[Exalted, ?] Most High

This is all about legacies and what we want to have Odyssial remember as. Sure picking the sorcery option and Odyssial will have made wonders creating a nation of myth. But those wonders will fall without Solars around to do maintenance on them and Odyssial will maybe be remembered fondly in whatever realm that survive in the ashes of his nation in the age to come.

Subdue will etch Odyssial´s name into the memory of every race and in every corner of creation, a much enlarged creation. His enemies will fear him and his troops and subjects will have undying loyalty towards him and that is more worth it in the end then some falling ruins spread out around the lands. Odyssial will reincarnate because he always finds away and would you rather have survivors of his Odyssians remembering him or ruins. It will also only be Odyssial that will be remembered this way. All the other solars are busy being total good guys(Deus) or going into the neatherworld or incredibly stupid stuff like Operation Wyldhand.
The specific perk of sorcery is ensuring a high fidelity reincarnation to ensure that He, personally, would be showing up to correct all the stupid crap in the future. That survives the ages better than anything else, for his Exaltation is imperishable.

Because all the lands conquered from the Wyld are going to become so much mist and gossamer when the Great Contagion wipes them out.
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Subdued will also grant adventures after al it is a massive crusade to take the wyld and expand creation not seen in such a scale since the titanimacy.
Being Unprepared and having to act fast means that Sorcery is likely of less use than Odyssials personal charmset in fighting the Usurpers. I don't think it will do as much damage as a frantically loyal legion that will likely fight on even after its masters death.
That sounds great until you realize that with Sorcery if he decides it's worth it Odyssial can walk around casting Total Annihlation on major population centers.
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I must be the odd guy here but I just don't care about the legacy or empire building that the Subdued option appears to offer, I'm way more interested in the characters of Odyssial, Lea and Pearl and their adventures - and Sorcery seems to support that more.

Going on the greatest military campaign since the Primordial war is not adventure enough?:D Sorcery have Odyssial making stuff and even for him making somethings that in someway will last thousands of years takes time.
I just don't see the allies made from subdue doing nothing in the intervening years. There's roughly 1k years where our allies have agency that can definitely help. Sorcery puts it all on the man himself.
That sounds great until you realize that with Sorcery if he decides it's worth it Odyssial can walk around casting Total Annihlation on major population centers.
While I'm on the Sorcery side, its been confirmed that he can erase cities without TA and without particularly trying hard.

The value of sorcery is in the permanently physics editing greater workings, in what it leaves as our Creations and great works of magic that survived to the Age of Sorrows, in the Celestial Circle sorcery it gives our Lunar lover, and in our very altered relationship with the Sidereals.
Well, and in a better future for Creation.
Hmm. I've been thinking: Would one of the side-benefits from the Adamant be a better Unfinished Sword? I could see that being an investment that Odyssial would apply some of his precious time.
I must be the odd guy here but I just don't care about the legacy or empire building that the Subdued option appears to offer, I'm way more interested in the characters of Odyssial, Lea and Pearl and their adventures - and Sorcery seems to support that more.
You are very strange, not liking the idea of Ody at the head of a million-strong Dragon Blooded army, marching into the Wylds and punching formless chaos in the face until it starts behaving properly.
Going on the greatest military campaign since the Primordial war is not adventure enough?:D Sorcery have Odyssial making stuff and even for him making somethings that in someway will last thousands of years takes time.
I see your point, it's just that it feels less like an adventure when you have an army numbering in the million right behind you. :p

And the chance of preventing the Wracking is just too good to pass over, even if we don't know much about it Rihaku has made it clear it is not a good thing for Creation as a whole :
If taken along with Blade of the Battle-Maiden and one future Sidereal-related choice, this Prevents the Wracking. Creation is much less imperiled.

You are very strange, not liking the idea of Ody at the head of a million-strong Dragon Blooded army, marching into the Wylds and punching formless chaos in the face until it starts behaving properly.
I don't dislike the idea of punching a lot of Rakshas in the face (it is very tempting indeed), I just prefer the other option. It's not an easy choice.
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Pretty sure it is a requirement for upgrading the sword to N/A and binding it to his anima permanently.

Or we could use favors and the like and have the upgrades done by some other Solar? It is an option that I think has been mentioned before. We also already got one item stored in the anima due to apex so we can do it through charms rather then sorcery.

I see your point, it's just that it feels less like an adventure when you have an army numbering in the million right behind you. :p
When your enemies are chaos given form in endless hordes from beyond the edge of the world I say the more the merrier:p
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Or we could use favors and the like and have the upgrades done by some other Solar? It is an option that I think has been mentioned before. We also already got one item stored in the anima due to apex so we can do it through charms rather then sorcery.
Do you think Odyssial would leave some suboptimal solar to help upgrade his sword to N/A status?

Nah. It's better to leave Odyssial to finish it himself.
Or we could use favors and the like and have the upgrades done by some other Solar? It is an option that I think has been mentioned before. We also already got one item stored in the anima due to apex so we can do it through charms rather then sorcery.
Depends on if the ones strong enough to do it are also sane enough to be trusted. Remember our very high heartlessness level when considering cooperation with someone as strong and as crazy...and allowing them to do soul surgery to us.

Anyone strong enough can't be trusted. Anyone trustworthy are too weak to do it right.
Pretty sure it is a requirement for upgrading the sword to N/A and binding it to his anima permanently.
Apex Flight has this:
*Odyssial may store one Artifact from the First Age in his anima. Learning the Charm Glorious Solar [Equivalent] yields the artifact to Ulyssian.
So Adamant Sorcery isn't required at least for that, and I'm expecting the N/A upgrade to be an another Sid -choice. But I think that we might get some added function as a bonus.
Odyssial was Lord Strategos of the Exalted Host. He should have used said Host in some daring campaign for the benefit of Creation, forging his legend as a culture-hero using canny strategy and raw might to bring order to chaos. Sorcery is something he could have contracted out to other people, a considerable investment in time and energy away other pursuits; the opportunity costs might be different if he had instead focused on building his own kingdom and rule over the West, but we didn't go that way. And well, blazing his Story into the very fabric of the Wyld is the kind of awe-inspiring, towering achievement we'd expect of the matchless exemplar of the Solar Exalted- there are several Adamant level sorcerers, but only one Ender of Stories.
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Not learning Sorcery in the Age of Dreams also provides a unique avenue of advancement for Ulyssian, should be choose to pursue it, a field of endeavor that can be used to differentiate himself from Odyssial as he forges his own legend.
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And yet not having a bunch of Elder Sidereals around who, to steal a turn of phrase from Cavalier, think of us as Giga-Satan can only be a good thing for Ulyssian personally.
Didn't all the Gold Faction Elder Sidereals die in the Wracking? Those would be the most favorably disposed towards Ulyssian (if he exalts as a Solar this time).

That said, having Creation "much less imperiled" is also very good for Ulyssian personnaly.
Do you think Odyssial would leave some suboptimal solar to help upgrade his sword to N/A status?

Nah. It's better to leave Odyssial to finish it himself.

I always assumed that Odyssial had one of the Solar ultimate blacksmith make the base sword and now only added reagents to strengthen it. With the choices that have been picked so far he dont seem the type to pick up the exp and time sink that is the craft system when he can optimize himself more.

Depends on if the ones strong enough to do it are also sane enough to be trusted. Remember our very high heartlessness level when considering cooperation with someone as strong and as crazy...and allowing them to do soul surgery to us.

Anyone strong enough can't be trusted. Anyone trustworthy are too weak to do it right.

Why would we have a sorcerer perform sould surgery? Olyssial can already store an artifact due to the charms from picking Apex no need for sorcery. Having someone work on the sword aint soul surgery and he already have Pearl helping on that.

Didn't all the Gold Faction Elder Sidereals die in the Wracking? Those would be the most favorably disposed towards Ulyssian (if he exalts as a Solar this time).

That said, having Creation "much less imperiled" is also very good for Ulyssian personnaly.

There where no Gold Faction Elder Sidereals at the Wracking. Heck there hardly where a Gold Faction. It took its form mostly as a weird teenage rebellion by the younger Sids. We might get one alive in the form of Ascendant Rosary so there is maybe a differences this time but he got only 50% odds of surviving the Usurpation.

Less imperiled in the form of stronger Sids, stronger Sids that dont want anything more then to kill Ulyssian.
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I'm not clear on things people have said on the Wracking : was it a beneficial or a negative event ? I mean, while it has been said that Elder Sid are valuables assets to deal with threats from without, they were also depicted here as one of the thing which make Creation fucked from within. Preserving a Creation where it's not worth living, for all or at least most people in it, doesn't strike me as the way to go.

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I always assumed that Odyssial had one of the Solar ultimate blacksmith make the base sword and now only added reagents to strengthen it. With the choices that have been picked so far he dont seem the type to pick up the exp and time sink that is the craft system when he can optimize himself more.

Why would we have a sorcerer perform sould surgery? Olyssial can already store an artifact due to the charms from picking Apex no need for sorcery. Having someone work on the sword aint soul surgery and he already have Pearl helping on that.
For the perfect reincarnation project of his.
I'm not clear on things people have said on the Wracking : was it a beneficial or a negative event ? I mean, while it has been said that Elder Sid are valuables assets to deal with threats from without, they were also depicted here as one of the thing which make Creation fucked from within. Preserving a Creation where it's not worth living, for all or at least most people in it, doesn't strike me as the way to go.


Better for Creation in the short term - elder Sids are there to cut down threats. But the entire Vision of Gold/Vision of Bronze thing showed that the world would never be safe. The elder Sids goal of keeping creation safe is through the Immaculate Philosophy - live out your shitty live and reincarnate into a better one (A Terrestrial Exalt) if you were karmically good. It's bullshit even in universe - the Lethe wipes your memories and souls are recycled. It was used to keep people in line with what the Sidereals wanted: stability. If people reached above their station, they'd attract the Solar exaltations and be able to affect Creation on a far grander scale, disrupting the peace. So the religion was created to keep these people marked as demons and hunted down and killed. (IIRC it even forbid communicating with the gods, who would probably have been pretty ok with telling people what was up, and probably would've been a pretty big help on the whole civilization sucks thing)

Preventing the Wracking lets more of these people survive and (probably) be opposed to the Solars coming back, especially since the Usurpation was like..the best option they believed they had. They didn't know if it would save reality, but I'm nearly certain the core book said that they decided it was their best choice - a diminished, but stable, creation.

On the other hand, allowing bad stuff to pass, you have a crappier world, but less opposition to handling your goals. You don't have the heavens and the earth, pulled by invisible Sidereal strings, aligning against you quite as hard.

It really is just a crappy choice either way. I personally think allowing it to happen helps you out more long term, but there's no denying that a stronger Sidereal presence helps out the intervening years substantially. It just sucks for Ulyssian, since he is pretty much the anathema of anathema with his goals.
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I'm not clear on things people have said on the Wracking : was it a beneficial or a negative event ? I mean, while it has been said that Elder Sid are valuables assets to deal with threats from without, they were also depicted here as one of the thing which make Creation fucked from within. Preserving a Creation where it's not worth living, for all or at least most people in it, doesn't strike me as the way to go.

So...for now I'm inclined to go for :
[X] Subduer of the Wyld
The damage the elder sids have caused stems from the Usurpation, which cannot easily be averted, and caused the death of both Creation's defenders AND added 300 megaghosts with a grudge to the recipe.

However, ever since then, they're the primary intensely overworked people keeping Creation in one piece, their deaths throwing all the remaining defenses open for enemies of Creation to wreak havoc, with the remaining hope for the Solars to grow strong faster than Creation fell apart.

Hell, even if they survived, it would still not not be a terminal threat to us, as they are very much occupies with all the threats regardless, and given the sorcery upgrade to reincarnation...I wouldn't bet on those few of them who could take time off their schedule of keeping the world in one piece to take us down instead of recruiting or being recruited by us.

The endgame of the Age of Sorrows is definitely a situation where even a batshit crazy Solar is the good option compared to total annihilation. Everything is trying to destroy the world. And a hyper persuasive Solar is at least going to put something good back when he's done instead of chaos, oblivion, or the Yozis free with a grudge.
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