Assuming only 1 5 star is on rate up it will always be 0.7%. Rate up rate doesn't change on number of servants
It is the remaining 0.3% that will get split up more and more as more servants.
In the Halloween gatcha you will have 0.7% for Tamamo. The remaining 0.3% for 5 star is divided among the 6 5 stars available. So in the Halloween gatcha you have a .05% to roll a specific non-rate up 5 star servant. That number will go down as more servants can be rolled.
The multiplier was just a way to show you how rolling on a rate up is always better for that servant than hoping they spook you at some point

Okay thanks, I realized the post I quoted said pretty much the same thing, I just misread it reading too fast.

She is niche. Her niche is basically to be a boss killer that does extra damage to divine enemies. I personally don't think she's too impressive outside of her NP though, and prefer Karna because he can consistently hit like a truck and contribute to Buster Memes.

Isn't Merlin needed for 'Buster Memes'?
Scathach also has the problem of really shitty NP gain. Without a starting NP CE, it takes a lot to fire her NP, but she does crazy damage against Divine targets, not only Archers and Bersekers but neutrals too. The only one who can outdamage her is Tamamo Lancer NPBB critchain with Hero Creation and her own buffs.
Isn't Merlin needed for 'Buster Memes'?
Not necessarily. Karna's actually got a pretty good setup for himself. His 2nd skill increases his Buster damage as well as his NP damage for one turn, and his 3rd skill shoots his Crit damage up by a significant margin. His NP recently got a damage upgrade as well as the quality of reducing his enemies' Buster resistance by 20%, meaning a well time NPBB Brave Chain is guaranteed to hurt a lot, especially if he crits those last two Buster cards.

That being said, Merlin actually works really well with him due to Hero Creation, as the skill is better by Karna's 2nd and 3rd by a significant margin.
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For all this talk of how good Scathach is, I honestly prefer best Doge in most situations. I am planning to grail him to 90 in the US version.
Remember, this is a waifu game. Just roll for waifus.

Any leftover Quartz I have after Tamamo is going towards Scatchach.

(Speaking of which, is there any huge benefit for being greedy as hell and going for Tamamo NP2? Her first Interlude seems like it makes the HP jump from 1->2 not as big.)
Remember, this is a waifu game. Just roll for waifus.

Any leftover Quartz I have after Tamamo is going towards Scatchach.

(Speaking of which, is there any huge benefit for being greedy as hell and going for Tamamo NP2? Her first Interlude seems like it makes the HP jump from 1->2 not as big.)
Not really
You use Tamamo for NP charge, arts chains, and reduce skill cooldown. 500 health more isn't that much
Hi does anyone know when I can summon Tamamo Caster.

I don't have the game yet so I don't know much about when certain servants are available in the gacha. So can someone please tell me
Oh so she is only available on Halloween and the plot does not matter
Specifically her rate-up banner will be available during the Halloween event, and she'll later be added to the story haha once London releases IIRC. However your best chance to get her will be during the upcoming event.
Specifically her rate-up banner will be available during the Halloween event, and she'll later be added to the story haha once London releases IIRC. However your best chance to get her will be during the upcoming event.

I see so if I don't get her in the event, I have to play the London once it releases in the west got it.

That's a nice avatar smug Ram. Though I can not tell if it is smug or disgust expression she has.
Hi does anyone know when I can summon Tamamo Caster.

I don't have the game yet so I don't know much about when certain servants are available in the gacha. So can someone please tell me
If you really want Tamamo the best time to reroll for her will be from the 17th to the start of November. How painful rerolling for her will be depends on how fast your internet connection is, since you have to clear the local data and redownload the entire game to make a new account.
Halloween also has a free 4* servant that you can get to lv80 np5.
Not sure if a new account can pull it off tho.
You'll have to download the game, complete all of the first singularity to get the required quartz, then roll for tamamo, over and over again.
Good luck.

For Tamamo I am ready to brave hell.
Tamamo is how I beat Beast 3 in a stall team with Waver and Merlin. She's pretty amazing. My biggest regret was not trying harder for Tamamo Shark. Hopefully she'll come back next year.
Not necessarily. Karna's actually got a pretty good setup for himself. His 2nd skill increases his Buster damage as well as his NP damage for one turn, and his 3rd skill shoots his Crit damage up by a significant margin. His NP recently got a damage upgrade as well as the quality of reducing his enemies' Buster resistance by 20%, meaning a well time NPBB Brave Chain is guaranteed to hurt a lot, especially if he crits those last two Buster cards.

That being said, Merlin actually works really well with him due to Hero Creation, as the skill is better by Karna's 2nd and 3rd by a significant margin.
Buster memes existed long before Merlin ever showed up. In that time, it was double Waver, maybe Nightingale and the usual DPS (also Shakespeare for budget).

Merlin just kind of broke any and all balance there was, he didn't create them single-handedly.

How do these builds get crit stars if they don't have an item like Fragments of 2030?

Karna for example has 2 quick cards and crit star generation up skill, but that doesn't seem entirely reliable even with counting cards from the deck.

The double Waver build for example has a crit up and attack up skill, and ways to charge a Buster NP up.

However, it doesn't seem to actually have a way to generate stars or affect star weight.

I'd imagine x2 Waver plus something like a Herc could be more tanky as the Wavers alternate their defense skill, and gain NP fast relative to Herc usual gain rate.
However, there's no real way I can see to generate stars. As well as it would be hard to do chains due to the deck layout from these units. A lot of focus on what I can see into just building NP and firing it off with Arts cards.

Would Herc not be a good DPS for this build?

Not really
You use Tamamo for NP charge, arts chains, and reduce skill cooldown. 500 health more isn't that much

She can get considerable more NP charge at overcharge at least, though NP level looking at wiki just increases heal which isn't great getting her to NP2. It does however let her charge over 100%

Overcharging her 500% with 300% charge and going third at a chain would refund 50% NP which seems huge (and could easily be pushed over that with added Arts Cards even if it just refunded 30%), but its improbable that will happen, even if someone did something like whaling 2 Tamamo at NP5 to charge to 300% and linking the accounts it doesn't seem like it would be worth it.

Tamamo is how I beat Beast 3 in a stall team with Waver and Merlin. She's pretty amazing. My biggest regret was not trying harder for Tamamo Shark. Hopefully she'll come back next year.

How would that set up work? It seems a little lacking in DPS against Beast 3, and Merlin's Hero Creation and Buster Up seems a lot less useful.

Beast 3 also seems to have Pierce Invulnerability which seems like it would go through a lot of this teams defense and need to focus on healing instead.

This team seems like it could spam NP a lot, but relies heavily on NP and skills, and Beast 3's NP has skill seal and NP seal potential.

So how did you use it? I'm curious what the card focus and skill rotation and NP order was.
How do these builds get crit stars if they don't have an item like Fragments of 2030?

Karna for example has 2 quick cards and crit star generation up skill, but that doesn't seem entirely reliable even with counting cards from the deck.

The double Waver build for example has a crit up and attack up skill, and ways to charge a Buster NP up.

However, it doesn't seem to actually have a way to generate stars or affect star weight.
Karna's not great at generating stars, and while he's more likely to generate stars from his 3 hit Quick cards than Scathach's 2 hit Quick cards, he'll generally need some sort of support in order to get enough stars to reliably crit. Either a CE like Fragments of 2030 or a Servant who can consistently get out some stars (Jack, Merlin's GoA, etc.) could be used.
Waver+Tamamo+Merlin is a stall team that relies on NP drains, defence buffs, healing and Merlin's invincibility to survive.

Sure, but there's only 2 NP downs available. Tamamo's skill with a cooldown of 5 and Waver's NP. Eventually it seems Beast 3's NP will fire, which seems like it would lock down the teams vital skills and NP with its effects which seem to have a high chance to proc.

Merlin has invincibility, but Beast 3 according to the wiki and video I've seen has invincibility pierce.

It seems like there would also be gaps without NP and skills on cooldown.
Waver seems to be the only one to give out Defense buffs, and there will definitely be a time where there are no Defense Buffs since Merlin and Tamamo don't have party Defense Buffs.

Merlin's NP gives 25% NP over 5 turns but only 5% a turn, and a 20% NP skill on a 5 turn cooldown.
Tamamo's NP gives 25% NP in 1 turn (slightly more if going later in the chain).
Waver gives 10% every 6 turns, 10% again every 6 turns to the whole party, and 30% to a single unit every 5 turns. Tamamo lowers cooldowns by 1 from firing NP, but that doesn't seem like enough to keep it up constantly with enough margin of error.
If a NP could fire would depend on who gets what Arts cards, which would not be a guarantee. It's possible for them to draw no Arts card.
Is there a way to cycle to bypass this and reliably fire NP every turn and stack defenses somehow? Some sort of card order or skill use order? Don't throw out NP as soon as they're gained and save for something?

Tamamo and Merlin heal with their NP.

Beast 3 also has debuffs, and this party doesn't seem to have debuff clears.

It just seems Beast 3 would win an attrition fight as I don't see how to properly combo with this set up.

But it obviously can work since it worked for the person who posted it.

Am I missing some game mechanics to form the strategy to make it work?
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Sure, but there's only 2 NP downs available. Tamamo's skill with a cooldown of 5 and Waver's NP. Eventually it seems Beast 3's NP will fire, which seems like it would lock down the teams vital skills and NP with its effects which seem to have a high chance to proc.

Merlin has invincibility, but Beast 3 according to the wiki and video I've seen has invincibility pierce.

It seems like there would also be gaps without NP and skills on cooldown.
Waver seems to be the only one to give out Defense buffs, and there will definitely be a time where there are no Defense Buffs since Merlin and Tamamo don't have party Defense Buffs.

Merlin's NP gives 25% NP over 5 turns but only 5% a turn, and a 20% NP skill on a 5 turn cooldown.
Tamamo's NP gives 25% NP in 1 turn (slightly more if going later in the chain).
Waver gives 10% every 6 turns, 10% again every 6 turns to the whole party, and 30% to a single unit every 5 turns. Tamamo lowers cooldowns by 1 from firing NP, but that doesn't seem like enough to keep it up constantly with enough margin of error.
If a NP could fire would depend on who gets what Arts cards, which would not be a guarantee. It's possible for them to draw no Arts card.
Is there a way to cycle to bypass this and reliably fire NP every turn and stack defenses somehow? Some sort of card order or skill use order? Don't throw out NP as soon as they're gained and save for something?

Tamamo and Merlin heal with their NP.

Beast 3 also has debuffs, and this party doesn't seem to have debuff clears.

It just seems Beast 3 would win an attrition fight as I don't see how to properly combo with this set up.
You seem to have not taken into account the NP gained from being hit by her AOE multi hit attacks. And most of the debuffs can be nullified outright by buying their deactivation in the shop for that battle. Or how art chains give a flat 20 percent more NP charge. Or the snowball effect of them getting their NPs going off once equals them getting to the next one faster which feeds into the one after that. If you play smart, they will be firing their NPs off at minimum once every three turns making it really hard to kill.
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Merlin has invincibility, but Beast 3 according to the wiki and video I've seen has invincibility pierce.
Only the Sword or Death Beast III and Alter Ego version of Kiara have invincibility pierce. Once Beast III is nerfed out of her Sword or Death form, she has no form of invincibility pierce, meaning you can stall her out and protect against her NP via invincibility.