Ser Jaimie Lannister
Age: 33
Titles: Ser, Jaimie the Sullen, The Kingslayer.
Diplomacy: D20 => 16+2=18 (Jaimie is attractive, well-built and has a reputation for listening and acting effectively in the bounds of much of his duty in Kings Landing, he is also well-versed in various trade languages...he could have been an inspiring lord had he chosen.)
Martial: D20 => 13+2=15 (He's a veteran of Two Wars and while not competent, is not exactly terrible at it as well, he knows his limits)
Stewardship: D20 => 10+2=12( Compitent, he's better at math then he was at writing)
Intrigue: D20 => 10+2=12 (One does not live in Kings landing without being a schemer of some regard.)
Learning: D20 => 6+2=8 (He can read and write, but matters of higher thinking are best left to others)
Piety: D20 => 4+2=6 (He's as close to an atheist as one can get, but apart of him never really gave up on a higher power.)
Personal Combat: D20 => 18-2=16 (His combat skills are hampered, but his ability has never left him he's still one of the finest swordsmen in the world.)
"The Kingslayer"- Jaime Lannister has and always will be, the Kingslayer, a sworn bodyguard who murdered his king considering it his finest act...the truth is far more complicated, but he is publicly considered an Oathbreaker. (
Jaime gains a -20 to all diplomatic rolls when talking to people who know his reputation and care about it, conversely, he gains a +20 to all rolls related to stopping (Or helping) an assassination due to his years as a king's bodyguard. Should he ever explain his actions and come to terms it will have...various effects)
"One Handed (Right)"- Jaime has the Misfortune of having only a single hand after having his right hand cut off. And it was his dominant hand (-10 to all personal combat, -20 to personal combat rolls until retrained to use his left hand or he gets a suitable prosthetic to compensate)
"Whatever he Chooses"- Jaimie Lannister is now a Drifter upon the world, fighting for his own brand of Hypocrisy, Justice, and hope... (Jaimie is and always will be his own man. regardless of actions or who rules him, he will make the choice himself)
"Secret: Michael's Forsworn"- Jaime unknowingly currently carries the Fragmented soul of the Angelic Being once called Michael, whom was cast down from heaven after the burning of Vailenor. He acts as Jaimie Conscious and voice in his head. (+2 all stats sans Personal Combat, Jaime listens or he doesn't that is the way of things )
Ironhand Prosthetic: Jaimie has through his travels received an advanced prosthetic right hand, and while not as good as his old one, it is serviceable and allows him to fight close to his old strength. (Maluses in personal combat reduced to -2.)