Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)

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[X] Plan: Exploring the Woods
[X] Plan: Light and Shadow
Edit: Didn't notice we are also at 2/3 for Lantern, then Lantern lesson seems adequate. It was the only reason I choose Exploring the Woods at first, it goes for Moth which has a chance of getting to 2/3 this turn.
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I already miss our Dappled Wings, they made crime so simple.
We can always summon more, and I imagine we will get one again next turn if we have anything to do with it.

Also glad we did not summon Theresa for our assignment, lol. I imagine she is just as bound not to scry this location as Lady Mylissa, and using her as a sacrifice would just be a waste. Otherwise I expect she would have asked us to summon her to maximize the chances of breaching the wards, since obviously a Lantern SH name can tear through far more defenses than we can.

Also: I bet we're scrying for the physical remains of an incarnated, and dead, Hour. Something that contains a significantly greater amount of them than anything we have found in the mansus.
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I wonder... is it technically possible to get a sacrament in seven turns? And if yes, which Lore should we focus on, if we want to get one? I'm certain that would open new options we wouldn't get before.
I wonder... is it technically possible to get a sacrament in seven turns? And if yes, which Lore should we focus on, if we want to get one? I'm certain that would open new options we wouldn't get before.
If we summon Teresa we may be able to take a lesson in Lantern or SH per turn from her, maybe even more, without restriction of level 3 like from Lady Mylissa.
Even if it is only 1 per turn, we may be able to get more in Mansus. There is also Influence (actually, I'm not sure, how do they work for scraps?).
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If we summon Teresa we may be able to take a lesson in Lantern or SH per turn from her, maybe even more, without restriction of level 3 like from Lady Mylissa.
Even if it is only 1 per turn, we may be able to get more in Mansus. There is also Influence (actually, I'm not sure, how do they work for scraps?).
influences are one-time scrap boosts, 1 scrap for any influence, with a second for the max level influence.
influences are one-time scrap boosts, 1 scrap for any influence, with a second for the max level influence.
Ok, thank you. After this turn, we'll need 9 scraps for the Lantern Sacrament. (10 if the Moth plan wins).
I think we never got a Lantern Influence, so we can get 1 scrap from it easily, and have a small chance for a second one with Lantern 3.
Then I count 5 scraps from Teresa because we'll need a turn for the Sacrament itself, and we are only summoning her next turn. So we need at least 2 more, more likely 3 from Mansus. Unless we somehow get a Lantern book or Lady Mylissa changes her approach to teaching us.
Of course, if Teresa wouldn't teach us, all of that wouldn't work.
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[X] Plan Furthering the Cause (of Delilah's Friendship and Mylissa's Trust)
-[X] On work and the people you preach to.
--[X] It is simply a busy month, you don't have as much time to preach (Gain two extra actions, will not be noticed if not done often.)
-[X] On learning the Lores.
--[X] Lady Mylissa is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[X] Lantern
-[X] Cast a Ritual
--[X] What ritual are you casting? (The calling of Influence, Moth)
--[X] What ritual are you casting? (AotL, Grail)
-[X] On furthering the cause.
--[X] Assist somebody else in their task
---[X] Delilah is working over Agent Coulson, ensuring he suffers from problems and setbacks so why not lend your aid?
-[X] The Mansus, a place of contradictions. It calls to you, reach out.
--[X] The Woods
---[X] There must be something you haven't found, keep exploring
-[X] On Sun Sparks and their leadership (These are actions exclusive to Dappled Wings)
--[X] Prepare a plan for somebody, granting them a single reroll
---[X] Who? (Emir)
-[X] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions might never be available again)
--[X] Induct Ashley into the Lores (You will have a later vote on if this will include inducting her into the cult) (with [Charlotte])
-[X] Something else? (Give Sol the books)

In order to get Delilah on friendlier terms with us, we must go forth and personally fuck someone's day. And with a Moth Influence, we'll be really good at getting away with fucking over Coulson's day. It'll be good times. I also decided to go for Lantern over Moth because the scrying promises to be a challenge.
FYI @Witherbrine26, some fairly minor nitpicks: our Cadre bonus should currently be +26 rather than +25, and the -5 funds discount on Lantern rituals hasn't been applied to the Sun Spark or Theresa's summoning rituals.

Also if you intend RotT to cost the same as Bird's version, it should be 30 Funds with the discount since it started at 35 bits in Esquestria. Idk if you decided to set the starting price here at 30 Funds, but I thought I'd point it out just in case.
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FYI @Witherbrine26, some fairly minor nitpicks: our Cadre bonus should currently be +26 rather than +25, and the -5 funds discount on Lantern rituals hasn't been applied to the Sun Spark or Theresa's summoning rituals.

Also if you intend RotT to cost the same as Bird's version, it should be 30 Funds with the discount since it started at 35 bits in Esquestria. Idk if you decided to set the starting price here at 30 Funds, but I thought I'd point it out just in case.
Thank you for pointing both of those out.

And yes I meant to start it at 30 funds, discounted down to 25.
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