Ymaryn Forces
To understand how they fight, you need to look into the almost fey-like mindset they have relative to almost everyone else. Their opinion of war is very negative, with even their elites whom train for the sole purpose of war share that mindset alongside the common soldiers and civilians. This, combined with their training means even their levies are coincidently immune to tactics that rely on a force breaking ranks at the allure of loot. While at the same time their unique policy of always paying for whatever they need to acquisition, such as food, tends to leave more positive relations with locals they interact with in war, even those of enemy nations are effected, with some being conflicted because of their methods. Something which does have some expected advantages, even though it would be very challenging to implement and uphold, thanks to not only the need to enforce discipline, but the culture and the very real costs to attempt to enact. For quite a few forces treat looting as effectively part of the pay of being a soldier, meaning any abolishment of such would need higher pay to compensate the loss for the soldiers on the field. Which alone wouldn't be enough as a big part of Ymaryn success in such method is tied to their culture and mindset, which had served to make the practice of looting unappealing for them in the first place. Which has helped create a force of inertia to naturally discourage looting even further, as their soldiers aren't looking for glory or riches, but merely to fufill their duty, something which most other forces wouldn't have to back up their efforts.
On top of that, there is the role their famed administrators play. For their war hosts can be absolutely massive, fielding enough forces that their crossbow bolts could darken the sky in it's sheer numbers. Most notably, their war hosts would mostly consist of levies, which are trained for war and equipped only when needed, and yet, in spite of that, they manage to be one of the more terrifying forces in the continent. For, well, multiple reasons. The levies are decently trained, nothing to write home about other than their sheer scale, speed they can be called up, masterwork equipment and armor being standard, and what is probably the best logistics the world has seen backing them. Pretty much, while they may be lacking in mages or champions, they make up for it with well equipped standard soldiers. Something which few could manage, as trying to maintain a single city levy alone might break the back of whole countries, both monetarily and logistically because much like the Banners, the Ymaryn don't do anything in half measures. And with them being THE maker of high quality goods such as metalwork in the area, their equipment could compare to some elites.
The Banners are their most well known forces, whom serve as both their specialists and elites. For the Banners are full time professional soldiers that cross into the territory of true elites. For they fully apply the Ymaryn workaholic nature towards the mastery of war, and that they do. The Iron Flower Banner has mastered the battle style called 'pike and shot', where the pikers protect the crossbows, while the crossbowmen fire with impunity at the enemy from within the pike formation, safe from retaliation from enemy melee forces. Something which becomes far more dangerous if they hit the field alongside the Heaven's Hawk Banner Company, a group of elite heavy calvary that when working alongside the Iron Flower, can retreat into the Iron flower defensive line without too much disruption to recoup. Pretty much becoming a force to be reckoned with in their favored terrain. Though while they haven't formed more yet, there are good odds that more will form, especially as they are technically state sponsored mercenaries, allowing them to support allies without actually declaring war.
A/N: Tried a little psudo-omake that tries to be an outside view on the Ymaryn, which while lacking in super-gear, superhuman combatants, or any truly well known magic tradition, but make up for it in a way that only the Ymaryn could. The numbers of a united china, the masterwork mundane equipment as standard, and the administration, logistics, and discipline, giving a very unique, and scary force to face on the field. 1,000,000 men was gathered and trained when the mass levy button was hit in the quest, and the force was split between two fronts of conquest, with one point having a total of 4 fronts at the same time, and only then did the administration actually start hitting it's limit in logistics.
Basically, the Ymaryn, for being an althistory faction, are just insane showing exactly how they managed to become a superpower in their verse, and EXACTLY how they not only matched the not!mongol horde, but clawed back from the brink afterwords. Though the mass levy is in the words of that quest GM "The Mass Levy is setting yourself on fire to go Super Saiyan." Not sustainable for long periods, but by god is that one hell of a beatstick to smack people around and end whatever the other side started in the ten or so years it takes to really stretch things, other than the money that is burned to keep the vast force on the field.
Edit: I know things didn't even start yet.