Emma Barnes, Princess (Worm/Princess the Hopeful Quest)

Ok, I did this. I admit it, when I wrote this quest, I didn't think that people would vote on the Twilight courts as much, so I put them up on there thinking that I wouldn't have to write for them. Turns out that one of the writers of PtH had some really good points, even though they weren't my cup of tea. So I created a new account and posted something to see if it would help.

Turns out that I got the vote count wrong anyways, but whatever.

I lucked out with the dice roll, but it's no excuse. All I can say is that this is my second ever quest, and I really had no idea that just say "I don't want to write this even if it won" was a legitimate option. But that is NO excuse for being dishonest, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I started writing a little for the next part, though I haven't gotten far. I don't want to write for Storms, but I also don't want to continue under false pretenses. So I'm coming clean, and I will ask you all this: should I continue this quest, or should I just drop this entirely? Because I would understand if people didn't want me to continue.

Again, I apologize, and I will never do something like this again, for whatever little it's worth.
Speaking personally, I would prefer for this quest to continue.

The premise is interesting, even if we play as Hearts. Of course, I would have voted for something else as my secondary vote (swords, most likely), but honestly I think it would be best if we could hurry through this part of Char Gen. ^^
...What the hell happened here?


Okay... moving forward... We can't actually make the GM write something he doesn't write, and while it is disappointing he didn't act like an adult and just say this, what's done is done. The one thing I'm worried about is, with so many more legitimate votes for Storms, I have to wonder - is it possible that if it hadn't been an option, something else would have won? They're basically polar opposites, I can't help but think Swords or Spades (or Diamonds, that looks like a good SB/SV choice all around) might have won instead had the vote been limited to things the GM was willing to write. Maybe we should have another vote.

To @Lord Ultimus: You have the right to write or not write whatever story you want, but I think you have an obligation to be mature and up-front about it instead of letting dozens of people throw away their votes on something you won't accept.

EDIT: I see that he posted while I was writing this. Anyway, my point stands - I think we should hold another vote instead of just moving forward with Hearts. The turnout for such a vote would also serve as a referendum for who still wants to participate in the quest even after all this.
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That is certainly one lesson. Never give an option if you don't have an idea how to write it. Like, I'd never have a Mage Quest where I allowed you to play as a Seer of the Throne. I mean, in all honestly, I could probably think of some good ideas, but it's not something I *want* to write.
Perhaps you should start over? Hold a new vote? I think that'd be better than keeping the results of this vote.
Please do continue. The premise itself is interesting. Though I still have no idea what the heck is going on...
Well, at least we've got a conclusion to that messy business. I do think it's a worthy premise, and would be interested in seeing it go on.

Also, there's no shame in admitting you've made a mistake or that certain things are just not your style! Just, y'know, drop the alt. That does nobody any good.
Yeah, a revote? Would that be okay? I know that I'd vote for swords, given the chance.
As sad as this incident is, people make mistakes. I'm still willing to follow the quest. However, I do think that another vote might be a better way to go about things? I know for a fact that if storms wasn't chosen I'd probably go with a radiant court other then hearts, and I think a number of voters went for hearts as a compromise vote so as not to play storms.]

Edit: Bit of a mix up.
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True! I mean, I wanna be a Troubadour. And start a famous band! Okay, not really, but I actually think Troubadours look cool.
A magical girl band! It'd be awesome!

(I'd probably still vote for Grace. I think that's the Calling I'm most confused about. Seeing one in action should be enlightening.)
If I do start the votes over, should we just do it here, or should I make a new thread?
Ok I'm going to continue this. To make thing fair, voting will restart, now without the Twilight Courts as an option.

To help with counting and the like, I will ask for your votes to be in plan format, hidden by spoilers. That ought to make things more organized.

Thank you all for giving me another chance. I won't let you guys down.
I know you aren't okay with us having storms as our court, but would you be okay with us dabbling in tempesta? I ask because this will change which (radiant) court I vote for depending on the result.