[X] Research Local – Find out what's going on with the cape scene in Brockton Bay
The first thing that Taylor did was look up the aftermath of yesterday's fight. Namely, who was involved.
The ice guy and smoke stuff was from a gang of thieves called Undersiders. A B-lister or C-lister group from what most people said. Their entries on the wiki really didn't say much except for the information it had on Grue, the guy making smoke, or Hellhound, an escaped murderer that could empower and control… dogs, of all things. There were three other entries; a guy named Regent, another cape named Tattletale and… Icybro.
Taylor stared at the screen, looked away from the screen, blinked, and then looked back.
Yup, Icybro. A flying cryokinetic. Seemed a little on the nose.
Then there were the two flying capes chasing them.
Gravwell and Starlight.
Gravwell, Taylor at least had heard of before. She was the most successful solo indie hero in Brockton Bay; she had been active for at least half a decade. Gravity controller. Hung out and showed tricks off at the park on Sundays.
Starlight… Taylor had never heard of before, though it wasn't hard to find out Starlight's other name by the very… divisive comments on her.
The neo-nazi was trying to rebrand as a hero, going as far as changing her name and working with the well-known indie hero. Commentators pointed out that she had not once fought anyone from Empire Eighty-Eight since she went 'hero'. While that was all very interesting, what Taylor was more interested in, was what people thought about the giant.
No one but Kage seemed to have seen the giant last time, and she hadn't commented on PHO about him.
Reactions seemed… mixed.
On the one hand; not many people saw him; most of the fight took place within Grue's power. On the flipside, according to Gravwell, the clash between the 'Big Brute' and Icybro had somehow caused the lavapit.
The teen blinked.
She looked at the giant, ever-present, even dematerialized.
Could he make lava?
Gravwell had also put out a statement asking the 'Big Brute' or whoever knew him to keep in mind the safety of the civilians.
Taylor winced.
"Did you kill anyone?"
The question escaped her before she remembered where she was. Thankfully no one in the library looked at her like she was crazy for talking to the air.
The giant shook his head.
Taylor stared for a moment before whispering, "can you make lava?"
The giant shook his head again.
She hummed.
Thoughts for later.
Opening another tab, she started to do something she really should have done at the beginning; getting a complete roster of the major gangs' capes.
The easiest, of course, was Empire Eighty-Eight.
They had their own homepage.
Kaiser was of course the leader, though there had been talk about Iron Rain taking over a decade ago that had gone nowhere. As of now, the gang consists of fifteen capes; Kaiser, Brunhilde, Menja, Fenja, Krieg, Hookwolf, Stormtiger, Cricket, Iron Rain, Pure Steel, Bahn, Victor, Othala, Alabaster, and Rune.
Without a doubt, the biggest group in the bay. Perhaps not the most powerful, but up there. The only thing that really limited them, as far as PHO speculation said, was they were the only gang to lack a tinker.
The Asian Bad Boyz meanwhile had only three members; Lung, Oni Lee and Kage. Lung was powerful, enough so that when he first showed up, he had fought the entire Protectorate team to a standstill on his own. Taylor didn't think the heroes would do so well if a repeat happened given the hype around Kage.
The Archer's Bridge Merchants comprised of four capes; Skidmark, Squealer, Moist and Mush. They were like cockroaches and much like the analogy, were hard to permanently put down. She wasn't even sure if they
only had four capes- their details were very sketchy.
That left Coil's gang… which Taylor could find not much on. Truthfully, she didn't even know if he was a parahuman. She assumed given his gang could hold its own with the others. Admittedly it was via soldiers armed with tinkertech weaponry… maybe his or her power was infinite money?
By the time Taylor had finished looking up and making note of each parahuman, it was very, very dark outside.
Thankfully she didn't run into any furbies this time, though a cat did hiss at her.
Invite Joanna to hang out after school?
[] Yes – Joanna can come along and give suggestions
[] No – Just send time with Nikki
What to do? Pick one.
Nikki's suggestions:
[] Hang out with birds [This option is disallowed if Joanna comes with. Nikki doesn't know Joanna well enough to show the birds]
[] Become a Mallrat.
[] Acquire cheap food. Consume a hideous bob. From Fugly's.
[] Go to the boardwalk and window shop. Be a poor tourist.
Joanna's suggestions:
[] Go to park
[] Play a board game
[] Gun Range [Will be chaperoned by Joanna's mom]
[] Movies at Joanna's house
Taylor's suggestions:
[] Hang out at Taylor's house.
[] Write-in
Author's Note: Two votes; invite Joanna and what to do with Nikki (and possibly Joanna).
Taylor now has at least a vague idea what each cape can do, according to PHO
Sorry for the delay. Please vote and discuss!