Voting is open
[X] - Plan: purple barking cucumber
[X] - Dr. Henry. A physician, neurosurgeon and humanist who tries to help those in need with his own extremely extensive knowledge, even if this means for him the possible disclosure of his own past.
[X] - Daisy Whitman. The pilot of the rotorcraft, an old lady with a dashing adventurous look, who is always ready to support the rest of the team.
[X] - Sergeant Granite. The only character who was noted in the second part, and lived to see the events of the online game.
- [X] - Small choice. Players will receive a version of the Union with a courier, however, it will be limited exclusively to the framework of this supplement, and this will not have global consequences on the entire game Mechanic.
- [X] - The King: The King cares for Freeside above all, the community he has fostered and protected. As of the meeting he was siding with House not out of loyalty but because he was in control of Freeside and as far as he was concerned has done the most for it out of everyone. He cleaned up the streets, gave food and water to those in need, and jobs. It was a bit autocratic for his liking but was able to negotiate a deal with House to maintain limited independence. If House was taken out of the picture he would side with the winner so long as they kept the peace but until then he was on House's payroll for the good he has done.
- [X] - Benny: The Self Proclaimed protégé of Mr. House. In truth Benny is an opportunist with a desire for money and power. Something House has in spades. He was just lucky to be in a position of power when House rolled out and took over to be near the top of the chain of command. Using his power he has been working on a project to usurp House with a reprogrammed Securitron named Yes Man, but unbeknownst to him is that House has already got him checked and it becomes clear later during the siege of the Lucky 38 that Benny is being kept on a tight leash.
- [X] - Small choice. Players will receive a variant of an alliance with House, however, it will be limited solely to the scope of this add-on, and this will not have global consequences for the entire game mechanics.
BTW, Revan, on which side Benny in conflict. I mean, would he be one of bosses in raid. Or he will be shooted like a crowd? Or like a hero, when he will try to rebel against House?
BTW, Revan, on which side Benny in conflict. I mean, would he be one of bosses in raid. Or he will be shooted like a crowd? Or like a hero, when he will try to rebel against House?

He's on House's side throughout basically the entire story, I was just keeping true to the original character. That was what I meant by being kept on a Tight Leash. He desires power but never gets the chance to actually rebel against House.
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Ceaser's Legion
Caesar's Legion is a militocratic meritocracy, de jure a theocratic monarchy. The state is located mainly in Arizona, as well as in western New Mexico, and the capital of the state is Flagstaff, located in central Arizona.

The first and only ruler of Caesar's Legion is Edward Sallow himself, who bears the title of Caesar and Son of Mars. The first title represents his military and civilian power, while the second makes him officially a living god, as well as the main religion of worshiping Mars itself.


Caesar's Legion dates back only a few decades, when a group of several Followers of the Apocalypse, along with a missionary from New Canaan, was captured by the Blackfeet tribe. However, they managed to get out of captivity over time and even lead the tribe, relying on their knowledge of new technologies, from military affairs to medicine, which over the course of several years significantly increased and became an impressive force northeast of the Grand Canyon.

Leading the tribe itself, Edward Sallow sent his first ally, Joshua Graham, along with the forces of the rest of the tribe to destroy the closest of the hostile tribes. And then he used the threat of a repetition of this destruction as a fact that helped him to subjugate all neighboring tribes to his will, forming an unstable confederation of tribes. Realizing that the confederation was too unstable, and the formation of a new identity was necessary, Edward Sallow took the title of Caesar, and also announced the formation of a new state - the Legion of Caesar.

Being a dialectician in essence, he decided that the slave formation of the Legion would be more successful for Arizona and improve life in it, in comparison with the previous social formation - the tribal system. In its original form, the Legion would have to rely on its own experience to bring the tribes of Arizona out of anarchy, while the cities of Arizona would fill the role of city-states. At the same time, he saw not the era of Caesar himself as an ideal period for imitation, but rather the times that followed the crisis of the third century in the Roman Empire, when the leading role shifted to the army and peoples who served in the Roman legions. At least as far as he knew about ancient history due to the loss of a significant part of the krig.

The first significant target for him was the Phoenix Empire, a theocratic republic that worshiped nuclear flames and sought to appease him after the destruction of the Old World. And the sun, burning out the lands of Arizona, was considered his guide, remembering the thermonuclear nature of the star. First, the young Legion stormed the flagstaff colony, where Caesar decided to establish his own capital. And then the Legion moved further south, embarking on a three-year campaign within the city itself and subjugating it, first the northern coast and then the southern coast. Then came the eastern campaigns, in which the Legion forced the ghouls of the Reservation, the Navajo tribe and the Albuquerque empire into an alliance, realizing the impossibility of defeating either side with the current forces.

Currently, the Legion is a young and active nation, but Caesar is aware of his illness and is now chasing the West, hoping to use the experience of the state structure of Western states in order to build a full-fledged bureaucratic system that can allow the existence of the Legion without him.

State structure

The Legion has a rather complex state system. De facto, the Legion does not have any territory at all, being an army that controls a huge number of tribes and cities. The only locality truly directly administered by the Legion is its capital, Flagstaff.

All other territory is mainly under the control of more than eighty tribes. Between them and the Legion, a favorable relationship has developed for both sides, since the Legion provides them with its services for arbitration with neighboring settlements in exchange for tribute to food and slaves. Thanks to this, as well as access to new technologies, the efficiency of agriculture has increased significantly, and constant conflicts have stopped.

The rest of the territory is occupied by the city of Phoenix, which is under the control of trading families, and the functions of Caesar's representative in the city as head of civil authority are performed by a proconsul appointed by Caesar himself. If the city tribune controls the garrison, then the proconsul does not allow gaps in the supply of weapons and other goods to the Legion.

The third category is the "allies of the Legion". There are three of them. The Reservation Ghouls and the Navajo tribe are formally vassals of the Legion, although their relationship is far more complicated. Another thing is the Empire of Albuquerque, formally equal to the Legion and in a dynastic union with the Legion, which is connected by a ceremonial marriage between the Empress of Albuquerque and Caesar himself.


At the heart of the Legion's army is a cohort structure, with each cohort being ruled by a military tribune. In his subordination are three maniples, consisting of three centuries, each of which is ruled by a centurion. In the same operations where it is required to lead several maniples at once, the Legat is sent - the highest rank in the Legion, and at the same time there are only several Legates. At the same time, each cohort can differ in combat experience, there are also formed entirely from newcomers, and shock troops of veterans of many campaigns.

In addition, the Legion also has so-called "auxiliary formations" that are outside the main command chain of the Legion and are subordinate directly to Caesar, like the rest of the army, but attached to the usual formations if necessary.

These are scouts and spies from among the Frumentarii, these are the fighters of the Cult of Vulcan equipped in power armor, these are the Frumentarii who serve Caesar's personal guard, as well as the auxilaria. In addition to representatives from the tribes that are in the sphere of influence of the Legion, but are not formally included in its composition, they also include the naglosh from the Navajo people, as well as the Alae Albuquerque with its plasma weapons.

Domestic policy

The Legion is distinguished by the absolute role of Caesar throughout its history, since it is on him that the resulting state is tied. It is to him that the centurions, appointed with their centuri to control the tribes, as well as the proconsul governing Phoenix, answer.

At the same time, the cult of personality, but on a smaller scale, is also being formed one step below, among its most important assistants. The cult of Vulcan, the Praetorians, Frumentarii and the personal troops of the Basalt Legate, called the Crusaders, are all loyal primarily to their commanders, and not to Caesar himself, which is expressed even in the refusal of most of them to profess the cult of Mars. The Crusaders profess a distorted version of Christianity, the cult of Vulcan believes in, in fact, Vulcan, and the Frumentarians and Praetorians follow the legion's ideas, not its religion.

Foreign policy

The Legion's foreign policy is, on the one hand, uncompromising, but at the same time much more flexible than that of the New California Republic or the Brotherhood of Steel. Where these two powers try to present themselves as civilized nations, which are carefully chosen even with whom to speak, the Legion may be able to interact directly with even raiders.

But at the same time, with the exception of the Albuquerque empire, they do not recognize any power as equals, approaching diplomacy from a position of cultural superiority. And only time will tell if this position will change from contact with the inhabitants of California and Nevada.
Turn 20 - Second battle for Hoover Dam
[X] - Plan: The Hand Given

- [X] - Daisy Whitman. The pilot of the rotorcraft, an old lady with a dashing adventurous look, who is always ready to support the rest of the team.
- [X] - Orion Moreno. Hates the New California Republic and the Brotherhood of Steel, as he considers them guilty of the final defeat of the Enclave and the destruction of all his friends at the military base.
- [X] - Judah Kroeger. The former captain of the Enclave, is a supporter of the ideas of the Enclave, albeit in a somewhat humanized form, believing that only he can bring order to the Wasteland

- [X] - Small choice. Players will receive a variant of an alliance with Courier, however, it will be limited solely to the scope of this add-on, and this will not have global consequences for the entire game mechanics.

- [X] - The King: The King cares for Freeside above all, the community he has fostered and protected. As of the meeting he was siding with House not out of loyalty but because he was in control of Freeside and as far as he was concerned has done the most for it out of everyone. He cleaned up the streets, gave food and water to those in need, and jobs. It was a bit autocratic for his liking but was able to negotiate a deal with House to maintain limited independence. If House was taken out of the picture he would side with the winner so long as they kept the peace but until then he was on House's payroll for the good he has done.
- [X] - Benny: The Self Proclaimed protégé of Mr. House. In truth Benny is an opportunist with a desire for money and power. Something House has in spades. He was just lucky to be in a position of power when House rolled out and took over to be near the top of the chain of command. Using his power he has been working on a project to usurp House with a reprogrammed Securitron named Yes Man, but unbeknownst to him is that House has already got him checked and it becomes clear later during the siege of the Lucky 38 that Benny is being kept on a tight leash.

- [X] - Small choice. Players will receive a variant of an alliance with House, however, it will be limited solely to the scope of this add-on, and this will not have global consequences for the entire game mechanics.

The last update before the new clash over Hoover Dam ended with the failure of the courier and players to overthrow Mr. House. Largely precisely because of the collapse of the forces of the players themselves, some of whom from the point of view of the game plot joined Mr. House. The uprising failed, and House himself became even more paranoid, realizing that the rest of his henchmen would not fight for him, or even try to completely rebel against him and remove him from positions of power. And all this at the moment when he had already got himself a platinum chip, which, as it seemed, would allow him to win this war with one blow.

In addition, the players actually find themselves divided into three sides at once, forcing us to lead three storylines in this update at once, which will intersect with each other in order to bring to one end - the siege of Vegas and the storming of Lucky 38, which either put an end to all plans to overthrow Hausa, or will drain the forces of the besieging position. In this case, each line will be concentrated on its own part of the story, allowing players to look at the same events from different positions, having learned information that the character himself cannot know.

For example, in the case of the Courier, players will help him gain enough power to become a fourth force in the Mojave, comparable to the expeditionary forces of New California, the Brotherhood of Steel, and the Caesar Legion. To do this, he will take on the task of recruiting those who stayed away from the main storyline throughout the expansion of the Coalition of Raiders and the Mojave Enclave associated with them. And in this he will be helped by the Remnants of the Enclave, a group of about a dozen former employees of the Enclave who tried to live a new life in the Mojave, but the Courier tracked down each of them.

At the same time, each of the survivors from the Enclave is a person representing a different moral assessment of the activities of the Enclave, since in it, despite all its atrocities, there were completely different people. Daisy Whitman, for example, represents the relatively good side of the Enclave, being an honest person who was simply born into such a society and never hated the Wasteland. Yes, the Enclave was not solely composed of fanatics who wanted to exterminate the inhabitants of the Wasteland. Judah Kroeger is somewhat similar to Colonel Autumn from the third part, as he is not evil in nature. He acts as a supporter of order, as the only thing that can save humanity. And Orion Moreno is exactly the same fanatical supporters of the Enclave. The calling of these three is to show that the Enclave includes very different people.

Thanks to them, the three manage to reach the Enclave forces in the southern Mojave, and through them already to the raiders, managing to win them over to their side, and get not only a large army from the whole confederation of gangs, but also the assault and transport aircraft of the Enclave, which will make the Courier absolutely necessary part of the storming of Vegas.

This storyline depicts a classic hero story where the players are only his helpers. This is a beautiful story about how he manages with his charisma to unite everyone in a single impulse to oppose a formidable enemy.

The second line of the narrative is the forces of the playable factions in the Mojave: the New California Republic, the Brotherhood of Steel, and the Caesar Legion. Although the quests will be different for each faction, they show the general development of events. Players for them will have to solve several important problems faced by their faction. The first is to halt the House's offensive against fortified positions, and especially the Hoover Dam. Secondly, it is support for the negotiation process between the factions themselves, which are already seriously disposed to form a coalition against such a formidable enemy and are forced to listen to the Courier. Third, they are trying to organize attacks on the positions of the securitrons in the Mojave, destroying their fortified points and organizing a virtual blockade of Vegas with the beginning of artillery shelling of the city.

This story is much less heroic and romantic, being not a representative of the philosophy of the Enlightenment. The war in it is shown as the result of the powers that be, who during the entire war never took up arms, but kill others. The culmination of this is the very idea of a siege of Vegas, which becomes a besieged city, almost wiped off the face of the earth.

The third line of narrative is those of the players who have teamed up with House, although in their perception this is not due to loyalty to House. They were and remain loyal to the ideals of their own faction, confident that they could turn House into a strong ally of their own faction, convincing that an equal alliance would be beneficial for him, and even his armies could not stop the anger of all three great powers of the American South west. Therefore, he will have to secure an alliance with at least one of them. And House, even as events unfold, is more and more inclined to agree with this position, as the Courier joins the forces of the three factions, and the siege ring is increasingly shrinking. And his story is divided into two parts.

The first is strengthening Vegas' defenses. Rather, an attempt to prevent the collapse of the defense, as the population of Outer Vegas begins to gradually starve without a supply of food, the King explicitly stated that his forces would not help House in the defense of Vegas, since their task was to save as many residents as possible. House realizes that even here he does not have the resources to suppress discontent, and he simply tries to make every effort so that nothing prevents the securitrons from moving under the city.

Another Vegas question is Benny's, whose loyalty House also doubts. During the investigation, it turns out that Benny is going to try to take control of House's army of robots, but House himself decides not to eliminate him immediately, but to use it against him.

The second part is an attempt to embroil the confederation of players. In this case, he again solves two problems. First, these are the forces loyal to the Courier. To deal with them, he goes to Orion Moreno and his supporters in the Mojave Enclave, inviting them to betray the Courier, in exchange for technological treasures of the past from him. And they agree, saying that they will stab the attackers in the back during the assault on Lucky 38. Secondly, this is the conclusion of an alliance, where he conducts, with the help of the player, secret negotiations with the head of the expeditionary forces of his faction. They agree, but only if the Courier, who is the only person who holds the coalition together, dies.

This story already draws on the traditions of romanticism, showing that the state is nothing more than a machine of oppression, the apotheosis of which is the image of House himself, acting as the pinnacle of possible tyranny.

After completing all these three storylines, it is time for the final assault on Lucky 38. Simultaneously with the attempt of four armies to attack the walls of Vegas, a squadron of converters with elite forces from all sides travels to Vegas, trying to dodge the reactivated laser cannons on Lucky 38. Fortunately, the players survive, but are forced to sit at the entrance to the Strip. Their task is to break through the entire Strip to reach Lucky 38, crushing the forces of the Strip Families led by Frank, Nero and Mortimer, who are the first bosses of the raid.

The second wing of the raid is the lower levels of Lucky 38, since at this moment Benny comes to the players with his own robot powers and especially Yes-Man. In his opinion, Yes-Man will have to seize control of the House systems and thereby subordinate the army of securitrons directly to him. He does not want the war to continue, but he wants to be the one who will carry out the capitulation of Vegas and will participate in defining his subsequent device as a supporter of the victors. He only knows that Yes-Man is already controlled by House, and the lower floor of Lucky 38 will represent attempts to break through Yes-Man's army until the final battle with him.

At this point, the moment comes when the Enclave forces stab the storming Lucky 38 in the back, and they will have to fight their way through them, which will constitute the third wing of the raid. The bosses themselves will represent the Enclave in different guises. This is an engineer with controlled robots. And Orion Moreno in power armor. And the commander with a company of infantrymen, the fight against which constitutes the very fight with the boss.

Finally, the fourth part - attempts to storm the Penthouse itself, where players will have to break through House's personal securitrons in order to finally strike the Courier in the final battle or destroy House himself. Or try to fight both of them at once, if the players did not decide to enter into an alliance with either the Courier or House.

As a result, we have three options for the plot and three endings, where different people are at the head of Vegas, and Vegas itself takes a different position. In the Courier's plot, House is dead, and Vegas itself becomes a strictly neutral force.

Choose One Option:
[] - Write-in other consequences for the inhabitants of the Mojave.

In the plot of the factions at the head of Vegas, the only surviving assistants of House becomes the King, who is trying to make this city the property of the people. He also declares neutrality, but focuses on the player's faction.

Choose One Option:
[] - Write-in other consequences for the inhabitants of the Mojave.

In House's storyline, the attempt to storm Vegas fails, the Courier is dead and over the next few weeks the anti-Vegas coalition falls apart, and the player's faction recognizes House, and they formally form an alliance.

Choose One Option:
[] - Write-in other consequences for the inhabitants of the Mojave.

In any case, the war for the Mojave is over, but the forces of all factions still remain in the Mojave, preparing for the last battle - the Battle of Hoover Dam, in which they will try to defeat and finally expel the opponents from the Mojave.

In terms of how players perceive what is happening in the last two updates, they were more than impressed with the work we have done. We gave them a plot with a fairly high concentration of unexpected plot twists per plot snippet. They especially noted the positive attitude towards Benny. He is a cunning rat who always has a plan. However, he was not smart enough to outwit House, who played similar games even before the Great War, when there were much more competitors, and among them there were much more talented people.

The popularity of our game continues to grow, returning to the figure of two and a half million.

Now we have the last update before starting work on a large-scale add-on. But the Second Battle of Hoover Dam itself is not so much a culmination of events as a summing up. The real climax was the events in Vegas. In the Second Battle, players will see the consequences of all their actions over the past years, both in real and in game time. So we just have to choose what we will do after the last update, choosing a theme for the new add-on.

Choose One Option:
[] - The Biggest Small City in the World. Despite the end of the war for the Mojave, neither side is going to surrender, and for this they all intend to try to take control of Western Nevada, including its capital - New Reno, as well as the nearest settlements - Carson City, City - Shelter or Gecko.
[] - The Gulf War. An even greater continuation of the storylines of the factions themselves, since it will not consider attracting neutral forces to its side, but an attempt to directly destroy its opponents through the offensive launched by the Legion from the Two Suns to the Glow.
[] - Graham's Story. This is an attempt to delve deeper into the backstory of the second person in the Legion, Joush Graham, as well as develop the storyline we laid down for New Canaan.
[] - Write-in your option.
I am in doubt as to whether we are creating a mmorpg that is going to be released or are we creating additional content for a game that has already been released?
I am in doubt as to whether we are creating a mmorpg that is going to be released or are we creating additional content for a game that has already been released?

You are creating updates for an already released game. In several posts I have already given information about the attitude of the players and the publisher to the project. Or have I not paid enough attention to this?
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You are creating updates for an already released game. In several posts I have already given information about the attitude of the players and the publisher to the project. Or have I not paid enough attention to this?
If desired, I can try to write a full-fledged post on the perception of the game.

I thought this was a test audience to determine how the audience would react to the game's future release.
when has the idea of an omake on the perception of our games by the others (public, fans, our competitors or other) I cannot speak for the others but personally I am very enthusiastic.
Interlude - Review from Best Computer Games
I will not tell you about how popular Fallout is in Russia, given that it was at the peak of popularity of such a "publisher" as Fargus. Therefore, when the third part of the game came out, everyone was impressed, but when we learned about the emergence of a full-fledged multiplayer project called Fallout Online, the excitement increased even more. The latest news was that the game was made by the developers of the original games, and the location of the action was chosen in the region of the first part of the game series. Now the editorial board of the magazine Best Computer Games has finally got the opportunity to play it.

And if the developers continue to develop at such a pace, then the game may well not repeat the sad fate of SWTOR, but will become at least a strong average in the gaming market, but not comparable in popularity to WoW. Of course, the game has problems with bugs and too long queues on the game servers, but this is all a solvable problem, while the concept is largely aimed at trying to develop the genre itself from an unexpected direction.

The plot is the main feature of this game, it is around this that the whole game is built. We are told many stories at once, which are intertwined with each other, leading players to the final confrontation of the original version of the game - the First Battle of Hoover Dam. Usually, the player's character is nothing more than an avatar for the player's actions, just a hero, but here, thanks to the storylines that are unique for the classes, each of the heroes is part of the game world, a person whose motivation is not explained to us, but we can guess about it.

But it is symbolic that the plot is much more like the second part of the game series, and not the first. If in the first game it was possible to pass quests only in two ways - positive and negative, then here it is not entirely true. Yes, in most cases there are also two options, conditionally evil and conditionally good. But sometimes while playing you wonder - is good really good? Such a production shows the reversed situation from New Reno in the second part, where there were four mafia families, evil by nature, but among which were the good Wrights. Immediately, the situation is the opposite - with the presence of the conditionally evil Legion of Caesar, many of his actions have improved the lives of many.

At the same time, the game world itself is also very interesting, it is clear that the developers not only turned to the first parts of the game, but also to their canceled projects. For example, the Van Burren project is present here very clearly and explicitly - one of the main factions is the Caesar Legion. Or, for example, the war between the Brotherhood of Steel and the New California Republic, which first appeared there. In many places, there are attempts to be inspired not only by modern Las Vegas and the American Southwest, but also by the way they were in the sixties, which inspired the gaming world.

At the same time, the lack of Russian localization in the game, as well as localization in Chinese, can be called a drawback. But with China, such problems are associated with the problem of registering the game due to the portrayal of China as a country that started a nuclear war. In our case, this is more likely the result of the game's lack of proper popularity, as well as the general crisis of the industry after 2008.

But we have to admit that the project has gained some popularity, since in the first month it has already managed to collect two hundred and fifty thousand subscribers. It remains only to understand whether he will be able to maintain such popularity.


Dear Readers, Fallout Online has traveled an impressive path in its development, passing from one update to the next. And now we can only admit that the project managed to maintain its popularity, as in WoW at one time, since they understood why the fans fell in love with their product. Well, the second reason is that they were also ready to work on the further development of the project, not giving enough time for the players to get bored and decide to quit the project.

The first update with Zion National Park, like the entire Caesar Legion, referred us to Van Burren, and it is clear that the developers decided to develop this side of the project. Here we were able to learn more about New Canaan, where, we hope, we still have to visit. Yes, and the whole story with Daniel is very unusual for the game series - the question is not often raised how supporters of non-violence can try to survive in a harsh world where a war is being waged in the Wasteland, and perhaps even survive in the end.

The second update further developed the story of Van Burren, directly sending us to one of the locations, which was directly indicated there and used its concept to create a large-scale plot, and also introduced the figure of Presper into the game as one of the main acting forces in the world, whose influence is felt and after his death, like the Master, as well as the protagonists of the game series. We were shown how they write the history of this world with their own hands.

But the third addition turned out to be relatively unsuccessful, including due to a sharp change in focus, as well as the impossibility of making horror in the framework of an MMO. What works with one person turns into a booth when there is a crowd. An atmosphere that would depress one is simply lost against the background of the crowds traveling around the Villa. In addition, this update looked very detached from the rest of the world and too intimate.

But the developers made conclusions from this, and the story associated with Mount Black, as well as all subsequent updates, now represent a closely related plot that flows from one place to another. To some extent, this is visible in a single expansion, unlike Blizzard, which took years to do. As soon as they ran out of opportunities to expand the game world extensively, as in the first two add-ons, they switched to a story driven by the characters themselves, as seen in the transition from the Cataclysm plot to Pandaria. In the same way, there is a gradual transition from the first additions, which added new locations, to the update of the Mojave itself. The Exodus from Mount Black ends where the Vegas Coup begins, and it ends at the start of the Mojave War.

And judging by the slow growth in popularity of this project, players really like the fact that the project has a full-fledged plot, in which there is a place for unexpected twists. Nowadays, only a few projects manage not only to maintain the initial base, but also to increase it. In the case of Fallout Online, it reached four hundred thousand. However, it remains only to understand whether they will be able to take advantage of this potential, multiplying it with the first addition. So far, the question remains open.

Dedicated to this game magazine from my childhood, and especially to Andrey Lensky, its first editor-in-chief, RIP.
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[][Courier] The Mojave becomes a neutral place that's decentralized but attempts to act like a neutral third part for negotiations between the larger factions. The mojave is a more lawless place before it will become better and trade has taken a hit. But the Courier works tirelessly to bring everyone within the Mojave to work together, forming a council to help manage things through representing the different factions, groups, and settlements. As well as bring issues before them.

Choose One Option:
[][King] Not officially allied with any factions, though does show favortism to the player's. Works in an effort to improve the lives of the pwople.

In House's storyline, the attempt to storm Vegas fails, the Courier is dead and over the next few weeks the anti-Vegas coalition falls apart, and the player's faction recognizes House, and they formally form an alliance.

Choose One Option:
[][House] With a legend gone and House deciding to ally himself with a faction the Mojave is no longer neutral.

[] - Graham's Story. This is an attempt to delve deeper into the backstory of the second person in the Legion, Joush Graham, as well as develop the storyline we laid down for New Canaan.

This is what I have so far. I ask if anyone could make suggestions or improvements.
I kinda want all three options to have pros and cons, just at the moment can't think of much.
Well, if anyone still read this, I hope, you can vote only for last. I would try to write different options. I seem that was to optimistic about write-in only options.
Well, if anyone still read this, I hope, you can vote only for last. I would try to write different options. I seem that was to optimistic about write-in only options.
It's a bit of a paralysis. Like, you've seen we can do write-ins with Dealer, the Enclave and Big Mountain, but the initial hurdle is daunting. Nothing worse then making a plot only for it to not win the vote.
It's a bit of a paralysis. Like, you've seen we can do write-ins with Dealer, the Enclave and Big Mountain, but the initial hurdle is daunting. Nothing worse then making a plot only for it to not win the vote.

Understand. I just saw that new options appeared, and I believed that on the basis of this it is possible to build the whole plot, justifying its development from an artistic point of view on my own. I didn't think from the player's point of view.
Understand. I just saw that new options appeared, and I believed that on the basis of this it is possible to build the whole plot, justifying its development from an artistic point of view on my own. I didn't think from the player's point of view.
Something to keep in mind. Hopefully, someone keeps up with something before my Internet gives out.
[X] - Graham's Story. This is an attempt to delve deeper into the backstory of the second person in the Legion, Joush Graham, as well as develop the storyline we laid down for New Canaan.

Well I like all of the options but feel like waiting on the Gulf War at least until the next add-on. Though unsure between either New Reno or New Canaan. Though kinda hoping we could do something in New Canaan like the fallout hoi4 mod where there's the steam focused nation. Seems like it might be neat to possibly involve a location involving steam somehow.

...Great, now I have steam powered Liberty Prime Prototype stuck in my mind...

Either way for the other options would probably be best if you do give options if they basicly had pros and cons / some benefits and downsides.
[X] - Graham's Story. This is an attempt to delve deeper into the backstory of the second person in the Legion, Joush Graham, as well as develop the storyline we laid down for New Canaan.

Great, now I have steam powered Liberty Prime Prototype stuck in my mind...

Will an Optimus do?

[X][Courier] The Mojave becomes more decentralized but attempts to act like a neutral third part for negotiations between the larger factions. Trade is on a downturn, and lawlessness is on the rise. The Courier has set up various neighborhood councils, and acts as a street judge, as well as, mediator between councils. It appears they're trying to set up a system or teaching program to set up more judges, but is that all they're planing?

Choose One Option:
[X][King] Not officially allied with any factions, though does show favortism to the player's. Works in an effort to improve the lives of the people.

In House's storyline, the attempt to storm Vegas fails, the Courier is dead and over the next few weeks the anti-Vegas coalition falls apart, and the player's faction recognizes House, and they formally form an alliance.

Choose One Option:
[X][House] With a legend gone and House deciding to ally himself with a faction the Mojave is no longer neutral. Embassies become heated locations, but by their diplomatic purpose, violence hasn't further exploded or been demolished.
Last edited:
[X] - Graham's Story. This is an attempt to delve deeper into the backstory of the second person in the Legion, Joush Graham, as well as develop the storyline we laid down for New Canaan.
[X][Courier] The Mojave becomes more decentralized but attempts to act like a neutral third part for negotiations between the larger factions. Trade is on a downturn, and lawlessness is on the rise. The Courier has set up various neighborhood councils, and acts as a street judge, as well as, mediator between councils. It appears they're trying to set up a system or teaching program to set up more judges, but is that all they're planing?
[X][King] Not officially allied with any factions, though does show favortism to the player's. Works in an effort to improve the lives of the people.
[X][House] With a legend gone and House deciding to ally himself with a faction the Mojave is no longer neutral. Embassies become heated locations, but by their diplomatic purpose, violence hasn't further exploded or been demolished.
Last edited:
[X] - Graham's Story. This is an attempt to delve deeper into the backstory of the second person in the Legion, Joush Graham, as well as develop the storyline we laid down for New Canaan.
[X][Courier] The Mojave becomes more decentralized but attempts to act like a neutral third part for negotiations between the larger factions. Trade is on a downturn, and lawlessness is on the rise. The Courier has set up various neighborhood councils, and acts as a street judge, as well as, mediator between councils. It appears they're trying to set up a system or teaching program to set up more judges, but is that all they're planing?
[X][King] Not officially allied with any factions, though does show favortism to the player's. Works in an effort to improve the lives of the people.
[X][House] With a legend gone and House deciding to ally himself with a faction the Mojave is no longer neutral. Embassies become heated locations, but by their diplomatic purpose, violence hasn't further exploded or been demolished.

Turn 21 - Graham Story, part 1
[X] - Graham's Story. This is an attempt to delve deeper into the backstory of the second person in the Legion, Joush Graham, as well as develop the storyline we laid down for New Canaan.

[X][Courier] The Mojave becomes more decentralized but attempts to act like a neutral third part for negotiations between the larger factions. Trade is on a downturn, and lawlessness is on the rise. The Courier has set up various neighborhood councils, and acts as a street judge, as well as, mediator between councils. It appears they're trying to set up a system or teaching program to set up more judges, but is that all they're planing?

[X][King] Not officially allied with any factions, though does show favortism to the player's. Works in an effort to improve the lives of the people.

[X][House] With a legend gone and House deciding to ally himself with a faction the Mojave is no longer neutral. Embassies become heated locations, but by their diplomatic purpose, violence hasn't further exploded or been demolished.


The previous update defined what Vegas will look like with the surrounding territories after the victory of one of the parties during the battle for this city. In fact, this is a rather difficult job, because any of the winners will inevitably find themselves in an extremely difficult situation. On the one hand, he will have to work with his allies. But at the same time, he also needs to keep one of the largest cities in the post-war world under his control, and this will not be easy. Too many people hate any winner. No matter how pure the motives of the winner are, he will have to get rid of opponents.

In the case of the Courier, he will try to change the situation in the Mojave for the better, giving representation to everyone, with the belief that it is reasonable arbitration that can find a way out of any situation, giving the solution that will be beneficial to different parties, and his raiders become new Families Strip. But his problem is the fact that too much decentralization generates too much controversy among the population of the Mojave, they absolutely lack unity. And then either the Courier decides to take power into his own hands tougher, or his young power, after the death of such an authoritative figure, will begin to creep apart.

The king will become the leader of Vegas on behalf of the people of this very Vegas. The people love the King, because he was always with them, he always helped those in need, even when they were far from the best years. But at the same time, the King lacks strength. The people are ready to die for him, but they can no longer resist the large battalions of the armies of the new era for the Wasteland. Formally starting as an independent ally for a new power in the Wasteland, they will gradually become increasingly dependent on their "ally". Good beliefs remain so until you have the strength to translate them into reality.

House will be hated by everyone. But he is also satisfied with this, because the motivation of people is nothing more than one of the variables in the equation for managing the huge city that he has been ruling for a long time. Over time, the city began to look only cleaner and tidier, as if speaking of the obsession with order in its ruler. The only place that was free of this order was the embassy of his ally, which tightly dragged House into their sphere of influence. Vegas continued to supply them with vast quantities of goods in exchange for food and raw materials. And House himself hopes one day to take care of his "legacy", fueled by his almost limitless ego.


But whatever the course of the Battle of the Mojave, there is one final battle left - the Battle of the Mojave, which serves as a way for us to summarize all the updates, thereby showing players that they are not in vain here. The basic idea is roughly the following - each of the stages of the Battle of Hoover Dam will be, in one way or another, but supplied with forces from the previous updates to the allied players. Of course, each side - according to its own plot parallel to the other factions - will receive allied forces of approximately the same level.

Thus, the Legion player will see a reminder of his participation in the operation for Zion, when a squad of Legionnaires strikes the enemy forces from the northeast, finally arriving from Zion by the time of the second battle, and thereby dramatically changing the balance of power. Other factions will bring with them a squad of allied Mormons.

Events in the Grand Canyon will give their reminder in the form of a dirty bomb, which will inflict monstrous damage on opponents unprepared for this event.

The funds received from the Sierra Marde will allow you to collect an additional squad. In the case of the New California Republic, these will be mercenaries hired for gold. The Brotherhood of Steel will arm their knights. And Caesar's Legion activates the holograms.

Subsequent additions will show their role in the form of the arrival of reinforcements from Vegas, which will hit the rear of the opponents, and allow them to finally overturn, thereby guaranteeing victory in the battle at Hoover Dam.

In this way, we gave players a sense of the significance of their actions throughout the expansion process. And in fact, the players quite liked it, although the growth of the players has slowed down. However, this can be attributed to the fact that few people want to connect after the completion of most of the add-on, and potential newcomers will prefer to wait until the release of a new major add-on.

We only need to determine what the subsequent fate of the important persons of the factions will be in the event that they won and if they did not win at Hoover Dam.

The first person we have is Joshua Graham, the leader of the Legion expedition and a fanatical Christian, albeit a very radical one. On the one hand, we need to decide his fate after the defeat at Hoover Dam, on the other hand, after the victory.

Choose One Option:
[] - Killed in battle. As befits a true leader, the Basalt Legate led his legionaries into battle and died with them. Enemies may consider him a bloodthirsty enemy, but he was still a brave enemy, and therefore he was burned along with his fighters.
[] - Lost. In the Chaos of the Battle of Hoover Dam, no one noticed that he was simply missing. Perhaps he escaped. Perhaps his body is mutilated and impossible to identify.
[] - Executed. He fled with the troops and returned to Flagstaff. But Caesar was not at all happy about this, and therefore he ordered to pour tar over it, set it on fire, and then throw it into the Grand Canyon.
[] - Opal. He fled with his troops and returned to Flagstaff. Caesar was not happy with his defeat, but decided not to execute him, only to deprive him of the post of legate.
[] - Write-in your option.

Choose One Option:
[] - Killed in battle. As befits a true leader, the Basalt Legate led his legionaries into battle and died with them. His body was returned to the Legion, and Caesar himself wept at the sight of the lifeless corpse of his friend.
[] - Triumphant. With the victory at the Battle of the Mojave, he traveled with his troops to Flagstaff, where he was revered as the greatest conqueror in the history of the Legion.
[] - Executed. The victory at Hoover Dam was relieved by such glory that he began to threaten Caesar himself. Therefore, he organized an attempt and got rid of his friend.
[] - Write-in your option.

Elder Elijah is next in line. One of the most brilliant, but at the same time completely insane minds in America.

Choose One Option:
[] - Executed. He was found by bullets from Christine, who is an employee of the Cult of Steel, hunting her.
[] - Taken prisoner. Unlike everyone else, he surrendered when the enemies reached him. He was taken to either Flagstaff or Shady Sands, where he shares his scientific knowledge, and the Brotherhood of Steel thinks how to eliminate such a traitor.
[] - Retreated to California. Together with the rest of the forces of the Brotherhood of Steel, he retreated to the West, to California, where he was met extremely coldly, but they did not begin to expel from the Brotherhood.
[] - Write-in your option.

Choose One Option:
[] - Executed. He was found by bullets from Christine, who is an employee of the Cult of Steel, hunting her.
[] - Honored Elder. After the victory at Hoover Dam, the Mojave Fellowship was finally officially recognized in California, and Elijah himself gained prestige and authority comparable to the elders of Lost Hills.
[] - Displaced. Despite the victory in the Battle of Hoover Dam, a large number of violations of the Brotherhood's rules were proven by the main paladin, and no one liked Elijah himself, so everyone supported his exile.
[] - Write-in your option.

Finally. the latter is General Lee Oliver, who commanded the New California Republic Expedition at the Battle of Hoover Dam, and who is also responsible for keeping her in the first battle.

Choose One Option:
[] - Killed in battle. General Oliver is not a fighter, but also not a coward, and therefore he did not give up when his time came.
[] - Condemned. When the forces of the New California Republic retreated in defeat to California, he was greeted in disgrace by defeat, and a Congressional commission exposed monstrous abuse of power. Prison awaited him.
[] - Write-in your option.

Choose One Option:
[] - Marshal of the Republic. The victory over both Caesar's Legion and the Brotherhood of Steel was such a massive event that the president bestowed upon him the title of the first-ever Marshal of the New California Republic.
[] - Resignation. Victory in the Mojave War made Oliver a symbol of the Republic, but he chose to leave military service as Governor of Mojave State within the Republic.
[] - Condemned. When the forces of the New California Republic came to California with victory, he was not greeted with a standing ovation, and the Commission of the Congress revealed a monstrous abuse of power. Prison awaited him.
[] - Write-in your option.


By the way, speaking of the new addition, which will be fully dedicated to Utah, it is worth recalling what we know about it.

First, the dominant power in this region is New Canaan, the main population of which are Mormons who survived the Great War and even preserved their version of Christianity in relative integrity. An example of this is Joshua Grackham, who brought a highly distorted and adapted version of Christianity to his Arizona followers who formed the Crusaders. On the other hand, we have an adherent of Christian anarchism, Daniel, whose views of nonviolence are very different. This indicates how widely different interpretations can be.

It is this community that will be the main bone of contention that all factions want to possess in one way or another. A large trading city serves as a tempting target for absolutely all parties. But at the same time, we are completely unknown about the form of government of this state.

Choose One Option:
[] - Theodemocracy. An attempt to build a democratic regime in close proximity to the principles of religion, and to build legislation based on religious texts.
[] - Classical democracy. It is not so important whether it will be one city-state, a union of the city-states of New Canaan, Jericho, New Jerusalem and others, or a full-fledged state like the New California Republic. More importantly, it is built on legal norms dating back to the Roman Empire.
[] - Oligarchy. Like any significant trading settlement, merchants will have a strong influence in it, who can gradually even seize control of the city and resolve all issues in their circle. The closest analogue is the Hub from the time of the first part of the game.
[] - The power of judges. Alternatively, we can take as a basis the biblical times with power ... no, these are not really judges, but rather charismatic religious leaders who were respected by their people.
[] - Write-in your option.

We also need to decide what type of conflict will be in this expansion. The reason is simple enough, we can tell a story about the confrontation between the factions. Or we can tell a story about how they fight against a common enemy. These two versions of the story are the simplest and most basic, since any MMO with factions and PvP is primarily a story about confrontation. The only question remains is the balance of this confrontation between the parties.

Choose One Option:
[] - War between factions. This story will be similar to what happened with the Mojave, where New Canaan will be instead of Neo Vegas.
[] - Common enemy: savages. We already have a tribe of savages introduced into the story, which can serve as a horde attacking relatively righteous Christians, seeking to destroy everything in its path, and helping or opposing them will become the basis of the plot.
[] - Common enemy: mutants. The good old option is to re-use super mutants, but now they have occupied New Canaan, setting up a Canaanite tribe.
[] - Common enemy: the True Republic and the Mormons. We can make the main enemy, at least at the beginning, the True Republic, which was already featured in the plot of the New California Republic. They are trying to rebuild the Old World, building on the values of old Christian America, drawing parallels between the early American colonists and the Canaanites.
[] - Write-in your option.
[X] Plan Victory has a Price
-[X] - Lost. In the Chaos of the Battle of Hoover Dam, no one noticed that he was simply missing. Perhaps he escaped. Perhaps his body is mutilated and impossible to identify.
-[X] - Killed in battle. As befits a true leader, the Basalt Legate led his legionaries into battle and died with them. His body was returned to the Legion, and Caesar himself wept at the sight of the lifeless corpse of his friend.
-[X] - Executed. He was found by bullets from Christine, who is an employee of the Cult of Steel, hunting her.
-[X] - Displaced. Despite the victory in the Battle of Hoover Dam, a large number of violations of the Brotherhood's rules were proven by the main paladin, and no one liked Elijah himself, so everyone supported his exile.
-[X] - Condemned. When the forces of the New California Republic retreated in defeat to California, he was greeted in disgrace by defeat, and a Congressional commission exposed monstrous abuse of power. Prison awaited him.
-[X] - Marshal of the Republic. The victory over both Caesar's Legion and the Brotherhood of Steel was such a massive event that the president bestowed upon him the title of the first-ever Marshal of the New California Republic.
-[X] - The power of judges. Alternatively, we can take as a basis the biblical times with power ... no, these are not really judges, but rather charismatic religious leaders who were respected by their people.
-[X] - Common enemy: the True Republic and the Mormons. We can make the main enemy, at least at the beginning, the True Republic, which was already featured in the plot of the New California Republic. They are trying to rebuild the Old World, building on the values of old Christian America, drawing parallels between the early American colonists and the Canaanites.
Voting is open