Votes closed
Adhoc vote count started by AnonymousRabbit on Nov 17, 2019 at 3:11 AM, finished with 7 posts and 3 votes.

  • [x] Magic... Servants... Stats... Wait, were you missing something? Think... Think! Oh shit here she comes!
    [X] Jump. You're not letting her get the satisfaction of killing you.
    [x] Magic... Servants... Stats... Wait, were you missing something? Think... Think! Oh shit here she comes!
[] Magic... Servants... Stats... Wait, were you missing something? Think... Think! Oh shit here she comes!

How did you know these things? What... Where did they even come from? You turned to see her come for you, riding crop ready to blow you to bloody chunks. The back of your left hand began to itch hard as you stepped back.

You nearly tripped and fell down to the pavement. The Servant was coming for you before a strangled cry left your throat. What were... You missing?

"Fuck!" You cried out as your right arm burned bright and a floating wall appeared. A wall of light which promptly shattered from Medb's strength but softened the blow of her below average strength.

You flew and slammed back first into a wall. Your right side was dead.

These things behind your left hand. They were Tattoos?(Command Seals)

"Gotcha now, Stray Master!" Medb sneered as she came for you.

You... A Maste-



You: 1
Medb: 2


It was 2am.

You jerked up from your desk and found yourself in a classroom. It was dark. No one was around.

Everyone else... Must have gone home. Looking at your watch, it was indeed 2am. Then... You did die. You died. That was the second time you died.

"What the fuck is going on?" You choked as you held your neck where you distinctly remember inhuman strength striking across it.

Think... Servants... They were... They were Spirits. Heroic Spirits. No, no, it wasn't just limited to Heroes too. Anti-Heroes and the like were also among their ranks. Servants had... Seven classes. Right.

They were for... What they were for?

You looked down your left hand. Burning red Tattoos lingered on your flesh as if it had been branded on you. You... Were a Master. Were you?

Servants worked with Masters... Yeah. Then what the fuck was this nightmare scenario? Why were you time looping while getting killed by a murderous Queen of Connacht?

"Was this some sort of sick joke?" You asked yourself as you stood up before you tensed. You looked at the door and heard footsteps... Down the hall.

It's her. It's fucking Medb-chan.

Sniffing the air, you looked down to your side to find a bag. You opened it up and there was a block of hard cheese on it. This can't be real. You killed her once but what good will killing her again? You need more... More memories.

"God... I actually killed a Servant. No. That shouldn't be possible," you murmured as you slung the bag over your shoulder.

She was in the school... Whatever school this was...

Opening the door, you crept out into the hall and closed it. The red Tattoos on your left hand continued to sting forcing you to hold it.

Medb wasn't in the hall you were in but she was nearby. There had to be some sort of condition to survive a loop... Killing Medb wasn't the condition for one.

God she was so annoying.

This must be a special sort of Hell.

What do?

[] Fight. Gather materials for a Slingshot. Reenacting her death will only guarantee your survival.
[] Hide. You need more time to think. You feel like the solution is here with your mind. Something's wrong.
[] Run Away Very Fast. Fuck this and fuck her. You're fucking booking it.
[X] Hide. You need more time to think. You feel like the solution is here with your mind. Something's wrong.
[X] Hide. You need more time to think. You feel like the solution is here with your mind. Something's wrong.
[X] Hide. You need more time to think. You feel like the solution is here with your mind. Something's wrong.
[] Hide. You need more time to think. You feel like the solution is here with your mind. Something's wrong.

Fuck it. You're not dealing with this.

You kept low and crouched walked your way from the spot you were at. She couldn't sense you. She didn't have that kind of ability in her kit. So you should be safe, right?

The quiet and respite you have has given you more time to think than before. You could really use some food right now. That Cheesecake Factory had some really good stuff before you trashed it hard. Moving to a Chem Lab allowed you to stay out of the halls.

Shutting the door, you sighed as you looked down your hand. You weren't dreaming. That's a Command Seal right there. Except while you did know what it was, you're not sure what it's for or how it came to your person.

It has to be for reining in Servants yes, but... For something. If Magic is involved... No, Magecraft. Yes, that's the term for it. Right... Servants are gathered and then... They're made to do something. They're strong so they must be summoned for combat purposes?


Your spine shuddered as you felt the presence of... Something outside the window. Your eyes widened once you saw a person in armor. A tall bearded man ripped with muscles beneath his armor. His eyes were blank as he looked through the window, a soulless expression but his purpose was clear as day.

He was looking for you.


Your enemy was Medb, Queen of Connacht, the Eternal Lady, Miss-Got-Killed-By-Cheese.

Mother of Warriors. It's a part of her ability to summon-

Wait. How'd you know that? Why do you know so much about her?

You hid behind table and hugged the bag you had in your arms. This wasn't a normal world. Nothing here made sense. Your deaths and revivals made no sense... But one thing's clear was that you were caught up in something that robbed you of your memories and threw you here.

You need to do something about that bitch.



Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no... That guy did not just walk in the room. You crawled beneath the table as the Celtic Warrior wandered the room. He must have noticed something.

You looked at the nearby door and grimaced. You can make it but you're sure as hell were going to be chased... But there were some implements here. Maybe you can use them.

What do?

[] Remain Hidden. You're too much of a coward to do anything. You're letting that guy wander until he leaves.
[] Run fast. A guy in full armor wasn't going to catch you! He's no Servant! Book it now!
[] Take him down. The supply closet has some rope in it. You can take him out... You think?
[] Charge the Celtic Warrior. You have that light thing going on. Magecraft! You don't know how you did it but you can use it as a shield to steal his spear!
[x] Charge the Celtic Warrior. You have that light thing going on. Magecraft! You don't know how you did it but you can use it as a shield to steal his spear!
[x] Run fast. A guy in full armor wasn't going to catch you! He's no Servant! Book it now!
...bearded? At first I was thinking it was good ol' Brock, but... original f/z concept of Fionn?

[] Charge the Celtic Warrior. You have that light thing going on. Magecraft! You don't know how you did it but you can use it as a shield to steal his spear!

yolo. Except... like not at all, actually.
[x] Charge the Celtic Warrior. You have that light thing going on. Magecraft! You don't know how you did it but you can use it as a shield to steal his spear!
[x] Charge the Celtic Warrior. You have that light thing going on. Magecraft! You don't know how you did it but you can use it as a shield to steal his spear!
Votes closed
Adhoc vote count started by AnonymousRabbit on Nov 17, 2019 at 9:13 AM, finished with 7 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] Charge the Celtic Warrior. You have that light thing going on. Magecraft! You don't know how you did it but you can use it as a shield to steal his spear!
    [x] Run fast. A guy in full armor wasn't going to catch you! He's no Servant! Book it now!
    [X] Remain Hidden. You're too much of a coward to do anything. You're letting that guy wander until he leaves.
Waking From the Dream
[] Charge the Celtic Warrior. You have that light thing going on. Magecraft! You don't know how you did it but you can use it as a shield to steal his spear!

This was stupid. You're annoyed and bitter but if death held little value here then fuck it. You're gonna do it. Rolling out of your hiding spot immediately caught the Warrior's attention as you swung your bag at him.

The Warrior's reflexes forced him to swat it out of the air as you put your entire weight into your charge. He was strong but not as stupidly strong as a servant. You charged him as he swung his spear at you.

Shit here it comes!

Something trailed within your body as a wall of light manifested to your side and kept the spear from reaching you. Between these chairs there was no way for him to dodge so you smashed all 86kg of you straight into his chest before knocking him down.

There was a loud clanging noise before you held him down for a split second and punching him, the sound of flesh striking flesh echoing all around. You grabbed his spear and wrenched it out of his grasp.

Turning it as if it was second nature to you, you then plunged it down between the gap of his armor. You pulled and stabbed again, this time right on his neck before you staggered back.

Your shoulder was sore but you sucked it up.

She knew you were here. You grabbed the bag and picked up the bloody spear. Adrenaline pumped into your veins as you turned and went out the broken window Mr. Stabby went through.

You used the spear as a walking stick before carried it with both hands. It was old and unwieldy, a testament of the time it was made but fuck was it heavy. Your boldly arms could barely hold it up. You ran down the side of the school building as the moon shined above.

Running to the back you found a ladder which you quickly used to climb. You need to relocate before that crazy bitch found you. You climbed higher until you got to the rooftop and caught your breath.

Magecraft... Was it some sort of spell that activated when you were in danger?

Did you cast it? You can't remember. Why can't you remember anything?!

You ran towards the door leading back to the building when it suddenly opened. Men poured out like a raging flood. You stopped and slid to a halt before turning to the side and running for it.

More Celts! Just great!

You ran with your spear in hand before you saw one climb up the edge you were coming close to. You rammed the spear into his face before he fell down.

You turned to see the Warriors howl as they have chase.

There was so many. Holy shit. Five chased you, then they turned to a dozen, then a hundred, several hundred, they multiplied faster than you can count. They were chasing you down as you ran through the school.

Warriors bigger, stronger and faster than you were howled as you grunted while running across the football field. You looked ahead and you saw her.

Standing with that stupid smug smile she had.

It's Medb-chan.

You tripped and fell face first into the ground. You grunted as you opened your bag and took out the hard cheese and bit into it as you were skewered.






Spears and pikes and swords thrust through your body, keeping you in place. A hundred people gathered around as they held you down...

It hurt.

But you were alive still.

She walked towards you with that stupid smile... Her beauty was akin to a cruel Goddess as the light of the moon touched her skin. She was the Servant sent to kill you and you've never loathed someone so much...

The swords and spears were ripped out of your form before leaving you to kneel before her.

"I win this time, Stray Master-"

You spat the cheese in your mouth straight into her eyes. You took a broken glass you had in your pocket and slashed her throat while she was reeling.

She hissed as she held her throat as it bled, grabbing your own, "Oh? You little... You think you can Win the Grail like that?!"

"Fuck... You," you laughed as you flipped her off before-


You: 2
Medb: 2


It was 2am... And you've had a hard night.

Your mind was starting to regain some semblance of consistency. You were running down the street again. Running from her. She was coming for you again but you think you had an idea now.

Having that many Celtic Warriors wasn't possible without a huge amount resources being consumed. Not only that but you can hurt her even if you exploit her deathly weakness.

This world... Wasn't real.

And you were trapped here with the intended purposes of being killed over and over without ever finding a way out. Not only that but Medb herself was an anomaly.

Your footsteps slowly came to a halt as you turned to see an iron Chariot coming for you. It was world so fake it hurt to look at the inconsistencies.

The Grail War. It's all because of that thing that you're in this situation.

The chariot thundered towards you before you rolled out of the way. You're not going to be roadkill anytime soon. It soon came to a halt before someone stepped out of the carriage.

"Done running, Stray Master?" Medb scoffed as she held her riding crop.

"I'm tired. So why don't we skip the preamble and start this show for real," you growled as you held up your Command Seals.

"And you'll fight with what servant?" Medb asked with a sneer.

"This one," you replied as you spent the Seal. That's right... You'll just have to call her name and she'll be here.

Though knowing her, it's probably her fault that you're here. You're going to interrogate her but for now...

Waking From the Dream
[] "By the power of my Command Seal, come forth! Get your ass in here, Rider!"
[] "You're no Queen. You're an unflattering imitation. With this Command Seal, I'll summon her! You've spent the time watching so come on out already, Rider!"
[] "Time to work, you Fluffy Tyrant! Your Caretaker's in big trouble already so help me out! I'll spend this Command Seal so you better be useful for once, Rider!"
[x] "You're no Queen. You're an unflattering imitation. With this Command Seal, I'll summon her! You've spent the time watching so come on out already, Rider!"
[X] "Time to work, you Fluffy Tyrant! Your Caretaker's in big trouble already so help me out! I'll spend this Command Seal so you better be useful for once, Rider!"
[X] "You're no Queen. You're an unflattering imitation. With this Command Seal, I'll summon her! You've spent the time watching so come on out already, Rider!"
[X] "You're no Queen. You're an unflattering imitation. With this Command Seal, I'll summon her! You've spent the time watching so come on out already, Rider!"
Dunno who this is but I'm betting it on being Scathach.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by AnonymousRabbit on Nov 17, 2019 at 11:54 AM, finished with 5 posts and 4 votes.

  • [x] "You're no Queen. You're an unflattering imitation. With this Command Seal, I'll summon her! You've spent the time watching so come on out already, Rider!"
    [X] "Time to work, you Fluffy Tyrant! Your Caretaker's in big trouble already so help me out! I'll spend this Command Seal so you better be useful for once, Rider!"