Fallen Fantasy Worldbuilding Thread (No SV, Help Cyber Go Insane in Fantasy Land Together)

...Now I can't help but think of a certain other civ quest...
They would carry similar what energy to the Ymaryn. But being more notable for their fortress societies that are built to survive attrition, an army of what essentially are best described as special forces with nightmarish ranged potential due to their strength blessings. Though their one big problem is their relative lack when it comes to pitched battle.
So anyone wanna worldbuild another faction?
I might, though I'll need to think up of one...

Though I found something very interesting video covering the bronze age collapse...

One very interesting thing, is that it seems one major factor was the very developed kingdoms in the age had many failure points because of the very advances that allowed them to thrive. They had writing, but needed elite scribes to read and write all of the important records. They had highly advanced irrigation and farming systems, but they were reliant on central infrastructure and officials that manage the farms, and probably were not sufficiently aware on how to maintain soil quality during such intense farming. The Chariotiers that were the best force of the age were much like the knights from much later, very expensive, need to be elite to use the equipment well. Which, when combined with the trade close to the level of the modern era in interdependence, and the command economy that both enabled and allowed for the advances probably led to the sheer collapse that took thousands of years for society to recover close to the level of before, thanks to the total system collapse that ended the bronze age.
Have fun man I'm not gonna be picky.
I am considering taking the faction I loosely developed in an omake as a hypothetical faction of a game within said fic that I might use.
Yidia Empire Faction Concept

A relatively new empire, built on human ingenuity and stubbornness. The Legions have proven their might time again against the haughty elves and their blade-dancers, the orcs and their mighty warbands, the great centaur Warherd, and many others, through clever tactics, ingenuity, and stubbornness. Their vast understanding of engineering and construction enabled the creation of some of the greatest, grandest fortressed the world has seen, rivaling even those of the Elves! Their mighty legionnaire, the backbone of the legions are highly disciplined and armed usually with Javelins and sword and board. Using those to devastating effect, especially when supported by pikemen, capable of holding ground against even the fiercest frontal assaults. And recently, Knights have been added, with the advent of masterwork plate armor, giving elite infantry vastly improved protection while offering minimal hinderance on the ground, unless tipped over. Their fortresses are built to be virtually unassailable, even to magic, via complex mathamatics and slopes, alongside many other little tricks to weaken attempts to breach the walls.

The Yidian cities are well built, with an eye towards defensibility. Aqueducts provide water cheaply, and a very extensive portal network between the cities and fortresses to ensure reliable communication and to serve as a lifeline should an extensive siege cut off a city from from it's local area. The mages are renowned for their efficiency and cooperation, even as the elves look down on them for their need to collaborate. The famed Chance-dancers use their danger sense to enhance their skills, and sometimes working in dangerous fields or the battlefield, using the sense to stay alive and help others.

But the empire is starting to fray. The legions are starting to be overstressed, the ingenuity is starting to be replaced with staunch traditionalism, tensions from within and without are rising with the other factions eying them looking for weakness, even as tensions continue to grow between the traditionalists and reformers. The Orcs especially are preparing to try and have another go against the legions, perhaps hoping the other commitments could give them the chance they need. And in the background, hidden from everyone else, a group of thinkers, are watching from the shadows, continuing their duty to analyze prophesy away from prying eyes, while hiding a secret that may doom or save the empire.

The Legion: Their professional troops are among the best in the world. Very well trained and great at working together, especially in formation.
Chance Dancers: Elite troops whom use their ability to sense danger or disaster to not only survive, but thrive on the battlefield
Master Engineers: Thanks to their knowledge, they are very good at making, and bringing down fortifications.

Merely Human: Pretty much every faction has something truly special that gives them a solid advantage, except for the humans whom only have their wits.
Overstretched: They have many resources, but also many responsibilities. Which leaves not much in the way of soldiers to redirect as needed, and is made worse by internal politics.

A/N: Well this is kind of an OC empire created for the game I am kind of building up to...😅 Not sure where I will end up with this, but hope this is interesting. Not sure what thematic domain to spend my points on for this omake.
Well, here is an attempt to loosely turn a pure idea for a game faction into a full faction

"King": Tasia Libo
Normally, the leader would not be one person, but a council chosen through various means. But in times of uncertainty, they might choose to elect a leader given major powers, that while not absolute, has the power to generally decide the direction of the nation, especially in matters of crisis. Tasia Libo is a very intelligent man, whom proved himself as both a clever commander and diplomat, but has ruffled many feathers for his methods, such as the acceptance and usage of the arquebus.

Land: Yidian Efficiency

While there are other better administrators, Yidia holds some of the best architects in the world, using knowledge, ingenuity, and creativity to create great works, both impressive and effective, competitive against even the elven and dwarven construction. Other fields also holds surprisingly skilled artisans, farmers, and people in other professions cultivated by the push for ingenuity and creativity. One of the most notable aspects of the empire is their cities and fortresses, designed by master planners and architects to both sustain general operations and to aid in any defense. While the Legions may be feared, few can deny that Yidian fortresses are some of the best of the world, rivaling those of even the elves and dwarves.

Rule: Pax Yidian
Yidia as a people are surprisingly open to outsiders, partly from cultural inertia and partly from practicality. While there are those traditional hardliners pushing to keep 'outsiders' out, it is one of the more unpopular tenants of the traditionalist faction. In general, there are two large factions in politics, the traditionalists, that resist change and want to protect their own interests, and the reformers, full of thinkers, idealists, and other groups that see change as a core strength of the Yidan people. Their military is professional, with highly trained pilum armed swordsmen and pikemen forming the backbone, alongside archers, elite longbowmen, and knights whom supplement them. While guns have started circulation, their limitations, and the resistance of the traditionalists keep their usage minor to nonexistent.

The idea, is essentially a fantasy Rome that survived through ingenuity, flexibility, and stubbornness in spite of facing factions much more capable than them. Though as a faction in this, while they are around medieval/early renaissance, they are running into issues of pride and don't really have a unique solid advantage to justify it, unlike the orcs battle prowess and raw strength, the elves' sheer skill, and the centaur's speed and unique combat enabled by their nature. Might try and make faction sheets using the general ideas of the other factions. Like the very prideful and skilled elves, notable for the dagger masters, whom while skilled, are crippled by their arrogance, hence their two dagger style.

Opinions on this?
Ahh, Fantasy Rome...how Origenal.

Tullius: I'm you but with Magic.
Yeah. The idea was more that the differences would be more of a pushed to excel or die, due to being baseline human in a fantasy world where they are outmatched by everyone else. Essentially, insanely designed fortresses and an assortment of professionally trained soldiers being almost a prerequest to survive.😅

Very much pulling from the Shadiversity stuff as far as unique advantages the other envisioned factions would have.
Elves with extreme skill and magic, but crippled by their pride. Orks being nasty warbands that wield warbows too powerful for any ordinary non-auged human could use, and with tons of full war weapons around. Centaurs basically as an all cav army that may 'acquire' riders to aid in battle, with the means depending on the group of centaurs.
And humans, basically all they really had was the occasional 'chance-dancer' whom basically were people with a supernatural instinct to avoid danger, as far as I envisioned the verse.
Ahh, Fantasy Rome...how Origenal.

Tullius: I'm you but with Magic.
Well, Yilda is a mish-mash of early rome and late rome. Still a republic, but with a fully professional army. Though the Senate of said rome isn't in good condition, between both internal conflict and outside influence looking to weaken or subvert them. Also, Yilda kinda did have magic, just...

Not much, relying on organized groups of mages to get much done...

Gonna try and turn the centaur faction idea into something.

"King": Unegen Khan
The centaurs are wanderers, typically only a loose confederation of tribes that typically went their separate ways. Though they have developed a fearsome reputation in part because of when they last united they carved dominance in the lands until their Khan fell in a very unfortunate event that left it's mark. Unegen Khan is a diplomat first and foremost, preferring to talk things out, and managed to get the spot in part because neither major faction could not win enough support. Though that isn't to say that Unegen isn't skilled, just untested in the battlefield.

They are a nomadic people. They live off of the land and their herds. While there are more sedentary villages that are under their protections, they mostly play minor roles in part due to the nature of leadership.

They are generally a bunch of clans with their own interests. Though they generally play things loose with the locals, in part due to the trauma from the khan getting killed by a meteor trying to deal with a slave revolt, with the belief that it was divine retribution for their actions, with this being the major dividing factor among the clans. With some trying to reimplement the policies of the past to try and relive old glory, with others calling against it, and some advocating for pushing for a more equal relationship with the other groups. While there is a new Khan, there is a lot of uncertainty especially with the fate of the last khan.

Well, another faction idea here. Centaur Mongols are probably the simplest way to describe them. But also with certain distinct details, such as these centuars having historically used conscripted slaves to help the centaur warriors fight. A practice that died out alongside the old khan, and one of the central conflicts between the two main parties.
"King": Selanar Fengolor
A young king, one that has only recently been put in charge. While rather untested, he has a well rounded education, though his unconventional thinking has led to problems in court, especially as certain actions he had done makes it clear that he doesn't side with the currently transcendent traditionalists, such as the fact he explicitly hadn't shut down the gun project in spite of it not only being not very effective, but also worse than the crossbows in the relevance of skill as far as the Traditionalist archers care for. He has talked his way out of a few disputes in his younger years, but his inquisitiveness has put him in some disputes, like when he questioned why the Yidians were able to regularly outrange their own archers, despite having no physical advantage.

Land: Golden Isle
A rich land, full of architecture built with the aid of magic. Said to be the best there is, much like most things elven. Their castles, towns, and buildings are built to impress, with the focus of defense usually being put more for the famed elven mages when deemed necessary. Their lands are rich and well-developed, if lacking in more mundane innovations like the Yidian aqueducts.

Rule: Supreme Excellence
Elves, ESPECIALLY the empire, place great emphasis on skill. each worker pushes themselves to the very height of their craft, boasting some of the most skilled in many fields, including the dubiously legendary blade-masters. The blade-masters have earned a mixed reputation due to their pride leading them to make the dubious choice of always being armed with only two daggers. While undoubtably skilled enough, there was one particularly infamous incident where a pheonix guard were able to strike down 5 blade-masters alone, a great embarrassment only possible thanks to the blade-master arrogance in only using daggers, even against other elven warriors of the blade. While they may be skilled, they also tend to be very prideful, especially those whom are near the top of their profession.

Well, here is another thing. Very, very prideful elves whom are prideful enough it can somewhat blind their judgement. Which, well, best shown by the somewhat envisioned arrogant blade-masters whom chose to only use the dagger to prove their skill. I suspect when the industrial revolution comes around, they'd be in for some 'Interesting' times, considering the emphasis on personal skills. And as far as the tidbit about the human faction outranging them. Well, I kinda figure that considering the best way to show off archery skills are archery, such a prideful group may be more likely to adopt target shooter methods, prioritizing accuracy, instead of methods that enable the archer to get more efficient draw, enabling heavier bows at the cost of accuracy.
General Titus Tullius

Titles: General of the 9th Leigon, Lord Protector of the Empire.

Diplomacy: 9+5+1=15 (Tullius is a blunt man, who understands the decorum of his position, but refuses to use it out of obligation to his men.)

Martial:19 +6+6+1=32 (General Tullius alone, turned around a Civil war from a rout into a stalemate, and had a stellar reputation from the Great War of Tamriel, he was Ulfric's equal in terms of strategy based on Thalmor intelligence.)

Stewardship: 13+4+4+1=22 (An Imperial Legion commander who does not study logistics and take it to heart IS NOT a Member of the Leigon!)

Intrigue:13+1 =14 (He Knew the Civil War was a farce to divide Mankind from the start…)

Learning: 11+4+1=16 (He is well read and well traveled in his world and in many cases this one.)

Piety:3+1=4 (He knows spells, and goes to the right temples but Tullius is not particularly religious.)

Personal Combat:13+10+6=29


Skilled Commander: This character is skilled in the art of War and Battle. (+6 Martial, +4 Stewardship, +4 learning, +10 Personal Combat)

Imperial Legion Commander: You are the Commander of the Impiral 9th Legion and were fighting for the empire for a long time. (+6 Martial, +4 Stewardship. +6 Personal Combat.)

Imperial: You are an Imperial, a son of Cyridell and the heart of the empire. Though far from home and across space and Time…that will never change (+5 Diplomacy, +5 to all diplomacy rolls, access to Magic at birth. +5 to using magic.)

The Last Imperial?: General Tullius is the Last true official of the Third Empire of Tamriel. With his empire gone…he has a choice to make. (+1 all Stats. Can Evolve into ??? If a decision is not made soon despair may soon befall him and his legion.)

AN: if anyone wants to add a trait to Tullius...I'm all ears.

Well, the Indomitable Village, as it is called, lies at the Northern Coast of Brittany. So, I would say it and the four Roman Garrisons surrounding it (named Aquarium, Totorum, Laudanum and Compendium) got transported over in this World.

The Gauls and the Romans of the four Garrisons, in light of the Upheaval, have formed an uneasy Alliance in a 'better the devil you know' manner, though obviously the Gauls are keeping the Secret of the Magic Potion strictly to themselves for now, since no one among them trusts the Romans that much yet.
Currently, Chieftain Vitalstatistix and the Four Centurions of the Garrisons are busy trying to figure out what in all the Gods Names happened and how things are looking outside of Aremorica (aka Brittany), which they have seized joint control over. Their Alliance is shaky at best, but holds...for now.