I'm not on board with the whole Moon thing (I've been valuing personal connections a lot less in this age than the last), but I still would rather we talk to her before going and making tons of incredibly important decisions (here's the most powerful artifact of all time, it has mindwarping powers so watch out!) without her input. I know that there's an implied deadline in the prompt, and my vote still hasn't changed (He's Right), but this is not the sort of decision you make for other people. I'm more okay with Somehow than Persuasion, as most of the persuasion options don't take her thoughts or feelings into account. We just assume she's going to be on board with everything that we want.
I doubt she'd abandon us (that's very OOC for her), on a bad Persuade->maverick play (or probably even on a He's Right), so why are we assuming that she does nothing based on our options? Better to Somehow and lose the mentor (but gain xp!), and then in a separate action talk to Moon about this. (unless it delays Sesus again because good lord they're probably getting pissed)