultist's chin by the edge of your shield, smacking her down with an axe kick.

The cultist staggered before you threw your shield to knock her down before you caught your shield back. A magic circle appeared above you before a meteor thundered towards you.

"Brie!" Emiya yelled in warning.

However a blur of blue protected you with his crimson spear flashing through the air. The beastly man's red eyes flashed as he sipped through the battlefield only to be intercepted by Assassin. He avoided her strike before kicking her aside and shooting towards her master.

Olga stayed where she was as tendrils erupted from the prana pool to block Cu Chulainn. He cut them down and powered through before a tendrils tore through the imaginary space behind Olga and shot towards Berserker. The frenzied Hero grinned as he clashed with the tendril before shooting towards you.

He stopped into a crouch as he raked his weapon on the ground.

"Assassin. Do it," Olga ordered as she raised her hand.

"Understood, Master," Assassin replied as she raised her scepter and the fallen Cultists morphed and changed into inhuman beasts.

Their eyes turned red as their teeth sharpened to a razor's edge. Their hands turned into class as they released an inhuman screech which made even you stagger back. You then watched as prana from the pool glow and the tendrils rise up violently.

They stabbed straight into Assassin's back where she grunted in response to power filling her body. Olga swept her hand in the air as you moved forward and raised your shield upon the fallen Saber, taking the hit from the tendril as it bounced off you.

Grabbing the Knight, you pulled him back, "Cu! Kill Assassin!"

"On it!" Berserker laughed as Carmilla braced herself to survive this onslaught.

Cu Chulainn easily crushed Carmilla had she been by herself. However with support from her master wielding a near infinite resource she was able to endure. Cu Chulainn struck her right arm but the arm simply reattached itself.

She brought her hand out and sneered, "Phantasmal Iron Maiden!(Phantom Maiden)"

Cu narrowed his gaze before turning. You sensed something wrong and saw an Iron Maiden opened its maw to clamp down on you. You watched as crimson spear shatter it courtesy of Berserker's throw, splitting the Torture Device in two.

Carmilla used this chance to get close but Cu immediately turned to grab her by the neck. She laughed as blood spikes appeared all around Cu Chulainn and descended in him.

His red eyes turned to look around as he dodged through every single one of them. Carmilla melted into shadows as she reappeared before Berserker just as he blew her head apart with a punch.

"Useless, useless, it's useless, you brute!" Carmilla sneered as she sent spears of blood towards Berserker, "I can fight forever with this much energy! All while your body wastes away!"

Berserker remained unfazed as he simply grinned and weaved through the spears with great dexterity. He weaved through her attacks and grabbed her neck to smash her into the ground.

"Like I give a fuck," Berserker snarled as he pulverized Carmilla's head.

Her body melted into the ground before reappearing ahead of you. She darted towards you as you pulled back. Saber reacted and got in the way to swing his estoc.

"You stay away from her!" Saber barked as the Knight's silver hand shined.

Carmilla turned before she was split in half by Gae Bolg. Her wounds quickly healed even as the Spear's curse ravaged her body. Berserker narrowed his gaze before throwing Gae Bolg straight at Olga.

Carmilla reappeared before her Master and took the blow to her heart. However she lived through it by virtue of the energy she was pulling from the surrounding area. Carmilla laughed as she darted towards Berserker only to be cast aside upon contact.

"Power. So much power!" The Vampire laughed as she was filled to brim with energy.

"Fine then. Berserker, drag her out of here!" You ordered as Cu Chulainn grabbed the Vampire by her head and slammed her into the ground. He then threw her out of the Sanctum without a hint of ceremony.

Berserker laughed as he rushed to follow his prey, his spear in hand. This left you and Olga remaining in the Sanctum.

"It's time," Olga whispered as she held her hand up, "Be honored, Brie. It's time we settled this once and for all."

"I don't know what you're planning but I'm sick and tired of you. I may have gone too far last time but rest assured I won't let you live this time," you snarled as you held your shield.

"I was hoping for that. But if I'm dying, I will take you with me," Olga replied with the same hatred in her voice.

The pools of power began to shudder and ripple, the glowing white hands in which Olga stood on turning to stone. You watched as the pool of prana splashed it's white liquid into the Sanctum as the sky above the Sanctum turned dark.

Olga jumped down from where she was perched as she had her magic circuits flare. What was happening? The pool behind her where the giant hands were clasped on prayer had darkened before releasing a sudden surge of energy.

And then you heard it...


"What... Was that?" You breathed as you pulled Saber away.

"This power... The pool was created from the energy of every person the cult touched within the city. Could this be the energy they all gathered at once?" Saber gasped as he struggled to stay on his feet.

A beastly howl erupted from the pool as something rose from it.

"It's surprising that this went undetected underneath the Association's nose. To cultivate and raise such a Phantasmal Beast within this Age is no small feat," Olga said as the monstrous creatures towered through the ceiling of the Sanctum and released a pulse of its power.

Driving desire, delusion and madness into the populace. Civilians would fall to the creature's call and go wild as if they ingested a packet of Black Karma. The creature's call would soon reach across the city as it grew.





It was by no means Divine in origin but it was powerful enough to pose a credible threat to the humans that lived on the world. It was a heretical creature similar to a tumor, it's call being the cancer cells which consume humanity.

This was the Cult's Lotus.

This was Kiara Sessyoin's Salvation to the world.

"But I can do better," Olga whispered as she had raised her hand and the heavens turned dark, a magic circle appear and a dark object come down at a glacial pace, "I'll purge this creature, Kiara... Alongside everything in my path. This is my final act of defiance!"

"You're crazy... You let that thing be born just so you can kill it?!" You screamed at her with wide eyes, "Why let it be born in the first place?!"

"As a final fuck you to that madwoman," Olga replied as she lowered her hand.

"As if you're any different," you growled as you picked up Gae Bolg.

The Lotus Creature attacked and you raised a shield to take its blow. The brunt of the hit knocked you back before another came for you.

Saber got in your way and protected you. The Silver Knight looked your way, "Are you okay?"

"I'll live. Thanks," you nodded before you both looked at the creature and how it was protecting Olga.

"Brie, Saber, I need you two to cover for me," Emiya said as he took off his black coat and had his command seals burn crimson, "We have to destroy that thing."

"Got it. This is our only chance," you nodded as you held your spear.

Saber's arm glowed as he stood before the monster, "As you command, Master!"

"Good. We can't let this thing live for another second. I won't let it get away," Emiya said as he firmly fixed his feet on the ground and breathed in. Exhaling, he opened his eyes to hold out his hand.

"I am the Bone of my Sword..."

Sky Flower

[] Run interference. Distract Olga and the creature alongside Saber as Emiya does his thing. Take Gae Bolg and take a stab at confronting Olga!
[] Absolute defense. Raise Aegis and amplify them with the prana you have inside you. You'll cover Emiya for the duration of his aria and protect him with all you have!
Beneath Twilight Skies
[] Run interference. Distract Olga and the creature alongside Saber as Emiya does his thing. Take Gae Bolg and take a stab at confronting Olga!

"I am the Bone of my Sword."

"Saber!" You called as you reinforced your legs to shoot forward.

Saber followed you as Olga stood where she was as the creature protected her. Tendrils shot forward towards you as you cut through them with Gae Bolg. Your body became a blur of scarlet as the demonic spear carved through the creature's appendage.

"Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood."

Likewise Saber sliced through the glowing tentacles and weaved through more vicious attacks. He roared slashed through the obstacles in his way. You and Saber worked together to catch an intercept tendrils making their way to Emiya.

"I have created over a thousand blades."
You slid on the floor before you charged straight at Olga. Gae Bolg burned scarlet as you watched her summon miniature comets to come streaking your way. You watched them come for you before you smacked them aside with your spear.

"Unaware of Loss."
You watched as the creature slam down a tendril at Saber whom evaded expertly before severing the creature by its limb. He got on top of it and started running his way towards its body while many tendrils moved to intercept him.

"Nor aware of Gain."
You dodged and summoned Aegis to grind a tendril coming to your side upwards. Olga took a step back as the air was filled with her familiars. They were all around you.

"Withstood pain to create weapons, waiting for one's arrival."
You were encased in your shields as they smashed into you all at once. Smoke filled your vision before you burst out of it as you ended up on Olga's side. Her eyes followed you on surprise as her empty sleeve swayed in the air.

"I have no regrets. This is the only path."

"Olga!" You roared as you aimed straight for her heart.

Olga Marie moved and caught the demonic spear with her remaining hand, her left eye alight with furious fire. Her hand bled and burned from touching the Noble Phantasm even through her reinforcement.

"I won't lose. Never again!" Olga screamed as the two of you locked gazes.

It was at the same time Emiya finished his Aria.

"My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works!"
Illusionary fire erupted from where Emiya stood before cracking up the ground. His prana filled the air in what looked like crackling lightning before everything turned white.


When you opened your eyes, you were kneeling in dirt. The faint smell of steel filled your lungs as a gentle breeze rolled overhead. The world you were in was in perpetual Twilight, serene and peaceful if only a bit melancholic.

Grass danced all around and gave off the impression of life beginning to take hold and grow in this wasteland...

You eventually slowly found your footing as you held on to your spear to find the looming form of the Lotus Creature towering in this world.

It was huge, like a pale parasitic worm that emerge from the depths of the earth. It screeched from afar, a huge stand out from this peaceful world. You soon saw that all around you were weapons stabbed into the ground. Heroic weapons, tragic weapons, weapons that were loved, weapons that were unloved, there hundreds, thousands perhaps a near infinite amount of them just being... There.

You had the distinct impression that they were all slumbering peacefully and in the wake of the monstrous interloper in their midst, the false articles slowly stirred. You recognized this manner of magecraft... If it could be considered as one.

To force one's internal world upon the surface of the earth, it could only be described as a Reality Marble. And the one who conjured it was without a doubt the man standing beside you now.

"Emiya... This is..." You blinked as you looked around you, "This is where you create your swords?"

Emiya... Shirou Emiya allowed himself a small smile at that, "No. It's a world I created which houses infinite number of swords. It's the only trick I really have going for me."

He picked up a nameless longsword from the ground and held it. You could see his magic circuits on his flesh as he looked at the sword on his grasp.

"With this, that thing can't escape or influence the outside," Emiya said as he lowered the blade.

Up above, the clouds broke apart to reveal the orange light of a setting sun. The grass beneath your feet swaying with the breeze as Saber walked by Shirou's side.

"Master," Saber nodded as he held his blade.

Emiya smiled as he walked forward, the grass beneath his shoes softening his footsteps, "Brie. I'm leaving Olga to you. Saber and I will engage the creature."

Your eyes widened as swords flew up and floated behind Shirou's back. The man clenched his fist before charging at the Creature that he dragged into his own inner world. In order to defeat such a monster, he would even disturb the peaceful scenery of this world of swords.

You had your own job now. You turned and moved to where Olga was. The young heir of the Animusphere clenched her fist as her hand bled into the grass beneath her. She raised her gaze to see that you had come bearing your spear in hand.

"End of the line, Olga," You declared as you raised your spear her way.

"It's too late. You're far too late," Olga said as she steadied her breathing, "You can't stop it. Hiding in this world won't do anything. This city and everyone in it will witness the greatest of my Family's magecraft."

"And do you really think your family will approve of such an action. Of their hard work and masterpiece being used in such a way," you questioned her with a narrowed look.

"What choice do I have?!" Olga screamed as she clenched her hand.

Explosions rattled the ground. Swords blasted the Lotus Creature as Emiya and Saber worked as one to destroy it. The creature endured the broken Phantasms landing on its body while Saber cut through its form.

Tendrils flew and hammered the grassy plains.

"There's always a choice. You could have stopped. You could have given up. Things didn't have to turn out like this!" You told her as you gripped your spear.

"And what choice have you made, Doll?" Olga asked as she looked at you with a tired tone, "If I don't destroy this town, the Clocktower will. They'll purge it to cover it all up. Even if you offered my head or someone else's, do you really think Magi more heartless than I am will listen to you?"

The Lotus Creature grew and evolved, screaming as it carved open the landscape. It was showered in hundreds of swords but it refused to go down.

"You won't wish to save this town. To the end, you'll wish for your Servant's happiness. You don't care about this town. So why stop me if you're just going to do the same thing?" Olga asked as she straightened her back.

"You're right. I don't care about this town. All that matters is Rider's happiness," you replied as you finally admitted it, "And you being alive is a threat to that happiness. If I'm going to live a quiet life with Rider, I have to kill you and everyone who's going to get in my way."

"The Doll grows a heart but that heart is black," Olga sneered as she cracked a smile.

"Black? Oh it's red. It's very much red," You told her as your spear burned with your prana, "What about yours? Care for me to find out?"

"Luna!" Olga roared as an artificial moon shined behind her. Magic circles focused the moon's light before shooting you with it.

You raised your hand and snarled, "Aegis!"

The beam bounce off your shield.

"Come, you Lovesick Doll!" Olga declared as she released her familiars into the air.

You spun Gae Bolg in your hands and got ready.

Heir to Astromancy

Beneath Twilight Skies

[] Utilize your Speed to perform Hit and Run tactics. Wear down her defenses and prana.
[] Use your Command Seal and blindside her with summoning Berserker. End this by turning her into paste!
[] Employ Psychological Attacks against her. It worked last time. It should work again.
[] Raise your shields and take the brunt of her blows. See which one of you could outlast the other in terms of capacity.
[] Write...
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