Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)

But then, in principle, it does not matter whether Knock/Secret Histories will be a character trait or a cult principle.
After all, as far as I understood your initial argument was that choosing knocking as an aspect of the cult would lead us to the Mother of Ants?
It does though? Whatever we choose as the Cult's principle will be the main principle of the Name while our own might be relevant (probably not) and of the two Names of Knock we know about one is called Old Mother of Anguish while the other is a servant of the Horned Axe. The only confirmed SH Name on the other hand is the Baldomerian and she's fine for the most part.

Though to be entirely fair with a Lantern Name we'll never be able to hide anything.

…is there any combination that doesn't have glaring issues?
…is there any combination that doesn't have glaring issues?
I'm not sure at all that it's worth putting the question that way. This is a Cultist Simulator, madness and danger are sewn into his very Mansus and principles, this cannot be avoided.
The master is just one of the factors that is ultimately secondary, the main thing is who we want to be and what to do.
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Since it is clear we are likely going to be starting over, I wonder if we will continue here, or in a new thread. I prefer the former, we can just move the old story in another sub-category like the Apocrypha is.
Vote Closed
Braiding the Threads: Same Thread or New Thread?
So it the Aspirant very clearly won. The last question I have is whether I should start a new thread or just move everything to Apocrypha and continue here. I'm leaning towards the latter but would like to get people's opinion on the topic. This vote will likely only last 5-6 hours for me to get a general feel of what people think. (And to finish writing the first update of the new tale, but shhhh)

[] Start a new thread

[] Stay here, move things to another tab
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