Fallen Fantasy Worldbuilding Thread (No SV, Help Cyber Go Insane in Fantasy Land Together)

Heres the Thing, the Corsair Kings have got the Navel Bullshit to be a threat...though then again this guy was inspired by the Umbar Ck3 playthrough I had.
Good ole raiding then?
Cause honestly, while I don't know much about Umbar, i get a distinct impression they aren't gonna have much in the way of frontline ships, with even gondorian make ones being constrained by lack of any particularly notable firepower, relying on arrows and boarding. While many factions have various relatively common magic, cannons to simply blast them apart, muskets and just overall better armed. But of course, there are still ways to become a error, especially as their specialty likely never really was grand fleet battles, considering they are known as Corsairs of Umbar....

Though, actually opening the wiki, they might have some tricks up their sleeve given they rose from fleeing losers of a Gondorian civil war... 🤔
Edmond: Wait, I'm not the most dangerous schemer in the world?

Varys: Nope

Littlefinger: Not even close.

Edmond: wait… I literally just do basics and keep my work simple, also all my men are actually loyal to me.

Littlefinger: wait you don't just get ri of assets when they finish playing a role.

Edmond: Yes, loyalty is a virtue and I'm a mostly good person.

Varys: How hell has anyone not figured out how Dangerous you are?
Littlefinger: wait you don't just get ri of assets when they finish playing a role.

Edmond: Yes, loyalty is a virtue and I'm a mostly good person.

Varys: How hell has anyone not figured out how Dangerous you are?
The funniest thing is the complete 360 on opinion on Edmond's schemer level.

"He's small fry"
"Why should I toss valuable assets away simply because it seems like they are no longer of use?"(Not exactly said like that, but loosely the sentiment + actually caring for those he works with)
"We underestimated him, how does he fly under everyone's radar!"
One thing I can't help but think about is well...

China is gonna be shocked by the general lack of familial piety in quite frankly, a LOT of places, with some being crazy enough to even freak out some of the more 'normal' nations from severity like the Fire Kingdom.

And meanwhile the Ymaryn leader is just sitting there sipping on tea, calmly talking about how foreigners are weird. :V
Also to make something very clear,

Stannis has renounced faith in any form of higher power and gods,

One of the goals of playing as or working with him is getting him to believe again because mankind is not in a good position to be accepting of Atheism…

Like seriously…it's gonna be an active detriment, look Griffiths little cult is coming and you don't want to deal with it.
Yag Kosha
Age: Innumerable Human Years

Titles: The Master of The Tower, the Great Element,

Diplomacy: 23+10=33 (He has a deep unflinching understanding of language and charisma)

Martial:25+10=35 (He is not blind to the matter of what mortals call war, he detests it though)

Stewardship:51+10=61 (He is not blind to math, and is quite the teacher once he gets going)

Intrigue:41+10=51 (He Learned…Painful lessons in the past)

Learning:60+20+10+10=100 (His mind can comprehend things that cannot even be explained in mortal terms)

Piety:40+10=50 (He organized the Children of Yag, his more fervent religious followers into something more useful.)

Occult:70+20+10+10=110 (His Touch of power is considerable)

Personal Combat:52+20=72/2=36 (He is a pacifist, but he is still powerful)


"Yag Kosha of the Tower of the Elephant"-This Character is Yag Kosha, Master of Healing Magics and The Elephant Headed Master of the Tower of the Elephant. (+10 all stats sans PC,

"Grand Mystic"- This Character is a Mystic grandmaster and weaver of power. (+10 Occult, and Learning and +20 to all rolls related to magic)

"Great OLD ONE (Of the Race of Yag)"- This character is a Great Old One, a grand otherworldly being of immense power and strength as well as arcane knowledge compared to humans and many otherworldly beings that walk the earth. (+20 Occult, Learning and Personal Combat, Immunity to Elder God Shanagins)
The Breton Kingdom of Dumnonia
This is the Scale of Power It will tell you exactly how powerful they are in basic Geopolitical Terms that are in basic and are 20th/21st century terms.

Outpost-> Colony->Middling Power->Secondary Power-> Great Power->Superpower->Hyperpower

The Breton Kingdom of Dumnonia

Ideology: Feudal Monarchy (Formerly Tribal Confederation)

Power Scale: Middling Power

Leader: King Arthur of Dumnonia

Population:1.6 Million

Positive Traits:

The Winter King: These are the tales of Arthur, the Warlord, the King that Never Was, The timeless king who defined a people's destiny so greatly that his name echoes far beyond his own lifetime. (King Arthur lives and walks among the ruins of his home, and vows to drive the invading forces to the sea, he gives a +10 bonus to all projects her personally oversees and gives a bonus to moral and combat skills to men under his command)

Bloodied Knights of Man: Arthur brings him a host of men from his company that served him well as a young man, a 2,000 strong force of mixed warriors and Calvary who are loyal to the king alone.

Negative Traits:

Civil War!: Mordred is being guided by a council of regents and cast offs whom disposed your own interests before you returned, and have cast their lot against you.

The Red Kings Terror: The Red Kings, the house of Bolton have driven much of the warlords and petty kings to the sword, and now demand your fealty and homage…or face the flayed man's wrath. (House Bolton is devastating your lands and will only stop, if you surrender or die)
So any more questions on what the Bolton clan is off doing?
...So, have they managed to tick off any powerful neighbors yet?
Though given one of the neighbors they are targeting is one of the multiple local Arthur...
They may have already picked with someone a little out of their league, even with the whole civil war with Mordred going on.

Though the question is which Arthur they are messing with.
Fate given the her mentioned? 🤷‍♂️

Something I am kinda wondering...

How feasible would the presence of the Palworld setting be? I mean, it wouldn't exactly be as domineering as pokeverse due to lacking the likes Groudon, arceus and much in the way of gods. Especially given the warring factions albeit with limited lore being available on them. The island apparently kind of sucks to live in between the very dangerous local wildlife, and the major power players of a big gang, a cult worshipping the pals(At least allegedly, given it seems the cult aspects are generally considered empty words by the followers. 😅 However, any exact details are unclear until they get revamped from being the essentially reskinned Syndicate they seem to be currently.), and the PIDF, which is unfortunately led by a dirty cop whom acts more like a lord than a police officer. And there is also another cult and a top secret research facility studying Pals which I am unsure if we got any lore of yet, or if such just hasn't been updated on the Tv tropes page or wiki...
And in the chaos comes the player character/s, whom have to carve out a life in the chaos.
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How feasible would the presence of the Palworld setting be?
No please.
So, have they managed to tick off any powerful neighbors yet?
They killed a few of their neighbors.

And took their lands and income, they already drove most of the eastern England holdouts to extinction.

They are the rising power here.
Though the question is which Arthur they are messing with.
Nope Nigel terry arthur who is mixed with the warlord chronicles books.
Fair given the memes and the controversy surrounding it. 😅
...And all the tech.:facepalm::oops:
Wouldn't really fit thinking about it.

They killed a few of their neighbors.

And took their lands and income, they already drove most of the eastern England holdouts to extinction.

They are the rising power here.
So in general they are poor neighbors. Shouldn't be that surprised.

Ser Jaimie Lannister
Age: 33

Titles: Ser, Jaimie the Sullen, The Kingslayer.

Diplomacy: D20 => 16+2=18 (Jaimie is attractive, well-built and has a reputation for listening and acting effectively in the bounds of much of his duty in Kings Landing, he is also well-versed in various trade languages...he could have been an inspiring lord had he chosen.)

Martial: D20 => 13+2=15 (He's a veteran of Two Wars and while not competent, is not exactly terrible at it as well, he knows his limits)

Stewardship: D20 => 10+2=12( Compitent, he's better at math then he was at writing)

Intrigue: D20 => 10+2=12 (One does not live in Kings landing without being a schemer of some regard.)

Learning: D20 => 6+2=8 (He can read and write, but matters of higher thinking are best left to others)

Piety: D20 => 4+2=6 (He's as close to an atheist as one can get, but apart of him never really gave up on a higher power.)

Personal Combat: D20 => 18-2=16 (His combat skills are hampered, but his ability has never left him he's still one of the finest swordsmen in the world.)


"The Kingslayer"- Jaime Lannister has and always will be, the Kingslayer, a sworn bodyguard who murdered his king considering it his finest act...the truth is far more complicated, but he is publicly considered an Oathbreaker. (Jaime gains a -20 to all diplomatic rolls when talking to people who know his reputation and care about it, conversely, he gains a +20 to all rolls related to stopping (Or helping) an assassination due to his years as a king's bodyguard. Should he ever explain his actions and come to terms it will have...various effects)

"One Handed (Right)"- Jaime has the Misfortune of having only a single hand after having his right hand cut off. And it was his dominant hand (-10 to all personal combat, -20 to personal combat rolls until retrained to use his left hand or he gets a suitable prosthetic to compensate)

"Whatever he Chooses"- Jaimie Lannister is now a Drifter upon the world, fighting for his own brand of Hypocrisy, Justice, and hope... (Jaimie is and always will be his own man. regardless of actions or who rules him, he will make the choice himself)

"Secret: Michael's Forsworn"- Jaime unknowingly currently carries the Fragmented soul of the Angelic Being once called Michael, whom was cast down from heaven after the burning of Vailenor. He acts as Jaimie Conscious and voice in his head. (+2 all stats sans Personal Combat, Jaime listens or he doesn't that is the way of things )


Ironhand Prosthetic: Jaimie has through his travels received an advanced prosthetic right hand, and while not as good as his old one, it is serviceable and allows him to fight close to his old strength. (Maluses in personal combat reduced to -2.)
Ah. One half of probably one of the most toxic relationships in fiction.
I don't know, the Silco Jinx relationship is a bit sus at times. but to each their own.
Hopefully being separated from Cersei will help him recover.
He's got a new hand, so its already looking up for him.
Speaking of, what is that mad queen up to?
Being annoying to Tywin, but otherwise she's mostly harmless now.
So to discribe the situation in britian as bad is an understatement.

But lets introduce something that will make it worse.

The Devastation Mechanic

Devastation is the level of ecological and Social Damage done to the People Groups of Britain Followed by intence levels of warfare.


We are currently in the Difficult Level.
I guess it is around the early cold war/WW2 levels of tech. I mean, cannons and muskets will likely proliferate relatively quickly, with lucky or not so lucky places having neighbors with WW2 tech, and possibly factories to make them.
Yeah about that much, anything more advanced an the balance of Power would be undone.

As for everything else...

Adventurers Guilds make up most of the Proliferation of stuff in the quest.

So any other questions on King Arthur, gods, Griffith or any other messy character you think is around?