Fallen Fantasy Worldbuilding Thread (No SV, Help Cyber Go Insane in Fantasy Land Together)

So anyone got any more suggestions.

LeChuck (Monkey Island) - The Caribbean: This is another case where I don't know much about the source material, but hey, undead pirate king. Hard to say no to that.

Risky Boots (Shantae) - Sequin Land (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman): Same as above, and another pirate to boot (no pun intended, but I won't apologize for it either).

The Dark Prince (Prince of Persia) - Empire of Persia (Iraq, Iran, Syria): Mostly ignorant, but I have seen the movie. My idea for this is that the Prince (player character) has been taken over by his dark side from the third game.

Malefor (Legend of Spyro) - Malefor's Domain (Algeria): Now this something I do know, I just don't want to make a K/L/R for it as it already has one on SlayStation, and I don't just want to copy/paste what's already said. But I think Malefor would make a great addition for this as 1) He's a dragon and that's always cool and 2) His goal is to destroy and remake the world, which will put him at very serious odds with the other Kings.

While I haven't played any of the games, I'm sure Fire Emblem has plenty of Kings and factions to fill up Asia.
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Fallen Fantasy (A Fantasy Multicrossover with mostly Villains Victorious...Mostly)

If someone looks upon the world they will see the worst of us...a world without faith, ideals, true justice and worse. A World without true hope is hell that cannot be understood, not by any man, woman, child, god.

Hope and the will to change has always been the true architect of the real world, a world of wonder, change and sorrow. Without those true ideals, life is not worth living.

A Life not worth living is no life at all...and that is the folly of this fallen world.

For where there was once hope for the future, for change, and for a Legacy to be forged and tamed by those willing to fight for it.

Now there is only true stagnation.

Where there were once Heroes, Masters and Men of Honor, there is now only the minority and intrigue and the Lust for Power and Influence.

The Intrigue of these men know no bounds, no reason and No quarter, as the lines of Empires and Petty Kingdoms slowly coelest into the new Status Quo.

To change these into something better, something noble...is while not impossible, requires great and terrible amounts of Effort and Will to make it so, and to bring the World some manner of Peace and Stability.

You may die...you may be stopped, but that does not mean you can overcome the Evil of the World...and find meaning in it once again.


List of Factions we be using:

The Aldmeri Dominion (Elder Scrolls)-Controls Scicily

The Imperial Legion and Stormcloaks-Warring in Scandinavia

House Lannister and Bolton (Asoiaf) Lannisters-Control Most of Southern Spain, Boltons-Most of South England.

The Dothraki-Control much of the Eurasian Steppe

Nordipalica (Tales of Vesperia)- Somewhere in the South.

Hammerfell- Controls Iran to Syria.

The Guild Union- Near or at St. Louis Missouri

The Kingdom of Falconia- Moscow

The Empire of Zaphias (Tales of Vesperia)- Stretches from the Ohio River Valley to Maine and South to Virginia.

Isengaurd (LOTR)- Ireland

Mordor (Lotr)-Also Ireland.

Gondor and Arnor- Portugal and Parts of Northern Spain

Empire of Nilfgaard- The Balkans to West Turkey.

Kaedwen, Temeria, Redania and Aedirin- POLAND!!


Toussaint- Aquitaine

Fortunes Market-Various Locals

More to be added.



KING:The Thalmor

When Most People think of Elves, they think of the Elves of the Noldor or the Wood Elves of Mirkwood, a fair and wise folk with good humor and restraint in dealing with other people. The Thalmor are not these kinds of elves in fact they have more in common with Femto and the Godhand then any of the Noldor themselves. Their Power and Puppets often act on their worst impulses, at their request.

The Thalmor have the ability to send agests everywhere, and their Justicar's ever present with Shrewd Diplomacy and careful management of their political capital.

Land -New Summerset

Controlling Key Trade in the Region, and taking advantage of the Chaos of the long change, New Summerset is beset by three constants that any and all Hero's contend with.

High Taxes, that they use to bleed all but their most important and wealthy backers to pay for the Altmer's vast wall of expenses and needed bribe money for long term business.

Arbitrary Laws,being Human is a crime, punished by a Tax, Sympathizing with humans is considered a crime, punished by harassment and a Mob. Because clearly pushing the White Gold Concordat on other people is a clear sign of sanity.

And a difficult time practicing one's personal beliefs, Talos must Die...so that means that any other god related to it...meaning almost all of them must die.

Yeah some of the Thalmor have gone completely nuts. But they are a functioning and STABLE society that can go toe to toe with the many many neighbors they have to deal with.

RULE- Elven Supremacy, and Other Signs of the Apocalypse in this mad world

The Thalmor, hate being mortal, have you ever hated your feeling of Mortality so Much that you'd declare war on the other Gods of the World Just to steal their immortality. They Claim they bring peace and Order...like every other empire, and some actually believe them, for they are in rule at least somewhat fair, outside of their Tax Policy and Anti-Human Laws.



KING:General Titus Tullius

General Tullius is many things to different people. To some he is A Peerless Warrior, a Master General, a Fair Administrator and a Good Friend to many. To Other's he is an Exploitive Imperialist, a servant of an Empire that has lost its way, a master of deception and a puppet of the Thalmor.

All but one of these are True. But he is in a Truly Dire situation, Lost in a new World he doesn't understand with no true support and an Civil War to win with geography he knows next to nothing about…

Do not Envy this Man...he's merely marching on doing his duty to his now gone Empire.

LAND- Imperial Holdout of Solitude
The Last Remnants of Imperial Rule in Skyrim, now the holdout of the Last Impirials period. It is in spite of the Rationing and Guards is a pleasant place to live.

Decent Tax Rates, Good Land, A Rebellious Population and an Unpopular Queen and bandits and Dragons coming to kill them all.

It's the Full Package of Former Meade Empire's current Political Policies, though the Dragons are scary and a threat that must be dealt with.


If there is one thing that remains in the Empire that is constant it is the Social Cohesion, its Laws and its ever constant struggle against the Forces that want to kill them all.

So nothing changed beyond the fact that the Thalmor are far away, the Stormcloaks are closer and the Dragons are everywhere...FOR the Empire!! This is just a tuesday.

Hey as long as you Murder Bandits, don't steal or asassinate anyone and pay taxes they will let you do whatever you want.



KING:King Ulfric Stormcloak

If there was ever a man that exemplified what it means to be a Nord, it would be Ulfric Strormcloak. Fair In Peace, Dedicated in Peace, a Master of the Thu'um, A Man that is all that can be in a Warrior King.

But His Detractors see him as a Racist, Xenophobic, and Ill Sighted man with a Temper who Killed his King for being Slighted for not embracing his ideas of Policy for the nation.

He has weathered all these slings and Arrows to his Reputation with Good Humor, and Dark thoughts.

LAND- The Old Citadel of Windhelm

Its a Dark, Dreary Place, half the Year its Covered in Snow and Smells of Iron and Sweat of Training.

A Perfect Nord City...The Throne Jewel of the Nords Pride.


Ulfric's Rule is predicated on Two things, His Skill in Battle, and Nordic Nationalism.

Nordic Nationalism is predicated on the Hatred of Other Nations, Primarily the Thalmor, but also Imperial Forces of Larger Empires... So his Forgien Policy is predicated on resisting Empire and Larger States...While being the Most Powerful State in the Region.

All of this is Powered by Ulfric's Skill in Battle and Logistics as the Nord's Warrior King.



KING:Lord Tywin Lannister

Tywin Lannister is Half a Legend in his Own Right. A Master Administrator and Financial Genius capable of going toe to toe with Braavos. A Man who has devoted his Entire Life to his Legacy and House, with the Strength of Will to pull it all together.

When He himself cannot see to a problem he has a Handful of talented Subordinate's who respect him and follow him out of a carefully crafted sense of Loyalty.

While some Resentment exists...as all things do, He does not lack for ability.

LAND-Casterly Rock and Lands

Replacing Gold with Silver from the Spanish Mountains was difficult, but not insurmountable for the displaced Westerlands. Owing to Tywin's vast infrastructure projects and Military Professionalization, his power and projection of his authority are only surpassed by the Military Societies that dot the lands, and Empires that stretch across the Continents.

Tywin is Power to be envied...only held back by his Neighbours and lack of Navel Traditions.

RULE- A Lannister Always Pays his Debts

Tywin's Life Philosophy is "Harsh but Fair" and it has bleed into his Rule, and while he is fully Capable of Mind Numbing Cruelty, he is in fact capable of mercy, fair conduct and decent power. Tywin is built on the Feudal System's cruelty, holding a power comparable to an Absolutist Monarchy.

But even his influence has limits, Fear and Respect need constant management...and without effort, will turn into ambition.


The Empire of Zaphias

KING: Regency Council under Commandant Alexei

It has Been nearly a Decade since the Death of Emperor Azrael Sidos Heurassein, who at the peak of his sheer power and influence had passed away in the aftermath of his signing of the Treaties that had ended the Great War between the Guild Union, and the Entelexeia. With his Death and the fact the man had fought a war and lost most if not all of his adult heirs in the years of fighting and the Loss of Dain Nomos, meaning that even if they could give the next poor bastard the Title, they couldn't due to lack of the tool of Legitimacy.

Enter Commandant Alexei Dinoia of the Imperial Knights, War Hero and Victorious General of the Great War, Respected by all his peers alike and while not LOVED by the General Population, is one of the few Knights of the Empire they can agree to hate the least. Being put onto the Regency Council until such a time as the New Emperor can be crowned, he uses his power and the Apparatus of State to fulfil his own agenda.

To Remove Mankind's dependence on Blastia, and to Establish a grand United Empire under his Debatably benevolent rule.

Sure its got High Taxes for damn near everyone, but the guy's got the council of nearly the entire Nobility to use that money responsibly and…

Wait, did he just give Ragou money to pay for his Monster Zoo...and did Ragou start throwing Taxpayers into his Zoo for missing a Payment!! Surely this is just an anomaly and not the Rule?

Wait...why is Aspio selling state secrets on the BLACK MARKET!!

And why is it that every time the Lower Quarters Riot we keep sending the Guards! Its a temporary fix and they keep throwing Rocks at us.

A near Ten Years of Regency is starting to show its political inviability, better start making plans to deal with this corruption.

Or Suffer the Consequences of your Apathy of the State...

LAND: The Barriered Cities Stand Firm
On the Surface of the Empire, its running just fine, the Taxes are coming in, the Barriers are working, The Nobility continue to prattle along and the Commoners at least have enough to eat and enjoy…

Under the Surface..well it's a bit more complicated with a great deal of stress as of late.

The Heirs to the Empire are soon to be Coming of Age, and with that comes the question of , weather or not the Regency is needed to continue, meaning your power is in jeperdy.

Among other things that need to be dealt with, A Dragon Rider is Running around destroying Blastia and causing a Ruckus in the Periphery.

The Guilds are Running around trying to get paid looking for work that clearly they want to do and everythings going to some form of hell as they try to get it, leading to friction between the Knights.

On top of all of this, the Corruption of...alot of your political allies is getting out of hand, and now its becoming a detriment to everything…


But on the Topic of ACTUALLY LIVING in the Empire.

There's good Employment, we don't practice serfdom, the population is able to afford weapons and conceivably fight the government...and we have freedom of Travel.

So its actually one of the Freer places to be in the world.

Really as long as the Barriers still work this isn't going anywhere.

RULE: Running on Inertia, Corruption and Other Forces of Nature.

Commandant Alexei is many things in his Rule, Capable, yes...but having to Run the army has led him to use one of the Oldest methods of State control.

Corruption, Bribery and Brute Force, with a touch of condescending diplomacy and the Might of Heracles.

But even with all these Tools, It is still a government, with the Right Tools, can be overcome.

But when a Man Runs the Military and the State, he will use a Blunt instrument of his Military force to get what problem solved is impressive as it can work.



KING: Duce Bellius

The Ever Enigmatic Master of the Coliseum of Nordopolica, Bellius had worked to manage, train and lead the largest contingent of soldiers, warriors and mercenaries on the planet, with the firm hand of the Duce doling out contracts and trade and battle in the last thirty or so years of rule.

Bellius does not show herself in person at all in spite of her importance, preferring to work through intermediaries and agents, and even if you could get a meeting you would not be able to assassinate her so easily...as a veteran of the Great War, she is a master of damn near everything.

And With an Alliance with the Guild Union, and with key allies in the Fortunes Market, Bellius is quite safe from external and internal dissent.

LAND- The Coliseum City, Nordopolica

Nordopolica is known for many things, Its Grand Coliseum, its 200 Man Melee and its great port as it controls one of the Key Trade Routes in the South. With a Barrier of power, and being built upon the Last Remnant of the Civilization that had built it, It is a Fortress that no sane army cannot take, at least not without men from the Inside.

But even that is difficult as the Warriors of the Guild would cut you down like straw men.

So don't cause trouble, they will be on you.

And Woe if they call upon their allies to help kick your ass.

RULE- By Warriors, For Warriors, That is Palestralle Way!!

For many in the City, the Laws are Simple and to the point, pay the guild fees, don't steal from the market, follow your contracts and don't bother the tourists.

Its a remarkably hands off level of government, but the Guild that rules the city have the Monopoly on Power, leading to crime being met with the full force of an entire city, justice is swift, brutal, but fair...with a trial, fines and execution only happening to the most heinous of criminals.



KING: Saruman the White

Saruman. Curunir. Curomo. The White Wizard. The Wise. Leader of the White Council. The Ruler of Isengard is known by many Names and wields many Titles. As the highest of his Order, great Power was granted to him by the Valar as he and his fellow Istari were sent to Middle Earth to assist it's People against the Forces of Darkness. For Centuries and Millennia, Saruman has supported the Free People through both his Arcane Might and Ancient Wisdom. He commands great Power, and much Respect among those who would call him an Ally.

But as the might of the Dark Lord Sauron grew and grew, Saruman began to fear that all their Skill and Wisdom would not be enough and that the Free People were too weak and divided to truly oppose the Forces of Evil. And so, he began to study the Darker Arts and the Magic and Devices of the Dark Lord of Mordor. His growing Arrogance in believing that only he could do what must be done, his Curiosity about the Workings of the Dark Arts and his mounting Desperation at now being the direct Neighbor to Sauron in this strange new World have set him on a dangerous path...a path at the end of which only Corruption and Damnation await...

LAND-The Great Citadel Isengard

The Tower of Orthanc and the Fortress of Isengard around it, build by the People of Numenor and later ruled by Gondor and Rohan, was given to Saruman after the Rohirrim threw back the Invasion of the Dunlanders, in hope of keeping it out of Enemy Hands. Saruman has reinforced the Walls and Defenses, turning it into one of the mightiest Citadels in all of Middle Earth...and also this new World they have found themselves in. Isengard and it's surrounding teem with natural Resources, and the frightened People of this new Land have, in the Face of the Dark Lord to the South, turned to the old Wizard in his mighty Tower for Protection and support. While Saruman will have to start from Scratch, he has all the Tools he needs to build a mighty Army.

High up within the Tower of Orthanc, Saruman conducts his Studies in both Magic and Sciences, with a keen mind for Arcane Arts and Metal alike. At the very top of it, he can study the Stars and the Sky, as well as channel his Spells even over long distances. However, the greatest Price of the Tower is the Seeing Stone, the Palantir, that is held inside of it. Saruman knows well about the Danger of using the Palantir, with Sauron in Possession of one of them...but is it not to powerful a Tool to NOT use? And is he not strong enough to resist the Dark Lords influence?

RULE: Saruman of the "Lesser Evil"

Saruman has long abandoned the Idealism he once held. Unlike Gandalf the Grey, he does not believe that Cooperation, Acts of Kindness and a Sense of Justice will hold the Darkness at bay. Only great Power and an intrinsic Knowledge of the Enemy can stop the Forces of Evil. And if sacrifices have to be made to achieve both of these, then that is how it has to be. After all, what are a few dozen or even hundred lives when the Fate of the World is at Stake?

And why should one not make use of the Enemies Weapons, his Devices and Methods to stop him? If he could only understand them...understand their Power...then he could wield them against their Masters.

And then...nothing would be able to stop him...

AN: Updated Version of the First post with new faction.
If hyrule is in the setting. I suspect that they would be viewed as a sleeping giant considering their technical feats, but with it's leader being an usurper with near zero approval rating and a massive resistance movement leading to hyrule being mostly inactive on the wider stage due to the shadow war over the fate of the kingdom. For better or worse, I think that hyrule's history would lead to the kingdom being more hardy than most, considering the cycle perpetrated by the curse older than the kingdom itself. And while BOTW setting has the super machines known as the divine beasts, Ganondorf nor the resistance wouldn't be able to use it, the former because those that could use it at any real level are enemies of his rule, the latter because it's simply too big and significant to hide, and not powerful enough to make trying to hold one against the full might of their enemy worth it. Rule wise, I suspect is probably a bit strict considering both the shadow war and the opinion rating, probably including rules against practicing magic and possessing weapons.
This counts as fantasy, right?

Evil Ash (Army of Darkness) - The Deadite Wastes (Isle of Man): I'm reluctant to include this as I'm getting the feeling England might already be full, but hey, in a fantasy setting there should be at least one demon faction.

I'm also wondering, can the Labyrinth (With Jareth as it's King) and Fantasia from the Neverending Story (with Xayide as it's Queen) exist in another reality to the main one, like how Wonderland and Oz do in DVV?

If hyrule is in the setting. I suspect that they would be viewed as a sleeping giant considering their technical feats, but with it's leader being an usurper with near zero approval rating and a massive resistance movement leading to hyrule being mostly inactive on the wider stage due to the shadow war over the fate of the kingdom. For better or worse, I think that hyrule's history would lead to the kingdom being more hardy than most, considering the cycle perpetrated by the curse older than the kingdom itself. And while BOTW setting has the super machines known as the divine beasts, Ganondorf nor the resistance wouldn't be able to use it, the former because those that could use it at any real level are enemies of his rule, the latter because it's simply too big and significant to hide, and not powerful enough to make trying to hold one against the full might of their enemy worth it. Rule wise, I suspect is probably a bit strict considering both the shadow war and the opinion rating, probably including rules against practicing magic and possessing weapons.
There's also the question if Ganondorf would even be bothered by opposition, seeing as he can only be killed by holy magic and weapons, something not too many evil overlords and kings have access too.
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There's also the question if Ganondorf would even be bothered by opposition, seeing as he can only be killed by holy magic and weapons, something not too many evil overlords and kings have access too.
Outside, not many threats. But the insurgency has a sizable amount of light arrows and quite a few people whom are worthy of wielding the two legendary swords in Hyrule. So yeah...
He is likely very powerful, but so is the massive insurgency in his lands.

The Empire of Nilfgaard

KING: Emperor Emhyr var Emreis

If there was ever another Level above Tywin Lannister, it would be Emperor var Emreis.Skilled in War, Internal Politics and Administration, with a record of leading an empire through several wars and conquests.

Really what he lacks is proper heirs and the competence of men around him.

Because clearly no one around him seems to be competent at all, or at least not competent enough.

Emhyr is just...tired at this point. Literally ready to move Heaven and Earth for a Proper Heir of his blood.

LAND: The Imperial Land of Nilfgaard

Nilfgaard is a land of Stability order and rampant Military Spending, only matched by the Greater Empires of the East and West. Comparable in Power to the Might of Nuemanor, its strength is second to none on the Continent.

Its Internal security is advanced, its power near limitless. Problem...The Situations of what was formally the Balkin's has the hands of his top men away and now it would be the perfect time to strike.

Of course the Eye of the Emperor is ever watchful.

RULE:One Land, One Nilfgaard

The Nilfgaardian Empire was forged by Blood and Steel, and in doing so forged a sense of Unity not seen since the Days of the Dragon Emperor Tiber Septim. One Land and One People.

But an Empire Such as this is not made without enemies, nore made without the desire for blood and



KING: Duchess Anna Henrietta

Anna Henrietta has a lot of Growing up to do...most of it has to do with statecraft and the reality of her situation no longer being protected by Nilfgaard. She is a Public Relations Master, but her staunch traditionalist policies and the sheer distance between herself and the heartland have left a great deal of stress upon the state she rules...to say nothing of the problems that beset her on a personal and State level.

LAND:The Grand Duchy of Toussaint

A Land of Sun, Wine and the Occasional Vampire. Toussant has access to the Mediteranian and the Atlantic, with bountiful trade and independent resources , they have what they will always need, enough alcohol to get them through such a time. Well that and a rather lax Military, with hedge knights and

RULE:Blood and Wine for All



The Guild Union:

KING: Don Whitehorse

The Don is many ways comparable to a king, but unlike many of his counterparts, he rules mostly by committee, A Council of the Wisest, Skilled and Able officers rule and direct policy , He leads by Guild Law and example, leading from the front, treating with outsiders and fellow powers with aplomb and grace one would not expect from an aged master warrior.

But do not expect his relative Freedom and dignity to all in his lands to be a weakness,

He earned his title in blood.

Land-The Guild City of Danghrast

Dangrhrast is the second great city of the world after Zaphias,being large enough of a city state to fully hold back the Might of the Empire, and bring its political might to bear against it. Its Council of Five Guilds and its dozens of smaller guilds constitute one of the most effective fighting forces on the Planet.

The Best Assassins, the Best Blacksmiths and well you get the idea, but they are guilds and they are loyal to MONEY! So keep that in Mind.


This is a City of Freedom,with Five Simple Rules if you want to be accepted and or not killed by the Blood Alliance.

First, Guilds are not allowed to fight each other without permission.
Second, You are not allowed to kill Foreigners, they pay in cash and don't ask questions.

Third,Do not antagonize the Armies that March along the borderlands...if you want to join them get a contract, don't annoy them.

Four, Do NOT STEAL FROM THE FORTUNES MARKET!! They outnumber all of us at least three to one without Mercenaries.

Five, If you get roped into an Ancient Prophecy, get recruited by a wizard or go adventuring, warn the Union of your situation and the Fortunes Market will give you a discount.

Okay those arn't the Exact Rules, but they are the effective ones.



KING:Sauron of the Ring

Sauron, the Great Lieutenant of Melkor, the Master of the One Ring and the Lord of Mordor, Is incapable of leaving his Spire.

Turns out putting all your power into a Ring is a difficult thing to deal with, but with a powerful litenty of officers powerful magic and a eternity or so of experience dealing with the forces of good, its left him with the ability to deal with a great deal of many things.

Namely most forms of rebellions are near impossible in his realm...we say near...they just need constant work.

LAND-Mordor and the Black Gate

Between the Hellscape and the fields of life, Mordor is an icon of contradictions and ill logic, its a dead land of evil, yet hold host to some of the greatest and prosperous lands in the world.

It holds no grand cities yet hold the populations comparable to them.

It has no true future, yet has all the tools to make it.

A Land of Contradictions...and oddities.

RULE: Melkor's Legacy

Melkor's Shadow weighs heavily over Sauron and his compatriots. Breaking with it after thousands of years of his imprisonment has left them with again, more freedom then they've ever had before...and yet they adhere to the Lords Legacy.

Sauron wishes to rule the world...but cannot decide how to do it.

Does he follow his lord's plans? As he's done in ages past...or does he follow his own ambitions and glory.
Oh and Kill Saruman, that would be a good first step.


AN: Forgot this.
Any more suggestion.
I admit I'm trying to come up with a faction from The Dark Crystal, but the prequel series on Netflix is very long and I'm still at the beginning. I do want to ask though, would you be cool with the idea of Thra taking up the southern part of the African continent, or do you have something else in mind for there?
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I admit I'm trying to come up with a faction from The Dark Crystal, but the prequel series on Netflix is very long and I'm still at the beginning. I do want to ask though, would you be cool with the idea of Thra taking up the southern part of the African continent, or do you have something else in mind for there?
That sounds like a Great idea. Give it.
...Would terraria and minecraft work?
Terraria, besides the monsters has a cult and what would likely be an adventurers guild whom run around killing monsters and gathering resources to improve their equipment.
Minecraft, well, would have the builders wherever they went to after their own creations ended their empire, with the villagers generally lacking in the knowledge they had before they split from the builders. Still relevant, but a shadow of what they were, with magical illagers doing their own thing. And then, a small and loose group whom were the survivors of the builders that haven't fled, both keeping at least some degree of the old knowledge, and improved to the point where they actually can fight back against even the scariest of the creations of the builders...
And there is also Ardania, which would be a mess with the 'king' once again trying to get his crown back with his loyalists. At least it is old hat for him! :D
...Would terraria and minecraft work?
Terraria, besides the monsters has a cult and what would likely be an adventurers guild whom run around killing monsters and gathering resources to improve their equipment.
Minecraft, well, would have the builders wherever they went to after their own creations ended their empire, with the villagers generally lacking in the knowledge they had before they split from the builders. Still relevant, but a shadow of what they were, with magical illagers doing their own thing. And then, a small and loose group whom were the survivors of the builders that haven't fled, both keeping at least some degree of the old knowledge, and improved to the point where they actually can fight back against even the scariest of the creations of the builders...
And there is also Ardania, which would be a mess with the 'king' once again trying to get his crown back with his loyalists. At least it is old hat for him! :D

make a sheet!!! I love it.
Name of Faction: The Skeksis

King/Ruler: The Emperor - Long ago, there was an alien race known as the urSkeks. In a misguided attempt to perfect themselves, they tried to split their dark halves away, however, this resulted with the urSkeks ceasing to be, and created two new races, urRu/Mystics, who are kind-hearted pacifists, and the Skeksis, who are the embodiment of everything the urSkeks saw to purge themselves of, their cruelness, ambition, and fear. Their leader, calling himself the Emperor, took command of not only the Skeksis, but the world of Thra. He tricked Aughra, the very essence of the world by turning her eye to the stars above and she trusted the Skeksis to watch over the Crystal of Truth. In her absence, the Skeksis abused and broke the Crystal, all in the name of immortality.

Land: Thra - The land of Thra is as beautiful as it is dying. Seeing the life of land with one's eyes may give the impression you have stepped into another would, and you would be right. The animals and people you find here are unique to the rest of the planet. The most ubiquitous race to call this land their home are the Gelfling, who are the most connected to Thra, and live in matriarchal clan-based societies. However, with the corruption of the Crystal, an evil energy called the Darkening has appeared and is corrupting and killing those who come into contact with it. But there may be hope to be found. Thra, while hurt and fading, is not yet gone, and if one has ears to hear, and patience to listen, they might hear Thra's song.

Rule: End. Begin. All The Same.

I can't quite come up with a Rule, but I hope what I got is satisfactory. I'm also sticking to the timeline of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, since if we start of in movie's events, all but two Gelfling will be dead, and I figured you would like to have more to work with. With that said, I don't think I have to change much since canon shows things end badly enough, so I think that's a villain victory in it's own right.

As for where Thra is, find the Central African Republic, take that, the countries next to and below it, and assume it's all Thra (save maybe Madagascar). There are way too many countries to just list out.
Location: Greenland

The Kingdom of Atlas

"King": General James Ironwood

It's not easy holding one's entire nation and beliefs on his back...but that is where James Ironwood stands.

A General, A Cyborg and Man of Action...he is a tired man, even with the Grimm, his greatest and near constant foe for his entire people now gone due to Cosmic bullshit...he's still gotta clean up the mess that they caused.

No he's not insane...or mad with power...he started going mad years ago.

But that is besides the point, he's got two kingdom's worth of shit to deal with, an army running on fumes and vapors and not enough bullets to make Martial Law effective for his taste.

"Wait what do you MEAN DUST doesn't Exist in this world!!"

Land: The Fallen Kingdom of Triumph, Atlas and Mantle

Look upon my works and despair.-Robyn Hill

"Alright...from what we can see, despite everything, the damages don't seem to be that bad."-Winter Schnee

Atlas and Mantle are Bleeding to Death, and that is not hyperbole. Once the Grimm were confirmed to have been gone thanks to sub orbital satellites, the people fled to the sea like rats, seeing the Grimm gone and the situation at home has led to thousands fleeing for their lives.

And that's before Atlas Realized that all their technology was failing due to lack of dust .

But that's besides the point, between the Martial Law being partially lifted, resource shortages and a crippled government, they have the work cut out for them.

Also they have to get this dealt with before a Greenland Winter.

But Compared to an Atlas Winter on Remnant, its a Mild by comparison.

Rule: Rule By Minority Vote and other signs of HARD TIMES

Its safe to say Atlas is a Cluster of bad decisions and poor leadership.

But it is still somehow a functioning government. It collects Taxes, It kills the monsters that attack from the sea and it fixes the roads.

Now it just needs honest oversight, James has a lot of work to fix...everything including his Reputation and his nation.

Atlas will be the master of the world, the Symbol of Progress.
List of Factions we be using:

The Aldmeri Dominion (Elder Scrolls)-Controls Scicily

The Imperial Legion and Stormcloaks-Warring in Scandinavia

House Lannister and Bolton (Asoiaf) Lannisters-Control Most of Southern Spain, Boltons-Most of South England.

The Dothraki-Control much of the Eurasian Steppe

Nordipalica (Tales of Vesperia)- Somewhere in the South.

Hammerfell- Controls Iran to Syria.

The Guild Union- Near or at St. Louis Missouri

The Kingdom of Falconia- Moscow

The Empire of Zaphias (Tales of Vesperia)- Stretches from the Ohio River Valley to Maine and South to Virginia.

Isengaurd (LOTR)- Ireland

Mordor (Lotr)-Also Ireland.

Gondor and Arnor- Portugal and Parts of Northern Spain

Empire of Nilfgaard- The Balkans to West Turkey.

Kaedwen, Temeria, Redania and Aedirin- POLAND!!


Toussaint- Aquitaine

Fortunes Market-Various Locals


Brazil-Atlantic Federation

Mexico-Mexican Empire under Santa Anna.

Argentina and Chile - Vampire Coast Pirates

Andes - Incan Empire (ruled from the Shadows by the Changelings)

Transylvania and Western Romania - Vampire Counts (Von Carstein Bloodline)

Hawaii - Lokhir Fellheart, the Krakenlord

Alsace Loraine-East Europan Imperial Alliance

Canada-Malakath of the Dark Elves.

Western Japan - the Daimyo-Alliance

Eastern and Northern Japan - The Fire Nation

Korea - The Kingdom of Korea and the Avatar-Alliance

The Three Kingdoms-Alliance - Western China

The Earth Empire - Manchuria and Parts of Northern China

The Republic of China and the People's Republic of China - Central China

Equestria- Flyover States of Montana, Idaho, Washington states.

Realms of Ulthuan - East Coast South of Virginia

Republic of Texas - Texas

Native Tribes-Coalition - Central USA ("Wild West")
...While I haven't fleshed things out, I was considering having the terraria and minecraft factions over in the Americas, with the Builders from Minecraft having faded into legend after the flight from the destruction of their mighty empire, and the terrarianan dryads a shadow of their former selves after fending off a mysterious being they referred to as Cthulhu. As far as the main factions, they would be the lunatic cult seeking to bring Cthulhu back and the Illagers, a cargo cult seeking power through magic and lapis lazuli, worshiping the builders and gains most of their stuff by raiding the locals.
...While I haven't fleshed things out, I was considering having the terraria and minecraft factions over in the Americas, with the Builders from Minecraft having faded into legend after the flight from the destruction of their mighty empire, and the terrarianan dryads a shadow of their former selves after fending off a mysterious being they referred to as Cthulhu. As far as the main factions, they would be the lunatic cult seeking to bring Cthulhu back and the Illagers, a cargo cult seeking power through magic and lapis lazuli, worshiping the builders and gains most of their stuff by raiding the locals.
Put it in North Africa if you want.
Location: North Africa

Illiger Raiders

"King": the Evokers???
These individuals that lead the group have learned how to cheat death and are powerful mages of their own right, having extensively studied lapis lazuli and seeking to replicate feats of the builders through magic and wool.
People banished for their 'reasonable' experiments from where they once called home, later developing a strong appreciation of the builders after some had witnessed the them escape from the dimension, and seeking, alongside their magical research, to recreate the works of the builders through the power of wool and magic!

Land: The Lodges

They base their operations out of their mansions and outposts, with the mansions serving as major bases of operations and the latter to establish presence in the area. They don't really hold onto territory, and villages that fall under their 'rule' are more raiding targets for resources and test subjects than any real agreement.

Unfortunately, they lack a centralized system or reliable mundane travel means between their assets.

Rule: Magical Raiders

Their 'rule' is a loose one, with their members either being mages or the result of experiments and/or brainwashing, enforcing no rule on land in their influence other than deployments to raid resources and test subjects, or more rarely builder relics.

Unfortunately, while their forces are impressive, they are reliant on their raids to replenish their far more expendable members, and their leaders are a 'bit' mad.
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