Voting is open
[X] - Vera Keyes. One of the greatest actresses of her time was Dean Domingo's partner in his robbery. But her fate was much less favorable, because during the Great War she was in her room and was locked. Faced with the prospect of death, she decided not to postpone it, and took a lethal dose of drugs. But even this did not take her out of the casino's captivity, for a few days later a hologram with her appeared, which demonstrates amazing intelligence. Now she just wants to get to the casino systems so that someone erases her identity.
[X] - Christine. A Circle of Steel operative, she was sent to the Sierra Marda in secret for the Brotherhood of Steel, not a casino target. Her target was Elijah, as one of the leading leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel, she believed that such a repository of technology could lure him out of the bunker under HELIOS One. Having disguised herself, she is now just waiting for the opportunity to strike at him.
[X] - Worker. This is the last of the former installers at Villa who were exposed to radiation, but survived to become a ghoul. And the suit helped them protect themselves from the Cloud. Once they just lived in the Villa, having learned that the world around them died, but gradually they went crazy. Slowly, only a couple a decade, but in the end there was only one left, unable to even self-inflict injury that could kill him, at least not yet. Now he is kept from madness only by the desire to get inside the casino, which arranged for him a fate worse than death.

Also, keep in mind that this update contains elements of the horror genre. Of course, we cannot give in the conditions of this genre a full-fledged feeling of lack of resources and omnipresent danger. But we can easily make the game uncomfortable for him with the appropriate atmosphere. She has to put pressure on him. The player must feel like a stranger to this place. The Sierra Marde, at first glance, should give a sense of the falsehood of all the hopes associated with this place.

Choose one option:

[X] - Contradictions. We can try to create this atmosphere in another way, a little dishonest though. Why don't we fill them with conflicting testimonies about Villa and the casino besides the usual books and notes? Their task is to confuse the player, make him doubt what he has learned, try to find an explanation, but only stumble upon a wall of mutually exclusive events?
[] - Write-in.

Well, of course, after the release of this update, you will have to tackle the following:

Choose one option:

[X] - Big Mountain. A pre-war research center with a huge number of prototypes of a wide variety of technologies that survived the Great War and were to be used in the hands of the American army. But instead, they ended up in the hands of mad scientists who still continue to rule this place.
Turn 17 - Mount Black
[X] Plan: A Dealer

[X] - Dean Domingo. This ghoul is not only an actor, but also a swindler who has been trying to get inside for two centuries. The desire to commit the greatest theft in history after the death of the world gradually turned into an obsession, despite the fact that the pre-war treasures in the New World are no longer needed.
[X] - Mutant. This split personality mutant came to the casino, following his signal, which became for him the only reason for his existence. A veteran of the Master's army, gone mad, he subconsciously gave in to the hope that he could "start all over again" if he made his way inside this casino, thereby getting rid of his fate.
[X] - Write in: Dealer. An mysterious intelligent deathclaw who wears a black fedora and a heavily stitched trench coat that seems like it was sown together to fit him. They are constantly calm and show fine control by their ability to shuffle and deal cards. They keep hidden their reason to be here and somehow seems to show up in various locations. Often tells players to watch themselves nonchalantly and with a knowing look. (Think something like a grim reaper to go along with the Cloud.)

[X] - The unknown nature of the Cloud. The cloud is one of the main components of the atmosphere of this add-on. But we can try to exacerbate this atmosphere by making it a separate mystery. From time to time, players will stumble upon evidence of cloud activity. But what is it really? Who created it? What consequences does it have besides the death of people who get there?

[X] - Exodus from Mount Black. The Black Mountain Supermutant Society, ruled by the peaceful Marcus, is heading for a split of its own. It has three factions at once. The first are followers of Marcus, what a peaceful existence with people. The latter are followers of Tabitha, promoting ideas of supermutant supremacy. And finally, crazy and schizophrenic super mutants who, instead of superiority to one of the parties, threaten to turn it all into a bloody carnage. All factions are interested in one of the outcomes, but none are definitely interested in the uncontrolled massacre in the middle of the desert.

At the head of the story that we are telling in this update is the personal fate of those who were attracted to this casino and thus found themselves tightly connected with it. Each of them could just pick up and leave at any moment, but out of his own stupidity and arrogance, he stayed here, believing that inside the closed casino there is a solution to all their problems, and not in their own hard work. Their own arrogance made them prisoners of their weaknesses, the casino only became a symbol with which they linked their imprisonment.

Dean Domingo for two centuries survived in the Cloud near the Villa, he kept his sanity, as much as possible for a creature that for almost two centuries was cut off from society. He could be the rising star of the Strip, he could perform in New Reno, he could be anyone given his survival skills. But he unconsciously for himself cut off all opportunities to start a new life, continuing to chase who he once was - a thief and a swindler.

A mutant, in which two personalities appear at once, is in the center of the confrontation, because none of these personalities wants to give up. Once they both were one, combined in it during the service to the Master. An incredibly loyal, yet cunning servant. But the Master was the only thing that connected these two parts. And with his death, they broke. Faithful turned into an executive animal, while Tricky became a sociopath, and both were weighed down by their existence and hurt themselves with their opposing interests. He convinced himself that the problem was not in him, and as soon as he entered this casino, he would be met there by the Master himself, who had survived his death.

The dealer is the Deathclaw, whose interests are connected not so much with the casino itself, but with what was around him - the Cloud. Once he was just a small cub, hatching in the ruins of a strange complex in the Wasteland, where everything was covered with plants. Attempts to understand his nature did not give him anything new, from time to time he ruined pre-war complexes - even if there were living people in them - but did not find anything new. The casino, with its mysterious Cloud, is the final puzzle he tries to solve, hoping to find out who created it and for what purpose. But the failure of his attempts leads him to despair, which only increases with each passing day. Instead of clinging to the past, he could have found a new home in Vault 13, but he didn't dare to.

Each of these three persons is a freak, each of them is a mutant. But players during the course of the plot will have to get to know each of them in order to get the information necessary to open this casino from him. After all, only by ensuring their cooperation will the player be able to get himself allies, with the help of which it will be possible to open the Sierra Marde, although the ways in which the player will achieve this will be very strange. For example, you will have to play cards with the Dealer, where the stake will be the player's own life, like Death with the Scythe playing chess. With a mutant, you will have to maintain a balance between his two opposite personalities.

By the end of the update and the decisive attempt to get inside the casino, it may already seem that the players, along with these freaks, have become allies and even friends, but they underestimate the degree of obsession of their allies with this casino, and that everyone will eventually try to betray when they think that their goal is was nothing more than self-deception, or the players will get in the way of realizing this very goal. Domingo's lust for profit, an insane belief in the survival of the Master and an obsessive hope to learn something about the origin of the Cloud - all this comes between the player and his allies.

The opposite for them is not the players, but the commanders of the expedition of this faction. Colonel Cassandra Moore, Elder Elijah and Centurion Silus, each of them prioritizes service to their power, and not their own selfish interests, and therefore finds the strength to abandon betrayal, because he knows that without cooperation, the three parties will never get inside the casino successfully and not overcome its activated defense systems.

Cassandra Moore wants to destroy the enemies of the Republic, Elijah wants to inscribe himself forever in history, on a par with the greatest minds of mankind, and the centurion wants fame and honor. They may hate and despise others, but no one wants to get the whole bank at once turns into an attempt to make an attack. Including because they know that the rest will unite against the first attacker. Armed neutrality restrains their desires.

In the meantime, some details should be noted about the popularity of our project, because we received information on this topic. The initial popularity of our project reached two and a half million, which is a fairly good result, but it is much inferior to WoW, which even after its serious losses in popularity is in first place in the world with eight million subscribers.

However, over the past months since the start of the project, the popularity has slightly decreased, falling to two million. And this is a very good result, although slightly worse than what Bethesda had hoped for. On the one hand, this is so, there is a drop, but it is much less than a threefold drop in the popularity of SWTOR during just six months. Our constant updates have done their job, so we can only hope that we can maintain the popularity of our project at least at the current level. If we manage to gain popularity with the release of the first full-fledged DLC, then our project can even be called a successful attempt to make a story-oriented game.

However, even this fact is subject to some doubts. On the one hand, players are happy with our approach to the plot, that "the canon is the storyline that the player has chosen, and everything else is kind of parallel universes", and without giving the player too many choices, we provide a common plot for everyone. But at the same time, publishers are worried. First of all, they are trying to achieve cost reduction at any cost, and here the question is that such an approach to the plot requires additional labor costs, and therefore money investments.

Feedback from players really liked the approach to the first update, which systematically developed what was in the original version. But the next two raised some questions and disappointment. Moreover, the question was not in the gameplay, but in the connectivity of the add-ons with the original version. Neither the Grand Canyon, nor even more so on the Sierra Marda, there were no full-fledged indications, unlike Daniel, who acts as a connecting link and Zion. They want to get something that is more connected with the game world, and ideally - a completely systematic development of the plot, taking into account all the updates.

Exodus from Mount Black could be just such an update. Not in the sense that it will be an integral plot, but it is directly related to the history of this world, with Marcus, who appeared in the second part and whose storyline has been developing since the time of the original version.

The main element of the story that we are describing here is the attempted coup against Marcus by those super mutants who were dissatisfied with the attitude towards them on the part of all factions. The Brotherhood of Steel considers the Super Mutats to be the enemies they fought back in the days of the Master. Caesar's Legion considers them to be an inferior remnant of the Great War, which will have to disappear in order to give a new future for humanity. But they get the most contempt from the Gamma Corps in the troops, such super mutants. Having managed to find a place among people, they look at voluntary exiles not as souls exhausted by the centuries lived, but as cowards who are fleeing from problems.

Undesirable for themselves, they found themselves at the center of the war, reminding them of who they were when they were, what they tried to escape from, and tempting them to take the same path of violence they once wanted to abandon. And the tactics of non-violence by Marcus convinced them, first of all, of his weakness. Together, this ultimately led to the end that broke the usual state of affairs on Mount Black.

The first step in this update is to decide which groups of super mutants will be present in this update, and which will threaten their exodus from Mount Black. We have a few obvious views, but we can add a few more.

Choose three options:
[] - Madmens. These are the super mutants who, due to the active use of stealth battles, began to gradually lose their minds. Their main desire is an obsessive desire to get more stealth fights, which allows them to avoid the feeling of other people's gaze, constantly tormenting them. The target of their attack will be pre-war research centers.
[] - Children of the Master. They are somewhat similar to Marcus, for they also served in the army of the Master. But the key difference between them is that if the Master took the vision of Unity in its original form as a basis, then they strive to build a tough empire led by super mutants and rank even among mutants, where exactly their generation as the smartest will be at the top. Their goal is to capture slaves who will serve them, and therefore will be workers.
[] - Separate from other super mutants are those who were workers from Redding, captured by the Enclave. They come from the New World, the fruit of its culture, but rejected by their native world after their transformation. Their goal is the possible storage of FEV, as a means of reproduction to create their own state.
[] - Nihilists. They believe that the only hope for the world for restoration died with the Master, and people will only destroy him again, now completely. They now only want to end the suffering of future generations by finding some kind of weapon that will destroy the New World.
[] - Savages. And finally, super mutants will not be themselves without those who would be just stupid savages. But finding themselves independent of those, they quickly slide into raiding and cannibalism, turning into a brute destructive force. They do not have any high convictions, they are simply feeble-minded that they are trying to survive in this way.
[] - Write-in.

Finally, it will be important and to some extent decisive for us what was the reason for this conflict. Of course, the real culprit of what happened is a whole set of problems. But one event led to overflowing patience and conflict, being a carefully prepared action, the response to which will become the basis for further development of conflicts in the Wasteland.

Choose one option:
[] - The Brotherhood of Steel is guilty. The final act of aggression was an attempt by a Brotherhood of Steel scout to infiltrate Mount Black and use a bug to obtain data from the listening systems of Mount Black. The Brotherhood systematically prepares for the Battle of Hoover Dam and thus tries to obtain overwhelming information about the communications of their opponents.
[] - Guilty of the New California Republic. To be precise, these are the forces of the Gamma Corps, which tried more and more aggressively to convince the local super mutants to join the forces of the Republic. In the end, the confrontation between the two groups reached its climax and led to armed conflict.
[] - The Courier and Mr. House are guilty. It was Career who staged the events that led to the uprising and the exodus. Super mutants were a valuable asset, and by such actions he could kill two targets at the same time - to drain the forces of opponents and lead to the isolation of super mutants ready to cooperate with Vegas.
[] - The Caesar Legion is guilty. The final straw was the attempt by the Legion Frumentarians to attack Mount Black in order to destroy the detection systems on it. The interference created by her work turned out to be too strong for the weak equipment of the legion and their desire was to obtain conditions for themselves, not inferior to those of the enemy.
[] - Write-in.

In the meantime, work on the original version is coming to a relative end, and before the final update, which will be dedicated to the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, there are two more updates at the insistence of Bethesda.

Choose one option:
[] - Divide. We have already mentioned this place as a path that leads in Mojave almost directly from Shady Sands and where the mysterious Ulysses hid. This place is so important that there was even a battle for it, however, it turned out to be outside the attention of the players themselves. But they can see the consequences of this battle, which ended in nuclear explosions, which immediately attracted all the factions and required them to investigate what happened.
[] - Coup in Vegas. Mr. House awakens at the Lucky 38 casino, finally receiving a platinum chip from the Courier. Together with an army of robots under his control, he tries to expel all three forces from the Mojave, but does not know that his three deputies are already weaving intrigues against him.
[] - Area 51. Of course, Base 51 is located next to Neo Vegas, which is associated with a whole cult of conspiracy theories dedicated to the search for aliens, and they really have always been a part of our universe. And there may be not only aliens, but also other mysterious creatures. For example, the laboratory where the first Wanamingos were created.
[] - Big Mountain. A pre-war research center with a huge number of prototypes of a wide variety of technologies that survived the Great War and were to be used in the hands of the American army. But instead, they ended up in the hands of mad scientists who still continue to rule this place.
[] - Write-in.
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[X] Plan: The past, and future
[X] - Madmens. These are the super mutants who, due to the active use of stealth battles, began to gradually lose their minds. Their main desire is an obsessive desire to get more stealth fights, which allows them to avoid the feeling of other people's gaze, constantly tormenting them. The target of their attack will be pre-war research centers.
[X] - Separate from other super mutants are those who were workers from Redding, captured by the Enclave. They come from the New World, the fruit of its culture, but rejected by their native world after their transformation. Their goal is the possible storage of FEV, as a means of reproduction to create their own state.
[X] - Nihilists. They believe that the only hope for the world for restoration died with the Master, and people will only destroy him again, now completely. They now only want to end the suffering of future generations by finding some kind of weapon that will destroy the New World.
[X] - The Courier and Mr. House are guilty. It was Career who staged the events that led to the uprising and the exodus. Super mutants were a valuable asset, and by such actions he could kill two targets at the same time - to drain the forces of opponents and lead to the isolation of super mutants ready to cooperate with Vegas.
[X] - Divide. We have already mentioned this place as a path that leads in Mojave almost directly from Shady Sands and where the mysterious Ulysses hid. This place is so important that there was even a battle for it, however, it turned out to be outside the attention of the players themselves. But they can see the consequences of this battle, which ended in nuclear explosions, which immediately attracted all the factions and required them to investigate what happened.

Right, considering two more updates till the final battle I say we do the coup in the next option.

Tempting to do Big Mountain, but could save it for a later date or maybe do a DLC involving it? Hm...Could do an Enclave DLC at some point...
[X] Plan Countdown to 00

[X] - Madmens. These are the super mutants who, due to the active use of stealth battles, began to gradually lose their minds. Their main desire is an obsessive desire to get more stealth fights, which allows them to avoid the feeling of other people's gaze, constantly tormenting them. The target of their attack will be pre-war research centers.
[X] - Children of the Master. They are somewhat similar to Marcus, for they also served in the army of the Master. But the key difference between them is that if the Master took the vision of Unity in its original form as a basis, then they strive to build a tough empire led by super mutants and rank even among mutants, where exactly their generation as the smartest will be at the top. Their goal is to capture slaves who will serve them, and therefore will be workers.
[X] - Savages. And finally, super mutants will not be themselves without those who would be just stupid savages. But finding themselves independent of those, they quickly slide into raiding and cannibalism, turning into a brute destructive force. They do not have any high convictions, they are simply feeble-minded that they are trying to survive in this way.

[X] - The Courier and Mr. House are guilty. It was Career who staged the events that led to the uprising and the exodus. Super mutants were a valuable asset, and by such actions he could kill two targets at the same time - to drain the forces of opponents and lead to the isolation of super mutants ready to cooperate with Vegas.

[X] - Coup in Vegas. Mr. House awakens at the Lucky 38 casino, finally receiving a platinum chip from the Courier. Together with an army of robots under his control, he tries to expel all three forces from the Mojave, but does not know that his three deputies are already weaving intrigues against him.

Right this seems like a good place to introduce House with the Courier using the broadcast array on Mount Black to awaken the securitron army.
[X] Plan Countdown to 00

[X] - Madmens. These are the super mutants who, due to the active use of stealth battles, began to gradually lose their minds. Their main desire is an obsessive desire to get more stealth fights, which allows them to avoid the feeling of other people's gaze, constantly tormenting them. The target of their attack will be pre-war research centers.
[X] - Children of the Master. They are somewhat similar to Marcus, for they also served in the army of the Master. But the key difference between them is that if the Master took the vision of Unity in its original form as a basis, then they strive to build a tough empire led by super mutants and rank even among mutants, where exactly their generation as the smartest will be at the top. Their goal is to capture slaves who will serve them, and therefore will be workers.
[X] - Savages. And finally, super mutants will not be themselves without those who would be just stupid savages. But finding themselves independent of those, they quickly slide into raiding and cannibalism, turning into a brute destructive force. They do not have any high convictions, they are simply feeble-minded that they are trying to survive in this way.

[X] - The Courier and Mr. House are guilty. It was Career who staged the events that led to the uprising and the exodus. Super mutants were a valuable asset, and by such actions he could kill two targets at the same time - to drain the forces of opponents and lead to the isolation of super mutants ready to cooperate with Vegas.

[X] - Coup in Vegas. Mr. House awakens at the Lucky 38 casino, finally receiving a platinum chip from the Courier. Together with an army of robots under his control, he tries to expel all three forces from the Mojave, but does not know that his three deputies are already weaving intrigues against him.
Meanwhile, I would be glad to receive feedback on the structure of posts, and what other information you would like to see in them.
Neither the Grand Canyon, nor even more so on the Sierra Marda, there were no full-fledged indications, unlike Daniel, who acts as a connecting link and Zion.
Hmm, so we need to weave these errant plots/information into a cohesive whole? Right now, we're doing the Supermutants, and we're told in-universe that Marcus can be the key.

However, I'm thinking a follow up to bind everything is:
Big Mountain. A pre-war research center with a huge number of prototypes of a wide variety of technologies that survived the Great War and were to be used in the hands of the American army. But instead, they ended up in the hands of mad scientists who still continue to rule this place.

We can tie together Presper, the mad scientist; the Rebirth of the Intelligent Deathclaws; and a possible, dreadful hope for the Supermutants. It can come together with this ancient think tank.

As an aside, I believe the FEV virus initial creation of intelligent Deathclaws is unique, but the potential for intelligence was always there; it just would have taken 1000's of years like normal evolution, if at all. A potential that Big Mountain brought back and set loose into the world.
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Hmm, so we need to weave these errant plots/information into a cohesive whole? Right now, we're doing the Supermutants, and we're told in-universe that Marcus can be the key.

Markus is the key to the original version of the game. Ideally, all ties should be left in the original version of the game, and each addition should be linked together.

Ullis's story is a somewhat perfect example, as he runs a line through all the major additions.

We can tie together Presper, the mad scientist; the Rebirth of the Intelligent Deathclaws; and a possible, dreadful hope for the Supermutants. It can follow together with this ancient think tank.

As an aside, I believe the FEV virus initial creation of intelligent Deathclaws is unique, but the potential for intelligence was always there; it just would have taken 1000's of years like normal evolution, if at all. A potential that Big Mountain brought back and set loose into the world.

I love your description. In fact, I put in my imagination, without specifying, the Dealer's birthplace - EPA. But Big Mountain is also quite an option. It is worth noting, though, that the sentient deathclaws of the Midwest are canonically independent of the Enclave.
Midwest are canonically independent of the Enclave.
Shoot, I forgot. thought it was all Enclave.

[X] Plan Have You Been Watching the Mailman?
-[X] - Madmens. These are the super mutants who, due to the active use of stealth battles, began to gradually lose their minds. Their main desire is an obsessive desire to get more stealth fights, which allows them to avoid the feeling of other people's gaze, constantly tormenting them. The target of their attack will be pre-war research centers.
-[X] - Children of the Master. They are somewhat similar to Marcus, for they also served in the army of the Master. But the key difference between them is that if the Master took the vision of Unity in its original form as a basis, then they strive to build a tough empire led by super mutants and rank even among mutants, where exactly their generation as the smartest will be at the top. Their goal is to capture slaves who will serve them, and therefore will be workers.
-[X] - Nihilists. They believe that the only hope for the world for restoration died with the Master, and people will only destroy him again, now completely. They now only want to end the suffering of future generations by finding some kind of weapon that will destroy the New World.
-[X] - The Courier and Mr. House are guilty. It was Career who staged the events that led to the uprising and the exodus. Super mutants were a valuable asset, and by such actions he could kill two targets at the same time - to drain the forces of opponents and lead to the isolation of super mutants ready to cooperate with Vegas.
-[X] - Big Mountain. A pre-war research center with a huge number of prototypes of a wide variety of technologies that survived the Great War and were to be used in the hands of the American army. But instead, they ended up in the hands of mad scientists who still continue to rule this place.

Going for some build up to the House Coop.
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Well, we all agree on madmen and the Courier/House at least.

Do want to do the coup either now or the next one. But I'm just wondering if doing Divide or another location would allow more set up for the coup...?

Though Big Mountain and the Divide I do like, but so far to me it seems like in the end the Divide will tie everything in much better. I mean for one thing what if a faction who aquired uranium from the Grand Canyon wanted to get at a remaining ICBM?

Hm...Do recall having an ideal relating to the Armageddon highway, but thats more close to LA...
[X] Plan Have You Been Watching the Mailman?

Personally, I feel like going for the Coup in Vegas right now is slightly jumping the gun. We've used this update to remind the players that New Vegas isn't going to sit idly by while the NCR, Brotherhood, and Legion fight for control. The next update, rather than beginning with the deployment of the Robot Army, would instead be one more conflict between the factions as they jockey for another advantage on each other.

Big Mountain or the Divide offers an event where the factions continue to fight each other (either directly or in a race for an objective) while also trying to formulate what exactly is going on in New Vegas. Some NPC discussions may reveal that the news from New Vegas has been getting sparser and sparser. Maybe there is a purge of spies from the Families, maybe the respective spying rings are fighting each other. Either way, something is happening in New Vegas, and the lack of a clear answer as to what it is worries the respective commanders. Hidden from player view, Mr. House has begun his play for Vegas, all that he needs now is a bit more time to revive the Legacy of the Old World.

Effectively, we use the next update to build up what is the climax of the storyline: the concurrent Second Battle for Hoover Dam and Always Bet on the House.
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Turn 18 - Coup in Vegas
[X] Plan Countdown to 00

[X] - Madmens. These are the super mutants who, due to the active use of stealth battles, began to gradually lose their minds. Their main desire is an obsessive desire to get more stealth fights, which allows them to avoid the feeling of other people's gaze, constantly tormenting them. The target of their attack will be pre-war research centers.
[X] - Children of the Master. They are somewhat similar to Marcus, for they also served in the army of the Master. But the key difference between them is that if the Master took the vision of Unity in its original form as a basis, then they strive to build a tough empire led by super mutants and rank even among mutants, where exactly their generation as the smartest will be at the top. Their goal is to capture slaves who will serve them, and therefore will be workers.
[X] - Savages. And finally, super mutants will not be themselves without those who would be just stupid savages. But finding themselves independent of those, they quickly slide into raiding and cannibalism, turning into a brute destructive force. They do not have any high convictions, they are simply feeble-minded that they are trying to survive in this way.

[X] - The Courier and Mr. House are guilty. It was Career who staged the events that led to the uprising and the exodus. Super mutants were a valuable asset, and by such actions he could kill two targets at the same time - to drain the forces of opponents and lead to the isolation of super mutants ready to cooperate with Vegas.

[X] - Coup in Vegas. Mr. House awakens at the Lucky 38 casino, finally receiving a platinum chip from the Courier. Together with an army of robots under his control, he tries to expel all three forces from the Mojave, but does not know that his three deputies are already weaving intrigues against him.

The story of the Exodus from Mount Black is for us a classic example of an expansion, in which all parties to the conflict unite for the sake of confronting a common enemy, which are super mutants disloyal to Marcus. And the plot of the add-on is a gradual struggle with many heads of the hydra before trying to destroy it itself.

The starting point for all these events is the year 2077, when Mr. House was expecting the arrival of a platinum chip from California, which would allow him to update his army of robots, as well as improve the anti-missile systems of his casino, which would be guaranteed to protect him from possible hits from nuclear warheads in the impending war between the United States and China. But unfortunately, he underestimated the speed with which it would start, and the chip did not have time for only a few hours. The imperfection of the operating system during the fight against nuclear bombardment led to a series of failures in Lucky 38, which led to dangerous malfunctions, for example, there was a risk of destroying a nuclear reactor under a casino. And as another unpleasant effect - the shutdown of systems for a century put him to sleep.

But when he woke up, he found himself in a completely different world. These were not the last attempts of the people to restore order after a nuclear war, when the military left without leadership tried in vain to restore order. Mojave by that time was a different world that he remembered the shape of the Old World, but did not understand its essence and nature at all. Savages wearing Elvis Presley suits would have been enough to drive him crazy.

But with the advent of researchers in the form of an expedition of the New California Republic forty years ago, which settled on Hoover Dam, he had a hope that the world was not so lost, that civilization remained somewhere else. This means that it must be restored and helped to recover from all the blows received. So he set about gradually rebuilding Vegas as a city at the crossroads of several trade routes - between Phoenix, Reno, Hub and Salt Lake City, specializing in entertainment for merchants.

His plan was to solidify himself until he could find a platinum chip that would allow him to dictate the terms of his technocratic dictatorship of progress by force. And so, while the New California Republic, the Brotherhood of Steel and the Caesar Legion were fighting for various places around the Mojave, he managed to get his valuable cargo. But the problem was the activation of a huge number of robots. A very powerful transmitter was needed, such ... as the one on Mount Black.

And here the Courier, who had already worked for House for a long time, and who was one of the three persons in the world who knew about his existence at all, stepped into the business. With a series of terrorist attacks, he began to incite discontent among super mutants, while knowing the position of non-violence on the part of Marcus. Several super mutants turned against him, forming a discordant coalition led by Tabitha. But its overwhelming number was enough to expel Marcus and those who agree with him from the mountain, and then proclaim the state of Utobita. But she was not a leader capable of keeping the army of super mutants under control, and they began to gradually disperse across the wasteland, attacking settlements and building their own states.

These events came as a shock to all the inhabitants of the Wasteland, for none of them expected such an imperceptible and rapid development of events. On one day, Marcus and his allies left the Big Mountain, and the next week the exodus of mutants from it began.

All parties to the main conflict were forced to conclude an unexpected truce, since with the further development of the event, such a move threatened the destruction of all positions of their faction in the Mojave, and potentially the fall of Vegas if hordes of super mutants unite for one final attack. They may hate each other, but all factions want to get the two main prizes in the Mojave Wasteland - Hoover Dam and Neo Vegas, and the destruction of these will devalue all losses.

This leads to the emergence of a consolidated organization of the Guardians of Purity, who prey on those who defile the purity of humanity. And it is they who will have to help the players during this conflict. The task will be gradually, in the course of three parallel storylines, to weaken each of the three groups of super mutants roaming the Wasteland, trying to find in them those with whom it is still possible to contact. Then - to destroy the remnants of these same groups in order to prepare the assault by the troops of all three factions of Mount Black itself. And by that time, Tabitha had managed to turn it into a full-fledged fortress.

And while the players try to break through the super mutant lines of defense, first destroying the remnants of the three main groups, and then making their way down the mountainside, she will continue to broadcast on the radio like a mad leader. Broadcast about the construction of the Millennial State of Super Mutants, about the greatness of their race and the fact that they will have to conquer the entire Wasteland. Until, at least, there is a fight with herself, which will end her hopes for the dominance of super mutants.

But, when it already seems that everything is over, one of the volunteers in the ranks of the Overseers activates the transmission systems on Mount Black, and reports appear throughout the Mojave about securitrons, as if from underground, but with heavy weapons.

As for our players, and how they perceived our addition, the result was quite warm. From their point of view, we listened to the criticism expressed and showed several rather atypical images of super mutants, although in general the idea of a war against super mutants seemed to them rather unoriginal, given that shooting them constituted a fairly significant part of the gameplay of the third part. On the other hand, the figure of the Courier, who from the very beginning of the gameplay met the players, and in this update was an ally who betrays the players, together with the tie for the next update, reawakened interest in our project. As a result, our popularity not only stopped its slow decline, but even showed a tiny growth. True, only fifty thousand.

In any case, it's good that in the penultimate of the updates before the release of the Battle of Hoover Dam, we decided to make a coup in Vegas, since this is exactly what the players for the most part expected - a continuation of the storyline already laid down by us.

This update itself should center around the fight against the dictatorship of Mr. House in Vegas, which he, thanks to his army of robots and control over the most powerful forces, has turned into a real church. A full-fledged assault on this city would require combined forces from all factions in the Mojave Wasteland, and even then it would turn into a bloody siege with prolonged city battles. And this is without the presence of groups of robots in the rear of all factions that destroy supply routes.

Fortunately for us, not everyone is happy with the current state of affairs in the Mojave, for the dictatorship of Mr. House means an undoubtedly prosperous regime, but only through hard work and constant intrigue is it possible to ensure at least relative prosperity. Of course, almost immediately there is a rebel movement, which is supported by one of the groups, turning Neo Vegas itself into a battlefield.

Choose one option:
[] - Followers of the Apocalypse. This organization is not directly involved in organizing the resistance, but they openly help the victims in the fight against Mr. House. As a result, they act as a symbol of resistance to the House dictatorship, the population rallies around them and organizes their own headquarters from their hospital, not paying attention to the unwillingness of the Followers themselves to condone this.
[] - Trading houses. Capitalists like him will act as a counterweight to House's policies. In the end, the hostilities he is organizing destroy the delicate balance of power in the Wasteland that these traders used to operate. They organize many mercenary detachments of local residents, well equipped and armed to resist the robots.
[] - Raiders. Oddly enough, even raiders and other criminals can become a symbol of resistance to House. In the end, no one can stop such an army of robots from the raiders. And the criminals themselves can help in the activity against House, ensuring the functioning of a system of secret passages, allowing the resistance to evade any confrontation.
[] - Write-in.

But just the faction that helped the locals in the fight against House is really not enough. It takes more than just spontaneous resistance to find vulnerabilities in Mr. House's systems, it takes more — betrayal at the very top, from someone on whom House himself relies and even fears to some extent. From someone like his closest aides. And this time we even have a candidate for that.

Choose one option:
[] - Courier. The traitor will be the one who deals with the Mojave. He planned to orchestrate a Vegas power grab from the start, and all of his work for Mr. House is nothing more than a lengthy preparatory plan to eliminate him by forces of the factions fighting for control of Vegas.
[] - King. The traitor will be the one who deals with Outer Vegas. Acting as the voice of the common people, he has long been unhappy with the way people in Vegas are treated. As a result, when the uprising began, he decided to support those who were closer to him, even if the hope of victory would be illusory.
[] - Benny. The traitor will be the one who deals with the Vegas Families. His interests are extremely self-serving in nature, and the war waged by Mr. House threatens to turn him not into an influential person in Vegas, but into nothing more than an official in the huge bureaucratic machine of the House empire. Only by taking control of Vegas will he be able to keep this place.
[] - Write-in your option with other variants or combinations of upper variants.

And finally, it remains for us to decide the fate of the last update before starting our journey towards the Battle of Hoover Dam.

Choose one option:
[] - Divide. We have already mentioned this place as a path that leads in Mojave almost directly from Shady Sands and where the mysterious Ulysses hid. This place is so important that there was even a battle for it, however, it turned out to be outside the attention of the players themselves. But they can see the consequences of this battle, which ended in nuclear explosions, which immediately attracted all the factions and required them to investigate what happened.
[] - Bullhead City. This downstream Colorado city also guards the only passage to the city from the ocean. And, for example, the Brotherhood of Steel or the New California Republic could send a ship upstream across Colorado to block river crossings in an attempt to cut off supplies to Legion forces. Plus, it also houses the former Fort Abaddon, the only New California outpost in Arizona.
[] - Area 51. Of course, Base 51 is located next to Neo Vegas, which is associated with a whole cult of conspiracy theories dedicated to the search for aliens, and they really have always been a part of our universe. And there may be not only aliens, but also other mysterious creatures. For example, the laboratory where the first Wanamingos were created.
[] - Big Mountain. A pre-war research center with a huge number of prototypes of a wide variety of technologies that survived the Great War and were to be used in the hands of the American army. But instead, they ended up in the hands of mad scientists who still continue to rule this place.
[] - Write-in.
Disappointed that there isn't an option to join Mr. House. He is a staple of Vegas after all....Unless.

[X] - Plan: The Deck of Cards
- [X] - Write in: Enclave Remnants. Those who made their home in the Mojave, fallen old soldiers of the Great Eagle, The Devil's Brigade. Spurred into action to protect what they see as their new home. They convened once more at the Vertibird Bunker and each gave their part of the passcode. Riding out inspiring a rebellion against Mr. House's autocratic regime.
- [X] - Courier. The traitor will be the one who deals with the Mojave. He planned to orchestrate a Vegas power grab from the start, and all of his work for Mr. House is nothing more than a lengthy preparatory plan to eliminate him by forces of the factions fighting for control of Vegas.
- [X] - Write-in: The War for the Mojave. The part 2 expansion of the Coup in Vegas, the penultimate expansion before the Battle for Hoover Dam. The battle for Vegas turns into a free for all once more, a key part of the expansion being the ability for players to choose to even side with Mr. House, for the House Always Wins. Or to turn to the Wild Card, join the Courier and usurp the House's armies and fight for "Independence". Or they could remain with their chosen Factions. Fighting all across the Mojave in a story expansion.
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Just in case they were forgotten about, there is the Mojave Enclave thats present. They've been brought up in the Canon raider coalition quest line as well as mentioned in an update before.
[X] Plan Ring a Ding Ding

[X] - Raiders. Oddly enough, even raiders and other criminals can become a symbol of resistance to House. In the end, no one can stop such an army of robots from the raiders. And the criminals themselves can help in the activity against House, ensuring the functioning of a system of secret passages, allowing the resistance to evade any confrontation.
[X] - Benny. The traitor will be the one who deals with the Vegas Families. His interests are extremely self-serving in nature, and the war waged by Mr. House threatens to turn him not into an influential person in Vegas, but into nothing more than an official in the huge bureaucratic machine of the House empire. Only by taking control of Vegas will he be able to keep this place.
[X] - Divide. We have already mentioned this place as a path that leads in Mojave almost directly from Shady Sands and where the mysterious Ulysses hid. This place is so important that there was even a battle for it, however, it turned out to be outside the attention of the players themselves. But they can see the consequences of this battle, which ended in nuclear explosions, which immediately attracted all the factions and required them to investigate what happened.

We create a criminal resistance that brings things near enough back to the status who so we don't create too much story/gameplay separation and we have a lead into the Divide being exploration of The Courier's background. Benny also makes a good traitor in which everybody knows he's a dishonest two-timing snake, but he can be relied on to be relied on a dishonest two-timing snake.

I also have the idea that his canon backstory with The Courier still exists to play up just how frightening it is to be on the receiving end of a protagonist. Benny shot him twice in the head at point blank range and buried him in a shallow grave... and The Courier dug himself out to carve a path of destruction across the Mojave to track him down.
Not sure how switching my own vote and then people voting for the plan I originally made works. But sure. I just assumed the plan doesn't work because of what has been said.
Voting is open