Emma Barnes, Princess (Worm/Princess the Hopeful Quest)

[X]Appearence: plan practical fairy
[X]Levinbolt: Wing-launched fairy dust.
[X] Plan: We All Want to Change the World
[X] Let them sleep while you figure this out. In the meantime:
-[X] Sneak out and experiment with your powers

Danmaku? DANMAKU!
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Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Let them sleep while you figure this out. In the meantime:
No. of votes: 11
OmegaCloud, cyberswordsmen, wingstrike96, veekie, racnor, kitsune9, chocolote12, GardenerBriareus, Koden, Omegahugger, 1986ctcel

-[X] Sneak out and experiment with your powers.
No. of votes: 11
OmegaCloud, cyberswordsmen, wingstrike96, veekie, racnor, kitsune9, chocolote12, GardenerBriareus, Koden, Omegahugger, 1986ctcel

[X] A dress with a tight bodice and sweeping skirts, in the style of Disney princesses.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Soft blue with tiny brightly coloured starbursts on the edging
No. of votes: 1

-[X] A fancy tinker-style gun
No. of votes: 1

[X] Dreams and Aspirations
No. of votes: 2
silentspirals, cyberswordsmen

-[X] Make a dress for your sister.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Make a dress for your mother.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Make a dress for your friend Taylor.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Cheer Dad up. (Maybe a shirt.)
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Join a group that makes your school a more artistic place.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Alert a family member about your powers
No. of votes: 1

-[X]Your sister
No. of votes: 1

[X] A cape with a short dress similar to Ruby Rose from RWBY but with a light blue color scheme.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] A necklace that become a clasp for your cape when transformed.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] A pair of ornate white silk gloves with gold highlights that fires energy bolts.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Dream: Make Brockton Bays streets safe for the public.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Dream: Destroy the corruption in Brockton Bay. (Will later change to be more specific based off of Emma's knowledge such as focusing on the Darkness)
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Dream: Get Taylor to dress more fashionably.
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Aspiration: Get Vengeance on ABB
No. of votes: 1

-[X] Aspiration: Get a good modeling gig.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Plan: We All Want to Change the World
No. of votes: 10
NonSequtur, wingstrike96, veekie, racnor, kitsune9, chocolote12, GardenerBriareus, Koden, Omegahugger, 1986ctcel

[X]Appearence: plan practical fairy
No. of votes: 9
wingstrike96, veekie, racnor, kitsune9, chocolote12, GardenerBriareus, Koden, Omegahugger, 1986ctcel

[X]Levinbolt: Pink lasers
No. of votes: 1

[X]Levinbolt: Wing-launched fairy dust.
No. of votes: 8
veekie, racnor, kitsune9, chocolote12, GardenerBriareus, Koden, Omegahugger, 1986ctcel

[X]Levinbolt:thrown oversized needles[/QUOTE]
No. of votes: 1
Balatro Philologus

[X]Levinbolt:thrown oversized needles
No. of votes: 1
Vote closes in 7-ish hours.
If I may make a suggestion? Seeing as how this Chargen has been going on a while, the majority of the voters who are going to vote have already voted (not making much sense here...), so why not do something like "Vote closes in one hour if nobody changes their votes"? That'd save a lot of time...
Okay, you have powers. That much is obvious. You've never heard about powers like yours, though. You're pretty sure that there's no one else that can summon fairy costumes out of nowhere. Come to think of it, you're also pretty sure that your hair has grown out a bit (you try not to think about the fact that it's about the same length as it was when you were attacked). Clearly, you need to put some thought into this.


There, that was easy.

Even before the attack, the corruption in the city was clear to anyone who was paying attention. The problem is obvious, then: people are noticing, but no one is reacting. In a way, that included yourself, but hey, you're a kid, there's not much you could do anyways. Until now. You've always wanted to be the center of attention, so as long as your doing so, you may as well point out what a shithole this city is. And if you can do so by humiliating the gangs that perpetuate this shittiness, even better.

(And maybe you could find the gangers that attacked you who didn't get a crossbow in the head.)

But first, you must deal with a very pressing issue:

How are you going to get out the window with giant fairy wings?

You manage to get out of the house without making too much noise (it probably helps that your Dad snores quite a bit), and you even manage to make a jump down from your window to the ground with only a relatively small "thump" (though your Mom will probably complain to the weekly gardeners about the bushes you landed on). After that, you walk a fair distance from your house (keep that secret identity, even without a mask) and soon afterwards start practicing your powers.

Going through the empty streets, careful to avoid making to much noise you try out your newfound limberness. Imitating what you've seen on television dozens of times, you manage two cartwheels and a body flip without botching it. You don't even upset your new dress making kit on your belt. Speaking of which, you examine it as you take a break from impromptu gymnastics. It's a little hard to see in the dim light, but even so, this is some damn fine equipment, maybe not so much that your dad would refuse to buy it, but enough that you would have to give him your best pout to convince him to do so. You idly wonder if you get to keep it when you change back.

This random thought suddenly makes you step in your tracks. Do you really want to change back? Haven't you spent the last two weeks desperately wishing to be someone else? You don't have to be weak Emma Barnes any more. You feel... cleansed, as if all the bad thoughts that corrupted your mind have been washed away completely. Would they come back if you changed back? Could you handle them coming back? Why would you want to even risk something like that?

You quickly brush those thoughts away. Looking around for something to distract yourself, you see some beer bottle your neighbors must have left on the curb.

Well, you don't want to be the hero who allows littering in her own neighborhood...

Recalling the feeling that you got when you accidentally banished the clothes you summoned in your room, you focus your attention on the beer bottle, reach out with your mind, and fire.

You're not sure what you were expecting, but you certainly weren't expecting the fairy wings to flap on their own, shooting out twin streams of glistening dust too fast to marvel over it, hitting and shattering the poor bottle.

Well, that was.. something. Maybe you should head back-

Suddenly, you hear a woman scream something unintelligible. You turn to the house around the corner, and see a single light turn on and a shadowed outline of two figures. It's too far to tell exactly what's happening, but there is definitely an attack happening.

Well, you wanted to be a hero. You just didn't figure it would happen so soon.

[X] Write-In

Sneak out the Window (Stealth + Dexterity): 3 successes

Jump down softly (Dexterity + Athletics + Celestial Dance): 1 success

Gymnastics (Dexterity + Athletics + Celestial Dance): 3 success, 10 again

Levinbolt (Dexterity w/penalty): 2 successes, minus one equals 1 success

Sensitivity: 0 Successes
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[X] Approach with aplomb and majesty.
- [X] "In the name of Justice I order you to stop! Foul miscreant!"
- [X] Levinbolt
How are you going to get out the window with giant fairy wings?
Heh. I guess she hasn't figured out that she can dismiss them yet.
You're not sure what you were expecting, but you certainly weren't expecting the fairy wings to flap on their own, shooting out twin streams of glistening dust too fast to marvel over it, hitting and shattering the poor bottle.
To be fair, very few people would be expecting that.
Well, that was.. something. Maybe you should head back-

Suddenly, you hear a woman scream something unintelligible. You turn to the house around the corner, and see a single light turn on and a shadowed outline of two figures. It's too far to tell exactly what's happening, but there is definitely an attack happening.

Well, you wanted to be a hero. You just didn't figure it would happen so soon.
Well crap. Which floor is this happening on?
I'm inclined to try intimidation here because our actual combat skill isn't that high and we can at least use practical magic on our intimidation to deal with the unskilled penalty. Beyond that, it's also the most troubadour method. Going to wait a bit before trying to think up a plan though.
Sneak out the Window (Stealth + Dexterity): 3 successes

Jump down softly (Dexterity + Athletics + Celestial Dance): 1 success

Gymnastics (Dexterity + Athletics + Celestial Dance): 3 success, 10 again

Levinbolt (Dexterity w/penalty): 2 successes, minus one equals 1 success

Sensitivity: 0 Successes
What's the success penalty for levinbolt?
Also yay no sensitivity.
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[X] Sneak up close before making a dramatic entrance, make sure you got the victim right first before dishing out JUSTICE!
[X] Approach with aplomb and majesty.
- [X] "In the name of Justice I order you to stop! Foul miscreant!"
- [X] Levinbolt
[X] Approach with aplomb and majesty.
- [X] "In the name of Justice I order you to stop! Foul miscreant!"
- [X] Levinbolt