It should be something nobody has a common x-kinesis ability for. Don't want metal because of Kaiser, Purity has light, Parian has cloth, Leviathan has water, Stormtiger has air.
We don't need to worry about enemies catching it with x-kinesis. No matter what the projectiles look like, they're actually just a manifestation of our will to fight (which was brought up in the pdf in the context of "no, your silver hammer doesn't do aggravated damage to werewolves"). Thus, everything we shoot is concentrated hope.
It should be something nobody has a common x-kinesis ability for. Don't want metal because of Kaiser, Purity has light, Parian has cloth, Leviathan has water, Stormtiger has air.
We don't need to worry about enemies catching it with x-kinesis. No matter what the projectiles look like, they're actually just a manifestation of our will to fight (which was brought up in the pdf in the context of "no, your silver hammer doesn't do aggravated damage to werewolves"). Thus, everything we shoot is concentrated hope.
which makes wingstrike's point an argument for making the projectile something that an 'x-kinesis' that we will face uses, just for the reaction to us hitting behemoth with a lightning bolt (or Kaiser trying to spike us via our own weapon to no effect)
Indeed. Levinbolt is just the charm for ranged attacks that comes with a physical representation of the ability in our transformation. There is no reason it can't be anything we want it to be as long as we aren't trying to munchkin special effects from the fluff.
It doesn't matter what we make our ranged attack look like except as for what it looks like and what that says about us. No matter what we choose it will be magical girl magic hitting our foes.
Tis a pity. It'll take so much effort now for us to realize the truthiness of Emma's being the True Heir and uniting all under her with FRIENDSHIP LAZORS.
which makes wingstrike's point an argument for making the projectile something that an 'x-kinesis' that we will face uses, just for the reaction to us hitting behemoth with a lightning bolt (or Kaiser trying to spike us via our own weapon to no effect)
@veekie , @wingstrike96 , I am changing my vote and you guys should probably change yours to just include my appearance and aspiration votes if you don't want
[]Levinbolt:thrown oversized needles @kitsune9 you seem to have miss-spelled my name in your vote.
@veekie , @wingstrike96 , I am changing my vote and you guys should probably change yours if you don't want
[]Levinbolt:thrown oversized needles @kitsune9 you seem to have miss-spelled my name
[X]Appearence: plan practical fairy
[X]Levinbolt: Pink lasers
[X] Plan: We All Want to Change the World [X] Let them sleep while you figure this out. In the meantime:
-[X] Sneak out and experiment with your powers.
[]Appearence: plan practical fairy
[]Levinbolt: Pink lasers
[] Plan: We All Want to Change the World [] Let them sleep while you figure this out. In the meantime:
-[] Sneak out and experiment with your powers.
What about as bursts of Dust from our wings, like a Moth or Butterfly's scales?
(Think waving our wings around like really big fans on our backs, and a cloud of Hope!Dust comes flinging off of them, except the Dust is all glittery, or made of rainbows, or changes based on what effects we're invoking for our projectiles)
What about as bursts of Dust from our wings, like a Moth or Butterfly's scales?
(Think waving our wings around like really big fans on our backs, and a cloud of Hope!Dust comes flinging off of them, except the Dust is all glittery, or made of rainbows, or changes based on what effects we're invoking for our projectiles)
If we were to go with some sort of Fairy or Pixie theme, we might also be able to apply other charms through the wings: Say if there was a charm that could give other people flying? Pixie dust! Healing charm? Zelda reference for Uber and Leet Fairy Dust! Sleep charm? Sleep dust! Get Kensai for whatever reason? The wings become jointed like a birds, and then we poke people with them! Social charm? Wing Hug!
If we were to go with some sort of Fairy or Pixie theme, we might also be able to apply other charms through the wings: Say if there was a charm that could give other people flying? Pixie dust! Healing charm? Zelda reference for Uber and Leet Fairy Dust! Sleep charm? Sleep dust! Get Kensai for whatever reason? The wings become jointed like a birds, and then we poke people with them! Social charm? Wing Hug!
[X]Appearence: plan practical fairy
[X]Levinbolt: Wing-launched fairy dust.
[X] Plan: We All Want to Change the World
[X] Let them sleep while you figure this out. In the meantime:
-[X] Sneak out and experiment with your powers.
[X]Appearence: plan practical fairy
[X]Levinbolt: Wing-launched fairy dust.
[X] Plan: We All Want to Change the World
[X] Let them sleep while you figure this out. In the meantime:
-[X] Sneak out and experiment with your powers.
@veekie , @wingstrike96 , I am changing my vote and you guys should probably change yours to just include my appearance and aspiration votes if you don't want
[]Levinbolt:thrown oversized needles @kitsune9 you seem to have miss-spelled my name in your vote.
[X]Appearence: plan practical fairy
[X]Levinbolt: Wing-launched fairy dust.
[X] Plan: We All Want to Change the World
[X] Let them sleep while you figure this out. In the meantime:
-[X] Sneak out and experiment with your powers.
@Lord Ultimus , if we choose this appearance will we need to make a subvote if we want different textures instead of the terrible ones in the picture (though I've got no real complaints with the actual clothing itself)?
[X]Appearence: plan practical fairy
[X]Levinbolt: Wing-launched fairy dust.
[X] Plan: We All Want to Change the World
[X] Let them sleep while you figure this out. In the meantime:
-[X] Sneak out and experiment with your powers.
[X]Appearence: plan practical fairy
[X]Levinbolt: Wing-launched fairy dust.
[X] Plan: We All Want to Change the World
[X] Let them sleep while you figure this out. In the meantime:
-[X] Sneak out and experiment with your powers.
[X]Appearence: plan practical fairy
[X]Levinbolt: Wing-launched fairy dust.
[X] Plan: We All Want to Change the World
[X] Let them sleep while you figure this out. In the meantime:
-[X] Sneak out and experiment with your powers.
Gonna do my voting in this post but while I'm doing so: @NonSequtur there is a flaw in your aspiration plan; half of the 'people who hurt us' are dead via a 'grey cloaked figure', as a result a major part; if not the majority; of Emma's trauma from the incident is due too watching them being killed right in front of her:
Two weeks ago, you were attacked in your Dad's car, and gang members forced you two out of the car, and threatened to mutilate you. The only reason you are alive and free from dismemberment is thanks to a grey cloaked cape, who murdered half the gang members in front of you. For the first time in your life, you felt what it was like to truly fear for your life, to see someone die right before you, and you haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.
You stare at your new self. It looks like you, but at the same time, unfamiliar. No, that's not true, not entirely. This is the you that should have been, that should have been there at the alley, that should have found a way to beat back those gangers without having to see their corpses at your feet.
This is also noteworthy because that's not how it happened in canon (first time Emma sees Sophia kill someone is well into their friendship; she does not take it well) so this is either:
a. a mistake on the authors part (always a possibility; though he may just roll with it)
or b. something that changed due to the crossover/ the author changed to mess with us. (more likely than a)
Case b this means that either Sophia is more violent then she was in canon, or someone more kill happy than SS was our rescuer, in either case this could be due to said rescuer being:
a. a darkened (probably of the deluded vigilante type; other creatures of darkness would not have left us alone afterwards)
b. a Storms Court Sworn or Princess
c. Princess going off the deep end (aka heading for belief 0; potentially really bad for Emma)
d. a Dreamlander that is possessing someone
e. one of the other more violent nWoD splats
or f. 'just' a crazy para-human (though potentially an indication that para-human's are crazier here than canon)
No matter which it is you should probably change "- Aspiration: Payback - track down those who hurt you." to something like "Aspiration: find and confront your 'rescuer'" as it both more directly deals with Emma's trauma (her issues having more to do with how she was suddenly and violently knocked from carefree and safe mindset into being directly aware of the brutality that's present in her world, not that they 'hurt her'), it will also allow us to break into the cape scene; with good potential to simultaneously break into the supernatural part of the world; and will allow us to take care of a story hook that if left alone is more likely to bite us in the ass than some random gangers are.
and now my Vote so far:
[X]Levinbolt:thrown oversized needles[/QUOTE]