Fallen Fantasy Worldbuilding Thread (No SV, Help Cyber Go Insane in Fantasy Land Together)

I got an idea for France- BRETTONIA and I have an idea for germany getting the Empire and sweden getting the Norscans led by Avasar Kun who would at as an excellent final boss so to speak.Also could you put the WHF dwarves in switzerland since it'll be hilarious watching the dwarves teach the secrets of gunpowder and hygene to Asterix and Obelix.


-Blessings of the Lady:Unlike most barbarian countries our worship of the Lady makes infiltration almost impossible and the only groups whose gods could mimic the lady are few and far between.In addition our worship allows for great feats of strength and honor while also allowing us to worship other deities like Shallya and Myrmidia.(major malus to infiltrating brettonian society,Brettonians get roided as fuck when they do feats of "honor" read killing a metric fuckton of anything or killing something dangerous like a dragon.

-Knights and Damsels:In addition our culture has allowed us to create one of the best heavy Calvary in Mallus which was filled with gunpowder.Our Damsels are blessed by the Lady to fight off the darkness and are magic weilders. In addition we have great links with the noble elves by both sea and blood.(Brettobians have skilled,fanatical and powerful Calvary bonuses while their priests are also powerful magic users plus they get a diplo boost to Elves and elfrelated factions with a focues on Wood Elves)

-Lords of the Sea:Unlike most countries our navy is no slapdash array of sloops and brigantines,no each Caravel we have are skilled and is built using the highes quality designs and with a massive amount of guns.In addition our skill at seafaring has allowed us to trade all pver the planet without difficulty.(Brettonian Navy starts out as a high quality,high quantity fleet with tech base around Renaissance level.Has Acess to easy trade in cooks,wines and spices)


-The cost of Chivalry:While the benefits of the Lady has many benefits it also comes with serious drawbacks.Worship of the Lady means that their is a cultural dislike of ranged weapons like bows and crossbows and gunpowder technology is forbidden on pain of death.In addition the Lady tends to highly discourage any sort of change to the status quo.(major maluses towards any societal change and a ban on any advancements or use of gunpowder technology with the exception of naval combat which allows gunpowder)

-The Shadow of Honour:While Honour is well and good it masks a darker side to our society with 80% of our population living in poverty with no chance of advancement while also paying the most taxes and being completely brainwashed to be servile.In addition any person born with magic is to be brought to the grand enchantress and be tested and if all goes well the girl will be come a Grail Damsel..... we don;t mention the boys...or the failures.(High rate of poverty and very disturbing parts of the society that will have to be explored later....)

-The fools of war:Despite our skill with the horse we are lacking in almost every other facet of war.Our footsoldiers are terrified peasants who are just as likely to get ran over by a brettonian than getting ripped apart by a minotaur.The closest thing we have to ranged weaponry is crossbow peasants and our sole artillery piece is a catapault. In addition the closest thing to tactics we have is chucking a bunch of bastard children and 3rd borns in Knight Errant gear at the enemy before unleashing our more elite troops like Grail Knights and Pegasus Knights.(malus to anything that isn't Calvary when it comes to the army)

Brettonia is essentially the Victoria of WHF where everyone is openly wondering how they aren't dead yet except replace shadowy Russian agents and support with shadowy Wood Elves and godly support
There are two ideas I have that might be turned into something.

One is possibly grabbing a freshly independent tropico or one somewhere in the world wars tech wise as an island nation.

The other, is taking what is known about Heart of Muriet game, and make a faction inspired by them.

Super mages as leaders with special magical towers serving as focal points of battles anyone?
But man, can you imagine Asterix and Obelix interactions with other franchises?

Just think of all the variations of Obelix' Legendary 'These xxx are crazy!' Quote!
Well, when that pops up in relation to the ymaryn, everyone not them that knows of them would probably be in open agreement.:lol::rofl:
And all the funny situations that can arise...

Just imagine some asshole Bretonnian Knight trying to kill these two 'Peasants' for 'slighting his honor'...only to get backhanded right off of his horse and sent flying by Obelix, who is wondering what the guy is even blabbering about.
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This quote basically sums them up
And all the funny situations that can arise...

Just imagine some asshole Bretonnian Knight trying to kill these two 'Peasants' for 'slighting his honor'...only to get backhanded right off of his horse and sent flying by Obelix, who is wondering what the guy is even blabbering about.
Imagine Ganadorf meeting the Brettonians

(Ganadorf with his giant army of evil arrayed before the brettonian army):HAHA YOU SEEK TO TTEST ME HAHA

Brettonians:Bring out the peasants into the field to show them the darkness we protect them from.FOR THE LADY(starts running ove peasants and behads a girl who gets in his way)

Ganondorf:WTF? Why are you chiucking inbred peasants at me while running thm over with a bunch of 15 year olds in shit armor?Oh well giant death laser time.

(suddenly a questing knight parries it before it hits anyone and drinks the grail and gets roided)

Ganondorf:A worthy opponent.I shall enjoy myself

(epiic fight ensues until both are on the ground heavily injured and it looks like the grail knight is collapsed but in good condition while Ganondorf is in bad shape until a bunch of grail pilgrims just stab the grail knight a few times in the gut and cart away his corpse)

Ganondorf:What is wrong with these people?
Ganondorf:A worthy opponent.I shall enjoy myself

(epiic fight ensues until both are on the ground heavily injured and it looks like the grail knight is collapsed but in good condition while Ganondorf is in bad shape until a bunch of grail pilgrims just stab the grail knight a few times in the gut and cart away his corpse)

Ganondorf:What is wrong with these people?
Love how this is beating Gandalf in attrition, and then random pilgrims just up and murder the grail knight and cart of his corpse while gandalf wonders what the hell is happening.:lol::rofl:
Also could we add in the nosc
Yeah, I vote we go for earlier Editions Bretonnia, which was a lot more functional, sensible and cool and less of a knock-off from the Monty Python 'Oppression Scene'.
That's what I was trying t for Brettonia.Get beneath their...eccentrics and you find a society geared for war with one of the most powerful navies in the setting and with plenty of strengths.Brettonia is a nightmare early game but they need to spend most of late game revamping their culture and society to grow and they can't grow as easily as other factions.
Ahh, so who wants to world build what Gods from mythology/ Fantasy is around.
Morr:FUCK VAMPIRES.Also is one of the few mythological gods who isn't that much of an asshole and has a stable marriage with a godess of knowledge and has 2 beautiful daughters.

Verena:Wife of Morr,queen of light,godess of knowledge,mother to Myrmidia and Shallya.Followers will try and collect as much knowledge as possible and when Choas fest arrived Verena shamed all the gods and used Morr's sword as a weapon.Godess of justice too.

Myrmidia:daughter of Morr and Verena.Is a goddess of both war and civilization.Imperial and brettonian worshipers belie her as a war godess.Estalins and tileans get annoyed when people stereotype her as just a war godess.

Shallya.Cinnamon bun of a godess who heals people.Followers are pacifists.


Sigmar:was once a gigachad barbarian king who decided to settle down and build a kingdom.Then became a god.Nice bro but his followers tend to break out the kindling when they see witches.Is bros with Ulric but his followers have a rivalry with Ulric.

Ulric:Wolf god of war and honour.Dislikes evil sorcerers and his followers hate all magic.Is okay with ranged weapons but his followers think that anything that isn't GLORIOUS SQC COMBAT is unmanly.

I mean, the Ymaryn priests have one of their main tenements being treating the land right, potentially leading to interesting situations where people cone to a session expecting the usual conversion attempts, and end up in a farming class.
Probably would get along great with Taal and Rhya since Taal likes forests and Rhya is the goddess of agriculture

So how to rebuild the pantheon of humanity?

Simple find the god somewhere in the world and ask.

It's that simple.