@Isaacssv558 can Dead Wind Cavern and Black Rock cave be use for mining? also did we gain the The missing Paladin T-45d power armor or was he wearing the YT-50 'Medic' Power Armor?
Well, we might need to improve our food situation. We had enough for a surplus, but I don't remember if we had enough for all of the Californian brotherhood.
I like that Elija's subordinates are figuring out how to manage him when it comes to diplomacy, primarily that would be to have Veronica distract him with something and let McNamara do the talking.
McNamara and Owyn are put in charge of the NCR negotiations. You offer to assist, but they decline rather vigorously. Naturally, you understand completely.

sifting useful data from the vast mass of civilian communiques is all but impossible. Serendipitously, your genius is impossible.

Discovering the existence of 'little Timmy' and the details of his failed attempts to bicycle without training wheels is scarcely more difficult. Kimball's idiocy is clearly genetic.

You enter Timmy's last known coordinates into ARCHIMEDES II's targeting program and write a prepared speech. It is true masterpiece of diplomacy. You begin by wishing 'little Timmy' a swift recovery from that bloody shin. With the pleasantries concluded, you explain, at length, the effect a multi-MegaWatt laser would have on a five year old. The speech is extortionate, but not even slightly threatening. Perfect for McNamara! Perfect to assist with the NCR negotiations. Unfortunately, you fail to follow through on your plan's extraordinary potential.

Veronica's lessons go well this month. She has a long way to go, but progress is being made. At this rate she might be half the scientist you are in a mere century or two. Surprisingly, Veronica does not appreciate your effusive compliments. She seemed quite upset. How odd.

I guffawed heartily throughout the update. Elijah is an amazing character for a Quest.
Given the raw results we've seen that is a serious boost, the large number of knights is also a plus. Love all these special weapons we can access.
Planning 11: A New Dawn
The recent influx of Californian Brotherhood is a great boon, but also a challenge. Providing food, shelter, and management to such a large population will require a great deal of work. The Mojave chapter is still in its infancy, but it must begin to bear the torch for the entire Brotherhood of Steel.

Martial: 2 Actions (1 Elijah, +1 Hardin)
Special: 1 Free Expeditionary Action
[X] Operation: Divine Wrath
The California Brotherhood is capable of making good their own escape. They just need a distraction. Luckily for them, ARCHIMEDES II is the perfect distraction. The NCR military can't organize to stop the breakout if the organizers are all dead via orbital bombardment! Neither can the NCR Congress declare war after being incinerated by a giant laser!
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60%
Reward: NCR in chaos, up to 6000 Brotherhood refugees. Escalated NCR-BoS war.

[X] Beyond the Pale
Black Mountain has given you the locations to many area just outside your current reach but full scouting will require a human expedition. (Location specific options will unlock as you acquire more FOBs.)
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 0%
Reward: Data on more distant location.

[X] Spoiling Attack
If you deem a faction to be a threat you can choose to launch a spoiling attack. This requires your subordinates to agree that the faction poses sufficient threat to warrant the attack. Unfortunately, the Legion proper is currently outside your range.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: Variable
Reward: Enemy Hurt, Loot Obtained

[X] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
There are many sites across the Mojave potentially filled with valuable technological relics. Send an expedition to one of them in hopes of great returns.
-[X] Weather Monitoring Station
Seemingly an ordinary weather station, this strange facility seems to be atop a large vault. The only clue you have to the purpose of this vault is what appears to be a slot machine. Curious.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 0%
Reward: ???
-[X] Remnants Bunker
Your scouts have discovered a strange hatch leading to a well-secured Bunker. No one seems to be home, but you can't seem to get the door open.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 0%
Reward: Remnants Bunker+Contents
-[X] Sunset Sarsaparilla HQ
Given the tendency of Pre-War beverage companies to somehow obtain military technology, it could be worthwhile to raid the local headquarters.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, Data, ???
-[X] Silver Peak Mine
Your scouts detected faint traces of the fusion isotopes released by leaking Fusion Packs near a mine. There's tech in them hills!
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, Data, ???
-[X] Quarry Junction
Nope. Not worth it. No way you're sending Paladins to die fighting deathclaws just so you can have a bunch of rocks you don't have the manpower to utilize anyway.
-[X] Allied Technologies Office
You don't think there's anything here. However, the sign does say "Technologies".
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, Data, ???
-[X] Deathclaw Promontory
Normally you wouldn't risk your men against deathclaws. However, there seems to be an active radio present at this particular nest. More importantly, it isn't a type the Black Mountain database is familiar with. This could mean jury-rigged worthlessness... or it could mean Enclave tech.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 15% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, ???
-[X] Mercenary Camp
One of your scouts saw a mercenary with an advanced Gauss Rifle. You should track him down and repossess it.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50% per 10 Paladins
Reward: Loot, ???
-[X] Nellis Air Force Base
The farthest of Hardin's scouting parties have discovered an old Air Force Base filled to brim with weaponry, supplies, and technology. It is also filled to the brim with trigger-happy maniacs armed with explosives, artillery, and even a few suits of Power Armour. An attack could liberate their weapons, but would permanently alienate a powerful faction and be extremely costly in both lives and material.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 5% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Explosives, ??? Power Armour, More Explosives, ???.
-[X] Crashed B-29
The scans you conducted via the Black Mountain facility have revealed something interesting. Lake Mead contains a nearly intact Pre-War Bomber. You probably won't be repairing it any time soon, but it would still be a valuable source of technology.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Mostly Intact B-29.
-[X] Vault 19
Vaults are a reliable source of pre-war tech.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Data, ???.
-[X] Vault 22
Vaults are a reliable source of pre-war tech.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60% per 10 Paladins assigned.
Reward: Loot, Data, ???.

Diplomacy: 2 Actions (0 Elijah, +1 McNamara, +1 EDC)
[Locked] Stalemate
Kimball is highly reluctant to allow any further Brotherhood victories and the newly promoted General Hsu is extremely competent. However, that same competency might allow him to see reason and convince Kimball to see reason and acknowledge your ability to kill both them and their families with the press of a button. Owyn says you shouldn't mention your ability to kill their families, even if you do know the exact capabilities of ARCHIMEDES II. You're fairly sure he's just envious of your ability to recover a superweapon without giving it to your enemies and getting your entire chapter killed in the attempt.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 75%
Reward: 3000 Brotherhood Refugees, Technology, Peace

[X] The House Always Wins: Part II
Mr. House is hoping to jumpstart the Mojave's economy with NCR tourism. While you lack his obsession with gambling, you understand the value of commercial activity. It may even increase the NCR's openness to further negotiation. Unfortunately, you have a poor relationship with the NCR. Convincing their civilians to visit Vegas may be difficult.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
Reward: NCR Tourists for The Strip
AN: There are a number of actions which improve the success rate.

[X] Wheels on Wheels
You have found yourself with a surplus of electricity while most of Mojave lacks it entirely. If you found a source of cabling, it could be very profitable.
-[X] Freeside
The inhabitants of Freeside would certainly appreciate the ability to power electrical appliances. The Followers might even be able to repair them without your assistance.
Time: 2 Months
Cost: 1 Steel, 1 Aluminum, 1 Copper, 10MW
Chance: 85%
Reward: ??? (Medium)
-[X] Novac
The citizens of Novac would certainly appreciate the ability to power electrical appliances.
Time: 2 Months
Cost: 1 Steel, 1 Aluminum, 1 Copper, 5MW
Chance: 80%
Reward: ??? (Low)

[X] Gotta Collect 'Em All
The denizens of Vault 34 cannot seem to acquire sufficient ordinance. Their collection appears relatively unremarkable by Brotherhood standards, but you never know. They might have some previously unknown piece of VaultTec weaponry. They'd probably even be willing to trade it for a quantity of Brotherhood equipment. Nothing too advanced of course; the Council would never let you hear the end of it.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 85%
Reward: Loot?

[X] Building Ties
Send an emissary to meet with one of the factions inhabiting the wasteland.
-[X] Vault 34
Chance: 90%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Better relationship with locals.
-[X] Nelson
Chance: 100%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Searchlight
Chance: 90%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Nipton
Chance: 75%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Primm
Chance: 85%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Goodsprings
Chance: 95%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Nellis Airforce Base
Chance: 65%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Jacobstown
Chance: 25%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Communication established with locals.
-[X] Freeside Followers
Chance: 80%
Time: 1 Month
Reward: Better relationship with locals.

Stewardship: 5 Actions (1 Elijah, +1 McNamara, +1 Lorenzo, +1 Veronica, +1 DIE)
Miscellaneous Stockpile: 5 Machinery, 7 Electronics, 23 Medicine, 5 Seeds, 8 Food;
Materials Stockpile: 2 Steel, 3 Metal, 0 Refined Metal, 0 Limestone, 0 Stone, 28 Concrete;
Income: 1 Refined Metal, 2 Machinery, 2 Food;

[X] The Fort
Hoover Dam has rapidly run out of room for new facilities. Meanwhile, you still lack a hospital and repair center to maintain your forces. Hardin would like to establish a fortress near Hoover Dam. It would protect the dam and provide space for a proper military base. He has in mind a particularly defensible hill to the northeast of the dam.
Time: 2 Months
Cost: 2 Concrete, 1 Steel, 1 Metal
Chance: 70%
Reward: New Base (Fort Elijah)

[O] Dam Expansion
Hoover Dam has room for additional facilities to be installed. Selecting an option twice will create a large version at twice the cost.
-[O] Hospital
A hospital would allow you to make full use of your recent medical discoveries.
Time: 1 Month
Cost: 1 Medicine
Chance: 90%
-[O] Advanced Manufactory
A manufactory would provide additional manufacturing capacity.
Time: 3 Months
Cost: 1 Metal, 1 Machinery
Chance: 90%
-[O] Repair Center
A repair center would keep your Knights and Paladins in top fighting condition.
Time: 1 Month
Cost: 1 Machinery
Chance: 85%

[X] The Mineshaft Gap
The multitude of abandoned Vaults scattered across the wasteland have potential as bases. They could be reclaimed, repaired, and reused.
-[Locked] Vault 3
A damaged vault near your unused steelworks. It was once populated by savage raiders. You've already removed the prior inhabitants, so it is available for repair and reuse.
Time: 1 Month
Cost: 1 Metal, 1 Machinery, 1 Electronics
Chance: 80%
Reward: Vault 3 converted to Brotherhood base.

[X] Steel Legion
With your newfound knowledge of robotics you have the ability to expand your military through pure manufacture. The new factory has substantially decreased the amount of labour required for each robot.
-[X] Mark II Sentry Bot (Limit 5)
An advanced, heavily armoured, humanoid robot armed with minigun and rocket launcher.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 95%
Reward: 5 Mark II Sentry Bots
-[X] Mister Handy Variants (Limit 50) [Choose up to 5 sub-options. Options may be selected multiple times.]
A maintenance and utility robot which has many specialized subclasses.
--[X] Mr. Steel
A specialized metal working robot that retains its maintenance abilities.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100%
Reward: 10 Mr. Steels
--[X] Mr. Ore
A specialized mining robot that requires skilled supervision.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100%
Reward: 10 Mr. Ores
--[X] Mr. Field
A specialized farming robot that requires skilled supervision.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100%
Reward: 10 Mr. Fields
AN: This is currently limited by your pre-existing parts supply. You can't manufacture all the parts yet.

[X] Buying Happiness
Local survivor population generally have fewer resources than you. Establishing trade and giving cheap aid will greatly improve your local standing.
Time: 1 Month
Cost: 1 Food, 1 Medicine
Chance: 100% (Increased difficulty for some settlements. Can be offset by both tech and trade.)
Reward: Improved relations and trade with target settlement. May eventually provide additional supplies and recruits.
Target: Requires Building Ties. Can be executed in parallel to Building Ties. Cannot improve relations past Well Liked.

[X] Greasing the Wheels
The Brotherhood has traditionally lacked much in the way of economic activity. Perhaps it is time to begin changing that? Mr. House's promised technology has many in your Brotherhood reconsidering their position on trade. They may not care for mere profit, but a veritable treasure trove of technology is sufficient motivation for many.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 70%
Reward: Brotherhood begins organizing trading caravans.

[X] Gold Diggers
The Brotherhood currently lacks sources of raw materials other than salvage. Perhaps it is time to change this? At the very least, you could probably find some less valuable salvage to break down. If only you had the manpower to actually run such an operation...
-[X] Search
Time: 1 Months
Chance: 70%
Reward: Resource Extraction sites evaluated.
-[O] North Searchlight Mine
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 50%
Reward: Raw Materials Source
-[O] South Searchlight Mine
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 50%
Reward: Raw Materials Source
AN: The mines will unlock once you build some Mr. Ores.

Learning: 4 Actions (2 Elijah, +1 Lorenzo, +1 Ibsen)
With HELIOS ONE fully operation and Hoover Dam in your possession, you can increase the electrical throughput significantly. While this has the potential to reduce ARCHIMEDES II's charge time to as little as 2 hours, it is not without difficulties. While ARCHIMEDES II can handle the power input, HELIOS ONE is incapable of transmitting more than 400MW and you'd need a lot of cabling to connect it to Hoover Dam.
Time: 3 Months
Cost: 1 Steel, 1 Aluminum, 2 Electronics
Chance: 55%
Reward: ARCHIMEDES II charge time reduced proportionally to Hoover Dam's power output.

[X] More Pylons
Hidden Valley's Fusion Reactor is a very impressive piece of technology. Its brethren freed America from an electricity shortage once and might do so again. More importantly, you could probably fit one in HELIOS ONE. Unfortunately, it is rather hard to study a reactor while it is powering your base. A very long extension cord connecting Hidden Valley to HELIOS ONE could solve this problem.
Time: 2 Months
Cost: 1 Steel, 1 Aluminum
Chance: 75%
Reward: Fusion Reactor is easier to study. Hidden Valley significantly less hidden.

[Locked] Elijah's Little Helpers
You certainly appreciate your new facilities. Their size is certainly more fitting of your importance. However, the transition has not been entirely seamless. Organizing everything personally is taking far too much of your valuable time. Your old workshop was much easier to manage; there was less space to lose junior Scribes. Perhaps you could order those junior Scribes to do the the boring bits perform tasks crucial to your convenience the Brotherhood.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
Reward: Elijah's Not Toadies (ENT), +1 Learning Action

[X] Sifting Through the Ashes
Much knowledge was lost when the Old World fell. However, much yet remains in rotting tomes and rusting computer systems. Senior Scribe Ibsen can sift through the accumulated historical records of the Brotherhood in search of something useful. Success may not bring much in the way of immediate rewards, but the only consequence of failure is disappointment.
-[X] Pre-War Military
Research the history of the American Military. Maybe it will give you some ideas.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
Reward: ???
-[X] Pre-War Corporation
Research the history of the American Corporation. Maybe it will give you some ideas.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
Reward: ???
-[X] Pre-War Culture
Research the history of the American Culture. Maybe it will give you some ideas.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 75%
Reward: ???
-[X] Exhuming the Past
The computer you found in Hoover Dam has a great deal of historical information, but navigating it has proved difficult. What the hell is an Europe?
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50%
Reward: ???

[X] The old world has burned.
The Brotherhood has much old world technology, but their understanding is lacking. Research the nuances of an artifact possessed by the Brotherhood.
-[X] Medical Technology
--[+] Old World Medicine
You know the basics of medicine. You can give first aid, prescribe proper dosages of drugs, and even perform minor surgeries.
--[+] Advanced Old World Medicine
You have discovered the secrets of Pre-War medicine. You can perform difficult surgeries, construct delicate diagnostic equipment, and even develop basic drugs.
--[+] Genetics
You have learned of genetics. You understand the basic theories, and have a small database of human and animal genetics.
--[X] Advanced Genetics
While you understand the basics of genetics you are still unable to quickly catalogue DNA.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 60%
--[X] DNA Fingerprinting
Your newfound knowledge of genetics has serious potential for security. As an incredibly complex unique identifier, DNA is an excellent way to white or blacklist specific people from opening a lock.
Time: 12 Months
Chance: 30%
--[+] Radiation
You understand the basic mechanics and effects of radiation. However, many of its effects differ greatly from the the predictions of Pre-War science.
--[X] Antibiotic Drugs
A one-size fits all solution to bacterial infections would drastically increase lifespans amongst the Brotherhood. Exportation would bear excessive risk of immunity developing, but previously restricted drugs could be traded.
Time: 1 Year
Chance: 40%
--[X] Antiviral Drugs
A one-size fits all solution to viral infections would drastically increase lifespans amongst the Brotherhood. Exportation would bear excessive risk of immunity developing, but previously restricted drugs could be traded.
Time: 2 Years
Chance: 30%
--[X] Anti-radiation Treatments
A one-size fits all solution to radiation poisoning would drastically increase lifespans amongst the Brotherhood. Exportation could benefit Wastelander and Brotherhood alike.
Time: 2 Years
Chance: 25%
--[X] Steroids
These drugs could help injured Paladins complete therapy in record time and return to their duties early.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 50%
--[X] Old World Cybernetics
Mechanical enhancements hold the potential to utilize your knowledge of robotics, electronics, and material science to directly enhance the capabilities of the Brotherhood.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 60%
-[X] Industrial Technology
--[+] Old World Manufacturing
You know how to create a basic factory. You can produce simple machinery.
--[+] Advanced Old World Manufacturing
You have unlocked the secrets of Pre-War manufacturing. Your factories are more efficient and you can produce complex and delicate machinery.
--[Locked] Electronics Manufacturing
Many Pre-War technologies rely on electronics for proper functioning. Unfortunately, your existing manufacturing techniques are not suitable for the creation of electronics. Further investigate is required.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 70%
--[+] Portable Machine Tools
You are no longer limited to statically emplaced machinery. You can create machine tools suitable for repairs in the field or of immobile structures.
--[X] Industrial Automation
The Brotherhood's industry is currently hampered greatly by manpower. It simply doesn't make sense for a Scribe with years of academic study and archival duty or a Knight with years of combat and engineering experience to devote their days to manually working an assembly line. You need a way to solve this problem.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 85%
--[+] Old World Construction
You can build simple reinforced concrete structures. You can produce concrete.
--[+] Advanced Old World Construction
You can build complex structures from wood, stone, concrete, metal, and more. You can produce composite building materials, cut planks, carve stone, and otherwise prepare materials for construction.
--[+] Automated Resource Extraction
Mining is a very labour intensive endeavor. With the Mr. Ore robot it is much less so. This variant of the Mister Handy robot is specialized for all types of mining and excavation.
--[X] Fusion Reactors
The Bunker includes a priceless example of pre-war tech, a fully operational fusion reactor. While your research is limited by the need to keep the reactor operational, you might still be able to learn something from it.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 30%
-[X] Agricultural Technology
--[+] Old World Agriculture
You know the basics of Pre-War Agriculture.
--[X] Advanced Old World Agriculture
You have rumor of advanced techniques by which the Ancients could go beyond simply aiding their crops' growth and directly modify both crops and land for maximal output. Shiny.
Time: 4 Months
Chance: 65%
--[X] Fertilizer
While you have deciphered the basics, your knowledge of fertilizer is still behind Pre-War levels.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 65%
--[+] Hydroponics
You know how to create simple hydroponics.
--[X] Pest Control
While many old pests have gone extinct, radiation and FEV have combined to create many replacements which pose a threat to crop yields.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 65%
--[+] Agricultural Automation
The Brotherhood's agriculture has long been hampered by manpower. It simply doesn't make sense for a Scribe with years of academic study and archival duty or a Knight with years of combat and engineering experience to devote their days to manually pulling food from the ground. The 'Mr. Field' robotic worker can do the manual labour for them.
-[X] Military Technology
-{+] AP, FMJ, and JHP Ammunition
Basic ballistic ammunition covers a wide range of needs, from armour-piercing and low damage to high damage and likely to bounce off armour.
-[+] Flechettes
These tiny slivers of metal can rip a man to shreds but are easily stopped by armour.
-[+] High Explosives
These can create explosions of many shapes and sizes.
-[+] High Explosive Ammunition
This ammunition contains shaped charges designed to pierce armour.
-[X] Incendiary Bullets
What's better than a bullet? A bullet that sets things on fire.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 85%
-[X] High Tech Ammunition
By combining high and low technologies both can be improved. Many of your high tech weapons deal exotic forms of damage that might benefit conventional ammunition. Meanwhile, Gauss weapons are incapable of using variable types, or even larger calibers, of ammunition.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 60%
-[+] Energy Cells and Electron Packs
These surprisingly simple devices simply store electricity in a standard battery.
-[+] MicroFusion Cells
These advanced batteries utilize a minuscule amount of ultra-high pressure plasma for power. While some fusion does occur, increasing efficiency, most of the power comes from the thermal energy stored within the plasma during the manufacturing process.
-[+] MicroFusion Packs
These rare examples of pre-war power technology provide a nearly inexhaustible source of energy.
-[+] Improved MicroFusion Packs
These upgraded reactors eclipse even the impressive output of the TX-25 MicroFusion Pack. Power armour equipped with one of these packs shall not want for power.
-[X] Combat Armour
While less advanced than Recon Armour and no longer worn by Brotherhood Knights, Combat Armour remains advanced by savage standards. Confirming the manufacturing method might not be entirely pointless.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 100%
-[X] Recon Armour
The standard armour of Brotherhood Knights, Recon Armour is relatively simple to manufacture and can be worn under Power Armour for additional comfort and protection.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 90%
-[X] T-45d Power Armour
The T-45d Power Armour is the less advanced of the Brotherhood's two armours. Commonly issued to those who lack the seniority to obtain a set of T-51b Armour, it remains an extremely powerful piece of gear despite its lesser protection and the necessity of periodic recharging.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 90%
-[X] T-45e Light Power Armour
The T-45e Power Armour is an improved version of the more common T-45d. Less advanced than the T-51b, it fills an unusual niche. The T-45e drastically reduces both noise generation and power consumption through the use of low-power servos. This allows T-45e wearers to perform infiltration missions formerly inaccessible to power armour. The downside, of course, is a reduced capacity for armour weight. Though mitigated by the use of advanced composites, protection suffers.
Time: 5 Months
Chance: 60%
-[X] YT-50 Power Armour
The YT-50 Power Armour is a prototype developed as a potential successor to the T-45d. Although passed over in favor of the T-51's across the board improvements, it hold potential. Although the chassis is copied almost directly from the T-45d, the interior contains a number of innovative systems. The automated 'Medic' system automatically administers simple field medicine on behalf of its wearer. This addressed a key weakness of traditional power armour; the massive assembly hindered medics from giving aid to wounded soldiers.
Time: 4 Months
Chance: 70%
-[X] T-51b Power Armour
The T-51b Power Armour is one of the most advanced artifacts common among the Brotherhood. The shining plates from which the Brotherhood takes its name can stop most small arms fire short while the inner hydraulics allows the bearer to hit harder and carry more gear for longer. With a TX-25 MicroFusion Pack to provide centuries of power and an air filtration system to protect from airborne weapons, the T-51b equipped Paladin is capable of operating in the most hostile of environments.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 80%
-[X] Mark I Power Armour
The Mark I Power Armour is the first post-war Power Armour to improve on the T-51b. While it remains an infamous symbol of the Enclave's ceramic fist, it's efficacy is undeniable. The thick plates of advanced alloys halt the fire of not just small arms, but even anti-personnel cannons. Joints and other vulnerabilities are reinforced with exotic ceramic composites, granting the suit an unusually uniform degree of protection. Advanced Enclave servomotors replace the T-51b's inner hydraulics, providing improved precision without the expected degree in strength. The Mark III MicroFusion Pack provides ample power for a sophisticated NBC protection system; the suit is entirely airtight and recycled air is mixed with pure oxygen from armoured intake filters.
Time: 12 Months
Chance: 40%
AN: Because the Enclave had to have worried over their troops' FEV and radiation exposure.
-[X] Mark II-S Power Armour
The strange black power armour found amidst vertibird wreckage is something of an enigma. The construction and materials bear some resemblance to the Enclave's Mark II Power Armour. However, some portions instead appear very similar to components found in Hei Gui Stealth Armour. The surviving servos are also quite odd. They have been designed for two significantly different modes of operation. It is unclear whether this is unique to this model of armour or a standard feature of Mark II Power Armour.
Time: 12 Months
Chance: 30%
-[X] Hei Gui Stealth Armour
Hei Gui Stealth Armour, more commonly known as the Chinese Stealth Suit, is a rare piece of Pre-War Chinese technology. The black fabric is somehow able to turn the wearer invisible. The effect is similar to a Stealthboy, but absent the side effects and limited duration.
Time: 5 Months
Chance: 70%
-[X] Rocketry
With the data and artifacts from the REPCONN test site, you could probably reverse engineer the basics of rocketry.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 60%
-[X] CV-2 'Vertibird' VTOL Transport
The Vertibird is one of the few technologies to reach maturity after the Great War. Initially planned by the Pre-War government, development was completed by the Enclave long after the War's end. The tiltwing aircraft, along with the Mark I power armour, became symbolic of Enclave might. Though rarely seen west of the Mississippi since the fall of Navarro, they retain much of their infamy.
The Vertibird is a VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) craft with two models capable of serving a variety of roles. The CV-2 series is a troop transport and cargo vessel. Enlarged rotors and a swollen hull give increased lift and increased cargo capacity. The design is not without flaws. The heavy duty struts can not be retracted and the craft's top speed is diminished significantly.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 60%
-[X] AV-2 'Vertibird' VTOL Gunship
The Vertibird is one of the few technologies to reach maturity after the Great War. Initially planned by the Pre-War government, development was completed by the Enclave long after the War's end. The tiltwing aircraft, along with the Mark I power armour, became symbolic of Enclave might. Though rarely seen west of the Mississippi since the fall of Navarro, they retain much of their infamy.
The Vertibird is a VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) craft with two models capable of serving a variety of roles. The AV-2 series is a ground attack craft with limited troop transport capacity. Durable armour and extensive armament make the AV-2 one of the the deadliest objects in the wasteland. With a blazingly fast cruising speed the deadly craft can react to threats with unparalleled alacrity.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 60%
-[+] Basic Laser Weapons
Laser weapons are one of the holy trinity of Brotherhood energy weapons. They are extremely accurate and fast-firing, although damage can lag behind other weapons.
-[X] Advanced Laser Weapons
Your current laser weapons are potent, but they have yet to reach the heights of Pre-War technology.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 75%
-[X] AES-18
The AES-18 is a prototype tri-beam laser. While you have both the schematics and a working copy, the design is unfinished and needs additional refinement to reduce costs and increase reliability.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 0%
-[X] AEX-7
The AEX-7 is a proof of concept laser katana. While an unusual idea, it seems effective enough. Laser swords have the potential to improve upon the Brotherhood's current melee weapons; although possessing less raw force, they exceed power fists in both reach and armour penetration.
Time: 4 Months
Chance: 0%
-[X] XM-24 'Paladin Toaster' Shock Gauntlet
This electrifying gauntlet is a pre-war experimental close quarters weapon. Easily attached to both T-45d and T-51b gauntlets, the Electrical and Magnetic Pad (EMP) can interface with a suit's power supply or run off the integrated battery. Likely derived from harmless police 'Zap Gloves', this exotic glove interferes with the proper functioning of affected power armour.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 80%
-[+] Basic Ballistic Weapons
While explosion propelled chunks of metal may be simple, they can be quite effective.
-[X] Advanced Ballistic Weapons
Your current ballistic weapons are potent, but they have yet to reach the heights of Pre-War technology.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 75%
-{+] Pancor Jackhammer
The Pancor Jackhammer is a fully automatic shotgun. It is deadly, durable, and accurate.
-[X] CZ57 Avenger
This rare minigun improves upon the more common CZ53 minigun with updated technology. Improved barrels and advanced gel-fin cooling improve muzzle velocity and substantially increase the CZ53's already impressive rate of fire. An experimental recoil management system provides further improvement, greatly reducing the weapon's spread.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 50%
-[+] Basic Explosive Weapons
Explosive weapons are expensive, but they can be invaluable against heavily armoured or tightly packed enemies.
-[Locked] Advanced Explosive Weapons
Your current explosive weapons are potent, but they have yet to reach the heights of Pre-War technology.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 85%
-[X] Mark 20 'Mercy' Grenade Launcher
The pre-war 40mm grenade machinegun, nicknamed 'Mercy', has seen a great deal of combat. The potent artifact apparently racked up quite a kill count in conflicts against the Hei Gui, apparently some sort of Chinese infiltration group. It's combination of power, rate of fire, and wide area devastation grant it deadly effect against infantry formations and light vehicles.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 50%
-[+] 25/40mm Grenade Launchers (Attachment, Miniaturized)
Grenades can be powerful weapons, but their use in combat is often unwieldy and short-ranged. These launchers solve both problems.
-[X] Basic Plasma Weapons
Plasma weapons on one of the holy trinity of Brotherhood energy weapons. They are deadly but suffer from accuracy problems and have a lower rate of fire than lasers.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 95%
-[X] Q-35
The Q-35 is a prototype plasma rifle. While you have both the schematics and a working copy, the design is unfinished and needs additional refinement to reduce costs and increase reliability.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 0%
-[X] Basic Gauss Weapons
Guass weapons are both damaging and highly accurate. Their only downsides are low fire rates, rarity, and specialized ammo.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 85%
-[X] Material Technology
--[+] Old World Materials
The Brotherhood understands the basics of pre-war material science.
--[X] Old World Chemicals
Perhaps studying some pre-war chemistry experiments might be helpful?
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 80%
--[+] Old World Alloys
You understand the basics of Pre-War metallurgy. You can smelt Steel, Aluminum, Bronze, and Titanium.
--[X] Advanced Old World Alloys
You have discovered the basics of Pre-War metallurgy but much still remains.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 75%
--[+] Old World Composites
You can combine multiple materials into a single composite. The resulting materials often provide performance in excess of their components.
--[X] Advanced Old World Composites
You have the basic principles behind the production of composite materials. However, more complex composites remain outside your capabilities. This may hinder you from replicating the most advanced Pre-War artifacts.
Time: 6 Months
Chance: 30%
--[X] Old World Ceramics
Studying the ceramics used in pre-war tech might bear great dividends.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 50%
-[X] Electronic Technology
--[+] Old World Computers
The Brotherhood understands the basics of pre-war computer science.
--[+] Old World Electronics
You understand the basics of pre-war electronics. You can create simple circuitry.
--[X] Advanced Old World Electronics
Many Pre-War devices contain extremely advanced circuity. Unfortunately, the more complex electronic systems are beyond your ability to replicate.
Time: 2 Months
Chance: 80%
--[+] Old World Programming
You can modify existing programs and create simple new ones.
--[X] Advanced Old World Programming
While you can modify existing programs, your ability to create new ones is lacking.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 80%
--[+] Rudimentary Development Tools
You possess the most basic of development tools. This greatly increases the efficiency of programming.
--[+] Basic Development Tools
You possess basic development tools, simpler and more efficient than your previous stumbling attempts.
--[+] Advanced Development Tools
You possess advanced development tools such as Integrated Development Environments, stack traces, and memory analysis tools.
--[+] Robots
You understand the construction of basic robots.
--[+] Advanced Robots
You understand the construction of advanced robots.
--[+] Mr. Steel
A specialized metal working robot that retains its maintenance abilities.
--[+] Mark II Sentry Bot
An advanced, heavily armoured, humanoid robot armed with minigun and rocket launcher.

[Locked] A challenger has arisen: Part II
Veronica has shown some promise in scientific matters. Perhaps you could train her further in reverse-engineering?
Time: 4 Months
Chance: 75%
Reward: +1 Learning Action, Potential impact on relationship with Veronica.

Intrigue: 2 Actions (1 Elijah, +1 Lyons)
[Locked] Big Brother
Now that ESS has been established, you need to turn it into a proper infiltration group. Mere gossip can only get you so far.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 60%
Reward: Basic Intelligence Network, +1 Intrigue Action.

[X] Murder over New Vegas
You know what the Brotherhood always needed. Well, besides better technology. The Brotherhood needs assassins to deal with those who threaten to ruin your their plans.
Time: 3 Months
Chance: 60%
Reward: Assassins.

[Locked] The Purge
The SSK's initial performance succinctly demonstrated the presence of foreign infiltrators in the Mojave. Some didn't even use radios, inadvertently hiding themselves from Black Mountain. They seem harmless enough, but you cannot count on their continued passivity. The Inquisitors must purge all hostile operatives in the Mojave.
Time: 1 Month
Chance: 85%
Reward: NCR and Legion spies removed from Mojave.

Piety: 0 Actions

Assets: (Tiny->Small->Normal->Large->Huge->Massive)
Gossip Mongers
Brotherhood Radio (Extremely Popular)
Automated Steel Refinery (Large) [10 Mr. Steels] {-3 Iron Ore, -1 Coal, +10 Steel}
Concrete Plant (Massive) {-10 Limestone, -10 Stone, +20 Concrete}
Mixed Metal Mine (Small) {+1 Metal}
Food Imports (Small) {+1 Food}
Energy Exports (New Vegas) {-200 MW}
Population: Pre-War Human (7254) {-7 Food}

AN: Humans are split into Pre-War and Wastelander based on radiation and FEV exposure. Brotherhood, Vault, and Enclave populations are generally Pre-War while most others are Wastelander. Pre-War humans have longer lifespans, stand taller, and are more compatible with certain Pre-War technology. Wastelanders have a higher incidence of mutations. The two strains are otherwise identical. Other population types include Ghouls, Super Mutants, Nightkin, etc.

450 Civilians
Large Hydroelectric Generators (100%) {+2 GW}
Fortifications (100%)
Hydroponics (100%) {+3 Food}
Mixed Metal Refinery (100%) {-1 Metal, +2 Refined Metal}
Research Facilities (100%)
Department of Offense (Hardin)
Huge Brotherhood Arsenal
Mercy (40mm Grenade Machinegun)
CZ57 Avenger
Paladin Toaster
Large Pre-War Arsenal
YT-50 'Medic' Power Armor
Mark I Power Armour (Enclave)
Damaged Hei Gui Stealth Armour
Damaged Power Armour (Enclave)
Research Database: History
Research Database: Construction
Vertibird Wreckage
200 Stealthboys
Pre-War Tools
500 Knights (Recon)
50 Inquisitors (T-45e)
300 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)
0 Civilians
Fortified Command Center (50%)
Barracks (50%)
Bastions (25%)
Curtain Wall (25%)
100 Knights (Recon)
30 Paladins (T-45d)

50 Civilians
Solar Generators (100%) {+200 MW}
Orbital Power Relay (100%)
Small Research Facilities (100%)
Archimedes I
Archimedes II (4800 MWhr)
Elijah's Secret Spies (Owyn Lyons)
Secret Spy Killers (Owyn Lyons)
Elijah's Diplomatic Core (McNamara)
100 Knights (Recon)
50 Paladins (T-45d)
25 Inquisitors (T-45e)

50 Civilians
Electronic Warfare Facilities (100%)
Light Fortifications (100%)
Command Center (100%)
Department of Defense (Ramos)
Strategic Broadcasting and EC(C)M
Early Warning and Detection Network (EWDN [eww-den]) Control Node
Small Pre-War Arsenal
100 Knights (Recon)
50 Paladins (T-45d)
25 Inquisitors (T-45e)

2593 Civilians
Large Fusion Generator (100%)
Heavy Fortifications (100%)
Hydroponics (100%) {+3 Food}
Residential Bunker (100%)
Residential Bunker (100%)
Residential Bunker (100%)
Advanced Manufactory (100%) {-1 Metal, +2 Machinery}
Department of the Interior and Exterior (Lorenzo)
Small Pre-War Arsenal
Small Brotherhood Arsenal
Lucky 38 VIP Keycard
Schematics: Pre-War Electronics
Unique Schematics: Vertibird
Unique Schematics: TX-40e
Unique Schematics: Q-35
Unique Schematics: AES-18
Unique Schematics: AEX-7
250 Knights (Recon)
30 Mark II Sentry Bots
100 Paladins (T-45d)

1000 Civilians
Fortifications (100%)
Small Fission Generator (100%)
Small Hydroponics (100%) {+1 Food}
Residential Bunker (100%)
100 Knights (Recon)
50 Paladins (T-45d)
25 Inquisitors (T-45e)

1000 Civilians
Fortifications (100%)
Small Fission Generator (100%)
Small Hydroponics (100%) {+1 Food}
Residential Bunker (100%)
100 Knights (Recon)
50 Paladins (T-45d)

Medium NCR Arsenal
29 Knights (Recon)
27 Paladins (T-45d)
25 Inquisitors (T-45e)
15 Veteran Paladins (T-51b)

5 Knights (Recon)
5 Paladins (T-45d)

Diplomatic Relations: (Vilified->Hated->Disliked->Wary->Neutral->Accepted->Liked->Well Liked->Idolized)
Novac: Well Liked
A small town focused around salvage, a small motel, and an old gift shop.
Vault 34: Accepted
A heavily armed stronghold ruled by an autocratic overseer desperate to control her Vault's arsenal.
New Vegas: Well Liked
A burgeoning metropolis built around three ruling tribes and an enigmatic technocrat.
Freeside: Liked
A slum-town on the outskirts of New Vegas. No true governance exists, but a local gang, the Kings, wields significant influence.
Freeside Followers: Neutral
A charitable organization dedicated to the preservation and beneficial usage of technology.

AN: This things is like 5.6k words now, so please tell me if you think I missed something. It is quite possible I did.
AN: If you would like to do something not listed as action, ask. I may choose to add a new action.
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[X] Plan: Caps, War, and Food
-[] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
--[] Sunset Sarsaparilla HQ
---[] 20 Knights
-[] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
--[] Crashed B-29
---[] 20 Knights
-[] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
--[] Silver Peak Mine
---[] 10 Paladins
---[] 14 Knights
-[] Stalemate [Locked] (3)
-[] The House Always Wins: Part II
-[] The Fort [Locked] (2)
-[] The Mineshaft Gap
--[] Vault 3 [Locked] (1)
-[] Buying Happiness
--Vault 34
-[] Steel Legion
--[]Mister Handy Variants
---[] Mr. Ore
---[] Mr. Field
-[] Elijah's Little Helpers [Locked] (1)
-[] The old world has burned.
--[] Industrial Technology
---[] Electronics Manufacturing [Locked] (1)
-[] The old world has burned.
--[] Military Technology
---[] Advanced Explosive Weapons [Locked] (3)
-[] A challenger has arisen: Part II [Locked] (4)
-[] Big Brother [Locked] (3)
-[] The Purge [Locked] (1)

Well here is my plan for this turn. Whipped it up real quick so let me know if I made a mistake.

For Martial since we want better robots why not the company with robot in it's name. Sunset HQ is probably the easiest way to acquire large amounts of caps which will help the trading actions. It is also a automated plant might help us with our own production issues. Why it is mostly Knights it is to get them some more experience.

For Diplomacy with the victory we got with the stalemate we need to capitalize on it. This will improve relation between all three factions and make more Stalemate rolls easier.

For Stewardship it is mostly getting better relations with the vault we have contact with and building more robots to allow us to produce more resources.

For research Fertilizers are one of the easiest ways to improve crop yield. For Sifting through the Ashes we need as many new tactics as we can get for our fight with the Legion.

Intrigue is locked so nothing new.

I had to take out fertilizer since I forgot about the locked action in Research. Also switch Sunset with the crashed bomber in the lake.

Edit2: Sunset is back since Robots is already done.

Edit 3: had an extra research dropping one.
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Hey isaac, I don't see it, is there a list of our current resources? Food and construction, number of robots, soldiers, etc? I want to know how many robots can be built using current stockpiles and plan for food shortages.

[] Plan: Get Your Affairs In Order Before The Legion Arrives
-[] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
--[] Deathclaw Promontory
---[] 40 Veteran Paladins
-[] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
--[] Vault 19
---[] 20 Paladins
-[] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
--[] Vault 22
---[] 20 Paladins
-[] Stalemate [Locked] (3)
-[] The House Always Wins: Part II
-[] The Fort [Locked] (2)
-[] The Mineshaft Gap
--[] Vault 3 [Locked] (1)
-[] Greasing the Wheels
-[] Steel Legion
--[]Mister Handy Variants
---[] Mr. Ore
-[] Elijah's Little Helpers [Locked] (1)
-[] The old world has burned.
--[] Industrial Technology
---[] Electronics Manufacturing [Locked] (1)
-[] The old world has burned.
--[] Military Technology
---[] Advanced Explosive Weapons [Locked] (3)
-[] Sifting Through the Ashes
--[] Pre-War Corporation
-[] A challenger has arisen: Part II [Locked] (4)
-[] Big Brother [Locked] (3)
-[] The Purge [Locked] (1)

Martial Explanation:
Once the Legion arrives, expeditions will probably become more difficult. It's not exactly hard for Legion trackers to recognize and follow the footprints of giant power armored warriors. Hence why it's a good idea to tackle one of the most difficult missions, Deathclaw Promontory, while Deathclaws are the only nasty surprise we can reasonably expect (also - good job for our Paladins managing to take down a Legendary Deathclaw!). And call me paranoid, but I don't like leaving a radio around that Black Mountain - one of our biggest assets - isn't familiar with. Plus if we're lucky, we might find clues for opening the Enclave Base and all its glorious treasures.

As for the Vaults, some are already in good enough condition to house local tribes like the Fiends. More importantly, by nature of being bunkers they're extremely defensible. With our new manpower they're perfect as military (and trading!) outposts - the NCR's tactic of besieging the California Brotherhood's bunkers only worked because that chapter had no local reinforcements, and a force large enough to assault a Vault would be extremely noticeable. At best the Legion could try collapsing rock around subterranean Vault doors (and by the same train of thought, if the Legion took an unguarded Vault, we'd have extreme difficulty taking it). In addition they're nigh impossible to infiltrate, so any sensitive or valuable technologies/materials can be stored with reasonable confidence. Particularly useful for maintaining "trade secrets" if we turn them into trading hubs, but trading is more long-term than the immediate military benefits.

Stewardship Explanation:
Trade can solve many of our material needs. Trade lets us exchange our plentiful resources for resources we want and need. Trade fosters goodwill. Trade fosters dependence and reliance on us. Trade is life.

We absolutely need to start trading. We don't even need anything physical to trade (though we certainly have some, like our near local monopoly on cement); we have services sorely in-demand. Only The Followers meet or exceed our medical knowledge, but we're in far greater numbers and resources. No one can match our mechanical and engineering knowledge.

I don't know how many electronic parts we have left, so I'm not terribly committed to Mr. Ores. If we have plenty, they could help our immediate need for construction resources while we establish trade.

Learning Explanation:

The Brotherhood are damn, damn good fighters. We don't necessarily need tips on warfare. What the Brotherhood fails spectacularly at, however, is a growth mindset. Ladies and Gentlemen, look no further than American Corporations for inspiration on aggressive growth strategies.

Edit: Switched to Plan Bing Bong
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We can't do House Wins, we spent both our Diplomacy actions on Stalemate, so they should both still be locked on that.

[X] Plan Bing Bong
-[X] Magical Mystery Tour
--[X] Crashed B-29 - 20 Knights
--[X] Deathclaw Promontory - 67 Paladins
--[X] Vault 22 - 10 Paladins, 14 Knights
-[X] The House Always Wins: Part II
-[X] Steel Legion
--[X] Mister Handy Variant
---[X] Mr. Ore x3 (30)
---[X] Mr. Field x2 (20)
-[X] Gold Diggers
--[X] Search

For reasoning I will link back to here

EDIT: Added looking for mining sites.

EDIT 2, Revenge of the Editor: Specified Mr Field and Mr Ore numbers.
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[X] Plan: Caps, War, and Food
-[] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
--[] Cerulean Robotics
---[] 20 Knights
-[] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
--[] Crashed B-29
---[] 20 Knights
-[] Magical Mystery Tour (Can be taken multiple times.)
--[] Silver Peak Mine
---[] 10 Paladins
---[] 14 Knights
-[] Stalemate [Locked] (3)
-[] The House Always Wins: Part II
-[] The Fort [Locked] (2)
-[] The Mineshaft Gap
--[] Vault 3 [Locked] (1)
-[] Buying Happiness
--Vault 34
-[] Steel Legion
--[]Mister Handy Variants
---[] Mr. Ore
---[] Mr. Field
-[] Elijah's Little Helpers [Locked] (1)
-[] The old world has burned.
--[] Industrial Technology
---[] Electronics Manufacturing [Locked] (1)
-[] The old world has burned.
--[] Military Technology
---[] Advanced Explosive Weapons [Locked] (3)
-[] Sifting Through the Ashes
--[] Pre-War Military
-[] A challenger has arisen: Part II [Locked] (4)
-[] Big Brother [Locked] (3)
-[] The Purge [Locked] (1)

Well here is my plan for this turn. Whipped it up real quick so let me know if I made a mistake.

For Martial since we want better robots why not the company with robot in it's name. Sunset HQ is probably the easiest way to acquire large amounts of caps which will help the trading actions. It is also a automated plant might help us with our own production issues. Why it is mostly Knights it is to get them some more experience.

For Diplomacy with the victory we got with the stalemate we need to capitalize on it. This will improve relation between all three factions and make more Stalemate rolls easier.

For Stewardship it is mostly getting better relations with the vault we have contact with and building more robots to allow us to produce more resources.

For research Fertilizers are one of the easiest ways to improve crop yield. For Sifting through the Ashes we need as many new tactics as we can get for our fight with the Legion.

Intrigue is locked so nothing new.

I had to take out fertilizer since I forgot about the locked action in Research. Also switch Sunset with the crashed bomber in the lake.
You already did cerulean robotics, I just forgot to remove it from the list.
Hey isaac, I don't see it, is there a list of our current resources? Food and construction, number of robots, soldiers, etc? I want to know how many robots can be built using current stockpiles and plan for food shortages.
Your material resources are listed above the Stewardship spoiler. Robots, soldiers, etc. are listed under bases.
We can't do House Wins, we spent both our Diplomacy actions on Stalemate, so they should both still be locked on that.

[X] Plan Bing Bong
-[X] Magical Mystery Tour
--[X] Crashed B-29 - 20 Knights
--[X] Deathclaw Promontory - 67 Paladins
--[X] Vault 22 - 10 Paladins, 14 Knights
-[X] Steel Legion
--[X] Mister Handy Variant
---[X] Mr. Ore
---[X] Mr. Field

For reasoning I will link back to here
You can use the second diplomacy action for something else, double downs don't 'lock in'.
We can't do House Wins, we spent both our Diplomacy actions on Stalemate, so they should both still be locked on that.

I'm skeptical of Mr. Field's relative efficacy without better automation. The robots must justify their initial investment and upkeep, and currently they require highly skilled handlers who wouldn't be needed if we used less skilled humans for farming. Mining robots have more advantages over humans than farming robots. I'm certainly skeptical of Mr. Field being more productive than establishing trade.

The Crashed B-29 is good, but taking both Vaults now give us more time to reinforce them.

Your material resources are listed above the Stewardship spoiler. Robots, soldiers, etc. are listed under bases.

We have 8 food and we have -7 per turn, if I'm reading this correct? How much food do we grow a turn? This seems potentially catastrophic.
You can use the second diplomacy action for something else, double downs don't 'lock in'.
Noted. I'll adjust my plan accordingly.

I'm skeptical of Mr. Field's relative efficacy without better automation. The robots must justify their initial investment and upkeep, and currently they require highly skilled handlers who wouldn't be needed if we used less skilled humans for farming. Mining robots have more advantages over humans than farming robots. I'm certainly skeptical of Mr. Field being more productive than establishing trade.
Understandable, but trade won't be a reliable source of food production when Caesar's Legion starts dropping by in force. Warzones aren't really conducive to productive trade.

Also, you're kidding about that Mr Field bit, right? That low-skilled labour would also require skilled supervision. Supervision that would need to be in many more places at once, as a single Mr Field can do much more than a single human can. Mr Fields are a straight decrease to how much manpower is required for farming, let alone once we manage to upgrade their programming.

The Crashed B-29 is good, but taking both Vaults now give us more time to reinforce them.
Also understandable, but I'd like to get the B-29's boosts to aircraft research sooner instead of a second vault, so we can have Vertibirds sooner. So that's why I put it first.
Understandable, but trade won't be a reliable source of food production when Caesar's Legion starts dropping by in force. Warzones aren't really conducive to productive trade.

If Caesar chose to, but that itself could be spun to our advantage; if the Legion actively disrupts trade, it'll make locals hate him even more. Make them more likely to help the friendly neighborhood power armored men who know of medicine and machines. I can't hype the potential material and social benefits of trade enough, and the Legion (hopefully) won't be around forever. We lay the groundwork now, we're in a stronger position to face the Legion and an infinitely stronger position post-Legion.

Also, you're kidding about that Mr Field bit, right? That low-skilled labour would also require skilled supervision. Supervision that would need to be in many more places at once, as a single Mr Field can do much more than a single human can. Mr Fields are a straight decrease to how much manpower is required for farming, let alone once we manage to upgrade their programming.

Skilled as in capable of programming, not skilled at managing farm workers. Both are skilled, but the former is far more rare (well, maybe in the Brotherhood, the latter is far more rare...). While a robot would be more efficient than a human, I just can't see farming robots being as advantageous as mining robots compared to humans. Mining can utilize more precision, can regularly expect to lift greater weights (at least the farms seen in-game, they seem more endurance than lifting), can utilize their hovering and maneuverability more effectively than flat farming lands, etc. I'm not saying farming robots aren't useful, just not as relatively useful as going for Trade. If nothing else of my vote wins, I just want trading.

Also understandable, but I'd like to get the B-29's boosts to aircraft research sooner instead of a second vault, so we can have Vertibirds sooner. So that's why I put it first.

If B-29 helped with Vertibirds I can absolutely see that. Potential in with Boomers and furthering air superiority. Air Superiority is up there with trading and automation as personal bee's knees. Though I will say the Vertibirds are at best a long-term goal unless we open the Enclave Bunker, as we'd not only have to do lengthy research, but lengthy construction with probable expensive material costs. So I still think Vaults are better for this turn, but I'd never deny putting off air superiority for long.
If Caesar chose to, but that itself could be spun to our advantage; if the Legion actively disrupts trade, it'll make locals hate him even more. Make them more likely to help the friendly neighborhood power armored men who know of medicine and machines. I can't hype the potential material and social benefits of trade enough, and the Legion (hopefully) won't be around forever. We lay the groundwork now, we're in a stronger position to face the Legion and an infinitely stronger position post-Legion.
Trade happens without our intervention, you know. We'd get that benefit without wasting effort on trade right before a war. Also there's no way anyone who knows anything about logistics, which Caesar does, is going to be letting his main military enemy in the region receive free trade. That'd be moronic.

Skilled as in capable of programming, not skilled at managing farm workers. Both are skilled, but the former is far more rare (well, maybe in the Brotherhood, the latter is far more rare...). While a robot would be more efficient than a human, I just can't see farming robots being as advantageous as mining robots compared to humans. Mining can utilize more precision, can regularly expect to lift greater weights (at least the farms seen in-game, they seem more endurance than lifting), can utilize their hovering and maneuverability more effectively than flat farming lands, etc. I'm not saying farming robots aren't useful, just not as relatively useful as going for Trade. If nothing else of my vote wins, I just want trading.
There's a point, we don't actually know 100% what the skilled labour is. I assumed it was farmers because the programming could just be "perform the actions you receive cues for" with the how being programmed in. Regardless, people can easily be trained for it. If it's people skilled in programming, that's honestly all the better. If we want lots of robots, which we do, we'll want lots of people good at programming. True though, they're not as beneficial comparatively as mining robots are. But it's probably going to be more useful than trading, which takes longer to take effect and will be immediately hampered by war.

Listen, I get wanting trading. I want it too. I love it, it'll be a nice little change to Brotherhood attitudes when it goes right, it'll be good to integrate ourselves. But now just isn't the time for it. We'll establish it and then get at the very most a couple of months from it until it's stomped on. The Brotherhood is already against trading. If one of the earliest things that happens with it is it's stopped by war, we're going to get an even greater pushback. Trading needs more time to settle in to let the more recalcitrant BoS members see the benefits and grow accustomed to it.

If B-29 helped with Vertibirds I can absolutely see that.
That was a really pathetic if.

Potential in with Boomers and furthering air superiority. Air Superiority is up there with trading and automation as personal bee's knees. Though I will say the Vertibirds are at best a long-term goal unless we open the Enclave Bunker, as we'd not only have to do lengthy research, but lengthy construction with probable expensive material costs. So I still think Vaults are better for this turn, but I'd never deny putting off air superiority for long.
Different strokes. Vaults isn't a bad idea, we just have different priorities. I figure Vaults won't be as important now that we've got the ability to construct our own bases, places like Fort Elijah and the soon-to-exist Fort Elias. A handy increase, but a shortsighted one. You (probably) figure that it's less shortsighted and more aiming for an early stim boost to give better long-term performance.