Though it'll probably take a lot of stretching to explain why this Shirou can trace noble phantasms.

Originally it was because of the combination of Element: Sword, Origin: Sword, extremely heavy practice of Structural Analysis and botching Projection. All in all a one in a billion shot.

How the hell is whatever our element/origin is suited for recreating noble phantasms.

Think of it as a more broad approach: as an Incarnate of Knowledge Shirou can learn about NPs by seeing them with Structural Analysis, store the information in the mindscape and recall them with absolute accuracy. The Element of Tool makes it easier to replicate them thanks to its broad applications.

In practice Tracing will probably be a combination of Structural Analysis and Projection like before, but with a bit more Warp fuckery to fill in the gaps and make this actually possible.

TL;DR we can still trace because we still have an Incarnation to help and because Magnus is bullshit.
Think of it as a more broad approach: as an Incarnate of Knowledge Shirou can learn about NPs by seeing them with Structural Analysis, store the information in the mindscape and recall them with absolute accuracy. The Element of Tool makes it easier to replicate them thanks to its broad applications.

In practice Tracing will probably be a combination of Structural Analysis and Projection like before, but with a bit more Warp fuckery to fill in the gaps and make this actually possible.

TL;DR we can still trace because we still have an Incarnation to help and because Magnus is bullshit.
not Magnus bullshit, everything he does is perfectly plausable, if you're a F^@(ing Daemon Primarch that is
Month two

This is your second month with Kiritsugu, you have met new people and have made freinds with some of them and made enemies with others

Martial (Pick two)
[] Practice Archery: In that little test with Magnus he discovered that you were a natural marksmen, your skill in the physical realm is also impressive so it is not just in your mindscape where you are skilled
[] Practice with Dagger: While it was not up to scratch with your skill in the bow and arrow you were still skilled enough for Magnus to commend you on it. Perhaps you would get better with making your body attuned to it more, also it would be better to practice something other than archer
[] Practice with Staff: Your weakest out of the three weapons you tested, perhaps it is time to change that or start to change that as you can turn this weakness into a strength, with enough practice that is.
[] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better
[] Familiarize yourself with Fuyuki city: perhaps by chance there is someone from your past here you can reconnect with, though you are unsure of how such a incident would go down.
[] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[] Spend time with Rin: while the girl is bossy and rude at times underneath what she really needs is a friend that can sympathise and understand her pain, perhaps you could be that friend.
-[] Spend time with Issei Ryoudou: the only normal person you've met so far, perhaps it would be best to hang a round him for a bit
-[] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.
-[] Make more friends: perhaps you should go and try to make more friends

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.
[]Write in

Intrigue (Pick Two)
[] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
[] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.
[] write in

Learning (Pick three)
[] Divination: according to Magnus you are ready to begin the more advanced part of this, though you suspect this will be more advance but not all there is too it.
[] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still mroe weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.
[] Spire of Propero: There is an even better Library to use inside of your mind if you wish, just don't get lost in all of the knowledge and forget to wake up otherwise Kiritsugu might get worried.


Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.
[]Attempt to contact the Godslayer: This will be difficult and may wind up bad for both yourself and Shirou as both of you could be affected by this, but perhaps having someone from the age of Gods in your debt will be worth the risks.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction
[] Organise Shirou's mindscape: It might be better if you added a few more things in her

Intrigue Options (Pick one)

[] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.
[] Discover Shirou's elelemnt and Origin: You should convince Kiritsugu, but you can also do it on your own, this will be crucial into steering Shirou in the path most suited to him (unlocks event)
[] Invesitage the Church: The Magus there is adangerous and Evil perhaps you should learn more about him so you can best deal with him

Learning (Pick two)

[] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[] Gaze into the Future: You already have gazed into the future, but doing so you can still ensure events come to pass as you envisioned them.
[] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.
[] Learn about the Children of the Moon: you already have learned about their basic history and nature, perhaps you should learn about those of them who still walk this replica of ancient Terra earth. IT could help with that long term project of making SHirou encounter one
Martial (Pick two)
[x] Practice Archery: In that little test with Magnus he discovered that you were a natural marksmen, your skill in the physical realm is also impressive so it is not just in your mindscape where you are skilled
[x] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[x] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better

[x] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[x] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[x] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[x] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[x] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
free [x] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[x] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
[x] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.

Learning (Pick three)
[x] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[x] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[x] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[x] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still mroe weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.


Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[x]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[x] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)
[x] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.

Learning (Pick two)

[x] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[x] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.
Martial (Pick two)
[x] Practice Archery: In that little test with Magnus he discovered that you were a natural marksmen, your skill in the physical realm is also impressive so it is not just in your mindscape where you are skilled
[x] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[x] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better

[x] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[x] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[x] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[x] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[x] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
free [x] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[x] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
[x] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.

Learning (Pick three)
[x] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[x] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[x] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[x] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still mroe weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.


Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[x]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[x] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)
[x] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.

Learning (Pick two)

[x] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[x] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.
Martial (Pick two)
[X] Practice with Dagger: While it was not up to scratch with your skill in the bow and arrow you were still skilled enough for Magnus to commend you on it. Perhaps you would get better with making your body attuned to it more, also it would be better to practice something other than archer
[x] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[x] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better

[x] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[x] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[x] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[x] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[x] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
free [x] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[x] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
[x] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.

Learning (Pick three)
[x] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[x] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[x] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[x] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still mroe weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.


Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[x]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[x] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)
[x] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.

Learning (Pick two)

[x] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[x] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.
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Martial (Pick two)
[x] Practice Archery: In that little test with Magnus he discovered that you were a natural marksmen, your skill in the physical realm is also impressive so it is not just in your mindscape where you are skilled
[x] Practice with Dagger: While it was not up to scratch with your skill in the bow and arrow you were still skilled enough for Magnus to commend you on it. Perhaps you would get better with making your body attuned to it more, also it would be better to practice something other than archer

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[x] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better

[x] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[x] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[x] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[x] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[x] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
free [x] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[x] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
[x] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.

Learning (Pick three)
[x] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[x] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[x] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[x] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still more weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.


Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[x]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[x] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)
[x] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.

Learning (Pick two)

[x] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[x] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.
[X] Practice Archery: In that little test with Magnus he discovered that you were a natural marksmen, your skill in the physical realm is also impressive so it is not just in your mindscape where you are skilled
[X] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?
[X] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[X] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[X] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.
[X] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[X] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.
[X] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[X] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
-[X] Tohsaka Residence
[X] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.
[X] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[X] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[X] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.
[X] Spire of Propero: There is an even better Library to use inside of your mind if you wish, just don't get lost in all of the knowledge and forget to wake up otherwise Kiritsugu might get worried.

[X]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.
[X] Organise Shirou's mindscape: It might be better if you added a few more things in her

[X] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.
[X] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be

[X] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.

Lots of Sakura synergy here.
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This is your second month with Kiritsugu, you have met new people and have made freinds with some of them and made enemies with others

Martial (Pick two)
[X] Practice with Dagger: While it was not up to scratch with your skill in the bow and arrow you were still skilled enough for Magnus to commend you on it. Perhaps you would get better with making your body attuned to it more, also it would be better to practice something other than archer
[X] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[X] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better
[X] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[X] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[X] Spend time with Rin: while the girl is bossy and rude at times underneath what she really needs is a friend that can sympathise and understand her pain, perhaps you could be that friend.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[X] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[X] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
free[X] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[X] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it) {Tohsaka Residence]

Learning (Pick three)
[X] Divination: according to Magnus you are ready to begin the more advanced part of this, though you suspect this will be more advance but not all there is too it.
[X] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[X] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[X] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still mroe weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.


Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[X]Attempt to contact the Godslayer: This will be difficult and may wind up bad for both yourself and Shirou as both of you could be affected by this, but perhaps having someone from the age of Gods in your debt will be worth the risks.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[X] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)

[X] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.
[X] Discover Shirou's elelemnt and Origin: You should convince Kiritsugu, but you can also do it on your own, this will be crucial into steering Shirou in the path most suited to him (unlocks event)

Learning (Pick two)

[X] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.
[X] Learn about the Children of the Moon: you already have learned about their basic history and nature, perhaps you should learn about those of them who still walk this replica of ancient Terra earth. IT could help with that long term project of making SHirou encounter one
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Martial (Pick two)
[X] Practice with Dagger: While it was not up to scratch with your skill in the bow and arrow you were still skilled enough for Magnus to commend you on it. Perhaps you would get better with making your body attuned to it more, also it would be better to practice something other than archer
[X] Practice with Staff: Your weakest out of the three weapons you tested, perhaps it is time to change that or start to change that as you can turn this weakness into a strength, with enough practice that is.

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[X] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better
[X] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[X] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[X] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[X] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[X] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
[X] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[X] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
[X] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.

Learning (Pick three)
[X] Divination: according to Magnus you are ready to begin the more advanced part of this, though you suspect this will be more advance but not all there is too it.
[X] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[X] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[X] Spire of Propero: There is an even better Library to use inside of your mind if you wish, just don't get lost in all of the knowledge and forget to wake up otherwise Kiritsugu might get worried.

Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[X]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[X] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)
[X] Discover Shirou's elelemnt and Origin: You should convince Kiritsugu, but you can also do it on your own, this will be crucial into steering Shirou in the path most suited to him (unlocks event)

Learning (Pick two)
[X] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[X] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.
Last edited:
Martial (Pick two)
[X] Practice Archery: In that little test with Magnus he discovered that you were a natural marksmen, your skill in the physical realm is also impressive so it is not just in your mindscape where you are skilled
[X] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[X] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better
[X] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[X] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[X] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[X] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[X] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
[X] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[X] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
[X] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.

Learning (Pick three)
[X] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[X] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[X] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[X] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still mroe weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.


Diplomacy (Pick one)
[X]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[X] Organise Shirou's mindscape: It might be better if you added a few more things in her

Intrigue Options (Pick one)

[X] Discover Shirou's elelemnt and Origin: You should convince Kiritsugu, but you can also do it on your own, this will be crucial into steering Shirou in the path most suited to him (unlocks event)

Learning (Pick two)

[X] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[X] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.

Martial (Pick two)

[X] Practice with Dagger: While it was not up to scratch with your skill in the bow and arrow you were still skilled enough for Magnus to commend you on it. Perhaps you would get better with making your body attuned to it more, also it would be better to practice something other than archer
[x] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[x] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better

[x] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[x] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[x] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[x] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[x] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
free [x] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[x] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (Ryuudo Temple)
[x] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.

Learning (Pick three)
[x] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[x] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[x] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[x] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still mroe weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.


Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[x]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[x] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)
[x] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.

Learning (Pick two)

[x] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[x] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.
Last edited:
[x] Practice Archery: In that little test with Magnus he discovered that you were a natural marksmen, your skill in the physical realm is also impressive so it is not just in your mindscape where you are skilled
[x] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?
[x] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better
[x] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[x] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[x] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.
[x] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[x] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.
free [x] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[x] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
-[x] Tohsaka Residence
[x] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.
[x] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[x] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[x] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.
[X] Spire of Propero: There is an even better Library to use inside of your mind if you wish, just don't get lost in all of the knowledge and forget to wake up otherwise Kiritsugu might get worried.
[X]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.
[X] Organise Shirou's mindscape: It might be better if you added a few more things in her
[X] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.
[X] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[X] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.
@M3lk0r Here is the tally so far.

Plan edboy49:


Martial (Pick two)
[x] Practice Archery: In that little test with Magnus he discovered that you were a natural marksmen, your skill in the physical realm is also impressive so it is not just in your mindscape where you are skilled
[x] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[x] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better

[x] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[x] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[x] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[x] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[x] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
free [x] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[x] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
[x] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.

Learning (Pick three)
[x] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[x] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[x] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[x] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still mroe weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.


Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[x]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[x] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)
[x] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.

Learning (Pick two)
[x] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[x] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.


Plan Red Bovine:


Martial (Pick two)
[X] Practice with Dagger: While it was not up to scratch with your skill in the bow and arrow you were still skilled enough for Magnus to commend you on it. Perhaps you would get better with making your body attuned to it more, also it would be better to practice something other than archer
[x] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[x] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better

[x] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[x] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[x] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[x] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[x] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
free [x] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[x] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
[x] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.

Learning (Pick three)
[x] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[x] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[x] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[x] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still mroe weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.


Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[x]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[x] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)
[x] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.

Learning (Pick two)
[x] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[x] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.

Votes: 2

Plan Aburg7:


Martial (Pick two)
[X] Practice with Dagger: While it was not up to scratch with your skill in the bow and arrow you were still skilled enough for Magnus to commend you on it. Perhaps you would get better with making your body attuned to it more, also it would be better to practice something other than archer
[X] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[X] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better
[X] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[X] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[X] Spend time with Rin: while the girl is bossy and rude at times underneath what she really needs is a friend that can sympathise and understand her pain, perhaps you could be that friend.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[X] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[X] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
free[X] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[X] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it) {Tohsaka Residence]

Learning (Pick three)
[X] Divination: according to Magnus you are ready to begin the more advanced part of this, though you suspect this will be more advance but not all there is too it.
[X] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[X] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[X] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still mroe weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.


Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[X]Attempt to contact the Godslayer: This will be difficult and may wind up bad for both yourself and Shirou as both of you could be affected by this, but perhaps having someone from the age of Gods in your debt will be worth the risks.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[X] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)

[X] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.
[X] Discover Shirou's elelemnt and Origin: You should convince Kiritsugu, but you can also do it on your own, this will be crucial into steering Shirou in the path most suited to him (unlocks event)

Learning (Pick two)
[X] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.
[X] Learn about the Children of the Moon: you already have learned about their basic history and nature, perhaps you should learn about those of them who still walk this replica of ancient Terra earth. IT could help with that long term project of making SHirou encounter one

Votes: 1

Plan ShadowNic94:


Martial (Pick two)
[X] Practice with Dagger: While it was not up to scratch with your skill in the bow and arrow you were still skilled enough for Magnus to commend you on it. Perhaps you would get better with making your body attuned to it more, also it would be better to practice something other than archer
[X] Practice with Staff: Your weakest out of the three weapons you tested, perhaps it is time to change that or start to change that as you can turn this weakness into a strength, with enough practice that is.

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[X] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better
[X] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[X] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[X] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[X] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[X] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
[X] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[X] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
[X] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.

Learning (Pick three)
[X] Divination: according to Magnus you are ready to begin the more advanced part of this, though you suspect this will be more advance but not all there is too it.
[X] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[X] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[X] Spire of Propero: There is an even better Library to use inside of your mind if you wish, just don't get lost in all of the knowledge and forget to wake up otherwise Kiritsugu might get worried.

Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[X]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[X] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)
[X] Discover Shirou's elelemnt and Origin: You should convince Kiritsugu, but you can also do it on your own, this will be crucial into steering Shirou in the path most suited to him (unlocks event)

Learning (Pick two)
[X] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[X] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.

Votes: 1

@veekie I didn't include your vote since you chose too many martial options (we only get 2/4 not all 4/4) if you fix it I'll add it in as soon as I can.

@Aburg7 you can still pick one more Diplomacy option.

@M3lk0r only Aburg7 and I chose locations for practicing stealth, Ryuudo Temple for me, the Tohsaka Residence for Aburg7


Tohsaka Residence:
Votes: 2

Ryuudo Temple:
Votes: 1

Added veekie's fixed vote and made a sub tally for the stealth training location.

Updated Aburg7's vote
Last edited:
Month 02 results (Magnus)

Diplomacy (Pick one)
Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.
needed: 65 rolled: Roll(1d4):3+Roll(5d20):20+20+1+18+19 Total:81 Resounding Success.
This time the Magus Killer is more open with you and shares more about his past, quite tragic you must admit and rather interesting how his nature of severing his ties with someone just to latch onto another, you briefly wonder if this is to be yours and the boys fate. He still hasn't explained what it is that is killing him though thanks to your eye you have gleamed that it may be of the same origin as the fire.

Anyone up for an Omake if it is what I'm looking for I will make it canon and give bonuses to rolls for it

+15 opinion with Kiritsugu, Kiritsugu's childhood and ealy past learned.

Stewardship (Pick One)
Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction
needed: 50 rolled:
Roll(1d6)+0:6+Roll(7d20):9+11+12+9+14+13+17 Total:91 outstanding success
You are able to intruct Shirou more than usual and he is very happy for the attention that you are giving him

Again anyone up for an Omake if it is what I'm looking for I will make it canon and give bonuses to rolls for it

+20 Opinion with Shirou, Magus the Red Trait can be applied to Shirou's rolls outside of the mindscape this turn, Eye of Magnus can be used in Divination this turn.

Intrigue Options (Pick one)
[x] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.
needed: 70 rolled: Roll(1d4):3+Roll(12d20):6+17+19+18+16+15+9+1+15+8+4+16 Total:147 Outstanding critical success
You were able to learn much about the girl and her past and have confirmed what was in her, needless to say you are not please, perhaps you should hide this revelation from Shirou as the boy may or may not take it too well that his friend has this sort of problem

[] tell Shirou
[] don't tell Shirou
[] tell Shirou in a roudabout way that will have him search for answers and have him discover the truth on his own.
[] write in

Again anyone up for an Omake if it is what I'm looking for I will make it canon and give bonuses to rolls for it

Magnus the Red Trait is available to Shirou for any action including Sakura and Eye of Magnus, Biomancy options for Sakura can unlocked after Shirou progresses more into that field

Learning (Pick two)
[x] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
needed: 75 Roll(11d20)+0: 12+15+13+19+9+16+20+14+13+19+16 Total:166 impossible critical success
You learn much from this world, it's past and present are similar to ancient Terra's, though what interests you the most is the two current entities known as Gaia and Alaya that war with each other over the fate of mankind (this is a guy from the 31st millennium and given the way they refer to humanity it seems in character), you make a note that you should avoid the attention of these two and tread carefully if your actions ever raw either one's scrutiny

Again anyone up for an Omake if it is what I'm looking for I will make it canon and give bonuses to rolls for it

+45 to Learn about the history and nature of Magi roll, Magnus gains lore and knowledge about this worlds history.

[x] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involved with them.
neeeded: 125 Roll(11d20)+45: 12+19+19+1+16+13+12+11+17+15+17+45 Total:197 Artifical critical success.
You learn much and needless to say you are less than impressed with the measures these magi would go to for such little yield, some of them have desires are too easily manipulated to another benefit but there is much to work with there, after all a few misplaced visions there a few hints here and you would be able to manipulate even the best of them, perhaps you should in the future. They would go to extreme lengths for something rather small, how far would they go for something just a tad bit larger.

Again anyone up for an Omake if it is what I'm looking for I will make it canon and give bonuses to rolls for it

Manipulate events option in intrigue available next turn, Magnus gains lore on Magi and the Mage's association

and done if any of you want to do that Omakes let me know
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[X] tell Shirou in a roudabout way that will have him search for answers and have him discover the truth on his own.

Reach Out For The Truth.
Also not spoonfeeding him.
[X] tell Shirou in a roudabout way that will have him search for answers and have him discover the truth on his own.
Better for Shirou to learn to investigate and research things for himself without holding his hand.
[X] tell Shirou in a roudabout way that will have him search for answers and have him discover the truth on his own.
[X] Plan edboy49:


Martial (Pick two)
[x] Practice Archery: In that little test with Magnus he discovered that you were a natural marksmen, your skill in the physical realm is also impressive so it is not just in your mindscape where you are skilled
[x] Learn From Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach you magecraft, so far he has begun to impart his worldly lessons onto you it couldn't hurt to learn more from him?

Diplomacy (Pick two)
[x] Talk to Kiritsugu: he was the man to adopt you and become your legal guardian perhaps you should get to know him better

[x] Let's pretend to be normal: (pick two)
-[x] Spend time with Sakura: while she was rather empty Magnus seems interested in her so it might be best to interact with her even if it does mean having to deal with her brother Shinji. That and you don't mind her company.
-[x] Taming the Tiger: recently there has been a high school girl visiting you is the granddaughter of an accomplice of Kiritsugu's, her name is Tiger, wait that's not right that is what she is, her name is Taiga, perhaps you should interact with this unique creature (???) chance of event.

Stewardship (Pick Two)
[x] Organise the Garden: not sure why you would other than the fact that it would make the place much neater and you may find some useful things to use in there for Biomancy
[x] Organise your workshop: You've manage to make a workshop with Mangus's help and Kiritsugu's guidance , now you just need to organise it to make sure you are truly satisfied with it.

Intrigue (Pick Two)
free [x] Investigate Sakura (Free if spend time with Sakura is chosen): Magnus knows there is something off about here, he wan'ts you to talk to her and try and find out anything that she is willing to let slip, by accident or manipulation if need be.
[x] Practise Stealth: Kiritsugu has taught you that if you catch your target unawares it makes the rest f the job all the more easier perhaps you should practice sneaking around places (write in place chosen and I'll either apporve or Veto it)
[x] Fortune telling: attempt to use divination to tell someones fortune, it is a good chance to practice it not on yourself.

Learning (Pick three)
[x] Biomancy: Magnus is impressed with your work rate and has begun to teach you more of the advanced and more offense orientated abilities
[x] Learn Thaumaturgy from Kiritsugu: the Magus Killer has promised to teach your Magecraft, so far he has yet to fully deliver but that is due to him being a Magic user than a true Magus.
[x] Discover your Origin and element: from what little the Magus Killer has given you, you are aware that every Magus has an Origin and Element that is connected to their nature and their magecraft, perhaps you should discover yours soon.

Mindscape Action (choose one)
[x] Use Perturabo's Arena (mindscape): There are still mroe weapons for you to test out there maybe you could find something else you are gifted with there.


Martial: All options locked until Shirou gains the trait Sorcerer

Diplomacy (Pick one)
[x]Get to Know Kiritsugu Better: You know a lot about Magus Killer though you have yet to use your own psychic powers to read into him, perhaps you should speak with him some more.

Stewardship (Pick One)
[x] Instruct Shirou: he might be better off if you gave the boy more direct instruction

Intrigue Options (Pick one)
[x] Investigate Sakura Matou: the feeling that you felt when you first entered this world is now coming from Sakura though it seems dormant, perhaps you should focus and look into her and her past.

Learning (Pick two)
[x] Gaze into the Past: While you perceive much you could still perceive much more like the nature of this fire and why it came to be
[x] Learn about the history and nature of Magi: it is obvious Kiritsugu is not the norm for a magus so it might be better to learn more about them in case you are ever involed with them.
[X] tell Shirou in a roudabout way that will have him search for answers and have him discover the truth on his own.
[X] tell Shirou in a roudabout way that will have him search for answers and have him discover the truth on his own.