[Exalted, ?] Most High

Has anyone suggested laying out the consequences of us telling her for Moon? Like if she does know what we have to tell her then she has to worry about x, y, and z, but if she decides not to learn she'll be safe but probably won't really see us again?
It's interesting when they're not HOLDING OUR TRUMP CARD!
We can recall it to our hand. Instantly.
*He may call his blade to hand at the speed of thought, traversing the intervening distance even if knocked away or disarmed.
*He may banish a weapon to Elsewhere for a modest expenditure of effort, and release that banishment to summon his weapon to hand.
*Assuming a martial stance, he may focus his anima into his blade itself, making it impossible to destroy or disarm, and magnifying its damage.
This argument holds precisely no water. The fearmongering that our allies will inevitably betray us, because reasons, is getting rather tiresome.
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If the sword was solely meant to be a trump card in personal combat and not a trump in other ways (like, say, fulfilling its second function), why didn't we go with Away?
It's helps out in every aspect than just attacking. It can defend Odyssial as well help him in impossible odds.

Even allow him to learn charms higher than his essense level by one.
So we look like Compassion 5, Conviction 5 now, eh.

I'm not on board with the whole Moon thing (I've been valuing personal connections a lot less in this age than the last), but I still would rather we talk to her before going and making tons of incredibly important decisions (here's the most powerful artifact of all time, it has mindwarping powers so watch out!) without her input. I know that there's an implied deadline in the prompt, and my vote still hasn't changed (He's Right), but this is not the sort of decision you make for other people. I'm more okay with Somehow than Persuasion, as most of the persuasion options don't take her thoughts or feelings into account. We just assume she's going to be on board with everything that we want.

I doubt she'd abandon us (that's very OOC for her), on a bad Persuade->maverick play (or probably even on a He's Right), so why are we assuming that she does nothing based on our options? Better to Somehow and lose the mentor (but gain xp!), and then in a separate action talk to Moon about this. (unless it delays Sesus again because good lord they're probably getting pissed)

[X] Persuasion
-[X] Give Moon Ambition.

Seriously why are more people not onboard with this? The weakness of Solars is that they're only ONE person and have a limited mote pool which is why Mass Combat is the best tactic against them so gaining the equivalent of a loyal Solaroid to help us kick ass seems pretty good. Hell it also means we won't have to waste time PERSONALLY stoping every threat ourselves if we have powerful and loyal companions/subordinates. Instead of having to decide between stopping the Mask of Winters or blowing up another Balorian crusade we could have Solar Moon (heh) stop one while we handle the other.

Ambition explicitly makes us better vs multiple people in mass combat.

Edit - Haiku ninja

Do not fight waifu
It is an uphill battle
Graceful in defeat
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Remember you can get extra XP for posting your thoughts on Zao's plan for you!

My guess is that he wants to harness the Solar badassery to keep the Realm in the game. As it is, the Realm is bled white while the sharks are circling around Creation.

If he gets a young Solar that he 'raised' into effective control of the Realm, he can expect that he would be able to negotiate a cease fire with the other Solars and turn their aggression on the actual enemies of Creation. At some point, the charade will disintegrate, but by that point, everyone is at the Deathlords/Yozis/Rakshas throats and can't easily turn around.

More over, the 'peaceful' takeover of the Blessed Isle vastly reduces casualities for the Dragonblooded Host and the mortals and ensures that the new Solar Deliberative can keep Creation going in the meantime, rather than it being the final nail in the coffin.

Simply put, he is trying for a controlled collapse of the Realm, with an eye towards ensuring Creation itself survives as he knows for sure that the Realm will fall against all the returned Celestials.
I really would like to discuss other plans for Uly serving Creation.

Uly, HERO OF THE REALM, is good, yes... it sends us out to some of the worst threats, and martial victories under our belt will pave the way in House Sesus. But where do we go from there? We'll be away from Seacrown and the Sword of Creation, and we'll be away from whatever marriage contract is being hammered out (assuming the Saery thing doesn't pan out) at the very least.
If the sword was solely meant to be a trump card in personal combat and not a trump in other ways (like, say, fulfilling its second function), why didn't we go with Away?
Exactly! I wanted Away, too. I thought its themes were very neat indeed, highly useful given how much of Creation could use some well-placed destruction, and 'the weapon as a part of you' thing has always interested me. But we chose Ambition, and now people are attempting to deny the most interesting function of it, which is the ability to empower others.
I'm not on board with the whole Moon thing (I've been valuing personal connections a lot less in this age than the last), but I still would rather we talk to her before going and making tons of incredibly important decisions (here's the most powerful artifact of all time, it has mindwarping powers so watch out!) without her input. I know that there's an implied deadline in the prompt, and my vote still hasn't changed (He's Right), but this is not the sort of decision you make for other people. I'm more okay with Somehow than Persuasion, as most of the persuasion options don't take her thoughts or feelings into account. We just assume she's going to be on board with everything that we want.

I doubt she'd abandon us (that's very OOC for her), on a bad Persuade->maverick play (or probably even on a He's Right), so why are we assuming that she does nothing based on our options? Better to Somehow and lose the mentor (but gain xp!), and then in a separate action talk to Moon about this. (unless it delays Sesus again because good lord they're probably getting pissed)
Has anyone suggested laying out the consequences of us telling her for Moon? Like if she does know what we have to tell her then she has to worry about x, y, and z, but if she decides not to learn she'll be safe but probably won't really see us again?
Hey guys, here's a thought, RE: giving Ambition to Zao.

You guys still want to get with Moon? Well now her Dad is Dragonblooded Odyssial. Just... let that soak in.
Y'know, in all this planning and plotting we're forgetting one thing. Zao isn't aware we're hardcoded into the Sword. All of his plans are based around us being a generic Solar, rather than a near-perfect reincarnation of Odyssial. Hell, he didn't even pay attention to the legends of Odyssial because he didn't think them relevant. Making him aware of the fact that he isn't the only one who can use the Sword (if in fact he can given he wouldn't have admin access like we do) would probably help persuade him that putting aside Moon is less necessary.

After all, the Sword alone was enough for Her Redness to become Her Redness, the loss of access to it is one of the big problems facing the Realm and creation in general!
Has anyone suggested laying out the consequences of us telling her for Moon? Like if she does know what we have to tell her then she has to worry about x, y, and z, but if she decides not to learn she'll be safe but probably won't really see us again?
Thing is, she won't be safe. She's part of the Imperial Navy, the Realm's bulwark against the depredations of the Fair Folk, Anathema, and worse in the West. Zao is deluding himself if he thinks he's helping her by keeping her ignorant. Nobody's safe. There are only gradations of risk. Welcome to the Age of Sorrows, here's your shovel. I would much rather give her a sword than a shovel.
He would need to be blind to ignore that Moon loves us, and we love her back.
He pretty clearly thinks this is just a teenager thing. "Yeah, it sucks, but you'll get over it. Plenty of fish in the sea."

To be fair, we've only known her for a year and she kissed us once.

But Zao underestimates the power of the waifu.
Just to reiterate my point: we might not like Moon with Ambition.
And to reiterate my own point, Ambition is pretty clearly designed to enhance its wielder's power and hone their purpose by cultivating excellence. It is not the One Ring, and it will not turn whoever bears it into Gollum. Strong allies are the best kind of allies. I am not so attached to personal power that I would deny others the opportunity to seek strength on their own terms.
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Well, let's keep in mind that it draws her towards "Odyssial's Agenda"

Except that we are Odyssial, and our agenda is that she be strong enough to defend herself against all comers, and that she be protected against her attackers. It's not going to secretly make her evil, as that would be against everything that Rihaku's been saying about the Reincarnation option we took not changing Ulyssian's mindset or memories or values.

It only becomes One Ringish if she suddenly becomes suicidal (Where it'll start nudging her to start caring about the world again!), and that didn't happen even with both of the more flagrantly villanious-seeming Ulyssians.
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