Exploding Canon (Worm SI)

It's been long enough that I've lost track of a few things, so I'm going back and making chapter recaps of Exploding Canon so that I can refresh myself on what's happened, and I thought I should post it here in case anyone else wanted a refresher.

I'm not going to finish it within the next few days, because I've got a lot of other things to work on, but I forget how long a thread can lay silent before the Mods look moddeningly in the direction of new posts and potential thread necromancy, so I'm posting a link sooner rather than later.

"Exploding Canon" synopsis

It's a Google Doc, so future updates won't require me to make additional posts here.

I could make this an Informational Threadmark for easier finding in the future, if people want.

"I know I'm seen as a villain, a monster, and a psychopath, so people who think I'm cool and attempt to ingratiate themselves to me are automatically suspicious and not to be trusted."

...yeah, SI-kuda seems to be in a pretty bad position when you put it that way, huh?

I've always thought this was one of the more obvious subtle problems with getting a reputation of villainy, whether talking Worm or... any setting, really. And one of the more interesting ones: it's part of why Exploding Canon exists, as it's a non-trivial component in why I thought 'SI shows up as a supervillain in Worm and has to work from there' was an interesting idea in general. And then I thought Bakuda in particular was an interesting enough possibility I pretty much immediately ran with it.

I'm actually not sure why it doesn't crop up more often in fiction. This was one of my lower-key disappointments with Worm, in fact -that Taylor never found herself rendered uncomfortable by Villainous Cheerleaders enthusiastically endorsing what they took to be deliberate cruelty, or whatever. That would've been a really natural, good moment, and instead we got stuff like the family complaining that Taylor's approach to criminal justice is too mean. And then Taylor goes Ward...

Power: "Humans think money holds value. Humans think gold holds value. Therefore I will provide a way for my host to transmute gold from coins and bullshit a reason why."

Basically the shard operating on its only mostly right understanding of human psychology, trying to operate on a Fullmetal Alchemist Law of Equivalent Exchange so as not to make things too easy for the host, and putting two plus two together to equal five.

There actually are various ways to turn metals into gold with non-tinkertech, but they all involve high energy particle accelerators and are not remotely worth the return on investment.

...then again, I suppose Earth Bet might have adopted some strange-by-our-standards monetary policies in response to...everything?

I was actually calling upon vague memories of reading that US coins used to have a certain amount of gold in them, with intent to do research later to see if it was at all plausible for Earth Bet to have retained that policy, or perhaps returned to it later and move forward under whatever explanation turned out to make sense.

Having done said research, I suspect I was vaguely remembering the original insistence that all coins be minted from gold or silver, which the US has increasingly ignored, even if much coinage is a silver color still. So if this ever gets clearly addressed in Exploding Canon, the answer is liable to end up being some variation on 'powers are bullshit', etc.

Does Worm canon have Anyone who so quickly and easily creates such a large variety of exotic effects using their tinkertech? Or are they not mushed into general sci-fi with a theme.

I mean, that depends on how stringently you define 'quickly and easily'. Like no, no one in Worm is ever seen to come close to canon Bakuda's rate of prolific production in general. But if I take your framing as more 'so quickly and easily compared to their overall production rate', then actually quite a lot of tinkers are seen to do a distressingly wide variety of effects, often distressingly quickly if the plot calls for them to craft answers in response to current events.

Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of Tinker.

Actually, all tinkers are supposed to have both a specialty and a methodology. So like Squealer is specialized in vehicles, and her methodology somehow incentivized making her projects big. (I don't believe canon ever addressed the details, and as far as I'm aware no WoG did either, but it's heavily implied this is a thing with her)

But canon Worm rarely dwelled in detail on any given tinker for long so we often only got a clear indication of one component or the other (eg Kid Win's specialty is never clearly established), and I suspect this particular notion wasn't immediately a part of the setting, because Armsmaster has a clear methodology but I've no idea what one could class as his specialty. (Especially since his sudden usage of cybernetics as Defiant doesn't readily connect to what he'd done as Armsmaster...) It was probably decided fairly quickly, mind, as Kid Win seems designed around it, but I was commenting on it at all because Armsmaster is one of the tinkers we see most heavily and he doesn't seem to cleave to this combination of rules.

In the case of Bakuda, for practical reasons and partly off of comments Wildbow has made about Bakuda being a 'chaos tinker', I've broadly worked under the assumption that her power rewards variety and discourages repetition of individual ideas for its methodological component. Likely if Bakuda found a single device she really, really liked and wanted to make only it in an unending quantity, her power would slow down her production rate, increasingly add production defects, and just generally fuck with her until she went back to defaulting to variety.

No, i dont think so, and i dont think we have mention of any other giant robots either.

Well, giant robots show up repeatedly in Ward.

If one wants to count Ward, anyway.
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So Bakudas shard could have, in addition to the general function as host, provide a variety of exotic effects for other host to contend themselves with. Generally, none of Bakudas effects are 'unique', rather all effects seem to have a cape equivalent somewhere in the world, if not on the same scale. Considering that this Cycle is NOT the first rodeo for these specific Entities, and how well entities seem to model the future for their plans while on their way to their destination, I find it plausible that most powers(including buds) have been pre-designed for the people they would go, especially considering a combination of unchained Dina+Coil combination being used to pick a "favorable" chain of events to their general goals with a good percentage chance. One must remember that Scion has a less-energy efficient version of Path to Victory, Thinker most likely also had equivalent or surely better capabilites some way or other.

Remember that regardless of your thoughs on Free Will in general, Wormverse is a Clockwork Universe in every way that matters, with the only thing that can really cause a supreme "Thinker" to mispredict is interference from another "Thinker".
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especially considering a combination of unchained Dina+Coil combination being used to pick a "favorable" chain of events to their general goals with a good percentage chance.
Coil's power is tripped by other precogs, so the synergy would not be any stronger than it was in canon.
One must remember that Scion has a less-energy efficient version of Path to Victory, Thinker most likely also had equivalent or surely better capabilites some way or other.
It's fanon, there is nothing in the Worm's text or WoGs that says Scion's PtV is any less efficient than that of Eden/Contessa.
Thats however a reasonable conclusion, given how much contessa has been spamming hers, while Scions took multiple years of his 3XXX lifespan with each use, meaning hed have burned himself out rapidly had he acted like her.
Considering some of the shit we see in worm, the golden fuck you beam is kind of underwhelming to be honest, but I kind of stopped reading worm around then-ish. You'd think he'd just start shutting dimensions together to wipe everybody out or something, like did the entities manually exterminate everybody before arriving at earth? Like I get Scion is supposed to be a big golden idiot, but the entities seem so goddam stupid in a way that just makes me hate them as a plot device, it's that weird line between alien and moronic that Worm stumbles at.

I still laugh at Eden accidently crashing into earth in the equivalent of driving while texting. I kind of hope the weird parallel with Annette is intentional, because its just so surreal.
It occurs to me abruptly that supposedly Asians nod for 'no' and shake their head for 'yes'.

This is not true? At the very least you'd have to specify which country in Asia.

The navel gazing is kind of a slog to read through. I hope Bakuda gets out of her head some more. The parts where she is talking with other people is by far the best.

There's plenty of times where talking things through would have been more effective at resolving conflicts. That said, the most recent explanation and the character's possible sociopathy make the poor communication skills more understandable.

I also really liked your depiction of Alexandria and I'm hoping she gets rescued. Is Weld still alive? Just because he turned into a skeleton doesn't necessarily mean he's dead, right? If he's immune as he says he is, could he have simply left?
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I find it plausible that most powers(including buds) have been pre-designed for the people they would go

It's explicit canon that this was the Entity intent, but Eden's death horribly threw off their plans and assorted capes weren't supposed to get their shards in the original Entity plans and whatnot. So in a certain literal sense, yes, but for most fanfic purposes 'no' is more accurate. Even for people like Armsmaster who are the originally-intended recipient, the change in context changes how the powers would 'fit'.

especially considering a combination of unchained Dina+Coil combination being used to pick a "favorable" chain of events to their general goals with a good percentage chance.

Dinah's power is explicitly just a cut-down version of Contessa's Path to Victory. (Just Contessa got hers from Eden, while Dinah got hers from Scion) Dinah unchained is just PtV. There's not really any synergy there with a hypothetical Coil unchained, regardless of whether you go with canon's 'many worlds theory' approach or WoG's 'Coil is just using precognition, never mind that this is completely irreconcilable with what was actually written'. Or more precisely the first scenario has no synergy, while the second scenario is anti-synergistic.

One must remember that Scion has a less-energy efficient version of Path to Victory,

Fanon. Understandable fanon, but still fanon, and there's other ways to explain Contessa and Dinah constantly abusing their powers without running out.

Considering some of the shit we see in worm, the golden fuck you beam is kind of underwhelming to be honest, but I kind of stopped reading worm around then-ish. You'd think he'd just start shutting dimensions together to wipe everybody out or something, like did the entities manually exterminate everybody before arriving at earth? Like I get Scion is supposed to be a big golden idiot, but the entities seem so goddam stupid in a way that just makes me hate them as a plot device, it's that weird line between alien and moronic that Worm stumbles at.

That's actually not a problem with Worm's endgame. The narrative is extremely explicit that Scion isn't going for efficient extinction or anything of the sort: he's mass-murdering for catharsis, and for the most part doesn't feel meaningfully in danger. When he is about to die, he's also so tormented by all the visions of his dead wife partner that he's not even trying to defend himself or anything.

That said...

Well, first of all, in Ward when we get the shards trying to unite and continue the cycle, it... involves them turning their hosts into kaiju and rampaging appropriately. Even though that makes no sense on any level. So I'm not so sure you're meaningfully wrong if we're talking in terms of 'Wildbow's thought process in creating these scenes'. This could easily be yet another case of Wildbow having accidentally constructed something that makes natural sense while actually intending to construct something obviously nonsensical.

Second, there still is a big, big thing to take issue with in this regard: that a major element of Worm's plot revolves quite explicitly around the idea that saving people and doing good and so on is an emotionally empty experience, while pulling the wings off flies is an improvement to the emotional state of a deeply depressed being operating off of human emotional models. That's... uuuuhhh... yeah.

I still laugh at Eden accidently crashing into earth in the equivalent of driving while texting. I kind of hope the weird parallel with Annette is intentional, because its just so surreal.

Once upon a time I would've readily asserted that's it's clearly intentional, but having read so much of Wildbow's writing and WoG, I honestly have no idea. Even if Wildbow literally popped into this thread to say 'yes, it was intentional', he has enough of a track record of blatantly misremembering major factoids and all I wouldn't be able to trust it... but I do doubt that it's completely coincidental.

This is not true? At the very least you'd have to specify which country in Asia.

I mean, I'm not entirely sure why a post from six years ago with a 'supposedly' attached merits a refutation? Bakuda isn't asserting it as truth, she's going 'wait, I heard that's a thing, is that a thing? Because if it is, and Oni Lee is operating off that, I'd be deeply misunderstanding things here'. And then giving up and assuming it doesn't apply here, for sanity's sake.

There's plenty of times where talking things through would have been more effective at resolving conflicts. That said, the most recent explanation and the character's possible sociopathy make the poor communication skills more understandable.

I think the thing that really gets me about this assertion is how it is, itself, an extremely effective refutation of the effectiveness of words. You've clearly read far enough to see Bakuda rant about stuff like people wanting my ID when trying to order a pizza, like I'm obviously suspiciously criminal: this is a recurring, explicitly-stated notion, that talking to people often goes bad places for no obvious reason, people assuming the worst and whatnot...

... and you've apparently completely ignored all those extremely explicit words bringing up precisely the problems with your assertion of the effectiveness of talking to people to defuse conflict.

It's actually kind of beautiful how completely self-refuting this is.

I also really liked your depiction of Alexandria and I'm hoping she gets rescued.

Wait, really? Most people who had anything to say about that chapter were really negative on it, or were positive on it in a 'Alexandria deserves everything bad that happens to her' way. I'm surprised and intrigued to hear somebody saying they liked this Alexandria depiction. I'm curious as to why.

Is Weld still alive? Just because he turned into a skeleton doesn't necessarily mean he's dead, right? If he's immune as he says he is, could he have simply left?

I'm rereading the story myself to double-check things for future writing, and don't remember precisely how deadedly-dead Weld was, but assuming he wasn't melted completely he certainly could walk out, you're correct.
Weld cant control sticking to and absorbing metal very well, right? So even if he isn't melted to death, he could be stuck to a large object and rendered unable to move.
One must remember that Scion has a less-energy efficient version of Path to Victory, Thinker most likely also had equivalent or surely better capabilites some way or other.
Theres no reason to think it was just straight less-energy efficient.

I always thought of it as one of the following, or a combination of them.
1. He was using PTV on a more detailed setting, like what might be needed to Precog shards, including rebelous and / or dead shards, and perhaps worlds that the entities don't normally visit.
2. He was prepared for the precognition to take that much energy, if it required it, but it didn't because it didn't need to go that far.
3. It took that much energy because he was starting up the shard from a sort-of Idle mode.
Weld cant control sticking to and absorbing metal very well, right? So even if he isn't melted to death, he could be stuck to a large object and rendered unable to move.
Not a real problem. He can't control what he sticks to, but IIRC he can slowly reshape himself and absorb metals. If he's stuck to something huge, he can escape after a few hours.
That's pretty harsh, fellow humancreature.

I mean, yes, but I get tired of people blithely insisting that if only I was, like, talkier or something surely things would go so much better than what happens with my actual decisions. I spent a good chunk of my preteens reading books and internet stuff that covered how to behave in a way that will make you likable and blah, because I was pretty tired of people hating my guts for no clear reason and given I was the common denominator to these situations surely it was something I was doing wrong and could of course be avoided through an adjustment of my behavior, yes?

And no, not really. 99% of the advice for how to avoid being hated by people was what I was already doing: being polite, not intruding on people's personal space unnecessarily, etc. That, in fact, I'd already been inculcated with these behaviors from an extremely young age, to the point that customer service staff (Restaurant employees, for example) were repeatedly impressed by how well-behaved I was, sometimes to the point of straight-up offering free gifts. Implementing that remaining 1% of advice didn't change anything, either; outside employees with customer-facing jobs -and even them, for first impressions- I still had people default heavily to hating my guts for no clear reason.

So having the latest in a long, long string of people insisting "You just need to talk to people and that will avoid conflict!" when my own reality has been it creates conflict is rubbing salt in a very old wound. Or more precisely grinding the salt in with a power tool.

Which normally I'd try to be patient about it since it's not reasonable to expect them to know about this history, but all too frequently it's just... deeply ironic in exactly the manner of that post, where somebody is saying to my face "People will listen to your words if only you actually use them" while flagrantly ignoring the words I actually did use. Like come on, if you're going to give advice at least don't directly prove it doesn't fucking work in literally the sentence you're offering that advice!

It doesn't help that such experiences call vividly to mind cases of people flagrantly lying to my face, where they cited a specific explanation for screwing me over that was just blatantly a falsehood, making it clear they had some completely different reason for screwing me over they weren't going to admit to.

Weld cant control sticking to and absorbing metal very well, right? So even if he isn't melted to death, he could be stuck to a large object and rendered unable to move.

The sticking is automatic, but canon is pretty clear this means Weld ends up stripping things if he's not careful, not that he can get stuck and require help. I wouldn't blink at someone writing 'Weld fell dead flat onto a metal surface, and took a few minutes to get up', but if someone wrote him being permanently trapped by such an experience it'd just be anti-canon -he slowly absorbs metals that touch him, for one.

Theres no reason to think it was just straight less-energy efficient.

I always thought of it as one of the following, or a combination of them.
1. He was using PTV on a more detailed setting, like what might be needed to Precog shards, including rebelous and / or dead shards, and perhaps worlds that the entities don't normally visit.
2. He was prepared for the precognition to take that much energy, if it required it, but it didn't because it didn't need to go that far.
3. It took that much energy because he was starting up the shard from a sort-of Idle mode.

I'm not up for digging through Monster to find who I should be crediting, but someone raised the idea that a valid explanation is that Scion burns more energy than Contessa because he has so many more options readily available to him. I doubt it was canon's intent, but it is a very elegant, sensible solution to this particular issue.

Sort of a variation on your 1 scenario, but more general in its implications.
And no, not really. 99% of the advice for how to avoid being hated by people was what I was already doing: being polite, not intruding on people's personal space unnecessarily, etc.
Yeah, I pretty quickly learned that politeness is not the correct approach. Politeness is, actually, off-putting and vaguely alien. In fact my personal experience shows that carefully applied informality and irregular intrusion into other's 'personal space' is key to forming positive relationships.

Still I struggle with people taking advantage of me, my solution is to fall out of contact with people and to sic friends on them.

Also, I'm not universally liked. Online I'm hated because I honestly share my opinions on how the world works in a fairly candid manner that pisses some people off. I have opinions that are unpopular on SV about drugs and addiction for example, though that is not my only SV sin. These are all opinions that I would not share IRL because I keep myself fairly repressed IRL.

IRL the people who hate me tend to not understand that, while I am being informal and signalling friendship, I am usually not actually your friend. In most cases you are low priority and I cannot be bothered to learn your personal likes and dislikes in order to draw you into closer friendship and/or manipulate you for additional resources.

Or in other words: I am personable because it is a successful survival strategy, and I will not behave towards you in a fashion that others would see as impersonal even if it would be more preferable for you personally as, frankly if I were witnessed it may damage my social standing with others, unless I have a good reason to... For example you have useful contacts, a shared interest, or you have some other sort of draw. Which is awful because, frankly, I would prefer to be quietly unsocial. But I can't, because that would harm my social standing and damage my access to resources, and limit my ability to form closer connections with individuals.

Still I know how to befriend those individuals if there's a reason to. They prefer playing next to someone over playing with someone. You sit beside them and work quietly for a while. Usually a few hours a day for a few months. Eventually you approach them gently and strike up a conversation. That's how I used to make friends with non-neurotypical people like myself back when it was a luxury I could afford. That's also how I met all four of the people I've actually dated.

And yeah, the majority of people just don't listen to what I say either. A lot of people also talk past me and don't expect me to listen to what they say. It's very upsetting how self-contradicting most human-creatures are.

Or the way people read shit I didn't say into shit I did say. Or assume because I said one shit I automatically agree with other shit said by social group that says similar shit.

Like I just got told off by a fucking Advocate for 'offensive speech' when I was trying to appeal a rule 2 violation. Why was it rule 2? There was nothing offensive in what I said. It was a little off topic, but it's not offensive to say "And both genders deal with so much cultural baggage, it's a wonder that it doesn't drive everyone neurotic". Certainly it drives me neurotic. There's a goddamn reason I present as agender online, even if IRL I'm too fucking cowardly to present as anything but cisgendered-bisexual to anyone but my closest friends. Not that I present as 'strongly' cis. I just present as 'hey, I don't give a fuck about the conventions attached to my gender mkay? Girls can like monster trucks and men can knit. Fuckoff.'

My point is, yeah, I get it.
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Yeah, I pretty quickly learned that politeness is not the correct approach. Politeness is, actually, off-putting and vaguely alien. In fact my personal experience shows that carefully applied informality and irregular intrusion into other's 'personal space' is key to forming positive relationships.
It depends entirely on the people in question; at the most simplistic (and thus incorrect) level, some people are extroverts and others are introverts, and the approach required to 'befriend' an extrovert is actively detrimental to the same with an introvert, and visa-versa.

In reality, there are a whole lot more complexities involved, but the overall concept of 'there is no one approach to being liked by everyone' remains true, and even the most charismatic person will run into people who just do not process their kind of charisma as a positive thing.

Talking should solve more conflicts than it does, but people lie, not only to each other but also to themselves, and no amount of talking will ever help anything if the person you are talking to refuses to admit the real reasons driving them to themself.

(This is one of multiple reasons why it has been traditional throughout most of human history for leaders to feast a whole bunch and get drunk before conducting negotiations in private: Inebriation lowers inhibitions, including internal inhibitions, like the one preventing one of said leaders from admitting to himself that he really started this war because he got mad about being 'insulted' by not being invited to the other leader's wedding, and not because of the publicly claimed reason of an ongoing territory dispute, for example.)

In short: You cannot solve problems with talking if the problems you are trying to solve don't actually exist, because the people causing said problems are not being honest with themselves, as people often are.
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Which normally I'd try to be patient about it since it's not reasonable to expect them to know about this history, but all too frequently it's just... deeply ironic in exactly the manner of that post, where somebody is saying to my face "People will listen to your words if only you actually use them" while flagrantly ignoring the words I actually did use. Like come on, if you're going to give advice at least don't directly prove it doesn't fucking work in literally the sentence you're offering that advice!

As someone who is pretty crap at making friends, but at least decent at not offending people, I'm honestly really curious about meeting you and talking with you just to see if I can tell what the heck might be setting people off, or if I'll even notice it. I think I spent most of my primary school trying to figure out why everyone seemed to hate me, only to realise in secondary school that not all of it might have been my fault. I like the online medium of interaction because then one only has to analyse words instead of body language or whatever else might set people off when engaging in actual face-to-face conversation with them.

Actually, I wonder... As you call yourself Ghoul King, and I'm pretty sure SI-Bakuda has mentioned it, I'm going to assume you are male. I am female, but I have a male friend who is almost as socially awkward as I am, and I've noticed he has much greater difficulty fitting into society compared to me. I think society might be more forgiving of quirky females compared to quirky males, or at least they come off as less off-putting. I wonder if SI-Bakuda was made to interact in semi-normal society, she might get along better with people purely because they are more willing to forgive her social-awkwardness as a female?
As someone who is pretty crap at making friends, but at least decent at not offending people, I'm honestly really curious about meeting you and talking with you just to see if I can tell what the heck might be setting people off, or if I'll even notice it. I think I spent most of my primary school trying to figure out why everyone seemed to hate me, only to realise in secondary school that not all of it might have been my fault. I like the online medium of interaction because then one only has to analyse words instead of body language or whatever else might set people off when engaging in actual face-to-face conversation with them.

I have a collage of working theories of varying degrees of helpfulness, some of which I've previously mentioned, others of which I've developed since starting to write Exploding Canon.

One of the more recently-developed ones was learning of 'resting bitch face', as it was exceedingly consistent in a non-obvious way with a childhood oddity -that it was a semi-regular experience for teachers to carefully approach me and ask me if I was upset about something, or angry with my fellow students, or if something had happened. Whatever the exact wording, they thought I was upset, and I thought I was expressionless. (Naturally, I doubled-down on making my expression as neutral as possible in an attempt to stop this, which in retrospect probably made the problem worse) This was all in my prepubescent years, and I was consistently viewed as a cute kid -so much so that up until I was five or so, it was a semi-regular event for people to see me and squeal 'she's so cute!' To try to minimize drama (People were invariably embarrassed if they were informed I was a boy), my mother responded for a time by aggressively dressing me up in eg a blue shirt with a football upon it, in an attempt to signal 'this is a little boy'. It did literally nothing to stop people from interpreting me as an adorable little girl. Even once people stopped immediately assuming I was a girl, they still thought I was adorable.

The relevancy of all that is that once I was hitting my adult frame, the 'what a cute kid' stuff stopped and the 'I hate your guts for no clear reason' stuff became very much the default. In conjunction with the 'are you upset about something?' stuff, I suspect that, essentially, a cute kid seeming to scowl or glare with contempt was adorable or at least viewed as not worth getting angry over, while A Man doing the same was -and remains- a reason to get angry. I now make an effort to not fall into my habit of deliberately wiping my expression, which does seem to have helped.

A different one I read years ago and unfortunately have never been able to find the article for, nor an alternative article making similar enough assertions, was the consideration of tone matching -that this article indicated that when you get a group of people together, they will all unconsciously match whoever the group agrees is the boss... which didn't necessarily match who was nominally the boss, interestingly... but it struck me because it jived with my auditory processing issues and how people -particularly people who consider themselves to have authority over me, such as police officers- tend to get visibly more hostile in response to me speaking regardless of the actual contents of my words. In particular, it explained why service industry people are generally a major exception -because the default social model for such a case would be them matching the customer and not the other way around. (It helps that I'm not an atrocious customer) As this is wholly unconscious -both the act of performing it and the reaction to it- this is one of those 'not very helpful' theories. I'm not deliberately rejecting a subconscious acknowledgment of my fellow human's dominance, I just don't have the brain bits working adequately to even know this is a thing at all, and so am unlikely to ever fix this issue. It's one of many reasons why I'm pursuing the Patreon etc route, because one solution to this particular issue is to just... not have a boss, so they can't subconsciously decide I'm deliberately disrespecting their authority.

It's also a big part of why I've stuck heavily to online interactions, which I've always found to involve less inexplicable hostility toward me, and this would help explain why: because this mechanism literally doesn't exist in eg a forum. (I've never been interested in eg Skype, and reading this just reinforced this preference)

Of course, this connects to theory three: Actual Social Shit. It's possible I am subconsciously rejecting my fellow human beings' dominance over me, because I sure don't follow social norms in general connecting to such hierarchies. I bash my way into communities who have no idea who I am, immediately expect them to take my opinion seriously instead of expecting to work my way up to being respected, and just generally act as if I am an established peer when I absolutely am not established. This pretty consistently results in me either leaving when it becomes clear the community has zero interest in listening to me, or a period of intense drama and people being weirded the fuck out by me, and then enough time passes people become comfortable accepting me as an established peer, or even treat me as Old Guard, and the drama largely fades. Notably, one of my first overall positive online social experiences involved an essentially unmoderated section of a forum. (Due to UI considerations, it was semi-hidden, and the moderators assigned to it were gone or basically-gone when I showed up) So there were no authorities around to get mad at me for daring to treat them as equals.

I probably could make a concerted effort to change this issue, but I have actual philosophical reasons for doing this (In addition to whatever brain chemistry makes it particularly natural behavior for me), so it's technically under the Helpful Theory category but in practice since I don't live in, say, a military dictatorship where failure to bow and scrape can readily result in a bullet through the head, I'm reluctant to actually alter this behavior. I've curtailed some bits as it's become clear some components of the 'ignore the stupid newbies' behaviors aren't actually unreasonable, but just dropping it so people stop getting mad at me? Not likely with my current life trajectory.

Though it's at least gotten better on its own as I've gotten older: adults usually did not like having a twelve-year-old condescend to explain how their physics explanation was misleading or flat-out wrong. Once I was firmly in my twenties, being smarter and more knowledgeable on any topic stopped being a reason to hate my guts, requiring they considered themselves an experienced expert before it would spawn hatred. (Fortunately, I never ended up moving in circles with people with the relevant training to become offended, and at this point probably never will. Not in a context where they just assume I should be less knowledgeable than them, at least)

Theory four is my assorted sensitivities for medical reasons: I hate sudden loud noises, find cigarette smoke unimaginably foul, and myriad other things. This is too strong a response to completely hide, and when people notice me holding my breath to avoid breathing their smoke, or reacting badly to their smoke, there is a strong tendency to make me the bad guy for daring to have a bad response. You know, to known carcinogens and whatnot. Totally unreasonable, how dare I cough or similar. (Thankfully, smokers are astoundingly rare in my current city. Back when I was in California, they were everywhere, and routinely blatantly ignored No Smoking signs)

Then there's a whole bunch of sub-behaviors, some of which Exploding Canon has alluded to. Eye contact is a good example: I had multiple teachers throughout public school who insisted I should look them in the eye when they were talking to me. I can't do it. I hate making eye contact; it actually bothers me more than actual pain from injuries. Even with close family I actually like, I tend to look around me, not directly at them. There's probably a bunch of interactions I've had where failure to make eye contact got taken as deliberate disrespect, or as a sign of a guilty conscience, or some such nonsense, when the actual answer is that I have too much gorilla blood in me. (This is a joke. Mostly) Or my hatred of holding still; I had two separate teachers who wanted me tested for ADHD because I would rock in place in my chair and the noise drove them up the wall. Well, more precisely one just straight-up wanted my parents to prescribe Ritalin without bothering with testing. (I don't have ADHD, incidentally. Not according to the tests, anyway) And there are a lot of contexts in which it's very rude to not hold extremely still, extremely quietly; I've gotten better at channeling this in ways that other people don't notice in general public conditions, but if you stuck me in a meeting room and dimmed the lights for a presentation, I would be seen and heard and assuredly considered disruptive, exactly as I was in public school.

This is all the stuff I remember off the top of my head and deliberately juggle on a constant basis. I know there's other stuff where I learned a behavior and don't actually remember it was to make people less prone to hating me.

Meatspace people still default to hating me, just less than when I was, say, thirteen.

Actually, I wonder... As you call yourself Ghoul King, and I'm pretty sure SI-Bakuda has mentioned it, I'm going to assume you are male. I am female, but I have a male friend who is almost as socially awkward as I am, and I've noticed he has much greater difficulty fitting into society compared to me. I think society might be more forgiving of quirky females compared to quirky males, or at least they come off as less off-putting.

Yes, I'm biologically male. (Though honestly I picked 'Ghoul King' because of the linguistic/social crap where a queen is assumed to have a king who is her social superior, instead of being accepted as the apex of her social group. And because my first several choices were already taken: I'd just be 'Ghoul', no modifier appended, if only somebody hadn't grabbed that screenname on Warcraft III's Battle.net before me) Psychologically, I'm 'why the fuck do you assholes put so much emphasis on this shit, god'. (I've not bothered to specify a pronoun once SV implemented that feature because I seriously do not give a shit. If some people used female pronouns for me in this thread because the Bakuda thing got them thinking I'm female, I wouldn't bother to correct them. I think I have skipped such corrections before, in fact) And in terms of character relatability, I tend to identify much more with the trials and tribulations of female characters than male characters, all else being equal. (I used to blame this on how male characters get much more representation and yet a much greater tendency toward eg vapid power fantasies. That's... not irrelevant, but it's not the entire explanation) Pregnancy is the only thing I go 'yeah okay I dunno what you're experiencing there, I am completely excluded from this club and will shut up'. (Most people would include menstruation as a Foreign Female Thing. I'm sure I'm missing nuance, but as far as 'intermittent, regular agony I can't do much but grit my teeth and bear it, looking forward to the day this shit stops'... very relatable! Albeit for different reasons)

As far as social acceptability goes, one thing I've observed is that men are by default expected to have a public face they manage, while women are by default assumed to, you know, marry a husband and then drop off the face of the planet as far as much of society is concerned. A quirky stereotypical working husband has to be able to hide his quirks from his bosses and coworkers, or go into a job where he gets to flaunt it as "I'm a creative soul, maaaaannnn'. A quirky stereotypical stay-at-home wife just has to find a man who goes "Your bizarre behavior is hot/adorable/cute/otherwise appealing or at least acceptable" and there you go they just have to remember to minimize the quirkiness in, like, parent-teacher meetings or whatever.

I actually think this contrast is the foundation of mainstream American superhero fiction and magical girl anime, respectively: that Clark Kent Who Nobody Knows About This Hobby Of Fighting Crime He Has is an exaggerated version of 'working husband presents one face at his job, and then an entirely different face in his private life', and 'Sailor Moon secretly solving social ills by vaporizing literal manifestations of metaphorical evils' is equally an exaggerated version of a stay-at-home wife helping friends and family solve private problems. Literal Real Life Ami Mizuno teaches a young boy more self-confidence, not to mention some math, and though nobody can see it the boy's life is much-improved. Magical Girl Ami Mizuno chases down the demonic manifestation of his psychological issues and vaporizes it with magic, causing him to stop struggling with depression the magical demon in his soul.

And then I've always related much more to magical girl anime characters than to superhero fiction characters. (Superman: The Animated Series was pretty good, but I never related to Clark) Taylor is very anomalous in this regard.

Which part of why I'm rambling about all this is to set up for a response to...

I wonder if SI-Bakuda was made to interact in semi-normal society, she might get along better with people purely because they are more willing to forgive her social-awkwardness as a female?

... this.

Basically, I suspect it would depend on the exact definition of 'semi-normal' one meant. A SI-Bakuda who magically escaped the whole 'literal supervillain' thing -maybe we're assuming the SI happens before the Cornell Bomber stuff- and then tried to enter the mainstream workforce would, I suspect, have many of the problems I already have, and additionally gain even more problems from sexism and racism. People take me as Generic Whitebread American (Which is actually pretty bizarre, but sure, whatever) and so I quietly benefit from a lot of American sexism and racism -when I was homeless, one set of cops pretty clearly thought I was a rich kid whose daddy had taken away the keys to the yacht, never mind that I'd been homeless for multiple years at that point. (This incident also ties into a lot of my theories: they seemed to think they were humoring a harmlessly stupid asshole, like it was funny for me to be sneering at them... even though I wasn't sneering) If I could keep my eccentricities on the downlow in reality, I wouldn't have to worry about nonsense like 'this Pizza Hut's best driver is a black kid, and the cops conspicuously stop him in particular way more than the other drivers'. (This was a complaint I overheard while homeless, not a hypothetical example) SI-Bakuda would be dealing with all that nonsense.

Conversely, a SI-Bakuda who settled down with someone and did the out-of-sight homemaker routine probably would go over a lot better with society. Even if all the resting bitch face and whatnot still applied, I rather suspect this would actually feed into shit like the whole 'haughty women can be hot' thing, among other things, instead of being pure 'get other peoples' hackles up'. Or if she married someone well enough off, people would blithely assume this was pure social position crap and not take it personally, like I've literally seen people do with upper-class married women who were less-than-great to cashiers and whatnot.

I don't have enough data to guess how people might react if she tried to go into more of a creative industry. How people respond to women doing creative work is so thoroughly variable I've never been able to meaningfully isolate variables, and my impression is that it's rapidly evolved in my lifetime to boot.

In short: You cannot solve problems with talking if the problems you are trying to solve don't actually exist, because the people causing said problems are not being honest with themselves, as people often are.

Pretty much! Can't be 'adequately respectful' if the actual issue is that some quality outside your control has the individual biased against you as the real reason for their dislike, where the disrespect they're claiming is wholly imaginary/made-up.

Yeah, I pretty quickly learned that politeness is not the correct approach. Politeness is, actually, off-putting and vaguely alien. In fact my personal experience shows that carefully applied informality and irregular intrusion into other's 'personal space' is key to forming positive relationships.

Well, I really should've also mentioned in that prior post that I've had some pretty strong practically-a-control-group experiences that make it clear my word choice is not the issue. (As in, I meant to, then forgot before hitting 'post reply') Like, one time I went to a deli to order something in specific: I was promptly told they didn't have it. I objected that I ordered it just yesterday, and he told me 'well, we don't carry it anymore', and that was that. I happened to be shopping with my mother, who is generally received much more positively by most people, mentioned the situation to her, and she went to try to order. She said literally the exact same stuff I did, and for the first part his response was the same, but for the second part he (However grudgingly) said he'd check in back. (Where of course it turned out they were still carrying the food in question)

One could argue it was the repetition or something, and maybe it even was in this particular case, but this kind of contrast is the default: people find my mother likable well beyond anything that can be explained entirely by word choice and whatnot, and find me unlikable well beyond such, with these trends crossing gender lines, only being partially influenced by social position (eg cops are particularly stark of a contrast, whereas service staff are less stark, warming up to either of us eventually, though quicker with her), and so on.

I'm saying this to ground the following: I experimented in public school with being more personable. This was a brand-new school, in a new state; nobody knew what I was normally like, so nobody would interpret this as a change in personality. It produced worse results than being polite did, regardless of whether I initiated or they did. I never developed any friends in that school, where I'd had a single friend at any given moment in prior schools (And gotten along decently with three different teachers), and I'm reasonably confident I developed a reputation as The Creepy Kid, like in a stereotypical manga about the class loner being shunned.

(It probably didn't help that this was the school where my Halloween costumes were Batman, when this was before he was all that strongly mainstream, and a somewhat-homemade ninja costume that had teachers thinking my plastic sword in its plastic sheath was a real sword, and my plastic sai were Dangerously Pointy and got confiscated)

I dunno, maybe I'd have been able to make personability work if I'd made it to high school and there'd been goths or something to embrace creepiness as a desirable quality. I kind of suspect they'd have ended up not liking me, too, though, simply because I've never taken to identifying as part of any given social group in general.


I'd wonder if maybe I shouldn't natter on about myself this much, but hey! It's a SI! This is story-relevant content!

Though I do hope I'll have another chapter up before too long...
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Having completely forgotten Ghoul King's tendency towards long discussion posts, I got all hyped for an update there :cry:

Still, it's nice of you to clarify all this, and that last note was good news.
I'm almost certainly pointing out the obvious here, but according to the thread search it hasn't been explicitly noted thus far: What you've described is consistent in virtually every regard with autism, a lot of it even directly matching my own experience. I can't easily imagine that hasn't already been suggested to you at some point, but on the off-chance that it somehow hasn't, might be worth looking into.
I'm almost certainly pointing out the obvious here, but according to the thread search it hasn't been explicitly noted thus far: What you've described is consistent in virtually every regard with autism, a lot of it even directly matching my own experience. I can't easily imagine that hasn't already been suggested to you at some point, but on the off-chance that it somehow hasn't, might be worth looking into.
Yeah, thats what I was thinking reading it. Every single thing listed is an Autism Spectrum symptom. up to and including being confused for ADHD as a kid but then it turns out its not that.
I'd wonder if maybe I shouldn't natter on about myself this much, but hey! It's a SI! This is story-relevant content!

Though I do hope I'll have another chapter up before too long...
While a bit disappointing that it was not a new chapter it was still very interesting 'natter' to read. I feel very much the same as you about gender, including the part of gravitating towards female protagonists.

I feel like I could have also ended up with the same problems with social interaction if I hadn't grown up with very good teachers and in a school system heavily weighted towards group projects and class presentations. Turns out the secret to being likable is mostly just lots of practice.

I have found that while reading about rhetorical techniques and psychology is interesting it is about as useful to social interactions as learning physics is to riding a bike.
Ah, we're back to seeing alerts for multiple-thousand word posts from the author, only to see it is not in fact a new chapter.

Feels just like old times. :D
Well written, and clear. It's... Hard to explain or discuss those sorts of topics, especially when it applies to one's self rather than other. Even moreso when said topic is an active source of irritation.
She could make Reset Grenades that rewind your Body to before an injury?


Healer Summoning Grenades?


Grenades that put the Target into a Sleep that lasts until they are Healed.


Temporary Bounce Grenades, that enhance your Movements and make you more rubbery, flexible and durable.


Gravity Reversal Grenades that launch anything in the Target area out into space.


Temporary Float Grenades that let you fly for a set time.


Moon Gravity Grenade that let you leap higher and further while falling slower.


A Hybrid Grenade that binds the two nearest living things together into an obedient loyal Minion.


Rust Bomb that turns anything metal into rust.


A Pokeball Grenade that can convert a target into energy and store them digitally.


A Grenade that will create a Bubble Shield around a living target.