Exploding Canon (Worm SI)

Poor Armsie. Still, it was rather nice getting a look into his head here. Even nicer to see his ego had deflated a bit, though only a bit.
Poor Armsie. Still, it was rather nice getting a look into his head here. Even nicer to see his ego had deflated a bit, though only a bit.
Honestly, he landed a hit on the most elusive Endbringer, which he was the least prepared to fight, with no warning and at less than full power. Presuming that doesn't immediately make you scream Ziz Plot, that's a damned respectable accomplishment even if someone else landed the killing blow.
I'm going to guess that our Bakuda pulls out something that actually worked against the Simurgh, or that the Simurgh decided to leave. From Colin's reactions, Bakuda (or someone else) "stealing" the Endbringer kill makes more sense.

I feel Armsmaster was reasonably well captured here - you captured his desire for glory and achievement without forgetting who he was and making him into a showboater. And you didn't lean too heavily on his shard-based drive for efficiency.

As for his dreams turning to dust...I don't think anything done by the Simurgh short of his imminent death would elicit that kind of response from him. No matter how much damage the Simurgh does to Borckton Bay, it wouldn't change his resolution to focus on killing an Endbringer, and might strengthen it. If he was to spend overly much time within the Simurgh's presence and thus become officially tainted, I think he would just double down on his anti-Endbringer work. Because hey, anything he does is likely to be a Ziz plot anyway, right?

The only other possibility that springs to mind is a kill steal. And that makes me curious as to how that could come about, since I think Ghoul King knows better than to have SI!Bakuda successfully kill the Simurgh on their first meeting. Maybe she plays some indirect role for another cape to land the kill shot?

Except...the death of the Simurgh wouldn't necessarily get that response from Armsmaster either, since he would still have two other Endbringers to focus his efforts on.

I'm at a bit of a loss, really. I think I'll assume what happens is some crazy other thing that my puny mind could never think of.

Oh, wait. Maybe SI!Bakuda successfully pressures Ziz into allowing the world a glimpse of her true power, driving home how utterly outclassed Armsmaster is by any Endbringer?
If he was to spend overly much time within the Simurgh's presence and thus become officially tainted, I think he would just double down on his anti-Endbringer work. Because hey, anything he does is likely to be a Ziz plot anyway, right?

Uh, officially tainted means either a summary execution, or quarantine forever. And I don't think they let tinkers stay in quarantine zones if they can control it because there's too much chance of them making some way to escape.
Well that ended on an ominous note. At least Arms made it out of the battle alive, and from the previous chapter, it didn't seem there was much civilian damage, and cape damages from what I could tell were mostly dealt by Bakuda.

On the other hand we did have an hour time-skip were stuff obviously happened between Alexandria's gut punch to Armsmaster's breakdown/freakout...
-Fifteen seconds wasted.

-Four minutes and 32 seconds used up just reaching the Endbringer. Irritating.

-An aggravating consequence of his feet being different sizes.

-Sub-optimal. Still. He could make better. Maybe go for a different design outright, sticking to the halberd theme had its limitations.

-He spent a horrendously inefficient 40 seconds fiddling with it

I really liked those little touches.
Four Endbringers, not two.
I don't think Armsy will be finding out about Khonsu, Bohu, Tohu etcetera within the hour, even if the Simurgh does kicks the bucket.

Uh, officially tainted means either a summary execution, or quarantine forever. And I don't think they let tinkers stay in quarantine zones if they can control it because there's too much chance of them making some way to escape.

Maybe it's just me, but I got the impression that even imprisonment in a Simurgh quarantine zone might not stop him in his resolution.

Waaaait a moment...

Two high grade tinkers...
Both of whom have created devices that can damage Endbringers...
Both of whom have the motivation to tinker up anti Endbringer devices...
In the same quarantined city...

*maniacal laughter in distance*
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Maybe it's just me, but I got the impression that even imprisonment in a Simurgh quarantine zone might not stop him in his resolution.

Waaaait a moment...

Two high grade tinkers...
Both of whom have created devices that can damage Endbringers...
Both of whom have the motivation to tinker up anti Endbringer devices...
In the same quarantined city...

*maniacal laughter in distance*

I'm... Fairly certain that Armsmaster got clear of the quarantine zone, having spent a short enough time to be allowed to leave.
I don't think Armsy will be finding out about Khonsu, Bohu, Tohu etcetera within the hour, even if the Simurgh does kicks the bucket.

Maybe it's just me, but I got the impression that even imprisonment in a Simurgh quarantine zone might not stop him in his resolution.

Waaaait a moment...

Two high grade tinkers...
Both of whom have created devices that can damage Endbringers...
Both of whom have the motivation to tinker up anti Endbringer devices...
In the same quarantined city...

*maniacal laughter in distance*

Now all they would need to do is create Endbringer bait. Which they possibly accomplish just by creating anti-Endbringer weapons.
This of course, depends on what exactly the Simurgh has been doing during this as of yet unseen time interval.

Now all they would need to do is create Endbringer bait. Which they possibly accomplish just by creating anti-Endbringer weapons.
This of course, depends on what exactly the Simurgh has been doing during this as of yet unseen time interval.
One hopes the answer is 'dying', considering the nightmare it's continued existence represents.
As if anyone in Worm could get so lucky.


That's about typical Worm, yeah?
Well, if it dies, replace with two more of the damn things. But, unless at least one is also telepathic precognitive schemer with mind control powers, or something with similar nightmare long-term damage and so on, they'd honestly be less bad than the Simurgh on it's own... Not counting that the Simurgh and Leviathan fought smarter with Behemoths death, so cue Behemoth and Leviathan fighting smarter.
Well, if it dies, replace with two more of the damn things. But, unless at least one is also telepathic precognitive schemer with mind control powers, or something with similar nightmare long-term damage and so on, they'd honestly be less bad than the Simurgh on it's own... Not counting that the Simurgh and Leviathan fought smarter with Behemoths death, so cue Behemoth and Leviathan fighting smarter.
Very true, and a good point.

Unless earlier predictions that the Simurgh has been freed from external control by one of the bombs is true.
In which case killing the Simurgh might actually be worse.
Speculation will be difficult until further chapters show what else has been going on.
I forget if its been stated but wasn't it confirmed that the EndBringers are products of
Eidolon and his need for worthy opponents

Maybe the Simurgh started talking and thanked Bakuda for helping her?
Well, if it dies, replace with two more of the damn things. But, unless at least one is also telepathic precognitive schemer with mind control powers, or something with similar nightmare long-term damage and so on, they'd honestly be less bad than the Simurgh on it's own... Not counting that the Simurgh and Leviathan fought smarter with Behemoths death, so cue Behemoth and Leviathan fighting smarter.

They fought safer more than they fought smarter. The change in behavior seems to be primarily about avoiding Scion showing up and killing them, since he's been shifted from "Go fight those things" to "Go kill those things", hence why Behemoth dies in the Indian fight.

Though Tohu and Bohu have always bugged me for seeming to hold to traditional Endbringer patterns instead. One of many reasons why it aggravated me how the story sort of glossed over Tohu and Bohu -I'm left wondering why Scion hasn't killed them, given they operate in a stationary manner that does not allow for a quick escape from Scion.


I feel Armsmaster was reasonably well captured here - you captured his desire for glory and achievement without forgetting who he was and making him into a showboater. And you didn't lean too heavily on his shard-based drive for efficiency.

I feel a lot of fanfiction forgets (Overlooks?) that shard impulses are usually essentially indistinguishable from regular personality impulses. My depiction of Armsmaster isn't someone obsessed with efficiency -it's someone aggravated by inefficiency. Which, hey, we all get annoyed by other people being stupid or whatever, right? Nothing neurotically obsessive about that.

I'm very glad people like my depiction of Armsmaster, though.

Uh, officially tainted means either a summary execution, or quarantine forever. And I don't think they let tinkers stay in quarantine zones if they can control it because there's too much chance of them making some way to escape.

Canon never touches on how tinkers get treated re: Simurgh'd.

It's probably a judgment call, like with any power, though. There's plenty of powers where killing the parahuman is fairly trivial, but trying to keep them contained is not (Many Movers), whether you look at tinkers or not, and plenty of powers that are the reverse. (Alabaster, for instance) Some tinkers are like String Theory and can operate on a vast scale all by themselves even when restricted in travel ability, while others are like Kid Win or Armsmaster, and seem to be not much of a problem if you don't let them get a line of fire to you.

Well that ended on an ominous note. At least Arms made it out of the battle alive, and from the previous chapter, it didn't seem there was much civilian damage, and cape damages from what I could tell were mostly dealt by Bakuda.

So far every entry in this arc has either been from someone not really paying that close of attention to casualties or not present for the attack at all. (Dinah) Even Armsmaster was narrowly focused on his own goals, only a token acknowledgment of concern for other people. Damage might be light, or it might be fairly heavy and the viewpoint characters just aren't paying attention.

Note that Armsmaster outright dismissed evacuation of civilians as being a job for other people, not his concern at all. Bakuda was summarizing the casualties she saw -"I saw bodies periodically, including the occasional cape" type summary. Armsmaster made zero acknowledgment at all of anything he didn't consider immediately relevant. He may well have seen a lot more casualties than Bakuda and just ignored them.

I really liked those little touches.

I appreciate the appreciation! I made an effort to very clearly mark Armsmaster as a different person with different focii than SI!Bakuda -I was clear from an early point in the Interlude that there was risk that I'd write them as too similar, as they're both characters who don't get out of their own heads much and are disinterested in things outside their own goals, not to mention they're both tinkers.

Maybe it's just me, but I got the impression that even imprisonment in a Simurgh quarantine zone might not stop him in his resolution.

Waaaait a moment...

Two high grade tinkers...
Both of whom have created devices that can damage Endbringers...
Both of whom have the motivation to tinker up anti Endbringer devices...
In the same quarantined city...

*maniacal laughter in distance*

He's not quarantined. The field post/abandoned factory/ex-Protectorate ENE base is outside the Simurgh's field of effect, and he got out within somewhere between ten and fifteen minutes.

He could still become quarantined if the Simurgh moves close enough etc etc, but currently he's free and clear and his suit feeds would back his statements -whatever post-Simurgh attack processing parahumans go through will be fairly quick for him.

I forget if its been stated but wasn't it confirmed that the EndBringers are products of
Eidolon and his need for worthy opponents

That's the canon notion, though it's less that they're a product of his desires and more that he tapped an existing Entity toolset that was a good fit for his desires -which is pretty in line with his power's operational behavior in general, where he wants a thing and it gives him something that can accomplish what he wants in a general sense, but his control over the details is limited to saying "No no, not this, give me something else" until he's happy enough with something he's been given.
That's the canon notion, though it's less that they're a product of his desires and more that he tapped an existing Entity toolset that was a good fit for his desires -which is pretty in line with his power's operational behavior in general, where he wants a thing and it gives him something that can accomplish what he wants in a general sense, but his control over the details is limited to saying "No no, not this, give me something else" until he's happy enough with something he's been given.
That's... Potentially fairly horrifying. "nonono, those aren't worthy enough, ugh, give me a new worthy opponents power, this one sucks." *suddenly echidna power, evil clones of everyone*"better, but still not good enough!" *gets worse from there*

... I'm glad I don't live on Earth Bet.
That's... Potentially fairly horrifying. "nonono, those aren't worthy enough, ugh, give me a new worthy opponents power, this one sucks." *suddenly echidna power, evil clones of everyone*"better, but still not good enough!" *gets worse from there*

Nah, I'd expect the next one would be a Master power that causes totally preventable misunderstandings that lead him to fight hero teams everywhere he goes, or something.