Poisoned Fruit
[] "Rider! Get your druids! I want that bitch dead! Always double tap! Burn her pronto while she's down!"

You weren't out of the woods just yet. You looked down before you gave the order, "Rider! Get your druids! I want that bitch dead! Always double tap! Burn her pronto while she's down!"

"You're not one to show mercy, huh?" Rider said as two Druids appeared by her side in response.

"I'm not taking my chances. Not with this one," you said as you looked at the Runes being crafted in the air followed by a trail of magic diving straight down to the street.


Flames exploded on the spot where Assassin fell as a ball of fire dashed away from the raging inferno. Assassin was still alive and kicking, understandably angry as she grit her teeth while turning her gaze your way.

She turned into a black shade which jumped from where she had been towards you. Rider pulled you back as Assassin tried ripping your head off in one fell swoop before a rune detonated in the air between you two. Rider tossed you aside as she was supported by both Druids in rushing after Assassin.

The enemy servant had her mask fall apart before Medb crashed against her, her leg slamming against Assassin's staff. Rider pushed herself away before Assassin swept her staff down to call upon blood to split your servant in half. Rider kept her distance as she snapped her hand on the air.

The Druids began to chant healing magic upon her person before runes of quickening boosted her speed. She darted past Assassin but the latter was ready for her. Assassin raised blood spears from the ground to deter anymore hit and run but they were all set aflame by the Druids Medb summoned.

Flames danced in the air as Assassin was surrounded on all fronts before Medb darted through the fire. She delivered a kick towards Assassin's head but the latter managed to duck low and swing her staff.

Medb landed behind Assassin before she too turned and parried aside the iron staff of the Blood Countess. She bent her back to avoid being caught by Assassin's wicked claws before she kicked the vampire's hand upwards.

Rider flipped away before landing on a crouch as blood fell from her beautiful face. Assassin saw this as an opening and lunged.

"Rider!" You cried out in alarm.

"It's over!" Assassin snarled before spears erupted from the droplet of blood.

Assassin was skewered by six spears as Celtic Warriors stepped out from the droplet and manifested in full. They got between Medb and Assassin quickly before plunging their weapons into their Queen's for.

"A Queen doesn't fight alone. That's the difference between us, Countess. Your subjects feared you, they never loved you. You're never going to make it through this like that!" Rider laughed as Assassin was then pinned into the ground.

The Druids chanted once more. Roots and vines wrapped around the vampire, subjecting her to the mercy to the Eternal Lady. Rider stomped on Assassin's stomach and sneered with a cruel expression.

"You're going to be a fun pet to train," Medb sweetly declared to which the vampire grit her teeth.

"You insufferable inbred whore! I'll kill you. I'll definitely kill you!" Assassin spat before Rider placed her riding crop on the vampire's face.

Spears rose up and stabbed into the vampire's body once more. Assassin barely managed to hold back a cry of agony then. You grimaced at the sight. No command spells yet... Why?

Medb grinned a bloodthirsty smile as she pressed her heel into one of the vampire's wounds, "This is so much fun!"

Rider turned to you then and there with a manic gleam in her beautiful eyes. She held out her hand to you as she spoke.

"Come master, we did it. How do you want to kill her?" Rider asked with a sweet tone, "I'll even give you the honors. Trust me it's a lot of fun."

At that moment Assassin used that opportunity to sink into the ground. Medb turned to find Assassin breathing hard as she emerged from the ground. Her body was failing but she gave Medb a look of contempt before jumping off the roof.

The Druids tried stopping her but their casting wasn't fast enough and Assassin turned into a blur of red. She was leaving.

Medb turned to you with an amused look, "A stray game has fled. We should be responsible hunters and put her down. Don't you think so, Master?"

Poisoned Fruit

[] That's enough. Medb's getting too much high on this. You'll retreat for the night.
[] Go along Medb's plan. Hunt Assassin down. Take her down while you have the chance.
Disgraced Soul
[] Go along Medb's plan. Hunt Assassin down. Take her down while you have the chance.

"Right. Rider, you're the fastest. Get her," you ordered as you raised your hand.

Rider smiled before she jumped off to give chase to the retreating servant. You stood where you were as she became a blur of pink and white while you stood with her remaining Druids.

"Track down the enemy. Support your Queen as she gives chase. Don't let her down," you ordered the Druids as they chanted to the nature spirits present in the air.

The wind blew past you and you could only watch as a violent gale blew forth to chase after Medb. You steadied yourself as you looked ahead. You'll have to keep up somehow.

"Hey! Rune me up!" You ordered as Druid drew one in the air before implanting it upon you. You winced as the symbol burned into the back of your clothes before you fell down your knees.

You let out a breath before you looked down to see your magic circuits light up on your limbs. You got up and kicked off the ground to give chase as you cleared the gap across the street to the next building. You landed clumsily before you fell and tumbled on the ground.

Blowing hair out of your face, you got up and chased after Medb. You jumped and measured the distances between each leap. You tried not crashing into buildings as you slid on top of balconies and rooftops.

Your circuits flared with each jump until you sensed your Servant nearby. You hit the rooftop until you found the sounds of battle. Rider and Assassin were squaring off in the middle of the street, lamp posts being toppled as you knelt down to look at the proceedings.

Assassin moved from point to point, never staying in one place while denying Rider any chance to get close. You observed that Rider was weaving more and attacking less once Assassin got used to her manner of attacking. She was still at a disadvantage considering she took the brunt of damage in the last exchange.

Assassin hissed as Rider got close to have her kick near her foe's face. Assassin brought down her staff as Rider clashed with her.

"Damn you! Damn you to hell!" Assassin cried out as she slid back from the exchange.

"Just a little bit more," Rider smiled as she avoided an iron maiden clamping down on her.

She's weak. Terribly weak now that she lost her advantage. While the match up against Medb was in her favor, there was a distinct lack of power behind her attacks. Assassin was fast but she didn't seem to be attacking at her full potential. She was being held back from fully realizing her power which was why even with Medb's terrible stats, Rider can keep up with her.

Assassin fell into a puddle of blood to appear beside Rider, forcing the latter to bend her flexible back to avoid being cleaved in half. Medb jumped away before an iron maiden opened up behind her.

Rider timed it just right to kick away from the torture implement before hitting the ground on her feet. You both watched Assassin retreat into an apartment, melting into the shadows before Rider could get her.

You jumped off the building and landed on the ground, your legs shaking as Rider turned to face you.

"You were watching?" Rider asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She's not fighting to her full potential," you noted as you walked towards her.

"I can see that," Rider said as she looked at the apartment, "Probably has something to do with the magical energy she's receiving messing with her performance. She must have pulled the short stick in this war with a pathetic master."

"She'll try to replenish her energy. We need to get her," you replied with a grim look.

Rider moved and picked you up, making you yelp in surprise. Rider simply chuckled as she said, "Hold on then."

She jumped straight up to the rooftop of the apartment and gained speed. You could see Assassin moving out of the building through a window before she darted through the older parts of town.

You held on to Rider as she jumped to give chase before Assassin tried to lose you through the maze that was the old buildings. You and Rider hunted her down until you ended up chasing her all the way to the southern edge of the old town by a bridge. She was really trying to get away, huh? Medb set you down as you and your Servant faced your foe on level ground once more.

"End of the line, Assassin," Rider giggled as she tapped her riding crop on her palm, "No more running. No more fighting. It's over."

"You knaves... Had I feasted well enough tonight then I would have won..." Assassin hissed as she gripped her staff tightly.

"Your days of feasting is over, rest assured," you told her as you held up your left hand where your Command Seals were hidden.

"Woe lies on your future, little girl. Don't think this victory would be the same for other Masters and their Servants," Assassin snarled as she stepped back, "You're not going to live through these battles."

You winced but Rider placed a hand on your shoulder. She smiled before facing the vampire, "Is that so? You're forgetting, she's not alone."

"Fools the both of you... If only my Master were better..." Assassin growled as she grit her teeth.

"Rider. Kill her," you ordered with a firm tone before Rider smiled and got ready.

However before she could even take a step forward, your spine felt a dreadful chill. Rider must have noticed it too before you both saw Assassin smile cruelly beneath her mask.

"Got you," she said as your world turned into glass and you were swallowed by the Bounded Field.

Rider felt it first as she stumbled forward and fell down her knee. You felt it next but that was before you heard footsteps coming for you. You turned as your circuits flared up in response before you cast your spell.

"Ignition!" You cried out before your barriers lit up and caught the blade that was coming for your back.

You were met with the amber eyes as a blade bounced off your barrier. A girl stood before you in weathered clothes and torn up pants. Her dirty white hair was tied into a long pony tail as she held in her hand what seemed to be an Azoth Blade.

Her hand rose up as you jumped out of the way of a blast of energy. Hitting the ground, you rolled as the girl straightened her back and turned to her Servant.

"Assassin! Take care of the Servant! I'll handle this one," The girl ordered as Assassin moved to where Rider was and kicked her off the bridge.

"I'll be taking my time now, Mary," Assassin chuckled as she followed after where Rider fell.

She was fast... This bounded field, it's a trap!

You looked up to see the girl walking towards you with her blade in hand, another ball of light gathering in her palm as she chanted

"Who the hell are you?" You hissed as you clenched your fist.

"I won't let you destroy Assassin. She's my only lifeline in this war... If I win this, I can return prestige to my family's name!" She roared and fired another bolt of energy.

Your circuits flared as you summoned another barrier which managed to catch her shot. You were still sent sliding back back first against the bridge's railing.

"Shit, shit, shit!" You growled before you avoided being hit by a barrage of blows.

"You're not getting away!" The girl roared before you raised another barrier which promptly shattered. Not good. You're losing steam.

Mary held her hand up and fired it into the air. The stars twinkled before a hailstorm of magic bolts rained down on you.

You raised your barrier to weather the storm as you grit your teeth, "Damn it!"

Disgraced Soul
[] Power through the storm and punch the lights out of this girl!
[] Get to Rider and support her! This girl's not worth the time! You need to keep Rider alive!
[] Time to run. Get to Rider and tell her you're retreating. You didn't expect them to bite back this hard!
[] Write in...
[] Get to Rider and support her! This girl's not worth the time! You need to keep Rider alive!

Cursing bitterly, you held your ground as the girl pounded against your shield with her projectiles. Your circuits glowed in the dim light of the bounded field as the stars twinkled in the sky. Magecraft derived from the position of stars and making the right positions to unleash volleys of curses down on you.

One hit could have bad side effects so you tried focusing on enduring your current position. However there were other effects of this bounded field, namely how it drained you of you Od as you continued to struggle. This place was a meticulously crafted trap that you doubted you could break out by yourself.

You're cornered. Your entire body tensed as you were beaten towards the bridge's railing as your shield shattered. You dodged as you kept your eyes on your foe. Not good, you need to help Rider!

"Fuck this!" You cried out as you vaulted over the railing and jumped down.

Some bolts of energy whizzed past your head before you reached the bottom. The runes reinforcing your body finally subsided as you saw Rider being punted around by Assassin. Rider was tossed into the air before Assassin moved behind her by teleporting before swinging her staff. Rider crashed into the ground and tumbled before stopping beside you.

Assassin sneered as she raised her staff towards you before Rider got up and tackled you out of the way. She took the direct hit and was sent flying into the canal.

"Rider!" You cried out as you looked to see Assassin smile cruelly at you.

You looked up to see Mary aim for you before firing. Holding up your hand, your circuits flared as you constructed another shield which forced the bolt of magic to bounce straight away from you. You ran to your Servant's side before you stopped and turned.

"Cliffs at the Shores of World's End! Ignition!" you roared as a barrier of light erupted before you as you stood before Rider to catch the bolts of power coming your way.

Rider stirred behind you as you felt the barrier lose integrity. You gasped and fell down your knees as a layer had been shattered. You gasped for air as your Servant watched you take on the barrage of magical energy while you stood your ground.

Wounds appeared on your body as you held on.

"Any day now, Rider!" You cried out as Medb splashed her blood on the ground to summon two Druids.

Their forms were hazy but they began to chant. Assassin manifested before you and ran her claws across your shield, shattering it just as flames danced before you and kept Assassin away from you.

Rider jumped in and delivered a kick through the fire and pushed Assassin back. The Druids weren't able to keep their forms before vanishing. You stepped forward and held up your hand to manifest another shield. You're not going to last!

"Rider! Any plans?!" You growled as you held off the next volley of magical blasts.

"I'm losing power! We're dead meat!" Rider hissed as used you as cover.

"Oh that's just wonderful," you groaned before Assassin moved towards you. She swung her staff and easily shattered your shield forcing you down.

Rider got up and tried swinging her riding crop and ended up clashing with the vampire. Assassin sneered before disarming Rider and grabbing her by the neck. Assassin raised her up in the air before you looked to see your Servant struggle to regain her footing.

You held up your hand as your pendant glimmered, "Evade!"

Rider's body shimmered before she phased through Assassin's grasp and landed on the ground. She raised her leg and smashed it against Assassin's side before she fell down her knee.

You moved forward and blocked several blasts of magical bolts from above before gritting your teeth. Your pendant shimmered before you utilized another premade spell within your Mystic Code.

"Heal!" You yelled as you endured the storm of bullets before Rider's wounds closed. She then moved to grab you and jump before Assassin could recover.

You kept your shield up as she soared above the bridge. You kept your shields up before you gave her another order.

"Throw me at her!" You snapped before Rider did as you told and sent you flying towards the opposing Master beneath you.

Mary's eyes widened as you endured her bullets before you landed by her side. Your magic circuits flared with its last remaining power as the enemy Master tried blowing you away at point blank range.

There was an explosion before you were sent flying, only to be caught by Rider as she held you steady. Mary gasped as she struck the railing of the bridge before she fell limp on the ground.

You steadied yourself as Assassin manifested beside her Master and glared your way. You looked up to see the bounded field shatter and reveal the cool December night you had been separated from. Mary stirred as she slowly got up, supported by her own Servant as she kept her eyes on you.

You were out of energy. You're having trouble staying conscious.

"It's not over yet," Mary growled as she staggered forward.

Assassin narrowed her gaze at you and Rider before holding up her staff, "Indeed."

"Still raring to go..." You murmured as you held on to Rider for support.

"Well if this keeps on, one of us is going to die here," Rider said as she had a weak smile on her lips.

"Assassin, kill them!" Mary ordered as the Servant dashed towards you.

Rider moved you aside and went to meet with the approaching Servant with her riding crop. Rider clashed and weaved through the streaks of red left behind by Assassin's power before dropping low and sweeping the ground with a kick.

Assassin stepped back as Medb splashed her blood on the ground to summon her Warriors but Assassin simply cut through them with a flourish of her staff. You raised your hand as your Servant fought with all she had...

Your pendant shined as you grit your teeth, "Attack Enhance!"

Medb's body shined red before her strikes grew harder and were able to push Assassin back. She flipped in place to knock Assassin away with a final kick before dashing back to you.

You're all out of spells.

"Plan?!" Rider squawked as she glanced at you with a panicked look.

[] Time to run! You're out of tricks! It's time to go and run! You're not sticking around for anymore of this! You're both on your last legs, you're not going to survive this!
[] Have Rider deploy her Noble Phantasm. Finish Assassin off with one blow! It'll suck for you but better to do it now than put this off later!
[] Use a Command Spell to boost Rider's abilities and overpower Assassin. She can be beaten, you can do this! You just had to push harder!
Last edited:
[] Have Rider deploy her Noble Phantasm. Finish Assassin off with one blow! It'll suck for you but better to do it now than put this off later!

"Rider... Blow her up," you rasped as you tried getting up.

"Wait, are you for real?!" Medb asked as she looked at you.

"Do it!" You snarled.

Rider looked at you for a moment before sighing, "Maybe you're not just a coward after all."

Rider held out her hand just as Assassin got up. There was light... It was a beautiful rainbow light that filled your vision. Your eyes widened as you saw how Medb's weapon came into existence with just a mere desire from her mind. You couldn't help but watch in your exhausted state as the weapon too the shape of a Spiral Sword.

Even Assassin seemed transfixed at the sight as Medb held it with both of her hands. Medb cracked a smile as the air was filled to the brim with magical energy released just from the presence of the sword itself. You felt your strength draining just by staying conscious. You wanted to see it. You wanted to know...

You watched Medb stand before you with her sword held in her hand before she raised it towards Assassin. The enemy Master was frozen at the sight as the sound of the sword spinning roared throughout the bridge, rainbow light erupting through your surroundings as you watched. It was a beautiful and warm light...

Medb raised her sword and roared as she held it with both hands, thrusting it forward, "My Dear Rainbow Sword!(Fergus My Love) CALADBOLG!"

"OLGA MARIE!" Assassin screamed behind her as she moved to get her Master out of the way.

The enemy Master could only watch as the spiral rainbow flash thundered towards her, "So... Beautiful."

Medb's attack ripped through the landscape and struck the spot where your foes were at. The explosion was so great to created a pillar of rainbow light which split apart the dark clouds in the sky. The moon was revealed and so was the twinkling stars in the heavens. Medb kept the Noble Phantasm going for a few more seconds before the light from her sword died out.

There were no trace of the Enemy anymore. Medb turned and dropped her sword as you stared at the sky. She ran to your side an tried calling for your name. Wow. Was she actually that concerned? She seemed like she was really panicking...

Can't do this... Anymore. You're out.


The Rainbow light which pierced the Heavens was seen by all Masters. It was a miracle that signaled the beginning of the true Grail War. The Masters gazed at the pillar with varying emotions, some found it amusing while others felt apprehension on what could perform such destructive power. One thing was clear, six Servants remained.

The Servants themselves found no need to be concerned of the miracle. They believed that they could bring victory to their Masters no matter what legend they faced. That rainbow light will be snuffed out...

One Servant found it amusing though.

"That's not that King's light. It's that girl's isn't it? Borrowing what's not hers."

New Rimeland City was about to undergo some chaotic times.


You dreamed.

You had caught a peculiar man using your beauty. He was a strong and powerful man. Loved by his men and his subjects, he ruled his country with all his might and wisdom.

He had in his possession... A treasure.

It was so easy, you know? Taking it from him. All it took was a smile and honeyed words.

And then it was all yours... That Rainbow sword.


You woke up. Your entire body felt like you were just beaten up by several Celtic Warriors. It hurt... Your insides hurt. It was like your nerves had just started turning into embers after being set on fire. You stared at the ceiling and let out a shaky breath.

You're alive. You're actually alive, huh?

You slowly got up and found that you weren't in your normal clothes but instead in a powder blue pajama with cloud prints. You felt the cotton fabric in your hand before you looked around to find that you were in a relatively nice looking room.

The sound of the television drifted through the air nearby before you winced upon moving too fast. You fell back on your pillow and sighed. You're alive...

You can't move. It felt like your muscles had locked themselves in place, keeping you where you were. The last thing you could remember... Was that rainbow light.

Opening your eyes, you heard footsteps approach your room before the door opened. Medb was holding a mug of what smelled like coffee in her hand. Your eyes widened to see her not in usual outfit, forgoing the fluffy cloak for an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

She had her eyebrows rise up once she noticed that you were awake.

"Someone's up and about," she noted before chuckling under her breath.

"Can't move," you growled.

"I can see that," Medb replied as she leaned against the door frame, "You've been asleep for a day."

"Fantastic," you hissed as you tried to force your limbs to comply with your will.

Medb vanished before coming back into your room. She walked over to your bedside and picked you up, "Come on now, you child. Up you go."

"Oh come on. I'm not an invalid. I can do it if I try," you groaned before your Servant brought you around the bed and out into the living room.

It was another fancy place. You couldn't help but wonder how Medb managed to get this place in your state last time? Well she did say you were asleep for a full day so she might have done something.

"You need food or else you'll just collapse. While I can sustain myself well enough, you need to get back on your feet," Medb said as she placed you on a chair and walked to the toaster.

"Why?" You asked.

"Ruler wants a report on what happened at the bridge," Medb said before she walked back to your table and started spreading jam on your toast, "Kotomine dropped by earlier and looked over you. He said you weren't in immediate danger."

"Well that's nice," you managed to say with a sigh.

"Our police boys contacted me earlier. There's been movements from the White gunmen. Archer's Master must be looking hard for us now after what we did," Medb added as she slid the toast to you.

"It's expected. I'm just bummed out we showed too much of our cards in that last encounter..." You breathed as you picked up the toast and ate it.

Medb cracked a smirk and said, "Well it was a sloppy fight anyway. Can't fault you for that... Anyway, there's one last thing."

"Yeah?" You blinked.

"Saber has been summoned. That means that this whole war is finally moving with our victory as an opening act," Medb said as she leaned back on her chair.

Opening act, huh?

You looked down your hand at the Command Seals etched on your flesh. It's true then... What this whole stupid fight was. That wasn't a dream you just experienced but actual battle. It sent chills down your spine knowing you lived through that.

You killed a person. That dead girl could have been you. The Servant that lost could have been Rider. So many things could have gone wrong back there. You bit through your toast and down the nearby mug of coffee before sighing.

Even Medb looked like she was just as exhausted as you were.

[] Rest up and get ready to meet Ruler later. You might want to explain the crater you made.
[] It's a day off. You beat a Master. You could use the break and wait for something interesting to pop up.
[] Talk with Rider... (1)
-[] Your Performance
-[] The Enemy Master
-[] Things to watch out for
-[] About herself
[] Rest up and get ready to meet Ruler later. You might want to explain the crater you made.

Memories came to you as if reaching out to the fog and pulling it apart. You never knew what you would find and at times you would find yourself scoffing at stray thoughts. Medb's own dreams and memories melding with your thoughts wasn't helping either if you were completely honest. So recalling anything about your past was completely off the table for now. Not exactly something you're happy about but you hoped that Kotomine had something for you.

Speaking of recollections, the battle was still fresh in your mind. Coming into this war, you only had one goal and that was to survive. The Grail can go fall off a ditch if you were to speak personally. You were prepared at least to fight Servants, beat them and maybe force the opposing Master to surrender. That was what you hoped it was like.

Sure the old Magi that were the other Masters were would probably try and kill you but you'll just horribly maim them with Medb. You never thought you'd actually kill a person, to actually tear apart a flesh and blood human like Assassin did. That girl, Mary, she was fighting for a cause and was doing it the only way she knew but... God, she didn't deserve to die.

You didn't fault Medb for what happened but it still bugged you enough to make you sick in the stomach. You ended up vomiting acid into hd toilet twice as the girl's face drifted into your vision once or twice. Medb for her part didn't pry on what was happening to you and you appreciated that.

This was the Holy Grail War yes, but you wouldn't kill anyone if you could avoid it. In that situation it was unavoidable... And you could be in Mary's shoes back there. You're going to live through this and hand Medb her stupid cup.

Kotomine was right, this whole War was a stupid farce.

Once you were done ruminating on your victory and it's implications on your psychological health you were ready to make the trip to the Church. You got dressed in an outfit Medb acquired... Somewhere. It was a simple parka and leggings over denim shorts. It was... Fashionable.

"Where'd you get this?" You frowned as you glanced her way with a suspicious look.

"The guy who owned the room had these as presents. I decided to ask nicely if we could have them," Medb smiled in her trendy pink beanie and white hoodie.

Somehow these sort of incidents need to be toned down. You'll write an apology letter before you leave. This woman was going to leave a lot of guys as wrecks. You didn't want that on your conscience.

From there, you were picked up by a taxi you hailed at the front of the apartment complex you and Medb stayed. The trip to the church was a quiet affair as you were still buried under your thoughts. Medb noticed this and simply observed you as if you were an exotic animal from another land.

She was probably wondering how you were processing the entire thing the previous night.

Now upon reaching the church, you were greeted by the sight of clergymen. You could tell that they weren't normal because the way they looked at you and Medb was enough to pin you down where you stood. Ah great, what, were they going to stab you with Black Keys this time?

It'd be the perfect thing to happen after everything you've done to survive so far. But they didn't try and stab you which was nice. The doors of the church opened to reveal its emptiness to you. There was just one person kneeling before the altar in a white dress.

Ruler raised her head before turning to look your way. The doors immediately shut behind you.

Medb leaned close to your side, "So is this the path where we get smitten by the wrath of her God?"

"Rider please not now," you groaned as you pinched the bridge of your nose.

"You've returned safely. It seemed that you have become busy since our last meeting. It's nice to see you, Brie, Rider," Ruler greeted as she walked down the isle.

"I hope we weren't intruding or anything," you managed to say as you and Rider walked up to meet her.

"No. I was merely praying for the souls lost in this war..." Ruler replied with a gentle tone.

Even then, you couldn't help but wince and look away, "I... See."

"Servant Assassin and her Master have fallen. I can only surmise that was your work," Ruler continued as she gave you a look you couldn't help but squirm beneath, "But such are the flames of war. I can only pray you took no pleasure in it. Nevertheless I am grateful for what you've done not as Ruler but as a person. Assassin needed to be stopped lest more innocents fall to her clutches."

"I had my own agendas for doing so," you replied with a shrug.

"I'm certain you did," Ruler nodded before she crossed her arms, "Crater aside."

"Sorry," you managed to say before Rider snickered beside you.

"It's commonplace for destruction to be had in war so long as it is kept in moderation. I cannot fault you for what you have done. No doubt the situation must have been grave for you to resort to that," Ruler said before managing a small smile, "At least there were no innocents in the line of fire."

"What if there were though next time?" Rider asked as she blew a bubblegum.


Ruler's hand flashed and popped the pink bubble, causing sticky gum to plaster all over Medb's face.

"Then I will make sure you get a stern lecture, Rider," Ruler said as she gave your Servant a dark smile, "No. I believe a Sermon would be more fitting."

Medb choked at that as terror filled her once haughty face. She looked at you for support while Ruler simply kept her serene smile.

[] "Rider, I think your suffering is going to be biblical if you keep that up."
[] "You're on your own, your Majesty. Say hi to Jesus for me."
[] "If it happens can I watch? I want to see Rider's transformation from Man Eater to Devout Nun."
[] "Were you always this scary, Ruler? Or has my near death experience given me a new perspective in life?"
[] "That's the smile of an Angel, Rider. Burn it into your memory because I do not want to see what she looks like when she's angry."
[] "You know what Rider, I think we should make a big donation to the Church today. If only to keep the fires of God's wrath at bay for a few meters more."
[] "Forgive us Lord for we have sinned. I swear it was Rider's fault."
House of the Lord
[] "If it happens can I watch? I want to see Rider's transformation from Man Eater to Devout Nun."

If there was a time to trip up Medb, it would be right now when she's weakest. Ruler could probably reform her into a better person but unfortunately you didn't have the time for that. It would take at least a couple of weeks for Ruler to do that miracle even with the might of God by her side.

So you did the best thing you could do as a responsible Master. You held your hands and lowered your head in reverence to the altar before shutting your eyes.

"If it happens can I watch? I want to see Rider's transformation from Man Eater to Devout Nun," you suggested with a bright smile on your face.

Rider turned to you in betrayal, "HUH?!"

"Of course you may. I'm sure you'll be happy with Rider's changes as time goes on," Ruler replied while holding up a hand to hide her chuckle.

"You cannot be serious," Rider blanched as she looked between you and Ruler.

"Let's take this in the private spaces," Ruler said with a smile. You couldn't agree more before you grabbed Rider and started pulling her along. Rider seemed more like she wanted to escape but she couldn't when she was in Ruler's grabbing range.


"So the church was repaired pretty fast, huh?" You managed to say as you sat across the table from Ruler in her room.

She managed a small smile before nodding, "Yes. Some Church members arrived to help and Kotomine told them everything. It's thanks to them that there were more wards now than before."

"That should give you more time to recuperate and keep Archer out," Rider said as she sat on Ruler's bed with her legs crossed, "Why didn't you just use a command seal to stop him?"

"Because I only wish to use these seals on true emergencies. When the lives of many are truly in danger," Ruler said as she looked down her mug of chocolate.

"Clearly it isn't working if they're just beating you up every time. Who knows, you might actually get killed if you keep that up," you noted with a frown.

"I appreciate the concern but I'm far sturdier than I appear," Ruler replied as she took a sip, "Once I heal completely, I should be able to perform my duties more efficiently."

"I sure hope so. We don't want a repeat of what Assassin was doing," you murmured as you leaned back on your chair.

"But if you look at it the other way, it's a viable strategy. One that almost worked..." Rider chimed in as she grabbed the nearby pillow and squeezed it, "She was gathering magical energy."

"Yes. She was and she was transfering those energy into her Master's cage trap," Ruler said as you raised an eyebrow.

"You thought that far?" You glanced at Rider.

"Think about it, Brie, Assassin was playing with us since we found her. If you think back, were her opening moves truly befitting of her class or were they ploys to let our guard down?" Rider pointed out with her arms crossed, "She attacked you with two Druids well within my range of sensing. Then she kept fighting us even when she's starved. She purposely tried to play the weaker Servant to get us to chase her."

"It's commendable but I shouldn't expect less from the Blood Countess that bathed in the blood of virgins," Ruler said as she made the sign of the cross, "May God rest her soul. Either way, this should be a valuable learning experience for you, Brie. It's only by the miracle of your Servant that you survived. Archer is another story... Caster is complicated and Berserker was just an absolute monster."

"I remember you fighting the latter two. Must have been tough if they put you out in this state," you grimaced as you scratched your cheek.

"Just stay cautious. Rider seems to have a good head on her shoulders in a fight but remember you're her Master. You decide how things will happen even when she asks for your input," Ruler said as she looked at you and Rider, "Please stay safe."

"I... Right. I will," you smiled as you took a sip of your own mug.

"Assassin aside, there have been several anomalies which had been going on around the city. The executioners outside... They're not here just to help Kotomine repair the church," Ruler said as she crossed her arms, "They're especially concerned with the hotel killings that occurred."

"The one with the reports of shambling corpses?" You asked with a raise eyebrow.

"Yes. Are you familiar with Dead Apostles and their handiwork?" Ruler wondered with a worried tone.

You felt a chill down your spine. That's not good. That's not good at all. You felt the blood drain from your face before you buried your face in your hands.

Rider giggled on the side, "Wow! More vampires!"

"Shut up, Rider," you hissed.

"I-it's still under investigation. The executioners are hard at work but if it comes to it, I might have to stop the Grail War," Ruler sighed as she shook her head.

"So you mean that even if I stopped Assassin from causing too much trouble, the war's still going to be stopped?!" You yelped as you stood up.

"It depends on what the executioners have found. Still, any information you might find will greatly help us on hunting that monster down," Ruler said as she met your gaze, "Still, please exercise caution."

"What, the next Servant will be Dracula?" You growled as you sat back down.

"Don't jinx it," Rider hissed with a narrowed look.

You felt like grabbing some garlic before you went back to your safehouse.

After speaking with Ruler alongside Rider, you found yourself back at the main church. Rider decided to get some fresh air on the side while leaving you behind. You supposed this was the safest place in the city for you.

Ruler mentioned that Kotomine was in his office doing some paperwork for the executioners' movements. A whole of administrative work if you had to make a guess on what he's doing.

As for Ruler herself, she had gone down to the kitchens to help with the preparation for lunch. The local homeless population would be lining up soon to get their daily meals.

You watched the choir practice their hymns as you sat in one of the pews before you got up. You're fairly certain there's much to do in a church, right?

House of the Lord
[] Go see Rider
[] Pay Kotomine a visit
[] Help out Ruler down the kitchens
The Priest
[] Pay Kotomine a visit

You don't know much of the church personally. But in your mind, you knew it was a place where bad things came from. You had nothing against the religion or the order itself but certain individuals crawled from this place. Your memories, the basic knowledge imprinted into your mind much like instructions on how to breathe, see, read and live, it told you not to trust the church.

Especially the name-

"Kotomine," you breathed as you knocked on a door.

You pulled your hand back once the door opened to reveal a dark haired young man. He took off his glasses and managed a smile before stepping back.

"Miss Brie. It's nice to see you. Come in, please," he greeted with a friendly tone before letting you in.

Kotomine's office was finely furnished and not all that cluttered. You didn't know what you were expecting, really. There was a bookshelf by the window and a couch with a coffee table on it. On the far end of the room was a wooden desk and another window hidden by a curtain.

You stood by the couch before Kotomine sat on the armchair. He gestured you to sit so you did, bouncing a bit from the leather before looking his way.

"I don't have anything in terms of beverages but I hope these sweets would suffice," Kotomine replied as he slid you a jar of candy. He took one out and popped it into his mouth, "They're quite good."

"I'll pass. Ruler already provided me with some stuff earlier," you assured him.

"I see. Well, that's good. I hope she wasn't too hard on you," Kotomine said as he leaned back on his chair, "I suppose you've discussed your battle with Assassin with her."

"Yes," you nodded with a sigh, "And the crater which resulted in it."

"Don't think much about her lectures. She means well but she's still a Heroic Spirit. She can be hard to deal with," Kotomine said as he chuckled lightly. His face grew a bit more firm, "Still, I doubt you came here just for a pleasant chat."

"I didn't want to bother Ruler about it but I figured you'd be free. What can you tell me of the war right now?" You asked with a serious tone.

"The war... Well, suffice to say after your feat, everyone is tense," Kotomine said as he waved his hand, "Rejoice, girl. You've struck fear and caution into the hearts of your foes. They're going to be more wary of you."

"I don't like the sound of how you put that," you admitted with a grimace.

"I'm just saying you could use that hesitance to your advantage," Kotomine said as he got up and walked to the window, "There will come a time where they will face your way and you need to be prepared for that. Standing idle and hiding away, it won't work against foes you have against."

"Is that right? The neutral church siding with me?" You blinked.

"I do have fondness for underdogs. But no, take it as a guy rambling to himself. I just hope you'd do something with it compared to the last soul that came before me," Kotomine replied as he looked out the window.

"You must be a popular guy, huh? The confession booth been bustling lately?" You frowned.

"Assassin's Master was one underdog that needed much guidance. Unfortunately, my words weren't able to help her. Ruler's advice for her to seek the aid of another master went to deaf ears. She was a strong willed young woman... Better she perished under your blade than another Magius'," Kotomine said in a somber tone, closing his eyes as if he was remembering something regretful.

"You met Assassin's Master?" You asked once again before leaning forward, "When?"

"I've met most of them. She was one of the few that came directly instead of a familiar or representative..." Kotomine recalled as he faced you, "Her name was Olga Marie Animusphere, former heir to the disgraced family of Animusphere."

"Disgraced. She did mention that when we fought," you remembered.

"You would do well to learn from her mistakes. You will win this war on your lonesome, Brie," Kotomine said as he placed his hands behind his back, "Planning and preparing is good, but alone with just your Servant? You saw how far that Olga. Ruler would be saddened if you were to be killed."

"She will?" You stared at him for that before he simply gave you a smug smile that could give Rider a run for her money.

"She's that sort of person. But please, don't tell her that I told you that. She can use that Flag Pole in creative ways," Kotomine sighed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"She did mention she beat away Caster and Berserker alone..." You recalled as you rubbed your chin.

"Caster I would understand. But Berserker? That monster nearly killed her. Honestly, she's such a stubborn woman," Kotomine pinched the bridge of his nose. It seemed that he was having a Master-like problem despite not being one. You could feel for him though.

He recomposed himself and fixed his clothes. Rubbing the silver cross on his chest, he then turned to you once more.

"That aside, I've got what you asked me. You requested to learn of your identity, right?" Kotomine reminded you as he walked to his desk to pull his drawer open, "I think I might know who you are."

"Well that's nice. Can you tell me?" You asked him with a curious tone.

Kotomine dropped the folder on the coffee table, "Here. Have a read."

You looked down on the folder and pulled out the documents within.

"I took a sample of your DNA from when you were passed out. Rider helped," Kotomine had the decency to look remorseful as he looked away.

"That's a gross violation of privacy but I'll lecture my Servant about it later. So you ran through some fancy tests or something?" You wondered as you read the file.

"Using both modern technology and Magecraft, we found a lead. But that's wherein this gets weird," the Priest said as he sat in the arm of his chair.

You looked down and frowned.

Name: Celine Derrinsmith Luctworth
Age: 12 years old
Blood Type: B
Sex: Female
Status: Deceased

You failed to read past the last bit. Something felt like it had took hold of your chest and squeezed your beating heart. Your eyes widened before your gaze turned to Kotomine as he watched your expression. He wasn't showing any emotion while he studied your reaction.

His gaze turned worried once you lowered the document.

"Is this some sort of joke?" You asked him. Your hands were shaking as you looked at him, "Is this some sort of sick joke?!"

"No. By all accounts and evidence, you have the flesh and blood of a girl that died eight years ago, Brie," Kotomine said as he sat before you and picked up the piece of paper you let go, "We checked the grave site too. The body of this girl was there. She died in a car accident. Crushed skull. Dead on arrival in the hospital. There are post-mortem autopsies too made by both Doctors and Magi."

"I... I don't know," you murmured as you leaned back on your chair while your body began to tremble, "I... I don't know..."

"Brie. Brie, listen to me. This girl, she's dead. And yet here you are, alive, breathing, speaking," Kotomine tried making you focus on him as he leaned forward, "Brie, do you know what's going on here?"

The Priest
[] "I don't. I don't know anything. I don't remember anything. I just... What I do know is how to survive. How to live. That's all I know."
[] "I'll find out. I'll get my answers. I... I just won't be able to say it now. I don't think there's anything that say anyway. But I'll figure it out."
[] "Magi. I can make guesses. Several guesses but nothing that could lead to a concrete answer. But if Magi are involved, then that makes this simpler to solve."
[] "That name. That's the name of the politician. The one running in the election. We have the same name. He might know... And if Magi are involved then he might know more than what I expect."
[] Write in...
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Who Are You?
[] "That name. That's the name of the politician. The one running in the election. We have the same name. He might know... And if Magi are involved then he might know more than what I expect."

"That name," you breathed as you kept your eyes down. You were still reeling from this... Whatever this feeling was. It made you feel sick in the stomach, like acid eating you from the inside.

"That's the name of the politician. The one running in the election," you swallowed as you raised your gaze, "We have the same name. He might know... And if Magi are involved then he might know more than what I expect."

"I figured that much. But do you think he has a connection to the old you or the moonlit world?" Kotomine asked as he adjusted his glasses.

"I'll have to figure it out..." You hissed as you held your shoulder while looking down at the documents, "These things really do link me... Hey, can you tell me about this family?"

"Well there's not much to tell, really. The Derrinsmiths are not particularly old or new but are an accomplished line of mages that stay in the background. They handle external affairs of the Clocktower relating to mundane relations with the normal world. Pencil Pushers if the description could be used here," Kotomine said as he leaned back with a more relaxed tone, "They're not exactly in decline but they lack the drive to pursue every Magi's goal."

"Reaching the Root through generations of research?" You guessed with a raised eyebrow.

Kotomine smiled before raising a hand, "Indeed. Once in a generation, they would make a breakthrough that keeps them relevant."

"And what of the other family tied to the dead kid's name?" You asked.

"Sculptors. The Luctworth were proficient in creating sculptures for the use of Magecraft. Unlike the previous clan, they act more of the stereotypical Magus Family. Obsessed with the Root and generations of research," Kotomine glanced at the porcelain duck on his desk, "They're well known in the Clocktower and one of their kin was even a student to a Lord, what they learned under that man propelling them to contribute better to the family magecraft."

"Sculptors? That's certainly creepy," you grimaced as you crossed your arms.

"Trust me, I haven't told you about Necromancers yet," Kotomine chuckled as he managed a smile now. He then brought his hands together and said, "I don't know how things came to be but if you survive this war, I will help in finding answers with you. This may just involve enough heresy to warrant our intervention."

"Never going to let the chance to thumb some mages in the eye, huh?" You observed as you crossed your legs.

"Well... A church man has to do what a church man has to do. Magi are heretics after all..." Kotomine said before waving his hand.

"Riiiight," you sighed as you hung you head, "Still... This a lot to think about. Thanks for looking it up for me."

"Do you know what you're going to do now, Brie?" Kotomine asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe. I'll deal with this when I come to it later," you said as you leaned on your seat, "Still doesn't answer my questions but I can't have everything."

"Good. Keep that focus and you may just overcome your next opponent," Kotomine said as he stood up, "Rejoice, girl. You've found new strength. Don't forget that when you confront the truth you seek."

"Whatever, Priest man," you chuckled lightly as your thoughts surfaced.

What were you? Who were you? What were those families to you? Why didn't you have any memories? Where did you come from? Where did you summon Medb? Why did you participate in this war?

These questions lingered in your mind and no answer in sight... Except asking that man.

You felt as if something inside you just unlocked and a strange weight settled on your shoulders. You had a bad feeling... A very bad feeling. Should you seek him out? Why did it feel like you were afraid...

"Brie, are you all right?" Kotomine asked with concern in his tone.

"Yeah I'm fine," you lied as you rubbed your arm. You were hating this war more and more...

Who Are You?
[] Go find Rider. Maybe she'll be a better conversation partner for once.
[] Go meet Ruler. You should help her out with anything she needed.
[] Write in...
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Silver Knight
[] Go find Rider. Maybe she'll be a better conversation partner for once.

Rider wasn't that hard to find given she was your Servant but she did make you work for it though. She was on the bell tower leaning against the wall, looking towards the city as the sun set in the distance. The orange skies was like fading candle light that acted as a prelude to the chilly December evening to come. You just wished that she got a better place to hang around than this one, it was cold here already.

You walked over to her shivering a bit before she turned to you with a curious look. A smile curled on her lips as she let you come close by her side. You looked down at where she was staring and saw that the church guards were being handed their hot meals by Ruler. You couldn't help but crouch down to rest your legs from the climb you just had to make.

"You look like you've seen some things, Little Master. I never took you for someone to find my presence preferable to anywhere else," Medb said as she glanced your way.

"Just some things that makes me want to run away from this war. But no, just by knowing I'm getting tied down more and more," you growled as you closed your eyes.

"Well it seems like the poor little bird's found herself tired. Though I doubt this bell tower would make a good resting spot for you," Medb said as she walked over to you and pet your head.

"I found out about who I am. Well... No, that's not true but Kotomine figured things out. I'm feeling that I need to find answers if I want closure," you replied as you looked out the city.

"But that doesn't seem like something that's relevant to you now, huh?" Medb said as she circled around the bell with a hum.

"Between the war and my memories, the war's important. I might die after all," you murmured as you leaned back on the wall.

"That's true. It's nice to have your focus but there are some mysteries linking you with this war," Medb pointed out before standing on the edge of the bell tower, "When you first summoned me, when you disappeared, then your sudden acquisition of a personality, isn't that something worth finding out about?"

You looked her way and narrowed your gaze, "You think... Someone brought us here... To fight?"

"I didn't say that but now that we're there, it's either that or... You're sent here to die," Rider suggested as she hopped back to where you were. She knelt down before you and grabbed your cheeks with her mittens, "I couldn't imagine someone sending someone so cute to die."

"You'd be surprised, your Majesty," you sighed as you held her hand and pushed it away, "Whatever the case, we're probably here for some higher purpose and it most likely involves the Grail."

"You think we'll find out as we go?" Rider wondered with a curious tone.

"Probably. I'm counting on you for now at least. I'm too scared to do it myself," you admitted as you slowly got up and removed the dirt from your clothes.

"I'm your Queen and you're my subject. It's only proper I pull you along," Rider huffed as she crossed her arms, "Even when you have few to offer other than your mana and ideas."

"I'll take the compliment," you coughed before you two looked down at the city before you. It was decided then, you're definitely in this war now.


It was evening when you received the call. Medb answered the phone in the presence of Ruler and Kotomine just as you were about to leave. She then handed it to you and frowned before you recognized the voice of Police Chief Edmund speaking to you.

"There's been an incident you might be interested in, Miss Brie. We'll be sending you the data now."

You frowned before you were given a PDF file through the message attachment of your phone. You opened it up and read the file with the images attached to them. They were camera feeds of an armored individual fighting through an underground parking lot.

You could barely make it out from the grainy photo attached to the report.

"As per your orders we have given you a swift report of anything strange. The location of that place should be east of the city by the Super Mall. There have been reports of disturbances occurring for the past hour now."

"Got it. Thanks. We'll act based on what you've told us," you replied before hanging up.

Ruler stepped forward and asked, "What was it?"

"Servants. I think there might be fighting going on in the city right now," you answered her as you looked between her and Kotomine, "East of the City underneath a Super Mall. It's probably happening right now."

"I see. Then I'll go," Ruler said as she moved to make her way to the door, "I have to make sure they don't overdo it."

"Wait, hold on. Don't you remember you're being targeted? Archer could get you from afar," Kotomine said as he grabbed her shoulder, "At least take these two with you."

You and Rider glanced at one another before you both raised your hands.

"No we're not," you quickly blurted out.

"We have other plans," Rider giggled and winked.

The Priest rolled his eyes before Ruler shifted into her armor and walking out of the church doors past the guards. She vanished into the night before Kotomine turned to you with a shake of his head.

You really didn't plan on getting involved in any fight. You can't even watch unless you're present so why take the risk? You and Rider stared at Kotomine as he rubbed his hands together.

"Right. She'll be fine. I won't have to drag her body back here again armor and all. She'll be fine..." The Priest griped before glancing at you, "You two stay safe out there. There's still a few Masters available to jump you."

"We'll try and be safe," you assured him as you and Rider walked out.

"The Church will always be open for you two," Kotomine Kinzo said as the door closed behind you two.

Walking down the street, you distanced yourself from the church before glancing at your Servant. The battle was going on the east side of the city so you might want to avoid that area for now. You need information though if you want to know how to move forward.

"We're going to the station. We might get a view of what's going on from there," you decided as Rider smiled and hailed down a car.

You stood back as she walked forward as the window rolled down to reveal a pair of young men inside. She smiled brightly and winked before speaking up.

"Hi, can we borrow this for a minute?"


You stopped screaming when the car skidded to a halt before the police station and you got out. She was a Rider, of course that didn't just mean her legend being enough to qualify her for the class. You let out a shaky breath as you stood up from the sidewalk while Medb picked you up.

The two of you walked into the police station where it was still relatively packed. The law seldom sleeps if ever. The officers you passed by ignore you before you found Edmund in his office.

"Are your people monitoring the situation?" You asked him while Rider shut the door.

"We are. It was said to be an armed conflict but there were anomalies which clashed with our men. I have a video right here sent just five minutes ago," Edmund said as he showed you the laptop he had.

The screen showed a shaky bodycam of a first responder stop and raise his gun at a bloodied yet approaching individual. The hostile had graying skin and a gaunt expression before lunging with snarl, prompting three reports of gunfire.

"The officer was gravely injured while the suspect was subdued despite shots to the shoulder and abdomen," Edmund explained as he glanced up at you, "Here's another video sent here but we can't make heads or tails of it."

You watched a video of some officers taking to the rooftop as a man with a sword clashed against a larger man in a dark jacket. The officers ordered the two combatants to freeze but a laughter from off screen rang followed by projectiles striking bodies.

The armored man in white was picked up by the brute and smashed through the ground.

"Saber," you murmured as you stepped back.

"We're getting reports by the minute and the fighting has yet to stop," Edmund went on before turning the device back to himself.

Rider crossed her arms and shrugged, "Seems like Saber's taking a beating. Second only to Berserker in terms of the strength of Servants, I can't help but wonder just how strong his foe is."

"Still those people. The hostiles weren't normal. They were like in the reports. Corpses," you murmured as you looked down.

"Well? What's your plan Master? We have nothing to do with this. If Saber's out of the picture then that's one less hassle to deal with with," Rider offered with a smile as she leaned on the Chief's desk, "Or are you going to spice up our life?"

Silver Knight
[] You'll need more people. Medb will power them up with her skills and you'll send them to investigate this matter. You'll be nearby of course, you want to know what freak was giving a Saber Class a hard time.
[] You'll use this chance to find a secure location away from prying eyes. You'll hide until this all blows over. If Saber dies then Medb's right, that's one less problem for you to deal with. You're not getting involved.
[] write in...
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[] You'll need more people. Medb will power them up with her skills and you'll send them to investigate this matter. You'll be nearby of course, you want to know what freak was giving a Saber Class a hard time.

"Send more reinforcements to storm the building and subdue these corpse creatures. Medb will take command of them there. Bring out your best weapons and equipment for this and expand the perimeter. Nothing goes in and goes out, those that do will be met with heavy violence," you ordered as you glanced at the police chief, "Get is there in five."

"Understood. I'll be relaying the orders now. Please wait by the entrance to be picked up," The Chief nodded before Medb blew him a kiss while you stepped out of the office.

Your servant walked by your side, "So you're going to kill Saber?"

"We'll let Saber get killed by Berserker. At least that's the plan," you decided as you walked through the station.

"Berserker? You think Berserker's involved in this?" Medb whistle with a light giggle. She hummed under her breath before speeding up, "Well that would be interesting."

"We can't be certain but we have to assume considering Saber's being beaten black and blue out there," you said as the thunderous jog of officers got ready a few floors below.

You walked out to the entrance to find some SWAT cars zipping by while a police car skidded to a halt before you. Can't you just have a normal day from now on? It's like you're suddenly back on duty for a job you didn't want. You get that in the war but at least a breather would be nice!

One week! One week of no Servant Magi bullshit would be nice!

Rider dragged you into the car before you blew a fuse and shoved you into the backseat. She rode shotgun before snapping her finger to have the policeman driving floor it to chase after the SWAT team. The rumbling of the car's engine took you out of your reverie as the city raced by out the window.

You steadied yourself before letting out a shaky breath as you looked ahead. Rider had her legs and arms crossed while looking forward to the chaos that will ensue. You just want to know while keeping yourself out of the line of fire. No need to get in there yourself. As long as you're hiding and Rider didn't do anything flashy, you'll be fine!

Grail Wars were just the worst.

The car turned and you could see the mall from afar. You were getting close now. There were other cars in the way but they quickly moved apart to give you a path. The car drove through the path the SWAT team took before lining up with the back of their truck.

A few minutes later you arrived at the scene with the other cops. Medb's presence lowered their guard and there weren't any more civilians in the vicinity. It was just the police and firefighters at this point, all of which were under Medb's charm to keep you here. If there were no civilians then it was no a free for all.

There could still be survivors...

"Rider, it's all yours," you said as your Servant stepped up to the men gathered up front.

"Hear me, men! Do you recognize who I am?" Rider asked as her voice took on an amplified tone as the officers donned in body armor stood at attention.

"Our Queen and our fair maiden of the night!"
"Our Queen and our fair maiden of the night!"
"Our Queen and our fair maiden of the night!"
"Our Queen and our fair maiden of the night!"
"Our Queen and our fair maiden of the night!"
"Our Queen and our fair maiden of the night!"

Rider seemed happy by the response as she raised her hand, "Tonight you'll go with my blessing! Take down any abominations that get in your way! Those that seek to harm me and Master must fall! Do not disappoint me or I'll crush you boys under my heel!"

The police adopted a soft red glow from her words as every single man in the vicinity grew invigorated. Power seemed to escape them as their eyes bore a manic light in them. Just from her presence, her smile and her words she was able to inspire them just like that. You couldn't help but be captivated by it as well.

"Now go! Bring me good entertainment from your works! Take and pillage their lives with glee!" Rider ordered them with a sweep of her hands before the SWAT teams armed themselves before moving into the building.

You watched them run up to the entrance and split up into several squads. They'll be going through the place and clearing it all out of the shambling dead. Turning your gaze to Rider, she seemed pretty proud of her handiwork as you waited for her.

"Now... Why don't we get a good view?" Rider offered you her hand.

You blinked before sighing as you took it, "I can sense something though. Let's try to lay low for now."

"Oh fine," Rider huffed as she crossed her arms.

You leaned against the side of the police vehicle before opening the passenger seat. You opened the glove compartment and took out a handgun. Unloading the magazine, it had a full seven bullets ready to be fired.

Recalling your lack of offensive options in the last battle, you decided to take it with you this time. Hopefully you won't have to use it-


You blinked the vision away as you looked down at the gun. Rider turned to you with a raised eyebrow after noticing your behavior.

"Your circuits are active," Rider pointed out as she lifted up your right hand. You noticed that your hand was indeed glowing before you unconsciously cut off the power.

You hid away your gun in your jacket's pockets before you rubbed your shoulder, "Right. Got it. Let's move."

You both vacated the mall's entrance to put some distance between you and the place. Like this you hoped to avoid any contact with Saber and his foe while being close enough to the cops to respond if they got attacked. You were running the opposite direction while Rider took to Spirit form by your side, presence remaining even while hidden.

Running as fast as you can you caught sight of a man passing you. Your eyes widened once you felt your Command Seals burn, making you turn to face him. A Master?!

"Rider!" You called out, forcing your Servant to appear beside you but the man continued running.

He didn't even spare you a glance. Was he headed for the mall? You slid to a halt to see where he was going... But he was gone already. That man was the one who told you to stay out of the hotel you were staying at.

"You saw him, right?" You asked Rider with a grimace.

"Yes. He didn't react to you though," Medb replied as she crossed her arms.

You didn't like the implications of that. You didn't want to get in his way so you'll just continue on to the building you and Rider will view the whole thing in. Civilians seemed to be evacuated neatly save for a few that hid away.

Riding the elevator up, you crossed your arms and tapped your foot on the ground. A sigh left your lips as you looked around while Rider fixed her makeup on the nearby mirror.


The elevator quaked before the lights shut off. You looked around before you heard Rider giggling in the darkness.

"Well now. This is quite the scene," you heard her voice whisper right next to your ear.

You stomped on her foot and it felt like stepping on a steel block. You winced before Rider laughed at that and pulled apart the elevator into a random floor of the building. You limped outside before you followed her to the open portion of the building's fourth floor with a full view of the Super Mall.

There were explosions now tearing through the building as the police forces gunned down the escaping shambling corpses. You focused your attention on the Mall itself as you saw an arrow hit the sky and explode. You couldn't help but blink at that as you stepped back and frowned.

"That's not Saber," you declared while Rider stared at the fading light from the heavens.

"It's not Archer either, I hope?" Rider hummed as she glanced at you.

The two of you watched the chaos unfold before you perked up. There was a huge surge of power just now. What the hell was going on in-


Fire and light burst through the back end of the Mall followed by the sounds of collapse. It seemed that the battle was getting more intense as the moment passed. The police were just ordered to pull back and keep their guns trained at the building.

"So... What do you feel about explosions?" You wondered out loud.

"Too hot for my tastes," Rider waved you off before the front of the building burst.

A body flew out and you saw him... A Silver Knight slid to a halt while holding his blade to the side. Clad in armor, he was akin to the moon in this darkened section of the city. Your eyes strained as you frowned, his right arm... It was pure silver.

"Here comes the other one," Rider smiled as you looked ahead.

Walking out of the Mall was a large man dressed in a thick coat. You could hear his footsteps from where you were. The surrounding police had their guns trained at the two individuals in alarm.

"Rider, make them pull back! Order a retreat, they'll die," you hissed as your Servant flicked her wrist.

The police saw what was happening and lowered their guns to run away. Saber watched them go in confusion before fixing his gaze back at his opponent.

You felt a chill down your spine as you recognized the man. You met him in that hotel too... He was accompanied by that boy.

"That's not natural," Rider observed as the Tall man rushed at Saber.

Saber kicked off the ground and clashed with the man, his blade cutting but not slicing through his foe's flesh and blood. This left him open to a vicious swing that he narrowly avoided.

A gloved hand reached out for him as he pulled back before he stomped on the ground and cut. His sword shined for a moment as a trail of light was left on the Tall Man's chest. Saber clenched his fist and slammed his fist into his foe's chest, succeeding in sending him straight into the nearby cop car.

Saber fell down his knee as then and there.

"Oh that's not good," you murmured as you saw the man walk out of the fire, "That's a Dead Apostle."

"And a powerful one too," Rider hummed as Saber got up again. He wasn't looking so good...

[] Keep watching. Let them kill each other. You have no reason to interfere.
[] Have Medb send her Celtic Warriors to aid the Servant. He's not going to last for long. He's going to need some measure of support until his Master got here.
[] Help Saber personally. Send Rider to assist him and maybe you can catch him together with his Master so you can kill them both at once.
[] You're not sticking around to gather the attention of a vampiric abomination. Tell Rider you're finding a place to hide until Ruler does something about this mess.
[] Write in...