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You are a disgruntled young woman underpowered, unprepared and unqualified participating in a Holy Grail War filled with Magi more competent than you. Oh and your Servant's Medb. Embark on an adventure of horror, pain and friendship.

This is Fate/White Parmesan
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Prelude to Awakening


Rabbit Faced

It's 2am...

It's 2am. You're being chased by a crazy woman that just disintegrated two guys with a riding crop. You're going to die soon so you might as well get a last meal.

You run to the local Cheesecake Factory™. You order your food when suddenly-


The doors fly open.

It's Medb-chan.

You haven't finished your order. Dammit.

It's 2am.

You're being chased but she'll never catch you! You vaulted over the counter and hit the register mid-slide. You tripped and slammed your face into the ground. Was that a nosebleed? That's a nosebleed. Shit.

The ground was hard when you hit it before you staggered and scrambled for the back. You could hear people screaming before you noticed the kitchen being busy.

There were a lot of food being made, some of them made of cheese products. There was a sizzling melted cheese being grilled on your side.

Someone left the door to the exit open. Maybe you can get out?


That was Medb. No time to think.

On impulse you grabbed the grilled, hot, melting cheese straight off from the grill. And boy did it hurt.

"FUCKING SHIT, FUCK!" you cried out as you held the melting cheese in your grasp only to catch the attention of a Medb. The Servant...

Wait... Servant? What's a Servant..?

You were drawn back to reality by the sting of the melted cheese on your hand before you saw her stomping towards you. The riding crop in her hand was firmly grasped within her palm as she walked.

You ran. One of the chefs tried stopping her but her inhuman strength was enough to send him flying into the side. You screamed as you tackled the exit door and stumbled. You tripped and hit the floor of the back alley as you watched the Servant... A Servant... Where did you hear that before? What's going on-

Medb managed to catch up while you were busy looking up at her before she swung her riding cro-



It's 2am and you were running for your life.

Some crazy bitch just turned two guys into red paste on the walls. If this was how you were going to die you were going to eat something!

You got in the Cheesecake Factory. You felt your mind slowly clear up. You walked over to the counter as you tried to get something to eat. Right. Food first. You need the energy before you died.


You turned.

It's Medb-chan!(Servant Rider)

Taking the cheese cake conveniently placed by your side, you picked it up and threw it at her. The cake soared through the air and landed on the pink haired woman's face with a loud splat.

She stumbled back and started... Oh... Oh boy she's screaming.


She's screaming pretty hard. Her... Oh was her skin actually burning? She was trying to get the cheese cake off her body before she slipped on some and hit the ground.

Oh wow it's actually working.

Medb-chan was rolling on the floor writhing in agony. Now's your chance!

An old woman was watching proceedings and had her cake half eaten. You took the slice from her table and quickly threw it at the screaming Servant.

Medb shrieked as another cheesecake splattered into her side before getting up. Shit. She's not going down.

You vaulted over the counter to pick up another whole cake before the Servant powered through the counter and grabbed you by the neck.

Mashing the cake into her face burned her severely as you fought for your life. You repeatedly kicked her before you grabbed a fistful of cheese sticks to crush on her side.

She let you go as she doubled over before you grabbed another whole cake and slammed it down on her. Medb shrieked some more before you stepped back and saw a whole role of unwrapped Thanksgiving Cheese.

You picked it up over your head and threw straight down on her. The Servant stopped moving. Oh wow. It actually worked. That dumb thing actually worked.

You won. You didn't die! You didn't-


You: 1
Medb: 1


It's 2am.

You were being chased by a crazy girl. You were going to die. You were actually going to die.




It's fucking here. A steel chariot drifted off the corner being pulled by some fuck huge horses. You could hear cackling from inside the booth.

You were gonna be roadkill.

Survive! You hopped up the dumpster and grabbed hold of the ladder a few feet in the air. You grunted as you pulled yourself up and climbed. Surprisingly you had good upper body strength!

You climbed up straight for the rooftop where you dragged yourself over the ledge. Freedom. You just have to sneak away before she could take notice. You looked over the ledge and saw her looking at you.


You ran. You ran like a motherfucker.

And of course she jumped. She just jumped. Fucking Medb and her legs.

She hit the rooftop and landed right behind you as you vaulted over rooftops and hopped between gaps. But that didn't matter. She was a Servant. A servant with the stats to outrun you.

She's a goddamned Ri-


Your eyes widened when you noticed that there wasn't anything to hop across and you were left standing three floors above the ground. You turned and saw the Servant catch up to you with relative ease.

Stats... Right she has... B in Agility. Right so super fast even when on foot. Riders... Were only matched by Lancers in terms of speed. Wait... How do you know this?

"End of the line," the Servant declared as she smirked your way. She held up a finger to her lips, "You're out of luck. No magic to help you. No servant to protect you."


Did you have... No, that doesn't matter.

You had to get away... Or something!

"What are you talking about?!" You yelled back at her. The back of your left hand was starting to sting.

How did you know these things? What... Where did they even come from? You turned to see her come for you, riding crop ready to blow you to bloody chunks. The back of your left hand began to itch hard as you stepped back.

You nearly tripped and fell down to the pavement. The Servant was coming for you before a strangled cry left your throat. What were... You missing?

"Fuck!" You cried out as your right arm burned bright and a floating wall appeared. A wall of light which promptly shattered from Medb's strength but softened the blow of her below average strength.

You flew and slammed back first into a wall. Your right side was dead.

These things behind your left hand. They were Tattoos?(Command Seals)

"Gotcha now, Stray Master!" Medb sneered as she came for you.

You... A Maste-



You: 1
Medb: 2


It was 2am.

You jerked up from your desk and found yourself in a classroom. It was dark. No one was around.

Everyone else... Must have gone home. Looking at your watch, it was indeed 2am. Then... You did die. You died. That was the second time you died.

"What the fuck is going on?" You choked as you held your neck where you distinctly remember inhuman strength striking across it.

Think... Servants... They were... They were Spirits. Heroic Spirits. No, no, it wasn't just limited to Heroes too. Anti-Heroes and the like were also among their ranks. Servants had... Seven classes. Right.

They were for... What they were for?

You looked down your left hand. Burning red Tattoos lingered on your flesh as if it had been branded on you. You... Were a Master. Were you?

Servants worked with Masters... Yeah. Then what the fuck was this nightmare scenario? Why were you time looping while getting killed by a murderous Queen of Connacht?

"Was this some sort of sick joke?" You asked yourself as you stood up before you tensed. You looked at the door and heard footsteps... Down the hall.

It's her. It's fucking Medb-chan.

Sniffing the air, you looked down to your side to find a bag. You opened it up and there was a block of hard cheese on it. This can't be real. You killed her once but what good will killing her again? You need more... More memories.

"God... I actually killed a Servant. No. That shouldn't be possible," you murmured as you slung the bag over your shoulder.

She was in the school... Whatever school this was...

Opening the door, you crept out into the hall and closed it. The red Tattoos on your left hand continued to sting forcing you to hold it.

Medb wasn't in the hall you were in but she was nearby. There had to be some sort of condition to survive a loop... Killing Medb wasn't the condition for one.

God she was so annoying.

This must be a special sort of Hell.

Fuck it. You're not dealing with this.

You kept low and crouched walked your way from the spot you were at. She couldn't sense you. She didn't have that kind of ability in her kit. So you should be safe, right?

The quiet and respite you have has given you more time to think than before. You could really use some food right now. That Cheesecake Factory had some really good stuff before you trashed it hard. Moving to a Chem Lab allowed you to stay out of the halls.

Shutting the door, you sighed as you looked down your hand. You weren't dreaming. That's a Command Seal right there. Except while you did know what it was, you're not sure what it's for or how it came to your person.

It has to be for reining in Servants yes, but... For something. If Magic is involved... No, Magecraft. Yes, that's the term for it. Right... Servants are gathered and then... They're made to do something. They're strong so they must be summoned for combat purposes?


Your spine shuddered as you felt the presence of... Something outside the window. Your eyes widened once you saw a person in armor. A tall bearded man ripped with muscles beneath his armor. His eyes were blank as he looked through the window, a soulless expression but his purpose was clear as day.

He was looking for you.


Your enemy was Medb, Queen of Connacht, the Eternal Lady, Miss-Got-Killed-By-Cheese.

Mother of Warriors. It's a part of her ability to summon-

Wait. How'd you know that? Why do you know so much about her?

You hid behind table and hugged the bag you had in your arms. This wasn't a normal world. Nothing here made sense. Your deaths and revivals made no sense... But one thing's clear was that you were caught up in something that robbed you of your memories and threw you here.

You need to do something about that bitch.



Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no... That guy did not just walk in the room. You crawled beneath the table as the Celtic Warrior wandered the room. He must have noticed something.

You looked at the nearby door and grimaced. You can make it but you're sure as hell were going to be chased... But there were some implements here. Maybe you can use them.
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Waking From the Dream
[] Charge the Celtic Warrior. You have that light thing going on. Magecraft! You don't know how you did it but you can use it as a shield to steal his spear!

This was stupid. You're annoyed and bitter but if death held little value here then fuck it. You're gonna do it. Rolling out of your hiding spot immediately caught the Warrior's attention as you swung your bag at him.

The Warrior's reflexes forced him to swat it out of the air as you put your entire weight into your charge. He was strong but not as stupidly strong as a servant. You charged him as he swung his spear at you.

Shit here it comes!

Something trailed within your body as a wall of light manifested to your side and kept the spear from reaching you. Between these chairs there was no way for him to dodge so you smashed all 86kg of you straight into his chest before knocking him down.

There was a loud clanging noise before you held him down for a split second and punching him, the sound of flesh striking flesh echoing all around. You grabbed his spear and wrenched it out of his grasp.

Turning it as if it was second nature to you, you then plunged it down between the gap of his armor. You pulled and stabbed again, this time right on his neck before you staggered back.

Your shoulder was sore but you sucked it up.

She knew you were here. You grabbed the bag and picked up the bloody spear. Adrenaline pumped into your veins as you turned and went out the broken window Mr. Stabby went through.

You used the spear as a walking stick before carried it with both hands. It was old and unwieldy, a testament of the time it was made but fuck was it heavy. Your boldly arms could barely hold it up. You ran down the side of the school building as the moon shined above.

Running to the back you found a ladder which you quickly used to climb. You need to relocate before that crazy bitch found you. You climbed higher until you got to the rooftop and caught your breath.

Magecraft... Was it some sort of spell that activated when you were in danger?

Did you cast it? You can't remember. Why can't you remember anything?!

You ran towards the door leading back to the building when it suddenly opened. Men poured out like a raging flood. You stopped and slid to a halt before turning to the side and running for it.

More Celts! Just great!

You ran with your spear in hand before you saw one climb up the edge you were coming close to. You rammed the spear into his face before he fell down.

You turned to see the Warriors howl as they have chase.

There was so many. Holy shit. Five chased you, then they turned to a dozen, then a hundred, several hundred, they multiplied faster than you can count. They were chasing you down as you ran through the school.

Warriors bigger, stronger and faster than you were howled as you grunted while running across the football field. You looked ahead and you saw her.

Standing with that stupid smug smile she had.

It's Medb-chan.

You tripped and fell face first into the ground. You grunted as you opened your bag and took out the hard cheese and bit into it as you were skewered.






Spears and pikes and swords thrust through your body, keeping you in place. A hundred people gathered around as they held you down...

It hurt.

But you were alive still.

She walked towards you with that stupid smile... Her beauty was akin to a cruel Goddess as the light of the moon touched her skin. She was the Servant sent to kill you and you've never loathed someone so much...

The swords and spears were ripped out of your form before leaving you to kneel before her.

"I win this time, Stray Master-"

You spat the cheese in your mouth straight into her eyes. You took a broken glass you had in your pocket and slashed her throat while she was reeling.

She hissed as she held her throat as it bled, grabbing your own, "Oh? You little... You think you can Win the Grail like that?!"

"Fuck... You," you laughed as you flipped her off before-


You: 2
Medb: 2


It was 2am... And you've had a hard night.

Your mind was starting to regain some semblance of consistency. You were running down the street again. Running from her. She was coming for you again but you think you had an idea now.

Having that many Celtic Warriors wasn't possible without a huge amount resources being consumed. Not only that but you can hurt her even if you exploit her deathly weakness.

This world... Wasn't real.

And you were trapped here with the intended purposes of being killed over and over without ever finding a way out. Not only that but Medb herself was an anomaly.

Your footsteps slowly came to a halt as you turned to see an iron Chariot coming for you. It was world so fake it hurt to look at the inconsistencies.

The Grail War. It's all because of that thing that you're in this situation.

The chariot thundered towards you before you rolled out of the way. You're not going to be roadkill anytime soon. It soon came to a halt before someone stepped out of the carriage.

"Done running, Stray Master?" Medb scoffed as she held her riding crop.

"I'm tired. So why don't we skip the preamble and start this show for real," you growled as you held up your Command Seals.

"And you'll fight with what servant?" Medb asked with a sneer.

"This one," you replied as you spent the Seal. That's right... You'll just have to call her name and she'll be here.

Though knowing her, it's probably her fault that you're here. You're going to interrogate her but for now...

Waking From the Dream
[] "By the power of my Command Seal, come forth! Get your ass in here, Rider!"
[] "You're no Queen. You're an unflattering imitation. With this Command Seal, I'll summon her! You've spent the time watching so come on out already, Rider!"
[] "Time to work, you Fluffy Tyrant! Your Caretaker's in big trouble already so help me out! I'll spend this Command Seal so you better be useful for once, Rider!"
Moonlit Beginnings
[] "You're no Queen. You're an unflattering imitation. With this Command Seal, I'll summon her! You've spent the time watching so come on out already, Rider!"

Standing before the Imitation, a walking Mockery of a Heroic Spirit you held up your left hand as the Command Seals burned bright red. A scarlet glow was cast upon the empty streets as you raised your voice, "You're no Queen. You're an unflattering imitation."

The Imitation blinked in surprise before taking a step back in alarm, "You-!"

"With this Command Seal, I'll summon her!" you declared as you raised your hand, the world around you twisting and churning with magical energy before releasing in a wide ring, "You've spent the time watching so come out already, RIDER!"

The sound of glass shattering echoed as the Heavens split apart. You stood your ground as you grit your teeth once your entire body burned with power. It was by the sound of hooves hitting the ground did relief spread through your entire frame. You turned to see a Grand Chariot hitting the ground before stopping by your side, the iron bulls letting loose steam from their nostrils beneath their armor.

It was Chariot which easily dwarfed the majesty of the one behind the False Queen(Fake Medb) and easily cowing the beasts which drew it. Radiant and oozing with power, it was a Chariot worthy of being called a Noble Phantasm and not a simple vehicle to run people over. It was a vehicle to carry a Queen, not a murderer wearing her face.

You looked behind you and you found her seated there on her usual seat, legs crossed with an amused look on her face as her eyes fell upon you. A woman born with the body of a goddess, sought after by men, warriors, heroes and Kings. The greatest prize for men to behold and for some, greater than even the Holy Grail itself.

She wore a smile which could enslave Kings, her honeyed voice forcing armies of ten thousands to lay down their arms, beauty rivaling Goddesses and could be woven into numerous songs. She was the Queen, the one and only Queen and she was here. Her radiant presence illuminating the dark street of this false world as she stared down at the imitation.

The Fake stood transfixed, unable to utter a word as the Queen looked down on her. From where you stood, the difference was night and day... Nay, comparing the two would be an insult in itself to your Servant. A false imitation capable of being wounded and marred by your efforts did not belong on the same stage as the Eternal Lady. Now that she was here in the flesh, you couldn't help but feel stupid being afraid before.

Servant Rider leaned forward and spoke, "Awfully nice of you to invite me, Master. Here I was thinking you were liking this place."

"Spare me the banter, we're not done here just yet," you growled before the False Medb cut her finger and splattered the blood on the ground. From the droplets of blood rose Celtic Warriors, the same as the ones you had been killed by before.

Rider's face turned to a look of disdain before wearing a cruel smile, "Dear me, so... This was what was giving you trouble?"

"Kill them!" the False Medb ordered as the Warriors howled all at once.

"Rider!" you snapped before your Servant took off her fluffy cloak to reveal her risque outfit beneath. You turned away to try not be caught in the effects of her abilities.

"Now, now... Why don't you boys settle down?" Rider requested with a smug smirk on her lips. The Warriors skidded to a halt before coming to a full stop before they all swooned by her presence alone. The False Medb blanched at this as her own creations were easily swayed by your Servant. They laid down their weapons before standing in a daze before her Chariot.

"Rider! Get her!" you ordered as the Queen cracked a smile.

"With pleasure," Rider grinned as she raised her hand as pink light surged through the bodies of the Celtic Warriors. They turned towards the imitation and howled with great fervor.

"Wait... Stop. Stop! I'm the real Medb!" the Fake cried out as her own creations lunged at her, forcing her to swing her riding crop and slaying three at once. However more Celtic Warriors rose up and were converted to your side, moving to attack her until she was close to being swarmed.

You looked up the shattered skies your Servant had gone through before you turned to her. Rider was sitting on her Chariot, looking down at you with a small smile on her lips as she held out her hand. The moonlight shined down on the lonely street you were both in before she chose this chance to speak.

"Well then, now that's taken care of, allow me to continue where I left off," Rider cleared her throat as she met your gaze.

And so she spoke...

Moonlit Beginnings
[] "Are you my Master, Boy?"
[] "Are you my Master, Girl?"
[] "Are you my Master, Girl?"

"Are you my Master, Girl?"

Her words were like serene bells through the darkness of the night. Her question easily reaching you from where you stood and it took a bit of effort not to be swept by her overflowing charisma. It annoyed you but an answer needed to be given.

"Yes I am," you replied with no small amount of resignation. She really was your Servant, huh? Couldn't you get another one?

No. You might end up with someone worse. You'll just have to suck it up. Right now, the problem hadn't resolved itself as you noticed the Imitation still struggling to cleave through the Warriors with her riding crop alone.

Bodies were shredded and limbs were thrown in the air as the False Queen was pushed back. She was on her last legs and you didn't have to do anything stupid to kill her-

A strong arm picked you up and dragged you into Rider's Grand Chariot. You were tossed into the seat by Rider's side as she crossed her legs and leaned back. You knew what she was going to do and you didn't like it. You didn't like it one bit!

"Here we go, Stray Master!" Rider laughed as her bulls howled as they started to gain speed. Her magical energy spiked upwards as you felt a strange burning sensation through your body.

Fire. It felt like your insides were on fire.

The bulls dragged the Chariot through the street as the Celtic Warriors held down the imitation born of this world. They kept her in place just in time for Rider's Chariot to get to her, smashing past the Warriors in your path before knocking down the False Queen into the dirt. She fell and screamed before the Chariot trampled her underfoot.

You held on to your seat and cursed so much it would have put a sailor to shame. Rider simply laughed as the Chariot hit a big bump which made you jump from your seat before the bulls turned and came to a halt. You held your side before Rider pulled you back into the seat by her side, forcing you lean back as the bulls charged once more.

The Celtic Warriors cleared the way as the sight of the battered imitation tried to pick herself up. The Chariot thundered down the street and emitted a soft glow before she screamed before being finally crushed. The bulls kept going before they ascended to the air making you scream in a panic.

"Oh god why?!" You screamed as Rider ascended through the hole she came through and eventually cleared it-


It was freezing cold. Your breath smoked before you opened your eyes to see that you had left a dark warehouse with a collapsing bounded field break apart from the height you were in. You tensed up before clinging on to your seat with an iron grip.

"How can this thing even fly?!" You snapped at your Servant as she relaxed beside you.

"Magic," Medb hummed as she admired the view of the city beneath her.

"Oh don't give me that now! After tonight, I'm really starting to hate this shit!" You whined as you looked down, "Don't drop me! Don't you dare drop me!"

"Honestly, Master, you're like a cat doused in water," Rider noted with an amused smile, "For someone with no memories, you're pretty energetic."

"I fail to see how the two connect, Rider. I can have no memories while also being freaked out! Do you realize the gravity of the situation?" You asked her with a pointed look.

"Indeed. Welcome to the Holy Grail War, Stray Master," Rider greeted you as the moon shined down on her face, "And like it or not, you're going to help me get the Grail."

"I never asked for this!" You cried out as the Chariot made a nose dive for the city below.


The Holy Grail War. A ritual constructed on an island nation in the far east in order to create a pathway towards the enigmatic Root. It was a battle royale on which seven servants with seven masters would battle it out to claim the Grail.

In short, it was a tedious shortcut which could get you killed.

You had no name, you didn't know where you came from and you're here to participate in this fight you never asked to be in. Topping this, you're accompanied by a Servant that didn't have subtlety in her vocabulary! Just by walking down the street she was able to turn heads!

It made you very paranoid.

Someone almost got you after all. Someone put you in that bounded field to die over and over again. Recalling those deaths you experienced would no doubt haunt you to your grave... Whenever that occurred.

You glanced at the Queen before you as she casually walked through the streets. She took notice of your stare and smiled, "You like what you see, little Stray?"

"I'm just wondering if you're going to turn around and kill me again," you replied with a bland tone.

"Ho? Seems like you had a rough time. It's only been four hours since we met and you're already proving to be quite the troublemaker," Rider noted as she sighed and crossed her arms, "Dear me, if only I knew I was going to get summoned by someone like you I wouldn't have answered the call! Imagine that, no Altar, no offering, not even an incantation or catalyst!"

"I don't remember so complaining won't get you anywhere," you muttered as you began to think.

"Well if anything you should consider yourself honored being in the service of someone as important as me," Medb haughtily replied as she puffed out her chest.

"I think I'll do that once I figure out what's up from down first," you managed to say as you stopped, "First of all where the hell are we?"

"Is that how you talk to a Queen?" Rider asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Forget it, I'll figure it out myself," you groaned while pinching the bridge of your nose.

Rider placed a hand on her hip and smiled, "Well I think some relaxation is in order."

"What." You didn't mean it as a question. It was a statement.

"Obviously you're still shell shocked so we're going to find some place quiet," Rider winked your way as you gave her a dry look.

"If you suggest an alley I'm going to cry," you warned her with a sharp tone. You can't stay out in the open for long... Who knows who could be watching.

You're already at a disadvantage having spent one Command Seal already. You need to calm down a notch if you're going to live through the night. You looked up the sky and stared at the moon as it drifted across the heavens.

Scratch your earlier statement, you just want to cry now. You're so dead.

[] Have Rider pick a place. You don't care. You did want to see how she would act.
[] Find a house. Maybe Rider can charm her way through most things. You needed some rest.
[] Stay at a diner. You're hungry. Maybe you can get free food if you had Rider talk nicely to some people.
[] Something tells you that the local church would be a good place to stay. They're... Related to Magi after all? Your memory's still spotty.
[] Write in...
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1st of December
[] Have Rider pick a place. You don't care. You did want to see how she would act.

"Rider. I'm deferring to you when it comes to our accomodation," you ordered as you rubbed your hands together. It was cold... Snowing even wherever this place was. You were just wearing a blouse and long skirt after all with no means of protection against the cold. You needed shelter soon.

Rider turned to you in surprise before humming, "Though are you sure about that? I do have some high standards."

"Do what you need to do. Just don't kill anyone. Then again, I suppose being a Queen, you're well above that," you figured as you met her gaze. She was studying your expression... No, she had been observing you for awhile now. You suppose you could admit it now, "I'm not feeling too good. I'm not in the state to make decisions. I'll trust you for now."

"Skipping a few steps are we? You're already entrusting your body to me that fast, hm? Careful now, someone might think you're an easy girl," Medb smirked as she crossed her arms. You didn't have the strength to engage in a verbal spar... Apparently you didn't have the strength to stand.

You fell forward causing your Servant to catch you. Drained... You felt you were being drained. No, this was just the adrenaline from before subsiding, the full brunt of your exhaustion hit you with the force of a runaway truck. Your vision was getting dark. Rider was trying to steady you while calling you but you couldn't respond.

God you're so tired...


You could see flashes. The cries of delight was muffled as if you were underwater.

You couldn't make out anything but you could feel an emotion.

Dominance. Superiority.

It felt so good-


You woke up on a bed in cold sweat. Your hand went to your chest as sweat ran down your cheek before you looked down your left hand. Your Command Seals were still there, you were still alive, you didn't reset the loop. You were here in the real world now. Your lungs were breathing shallowly as you tried to calm you nerves before you gained more control of your body again.

You looked around and noticed that you were in a big fancy bedroom. Your limited vocabulary couldn't describe it beyond that but it seemed like it was a designer's home given the artful aesthetics of how the fucking closet and doors were placed around the room. A glass vase sat on top of a small steel table as decor beside the flat screen television.

Somehow this place made your skin crawl. You would have taken a cramped apartment to this. Holding your head, you recalled that you did give Rider free reign on where to crash do the night.

Raising your head you noticed that there were objects in the room. Wait, did this place belong to someone else? You slipped off the blanket on top of you and noticed you were still fortunately dressed. You never knew around that Servant but this was good.

Some masculine cologne, a laptop an empty phone charger and pills were on the desk. You picked up a picture frame and noticed a handsome man with blue eyes smile back at you alongside a pretty lady.

Observing the room, there were no signs of another person living her save for the one you already noticed. You set down the frame before pulling out the drawer to find some tucked away bills and a firearm.

"Canada," you blinked as you lifted up the paper money. Well at least that's what the money told you...

You need better confirmation.

You hesitated in picking up the weapon before you decided against taking it. You'll just make sure to take note of where it was for now. Turning to the door and moved to exit the room, only to be greeted by an impressive looking living room.

It was like being in a glass box were your first thoughts. Someone decorated and lined up the furniture before placing a steel cage around the enclosure. They then filled up the cage's holes with glass and that was it. You could see the moon from up here and upon the balcony was a glowing blue pool overlooking the city.

A sea of lights greeted your eyes as you looked down. Your eyes focused on the glass to find a girl looking back at you. A young girl with orange hair and amber colored eyes stared before you held up your hand to touch your face.

This was you?

You tensed before turning to find that someone was behind you. You recognized Rider's head as she hummed to herself while staring at the fireplace in front of her. She seemed to be fiddling about with an object in her hand.

You walked towards her before you found a man sprawled on the floor in the nude. He looked like a dead man but he was breathing as if something had just chewed him up and spat him out. You grimaced before you averted your gaze.

Medb was dressed in a bathrobe as if she had just finished taking a shower. Her eyebrows arced up as she glanced at you before she smiled.

"Hey there, Master. You like the room?" She asked as she waved the phone, "It was a fun catch but unfortunately our host didn't make it."

"I see that," you managed to say as you spared a glance at the poor soul on the floor, "Will he be all right?"

"Having tasted Heaven I'm pretty sure he's more than fine," Rider chuckled before tossing you the phone, "There. I'm bored with it so you can have it."

Catching the phone, you set it aside before asking, "Were we followed?"

"Not sure. But I can say that this guy will be useful to us. He's already wrapped around my finger and he said we can stay for as long as we need," Rider said as she crossed her legs, letting the fabric of her robe slide a bit, making your eye twitch.

"Well you could at least dropped a blanket on him or something... Wait, how wrapped?" You asked her with a frown.

"Like real tight," Rider winked as she leaned back, "Calm down will you, Master? He'll be fine. So long as it's a man, all I need is to smile, say a few things and maybe show a bit of skin here and there and he'll be mine."

"Right. You do that," you managed to say as you crossed your arms, "I'm still no closer to figuring things out."

"Well let's take to the top then. You don't know who you are, where you came from, when you arrived here or why you're in this Holy Grail War, right?" Medb asked as she rested her cheek on her fist.

"I don't know my name or what I'm going to do," you admitted with a low hiss, "I feel vulnerable and a Grail War is the last thing I wanted to be in."

"Well that's not how you were before you vanished from my sight," Medb pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" You blinked.

"You summoned me before you were trapped in that nightmare. To be honest, the only reason I'm sure you're the same person would be that you called me," Rider admitted as she leaned forward with a small smile, "Now isn't that interesting? You had no emotions and you spoke like a lifeless corpse... But now, you're pretty energetic. You even have a bad mouth on you."

"What was... No emotions? But as long as you remembered you were always like..." Your thoughts ground to a halt. The earliest memory you had was being chased by the fake Medb.

Did it start there?

"Sounds like you have a mystery in your hands," the smug Queen pointed out.

"But that's all we have for now. Not unless you can cough up more info," you suggested with a sharp look.

Rider raised her hands in surrender, "Well no. I just thought you were an odd one but now you're just getting weirder and weirder. I don't really care either way. You do seem to have a good head on your shoulders now."

"I'd like to keep it that way. But... You said I vanished. Did you chase me back then?" You asked her.

Rider huffed and crossed her arms, "Of courses I did! I mean, if you died then I'll go poof too! Keeping you kicking is within my interests too you know?"

"But did you notice anything odd?" You asked her with a frown.

"It was most likely the work of a magus but to kidnap you under my nose was pretty brave of them," Medb said with a hint of grudging respect.

"Sorry but you don't really strike me as the vigilant type," you managed to say.

"Anyway! That's all I know... Suffice to say we may have an enemy on our trail," Rider guessed as she crossed her arms, "We can expect to be attacked anytime now."

"Joy," you griped as you glanced at the fire.

Rider stared at you before resting her feet on the unconscious man on the carpet, "So... What's your plan?"

"I could try investigating that place I was trapped in... Or maybe I can just go see the church. I think... They're related to this War?" You guessed as you drew from your spotty memory.

"Well at least you know that," Rider said as she smiled with a glint of cruelty in her eyes. She was taking amusement on how lost you were.

You didn't fault her. Watching someone walk around a room with blindfolds was pretty hilarious.

"We still have one more issue," Rider said as she dug her heel on the man on the ground. You felt sorry for him but he had this blissful look on his face. Well, everyone had their kinks... Don't think about it.

Focusing back on the present you glanced her way, "What is it now?"

"You'll need a name. Stray Master is nice and all but I want something to call you other than that," Rider hummed as she smiled at you.

"Why? You can just call me Master," you figured with a frown.

"Because Master, a Queen needs to value her allies and calling them by name is one way of showing appreciation," Rider explained as she waved her finger in the air.

"I haven actually done anything to warrant that," you shrugged as you crossed your arms.

"Well it's for the future when you actually pull your weight somehow. Plus someone needs to put something on your gravestone," Rider giggled as she pressed her foot on the back of the unconscious man beneath her.

"Morbid," you noted before you began to think. What would be a good name for now?

1st of December
[] "Shiro. Call me Shiro for now. I'm not exactly the best at names."
[] "Temporarily, you can address me as Ritsuka until I remember who I am."
[] "I don't want you to call me anything dumb so just call me Anne."
[] Write in...
[] Call me... Brie.

You gave it a thought for a moment before you met her gaze, "Call me... Brie."

"Oh that's nice. Sounds cute to- Wait a second..." Rider frowned as she narrowed her gaze at you, "That's Cheese based!"

"No it's not. It's based on a certain region in France," you shrugged while looking innocent.

"Which is where that type of Cheese came from!" Medb shrieked as she pointed her hand at you. She raised her hands in annoyance, "Ugh, I can't believe you."

"There's also an actress with this name too," you added but Medb simply glared at you before shaking her head.

"Right, right. Still I'll call you that but in the future only! You haven't proven yourself to be referred to as that yet!" Medb huffed as she was totally unhappy by your name.

"Look in the bright side, it may not be my real name so you'll get to call me something else," you offered with a small smile of your own, "Besides, you asked for it, Medb-chan."

"Oh this is just going to be one rocky alliance, huh?" Medb noted as her eyes twitched a bit before she stood up. Stepping on her human carpet, she walked over to you, "But let me get one thing clear here. I'm your Queen and I expect to be respected as such or else I'll drop you off my chariot the first chance I get! Got it?"

"I don't want to die so okay, your Majesty," sighed as you leaned back on your seat. The two of you perked up before turning to the east.

The sun was rising. Miraculously, you survived the first night of this goddamned War. Still this just told you that there were a few more days ahead in which your inevitable clash with servants is written in stone. You need to figure out how to counter act them soon enough, you're essentially a sitting duck here.

You glanced at Rider and noticed that she had changed out of her Bath robes into her the outfit you met her last night with. That fluffy cloak wrapped around her looked so warm as she seemed satisfied with her own reflection. You got up too and place your hand on your hip.

"We need to move. Will this place be secure enough for us to return to?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not unless you can set up some Wards to keep familiars from spying on us," Rider replied as she crossed her arms, "Though knowing your spotty memory, I doubt you know. The prana you're supplying me is high quality but if you want to make it through this fight, you'll need to protect yourself too."

"Not exactly in the position to go learn some magecraft right now," you told her with a grim look, "We have two places to investigate. One is that warehouse you found me in and the second would be the church so we could get some decent information."

"I would advise against those two however," Rider said as she waved her hand, "You never know when the enemy could be expecting us to make our move. Though that trap you found yourself in was pretty suspicious too."

"How so?" You asked with curious look.

"If the enemy wanted to kill you they would have done so. Quick and easy especially in a Grail War. But that didn't happen, instead they let you struggle and flounder about before you called me," Rider said as she walked towards you and tapped your cheek, "If I were in their shoes, taking your memories would be good because either you die early in a fight... Or you'll become a Dark Horse of this little skirmish."

"I don't care about winning. I just want to survive," you admitted with a grimace, "But I can't just selfishly decide on that. You have your own agenda to pursue."

"And you'll help me win if it's the last thing you do," Medb huffed as she walked past you to the balcony, "Come, Master! The whole world's waiting for us to take it. Stop being so grumpy all the time and live a little!"

A Holy Grail War.

A conflict which would spell disaster if it goes awry. A grand ritual in which seven heroic spirits are summoned to kill one another in order for a Wish Granting Machine to manifest. You were now a Master tasked to live and fight through it. You just hoped that it won't turn into another Snowfield or Fuyuki-


Another... What?

"Hey, you all right there?" Rider asked as she waved her hand in front of you.

"I-it's nothing," you managed to say with a shake of your head, "Let's go and hopefully we can finish fast."

[] Head for the Church. Though you can't shake the feeling that they're bad news, you needed solid information.
[] Return to the warehouse you were trapped in. The enemy might be expecting it but you'll be on guard.
The Church
[] Head for the Church. Though you can't shake the feeling that they're bad news, you needed solid information.

Getting to the Church was easy enough since it seemed to be the largest and most obnoxious looking cathedral at the center of the city. If it wasn't the Church's base of operations then you don't know what was so you're working on pure assumption here. Never a good thing but it's all you had for now. If you were going to get anywhere it'll be prudent to start with them first.

You had grabbed some money from Medb's thrall and acquired it as your own. Well you already trespassed and mind jacked the guy, getting his money shouldn't a bigger offense. You were using a taxi to get through the city while Rider was in her spiritual form to conserve energy. You recalled her saying that your circuits were pretty high quality... Whatever that meant.

You hated not knowing things, it irritated you to no end.

"First time in the City, Miss?" The cabbie asked while glancing from the mirror.

"Yes. First time in the country at all," you admitted as you looked out at the signs, "This city's been around awhile, huh? There's some really old buildings here too."

"Oh yeah. City goes way back the first colonies that landed here. Might be tied with good ol' Quebec, you know? It's a nice little tourist spot but it isn't bustling as the other cities," the taxi driver said before chuckling under his breath, "Well if no one's welcomed you yet, then allow me. Welcome to New Rimeland. Hope you enjoy your stay."

"Thanks. I really hope I do," you managed to say as you looked at the old architecture melded with modern buildings.

"I know it's not the best way to advertise and promote the local scene but stay off the shadier places of town. Some of the more downtrodden folks have taken residence in them," the drive said with a concerned tone. He tapped the wheel with his fingers as he added, "Especially with the influx of some contraband circulating the city, people have been doing some nasty shit."

"The world isn't all sunshine and daisies. I'll keep your warnings in mind," you assured him as you looked out the stores and diners you passed by, "Though if I may ask, would you happen to have any recommendations for places to visit?"

"Well I thought you'd already know. The church is pretty much a city treasure," the driver said as he fixed his hat, "But the old Chateau over Red Rock Hill is interesting. It's once the home to some noble Frenchman in the old days but it's more of a museum now."

"I see. That's certainly something to look forward to. Thank you," you nodded with a small smile.

"Ah. Here we are. It's the Central Church, right? I'll drop you off at the front," the driver said before he slowed down to stop before the old church.

There didn't seem to be anyone around it. Was it closed? You handed the money for the fare before you stood before the stone church and glanced at the signage put up just outside it. It was just the schedule for the mass this Sunday.

"Going in?"

You didn't reply out loud but you stepped forward and walked past the gates. Taking the first step you noticed it, it was a bounded field. Alarmed based, it's going to notify the people within. You supposed that the church would employ that sort of magecraft especially at a time like this.

Rider walked beside you but you didn't feel her be fazed by the sudden yet minor alarm. You're going to be expected now. You approached the door before parting it.

Walking in you were greeted by the sight of an empty church. Not even the staff tasked with maintenance was there. You would have expected a few devotees here and there but there weren't even there. You've decided that you weren't welcome here somehow.

You walked past the doors as they immediately shut behind you. You tensed before looking to the altar to find a priest walking out from the shadows holding a small book, a Bible you would assume.

"It's nice to have visitors. In a world covered in Sin, I would not have expected a lost lamb to wander in at all," a youthful priest spoke as he gave you a gentle smile, "Seems like this world is still trying to surprise me. Greetings, Magus. I don't believe we've met. I am Father Kotomine Kinzo. How may I be of service?"

"So you don't know me, huh?" You managed to say with a trickle of disappointment.

"Well I would be overjoyed in getting know such an eye-catching flower. That is if you don't mind," the Priest said with a friendly tone. He then glanced behind you, "And I would be rude to not to greet your companion hidden behind you. There's nothing to fear here, Church grounds are neutral territory after all."

"I'd rather not. I'm sure you mean well but given my past experience I'd rather not flaunt my servant willynilly," you disagreed with a shake of your head.

"Well now! I never took you for the possessive type, Master," Rider said as she leaned on your shoulder, "You shouldn't be so stingy with others."

"I was referring more to not exposing you to spies. You're not exactly subtle," you noted as you sighed. You then glanced at the Priest and said, "I guess you know what I am now."

"Indeed. The newest addition to the Masters' Roster," Kinzo replied while maintaining his smile.

"But I have questions too. I don't have any recollections of who I am or how I came to participate in this Grail War. Would the Church be able to aid me in uncovering my background?" You asked as you met the Priest's gaze.

He seemed surprised by this before scratching his cheek as he replied, "Well, I suppose that could be arranged. Perhaps an altercation with another master had severely damaged your ability to remember? Certain curses should be able to replicate the effect and once lifted, your memories should return."

"But is it a curse? If that's the case can't you help the poor girl?" Rider asked with a low whine.

"There are various ways of negating a curse. The easiest would be to neutralize the caster and prevent them from keeping the effects active," The Priest offered as he walked to a pew and set down the Bible he was holding, "Another would be performing a specific set of conditions to negate it entirely. A counter-curse. While it may be detrimental to you, it seems to be a good way of neutralizing your threat level. After all, robbing a Magus of all their knowledge, experience and memories could be a victory in itself. Such is the way of this sham of a War."

"A sham?" You frowned.

"Forgive me when I say this but this petty war of Magi will bring more harm than good. Especially the destructive results of the Fourth and Fifth Grail Wars... Don't get me started on Snowfield either," Kotomine scoffed as he waved his hand. He looked up at the man on the cross, "I can only pray that you Magi would see the error in waging in such a pointless battle."

"Then rejoice, Priest. I'm only in it to survive," you told him before you heard the sound of tongue clicking behind you.

Medb looked grumpy at your declaration, "Hey."

"But I'll still try to win. So rest assured I won't blow up a building or something," you shrugged as you crossed your arms.

"Please don't. The Hyatt hasn't been the same since," Kotomine said with a wan smile. He then added, "Now... If I may have your name, Master of Rider so that you could be registered?"

"I don't know. But for now register me as Brie," you replied with a nod. You then recalled and reminded him, "Also make sure to look at my background. I want to know who I am and I don't want to have that as a distraction while I try not to get killed."

"Yes, yes. Be sure to come back tomorrow, Miss Brie, Lady Rider. The House of God is always open for the two of you," Kotomine bowed respectfully as you took a step back and turned to the door.

Rider blew the Priest a kiss before vanishing into her spirit form. You walked out the doors and had them shut behind you. Walking towards the gate, your shoulders fell as you pinched the bridge of your nose.

"So what's your deal?"

"We'll come back tomorrow. For now, let's go buy some clothes," you decided as you crossed your arms.

"Shopping, hm? Sounds like fun! I never knew you to be one to care about her appearance."

"It's mostly for your sake so you don't have to walk around looking like..." You faltered as you tried to think of a good descriptor for her.


"A furball," you griped as you glanced to where your Servant's voice was coming from.

You walked down the street before you heard glass shatter at the distance. You turned and noticed that the sound came from within the Church. You held your breath before a chill went down your spine making you turn.

There was only silence as you stood stock still where you were.

"Oh no. Oh no, no, no," you murmured as you swallowed hard.

"Oh yes. You have a car coming at you."

You looked down the road to see a black van charge towards you. Its horn blaring loudly. You leaned back and fell into a roll, allowing the van to smash through the Church's iron fence and destroy the blockade.

You looked at the doors to see them open and reveal a bunch of armed men in white open fire at you. You hissed as your circuits flared and you cried out.

"Manifest!" You declared as the shield of light kept the rounds from reaching your body as you retreated behind a car.

"Seems like they're going for the Church."

"What do you mean they're going for the Church?! That's neutral ground!" You screamed as the hail of bullets rained on your cover, "Goddammit! Shit! Stop shooting you assholes!"

"Permission to acquire them, Master? I do like their body type."

"Not the time, Rider!" You shrieked before you noticed a grenade roll to your side. You squeaked before taking it and throwing it back.

The grenade blew in the air and cracked your shield.

"Nice throw. What now, Stray Master?"

The Church
[] "Keep them busy with your Warriors! We're going for the Priest!"
[] "No! Run! We're running! I don't like being shot at!"
Blitz Tactics
[] "Keep them busy with your Warriors! We're going for the Priest!"

Bullets flew and drilled holes into the car you were using as cover. You're gonna die at this rate. Adrenaline pumped into your body as you tried to think of a way out of this, only to eventually beat your fight or flight instincts to decide on what to do.

"Keep them busy with your Warriors! We're going for the Priest!" You hissed as Rider manifested by your side to hold your cheeks.

"That's nice expression you made. Strange to see it on a coward like you. But don't think you can boss me with that tone," Medb replied as she held a small knife and pricked her index finger, "Only I get to talk that way."

You glared at her as you grabbed her by her coat, "Deal. Now let's do this!"

She smiled as she let the drop of her blood hit the ground. From the droplet came bodies of Celtic Warriors, fully grown and armored men bred and molded by war. With burning souls listing for battle, they rose from the Queen's blood in a group and howled straight from the cover you were hiding from to launch their assault on their foes.

They were gunned down one by one but more stood to take the fallen's place. Rider watched the conflict with glee but you grabbed her by the hand and pulled her along before she got even more distracted. You ran as you held her hand while using the Warriors as cover from the gunmen.

They were soon overwhelmed back into their vans by the Warrior as you and Medb made your way back to the church. You tackled the door open to see a body fly towards you. You dodged alongside your servant to see Kotomine sliding on the ground groaning.

You saw something fly for you before Rider caught it with her hand.

"Dear me, that was certainly fast," Rider hummed as you knelt down to the Priest.

He had arrow wounds to his shoulder and leg, there was bleeding. You'll have to heal him somehow but you didn't... You could feel that you know the spell but you didn't know how to cast it.

"Master, looks like he wants to play," Rider giggled as you lifted the priest and had him support you.

"I... Did not expect this to be the case, honestly," Kotomine chucked as he leaned towards you, "Attacking a representative of the church in broad daylight. I told you it was a sham."

"Who's there?!" You barked as you grit your teeth.

A dark skinned man walked forward with billowing clothes of white. His dark hair matched his eyes filled with the focus of a hawk. If looks could fire arrows, he would have had one between your eyes by now. He held a bow so you pretty much guessed what his class was.

Rider whistled as she summoned her riding crop in her grasp, "Hey there cutie."

"Servant Archer," the dark skinned man declared as he kept a wary gaze on Medb before turning to you, "I have no quarrel with you, Stray Master. Step aside and allow us to have our mark."

"Sorry I need this guy for a bit more," you replied as you huffed, "He's gonna try and help me out."

"Okay... But will you help me first?" Kotomine winced as you handled him roughly.

Archer ignored your words and addressed the Priest, "Ruler. Where have you hidden her?"

"Not telling," Kotomine hissed as he endured the pain.

"Hey now, that's just not nice ignoring a lady like me for a dumpy Priest. Why not have a chat with me first?" Rider asked as she got between you and the Servant.

Kotomine took this chance to lower his voice, "Brie, do me favor."

"Not a chance. We're booking it. I'm too much of a bitch for this," you hissed on an equally quiet voice.

"Leave me here. Go down beneath the church... Protect Ruler," Kotomine growled as he glanced at you.

"Why me?!" You squeaked in alarm before another arrow flew. You cursed before hitting the ground as Rider dashed forward.

Great they started fighting. You hit the ground with a grunt before you got up and set Kotomine against the wall. He shook his head to stay conscious before he grabbed your arm.

"Get Ruler, she'll know what to do. Hurry!" Kotomine snapped at you as you turned to see Medb narrowly avoiding Archer's shots with her speed.

She dashed and weaved before closing in with great skill. Show off. Archer held his distance and took shots that launched several arrows at once, ripping apart the Church's interior and tearing down holy images.

With each glass stained window shattered and wall blasted Kotomine winced while Medb cut her finger to summon her Warriors. You felt something tug inside you before the Warriors manifested to throw their spears at the Bowman.

"Gotcha!" Rider sneered as she swung her riding crop.

Archer blocked the blow with his bow before twisting in the air and kicking Rider into the wall.

Rider got back up but was obviously worn by that one hit, "A frail lady like me was never supposed to be in the frontline."

"Frail my ass, you're stronger than a gorilla!" You yelled at her.

"Oh who are you calling a gorilla?!" Medb yelled as she dodged another arrow.

Blitz Tactics
[] You might get something out of this. Go down the basement and get Ruler up to speed. She can stop this, hopefully!
[] Support Rider in her battle with Archer. Have her unleash a Noble Phantasm or something! You can handle the strain!
[] Retreat from this place. Have Rider get you and Kotomine out of the church and away from here. You'll come back later!
[] You might get something out of this. Go down the basement and get Ruler up to speed. She can stop this, hopefully!

You had to bring back up. Medb's stats are shit compared to Archer so you needed to level the playing field. However without the spells you can cast, you're just dead weight. You just wanted to run but the greedy part of you wanted to earn the Church's favor.

It occurred to you that you were a pretty shitty person. Oh well. You turned your attention to Rider and spoke to her through your Mental link.

"Keep him busy. I'll go get Ruler!"

"Who do you think I am a Berserker?!"

"Do you want back up or not?!"

Though the two of you bickered, you both did your jobs. You got a sense for where the basement was while Rider had her Warriors go after the Bowman letting loose a hail of arrows from above. Some warriors gathered church pews as cover while Rider moved on the outskirts to look for an opening.

However Archer seemed to have noticed your movements and tried to shoot you. A Warrior took an arrow for you while your circuits flared upon activating your shield. His arrows cracked and shattered your barrier before you tripped and fell on the ground.

You felt Rider's emotions spike before you thought to her, "Don't attack! He's baiting you!"

Rider paused and simply summoned more Warriors while you raised another shield. It promptly shattered as you were blown backwards into a hall to which you scrambled to throw yourself down a set of stairs leading below. Archer didn't give chase as you hoped Rider will buy you enough time.

Ruler Servants acted in the interest of the Grail and were called to oversee the proceedings of the Grail War. They were summoned to preserve the battles to prevent them from hurting innocents or affecting the world at large. That was the extent of your knowledge but would a neutral servant really help you?

Archer had declared a fight on neutral ground, you just hoped that was enough reason to make her move. You ran down the steps and came across a room lit by a single light bulb.

It looked more like a Crypt more than anything. You moved through the clutter before hitting the steel door on the very end. A glyph shined blood red upon coming in contact with you. Your eyes stared at the seal before you realized that it just needed energy to open. It was made to keep normal people out.

Archer would have torn this door down in a second. Just what sort of security did that stupid priest have in this place?

"Open damn it!" You snarled as the door shined for a moment before you tackled it.

You stumbled and fell before you found yourself in another room. Unlike the dusty entrance to this place, the room you were in was immaculate. A cool breeze blew past you as you stared at the woman lying on a white bed.

If Medb held divine beauty like a goddess on earth, this woman was like a gentle sun. Her features were soft and kind to behold, almost like a fragile flower that would break at the slightest touch. The room was in the form of an illusion which mimicked the interior of a cottage within an idle countryside, most likely to create the perfect atmosphere to rest.

Her blonde hair spilled beneath her as you watched her chest slowly rise and fall. You almost hesitated on waking her up, finding it almost sinful to disturb her slumber. But you needed her help or else Rider won't last. So you reached out and grabbed the woman by her shoulder.

"Wake up! Please you need to wake up," you pleaded as you looked down on her, "I need your help!"

The woman did not stir as she kept her eyes closed. You started shaking her as you hissed under your breath.

"Come on. Wake up. Wake up already, Ruler!" You called out for her name and only did you get a response.

Her eyes slowly opened before she turned to you. You stepped back before she slowly got up and held her head, her blue eyes filled with confusion before looking back at you.

"You are... A Master," she murmured in a warm yet firm tone.

She tried standing up but found herself stumbling and falling towards you. You managed to catch her before you noticed it. She was feeling a bit more lethargic than what should be normal. You held her steady before her body shifted out of the white night gown she wore to a soldier's armor.

Her appearance flickered weakly between the two.

"Hey! What are you doing down there?!"

You winced at Medb's yell in your mind before you replied, "A little busy here, your Majesty!"

"Mana. There's a mystic code in the drawer. It has mana stored," Ruler told you breathlessly before you guided her to the drawer and had you open it.

There was a Bible within it to which you picked up and gave to her. She uttered a short prayer before the book shined gold for a brief moment. Her armor materialized in full and she managed to stand on her own two feet.

"Thank you," Ruler managed to say with a determined look, "I can fight for a bit..."

"You're still on low prana. Can you really manage?" You asked her with a narrowed look.

"I'll have to try. There's another Mystic Code in the Drawer. You can use it to provide support," Ruler pointed out as you knelt down and took out a pendant, "It should be useful in the next fight."

"Got it," you nodded as you wore the Mystic Code around your neck.

The two of you then make to run back to the surface where you heard an explosion blast through the church. Medb crashed into the Altar, bloodied and bruised but still maintaining her beauty as she got back up.

Archer fired his arrow at her as Ruler dashed in to party the projectile.

"So that's where you are, Ruler," Archer noted as he narrowed his gaze.

"You're doing battle on neutral grounds. Stand down, Archer!" Ruler ordered as you went to Rider's side.

"Wow you look like shit," you breathed as you gave her a once over.

"I'm not used to this, okay? Don't laugh!" Rider huffed as she winced.

"Can you still fight?" You asked her with a determined look.

"I can... But I'll need help," Rider grumbled as she got up.

"Right. I'll support you right here. Stay on your toes!" You ordered as you stood right back.

Archer raised his bow once more, "It's time you come with me, Ruler. Master's orders."

"And allow you to run rampant? I have my duties, Archer. Don't expect me to abandon them so easily," Ruler declared as she summoned her Flag.

La Pucelle.

"Then I will take you by force if need be. Forgive me," Archer muttered as he got ready.

"Here he comes!" You warned out loud.

[] Have Rider build an opportunity to use a Noble Phantasm
[] Get Rider to intercept Attacks and give Ruler the chance to take action. Maybe she'll use a Command Seal?
[] Rider will provide support to Ruler's actions and work with her to take down Archer.


Use Mystic Code?
[] Yes
-[] Enhance Rider's Attacks!
-[] Heal Rider's wounds!
-[] Provide Protection for Rider!
[] No
[] Have Rider build an opportunity to use a Noble Phantasm
-[] Heal Rider's wounds!

They were both outclassed and outgunned. Even with your support a battle of attrition was out of the question. Not even a high ranked mage would be able to get out of this without expending much resources to escape. Just looking at him, Archer was a true blue Hero and it made you feel dread just what he would be able to do against Rider in a straight fight.

Not good. Not good at all. You were close to being checkmate here. Which meant that you needed to pull something drastic. You looked ahead and saw Ruler take the front while Rider trailed behind her.

They've resumed their battle. Ruler smashed on the spot where Archer stood, the Bowman turning in mid-air to aim for her back. Rider stopped him by forcing him to turn her way and block her strike. He was sent to the wall where he landed on his feet, turning to see Ruler give chase with her Flag.

"Throw!" Rider barked as her Warriors threw their Lances towards the Archer.

He avoided them and kicked to the air while Ruler used the spears as footholds in her chase.

"Rider. Can you catch him with your Noble Phantasm?" You asked as she spared you a glance.

"Once I get him he'll be all mine. Still he bites rather hard," Rider replied as magical energy filled Archer's form and made him his backwards slide on the ground.

Ruler got close but Archer had already notched a bow. She barely avoided a powerful shot which ripped through the Church's interior as if he called upon a vicious gale.

"Got you!" Ruler snapped to which Archer clicked his tongue and blocked her Flag with his bow.

"Use what you need. I can handle the strain,"You ordered quickly as you used your Mystic Code to heal her wounds.

Archer kicked aside Ruler before trying to gain distance to fire his bow. Warriors assailed him while you moved in to support Medb. Archer shot through the Warrior before Ruler continued her assault while Rider got her Noble Phantasm ready.

Archer glanced at Rider for a moment before you cursed under your breath and picked up a piece of debris. You threw it at him to which he turned is gaze at you. Rider jumped away from where she was as your magic circuits flared as energy ran through them.

Rider took to the air as she huffed while you tried making yourself a target. Rider's eyes glowed gold for a moment as you raised your barrier.

Archer fired three shots at you, three arrows which slammed against your shield before shattering it. Rider's Noble Phantasm activated as Ruler smashed against Archer, pushing him back.

His body released magical energy before getting ready to land a crippling blow on Ruler. The Flag Bearer stomped on the ground and leaned away from his line of fire but Archer noticed Rider above.

"Go Forth!" Rider declared with a victorious cry, "All powers belong to me… the crown of total domination… the hard steel of oppression… and the terror that shakes the hearts of men!"

You felt you body fall to the ground before you caught yourself and lurched to the side away from where Archer stood. Pink light erupted from the ceiling as you looked to see that damned Chariot manifest. She drew from your Od as fuel to manifest her Legend as she rode on it like the Queen that she was.

"My Dear Iron Chariot!(Chariot My Love)" her call was answered and the Chariot descended upon the ground, the two bulls howling in rage as Medb held the reins.

They were getting ready to charge before Archer tried shooting at the Beasts but hesitated. Medb looked like she was going to enjoy this given there was no chance for Archer to evade.

Unfortunately a miracle happened in which his body was wrapped in scarlet light before he vanished entirely taken from by the ominous glow. Medb's charge was met with empty air before she smashed through the wall with a frustrated scream.

You watched her go before you fell down your knees. Exhaustion caught up to you before you held your chest while your Od seemed to have been depleted by a huge chunk. You saw Rider return through the hole she made before you moved to approach her.

Her eyes fell on you before you stumbled and fell into her arms.

"Hey now! I'm royalty here. I should be the one collapsing in your arms!" Medb said with a huff before you didn't respond. That made her blink and frown, "Hey, are you dying?"

"Out of gas..." You groaned as you lost your strength on your legs.

Ruler hopped to the side and lowered her Flag, "That was risky but it worked."

"Seems like his master didn't want to risk him getting taken," Medb clicked her tongue with an annoyed look.

"Begone thot," you grumbled as your grip on her loosened some more.

Rider picked you up and supported you with her shoulder, "Hey, the goods aren't for you!"

"I'm just glad you two are okay. I deeply apologize for getting you involved. It may have not been your business but thank you all the same," Ruler said as she bowed her head.

"Getting a Holy Woman to bow to someone like me is pretty refreshing," Rider said as she smirked and cupped the Ruler's chin, "Maybe you can tell me just holy you can be?"

You raised your foot and stomped on hers, only to feel like you just stomped on a rock. You cursed under your breath and only gave Rider something to laugh about.

Ruler perked up before turning to the entrance, "Oh no, Kotomine!"

"I'm okay! Mostly," the Priest said with a low chuckle as he leaned on the wall.

Ruler knelt by his side and looked at his wounds, "Oh no. We'll patch you up. Just hold on."

"It's fine," you griped as you staggered towards him, "Hey Priest, you fucking owe me big time."

"Oh sure. Thanks. You want a Command Seal?" Kotomine offered as you knelt by his side and activated your Mystic Code.

"That'll be nice," you said as you worked to patch his open wounds. He's lost a lot of blood... He needed to rest before he can walk around again.

You frowned before you turned to find Rider flirting with the Saint before you threw a piece of rock at her. She dodged and glared at you before you spoke to Ruler.

"Okay. What was that about?" You asked with a frown.

"Well... Some of the Masters didn't take too kindly to my presence and want my interference to be as low as possible," Ruler replied as she held her Flag, "Some of their Servants are so powerful that destruction to the city is inevitable. Had Archer used his Noble Phantasm the entire area would be rubble. Caster and Berserker had an altercation and leveled a nearby school. It's been gathering attention so I was forced to step in from where I was hiding... Now they want to lock me away until they're done fighting."

"That and maybe manipulate her into giving up her Command Seals or have her use them for their respective servants," Kotomine sighed as he held his healed wounds, "Lancer managed to inflict that wound that put Ruler out of commission for a bit. No one likes her."

"I do," Rider raised her hand.

"Rider, please!" You groaned as you rubbed your forehead.

"The only information we have on other Masters would be their names. No one's seen them in public but they seem to be adept at making their servants do the fighting," Kotomine continued as he rested his back on the wall, "It's a stupid war, like I said."

"Hey. So we're up against actual competent Magi, Master," Rider whispered into your ear.

"Rider! You shouldn't say such things to your Master!" Ruler huffed with a stern tone.

Rider winced before shaking her head with a smirk, "And here she goes."

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god," you began to panic as you held your head, "We're dead. We're so dead it's not even funny God fucking-"

"Language!" Ruler barked.

"-Damn it! Why me?!" You groaned before you shut down and fell unconscious.


You had everything. You wanted everything. You were given everything. All the joys and pleasure was within arm's reach.




With a smile, a laugh and a kiss, it was all yours. Whatever was theirs was made your own but alas... Only He thought nothing of you.


You opened your eyes to stare at a ceiling you weren't familiar with. Air filled your lungs as you slowly got up and felt your head throb as you looked to the side.

Sitting on a chair was Rider with a bright smile on her face, waving her hand at you. How were you still stuck in this hell? You steadied yourself with the desk drawer by the bed before growling under your breath.

You recognized the room. Yes. It was the suite you stayed at before.

"Kotomine shoved you in a taxi which drove you here. I carried you and dropped you to sleep there. Our Host is going about his training in the living room," Medb said as she looked at her nails, "Are you done panicking yet?"

[] Scream internally.
[] "Please tell me that Priest was joking when he mentioned that we're up against competent Magi with resources to back them up?"
[] "I'm not panicking I'm... Releasing negative karma by tearing my vocal chords through cries of despair."
[] Your soul is dead and you've hit rock bottom. It can only get better from here... Right?
[] "What do you want to eat, Rider? Please don't say hotdogs, I know where the gun is stored."
[] Write in...
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