Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)

I think it's a pretty good plan for the next turn.

We spend 1 AP to increase the combat power of the support team.
1 AP to search for poison for weapons.
1 AP to search for information about Endbringers.
1 AP for communication
1 AP to enemy attack.
Some artifact would also come in handy.
Maybe also one more AP on either guard or increasing the Edge of Combatants.

Edit: I wonder if we both attack at the same turn, who goes first?
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I'm personally not a fan of the poison scheme. We're doing too many things to worry about gilding the lily, especially since we outmatched our Foe statistically even before we got ourselves an Edge 3 weapon.

I'd rather apply that AP to studying a manuscript. We are for example still at Lantern 0, since investigation is one of our primary jobs right now we really ought to improve on that.
I don't know how useful poison would be. We already have an attack that is hard to heal from, and I'm worried about how your plan has no AP for learning lores. External objects can always be consumed or stolen, but personal strength will last throughout the rest of the quest. If we start relying on poison now, then every time we use up that poison we will have to spend a turn finding more. This has the risks of us not finding poison, finding poison that is to weak for our enemies, or even alerting authorities if our search fails critically.

Poison should be something that is reserved for enemies that are much stronger than us (unlike our enemy who is weaker than us) and from whom we could gain a great benefit or treasure if we were to kill them immediately, rather than waiting to grow stronger. There is always a price to pay, and in this case the price is significant in terms of the literal cost of buying poison, the risk cost, and the opportunity cost of an AP.
There is a reason in your words, but you forget that the main threat to Alicja is not a physical confrontation, but a threat to our promotion to director.
We've been investing in our career advancement for quite some time now, so I'd rather be guaranteed to get rid of the threat by spending a little extra time than hoping that our high characteristics would not allow her to escape.
If you want an item, a compass to find Alicja would probably be more useful, because I doubt that the difference in our investigative abilities is as high as the difference in our combat capabilities. We got lucky with our roll to find her last time, and it's entirely possible that with our next action we fail to find her, or alert her and she ambushes us when we try to find her.
I wouldn't search for poison, but I would try to find some paralytics. The problem is that when she starts losing, she would probably try to escape like last time and we have to stop that.
I wouldn't search for poison, but I would try to find some paralytics. The problem is that when she starts losing, she would probably try to escape like last time and we have to stop that.
Is there a special difference? The poison will kill her if we injure her and she escapes, the paralyzing agent will immobilize her if we manage to injure Alicja after which she will die.
Is there a special difference? The poison will kill her if we injure her and she escapes, the paralyzing agent will immobilize her if we manage to injure Alicja after which she will die.

The difference is that in the first she will roll to get rid of the poison after the fight, and in the second we stack on the advantage we already have. Why should we give her time to do something desperate when we can just ensure higher chance that she will die in the battle.
It would be hilarious if poison just causes [Poisoned: +1 saving roll to cure next wound inflicted by this weapon, "Poisoned" trait removed after one wound is dealt by this weapon]
@Witherbrine26 How do poisons work in this quest?
It depends very heavily on the poison but in general there are a three main types of mundane poison.
Toxin: Raises the DC to heal wounds. The DC depends on how good a poison you buy
Paralytic: Inflicts a debuff to combat rolls but wears off after combat. The debuff scales with how good a poison you buy
Venom: Once inflicted forces a check at the end of the turn, if the check is failed they take a wound. The DC depends on how good a poison you buy

Lore based poison is very different and varies widely. You'll get to see what they do if you go searching and roll high enough.
Well now we know, but please, let's not go chasing after the shiny thing while we're still on 4 AP trying to get promoted.

Later though, that sounds like something a Moth Adept could make good use of. We should try to meet one so we can expand our potential assassination options.
Another History: Turn 7
It was hard to rest, paranoia gnawing at the edges of your mind, rattling around like a restless ghost. You weren't the type to pace or let panic overtake you, but there was no denying the tight, coiling fear that had wrapped itself around your soul. Every sound, every creak in the house seemed amplified, a whisper of danger lurking just beyond the walls. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, forcing your thoughts to settle, to march forward with purpose. No sense in losing yourself to worry—there was work to be done.

Sitting at the table, you looked over the floor plans of your house, scanning for vulnerabilities, trying to think several steps ahead. Alicja wouldn't be sloppy, and you couldn't afford to be either. But as you were about to lose yourself in the blueprints, the doorbell rang. Your head snapped towards the stairs, a frown pulling at the corners of your lips. Rising from your chair, you moved towards the stairs, instincts kicking in as you grabbed your rifle and slipped out of the room, quietly closing the door behind you.

You crept toward the front door, muscles tense, ears straining for any sound that didn't belong. The rifle was held tight in your grip, ready. Carefully, you peered through the small sight in the door, allowing your eyes to ghost over the view. Seeing Arch standing there eased your tension—slightly. But you still glanced around through the peephole, double-checking that no one else was lurking out of sight.

Satisfied that he was alone, you slowly opened the door, lowering your rifle just out of his line of sight. You gave him a polite nod and stepped aside, letting him in before closing the door behind him.

"On edge?" Arch asked, a small smile tugging at his lips as the two of you made your way to the living room.

"A bit," you admitted, your tone casual though your mind was anything but. "You know how things have been this past month."

His smile faded at the mention, replaced with a solemn nod. The memory of the Endbringer attack weighed heavy on everyone, and you could see it in the way his shoulders stiffened.

"Indeed," he said with a sigh, pausing before he continued. "I'm going to be very busy this next month. I thought I'd stop by before that."

You raised an eyebrow, catching the hint of hesitation in his voice. "Why's that?"

"The Master is going to begin teaching me the ritual soon," he explained, his tone steady, but you could sense the nervous energy bubbling beneath the surface. "He's requested I take care of my affairs first."

Though Arch held himself straight, his eyes focused just past you, his usual calm exterior couldn't fully hide the anxiety. You'd known him long enough to recognize how his fingers twitched slightly in his lap.

"You'll do fine," you reassured him, offering a faint smile. "You're smart. You've prepared for this."

His lips twitched upward in a small, grateful smile. "Thank you," he said softly, leaning back just a little. "I just thought I'd let you know."

You couldn't help but notice the unspoken weight in his words. He could've just called or sent a message but came here in person. You gave his shoulder a light pat, sensing his need for reassurance.

"Can I get you something to drink?" you asked, easing the tension in the room. He smiled faintly.

"Tea would be nice."

You busied yourself in the kitchen for a few moments, letting the warmth of routine calm your own nerves as much as his. When you returned with the tea, the two of you settled into conversation, spending the next few hours talking about anything but the ritual. It seemed Arch just needed to be around someone who knew him, someone who could share the quiet burden of his anxiety without judgment.

You didn't mind. It was part of being friends, after all, and if anyone could understand the pressure of preparation, it was you.

Eventually, he had to leave, and you walked him to the door, offering him a reassuring smile and a wave as he stepped outside. Once the door was closed behind him, you leaned against it for a moment, collecting your thoughts. Arch had his own challenges ahead, but so did you. Alicja wasn't the type to sit idly by, and you couldn't afford to let your guard down.

With a sigh, you headed upstairs, rifle still in hand. There was more to plan, more work to be done. Neither you nor Alicja were going to rest anytime soon.

Please observe a one hour moratorium before voting

Vote by plan

You have 2 months until the cult reconvenes, it would be a very good idea for you to have gained at least some understanding of Endbringer durability and some form of combatants are ready.

Possible Actions: You have 4 Actions each month, more can be gained by spending less time at work.

Current Funds: 564
Income: 100 Funds/Month

[] On work and the challenges it entails.
-[] You'll work your hours and no more (Gain no extra actions, default)
-[] You'll cut a few corners here, leave a bit early (Gain an extra action, will not be noticed if not done often)
-[] You've got sick days, use them (Gain two extra actions, will be noticed by your direct superior, although the full extent is unknown.)
-[] Something has come up and you'll be out of the office for a week (Gain three extra actions, may be noticed by the Director although the response is not known)
-[] You can't even step foot in the office this month (Gain four extra actions, you will be called out on this)

[] On your Foe, and the danger she wields
-[] Attack her, finish this (This is Assaulting an Opponent Expedition)
-[] Tail her, keep an eye on what she does (Doing this yourself will be less effective then sending somebody else)
-[] Go see Gunsmith, try and pry out anything he knows about her
-[] Keep an eye open and stay on guard (This will make it harder for Alicja to assault, spy on you, etc)
-[] Set up defenses and traps around your house
-[] Do something about her, talk to her, trick her, hurt her (Write in your objective)

[] On promotion and improvement (The below actions improve your chance of being selected as Director should Carol be unable to perform her duties.)
-[] You'll stay and work longer hours
-[] You'll put the work in and bust a few gang operations
-[] There are capes out on the streets, you'll put them behind bars
-[] Request some help from Ai, she'll do her best to make sure Carol isn't fit to do her job

[] On the goal. (All of the following options are suspicious. This only applies if you are caught)
-[] Do some research, watch some tapes of the fighting (No suspicion)
-[] Ask around, start seeing what folks know (No suspicion)
-[] Dig into the files, take a peek at confidential information (Major suspicion)
-[] Ask the returning Heroes some questions, see what they learned (No suspicion)

[] On furthering the cause.
-[] Train the fodder, get them up to snuff
-[] Search out the talented, teach them Edge
-[] Build up the loyalty of the cult, ensure they'll listen to you if need be
-[] Assist somebody else in their task
--[] Arch, the Loremaster Arch is busy this month
---[] Arch is always in need of funds for his books (Write in the amount you'll give him, must be at least 50 Funds. Does not cost an Action) Arch is busy this month
---[] Arch could use some money for items he may find (Write in the amount you'll give him, must be at least 100 Funds. Does not cost an Action) Arch is busy this month
--[] Who? (Write in)
-[] Items and strange artifacts, go search for them. They could be useful

[] On learning the Lores.
-[] Search for books
--[] In the local libraries and bookstores
--[] Stranger and more hidden places
--[] Online, from places abroad (Will cost 10 Funds per book in shipping)
-[] You Master is willing to teach, request a lesson
--[] What lore? (Write in, she is willing to teach all Lores, except Heart, up to level 2. You will gain 1 scrap of that lore)
-[] The cult's library has a few texts, go read up on them
--[] The manuscript on Heart (You will gain 1 scrap of Heart)
--[] The manuscript on Lantern (You will gain 1 scrap of Lantern)
--[] The manuscript on Forge (You will gain 1 scrap of Forge)
--[] The manuscript on Secret Histories (You will gain 1 scrap of Secret Histories)
-[] You've got your own books now, just read them
--[] Write in (Pick two books, can have been bought this turn)

[] On Rites, Rituals and the things inbetween
-[] You'll cast The Attention of the Laws (Write in Lore, the first cast is a Free Action)

[] The Mansus, a place of contradictions. It calls to you, reach out.
-[] Explore the Woods and it's many secrets
--[] Explore the Luster-Drowned Well
-[] Climb higher, Glory awaits

[] On matters outside the cult.
-[] Spend time with somebody
--[] Who? (Write in)
-[] Get to know somebody
--[] Who? (Write in, somebody from work, a low level person inside the cult, a random joe on the street etc)

[] Something else? (Write in, must be approved by QM)
Well that's a thing innit?

Heh, imagine Alicja trying to jump Arch since he's an associate of ours and getting on the wrong side of The Master. Alas I doubt our quest will be so convenient.
[] On work and the challenges it entails.
-[] You'll cut a few corners here, leave a bit early (Gain an extra action, will not be noticed if not done often)
[] On Rites, Rituals and the things inbetween
--[] You'll cast The Attention of the Laws (EDGE)
[] On furthering the cause.
-[] Search out the talented, teach them Edge
[] On the goal. (All of the following options are suspicious. This only applies if you are caught)
-[] Ask the returning Heroes some questions, see what they learned (No suspicion)
[] On matters outside the cult.
-[] Spend time with somebody
--[] Invite William to help develop and rehearse new battle tactics that utilize his power.
[] On your Foe, and the danger she wields
-[] Tail her, keep an eye on what she does (Doing this yourself will be less effective then sending somebody else
[] On your Foe, and the danger she wields
-[] Attack her, finish this (This is Assaulting an Opponent Expedition)
--[] Take the Combatants with you

I propose such a plan, it addresses all our needs now. The only point I doubt is the investigation of Alicja's actions, but I just want us to do a search for her shelter twice, otherwise I'm not sure that we will be as hard hit as last time.
William is also a controversial topic, but I think it would be good for us to start the ground for his acceptance into the cult.
Firstly, it will be useful to have an ally in when we become director, he will be able to carry out assignments related to the cult in the field.
Secondly, he can damage the Endbringers and this can be considered the starting point of studying their strength, thirdly, he has access to Eidalon, which we may have to kill when we find out the truth about the Endbringers.

Witherbrine26 Will we use Martial in action to develop and hone new strategies for William?
A reminder that we already have info on an Endbringer weakness: chronomantic attacks. So we don't need to keep digging right now. Instead, we should build up our Socials some more. Like Anatoly, who is clearly suffering right now, and Ai, because she has been super helpful to us.
[X] Plan: Steady Development
-[X] On work and the challenges it entails.
--[X] You'll work your hours and no more (Gain no extra actions, default)
-[X] On your Foe, and the danger she wields
--[X] Attack her, finish this (This is Assaulting an Opponent Expedition)
---[X] Take the combatants trained in Edge with us.
-[X] On furthering the cause.
--[X] Search out the talented, teach them Edge
--[X] Assist somebody else in their task (Ai Hayashi)
-[X] On learning the Lores.
--[X] The cult's library has a few texts, go read up on them
---[X] The manuscript on Lantern (You will gain 1 scrap of Lantern)
-[X] On Rites, Rituals and the things inbetween
--[X] You'll cast The Attention of the Laws (EDGE)

We've been skipping work in basically every turn except the last one, and it will be noticed if repeated every turn. Alicja is clearly planning something, better to head that off as soon as possible. Training cultists in Edge seems like the best cost/benefit action to meet the master's goal, given that we are limited in information gathering unless we want to risk major suspicion. Many questers want to keep making friends, and if we can tap into Ai's spy network that should be helpful for the future. Furthering our Lantern is low hanging fruit, and getting master to teach us requires no roll, unlike studying a book.

Edit: swapped learning from master to learning from manuscript
Edit 2: voting approval for variation of my plan

[X] Plan: Steady Development SH Edition
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