Speaks Words of Wisdom... On occasion
[X] Forging the Sword - A half-strength Legion is in no fit shape to go to war. Assign Dragonlord Talomar to aggressively recruit, conscript, and train soldiers. Fill the gaps in the line and flesh out the auxiliary forces. With emergency measures, he can have an additional dragon's worth of battle-ready troops by the end of the month. In the meantime, focus your attentions on other matters. You have come, saw, and conquered; now you must rule. If you change your mind, you can cancel this action later, saving accumulated progress with a moderate rate of deterioration.
[X] Consolidate Power - A wise man once said, "I am the state." Before it was a Satrapy, Luseng was a monarchy, though not one as absolute as you're about to create. It's true that the current administration is competent, but they have no particular loyalty to you, and the viziers are all incredibly sinister and grasping. This state of affairs cannot stand. While it will be an enormous amount of work, you must make sure to involve yourself as thoroughly in actual governance as you can. By lending the incredible power of your Crown, Fate-Shifting Solar Arete, and Heaven-Turning Calculations to all aspects of overall administration, you will very quickly assemble a government that is both eminently capable and loyal to you personally. Those Dragon-Blooded who are concerned with results, will follow you. This will consume your personal action for the turn, and likely following turns. Administration quality and economic quality will improve according to your rolls, but are likely to at least be Excellent.
[X] The Spirits Within - The conclave of spirits requests an audience with you - the City Father was supposed to be annihilated, yet no Spirit has been assigned, promoted, or naturally arisen to take his place. As he was last seen leading forces against the Seeds of the Poppy, this is worrying to say theleast! They request that the entire city be organized to perform a rite which will, if successful, appoint one of them City Father. If chosen, you may demand that the spirit of your choice gets the position; stunt the attributes and disposition of the nominated spirit, and the other Spirits grow irritated at you. But they are far too afraid of being annihilated to rebel, for now. Especially since there is a circle of Immaculate shikari now stationed in the city, and they are far less negligent than the old Mnemon Grand Master.
Let's straighten the government out, and start building up strength. Spirits Within is important IMO to get a new City Father/Mother before we get hit by some kind of sympathetic ritual or something.
[X] Consolidate Power - A wise man once said, "I am the state." Before it was a Satrapy, Luseng was a monarchy, though not one as absolute as you're about to create. It's true that the current administration is competent, but they have no particular loyalty to you, and the viziers are all incredibly sinister and grasping. This state of affairs cannot stand. While it will be an enormous amount of work, you must make sure to involve yourself as thoroughly in actual governance as you can. By lending the incredible power of your Crown, Fate-Shifting Solar Arete, and Heaven-Turning Calculations to all aspects of overall administration, you will very quickly assemble a government that is both eminently capable and loyal to you personally. Those Dragon-Blooded who are concerned with results, will follow you. This will consume your personal action for the turn, and likely following turns. Administration quality and economic quality will improve according to your rolls, but are likely to at least be Excellent.
[X] The Spirits Within - The conclave of spirits requests an audience with you - the City Father was supposed to be annihilated, yet no Spirit has been assigned, promoted, or naturally arisen to take his place. As he was last seen leading forces against the Seeds of the Poppy, this is worrying to say theleast! They request that the entire city be organized to perform a rite which will, if successful, appoint one of them City Father. If chosen, you may demand that the spirit of your choice gets the position; stunt the attributes and disposition of the nominated spirit, and the other Spirits grow irritated at you. But they are far too afraid of being annihilated to rebel, for now. Especially since there is a circle of Immaculate shikari now stationed in the city, and they are far less negligent than the old Mnemon Grand Master.
Let's straighten the government out, and start building up strength. Spirits Within is important IMO to get a new City Father/Mother before we get hit by some kind of sympathetic ritual or something.