Fate/In Glory Of (Worm)

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Parodos 04.14.01
[X] Patrol – Go search for trouble in a gang war! [+1, QA: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ]

Taylor glared around the darkness of early morning, or perhaps it was night, of her bedroom.

Something was... beeping at her?

Things usually didn't beep at her at the ass-crack of dawn.

Her first thought was her alarm clock, except it didn't make that kind of beep. It almost sounded like something was vibrating…

Taylor blinked twice.

Wiggling towards her nightstand, still cocooned in her comforter, she reached out and pulled her phone off from it's charger.


The moment she turned it on, the light blinded her, the brightness illuminating the room and causing stars to appear in her eyes.

When her eyes stopped burning she was finally able to see that she had a text message waiting from Nikki. That something was wrong immediately started to worm its way into her.

'I will arrive soon to drive you to school.'

Taylor stared at the message.

It was 5:03 AM.

"What the heck Nikki…"

Her eyes hurt looking at the phone as she typed.

'It's five in the morning, school's not for another three hours.'

'Apologies. I did not mean to send it so soon. Good morning Taylor.'

Of course she didn't.

Taylor let out a long sigh.

'Good morning, what time are you going to pick me up?'

'I could pick you up whenever you wish. I am not busy this morning. Did I wake you?'

"Yes, yes you did." Taylor mumbled, looking rather crossed at the device. "Not that I'm going to say that." She had more tact than that.

'How about at seven?'

'I will be there. Would you like breakfast?'

'You're already giving me a ride.'

The text seemed to take a while to respond to. "Ugh." Taylor eyed the clock, wondering if she could eke out another hour and a half of sleep.

She hadn't realize she had drifted back to asleep until the phone vibrated, waking her back up.

'Yes. Do you wish for a breakfast meal?'

Taylor stared at the phone as her sleep-addled brain tried to process. 'You're picking me up, you don't need to do anything else.'

'But I want to do it. Eating Breakfast with you sounds nice.'

Taylor stared at the phone for an embarrassingly long amount of time before it clicked.

"...is this a date?"

She was far more awake now.

Some animalistic part of her hind-brain was currently telling her to panic. More effective than any kind of coffee.

'Where were you thinking?'

'Just a quick drive through breakfast. But we can sit down somewhere if you prefer that.'
Nikki replied after a few seconds. 'Do you like Hashbrowns?' came as a follow up text before Taylor had even finished reading the first text.

Well. She was definitely not going to fall back asleep, so why not go on an early morning date? It'd be… nice?

At the very least the suddenness of it meant it wasn't weighing on her mind all day.

...she would have to talk to her dad. And get around pretty quickly...

'Yes. Let me tell my dad and get around. What's even open?'

'A few cafes and Wafflehouse.'

Taylor's thoughts stuttered. "We have a Wafflehouse?!" She didn't think they were this far north, heck, she'd never heard of one here before.

'There's a wafflehouse in Brockton? What cafes?'

'Yes. Close to The Market. The White Rose Cafe is almost on the Boardwalk.'

Taylor felt more like going for the greasy food like Wafflehouse but she had the distinct feeling that choosing something not called 'White Rose cafe' would be failing some sort of test. In lieu of picking one of the binary options, she opted for the tertiary option.

'Your pick.'

'Wafflehouse. Since you have never been to one.'

'Just not here.'

'I have not been to one.'
Huh, Taylor had thought they had them in Boston… 'Okay. Then you can tell me what will taste good :D'

Taylor rolled her eyes, a smile tugging at her lips.

'Wafflehouse is good. How far away are you?'

'Do you wish for me to pick you up right now?'
Of course she'd already be ready to go if she was texting at five in the morning. Nikki seemed to be a morning person.

'No, I need to get around first. And talk to my dad.'

'Understandable. Please send a text when you feel ready.'

'How far away are you? I need to know when to tell you.'

'I am inside your house.'

Let out a yelp, and her immediate attempt to get out of bed only ended up with her getting tangled in her sheets.

'That was a joke. I am home at the moment. See?'

It was strange, maybe it was the fact that she wasn't physically present, or that it was early in the morning, but the fact of the matter was that Taylor's eyes were pulled in a distracting way.

At least until the phone screen timed out and turned itself off.

Taylor had rushed through getting around for the day.

Her dad had been amused when she told him. Well, at first he had been alarmed that someone was showering before he was awake but after that he was just bemused… for some reason?

Regardless, Taylor was sitting out on the front porch, waiting.

Totally not because she wanted to not get stared at by her dad as she waited for pick up. He definitely didn't comment on the fact that she was wearing her nicest button up shirt and newest jeans.

Not the reason whatsoever.


The cold was only just starting to dim the red that had crept up her neck.

A familiar rusted car with a splotch of pink on the hood rolled up to the driveway, Nikki slid out smoothly before it had even fully stopped. She walked up to Taylor and embraced her in a large warm hug, still adorned in the same oversized pink hoodie.

Whatever early morning coldness that has been seeping into Taylor was chased away by warmth. Nikki was like a furnace.

"Good morning." Or at least that's what she tried to say. Having her face stuffed against Nikki made it come out more as, "G'ut mblgig".

After another moment of warmth inducing hug, Nikki put enough space between them that they could talk without actually letting go. "Good Morning Taylor. I am sorry for waking you up so early." Then the soft flesh of Nikki's lips pressed against Taylor's cheek.

"I-It's fine." The peck on the cheek made her stutter. For some reason. "I, uh, just, um, shouldn't leave my phone on. Overnight. Yeah."

"You can silence the notifications, and use the phone as an alarm clock." Nikki told her. "Did you like the picture?"

This was something that happened in movies or TV shows, where a girl asks her boyfriend if he likes what she was wearing, or something? Well, except boyfriend, it was a girl she had gone on a date with. Same principle. She wasn't going to say no and she had stared and Nikki looked... cute? Yeah, cute, so... "yes?"

Nikki beamed a smile of straight white teeth at Taylor. "Awesome! Let's go eat, I am pretty hungry."

Her arm slipped down, hand sliding into Taylor's.


To be perfectly honest, having a date in a Wafflehouse at six thirty on a Monday morning was most likely on the higher end of possible date locations for two girls in Brockton Bay during a gang war that involved Neo-Nazis and sex slavers.

Taylor looked up from her menu; she had zeroed in on the bacon hashbrown bowl though the waffle was always a good option. Nikki seemed to be focused on hers quite intently. "Wanna know what I like?"

"Yes. I am unfamiliar with what is good." Nikki answered from across the table. Her feet were gently, and constantly, nudging Taylor's own.

"Do you like greasy food?" Taylor jumped a little at the contact before moving her legs back against her seat to give her more room.

Nikki's legs sought out Taylor's, her calf rubbing against Taylor's as she wore a playful look on her face. "I am fine eating it. Do tell, what should I get?"

Taylor stared for a good ten seconds before…


She nudged the leg rubbing against her. "Well, waffles are good but not exactly greasy… the hashbrown bowls are really good, the Texas toast sandwiches are also pretty good. Any of that sounding tasty?"

Nikki's leg trailed along Taylor's again. A coy smile on her face as she continued. "Mmm. Yes. Never had a 'hashbrown' before. What is it?" She asked, not even looking at a menu but watching Taylor instead.

Taylor's ankles closed on Nikki's leg, trapping it. "You're teasing me." Taylor stated far more petulantly than she wanted to admit to herself.

"Do you want me to stop? I read that footsies was a couples thing." Nikki replied innocently, blinking those large grey eyes at Taylor.

"I… no." She freed Nikki's leg.

"...were you kidding about the hashbrown, though?"

Said leg immediately nuzzled against Taylor's like an affectionate cat. "Never had any, nor do I know what they are." Nikki confirmed.

A low noise came from the back of Taylor's throat.

It sounded pained.

"It's… it's shredded potatoes that have been fried. It's great."

Nikki blinked. "Oh! Potatoes! I did not recognize the name. I think I will have the bowl of it then. Potatoes are great!"

Taylor slowly nodded, "Yeah. They are."

"What is your favorite food Taylor? I am partial to pizza of course. It is very 'American'." She picked up a menu, peering through it. "Hashbrown and steak bowl sounds nice."

Taylor hummed as she thought.

Nikki's leg was still rubbing up against her, she could feel each and every movement even through her jeans.

It took her a moment to think.

"Monte cristo crepes." She blinked as something important filtered into her head. "Hang on, like, what kind of pizza? Chicago? New York? Greek-style?"

Nikki hummed. "Flat crust, banana peppers, and bacon." She nodded. "The flavour is strange but I enjoy it!"

That hadn't actually answered her question...

"Taylor, would you like more pictures?" Nikki asked all of the sudden, smile becoming more of a smirk, her head cocking to the side.

"Picture?" A soft noise of realization came, "I'd like to see more drawings, uh, I haven't seen you drawing any recently so I thought you might have dropped the hobby. Um. Since you said you had just picked it up."

"Like the one I sent you, earlier." Nikki corrected. "But I have continued to draw. I could show you my recent studies if you want!"

Taylor blinked and stared, "um, sure?" She sounded anything but. She knew it. The trucker sitting at the counter knew it. The waitress who was waiting on them knew it. The fry cook in the back knew it.

Nikki took it in stride.

"Oh good." Nikki pushed her menu over to the side. "Do you want to visit the mall soon? We can go together, just the two of us~!"

Taylor watched closely as Nikki took the first forkful of her hashbrown bowl.

She still didn't fully believe Nikki when she said she knew what it was. Taylor's bacon Texas toast sandwich was lying untouched on her own plate. It seemed wrong to get the same thing as her date, for some reason.

"Yes. Greasy." Nikki purred after swallowing her first taste of the hashbrown bowl. "Are you not hungry?" She asked.

Her stomach rumbled pulling her from the daze she had somewhat entered. "I hunger." She went red at lapsing into caveman speak. Instead of trying to say anything witty, she stuffed her face full of Texas toast and bacon.

Her embarrassment was forgotten at the taste.

"Me too." Nikki agreed as she dug into her own food, slowly working her way through the bowl of potato and meat.

After another bite or three… or five and a long gulp of water, "what do you usually eat for breakfast?"

"Kasha and Doktorskaya kolbasa." Nikki nodded, the russian rolling off her tongue with ease before she paused. "Oh, English, yes. Porridge and Doctor's Sausage. What about you? Is there anything you enjoy for breakfast usually?"

Taylor swallowed what she was in mid bite first before replying, "bacon, french toast and applesauce. What's Doctor's sausage?" Her voice went flat, "I don't think doctors can prescribe sausage."

Nikki smiled. "It is a boiled sausage in Russia, very popular and often enjoyed for breakfast. Though, I have not seen any in stores here. Oats and beef sausages suffice. But I miss the taste of home sometimes."

Taylor was quiet as she munched. Then, "have you tried any of the Asian grocery stores?" Nikki's smile dimmed, probably from confusion, before she added quickly, "they kinda have everything. I found jaffa cakes once."

"I suppose I could try." Nikki offered, going back to her ordered food. "But I will not have high hopes for finding it. Thank you for the suggestion however."

A kernel of an idea popped into Taylor's head.

A kernel that blossomed.

Taylor knew how to cook.

She knew her way around a kitchen… kinda. Vaguely. She was kitchen-confident at the very minimum.

It couldn't be that hard to make Nikki Doctor's Sausage, right?


Naturally they had arrived at the school early and true to her word, Nikki was showing Taylor some of her more recent artwork.

...a lot of them seemed to involve Taylor, oddly enough.

All of the sudden the art went away, tucked into a binder for safe keeping. "Taylor?" Nikki asked, sliding the binder into her backpack. "Would you like to go on another date with me?"

"A third date?"

"Second actually."

Taylor's thoughts stuttered, "wasn't that, wasn't this morning a date?"

Nikki seemed to freeze momentarily. "No? Maybe? I just wanted to eat breakfast with my girlfriend. Does that make it a date?

"I thought it was." She tried her hardest to keep the petulance out of her voice.

"Then it was." Nikki grinned. "A third date then. Today."

[] Go on a date after school, no power related stuff today. Commit acts of dating with Nikki!
[] Go patrol and commit acts of deniable violence upon neo-nazis and sex slavers! [+1, QA does not like being datablocked, Nikki]

Author's note: There was a coin flip if Nikki would push for this today or tomorrow. It was today.

Taylor was like one step from going full tsundere in this chapter and I was deeply tempted. I was rereading a lot of earlier chapters of Worm and she's really not a hardass at that point. It's a big difference that most people kind of ignore? She doesn't swear much among other things.

Yes there is literally commissioned art just for this chapter. Really spur of the moment kind of thing. Artist is MaelBek!

Slowly getting back to my normal pace of a few chapters per week. We're getting up to speed yeahhhh!

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Last edited:
[X] Go patrol and commit acts of deniable violence upon neo-nazis and sex slavers! [+1, QA does not like being datablocked, Nikki]

Taylor's range is infinite so would it be possible for Taylor to send Herc out while on a nice romantic date with Nikki?
[X] Go patrol and commit acts of deniable violence upon neo-nazis and sex slavers! [+1, QA does not like being datablocked, Nikki]
This was great ! Taylor was so hilariously flustered

[X] Go patrol and commit acts of deniable violence upon neo-nazis and sex slavers! [+1, QA does not like being datablocked, Nikki]

Taylor needs to clear her head. Stomping baddies will be a perfect outlet.
Soooo it's been longer than a week. Just giving a heads up that I finished writing the chapter and am awaiting edits. Hopefully get it out within 24 hours.
Parodos 04.14.02
[X] Go on a date after school, no power related stuff today. Commit acts of dating with Nikki!

Taylor considered it.

On one hand, spending time like this with Nikki was fun, on the other hand… the city was kind of a war-zone in certain parts. On the proverbial third hand, it would also mean she could avoid going out and hearing fresh screams that could fill her nightmares again.

Date it is.

"Yes. Tonight. Where?"

"Mall? Just a few hours hanging out." Nikki offered. "Maybe do some shopping or eat some mall food."

Taylor had to ask the first question that popped into her head; "have you had mall food before? Or been to one?"

"Been to one? Yes. I have not had any of the food there aside from a candy shop once." Nikki replied. "This will be a good time to experience new things with you, for myself at least."

There wasn't much to say to that. "Okay. Right after school? We don't want to stay out too late."

"Yes. We can obtain a change of clothes if you wish to." Nikki offered.

Taylor shook her head. "No, I'm good. I'm already wearing clothes for a date…" She stared down at herself. Had Nikki not even noticed?

"Yes, you do look very nice in that." Nikki said, a smile on her face as she looked Taylor up and down.

Taylor couldn't help but feel like Nikki only noticed it when it was pointed out.

Still, that didn't stop the blush from coming to her cheeks.

Attention was attention after all.

"Thanks." Her reply came quietly alongside a smile.

"I will pick you up after school, do not forget to call your father. We would not want him to worry about you." Nikki leaned forwards and ghosted her lips over Taylor's cheek.

"Yeah. Of course."

She would not have remembered to call.

"Hey you two." Joanna waved as she came up, she looked just as bad as she had yesterday. "Huh, you look spruced up today Taylor. Something important happening?"

"We just got back from a date." Taylor glanced at her other friend, who, didn't look like they were doing too well. "You kind of look like crap."

"A date-oh thank you." Joanna replied dryly, if not dripping with sarcasm. "I couldn't tell. I've never heard of a 'mirror' before."

"It's a new invention." Taylor answered just as flatly. For some reason Joanna always brought out dry wit from her. "Heard about it from the town crier."

"Hilarious as always Taylor." Joanna sighed. "Just a rough few days alright? Where did you two have a date at? And when? It's a school day."

"Wafflehouse." Saying it out loud felt kinda of silly. "Hour and a half ago."

"The hell is a wafflehouse?" Joanna asked.

"A really greasy breakfast place. Nikki hadn't had hashbrowns before."

"You went to some tourist trap for a date?" The befuddlement in her voice left no room to guess how she felt about that. "You two are weird." She huffed.

"I... don't think it's a tourist trap? It was just open this early." Taylor retorted a touch defensively.

Joanna shrugged. "You do you I guess. Did you at least have fun?" She asked.

"I did. The hashbrowns were tasty." Nikki offered.

"Yeah." Taylor agreed.

It honestly had been nothing mindblowing but it had been fun.

"Nice." Joanna rubbed at her face, scrubbing her eyes. "Ugh. I hate not getting enough sleep. Feels like my head is full of wet cotton."

"How much sleep are you running on?"

"...thrrreee?" Joanna blinked slowly. "Three hours I think."

Taylor frowned. "That's not much."

Joanna gave her a look.

Taylor wilted under the stare. "...did you get any coffee?" It was weak and she knew it but Joanna was still giving her a 'did you just ask a dumbass question' look and she had.

"No." Joanna grouched. "I had to leave home quickly to make it to school."

"Want a cold coffee from one of the vending machines?" Nikki offered

Joanna made a face, then clearly reconsidered her position. "Yeah, I forgot my wallet at home, mind if I bum a few dollars off of you?"

"Friends help friends!" Nikki nodded before strutting off, in search of a refrigerated vending machine.

"Huh. she seems happier than usual." Joanna dragged her eyes back to Taylor, despite how obvious it was that she wanted to just close them. "You two get a little friendly before you came to school?"

"Long story or short story?"

Joanna shrugged. "Go for it."

"Nikki didn't realize she asked me out on a date and then, uh, asked for another one after school."

Joanna lazily raised a brow. "How did she accidentally ask you out on a date? Or did she just want to hang out and you mistook it for a date?"

"...she may have texted me at five in the morning and then kept asking me to eating breakfast with her. I assumed, okay."

"Fair enough I guess." Joanna replied as Nikki returned with a cup of creamy brown coffee with a label cheerfully declaring it 'coffee' flavor.

"Here you go Joanna." Nikki said, handing the drink over.

Joanna took it, inspecting it with caution before shrugging. "Thanks." She popped the lid open and sipped at it. She made a face. "Not bad. just different I guess."

At the very least, she seemed to perk up a bit.

There were many threats to the girl and her paramour as they visited the enclosed agora.

Hundreds streamed by her in a space that could fit thousands.

All were agitated, prone to acting irrationally given almost palpable tension that had been going on for several days.

Men and women armed with weapons, staring at the girl and birdgirl as they entered every shop, as they walked along the bustling mass of flesh, becoming an intricate cog in it's ever turning mechanism.

Dozens of these glorified guards were out, a paper tiger to hold up some sense of normalcy whilst at the same time tearing it down by their mere presence. How they other-ed the experience of being there, ripping holes into the veil of the ordinary actions shoppers would take.

More importantly to the shadow, was that their focus seemed to linger on the girl and her paramour as the girl led the other by the hand.

It was not for happy reasons that one of them bent towards the rectangle on their chest, a radio, and said something into it.

Within two minutes, a pair of unarmoured and unadorned guards were following the girl.

The shadow wished to remove their threat.

Evidently it wished hard enough, the girl paused and looked directly at it, in mild puzzlement for a moment before returning to what she was doing with birdgirl.

Namely being dragged into a store by her paramour.

"Yes. I enjoy the lava lamps." Said paramour was telling the girl, "and some of the merchandise they have-like this!" She picked a mug up with a yellow cartoon dog on it. "I do not know what this is, but it is cute!"

"I... Don't know what it's from?" The girl answered back. "It is cute." She agreed after a moment.

"Spencer's has the lava lamps and electric globes too, they are in the back." Birdgirl set the mug back back down and took the girl's hand, leading further into the poorly lit section of the store.

The girl let herself be pulled along, which is why the shadow did not treat it as an attack' as kidnapping the girl and then in turn, turn the birdgirl into a splash of discolouration on the floor.

The girl was pulled into the store, staring around. She was looking around with the look of someone who was experiencing something new. Perhaps she had never ventured into this shop- she only seemed to spend time with her father and mayhaps he didn't trust this merchant? From what little of the shadow's mind that wasn't immersed in red couldn't figure out what they sell except perhaps shirt.

The girl stopped.

It wasn't that she stopped walking, it was more akin to her ceasing motion.

She stared at a shelf of something.

They looked like marital aids.

A flush spread out across her as she stared.

It took a moment, but her paramour noticed that she was staring at something. "Oh, are you interested? I think that one might be too big for you Taylor."

Her face was red to an unhealthy degree as she grabbed her paramour's hand and tried to leave the store.

"Wait but we did not see the lava lamps." The birdgirl protested as she allowed herself to be pulled along. It was clear she could have stopped such an action with a token effort. She did not.

The girl paused before spinning on her heels and dragging her paramour with her, very much not looking at the selection that had caught her eye earlier.

"Oh we are?" Birdgirl asked, seemingly confused and tilting her head like a bird introduced to something it didn't understand. She glanced at what the girl was ignoring. "Oh, I see. Yes, they are weirdly shaped. Let's look at the lamps." The girl said nothing but distractedly let herself be pulled towards similarly shaped devices that held glowing liquid inside.

Her face was incandescent.

Birdgirl slipped in behind her, arms sliding around the girl's waist as she rested her chin on the girl's head. "I like the pink ones, but green is a nice color too, like your eyes."

The girl shrugged, though she leaned back into the embrace, a subconscious motion, "thanks." After a moment's hesitation, "do you own a lava lamp?"

"No. My Babushka does not like them. Says that they will start a fire." Her paramour huffed. "I should buy one since I am living alone, but I do not want to go against her. She is the only family I have here."

The shadow did not know what a babushka was, but it would need consideration if it made the birdgirl take heed of their words.

The girl's hand around her paramour's tensed. It was not an attack. "What about a plasma lamp?"

"That I can probably buy." Birdgirl admitted. "Do you want a lava or plasma lamp?" She asked, gently swaying the girl's body side to side.

It did not seem to be any form of effective grapple technique. Or it was a really, truly awful one.

The girl went with the motion after a moment of resistance. "We have one in the basement, somewhere. Are you going to buy one?"

"Maybe after the date, so I do not have to carry it through the mall." Her paramour lifted her chin off of the girl's scalp, dipping her head so that she could murmur next to the girl's ear. The words she spoke were only for the girl to hear, most likely. Except the shadow heard every syllable of it- down to the onset and rime of each phonological building block; "I wish I could hold you like this all day."

But then she pulled away, hand trailing down into the girl's, a distant part of the shadow's mind cataloging it as something designed to entice. "Shall we continue?"

The girl shivered, for the effect worked. "Y-yeah."

The birdgirl began to pull the girl out of the store, causing her to shiver for a different reason as the temperature regulation within the shop was different from the whole structure's norm. "Would you like to visit another store?"


Wordlessly the birdgirl began to pull her through the mall. Her head moving almost on a swivel until she spotted another store to pull them into; it was named after a small unit of monetary worth. An odd name.

"If you would like anything Taylor, I can buy you it." Her paramour offered. "Especially if you look cute in it."

The girl sighed. "if I say you don't have to spend money on me, you're just going to say you want to, aren't you?"

"That is, indeed, correct. Especially if you look cute in something." The birdgirl repeated.

The girl seemed to despair for a moment, but her face firmed up and she looked at the birdgirl, "what about something you'd look cute in?"

Her paramour blinked.

It was the most natural motion she had made this entire courtship outing.

"Oh?" She asked, a lilt to her voice. "You want to see me in something cute?"

"Yes?" After a moment, another "yes", which was much more firm than the first yes and that didn't sound like a surprised squeak. The shadow had heard hares make less startled noises when it had hunted.

"And what would I look cute in Taylor?" The birdgirl stopped, leaning in a bit, a light amount of pink on her cheeks that matched her attire.

"Would it be something like I sent you earlier? Something...showing skin?" The birdgirl attempted to affect a sultry tone.

The girl went still.

It took the shadow a second to connect the two dots and that it wasn't an attack.

As such everyone within eyesight was allowed to keep living.

A low keening noise came from her. The shadow was pretty sure she didn't know she was doing it.

The birdgirl cocked her head, staring at the girl with half-lidded eyes.


The birdgirl smiled, taking the girl's hands into her own. "Well. Let us find out then, shall we?" She asked, pulling the pair to a different section of the merchant's selections. "I can try something on, and you can try something on, does that sound fair?"

"Yeah. Yeah that sounds good."

The girl waited, tapping on the communication device the birdgirl had acquired for her.

When the her paramour returned, significantly more flesh was uncovered.

The girl stared.

The birdgirl preened under the attention. Much like a bird.

Taylor is going to try on which outfit?

[] A sharp blouse, medium length skirt with thigh-highs
[] Plaid dress {QM: Lisa isn't able to stop her now! Yes this is something from canon. Taylor has… weird tastes.}
[] Yellow sundress
[] Actually nice skinny-ish jeans and a more neutral colour sweater
[] A casual-ish button-up shirt with slacks

Author's Note: Apologies on the delay, here's the chapter!

I'm mostly predisposed towards dry humour if that isn't already clear.

I've been meaning to do more of the giant as the POV and here we go. I realized that I hadn't been doing it much and am trying to fix that.

Figured this would be something to vote on; I had no preferences and I had reached a natural pause in the writing.

Please vote and discuss!
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