Annnnddd I got the threads confused again.

Anyways fifteen minutes until the stream. I bet that Rider will be the only non Japanese character and the caster will be a god of some sort.
Tamamo's NP doesn't deal damage, so instead she heals 500 more at NP2.

Not that noticeable a difference.
It's not even that good for more Overcharge because your reward for bumping her up to 200% gauge is a whopping 6% more NP Charge on Eightfold Blessings. Holy shit stop the fucking presses.

Considering going all the way to NP5 is itself only a 1k healing increase, Tamamo is a unit that is in absolutely zero need of whaling for extra copies.
Hm? You're telling me you gain more HP from NP leveling a Servant, not just boosting their NP damage and status effects?

Tamamo's NP doesn't deal damage, so instead she heals 500 more at NP2.

Not that noticeable a difference.

It's actually that the difference between NP1 and NP5 Tama is a 1k heal, its not really noticable yes, and her NP interlude also gives a straigt up +1k heal.

I hadnt looked at it before, but now that i have it infront of me, i think i´m going to burn any of her duplicates i get, since i can actually use Rare prisms more than that measly heal increase. Remember, the best part about Tamas np is the 1 turn cd reduction(static) and her massive teamwide NP gauge charge(overcharge).

Hell, her Fox wedding is a 2.5k heal, which can come down as often as once every 3 turns, more if you have 2x tama np spamming.
The stream has finally got past the NP montagestatic images of every single Servant. Actual start Soon.
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Stream starting! Let's go!

Stream starts with Mafia saying he recently celebrated his 30th(?) birthday? Damn he looks a lot older than that, haha.

Nobu follows up with his introduction and an apology for not having a cosplay today haha
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I think that's supposed to be Jeanne? Is the entire Guess The Servant gacha Saberfaces?
Apparently Dantes. EoR time.
EDIT: By EOR, I mean flashbacks to the first two first.
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