A mermaid learning trip is funny ^^ Racial ability: Immune to trip.
Any feat-heavy approach is probably going to get a pass (unless it also benefits ranged), since aside from Power Attack (Barbarians need power attack, right?), I figure I'm going to spend a lot of them on my ranged end, while using rage powers more on melee.
Speaking of qualifying for improved dirty trick, there's the recent Dirty Fighting feat. It's pretty awesome. No prereqs, you can trade your flanking bonus away to make your combat maneuvers not provoke, and if they already wouldn't provoke for some reason your flanking bonus instead increases to +4. It also counts as having Dex 13, Into 13, Combat Expertise and Improved Unarmed Strike for the purpose of meeting the prereqs of the various improved combat maneuver feats, as well as other feats shown those feat trees.
Oh, that's pretty good! That changes aiming for Greater Dirty Trick to 'pff, no, no way am I blowing a precious feat on Combat Expertise,' to 'takes three feats, but they're useful feats, so within the realm of possibly.'
Beast Totem is so good a lot of GMs outright will not allow you to run it, it's amazing because the AC gained from Beast Totem isn't an enhancement bonus and so stacks with an amulet of natural armor and the aforementioned Full Attack on Charges.
Hey, I'm still a physical type and not a spellcaster, I don't think I'm going to break the system ^^
I could always just go no-totems-at-all. Then I could do Auspicious Mark or Reckless Abandon , Superstition route (at least Eater of Magic, maybe Witch Hunter and Spell Sunder), Savage Dirty Trick, Mighty Swing, Come and Get Me, and similar.
Btw, the rest of the party is a Magus-Kensai, a Paladin, a rogue aiming to be a Shadowdancer, a swashbuckler, a cleric focused on healing, an oracle focused on bones & undead stuff, and a Tengu sorcerer. The DM may be splitting us into two subgroups run separately.
And since we're doing Distant Worlds, that's part of why I'm more 'maybe' on Witch Hunter. Like, tribes of four-armed aliens with guns could be a major opponent.
Flipside, so could a society of liches. So it could be wait-and-see ^^