Panic Attacks
[] "I'm not panicking I'm... Releasing negative karma by tearing my vocal chords through cries of despair."

You gave the Queen of Connacht a dry look before shaking your head, "I'm not panicking I'm... Releasing negative karma by tearing my vocal chords through cries of despair."

"It really got to you that bad, huh little Master?" Medb noted with an amused look.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" You shrieked causing Rider to jump to her feet in alarm.

You screamed so loud that you sword that a glass cracked while every single thought of you getting mulched by a Clocktower Mage or some old man riddled with bugs ran through your mind. The world was bullshit and the number of people that would skin you alive instead of leaving you alone if Medb dies just skyrocketed from nothing.

You shrieked in your panic at the prospect of being ambushed by a Servant or familiar or get cursed into liquid meat. Magi were nut jobs that all needed to be sent to the psychiatric ward and you didn't even have to start on the church, they're psychos too!

Your throat began to hurt before Rider moved and tackled you into the bed. She clamped her gloved hand into your mouth and glared at you as you stared up at her. Her long pink hair fell down and hung over your face, tickling you while leaving a fragrant strawberry scent.

Medb seemed to have had enough of the screaming and hissed, "Okay! You're scared! I get it! But scream anymore and I'd class your voice as a Noble Phantasm! Shut up!"

You glared at her as you tried screaming again before she pinned you harder.

"You're a good Master. You directed the previous battle well enough and you clearly have the instincts for it. You just have to work on that damned cowardice of yours," Medb hissed as lowered her face to yours, "And we won't have the luxury for you to be this way every single time we brush with death! If you can't at least do that then we're even more dead!"

You grumbled beneath her hold as your voice came off as a bit more muffled than before.

"Now I'm gonna ask you to calm down and breathe. Relax and breathe through your nose," Rider said as she frowned down on you.

You did as she instructed as your eyes darted around.

"Okay. Good. Now just calm down and listen to my voice. We're stuck together now so let's just work our way through this war," Rider said as her voice became softer and warmer, her grip on your mouth loosening.

Your heartbeat had slowed and the panic was receding. You gripped the bedsheet as Rider noticed that you were calming down. Even then your mind still raced but it was being filled with information of Rider in front of you.

How she looked, how she smiled, the sound of her voice calming your nerves, you felt at ease and secure. You could feel... Good.

"Better. Just let it all go. You have a tight hold on that fear but I want you to slowly let it go. That's it..." Rider murmured as you ended up staring into her eyes transfixed.

She was... Really pretty.

Yeah. Very pretty.

"You calmed down. See that wasn't so hard?" Rider said as she traced your face with her finger, "That was nice right? I can make you feel nicer-"

You shoved her with all your might and sent her to the side. You shot straight up then while clutching your beating heart. You blinked before shaking your head as she spat out hair from her mouth and narrowed her eyes.

Holding up a hand, you coughed and tried getting some air in your lungs.

Panic Attacks
[] "Thanks... Rider."
[] "Nice try. No dice."
[] "I feel okay now. I'll order food."
[] "..... That helped. Don't do it again."
[] Write in...
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Semblance of a Plan
[] "Thanks... Rider."

Once you were done, you cleared your throat without looking at her, "Thanks... Rider."

"Resilient one, aren't you?" She managed to chuckle as she crossed her legs.

"I'll go find some food. I expended too much energy. If we get attacked now we'll be in a pinch," you said as you walked the door. You glanced at her, "Come on."

Rider raised her eyebrows before smiling as she followed behind you. You walked past the living room before noticing that the guy who owned this suite was indeed in the living room. He was living his best life under Medb's control.

He was flexing and posing as if he were in an iron man competition. Sweat glistened on how muscles as he grunted while flexing his bulging biceps. You stared with a dry look before Medb clapped her hands.

"Ah, he reminds me so much of Fergus. Just look at those guns," Rider purred as she crossed her arms with pride, "A modern man with the body of a Warrior, not bad don't you think?"

"I guess. Can you tell him to be quieter?" You requested as you watched the jacked business man pose vigorously.

Rider cleared her throat and barked, "Quiet down, Armstrong!"

"Yes ma'am!" The man said as he flexed quietly.

You're not sure how to feel about this so you continued to the kitchen. You got some chips from the fridge and sat by the tables while Rider hopped on a chair. She gave you a disappointed look as you began munching on your junk food.The crunchy taste of garlic flavored chips stimulated your senses while Rider had a sour look.

"You're gonna get fat," she said off handedly.

"Yeah, well I probably won't get the chance to be fat if things go on. Did Ruler and Kotomine have anything to say before we left?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. They're hoping for us to Win the Grail," Rider hummed as she leaned back on her chair, "Kotomine doesn't appreciate his church being attacked and Ruler found that the Masters do not deserve the Grail given their actions. They would rather just let us win than give the other Masters the chance, only that they're bound by vows of neutrality."

"Ruler can't take obvious sides despite everything. It's supposed to be programmed into her by the Grail but the church is a bit more flexible of scary. I'm not banking on them being much help," you decided as you chewed.

"What we do know for the most part is that Archer had the backing of armed soldiers. You can make a few deductions from that alone and if you added that to the illusion you were trapped in before, these Masters are bad news," Rider said with a low chuckle but she didn't seem to be laughing at your expression, just the whole situation.

"Given the trouble we were in, I'd say we need to lay low," you murmured as you stared at the potato chip in your hand, "We're not a force to be reckoned with. Let's not give the other Masters anymore reason to get to us..."

"So you plan on letting them kill each other while you hide away?" Medb asked with an impressed look.

"We're weak. It's the only way we can survive... You're flexible enough to go along with this, right?" You wondered as you glanced her way.

"So long my needs are met perhaps... But this plan has its risks as well," Rider pointed out as she summoned her riding crop and tapped the table, "What do you do if they come hunting for us?"

"Then we fight. Not much else to it," you shrugged as you munched on the last chip, "We're up against literal monsters. I don't like our chances."

"Well... I do have a Noble Phantasm I can borrow as my trump card," Rider offered as she smiled, "I can see the merits of your plans, it's safe and efficient but it leaves us idle while giving our enemies much time to prepare. However what if we did the opposite?"

"You mean going all out?" You frowned at her as she smiled.

"Picking them off one by one would be ideal. They would never expect the weakest of the Masters to start hunting. You have the skill and talent if you played your cards right. You can win this war," Rider said as she leaned over the table.

You leaned back before closing your eyes, "I... Don't want to risk my neck anymore than I should. But I can see where you're coming from. We an alliance though. You on your own won't be enough which is why the first Servant we take out will be the deciding factor... If you can make them fall for your charms."

"Is that a challenge? You're forgetting who you're talking to. You're looking at the Eternal Lady, collector of treasures and lovers! What I want, I get with a smile and a laugh," Rider proudly declared as she puffed her chest.

"We need to figure out the identities of the other Masters... Not unless you want to go hunting down Archer," you suggested with a difficult look. You had no information and you didn't have one thing that could help...


"Looks like you have an idea," Rider said before she followed where you were looking. You were looking at your host flexing and posing by the fireplace.

"Rider. We're going shopping tomorrow. We have a plan," you decided as you cracked a small smile.


You stood before the clothing store before Rider dragged you inside. You yelped before you could resist as you went over the plan in your head. Rider grabbed some clothes and went off to change while you stood outside her stall.

With her charm, she could put a large number of men under her control. They would be loyal to her, love her and would do anything for her as seen in your host Mr. Armstrong. The guy worked in a large company and you can use the execs of that company as resources for your war effort.

Medb will charm them and control them in which they'll use their positions to do your bidding. Rinse, repeat until you have a number of Medb worshipers that can act as your information network. It'll be easier to spot another master or servant if you had a large number of men under your thumb.

And they'll be all serving one Queen Bee.

You get info, Medb gets frisky, you won't die! It's perfect!

"Hey Master how does this look," Rider asked but you kept the door closed with your palm.

"I'm sure you'll look great. Now I'm sort of busy," you growled as you thought some more.

You just need to figure out which high place should you target first.

Semblance of a Plan
[] Medb will target high profile business bachelors. They're easy to string along.
[] Medb will target city officials and staff. These people have access to the city's inner workings.
[] Medb will target the Police. Whenever something goes wrong in town, they're the first to know.
Dress to Kill
[] Medb will target the Police. Whenever something goes wrong in town, they're the first to know.

The police would be a wise group to target. Coordinated and wielding authority within the city, they can act as both a good source of information and combat option later. The police wielded the authority to wander about and look into the seedy underbelly of the city, giving you access to the criminal underworld. Reports of strange incidents and murders would be forwarded to them and in turn, to you.

Once Medb takes hold of the upper ranks, she won't let go. You can rely on the police to covertly convey the positions of the other Masters should they be found. You'll be able to keep tabs on them too.

Masters had their magecraft and familiars to scope out the competition while you needed to work from the ground up. There's the chance that one of the controlled cops would be caught by a Master so you had to account for that but if you played your cards right then you can have front seat to a life in the shadows.

If you thought about it, this didn't seem very Rider-like at all. It feels more like you have Caster as a Servant just without the benefits of Medb being a Caster. You needed to keep it together so you can initiate this plan.

Just toss Medb at the Police Chief and his cronies. You disliked the idea of using your Servant this way but it was playing to her strengths. She might think it's fine but you'll try making it up to her somehow.

Maybe you should get some clothes for yourself. You haven't worn anything save for the clothes you woke up in. The Host Guy's credit card was useful for these sorts of shopping sprees. You decided to walk off and get some clothes from yourself on the mean time.


You walked out the stall next door and inspected your new outfit. It was a black jacket with a few straps with a matching black skirt. You also replaced the worn out scrunchie keeping your side ponytail aloft and adorned your hands with gloves to cover up your Command Seal while keeping yourself warm.

Glancing up, you found that Medb had changed in a form fitting hazel colored sweater and short skirt. She had a pair of fluffy boots while she retained her fluffy cloak around her body as she fixed her beanie. It was a more regular look compared to her usual outfit.

"Black doesn't suit you," were her first words as she studied your outfit, "You could do better with white."

"It just felt right," you replied as you looked down at the bags in her hand, "You have what you need?"

"Of course," Medb said as she stood by your side, "All set for your grand plan, Master."

"I'll make it up to you," you murmured as the two of you walked out the store.

"Do you feel bad with this manner of fighting? You don't have much choice, Master," Rider said as she walked ahead of you, "You have to use the tools fate dealt you to survive. Isn't that your wish?"

"Tools... You're no tool, you're a person. Plus the second I start treating you like that, we'll end up killing each other," you sighed as you shook your head.

"Good girl," Rider giggled as she slowed down, "So how do you plan to do this?"

"There's the upcoming elections for the city. Some big shots are attending it tomorrow night and there's going to be a speech by the police chief to show his support for the Mayoral Candidate, Hans Derrinsmith," you said as you walked down the street as snow began to fall, "Election season is a week after new year, I suspect that this Christmas party is a chance for these guys to meet and talk about their plans. I want you to drag the Chief and wrap him around your finger. The works."

"And chances of a Servant attack?" Rider asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Likely. That is if the Magi are interested in political drivel like this," you replied as you blew hot breath into your hands, "Your target is Police Chief Edmund Langley. Don't forget."

"Who do you take me for? I know how to bring down men of that station. Even Kings have fallen for my charms," Rider huffed as she fluffed up her fluffy coat, "One Law Enforcement Organization coming right up!"

"Yell that I'm your Master too while you're at it. Geez," you breathed as you shook your head. You held a hand on your stomach, "I'm starving. Let's go make some detours."

"Didn't that cabbie say not to do that unless you wish to be blindsided and robbed?" Medb reminded you with a small smile.

"I'll blindside and rob you," you grumbled as the two of you walked into a cafe. The bell rang as you stepped in before you looked around to find it with just a few people inside.

The smell of coffee filled the air, inviting you in as you moved in. You and Medb sat on the counter before the server walked up to you two with a notepad in her hand.

"Lovely Day, ladies. What can I get you?" She asked with a bright smile.

"Just your special. Uh... What do you want?" You asked Rider with a raised eyebrow.

"The most expensive thing in the menu and a fancy coffee," Medb replied with a bright smile.

The two of you waited for your order before your attention was called on by the news. The program that was on stopped before you looked to see what was being reported on.

"A new victim had been discovered here on this Alley by Banksy Liquor Store and Scarlet Avenue, making this the sixth victim just this month. Similarly to the previous cases in which the victims were all women from their early twenties to thirties, the newest addition to the recent serial killings has been the same. Police Chief Edmund Langley has provided a statement regarding this case in which investigation has been making progress and further details were to be released in the future. As of the moment, the police are hard at work tracking down the murderer and advised civilians to be wary."

You and Rider glanced at one another.

"You have a guess?" Rider asked with a curious look.

"Sounds like a modern day...Jack...the... Oh fuck me," you groaned.

"Inspiring," Medb said as she noticed the server coming back with her coffee.

"She okay?" The server asked as she gave you your meal.

"She's having a nervous breakdown. It happens," Rider said before she elbowed your side.

The server looked up to see the news and clicked her tongue, "Ah. That. Lots of strange things have been going on around this town. Six victims with that poor girl as the seventh. Horrible stuff. I suspect it's a druggy but... Ugh."

"I was told not to wander about. Some folks have holed up in the old buildings, yes?" You asked for clarification.

"Indeed. That's why you girls need to be careful. You might just get jumped when you least expect it," The server nodded as she waved her finger.

"How did they die? The victims I mean. It wasn't said on the news," Rider asked with a polite tone.

"Oh I wouldn't want to ruin your appetite," the server said in concern.

"Try me," you sighed as you raised your hand.

"Well all right. The girls always had their necks torn and the bodies split open. It's gruesome stuff and made a lot of folk angry with the police since it's been awhile haven't put out anything," the server said as she crossed her arms, "It's been ten days and a girl ends up dead every other day."

You twirled your fork around your spaghetti before taking a bite. A Servant's work and from the looks of it they're killing to sustain themselves. It's not an indiscriminate killing for fun or malice but one done out of survival and desperation.

There's an interval to the deaths... Ruler didn't mention this when you were with her. Still, she probably didn't get the chance. But if a Servant was killing to maintain their existence then that meant their Master couldn't provide for them.

"Sounds like a big problem. It'll need to get solved before things get out of hand," you sighed as you continue eating.

"Well I can only say that you shouldn't wander around night. Take it from me, you stay out of trouble and trouble won't find you," the server said as she nodded at you and Rider.

Rider for her part sipped at her coffee before looking your way, "You look constipated."

"It's just how I scream internally," you replied with a sigh, "Either way, you know what I'm thinking... I'm just deciding how to proceed."

Dress to Kill
[] Stay out of trouble. Proceed with the plan on getting Medb to the Police Chief. You need that info network stat. You should have the entire organization before the next death.
[] Go meet Ruler and ask about what she thinks about these murders. Oh and Kotomine should have run a background check you.
[] Investigate the murders. Look up where each of them happened and see if you can figure out the Servant's identity.
[] Stay out of trouble. Proceed with the plan on getting Medb to the Police Chief. You need that info network stat. You should have the entire organization before the next death.

There were to be no changes to the plan. The warning was good but there was no need to act on it. You're not some Hero of Justice that needed to save everyone out there, you're here to survive and hide away as far from the fighting as possible. Because that's the only way for you not to get killed.

You and Medb left the cafe afterwards after you decided to double down on the plan. As it was, Medb's charm skill would be her primary weapon in this venture, her greatest strength so you hoped she would be successful in this venture. Assuming nothing horrible happened, it should be fine.

You and Rider didn't return to the suite but instead picked up a new host to shelter you. The city wasn't lacking in men Rider could charm with a wink and a smile, they even only saw her as if your existence was a non-factor. As a person that was fine, you didn't like the attention, as a girl you're a bit annoyed but that's how it was when you had the Queen of Connacht as your Servant.

The Christmas party was to be held at a fancy hotel where the city big shots would gather for the evening. Medb was able to acquire the money for you two to stay at the adjacent hotel. From here on out it was all on you as Rider vanished to conserve your energy.

You got yourself a new room and got acquainted with your new bed. At the very least you won't have to deal with a grown man flexing and posing first thing in the morning. You looked up the ceiling before kicking off your shoes and took out your newest phone.

There's still some time to prepare. The entire thing actually just hung over Medb's performance so there really wasn't much for you to do. You can't explore or investigate especially when Archer could snipe you from a building.

You turned to see your phone activate before you sighed. Rising up, you held out your hand and frowned.

No memories had surfaced yet and you were left the same as you were when you first regained control of your body. You can't help but wonder what sort of Magecraft you owned and learned.

You'll just go see Kotomine and Ruler once the operation had ended. It'll be much safer then.

"By the way," Rider suddenly spoke from your side, reappearing with a small smile, "You left this from our previous abode."

She walked towards you and took out a black object. Your eyes widened as you recognized the gun you found beneath the drawer in the previous suite. You took it and it felt heavy in your hand.

"Why?" You asked her with a curious tone, "I don't even know how to use it."

"Well, consider it as a last resort. It might not kill a Servant outright but there's more enemies than just the other six Heroic Spirits," Rider said as she walked to the door, "Besides, it'd be shameful if you died without fighting back."

Ah. She already left. Probably off to hunt some guys. You decided to leave her alone as you stated at the firearm in your hand. You stared at it before your eyes widened.

Another person was proficient with these weapons in the Moonlit World. A man called the Magus Killer.

"Scary," you chuckled as you shoved the weapon in your drawer.

You just hoped that you won't have to use it much... Oh who were you kidding. With your luck? You're really in this war now, huh? You fell down on your bed and held out your hand. You tried not to remember with your mind but with your body.

Imagining your power flowing through your circuits, maybe you can make something manifest. It was almost like going through the motions of something random until your muscle memory reacted. What knowledge and skills you may have should have been ingrained in your body.

What were you? Where did you come from? Who were you? Did you have a family? Were from a Magus household? Did you have a Magic Crest?

It was all blank. Blank.




You opened your eyes as your lips moved on their own...

"Cliffs at the Shores of World's End..." You whispered as your circuits flared for a heartbeat, "I stand against Eternity..."

You saw something try and take form before you lost your focus. There was a loud bang before you were left staring at the ceiling. The distinct smell of ozone filling the room before you laid still.

[] Try again. Try and force it out. You're almost there. You can feel something.
[] Stop remembering. It's only doing you no good. Besides you might blow up the hotel.
[] Just try and practice the other spell you had. Better the Devil you know than the one you don't.
December Chill
[] Just try and practice the other spell you had. Better the Devil you know than the one you don't

A sigh left your lips as you closed your eyes. It was so close too. Still there were many times to practice later or find out more about your magecraft. For now you should look to investigate what you can cast with no problem. You held out your hand as you ran energy through your circuits again.

"Ignition," you whispered as you were greeted by the sight of a Barrier in front of you. It a wall of magical energy large enough to be a car's wheel.

It was inscribe with glyphs you didn't understand before you leaned away as it promptly shattered. You frowned as you tried manifesting another before you. Power surged through your body as you managed to make another appear.

"More," you growled before the air shimmered. Light gathered beside the barrier you continued on providing power to, only for another barrier to appear and take shape.

"Layer," you commanded and the two shields layered themselves over one another.

You weren't able to hold their existence before they shattered. You were a bit winded as sweat ran down your cheek. You frowned as you cast the same spell again. You repeatedly this process for awhile until you eventually lost the energy to continue.

Any more and it'll... No, Medb should be taking someone's energy somewhere. She'll be fine. For now... You need to hit the hay. You just hoped you didn't see any of Medb's fragmented past. That's just asking for trouble.

But if you can get the effect you wanted then maybe you'll have an actual spell to rely on. You're up against freaks that could sent a strike force of exploding leaves for all you knew, you had to be ready. Or else you'll just be dead weight in a pinch.

You didn't like not doing anything while Rider was out there so you'll just keep practicing. As of now, the most these shields could do was take the brunt of an arrow shot from Archer as they shatter. You want to at least stop a couple of arrows from him.

Guns with low stopping power should hold the shield together but high caliber firearms will easily break your barrier. You should invest in a combat vest the next time you get money. Maybe that'll save you from being gored by a Lancer in the future.

Oh boy you can't move. Well... This was your life now.


The next day rolled by with you having breakfast courtesy of room service. It was pretty good all things considered but you felt that the bacon could be cooked a bit crispier that what they gave you.

Rider had returned as you were finishing with a happy look on her face. You raised an eyebrow before she dropped the credit cards on the bed. Your eyes widened before you frowned her way.

"I know. Bars are the best," Rider winked at you before you shook your head.

"And they just handed them to you?" You asked as you inspected the Master Card.

"Happily too. I suppose you'll get use from it. I already got what I wanted," Rider said with a smile. You then took one of the cards and tossed it her way.

She caught and gave you a questioning look. You replied as you crossed your legs, "I want you to check in the hotel. Get a private room. That's where you'll sink your teeth into The Police Chief... While we're in that note, how much control do you have on manifesting your Warriors?"

"They're just dumb brutes good as human shield. I can boost them to hurt Servants but they're not special," Rider replied as she hummed where she stood.

"So I can't use them as lookouts in the building. No matter. Just use them if you end up having to escape," you told her as you walked up to her.

You took her hand and placed a phone in her grasp.

"We can communicate via telepathy but I'll give you this as a backup in the event something jams that connection. Hopefully the Grail told you how to use that," you said as you sat back down.

"Don't worry, Master. I'll keep in touch," Rider said with a teasing smile before sitting beside you, "Wouldn't want you to be lonely after all."

"I'm counting on you. Beware of other Servants. If you're spotted, run away fast," you reminded her with a narrowed look, "You need to be alive if you want the Grail."

"Who do you think I am?" Medb purred as he traced her finger on your cheek, "I'll be fine. Don't worry."

You grabbed her wrist as your amber eyes met hers, "It's because you're you that I'm worried. Break a leg, Cheese Victim."

"Got it, Stray Master," Rider grinned as she pulled away from you.

Tonight's going to be shitty...


Evening came and you were sitting by the Hotel's pool. It was currently unused due to the freezing weather but the outdoor bar was still bustling with some people. Business men in their suits or teenagers on vacation were around.

Still the majority of the people were looking beyond the railing towards the street below. It was a red carpet entrance done by the opposing Hotel from where you were. You sensed that Rider was already on her way to the party.

Looking down your watch you sighed as it was only 7pm.

You advised her to watch the time and observe the area. She hasn't said anything yet through your telepathy. She was probably having fun on her own. You looked around before walking away from the outdoor area of the hotel. You were freezing a bit...

You walked down the hotel halls before you felt your phone vibrate. You were distracted enough to bump against someone and make you drop your device to the ground.

"Shit," you cursed as you picked it up. You glanced at the person you hit and blinked.

He was a large man. Probably a good six and a half feet tall dressed in a dark suit. His face was hard as if it was chiseled from stone as his gray eyes bored into your own. He looked like he could snap you in half with his barehands.

"Sorry," you managed to squeak out but the giant didn't respond.

A voice chimed in front the side before a youthful boy stepped up, "Mr. Bel. That's not nice. You should at least say sorry."

The tall man blinked before speaking in a gravelly tone, "I apologize. You are not hurt?"

"I'm fine. Sorry for the trouble," you managed to say as you looked at your phone. It was just an application update.

Your eyes fell upon the violin case the boy was carrying before he set it down.

"Your phone's not broken, right? Geez. It's us who should be sorry," the boy said as he brought his angelic face towards you. His dark curly hair made it seem like he just got out of bed.

"Conrad. We're going to be late," Mr. Bel cleared his throat to gather his companion's attention.

Conrad smiled back at you and waved, "Right. See ya!"

You were left standing where you were before blinking. You turned around and made your way to the dining area. You need food...


It was a couple hours later that you finished your meal when you stood up from your seat. You managed to pay for the bill with some cash you had on hand before walking out. It was then you perked up as a voice spoke into your mind.

"Hey there little Master."

Her voice was huskier than usual and... Right. She's doing her job. Ignore that and keep a straight face.

"You got him?" You asked right back.

"Around my finger. It took a bit but that's because he brought friends. They're all take care of."

"And they'll do everything we want now, right? If that's the case you'll accompany them tomorrow too. I'll be meeting you at the Police Station. We can begin our operation from there. Also try not to kill them."

"I'm no succubus, Master. But I'll try."

Well then... That's one problem down. You should head back to your room. You were walking through the lobby towards the elevator when you felt it. Your blood ran cold as you passed by the cafe. This feeling in your chest was like having a hand take hold of your heart.

Not good.

This was a Bounded Field. Something was horribly going wrong and you could sense it as your entire body screamed at you. You paused before the feeling passed and you could feel again.

"I felt that. That place is dangerous."

Rider's tone wasn't that one of amusement.

You started running. You dashed from where you were and ran for the exit and staggered out of the hotel. You felt the same chill as you noticed the power go out within the hotel. You stepped back as the lights vanished within the windows as you looked up before reaching down to the ground floor.

Guests were confused as you stepped away. You felt the faint presence of Magecraft but it was barely noticeable. The more you focused on it, the fainter it got, almost making it seem like you were imagining it.

You stared at the building as a man bumped into you, making him drop his briefcase.

"Oh sorry," he managed to say, with an apologetic look. Snow fell on his red hair as he gave you a small smile.

"No it's fine," you managed to say. You were about to step in when he grabbed you by the shoulder.

You tensed.

"Uh... How do I say this. You shouldn't go in," the man said with a nervous smile.

It clicked in your head. Was he a Mage?

"Why not?" You asked with a frown his way.

"Things might be a little hectic around here," the man lied rather badly before letting go of you.

He waved at you before walking into the hotel you were just at. He stopped by to tell the other people the same thing before stepping in further.

You stood where you were as you stared at the hotel. You have the desire to go to sleep but boy were you terrified. Your legs were shaking hard.

December Chill
[] The Bounded Field must have been a fluke. You should get back in and rest in your room. You'll wait for Rider tomorrow.
[] You'll do as what the guy says. You'll spend the night elsewhere. You're not taking your chances in there, you're better off freezing in a park.
[] That guy's up to something plus the Bounded Field could be still active. Something's going on here... Call Rider back so you could both observe the situation.
[] Book it. Fucking run as fast and as far as you can. The Church was nearby. You'll fucking run there if you have to, holy shit this was scary.
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[] You'll do as what the guy says. You'll spend the night elsewhere. You're not taking your chances in there, you're better off freezing in a park

You knew a warning when you heard one. You're not going to stick around when there's some bad shit going on. You moved away from the building and jogged towards a random direction. You soon picked up speed before Rider chimed in your mind.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm running."

"Wait, why are you running?!"

"I'm running because I'm a huge coward!"

"Get back here! You wanna die?!"

"Two Magi are going to fight I don't wanna be in the blast zone of that area!"

"Brie, I swear to the gods, I will tie you down to a goddamned bed!"

"Stop being so eerily specific! Also you might want to follow me! Or get one of your boy toys to pick me up! I'll be down the block!"

Rider didn't respond to that as you made a sharp turn to the local McDonald's and entered. You escaped the cold and shivered a bit as you brushed off snow from your body.

Staggering to a table, you sighed as you rubbed the bridge of your nose. Well at least that's over and done with. You blinked as you saw a police car roll up up at the front before you stood up. Walking out of the diner, you noticed that the cops were in a daze as Rider whistled at you from the backseat.

"Kept you waiting, huh?" Rider smiled as she leaned out the window as you took the passenger seat.

"Let's go. I don't want to be around here anymore," you told her as Medb snapped her fingers.

The car moved and vacated the area fast...


The following day you were standing before the police station with Rider in her spiritual form. You read the newspaper and grimaced as you looked down to read it. Rider hovered behind you with a low chuckle in her voice.

"Dear me, Cherry Blossoms Hotel subjected to gang related violence. Multiple deaths have occurred, mostly against civilians," Rider whispered as she read over your shoulder, "The description of the attackers would... Like they were shambling corpses. It's even linked to a new type of drug."

You felt a chill down your spine. What if you hadn't spent the night in the new safehouse and just stayed in that place? Still things were getting worse for the town as killings and walking corpses wander about unrestrained. There's no telling if this was even the work of a Servant but most likely the Church was going to be involved.

The war itself may even be stopped while this was going on. Last thing you want was fighting Magi and a Dead Apostle. You didn't know that term until now but it just came up. It was like your brain was only remembering things that will scare you to death.

"We should go meet your friends," you said as you set aside the newspaper as a car rolled in the parking lot.

Edmund Langley stepped into view with his assistants as Medb manifested out of the shadows. The men took one look a her and stiffened as she smiled sweetly towards their direction. They immediately recomposed themselves as she waved for you to come over.

You did as she intended before the police chief looked down on you, "And who might this be, Miss?"

"She's my Master. Her orders should be considered my own," Rider smiled as she walked up to the police chief and tapped his cheek, "Got it, Eddy?"

"Of course. Welcome to the Police Station... Um," the Chief hesitated before you raised your hand.

"Brie," you replied with a nod.

"Miss Brie. Rest assured that our strength and resources yours to expend... Provided we can still undergo normal operation," the Chief said as he glanced at Medb.

"So long as you accomodate us, you'll get your reward for being a good boy," Rider giggled as she hopped up the steps, "Well? Let's go."

You followed Rider into the Police Station while the Chief and his men stared at her in adoration. You cleared your throat as you rallied them to follow suit. Walking into the station, Rider gathered a lot of gazes, some in awe, some in adoration, others in lust it she did love the attention.

You chose this moment to ask, "There's bee an incident last night on the hotel near to the one you attended. What can you tell me about that?"

"46 dead under the presumption of ingesting some new found party drug. The composition of their bodies resembled corpses. Our coroner couldn't make heads or tails about how they got that way," the Police Chief quickly replied to which you glanced at Medb.

She winked at you. She sure did a good job. Still there's more to the incident than what was said but you decided to switch gears. You were nearing his office now.

"What can you tell me about the serial murders?" You questioned once more.

"Well there's six victims so far. It occurs every other day of the week so there's most likely an incident tonight," The Chief replied with a grim tone, "It happens suddenly. There's no preventing it other than telling people to stay indoors. A curfew is in the process of being made but we don't know if it'll work."

"Any witnesses or suspects?" You managed to ask as the gears in your head turned.

"Aside from some druggies from the old buildings, none. They're both witnesses and suspects, more so on the latter considering everything," the Police Chief grumbled as he raised his hand, "Killings, disappearances, drugs and gang violence, it's all coming down all at once."

"It sure is," you said as you walked into the Chief's office where Medb sat on the desk with her legs crossed.

She smiled your way and swept her hand around the room, "Well, Stray Master? You did it. Your very own station, yours to command."

"Right," you sighed as you walked around the desk and sat on the Chief's chair and leaned back, "This is going to be a bit... Flashy."

"Do you have any other orders, Miss Brie?" Police Chief Edmund asked as Medb giggled on the side.

[] You want everything they have on the serial killings. Every single documentation and reports. You want to figure out what was killing these people.
[] The incident last night was too close for comfort for you. You want to find out more about it. Schedule a meeting with the coroner and show one of the bodies to you. You also want everything they have on that incident.
[] You want the entire force to be on the lookout for the White clothed gunmen accompanying Archer. Information regarding arms dealers or large packages being carried around the city would be nice. You want to know who and where these guys are.
[] Write in...
[] You want everything they have on the serial killings. Every single documentation and reports. You want to figure out what was killing these people.

"I need everything you have in regards to the serial killings. All related incidents need to be brought here too," You said as you got up from your chair and walked to the police chief, "If anyone asks, just say that I'm a relative. Anyone Medb can't control will be scrutinized and put under watch. That means your female operatives."

"Understood," The Police Chief nodded as he moved back to his chair, "You can use my office to stay at. I'll have someone bring you the documents."

With that he pulled out a phone to make some calls. You waited where you were as you crossed your legs. A ceasefire was inevitable if things continued but that would just expose you to the other Masters in the fight. It's both a boon and a trap... Ruler and Kotomine would be pressed hard to do it when Masters are targeting them.

Who's to say that the Masters would even conform to a ceasefire to deal with a rogue Master and Servant. You knew you wouldn't given your position. You just hoped that Archer had bigger fish to catch than chasing after you. He may have an idea on who Rider was so he'll be ready next time. You just had to land a Servant with an obvious weakness.

It's not Medb's fault, you just wanted to compensate for her weakness. But you couldn't and now you're stuck because you're a dumb amnesiac. You won't win this war or survive it just by being lucky. You had to play your cards right.

"That's a serious look you have. I thought you'd be happier, Stray Master," Rider noted before sitting by your side and crossing her legs, "You have information at the tip of your fingers."

"The main intent of this would be to move my resources depending on what the other Magi do," you said as you tapped your chin, "It's so we won't get jumped when we least expect it. I don't have magecraft that can help me scout or armed goons to muscle my way around. I have to work with what I have. I don't want to die."

"Yet despite of this you didn't run away from the war itself. You had your chance with Kotomine. You could have quit but here you are," Rider said as she hummed.

"Because I at least want to fight for your Wish. I'm a coward but I'm not shitty person," you admitted as you closed your eyes.

"Hah! Cowardice... True cowards would have killed themselves on the spot where you once stood..." Rider made you face her as she held your chin, "Something's sleeping inside that head of yours. I wonder what's going to happen if you really recalled everything."

You brushed her hand away and narrowed your gaze, "It'll... Be anticlimactic. There's nothing special about me. At least I don't feel it."

"You can't fool a Queen's eyes, little girl," Medb winked as she hopped up he feet, "Eddy, I need entertainment. Come with me. Master needs some alone time to focus."

The Police Chief stood in a daze before following the Eternal Lady through the halls of the police station. You sighed as you sat on the bench and crossed your arms. She's just bullying you... At least that's what you wanted to tell yourself.

You perked up when an officer brought in some documents. He dropped the documents without ever looking at you before rushing away. You got up and checked on the documents to find that these were what you were looking for. The killings... They dated back a couple of weeks ago.

Seven cases in all. Six girls died before you came here, another died the day before yesterday. It's becoming more clear that they were killed as sustenance. Then what of the manner of their deaths.

Their abdomens were ripped open and their entrails were strewn around the crime scenes. But they also had torn throats, as if ripped apart by a wild animal. You read the reports some more and noted one more thing.

The victims all had lost their blood.

"So it's possible it's not Jack the Ripper and a Dead Apostle didn't need to feed this much in one week..." You whispered as you glared at the documents.

It was a Servant just as you guessed but this one needed a bit of thinking to guess who it was. No, maybe not. The victims were all young women, just from that alone made you think of Jack the Ripper but that's not the case here. Someone as covering up the deaths... Sloppily too.

Elizabeth Bathory? A cruel noble woman that once bathed in a tub filled with the blood of virgins? Did she get summoned but into what class? Berserker seemed to be a scary thought... The Church was going to have a field day though if they connected the dots this much.

It was still daytime, if you guessed it right then the next incident will be tonight. You're sure of it. You straightened your back and turned to see the door open and have a man walk in.

"Hey Boss, I'm done with my suspension. Can I have my Badge back-" the man paused upon seeing you.

He was a sloppy man on his forties, tall and dark haired with a bad 5am shadow left unshaved. His tie wasn't even fixed properly and you could smell the distinct stench of cigarettes. You stood ramrod still as you stepped back in alarm.

The man frowned before giving you a dry look, "Who the hell are you?"

"I-I-I," you stuttered as the man raised an eyebrow, "I'm the Chief's niece. I'm visiting."

"Niece, huh? Didn't know that," the man said with a confused look before he walked over to your side, "Huh. Looking at these stuff? Is that what you kids are into?"

"Sort... Of?" You managed to say.

"Either way, you shouldn't be looking at these," he said as he bopped your head lightly, "They're confidential."

"7 murders and no leads to whoever the culprit was..." You managed to say to try and calm yourself down, "The press isn't going to be happy about this. And judging by the pattern, it's going to happen again."

The man whistled before leaning on the table, "Maybe."

"If it happens again, in a tough spot... Why haven't the police figured anything out?" You continued asking with a frown.

"Well... We do have leads. But who's going to believe the testimony of some drugged up scum?" The man shrugged as he finished fixing the documents, "You shouldn't look into this anymore, kid. You're just going to get in our way. Leave it to us detectives."

"You're a detective?" You blinked in surprise, "Are you sure about that?"

The man walked over to you with his hands in his pockets, "And you're supposed to be the Chief's niece... Are you sure about that?"

His eyes were like that of a hawk. The stench of tobacco wafting into your face as he stood a feet away from you.


[] "I am." Scream internally. Bluff him. Bluff him. You can't ruin this now!
[] Don'tpanic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Keep it cool. Don't say anything and just stare back. Keep it cool. Just keep your mouth shut.
[] Run. Run away now. They're on to you. Run like the wind! Run! Your legs are fast. You're faster than a guy in his early forties.
[] Telepathy your Servant "RIDER SAVE ME"
Brie the Stray Master wants a Quiet Life
[] "I am." Scream internally. Bluff him. Bluff him. You can't ruin this now!

You kept still and met his gaze. It was the best poker face you could muster as you stared right back at his dull gray eyes. You didn't move a muscle and gave him the same annoyed look as you had since the start of this conversation. He was detective, he must know that something wasn't right with you.

You just needed to not panic. You need to pull yourself together in the inside and not break. You managed to survive Archer, you're not getting caught because of a crummy old man catching you while Rider wasn't around. You couldn't even grit your teeth.

You mustered up what courage you had before speaking, "I am."


He didn't seemed convinced but he was less sure than before. You just had to bluff him hard. You can't ruin this for yourself now. You had to keep it together or else Medb won't let you hear the end of it.

You needed her to charm every single guy in the building so this won't happen again. That was priority number 1 on the list. You glared at the detective for a moment more before closed his eyes and stepped back.

"Whatever. Whoever you are, just stay out of the police work," the Detective said as he turned away and left the documents on the table.

You stared at him dumbfounded before he shut the door. You were left to sag on the chair you sat at before covering your face with your hands. This place was keeping you on your toes. That detective let you off on a whim... You wondered if a guy like that could be strung along by Ri- Whoa, those are some pretty evil thoughts.

Almost like you were thinking like a true blue Magus. That was... Weird. You growled under your breath as you stood up.

"Don't get in the way of police work my ass. I'll show you stupid cops," you hissed as you took the documents and looked over them.

You'll solve this crime and drag out that Servant. Whoever they were, you'll get them for sure. If they did their jobs properly you'd have more info but no, you're stuck with jack shit. You'll do this and they'll see... They'll all see!

Ruler will even praise you for this!


Rider looked up as she sipped her tea while she used the police chief as a chair, "Someone's fired up."


It was dusk when most of the office workers had gone back home. You posted over the documents with your legs crossed. The sun had set but you didn't encounter anymore disturbances than the one before. Maybe Medb got to the guy.

Either way, you were given some food during the day so you were pretty satisfied with everything. You continued to read the documents several times that you got the gist of them.

The victims seemed to be mostly from the homeless community living in the old buildings. Save for a few offshoots, four victims were from that area and one of those had witnesses. But their testimony was suspect considering they were under the influence of drugs at the time in their possession.

"Reports of a monster," you whispered before you noticed that Rider had come back from... Wherever.

She looked satisfied as the Police Chief staggered behind her. Someone went overboard that much you could tell. She walked over to you and winked with the same smug look.

"So you found anything?" Rider asked before she sat by your side.

"Did you shower?" You asked her with a dry look.

"Of course I did! What a thing to ask!" Rider gasped with a scandalized look.

You ignored her and looked down the document in your grasp, "We might be against a real monster this time."

"Oh? You're looking to step up from this safe place?" Rider wondered with a raised eyebrow.

"If we don't do anything, Kotomine might call for a ceasefire and I can't have that. I doubt anyone would go for it but on the chance the Masters comply it'll give you away," you said as you bit into your thumb with an annoyed look.

Rider seemed surprised by this as she leaned back, "That almost makes you considerate of me."

"I am. You're my partner after all," you sighed as you closed your eyes and shook your head. You set aside the documents and said, "Either way... I know where their hunting grounds are."

"You do?" Rider blinked as you got up.

"Chief, you should be getting a call right now," you warned the police chief as he turned your way, "Get us a patrol car on the scene."

Edmund Langley perked up once Medb smiled at him before your prediction came true. His phone rang and he answered it. Once he did, his eyes met yours and he nodded.

There's another victim.

"Rider! Let's go!" You breathed as your Servant followed after you.

You could hear sirens go off as you move forward to the entrance and into the waiting police car. Rider turned into her spiritual form and stuck close to you before the cop driving the car hit the accelerator and had you lurched forward. It's only by being on the scene can you make sure of what happened.

The deaths happened nearly on the same time every other day. Almost as if someone was having dinner. This meant that either the Master was letting their Servant run free or the Servant was in control of their relationship. You'd guess the latter considering the Master wasn't able to maintain their Servant through their mana reserves.

You weren't the same for Medb though but her escapades has led to you not being drained too much to support her existence. She's pretty helpful on her own way... There's the possibility of the Master and Servant relationship being the same.

Either that Master was really sloppy or third rate or they're fucked in the head not caring about the bodies they leave on their wake. You're pretty much walking into this one, huh? The car swerved down a corner as you recognized the old part of town as many more police vehicles converged to travel as one unit.

"What's the situation?" You asked the cop up front.

"Another death. We're going to the scene now. The culprit may be nearby still," the officer muttered in a daze.

Rider reappeared by your side and kicked his seat, "Eyes on the road, boy."

"Yes ma'am!" The cop choked.

This was going to be a long night.


The scene was more gruesome than you could describe. You endured the crawling feeling in your stomach before you stepped past the yellow tape as Rider observed you from afar. You walked past the forensic team while avoiding getting your DNA anywhere. That would be bad.

"Female. About 20 to 25 years old," you murmured as you observed the lacerations to the neck... Or what's left of it, "Drained just like the others."

Rider hovered by your side before speaking, "Well. What now?"

"They're close by," you managed to say with a narrowed look to the alleys.

"It's a maze in there. Perfect for an ambush from the dark," Rider noted as she crossed her arms, "I can feel the faint presence of a Servant."

"But no sign of the Master, huh?" You grimaced as you looked up the sky as it started to snow.

"Any idea on what class we're up against?" Rider sighed as she fluffed up her coat.

"Assassin," that much you were sure of at the very least. One that preys in the flesh and blood of young women at least.

"What's your plan?" Rider asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What Noble Phantasms can you use?" You frowned as you crossed your arms.

"My eyes and my sword," Rider replied through your mind.

Brie the Stray Master wants a Quiet Life
[] You'll be bait. If it's who you think it is then they'll definitely come for you. Rider should hang back until you bring her to prime striking zone for a Noble Phantasm.
[] Send in Medb's Celtic Warriors and swarm the place. Flush out the Servant and draw them out into the open where you could have a proper fight.
[] Ask Medb to utilize one of her more destructive Noble Phantasms and turn the place into a crater. Ruler's going to get you later but better safe than sorry.
[] Write in...
Bloody Tears
[] Send in Medb's Celtic Warriors and swarm the place. Flush out the Servant and draw them out into the open where you could have a proper fight.

"Rider send the police elsewhere. Get them to cordon off the area," you ordered as you walked away from the crime scene. Medb smiled as she snapped her fingers and every single man on site turned to look at her.

"You heard the girl. Create a perimeter and make sure no one gets out or gets in," Rider ordered with a sweep of her hands. The officers saluted at once before moving.

"Can you carry me to a good vantage point?" You asked her with an embarassed look.

"My, my, someone's on a roll today. Aren't I supposed to be the one to be carried?" Rider hummed as she leaned on your shoulder.

"I'll go find a ladder then," you quickly said before you were grabbed by the back of your clothes. Rider picked you up and carried you in her arms before jumping.

You tried not to yelp as you held on before she landed on the rooftop. She huffed before dropping you like a sack of bricks.

"Don't mess with a Queen, girl," she smirked as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Oh you're just lovely, your Majesty" you scoffed as you slowly got up and got a good view of the old buildings lining up an entire section of the city.

The older things were, the more stupid it got. This was fairly old portion of the city, it's had its fair share of bloodshed and deaths from muggings and overdoses. It shouldn't come as a surprise to sense spirits nearby.

But these specters were attracted to energy similar to their own. You could sense then gathering over the newly slain soul now bound to this place. Just something more magecraft leaves in its wake given a servant was just another product of it.

"So what's your idea?" Rider asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I need you to summon your Warriors. Not just the infantrymen but more... Flexible ones. Preferably more of the magic variety," you requested as you placed a hand on your hip.

"Nice of you to add some spice in your life," Rider said as she took out her small knife, "A couple of Druids it is. Anything else?"

"After that I want your Warriors to make a sweep of the area. Leave no stone unturned," you requested as the Druids manifested behind you holding wooden staffs, "Now what can these two do?"

"Anything within their repertoire," Rider vaguely hummed as she crossed her arms.

"We do as the Queen commands."
"We do as the Queen commands."

"Then can they make individuals with no magic resistance fall asleep? I don't want any interference from the residents," you asked with a raised eyebrow.

"They should. If they disappoint me, they kill themselves," Rider smiled as she glanced at the Druids before they started chanting.

Rider stepped to the edge of the roof and left her blood in the air, letting them hit the ground as men crawled out from it. Armored Celtic Warriors dragged themselves into existence before charging forth into the maze of alleys.

A purple smog left the Druids beside you and moved to slither through the air and encompass the area in a thick curtain. Visibility became low but it carried with it the effect of dragging non-magi into slumber. Runes... They were using runes to perform their magecraft.

You could feel a slight drain in your energy reserves, your Od so to speak but you can handle it. The Warriors swarmed through alleys and streets, peering through stores as the Druids' magic took down anyone that might be up and wandering about.

"If anything I should be learning magecraft from these guys," you breathed as you glanced at the Druids chanting under their breath.

"Good luck. They're only subservient to me and they're not all that smart," Rider explained as she walked to a Druid and used him as a something to lean on, "They're constructs with no wills of their own. They can't teach you anything useful. Just treat them like tools... Really really useful tools."

"Gosh I forget that you're fucked in the head sometimes," you replied with a resigned look.

"What's that supposed to mean, huh?!" Rider growled as she twisted your ear.

"Ow, ow, ow, stop it! Ouch! You have Servant strength! You're not a fragile lady!" You yelped as you tried escaping.

It was then you both tensed as the air grew still. You moved to embrace Rider before she dodged out of the way. Something colored on rust and gold flashed by an opened, slamming shut a moment later upon crushing a Druid within it.

Rider slid on the ground and kept a tight hold on you. She smelled good... Gah! Not the time! Dammit, Medb, get your pheromones on control! You stared at the Druid where it once stood as blood seeped out of what looked like a torture device.

An Iron Maiden.

"Protect us!" Rider ordered as the remaining Druid drew a rune which cause the wind to twist and spread out.

However the mysterious assailant didn't target you but the Druid himself. A flash of red swung her staff in a slashing motion before ripping through the Druid's body in one blow.

Rider still held the rune that was cast on the two of you which gave her the chance to jump away over to the next building. She landed in a slide as you both kept your eyes on the person responsible for the ambush.

"There she is," Rider whispered as she set you down.

"She must have wanted to cut the snake by its head, huh?" You growled as you held your stomach, "Aren't you a bit eager, Assassin?"

Assassin turned to face you, her eyes hidden behind her mask but even then you could tell that her features were beautiful. She was similar to that of a gray ghost, melancholic and sorrowful, only for the image to be ruined by the intense lust for blood coming from her.

She wore a dress that could contest Medb's outfit on a good day. Her skin was pale, too pale to be healthy but still beautiful. She carried with her an eerie aura of being there in your vision but not truly alive.

"It was only a matter of time until someone noticed, it would seem," Assassin said as she turned your way, "My, my... Such a Young Master too. Beautiful and youthful. I suppose I can count my lucky stars for meeting you tonight."

"You speak as if the girl were to be yours, Assassin," Rider said as she leaned on your shoulder, "Unfortunately she's mine."

You won't argue that. Not in this situation. Rider held up her hand and snapped it, no doubt dispelling the existence of the soldiers wandering through the streets.

"I was merely planning on partaking on one meal tonight. But for your Master, I will make an exception," Assassin said with a smile on her face, "The War has yet to truly start... But taking you out would be a boon for my future."

The war hadn't started yet? Kotomine didn't mention that bit.

"Wait, the war hasn't started yet? But haven't there been clashes already?" Rider asked with a frown.

"The last Class Saber has yet to appear. Why do you think the other Masters have been quiet, Stray Master?" Assassin hissed as she held her staff up high.

"I see. So that's how it is," you breathed as you got up, "Even then, your rampant killing must be stopped, Assassin. Start of the war or no, your Master should hold on to your leash."

Assassin grit her teeth as she gathered her power, "You know nothing of my Master's circumstances. I'll crush you."

You winced as you stepped back before Rider placed a hand on your shoulder. She walked past you and got between you and Assassin.

"Rider, can you handle this?" You asked with a shaky breath.

"Well then. Let's see!" Rider declared as she summoned her riding crop while Assassin bared her fangs.


Bloody Tears

[] Have Rider use her mobility to her advantage. Hit and run tactics. Focus on evasion and counters!
[] Utilize Medb's abilities. Summon an entire company of warriors to support her.
[] Fuck it! Tell Medb to blow everything up! Don't hold back! You'll apologize to Ruler later, turn this place into a crater!
[] Run away from this rooftops. Get to an open area. You need terrain advantage. You'll run while Rider lured Assassin away.
[] Write in...


Use Mystic Code?
[] Yes
-[] Enhance Rider's Attack
-[] Provide First Aid Healing!
-[] Grant Rider invincibility for a moment!
[] No.
Last edited:
[] Have Rider use her mobility to her advantage. Hit and run tactics. Focus on evasion and counters!
-[] Keep moving while she fights, Assassin will probably try to bypass her and target you directly so be ready and keep distance.
[] No.

"Rider don't get hit!" You snapped as you dashed away while Rider moved forward.

The Servant shot towards your foe before coming to a halt and jumping away. Blood danced in the air as Assassin swept the air with her staff. Assassin's eyes followed your servant as you got away, only to turn towards you.

Rider used this chance to dart forward and strike Assassin on the side, her riding crop leaving a trail of pink light as she swept it. That was enough to make Assassin turn to her and summon another iron maiden. Rider managed to avoid getting caught before Assassin clicked her tongue.

"Insolent whore. Your suffering be made into a symphony for my abode," Assassin hissed as she fell down into a pool of blood.

Rider's eyes widened as she turned towards you, "Brie!"

Blood surged beside you as Assassin swung her staff your way. Seeing it come, you managed to duck low and avoid her claws as she reached for you.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" You snapped as she swung her staff as it unleashed bolts of darkness your way.

Holding out your hand you roared, "I am the cliffs at World's end! Ignition!"

Your barrier of light manifested before you stopped and rolled to the side avoid one bolt, leaving another to swing your way. Pouring more energy into your body, your circuits flared as you cried out.

"More! Layer!" You screamed as the three barriers converged and took the brunt of the bolt, "Rider, get ready!"

Behind you Assassin loomed but your words caught her by surprise. She vanished just as Rider swung her riding crop down where your foe was. She was fast!

"Rider! Carry me!" You ordered as your servant didn't move away and instead grabbed hold of you and jumped.

Blood reached out towards you both before Rider swept her heel and destroyed it with a kick. She landed a few feet away just as Assassin reappeared with her back turned to the two of you.

"She can teleport. That's just cute," you breathed as you kept your shield up.

"Slippery eels. I'll pin you down soon enough," Assassin hissed as she raised her staff to launch bolts of blood towards you two.

Your circuits flared as you stepped past Rider and held your ground, "Rider support me!"

"On it!" Medb replied as she dashed to the side while you held against the barrage of blood bullets. Your shields shattered upon increased abuse before you were thrown backwards.

Hitting the floor, you rolled and tumbled before stopping as you raised your head to see Rider moving in on Assassin. She wasn't engaging in a straight up brawl but utilizing her speed to her advantage. She wasn't particularly strong or durable but as long as she was fast enough.

Assassin was being struck as Medb turned into a trail of pink light striking her from all sides. Assassin was fast but she couldn't match Medb on her top speed. If they were cars, she'd had to match Medb's speed with her acceleration to catch up or else they won't meet.

"Rider pull back!" You ordered as Medb jumped upwards.

Blood spikes shot up from the ground before Rider landed on the edge of the roof. Assassin had more range up here. Rider won't be able to move as much. You grit your teeth as you had your back on the edge too.

"It'll take more than your slaps to truly hurt me, you dirty whore," Assassin snarled as blood danced in the air to form according to her will, "Your blood won't even be enough to satisfy hell's damned!"

"Rider, on my signal you hit her with something painful," you thought as your Servant simply smiled.

"Come then, Assassin," Rider smirked as she waved her riding crop, "I'll make sure you behave. Bad girls need to be punished."

Assassin narrowed her gaze before launching her spikes as Rider dodged through them. She was doing well, you need to get close before Assassin looked your way. Oh shit, not good!

You dived into the ground to avoid being skewered before you gasped for breath. Rider was closing in while you got up.

"What a foolish pair, I'll end you here!" Assassin snapped as she raised her staff, "Phantasmal Iron Maiden(Phantom Maiden)!"


"To think we'd push you this far! How low have you fallen, Elizabeth Bathory!" You declared out loud before Assassin could deploy her Noble Phantasm.

Her eyes widened and her body froze for a moment, disbelief filling her face behind her mask.

"What... Did you call me?" Assassin whispered.

"Rider, do it!" You ordered as Medb jumped into the air.

She twisted once and swung her foot straight down at the dumbstruck Servant.

"Rider Kick!" Medb cried out as she slammed her leg into Assassin's body so hard, the latter's body shot straight through the building you were all on and crashed through several floors.

Her body blew through the walls and windows to land on the street below. Medb landed on her feet before smiling and throwing up a peace sign.

"Hah! How's that, Master?" Medb grinned as you gave her a flat look.

[] "Rider kick. Really? You wanna get sued, Rider? You know for someone who hates cheese, that was pretty fucking cheesy."
[] "Oh I'm big impressed. Very cool. You should get a mask too. Something Cheese based. What do you think, your Majesty?"
[] "Jesus Christ how hard did you kick her?! Does your strength go up a Rank when you're being a goofball?! Oh wow she's not moving is she?"
[] "I'm trying my best not to collapse here. My legs feel like jelly and I need to go to a toilet soon. My stomach can't handle this. This is too intense..."
[] "Rider! Get your druids! I want that bitch dead! Always double tap! Burn her pronto while she's down!"