Fallen Fantasy Worldbuilding Thread (No SV, Help Cyber Go Insane in Fantasy Land Together)

I guess one question is, how are various 'reletively realistic' medieval factions handle the inevitable gun proliferation?
Given they will likely need to shift their force compositions to componsate for the threat to knights, and may lose quite a few prior to the realization. And are there gonna be some crazy like archers shelling canon crews from outside their effective range?
Pike and Shot Warfare development...its just a modification of what works.
Nice and simple, with the main pressure being just like OTL, the ratio between gunners and spears. And of course, dealing with factions that have the means to create and exploit openings in formations. And heaven help them if they are dealing with a faction that would treat formations as big fat targets. Which, at least is mostly the major powers like the hermit nation Gallia or Hyrule whom are busy with their own problems.
No Nazi's but we have Prussians being Prussians.
Small mercies there. And yeah, the Prussains would happily mobilize their very professional armies in this chaos wouldn't they. Especially given they probably have forces that have advanced to the point of replacing spears with bayonets for maximum firepower while still preserving self-defense.....

How is Poland and their Winged Hussars doing?
Small mercies there. And yeah, the Prussains would happily mobilize their very professional armies in this chaos wouldn't they. Especially given they probably have forces that have advanced to the point of replacing spears with bayonets for maximum firepower while still preserving self-defense.....
I mean less Prussia and more Tutonic Order...with Guns.
How is Poland and their Winged Hussars doing?
Poland: What the.

Rohirem: BROTHER!
Though one thing I could legitimately see, is some point TOTK link winds up a bit lost, and ends up unleashing his engineering on a poor unsuspecting army leaving the survivors to wonder what the hell they just saw.
Yeah that will be hell to anyone who encounters him.
Every link has their own version. TOTK though...
he is outright OCP that will leave an IMPRESSION to all who faces his contraptions. With only the Warriors/BOTW being close, and even then, the latter would more leave a similarish impression as Lu Bu.

Speaking of LOZ, how spread out are the Cuccos? Cause those would likely be a nasty suprise for an group whom encountered them without the age old wisdom of not messing with the cucco.
The Emu memes come into play? Just how bad is it over there.

Tangentially related
*Unicorn teleports into a room, someone panics and fires their minigun*
"What the hell was that for!"
*The person with the minigun gives a haunted stare*
"You havn't been to the hollow. That place is a deathworld, and I still wonder how I managed to survive."
...Honestly, how will the various summoning magics work with each other?

I mean, there are some like the Fairy Tale one where mages need to find keys and then work out deals with the spirit in the keys, usually something that might as well be if not actually a full-on contract, there are the gacha variation like the Summoner from the Fire Emblem gacha game where resources are expended to summon random spirits, there is the FATE system from said series.
Prince Zuko


Titles: Prince of the Fire Nation (Exiled) The Scarred One, The Blue Spirit,

Diplomacy: D20 => 16-1+3=18 (In spite of the Scarring, Zuko remains a steadfast, capable, and sensible diplomat and statesman…)

Martial: D20 => 6+2+3=11 (Zuko is competent in military stratagem, yet lacks the experience to use it effectively)

Stewardship: D20 => 10+3=13 (He knows how to manage the budget)

Intrigue: D20 => 8+3=11(He lived with Azula, and knows she lies…)

Learning: D20 => 15+3+5=23 (He is well read as an Imperial Scholar)

Piety: D20 => 17+6+3+5=31 (Zuko walks upon a Higher Path of both reason and spirit.)

Personal Combat: D20 => 7+4+3+5=19 (Competent with Flames and with his Sword.)


Scarred: You have a nasty scar on your face. (-1 Diplomacy, -or +5 to diplomacy based on what people think)

Fire Nation Harmonist: You are a Harmonist a man who wishes to restore balance to the Nation of your birth. (???)

Competent Firebender: You are a Firebender, whose flame burns with the intensity of the Sun at Noon even at Night. (+6 Piety, +4 Personal Combat, +2 Martial, +6 to all Personal Combat rolls)

Skilled Swordsman: This character is skilled with duel blade fencing. (+5 Personal Combat. +10 to personal combat rolls)

Blood of Sozin the Great: You are a direct blood descendent of Sozin the Great, the Founder of the Modern Fire Nation and its greatness. (+5 to all rolls within the fire nation. +3 all stats)

Blood of Roku The Avatar: You are a direct descendant of Avatar Roku, the Fire Nation's previous avatar and surprisingly, a noted philosopher. (+5 to all rolls in the fire nation related to piety, +5 Piety and Learning, can sometimes see things that cannot be explained.)

Dishonored Exile: You are the Dishonored Son of Fire Lord Ozai, cast out of your home on a fruitless quest to find the avatar, and now…a traitor to your homeland. (-50 to all rolls in the Fire Nation if recognized.)
To give some good news in terms of how things are going. Beren and Luthian are both having a good time fighting the good fight against the Thalmor.
While this character is not from the same timeline as the in quest Ymaryn, I am still gonna do a character sheet for the poor guy whom's legacy is defined by him stumbling into success after success Ciaphas Cain style.

King Nokly.


Titles: King of Duel Crown (Former)

Diplomacy: D20 => 16+10+5=31 (He is a decent speaker, and when combined with his experience and well practiced demeanor, excells in the field.)

Martial: D20 => 6+10=16 (He wont make a fool of himself, but he isn't the first pick for a military leader in spite of Duel Crown's famed forces.)

Stewardship: D20 => 10+10=10+10 (By Duel Crown standards he isn't very impressive, but that is still quite good for everyone else.)

Intrigue: D20 => 8+10+5=23(Nokley has been immersed in the world of the cloak and dagger, benefiting from experience even if he doesn't have as much talent)

Learning: D20 => 15=15 (Nokley is a scholar at heart. While no scientist he is still capable)

Piety: D20 => 12=12 (His faith isn't exactly that notable either way, as he has more important thing to worry about)

Personal Combat: D20 => 7=7 (Nokley is a Statesman, not a warrior.)


"Rule One in Rulership. Always as planned even when it isn't": The Hallmark of his rule and personal philosophy. To always look to be in control so as to become the nation's bedrock in times of turmoil. This combined with his own personal experiences has made him an unflappable bulwark to others.(malus to others trying to derive his intentions, bonus for calming people down and leadership actions. +5 Intrigue and Diplomacy.)"Like, part of the position was to appear like he was always in control at all times, especially when everything was spiraling out of control"-Excerpt from Nokly's memoirs(if he has one.)

The trinity of Sword, Pen, and Dagger: During his time as leader, he had presided over a great many feats, ranging from helping orchestrate great diplomatic and espionage coups, to enabling the Duel crown military to become the fiercest force his world has known. While he himself may question his own role in said feats, he has learned many things. (+10 to Martial, Diplo, and Intrigue)

"You shall live in interesting times": Nokley has been simultaneously blessed and cursed to live in interesting times. This has brought equal parts problems and opportunities while feeding into his reputation.(Luck rolls tend towards extremes)

"Fire is of Warm Now": The Ymaryn throughout their whole history have a history of managing to either accidentally or intentionally sowing chaos through their actions. Up to and including the legendary incident where a prophesy and a meteor intercepted to completely wipe out an enemies' whole entire military. This is something that Nokly is very much an unwitting inheritor. (Adds special actions and major boni when doing certain actions, with the cost of said actions having increased chance of complications. Which while never directly harmful, will sow chaos they are forced to handle.) A/N: This is probably a national trait, given that it is a constant throughout Ymaryn history( and inherited by duel crown.)

Ymaryn Administrator: In spite of the many things that have changed for the duel crown, the Ymaryn tradition of insane organizational excellence is a tradition that has been maintained, and while not a genius, Nokly still benefits from it.(+10 to Stweardship)
A Fantastic Char sheet boss. This is a really nice one that I've missed seeing from you guys.
Honestly, one detail I kinda overlooked talking about the Ymaryn is their tendency to cause proverbial fires wherever they go.
Thinking about the Ymaryn. WOG stated they actually had magic, it jjust largely stayed in the backround, with some of the closer possibly mystical stuff being the maths that accidentally summoned a meteor to smite their enemies(prophesy can get crazy, and the Ymaryn generally seems to have a tendency to accidentally or 'accidentally' set the world aflame with knowledge.) The Star axe that may or may not had been imbued with a gift tht unintentionally detonated the only two groups that used, or tried to use them. And then there was that one crazy lady which is said to be somehow linked to the great trickster Crow...
And Nokley of Duel Crown wound up being the just as planned guy as his character energy just meshed with the Ymaryn propensity of causing chaos while also dodging the worst of it. Nokly + Aragorn, whole nations will probably burn, as Nokly barely contains composure while Aragorn tries to piece together what the bleep happened.

Nokly may be relieved at not being a leader anymore, but almost certainly will end up dreading his inevitable ascension because he is just too good at his job(or at least looks the part).