Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)

If we are fighting in the Wake with this character, then something went really wrong. And because we don't need to fight, we can just buy something with speed boost so we can escape.

Sir even the Mansus now hosts random zombie encounters, and Martial is the stat used for running away.

The absolute number one trait we need to focus on is Health, as that is something difficult increase once the Quest properly starts. This build focuses on maximizing Health alongside Diplomacy to ensure both survival and an early lead towards gaining more Confidants.

The bonuses are stacked to allow us to start well-liked with a decent amount of say in our local community. Everything is decided to give us a greater chance at obtaining that sweet, sweet friendship AP. This character also starts with a massive amount of six Health (assuming a base of three). With six total Health, something as "critical" as two wounds can be put off for another turn, as the four remaining health is still more than that of an average person.

[X] Plan: My Heart beats for my Flock
-[X] Name: Emir Laurence
-[X] Male
-[X] Appearance: Tall, slender, and unnaturally lithe. Emir's beauty comes not from his looks but from his controlled movements and the smoothness in which he speaks. He is often seen wearing comfortable yet professional clothes, and his finely combed black hair stands at odds with the paleness of his skin.
-[x] Job: Priest
-[X] Beautiful: Heads turn when you walk past them and you are well versed in using that. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant)
-[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 to Diplomacy)
-[X] Healthy: Your heart beats louder and your skin is more resilient. (+1 Health)
-[X] Normal folk: The lifeblood of the world, people who live and die without doing much, without meaning much. Yet they raised you as well as they could and love you. (Default) Costs zero coins
-[X] You realized you're well liked: The folks around you gather and hang on to your every word, you're a local informal leader. (+1 Diplomacy, start with a good relationship with the locals)
-[X] Compromised: Something happened, you overstepped or just pure bad luck. Your cult bailed you out. (You have a personal debt to the master of your cult, +2 coins)
-[X] Your heart beats louder, audible to those who care to listen (+2 Health, +5 when resisting things that would harm your body, other effects to be shown with time)

The controversial choice here is the "Compromised" drawback. However, I firmly believe that owing a debt to the master is a drawback worth taking. Primarily, it secures our loyalty to our cult early on, so we won't need to spend actions working against it. Additionally, friendship AP will offset the "cost" of any favors if that debt ever cashed in.

In the case of our Cult Master being someone we do not want to be indebted to, our Cult's Heart is to an advantage. We would simply need a bit of Forge to lean on a certain secret once whispered to the Lionsmith, and our traits would let us survive the aftermath while maintaining a strong base.

I have no words
This is the epitome of facetanking. This is a wall made flesh. This is a wall made of flesh. I love it, let's go for it.

[X] Plan: My Heart beats for my Flock
Looking further Intuitive seems really good, a flat +5 to rituals and summonings when those tend to be the source of the greatest effects in cultist simulator is very strong.
I have no words
This is the epitome of facetanking. This is a wall made flesh. This is a wall made of flesh. I love it, let's go for it.
Rather than directly fight battles, this character would be more focused on always being able to get away (though, a focus on Edge and Forge would make them a monster in a fight). There's an argument that taking the Frightened malus for the -10 Combat power would be worthwhile due to the sheer number of wounds this character could shrug off. So, with that additional coin, Intuitive could then be picked up for the Piety and general bonus to summoning.

EDIT: This change has been added to the plan.
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[X] The Priestess of Piety
-[X] Mahina Hale
-[X] Female
-[X] Lightly tanned skin, you have Hawaiian ancestry, and it shows in both your natural athleticism and your luscious black hair. You have Hazel eyes that seem amber or gold when the light reflects off them. faint lines already mark your face from a lifetime of smiling- forced or otherwise- and you have an unconscious habit of smiling kindly at others. Your hair is shoulder length, and often kept up in either a bun or ponytail. Your facial features are soft, giving you a gentler and more comforting presence than most.
-[X] USA
-[X] Matron of an Orphanage
-[X] Beautiful: Heads turn when you walk past them and you are well versed in using that. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant)
-[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 to Diplomacy)
-[X] Well Read: You are fond of libraries and the smell of well worn books. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from books and texts)
-[X] Intuitive: You have a knack for understanding the world and its more esoteric tricks. (+2 Piety, +5 when performing rituals or summonings)
-[X] Farmers: They work the soil and ensure the people are fed. They know of old ways, habits and tricks that most city folk would scoff at. They've taught you these ways even if your more mundane education was a bit worse. (+2 Piety, +1 Martial, -1 Learning)
-[X] You were promoted: Lieutenant, not soldier. Manager, not clerk. There is a hierarchy in this world, and you climbed a step through hard work, not birthright (Start with a better paying job, albeit more demanding. You will have better access to what your cult is after)
-[X] You realized you're well liked: The folks around you gather and hang on to your every word, you're a local informal leader. (+1 Diplomacy, start with a good relationship with the locals)
-[X] Frightened: Trauma, or a weakness that you were born with? It doesn't quite matter as you're simply weaker than most. (-10 to Personal Combat, +1 coin)
-[X] Scarred: You survived, but not untouched. (-1 Health, +1 coin)
-[X] Compromised: Something happened, you overstepped or just pure bad luck. Your cult bailed you out. (You have a personal debt to the master of your cult, +2 coins)
-[X] Your eyes glow slightly, only seen on the darkest nights (+4 Learning, +5 to learn the secrets that are within an object, other effects will be revealed with time)

4 coins to start, +4 from the complications- Frightened and Scarred should be easy enough to handle with the right rituals, and Compromised is fine if we plan to stay loyal to the Cult- for:
8 Coins total.

Beautiful is useful and gives a +5 on certain rolls, always useful.
Silver Tongued is narratively useful, and +3 Diplomacy is nice for social actions.
Well Read is useful for studying anything, and makes us better at improving our own Lore and possibly helping a Lore Master with their efforts, or BECOMING a Lore Master.

Farmers, since I think Piety is the thing that boosts our Summoning ability, and it helps reduce the Martial issues we'll be having, otherwise I'd have gone for Librarians.

Promoted gives us a better starting job and is useful to the Cult.

Glowing Eyes gives us another major boost to learning and gathering secrets/information.

I'm imagining the kindly Matron of an Orphanage relying on her Master to keep the Orphanage open while being highly religious/pious. Specializing in a mix of Piety and Learning, with elements of Diplomacy to make us a bit more approachable. I am open to ideas or changes in preference if you like. I'd prefer we were middle-aged or so, though younger would be nice, and older is also fine.

Regardless, the helpless Orphans are certainly one way to add to the Cult, especially if the age up into it... besides. teach them while they're young, right? If nothing else, you can share Heart and Lantern and maybe Forge with the kids and help them avoid health issues, learn more easily, and be better with their hands and making things than they otherwise would. Kids are the future and all that...

Edit: This plan is beautiful and I love him. He has my vote as well. XD
[X] Plan: My Heart beats for my Flock

This plan seems nice.
[X] Plan: Father John

This plan is better for Action Economy since we can fixate on the Cult instead of our family for Socials.
[X] Plan: Father John, Not Married.

Alternate Plan to be slightly less tanky than plan MHBfmF, but still should ameliorate the issues with Health that would make her unviable.
[X] The Priestess of Piety - Heart edition
-[X] Mahina Hale
-[X] Female
-[X] Lightly tanned skin, you have Hawaiian ancestry, and it shows in both your natural athleticism and your luscious black hair. You have Hazel eyes that seem amber or gold when the light reflects off them. faint lines already mark your face from a lifetime of smiling- forced or otherwise- and you have an unconscious habit of smiling kindly at others. Your hair is shoulder length, and often kept up in either a bun or ponytail. Your facial features are soft, giving you a gentler and more comforting presence than most.
-[X] USA
-[X] Matron of an Orphanage
-[X] Beautiful: Heads turn when you walk past them and you are well versed in using that. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant)
-[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 to Diplomacy)
-[X] Well Read: You are fond of libraries and the smell of well worn books. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from books and texts)
-[X] Intuitive: You have a knack for understanding the world and its more esoteric tricks. (+2 Piety, +5 when performing rituals or summonings)
-[X] Farmers: They work the soil and ensure the people are fed. They know of old ways, habits and tricks that most city folk would scoff at. They've taught you these ways even if your more mundane education was a bit worse. (+2 Piety, +1 Martial, -1 Learning)
-[X] You were promoted: Lieutenant, not soldier. Manager, not clerk. There is a hierarchy in this world, and you climbed a step through hard work, not birthright (Start with a better paying job, albeit more demanding. You will have better access to what your cult is after)
-[X] You realized you're well liked: The folks around you gather and hang on to your every word, you're a local informal leader. (+1 Diplomacy, start with a good relationship with the locals)
-[X] Frightened: Trauma, or a weakness that you were born with? It doesn't quite matter as you're simply weaker than most. (-10 to Personal Combat, +1 coin)
-[X] Scarred: You survived, but not untouched. (-1 Health, +1 coin)
-[X] Compromised: Something happened, you overstepped or just pure bad luck. Your cult bailed you out. (You have a personal debt to the master of your cult, +2 coins)
-[X] Your heart beats louder, audible to those who care to listen (+2 Health, +5 when resisting things that would harm your body, other effects to be shown with time)
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[X] Plan: Father John

Like the vibes of this plan, I have to say. Reminds me distinctly of a certain other John Ward, lol.

(Faith: The Unholy Trinity, for those who don't get that reference)
[X] Plan: My Heart beats for my Flock

Lets see that dance. Let me remind you that the summoning needs only little bit of knock (usualy).
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I implore people not to go with two health and frightened, that's just begging to get mauled to death by a worm-zombie in the Woods.
My plan is a mess and I didn't fixate too hard on it, but if I went with the other, more Heart-related special I'd give her +2 health. Would that make my plan more appealing? I'm certainly open too it, especially after seeing Velvet's struggles... I just love the Learning buffs.
Frightened and Scarred should be easy enough to handle with the right rituals
Just because it's theoretically removable by ritual doesn't mean it will be easy. In 8 turns of our previous quest we learnt 1 ritual of the lowest level, and the cult loremaster was learning one other ritual, probably just a bit better than the previous one. Even in cultist simulator, turning a decrepitude into a health is a pretty late game ritual.
Just because it's theoretically removable by ritual doesn't mean it will be easy. In 8 turns of our previous quest we learnt 1 ritual of the lowest level, and the cult loremaster was learning one other ritual, probably just a bit better than the previous one. Even in cultist simulator, turning a decrepitude into a health is a pretty late game ritual.
Fair enough. I asked earlier if I should replace the Glowing Eyes with the Beating heart for the extra HP. If I go for that, it'll likely be a base-4, still higher than the 3 of normal people, and possibly be more Heart-aligned of an Origin than the other, which could combo with the Heart Cult. That should fix the Health Concern issue...
My plan is pretty much set up to benefit long term.

Plus 6 Piety with plus 5 for rituals sets us up a good fit for the cults ritualist.

Average health and personal combat but with an extra 4 martial. With a good set up for ritual healing later.

Grab the beautiful as it's a pretty good buff.

I'm pretty proud of the job. Self employed plus promoted plus has what the cult wants while securely in the Master's grasp.

Especially cool thing is the coincidental Name of Rebellion while being an old soul.
[X] Plan: Yes I Know
-[X] Name: Lucas Light
-[X] Male
-[X] Appearance: Unkept brown hair. Scrawny. With perchant for older suits. Tall but slouched. Recluse.
-[X] What country are you from? (United Kingdom)
-[X] What is your job? (Librarian)
-[X] Well Read: You are fond of libraries and the smell of well worn books. (+2 Learning, +5 when attempting to decipher or learn from books and texts)
-[X] Intuitive: You have a knack for understanding the world and its more esoteric tricks. (+2 Piety, +5 when performing rituals or summonings)
-[X] Librarians: Those who keep text and ensure words never die. Books were always scattered about the house. They've imparted the most basic lesson, how to learn. (+2 Learning, +1 Intrigue, -1 Martial)
-[X] You were promoted: Lieutenant, not soldier. Manager, not clerk. There is a hierarchy in this world, and you climbed a step through hard work, not birthright (Start with a better paying job, albeit more demanding. You will have better access to what your cult is after)
-[X] You graduated: A rarity among most, despite the importance placed on it. You also met a few fellow scholars. (+1 to Learning, start with contacts among scholars)
-[X] Frightened: Trauma, or a weakness that you were born with? It doesn't quite matter as you're simply weaker than most. (-10 to Personal Combat, +1 coin)
-[X] Compromised: Something happened, you overstepped or just pure bad luck. Your cult bailed you out. (You have a personal debt to the master of your cult, +2 coins)
-[X] Your eyes glow slightly, only seen on the darkest nights (+4 Learning, +5 to learn the secrets that are within an object, other effects will be revealed with time)
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[X] Plan: My Heart beats for my Flock
[X] Plan: Father John, Not Married.

[X] Plan: Built to Talk
-[X] Name: Karl Lawrence
-[X] Male
-[X] Appearance: A man of small stature, past his prime but not standing on his own grave yet. The most awfully clear eyes around these parts.
-[x] Job: Priest
-[X] Beautiful: Heads turn when you walk past them and you are well versed in using that. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant)
-[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 to Diplomacy)
-[X] Healthy: Your heart beats louder and your skin is more resilient. (+1 Health)
-[X] Intuitive: You have a knack for understanding the world and its more esoteric tricks. (+2 Piety, +5 when performing rituals or summonings)
-[X] Travelers: Vagabonds, people who wander the world with nothing more than the items on their backs. You've been taught tricks and tips, even the more illegal ones. (+2 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy, -1 Learning)
-[X] You realized you're well liked: The folks around you gather and hang on to your every word, you're a local informal leader. (+1 Diplomacy, start with a good relationship with the locals)
-[X] Compromised: Something happened, you overstepped or just pure bad luck. Your cult bailed you out. (You have a personal debt to the master of your cult, +2 coins)
-[X] Frightened: Trauma, or a weakness that you were born with? It doesn't quite matter as you're simply weaker than most. (-10 to Personal Combat, +1 coin)
-[X] Scarred: You survived, but not untouched. (-1 Health, +1 coin)
-[X] Your skin is flush, it always is (+4 Diplomacy, +5 when trying to convince somebody of something, other effects will be revealed with time)

This guy talks.