[Exalted, ?] Most High

The original Usurpation relied on author fiat/breaking the mask/loom shenanigans. I'm very interested to see how someone who the freaking UCS doesn't want to cross goes down.

I'm still heavily in favor of subduer - resources are a very valuable background in the game, and having an army in a can when the Realm is facing destabilization because of the events leading up to Uly's time cannot be understated. It sounds like he has an army to challenge any Dynast, and they're not really cooperating anyway, as everyone is angling for the throne.

Sorcery has its points too - a more stable creation is great, and getting along with the Sidereals may mean that Odyssial was complicit with the Usurpation (though I personally can't see why). Sorcery/workings themselves are, honestly, just sort of boring. Solar charms are customizable anyway and can do nearly anything magic can do... There are the great works like Salinia's, but the majority of spells are either very specialized or impractical. It is, imo, one of those things that's super neat in concept but not very practical.
If greatness 9 is surpassing the Unconquered then what would greatness 10 entail.
A swanky new title, for starters. Possibly a temple to his glory as well, built from all the bricks that were shat by those who grasped the enormity of his achievement.

Actually, that brings to mind an interesting question. What is Odyssial's take on Solar cults? They're another source of power that he can access, and we saw in the earlier portions of the prelude that even during his mortal life he had devised optimized prayer regimens to better bribe deities. Still, his resentment against the Primoridals for creating humans only to serve as a source of worship and fear was palpable... and that not-unjustified sentiment preceded Nio's death. We've talked an awful lot about the magnitude to which his powers have developed, but what of his character and beliefs?
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If Odyssial holds out long enough (because he has sufficient numbers of followers, safehouses etc.) during the usurpation does that mean his exaltation doesn't get trapped like the others because the prison has already been constructed and sealed?

If they don't have another way of holding exaltations and odyssial takes a while to hunt down then they risk having to assassinate everyone multiple times if they don't seal the prison.
In canon they didn't catch them all. That was the point of Wyld Hunts, to track down and assassinate the Exaltations the jade prison didn't contain.
In canon they didn't catch them all. That was the point of Wyld Hunts, to track down and assassinate the Exaltations the jade prison didn't contain.
But last time they caught Odyssial, which is how uly ended up an infernal.

So, I guess that's a 'yes' if this Odyssial lasts longer than the previous one.

Or maybe the sidereals did risk hunting everyone multiple times to ensure they got Odyssial's shard.
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[X] Sorcerer of the Adamant Circle

In the end, launching an expedition to expand creation in the Third Age will be easier than trying to build up a group of Elder Sidereals working to maintain creation.
It gets better.

In 3E there are a number of charms to escape being killed. There's the Doombot Craft option and a bunch of others. Like Socialize's casting off the former self and living as a new persona.

As for the arguments, one factor to consider, is his current level of heartlessness. Would he value being able to reliably, and in full, working to create his Utopia despite death and time, undiminished, or value creating a more transient paradise, held up by his supreme genius and will, but without ensuring continuity of the paradise.

A larger utopia now, or forge an eternal paradise, regardless of unexpected interruptions.
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Th personal might boost that adamant circle provides is good but we really need to ensure that we have an army. Odyssial is already the mightiest being in creation period we don't need more and no netter how strong no man can accomplish everything alone.
But last time they caught Odyssial, which is how uly ended up an infernal.

So, I guess that's a 'yes' if this Odyssial lasts longer than the previous one.

Or maybe the sidereals did risk hunting everyone multiple times to ensure they got Odyssial's shard.

Yeah i'm actually a little uncertain on that myself. OP has it marked that the beginning and middle of the older quest are mostly the same, which I assume leaves some wriggle room on whether or not Odyssial goes quitely (possible infernal again) or drags it out (we exalt this time as solar? who knows). We may start replaying Uly at any point. I don't think it's said yet.
[X] Sorcerer of the Adamant Circle

Might not be possible, but I feel like this is the best option to give Ody a chance to create Liminal Odyssian Devil-Tiger.
A swanky new title, for starters. Possibly a temple to his glory as well, built from all the bricks that were shat by those who grasped the enormity of his achievement.

Actually, that brings to mind an interesting question. What is Odyssial's take on Solar cults? They're another source of power that he can access, and we saw in the earlier portions of the prelude that even during his mortal life he had devised optimized prayer regimens to better bribe deities. Still, his resentment against the Primoridals for creating humans only to serve as a source of worship and fear was palpable... and that not-unjustified sentiment preceded Nio's death. We've talked an awful lot about the magnitude to which his powers have developed, but what of his character and beliefs?

Cult benefits are historically extremely underwhelming for Exalts, while being absolutely necessary for gods. It's a matter of comparative advantage.
The original Usurpation relied on author fiat/breaking the mask/loom shenanigans. I'm very interested to see how someone who the freaking UCS doesn't want to cross goes down.

I'm still heavily in favor of subduer - resources are a very valuable background in the game, and having an army in a can when the Realm is facing destabilization because of the events leading up to Uly's time cannot be understated. It sounds like he has an army to challenge any Dynast, and they're not really cooperating anyway, as everyone is angling for the throne.

Sorcery has its points too - a more stable creation is great, and getting along with the Sidereals may mean that Odyssial was complicit with the Usurpation (though I personally can't see why). Sorcery/workings themselves are, honestly, just sort of boring. Solar charms are customizable anyway and can do nearly anything magic can do... There are the great works like Salinia's, but the majority of spells are either very specialized or impractical. It is, imo, one of those things that's super neat in concept but not very practical.

I find it extremely unlikely that we will get an army in a can. Rihaku stated that Odyssial doesn't see the point in that when he could use the army instead. Its very likely that almost the entire host of DBs loyal to Odyssial go down fighting with him at their head. Even if some survive they will die of old age before the end of the Shogunate, and their children will have to deal with the Great Contagion. The best Ulyssian is going to get in the Age of Sorrows is maybe a lost egg remembering stories his family told him about the Great Strategos.
I find it extremely unlikely that we will get an army in a can. Rihaku stated that Odyssial doesn't see the point in that when he could use the army instead. Its very likely that almost the entire host of DBs loyal to Odyssial go down fighting with him at their head. Even if some survive they will die of old age before the end of the Shogunate, and their children will have to deal with the Great Contagion. The best Ulyssian is going to get in the Age of Sorrows is maybe a lost egg remembering stories his family told him about the Great Strategos.

It's unlikely there were many direct confrontations. But his loyal DBs would have helped him conduct the most brutal guerilla war campaign that Creation has ever seen.
I find it extremely unlikely that we will get an army in a can. Rihaku stated that Odyssial doesn't see the point in that when he could use the army instead. Its very likely that almost the entire host of DBs loyal to Odyssial go down fighting with him at their head. Even if some survive they will die of old age before the end of the Shogunate, and their children will have to deal with the Great Contagion. The best Ulyssian is going to get in the Age of Sorrows is maybe a lost egg remembering stories his family told him about the Great Strategos.

With Subduer and our other choices we've stitched up a great stretch of borderlands/middlemarches to be parts of his personal empire, and we know that Lea survives, and with some of our choices, is on board with what we're doing. It's not totally unreasonable to assume that with her around, maybe helping (her part in the Thousand Streams River project?), something more is there.

That said yeah, I was probably overestimating the benefits. It's tough to say.
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This is all about legacies and what we want to have Odyssial remember as. Sure picking the sorcery option and Odyssial will have made wonders creating a nation of myth. But those wonders will fall without Solars around to do maintenance on them and Odyssial will maybe be remembered fondly in whatever realm that survive in the ashes of his nation in the age to come.

Subdue will etch Odyssial´s name into the memory of every race and in every corner of creation, a much enlarged creation. His enemies will fear him and his troops and subjects will have undying loyalty towards him and that is more worth it in the end then some falling ruins spread out around the lands. Odyssial will reincarnate because he always finds away and would you rather have survivors of his Odyssians remembering him or ruins. It will also only be Odyssial that will be remembered this way. All the other solars are busy being total good guys(Deus) or going into the neatherworld or incredibly stupid stuff like Operation Wyldhand.
I must be the odd guy here but I just don't care about the legacy or empire building that the Subdued option appears to offer, I'm way more interested in the characters of Odyssial, Lea and Pearl and their adventures - and Sorcery seems to support that more.
Being Unprepared and having to act fast means that Sorcery is likely of less use than Odyssials personal charmset in fighting the Usurpers. I don't think it will do as much damage as a frantically loyal legion that will likely fight on even after its masters death.
He'll probably have DBs loyal enough to help anyways, if not loyal enough to have remnants for Uly to meet or ones quite as capable, but the already existing Workings and sentient creations Sorcery enabled will probably make up for the difference nonetheless.