[Exalted, ?] Most High

Mote generation? Perhaps blocked damage is added to our mote pool? Eternity and adaptability and all that. Lasting longer in a fight and taking the damage that should have gone to you but is now used to make you last longer. Armor like this probably has almost all of its evocations as passive effects. Oh~! Mote storage! You can put spare motes in the armor and pull them out later for use. Eternity theme can get some fun applications.

So turning damage absorbed into motes: attacks dealing damage have energy in them adapting the armor so it absorbs that energy and turns it into fuel for the wearer...
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Mote generation? Perhaps blocked damage is added to our mote pool? Eternity and adaptability and all that. Lasting longer in a fight and taking the damage that should have gone to you but is now used to make you last longer. Armor like this probably has almost all of its evocations as passive effects. Oh~! Mote storage! You can put spare motes in the armor and pull them out later for use. Eternity theme can get some fun applications.

So turning damage absorbed into motes: attacks dealing damage have energy in them adapting the armor so it absorbs that energy and turns it into fuel for the wearer...

Do note that 3E has cut down on mote regeneration and passive effects A LOT. If you want only passive effects, they are going to suck compared to active ones that cost motes, for this reason.
I could see the mote regeneration being an active effect. It does take being hit to activate it after all. And perhaps a certain magnitude to make it worth activating for so there is enough energy to at least pay its activation cost?

Perhaps it could recover willpower? Maybe even instead? Someone's will giving out isn't eternal...
Do the Deathlords know about the Great Curse?

No, they don't.

The only ones who knew about it in canon are Lytek (Who suspects something), and if he knows, then Nara-O. Jupiter may very well know, but it's her nature not to act on it.

Beyond those, nobody knows, and the ones who do have no interest in telling anybody, and having no way to compel them to do so.
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Do you guys have any particular Evocation ideas for the Sable Scales? Even if I don't use 'em, they could help on the stunt roll!
Hm, building on the themes of adaptation and eternity... poison or other subtle methods of assassination backfiring on the attacker? Reflexively taking dice from them and adding it to the wearer's defenses, as the Sable Scales demonstrates the futility of attempting to employ deceit against it.
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Do the Deathlords know about the Great Curse?
Not explicitly, but I'd argue that they are in a better position than most to notice it. The Neverborn certainly know, and there's plenty of mental contamination there. They also could have discovered it when they created the Abyssals, in much the same way as Lytek did.

They also have had very long lives and plenty of experiences to reflect on, but the degree to which this matters depends greatly on how lucid and objective they are. Ghosts are no longer affected by the Great Curse, and I've certainly seen it mentioned that some of the slain Solars realized what fools they'd been, but would those ones have sought out power at any cost? On the other hand, ghosts gain their own madnesses, and the Deathlords more than most.

Ultimately I'd say that it's certainly plausible that at least some of them know, but it really depends on what you want.
Far more likely she'd blame the people who actually planned and executed the coup, even assuming she knew of the Great Curse, which is highly privileged information.

And the coup itself would never have even been conceived without the actions of the mad Solars. So her death and madness with all her works in ruin can ultimately be traced back to the Neverborn (assuming she does know about the curse)
Wake the Sleeper rolls (2)
Let's roll, then! 2s and 3s as usual F-SSA. 23 + 5 HTC + 4 The Lily dice, plus 5 HAM + 1 WP + 1 Level 2 Stunt + 3 The Lily sux. Ugh, Uly's dicerolls are getting clunky even for Exalted to handle...

EDIT: 11 successes on this roll, since it's TN 6 with Peerless Skill. Onwards!
Rihaku threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: Wake the Sleeper (ver. Scale) Total: 75
7 7 9 9 5 5 8 8 3 3 9 9 4 4 3 3 9 9 8 8 4 4 6 6
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The roll is against Difficulty 7, since it's only an Artifact 5 instead of NA, so you should get a couple more Evocations than Ambition even without The Lily.

EDIT: 20 successes so far, 8 more dice to go. This roll is looking much more manageable than the last...
Rihaku threw 12 10-faced dice. Reason: Wake the Sleeper (ver. Scale) Total: 51
1 1 2 2 5 5 9 9 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8 4 4 9 9 2 2 4 4
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Alright, this'll be the last roll post.

EDIT: Only 36 successes total! That's pretty unlucky. You only get 15 Evocations, then, or 16 if you'd had a level 3 stunt. But you can't win 'em all.
Rihaku threw 8 10-faced dice. Reason: Wake the Sleeper (ver. Scale) Total: 41
5 5 8 8 1 1 3 3 6 6 5 5 6 6 7 7
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Thinking on it, Anys will probably strike as soon and as decisively as she can. She has tried indirect approach before. In fact, that was all she did, no matter how blatanly murderous some of her moves were. She has experienced the futility of such tactics first-hand in the past months and seems to have realized that if you want something done... Couple that with her knowledge of Odyssial's identity and her own accounts of Ulyssian's absurd power growth rate, and it should be clear to Anys that the first rule of going against a reborn Odyssial is to deny him time. Because chances are he would use it more efficiently than she could.

The best bet would be to buff herself up and gather as many powerful allies as she can in short order, and attack him with everyone and everything she has. Of course, the time frame for that is still up in the air, but I doubt Anys will procrastinate much, and certainly not bother with tricks.
36 successes is only 2 under the average of 38, so we basically are getting 1 less evocation than the average case. Not bad, just not truly outstanding like last time. Still, we actually get 1 more evocation thanks to the lowered difficulty level for an Artifact 5 versus and Artifact N/A.
EDIT: Only 36 successes total! That's pretty unlucky. You only get 15 Evocations, then, or 16 if you'd had a level 3 stunt. But you can't win 'em all.
I'm just satisfied that we had luck with Ambition's awakening roll when it happened. Besides, I don't think 15 Evocations on an Artifact 5 armor is exactly anything to sneeze at.
Thinking on it, Anys will probably strike as soon and as decisively as she can. She has tried indirect approach before. In fact, that was all she did, no matter how blatanly murderous some of her moves were. She has experienced the futility of such tactics first-hand in the past months and seems to have realized that if you want something done... Couple that with her knowledge of Odyssial's identity and her own accounts of Ulyssian's absurd power growth rate, and it should be clear to Anys that the first rule of going against a reborn Odyssial is to deny him time. Because chances are he would use it more efficiently than she could.
Speaking of time, I think that Ulyssian activating a Solar Circle Working that dilates time in Luseng could even cause Anys to declare game over and go back to drinking bad sake, if she has the free will to do so anymore.
Rihaku told us that even getting 10 Evocations would help out alot with Anys.

But honestly, the sheer power of having another Artifact to use an effective Wake the Sleeper on next Story - that alone should not be denied, even if you fail to persuade the Lily. If you even get 10 Evocations off it (12 is probably more likely), that's the equivalent of 2-3 additional Martial Titles, which will really help against Syn, and patch up your primary combat weakness - lack of tankiness if someone actually manages to hit you.

So I'm good with that 15. Not complete outstanding but still good with it.
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Hmm. This has brought to my mind that Rihaku has been asking couple of times what thematic/side-effects we would choose from Labyrinth/Malfeas/Wyld -options. I'd say tentatively Wyld, as it meshes well with Odyssial's title of Samapta and willingness to bend the rules of Creation to his own image instead of just accepting them. That, and its the only non-Yozi/-Neverborn themed, so it has that going for it.

Couple the time-dilation with a Working that extends the life-spans of those who enter Luseng, and we don't even have to worry people getting older faster relative to elsewhere in Creation! Only the sense of time passing, trade shenanigans and other similiar headaches of keeping two different literal "time-zones" remain. Everything else is benefits. For example, an invading army from outside the time-bubble? Their reinforcements and supply lines better be quite efficient and redundant, as by entering Luseng they face the problem of their outside support slowing down relative to them. And in addition of everything else, we get to spam more SCS Workings.

The accumulation of advantages, boosted by the accumulation of advantages. The next time we have a good spot like with Focus Inwards or a not totally non-optimal one, we are taking sorcery, period. We are going to get it, dammit!