Fallen Fantasy Worldbuilding Thread (No SV, Help Cyber Go Insane in Fantasy Land Together)

Aragorn. A great power via sheer weight it seems. Got the will but lacking infrastructure.
The Ymaryn might place around the lower end of great power. From sheer manpower and administrative efficiency, making up partially for the lack of magic or true industry with sheer scale and number of pure mundane masters. Though meeting the Mongols might be INTERESTING. Considering out of everyone else, they are probably both the best informed in just how scary the Mongols are, and among the least interested in clashing with them, as they'd rather not arrogantly trigger Great Collapse 2.0. ESPECIALLY since it was only a few mere decades since said collapse.

Hyrule probably(?) has two superpowers that generally lack the reach one would expect thanks to the two being locked into the same land, fighting each other with full energy trying to tip the war in their favor.
Minecrafters, well, probably depends on the group and the numbers they have to call upon.
...So, is there much info on Ardania?
I mean, of all of the nations, they are probably the most unique, by sheer dint of somehow making a no military nation survive a full fantasy world.
Nope...I don't know what that is.
Well, it is from the Majesty series. The general base is that you play as someone whom is presumably the last of the bloodline, restoring the kingdom to greatness. Though said empire that was effectively rebuilt from scratch has no army for whatever reason, relying on the many guilds to protect the lands, with the town and royal guard enforcing the peace, somehow, considering the fact that there are ideologically opposed guilds and racial tensions that exist between specific guilds. And of course, plenty of intrigue from the various factions considering how often the PC ends up getting dethrowned and having to unite enough under his banner to oust the ursurpers. Though there are some crazy things they had to deal with, like, I seem to remember tht one quest inolved a stupidity curse that led the guard to play around by launching them from a catapult. Never mind that we never get to use said catapult in game...
Ardanian Resistance

"King": The King
While he arose from peasantry on the border of the empire, as the last surviving bloodline of the royal family. He has proven himself far more capable of ruling that anyone could reasonably expect, skilled in the art of balancing the budget, relations, and the factions that keep everything running, along with the cunning to stay alive and aware of the going ons in the kingdom
Land: Ardania
The land is rich, monster infested, and full of guilds where the strongest of their chosen fields tend to gather. While there are many monsters to fight, the defenses, defenders, and the resources make the nation very resilient, if a bit hectic at times.
Rule: Cat Herder
Ardania has no army. This fact is very important as it leads to everything revolving around the guilds and the guards, which adds a whole other level of complexity dealing with threats as instead of being able to directly respond to most attacks, the guild members need to me influenced into acting, whenever it is bringing a group whom has priorities that would make them more likely to do what you need done, bounties, or rumors of wealth. And there is also the fact that guild disputes are nearly inevitable with some of the guilds being devoted to gods, or racial tensions which could tear a town, or a whole nation apart if not handled carefully. And the king is a master at this style of rule.
(This line is a bit vague to allow timeline flexibility, considering how many times he survived getting deposed and proceeding to re=secure his kingdom shows that he is absurdly good, if not a one man wrecking ball, he is likely up there in all or most rulership areas)
...Thinking about the Ymaryn. If the dothraki happen to be close to them, I could easily see the dothraki getting absolutely CRUSHED by them, thanks to the Ymaryn panicking, and then wondering how the hell the dothracki are so pathetic, despite being nomads...
It's alright, I just wasn't sure if the like was enough.

On a side note, if you find anything that looks like an upgraded Garthim, feel free to add it in. I think the only immediate concern the Skeksis have are the Minecraft pillagers, but they should consider bulking up their forces in this new world.
It's alright, I just wasn't sure if the like was enough.

On a side note, if you find anything that looks like an upgraded Garthim, feel free to add it in. I think the only immediate concern the Skeksis have are the Minecraft pillagers, but they should consider bulking up their forces in this new world.
They might have some issues with the descendants of the builders.
I mean, between their natural fighting ability, crafting, and large array of tools, especially considering the minecraft dungeons series...
If some of those adventurers take interest in taking them down, it will likely be quite difficult to deal with.
For Technoblade

Titles: Mayor of Skyblock, THE BLADE!

Diplomacy: D20 => 8+5=13 (There's something so Charming about him)

Martial: D20 => 18+6+5=29 (A Keen Military Mind in a Battlehardened body)

Stewardship: D20 => 14+4+5+4+5=32 (He knows the ins and outs of a Farm and Land Management!

Intrigue: D20 => 2+5=7 (He's a sneaky blunt man.)

Learning: D20 => 15+2+5+5=28 (Dispite ending his education early...He is one of the most dutiful learned men of his era.)

Piety: D20 => 6+5=13 (Knowing how to Thow ender pearls and go to the Nether counts as Magic Right?)



Education Roll:
D100 => 90-20 (Dropped out of College) =70

Dutiful Commander: You are a adaquet Comamnder of men. (+6 Martial, +4 Stewardship, +2 Learning)

Descended from the Builders: This Character is Descended from the Builder's Civilization. Granting him great skill and potential in combat and building. (+5 Stewardship, Personal Combat and Learning, +50 to all rolls related to Mining.)

Technoblade, Lord of War: You are Technoblade the Greatest Warrior and General of the Builder's many descendants. (+5 All Stats, +20 Personal Combat Rolls)

Grandmaster Potato Farmer: You farm Potatoes to such an extent that it is considered Science. (+3 Learning, +10 to all Agricultural Rolls assigned to.)

Bright: A keen mind weilds the Blade. (+1 all stats)

BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD: When Battling you may get the chance to have your skills enhanced by otherworldly powers. (Roll a d2 to see if it activates, when it activates, Add Half of a Random stat to a personal combat skill.)

AN: Rest in Peace Technoblade...

I only hope you like the Character Sheet and wish you well, I hope you are even more badass in this quest.
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Decided to try a character sheet for Dream. Though certainly not complete.



Diplomacy: D20 => 10

Martial: D20 => 16+5 =21 (He is clever, and knows how to exploit confidence)

Stewardship: D20 => 15 + 5= 20 (He is good at working with what he has)

Intrigue: D20 => 15+10 =25(Dream may not be the sneakiest, but he can run circles around those that try and chase after him)

Learning: D20 => 15 +6 =21

Piety: D20 => 5

Personal Combat: D20 => 16 +10 =26 (He is good, but he is at his best when he is able to set traps and prep the field)


Descended from the Builders: This Character is Descended from the Builder's Civilization. Granting him great skill and potential in combat and building. (+5 Stewardship, Personal Combat and Learning, +50 to all rolls related to Mining.)

Audacity: Sometimes, the best thing to do, is to buck common sense and do what the enemy will not consider. (+5 Martial. Unlocks special actions and provides a situational +10 to rolls, whenpulling something bold)

Trickster Cunning: He is very skilled in the art of trickery, creating confusion, exploiting it, and manipulating people to a certain degree.(Can add half Intrigue to certain combat checks, when trickery is involved.)

"Heard it from Reddit": It can be suprising what techniques you can find in the right circles. Such as the 'boat bridge' and the flying boat trick.(Can add half learning to certain rolls. Unlocks special options)

So, defenitly needs some work still. But I am kinda thinking of Dream and Technoblade being distinctly different. With Technoblade mainly just being THAT GOOD, while Dream is more of a trickster, using tons of little tricks, and obscure knowledge to supplement his great skill.
The Downfall Of Valinor
Its for the Fallen Fantasy Quest idea and will be important for the Build your own Pantheon section that is available.

The Downfall Of Valinor.

Where there was once Certainty...there is Disorder.

Where there were once prancing feet and joyful laughter comes screams and the shuffling chains.

Where once Only Rightness and Holy Fire ....now comes the Laughter of Dark Malice and the thirst of the Greed of Ae Elle.

They succeeded where the Might of Melkor failed...

They cast Down the Valar and Drove Illuvitar into the Void in Shame.

Though VIctory did not come without a price being paid.

Ae Elle and Its People were smited all but the most violent among them were destroyed.

And they were cast down to Mortality to Suffer in the madness they helped enflame!
...I kinda wonder, if certain groups may end up getting screwed over very early on.
Like, say the Dothraki, a pale imitation of the Mongols. Possibly enough to make certain groups like the Ymaryn get flashbacks, but absolutely none of the skill that actually truly made them a threat.