The specific perk of sorcery is ensuring a high fidelity reincarnation to ensure that He, personally, would be showing up to correct all the stupid crap in the future. That survives the ages better than anything else, for his Exaltation is imperishable.This is all about legacies and what we want to have Odyssial remember as. Sure picking the sorcery option and Odyssial will have made wonders creating a nation of myth. But those wonders will fall without Solars around to do maintenance on them and Odyssial will maybe be remembered fondly in whatever realm that survive in the ashes of his nation in the age to come.
Subdue will etch Odyssial´s name into the memory of every race and in every corner of creation, a much enlarged creation. His enemies will fear him and his troops and subjects will have undying loyalty towards him and that is more worth it in the end then some falling ruins spread out around the lands. Odyssial will reincarnate because he always finds away and would you rather have survivors of his Odyssians remembering him or ruins. It will also only be Odyssial that will be remembered this way. All the other solars are busy being total good guys(Deus) or going into the neatherworld or incredibly stupid stuff like Operation Wyldhand.
Because all the lands conquered from the Wyld are going to become so much mist and gossamer when the Great Contagion wipes them out.
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