Dungeon Crawler You!

Since we're using all of our explosive supplies up, I wanted to come up with a dungeon renewable source of fire power. I don't know exactly what the products of burning cooking oil are, but assuming all the hydrocarbons get converted into co2 and h2o it would take roughly 10 kg of oil to react with the oxygen in a 6m sphere.

We just need to order it from the bopca, heat it up to it's smoke point and slap a distributor cap on it. I'm not sure how the explosion size would compare to what we have now, but it might be worth adding it to the setup.
For bigger ouch we could also try having a container subdivided to contain two fluids not touching eachother. Water and your hot oil. Might have too big an effective damage range though.

Also: Things may significantly change on Floor 3.
  1. Astronomy army has a fuckton of people to choose classes, many of which would probably not go for fighter classes (think all the kids)
  2. We get classes
  3. The place is called the Overcity and plays outside, there may be much better scavenging opportunities
Any class pick could be a sort of alchemist that could enable new chemistry fuckery.
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Sep 14, 2022 at 6:10 AM, finished with 47 posts and 14 votes.

No votes in 24 hours, so...
Voting is closed.

This was a good turn out and an interesting plan. Thanks, everyone.
For bigger ouch we could also try having a container subdivided to contain two fluids not touching eachother. Water and your hot oil. Might have too big an effective damage range though.

Also: Things may significantly change on Floor 3.
  1. Astronomy army has a fuckton of people to choose classes, many of which would probably not go for fighter classes (think all the kids)
  2. We get classes
  3. The place is called the Overcity and plays outside, there may be much better scavenging opportunities
Any class pick could be a sort of alchemist that could enable new chemistry fuckery.
I'm pretty sure the only role water plays is that the steam atomizes the hot oil. As long as we keep getting distributor caps they'll do a better job at that.

The next floor should definitely expand our shenanigan potential, but I'm really looking forward to when we can start using the chemistry table.
Chapter 21: Insect Apocalypse

"Potentially leveling up to 14 really isn't going to matter?" Taylor asked Levi.

The rabbit man shook his head. "Nah. You guys are probably some of the highest-leveled crawlers in the dungeon right now, but character level is mostly irrelevant. Occasionally—"

"Hang on," Calliope said. "We're the highest level people in here? Luke's people were higher than us, and those Team Valkyrie hooker-wannabes were almost as high."

Taylor: Be nice, Leo.

Levi shrugged. "The experience required for each level increases as you go up, but it's pretty small up to level 9. What that means is that people tend to be tightly clustered in the beginning but spread out as time goes on. There's generally three bands: low-tier, mid-tier, and high-tier. Here on the second floor I'd expect the low-tier crawlers to be up to level 6 or so, mid-tier crawlers to be 6 to 9, and high-tier crawlers to be 9 to 13. Maybe 14, but I'd be shocked if anyone makes 15 on the second floor. The three of you are all level 13, putting you at the top of the heap, level-wise. By the sixth floor the bands will be more like 'anything under 25', then 25 to 40, and then 40 to 55 or even 60. Not that there will be a lot of low-tier crawlers left at that point.

"On the other hand, like I said before: your level doesn't matter that much. You'll sometimes see a class or race ability that interacts with character level, but most classes and races don't have that. There's a few skills or items out there that do something based on your level, but they're quite rare. What your level really means is that you have three times that many stat points. The thing that matters is your actionables, and even there you guys are doing pretty well. There are likely a few crawlers with better actionables or gear, but not many. You guys really lucked out by coming into the dungeon with all those guns and other stuff."

"Actionables?" Calliope asked around a mouthful of ice cream. She paused to swallow. "Spells and such?"

"Exactly. It's the catchall term for skills, spells, special abilities, stat boosts, and everything else that the dungeon might give you that doesn't exist in the normal world. What matters is which ones you have and what level they are.

"Your stats matter in that they provide your basic resources—every point of Intelligence is another mana point for casting spells, every point of Constitution is a bit more health, every point of Strength is a bit more damage inflicted with physical attacks, and so on. Still, speaking from a mechanical perspective, surviving in the dungeon mostly depends on stacking up skills and spells that give bonuses. If you have the Pugilism skill and a high Strength then you do a good bit of damage with your fists. If you have a high Strength and Pugilism and Iron Punch and Bare Knuckles and Powerful Strike then you hit harder than a truck. You guys don't have those stacking things yet, but they'll start coming."

"Huh," Taylor said, sitting back in his chair. "What about skills? How likely are we to rank them up if we stick around, and how much will it matter?"

"Depends," Levi said. "Spells and skills advance quickly up to level 5, then a bit more slowly to level 9. Breaking the wall to 10 is hard, and every level after that is a real grind, getting harder with each one."

His eyes flickered for a moment as he checked his interface. "Taylor, your physical combat skills are at 5 because you've mostly been relying on your chemical weapons. Given the threats out there, that's unlikely to change this floor. If you guys stay on this level for another twenty-four hours, you'll likely level up the two incendiary devices skills, but probably not the physical combat ones.

"Calliope, your Thrown Weapons is at 6 and Sword is at 5, counting that bonus from your Kruthak Needle. Those are your only combat skills, so if you use them as much as you can then you might get an extra level in each, but probably not more than that. And that's if you were able to engage in physical combat a lot instead of dropping fire gel on enemies. I'd go ahead and throw your javelin at stuff once it's been immobilized, just for the training, but focus on more effective methods while the threats are still mobile. It'll reduce your training rate but it's much safer.

"Drew, your Smoke Form spell is at 8. I'd be shocked if it leveled up again by tomorrow. Your base Spear skill is only 4, but you've got that bonus that makes it 7. Skill experience is complicated, but the upshot is that you might or might not level it even if you were doing a lot of hand-to-hand fighting, which you shouldn't be with as high as the threat appears to be."

"So you're saying there's no real numbers-go-up benefit to sticking around," Taylor said.

"Only major benefit will be to your socials," Levi agreed.

Taylor digested that, and then smiled as an idea struck.

Taylor: Drew, got a question for you.

He laid out the details of his idea and Drew broke up, laughing so hard that he started coughing. Fortunately, the stoner knew better than to respond out loud.

Drew: I am absolutely in.

Excellent. He nodded and gave his friend a couple of slaps on the back to help him get over the laughter that had now turned to coughing.

Levi was looking from Drew to Taylor and back. His eyestalks were cocked, one curled up and one curled down. He scratched his chin for a moment, then, to Taylor's relief, he said nothing.

Levi had been a crawler once. He knew what it meant when someone's eyes flashed and then they started laughing with no explanation: Something funny was said in chat and I don't want the audience to hear it.

Taylor: Tina, would you guys be open to a teamup? We need to get some sleep, so I'm thinking about twelve hours from now. Also, I've got a slightly delicate question for you...


"Hey there," Tina called, waving. "Glad to see you're all okay."

Crawler #813,508 "Tina Morton". Level 11.
Crawler #813,509 "Jada". Level 10
Crawler #813,515 "Louisa Lem". Level 12
Crawler #813,521 "Min Li". Level 12
Crawler #813,524 "Alice Whi". Level 10
Crawler #813,525 "Marina". Level 12

First thought: wow, they were doing great. Second thought: oh look, the ones who were going barefoot were doing more great. The AI really did have a fetish, didn't it? More importantly, was it too late to get in on the action?

Taylor suppressed a snort of amusement at the thought. He wasn't going to start going barefoot himself, but it was still funny.

"You guys have been doing well," Tina noted, looking at the properties that floated above everyone's heads on demand.

"Thanks. You too," Taylor said. It was true, although Levi had been right; the team had watched the recap, slept for eight hours, and then spent several hours murdering everything they could find, which consisted of a couple dozen Vespa and one lonely tove that had managed to hide away from the insect apocalypse. With the clock ticking down, they returned to the safe room to open loot boxes and rest, then headed out to team up with Team Valkyrie. All of that, yet they still hadn't gotten a single skill-up. Worse their social numbers hadn't increased as much as he had hoped; apparently same-old-same-old grinding didn't hold the eyeballs as well as dramatic boss fights and exciting innovations.

"Hey," Drew said, waving. He had been staring at Jada, but he saw her notice and quickly looked away.

"Gotta admit, you guys are killing it," Calliope said, her tone grudging. Taylor had pushed her to get past the dislike she had taken to Team Valkyrie; she was making an effort and that was as much as he could ask.

"Thanks," Tina said. "So, while you lot have been gallivating around, we've been getting the table set." She grinned, taking the sting from the words.

Taylor laughed. "In fairness, we did offer to come help out and you said you had it under control and we should focus on getting those last skill-ups if we could."

"Fair point, fair point," Tina said. "Anyway, what do you think?" She waved at the area around them.

The two teams had met in another of the junctions between hallways. This one was especially spacious, as it was host to no less than twelve different tunnels. Team Valkyrie had blocked off ten of them, leaving only one way in and one line of retreat. Corpses of toves and Vespa were scattered around.

Taylor studied the area and nodded.

"This will do nicely," Taylor said, smiling with teeth. "Very nicely. I like what you did with the corpses. That was you, right?"

"Yup," Lois said. She had her warhammer slung over one shoulder and was smiling sunnily. "Carried 'em here from all over. You might want to check that one a little more closely. It's for you." She pointed to the corpse of a supersized Vespa near where Taylor was standing.

Curious, he bent down to look where she was pointing. He shuddered and laughed all at the same time.

"That'll work," he said, nodding. "Incredibly gross, but it'll work. Let's all get into position. Calliope, make sure you know where everyone is before you head out."

"Hey, uh, I wouldn't mind having somebody with me," Drew said. "You know, to cover me if things go bad."

"'Cover you', huh?" Lois said, grinning. "That a euphemism?"

"Ignore her," Jada said, stepping forward. "I've got your back." She twirled her massive club demonstratively. The chips of obsidian sunk into the wood glimmered in the light of Drew's Torch spell.

"That's settled," Tina said before Lois could make another comment. "Drew, Jada, we have a place for you over here."


"So, uh, you look nice," Drew said, once he and Jada had eeled into their assigned position for the upcoming action. It was probably far too early to be doing so; Calliope was still out collecting the party guests, but there might not be time to get hidden if a bunch of wandering Vespa showed up.

Jada eyed him sidelong for a moment. "Thanks. You too."

"Do you wanna fuck or should I apologize?" Drew asked, the words coming out in a rush.

Jada snorted. "Incredible timing, Romeo. Bug guts in my hair and cramps in my legs: just the thing to get a girl in the mood." She shifted slightly, trying to find a more comfortable position. The stone of the dungeon floor was uncomfortable to lie on and there was a sharp limit on how much she could stretch her long legs given the nature of their hide. On the other hand, there probably was enough room that she could have put half an inch or so between her shoulder and Drew's. She did not.

"That...that wasn't a no," Drew said.

"Actually, that was a hey, we're probably going to die in a couple minutes, how about we hush for now so we don't attract attention?," Jada said, a slight smile in her voice.

Drew grinned.


Taylor: How's it going, Calliope?

Calliope: Eh. Found three groups already. They were more than happy to join the fun, but two of the groups weren't that big.

Taylor: Time to head back?

Calliope: Nah. Gotta catch 'em all.

Taylor: ...Okay. Be careful, okay? I worry.

Calliope: Hey, it's me. *grin*

Taylor: Hence why I worry.


"So, where you from?" Drew asked.

"Ananabella, Utah, if you can believe it," Jada said. "It's a flyspeck of 800 people or so, about three hours south of Salt Lake. Me and my mother were the only black people in the place, used to get stared at on the street. No idea why mom moved there after she immigrated. I think maybe she thought the name was pretty? Anyway, I got out as soon as." She smiled slightly. "Of course, when I left it was to go to college in Mississippi, which has historically been very welcoming to my people. I guess mom and I have some similar crazy. How about you?"

"Not saying," Drew said. "I've been told that girls like guys who are mysterious."

She laughed. "Yeah, you might want to check yourself on that. There's a difference between 'mysterious' and 'raising red flags because he sounds like a serial killer'. What, you got a prison record that you don't want to talk about?"

Drew swallowed and looked away as much as was possible in the tight confines of their hide. "No, just...boring, I guess. I used to work at a Kinko's and drive a beater. Not really the kind of thing that impresses people, you know?"

"Hey, don't sweat it, Romeo. You got those dreamy eyes working for you. Grow your hair out a little more and you'd look like a Romantic poet."


"Well, it would help if you had a puffy shirt."

"I can get a puffy shirt."


Taylor: How's it going?

Calliope: Not bad. Still not ready to head back. I can hear buzzing from my left so I'm gonna go pick up that group. And don't worry, there's plenty of room to maneuver.


"What's college like?" Drew asked, after the silence had lingered for a few minutes.

"Fun. I rushed Zeta my first year so I had a social group to drop into. Most of 'em are pretty cool. Plus, the dance program is good."

"Oh, cool. What kind of dance?"

"You're hoping I'm going to say 'exotic', aren't you?" she teased.

"No! That didn't even occur to me!"

"Bet it is now, though. Right?"



Taylor shifted uncomfortably and checked the time again. Calliope had been out for forty minutes already and he was getting awfully tired of lying here, cramped and uncomfortable and alone. Sure, he could talk to the others over chat, but Calliope needed to not be distracted, Drew needed some space to flirt, and he didn't feel comfortable making small talk over chat with women he didn't know particularly well.

Taylor: I feel like you're really starting to push it. You could always bring us what you've got and get more later. We can do multiple waves.

Calliope: The whole point is to please the audience, right? We want one big bang, not a bunch of little ones. Besides, Moose is having too much fun. He'd be sad if we came in now. You know I can't resist those sad puppy eyes.

Taylor: Moose will be extremely sad if you're dead. Or, rather, he won't, because he'll be dead too. He won't leave you if there's a problem, not even if it means dying.

Calliope: We're fine, Unc. The worst problem I'm having is that my wrist is sore from holding onto the rope and my eyes are watering from the speed. Now give me a minute. Big group coming up and I've gotta concentrate.


"Oh my god, a flying cockroach! Taunt!"


Calliope: Hey Unc, you guys ready? Operation Aggro Train has left the station in a big way.

Taylor: How many are following you?

Calliope: Is 'a shitton' a number? I'm going to go with 'a shitton'. Maybe a kajillion.

Taylor: Don't do any stunting, okay? Dangerous enough training that many mobs on you, don't do anything that might make you fall off your board and get caught.

Calliope: No worries there. These guys aren't as fast as Moose but they're damn fast and I'm not taking any chances on them catching up. Also, you really need to see Moose's Legion Rush ability in action. Ho-leee crapballs it was amazing. Ten minutes after we started playing bait, we had fifty, maybe sixty Vespa following us and a group popped up in front of us. Only ten or so, but it was enough that they could have blocked the corridor and pinned us in place long enough for the rest to catch up. We're about thirty feet from them when Moose howls and starts glowing blue. Then he takes off so fast he almost yanks my arm out of its socket. He went through those things like a cannonball, and I mean that literally—he went through them. 'Bug on a windshield' kind of thing. Instagib, frog in a blender, salsa smoothy.

Taylor: I get the idea, Calliope. Don't be gross. :p

Calliope: Heh. Important note: he can't turn for shit when he's using that ability, and it only protects him for a fraction of a second immediately after he activates it. He slammed into a wall and dropped his health into the red. I had to heal him.

Taylor: Language. He's okay now though, right?

Calliope: He's fine, no worries.

Taylor: Don't kill my dog, Calliope.

Calliope: I won't, I promise. Anyway, right now we're both absolutely drenched in bug guts. I think the stink is pulling more of them than me and the airhorn ever could. I hope you guys are ready, because we're going to be there in about two minutes.

Taylor: We're ready.

Louisa Lem: Screw ready, we're stoked! Hey, TayTay, betcha I kill more than you even with that cheat mode thing you're rocking.

Taylor: Don't call me TayTay. It's Taylor.

Louisa Lem: Sure thing, TayTay! ;)

Alice Whi: Lois, could you please focus instead of playing stupid dominance games with the people we're trying to be allies with? It's not endearing, it just makes you look like a bitch. Taylor, if she keeps doing it you can call her Lulu. She hates it.

Louisa Lem: Okay, okay. Geeze. Lighten up, both of you. It was a joke.

Calliope: Not a funny one, Lulu. Hey, 'Lem' is short for 'Lemon', isn't it? Because Lululemon would make a perfect name for someone like you—you know, self-important white girl in yoga pants so sheer you can see the pimples on her fat ass? Hang on, I think I can change your name in my chat interface...yep! There we go. Now every message you send me will come from Lululemon.

Taylor: [Private message] Jesus, Calliope, go easy. I can fight my own battles.

Min Li: It actually is short for Lemon, Calliope. How did you know?

Calliope: Wait, really? I was totally dropping stank, I didn't think it was true. Oh, wow, that's hilarious.

Tina Morton: Girls, please. Save it for the enemy. Calliope, ETA?

Before Calliope could reply, the question was answered by the sound of Moose's excited howl echoing down the corridor. Moments later, two blue dots appeared on the edge of Taylor's minimap, immediately followed by the hallway behind them turning red as though an ocean of crimson paint were flowing through it. Or, more plausibly, an army of Vespa packed so tightly together that they exceeded the resoution of the map.

Taylor: You weren't kidding about having a lot of them on you. Be careful. Remember the plan.

Calliope: Yes, mom. Dropping the fire gel now. It's got two seconds on the timer.

A moment later, the line of red on the minimap was suddenly cut in two. The two blue dots raced on, putting more and more distance between themselves and the main mass of Vespa, but a smaller group stayed on them. Smaller or not, it was still enough to turn that segment of the map solid red.

Moose shot through the tunnel opening and continued straight across the junction without slowing down. Calliope skitched behind him, her Marston's Cord harnessed around Moose's chest and wrapped around her left wrist.


Taylor almost expected Calliope's excited cry to Doppler down as she went past, but Moose wasn't quite that fast...yet.

Jada: Hard to tell, but I'd guess the forward element is something like eighty or ninety. They'll be to you in a few seconds.

If anything, she had overestimated the time. As Taylor finished reading the message, a swarm of Vespa zoomed into the junction, hot on Calliope's heels. Each one was the size of a pony with a stinger that stuck out two feet even while retracted.

Taylor let the first one go past and then he shoved the pressure washer's sprayer out through the slit in the belly of the Vespa corpse he was hiding inside, clamped down on the trigger, and drenched the passing horror bugs in an enfilade of DNP-infused Everclear. There was a pileup as the first few ranks of Vespa went down amidst insectile shrieks of pain.

"Firenado!" Lois called from across the junction. She too was hidden inside a hollowed-out Vespa corpse.

Flame appeared in the center of the room and spun up into a vortex. Several Vespa flew into it and crashed, their wings instantly melted to nubs. The firenado started to drift from its position, moving right and forwards towards where the Vespa were coming from. It passed over many of the bugs that Taylor had downed and finished the job of killing them.

The ranged fighters of Team Valkyrie jumped up from behind the rampart of corpses they had been using for concealment and sent a barrage of missiles at the Vespa. Min's slingshot bullet fractured three feet in front of her as she activated its Split Shot power; a cone of metal fragments hit the line of Vespa from the front, tearing through eyes and wings. Unless they hit at precisely the right angle, the submunitions bounced off the armored carapace, but that was okay; anything that missed tended to simply ricochet farther down the line and hit a different target.

Alice's magical throwing daggers hit much harder, easily piercing the frontal armor of the Vespa. When they hit the head, the mob went down, instantly dead. When they hit the thorax, the mob went down with its health in the yellow and took more damage from faceplanting. The brown-haired woman wore a bandolier of eight daggers across her chest; it rotated every time she pulled one out, bringing the next one into position for easy retrieval.

Alice's sister, Marina, was firing her bow as fast as she could manage. The powerful bow sent the arrows deep inside the enemy's bodies, whereupon the arrow's power activated. It was a random effect each time; one Vespa literally froze and shattered when it hit the ground. Another exploded. A third became separated; its front half moved one foot to the left while its back half moved one foot to the right. Unfortunately, Marina only had twenty arrows in her quiver. They were indestructible and could be retrieved after the battle, but there were a lot more than twenty enemies on the field right now.

Taylor didn't have more than a moment to appreciate all that. His eyes were fixed on the firenado, which was doing a brilliant job of killing downed Vespa and some airborne ones, but was also drifting towards Taylor.

"Pull it back!" he shouted, not taking the time to use chat.

"I'm trying!" Lois called back, worry in her voice. "It isn't totally controllable!"

Taylor struggled out of the Vespa corpse as the firenado drifted slowly closer. It was wobbling back and forth like a drunk as Lois mentally struggled to pull it left, but the spell was not cooperating.

There was no time to get the pressure washer hose unthreaded from the corpse of the Vespa; he clicked the first of his remote triggers, abandoned the pressure washer, and limped away, his legs too cramped up for smooth movement after being curled inside the dead Vespa for an hour. He got out just as the firenado grazed across where he'd been before turning left, wobbling a few feet, then turning left again.

Between the pressure washer, the firenado, and the various missile weapons, the Vespa swarm had been reduced from eighty to less than twenty, five of whom were blinded and had friendly-fired several of their hivemates. Half of the survivors turned and went for Taylor, the other half went for Team Valkyrie's missile brigade.

Taylor hobbled as fast as he could, desperately watching the countdown timer running in the bottom left of his HUD. As it hit zero, he threw himself to the ground and buried his face in a sheet of moisture-proof cling wrap to protect against what was about to happen. Blobs of Vespa acid passed over his head as he dropped, some of them hitting close enough to splash him with a few drops.

The remote trigger activated the Distributor Cap that Taylor had stashed at the bottom of the pressure washer's reservoir. The Distributor Cap activated and grabbed all the liquid immediately around it, atomising it and blasting it outwards. The pressure washer channeled the blast upwards so that the insecticide mist geysered up and then spread out in a mushroom-cloud plume. Every Vespa that it brushed across went to the ground, seizures wracking its body.

Drew: Fire gel burned out. Next batch is coming through. Stop or clip?

Taylor: Stop! We're still dealing with this batch.

Tina Morton: Clip. We've got this and we need to keep it hot for the viewers.

Drew: Could I get some consensus here?!

Taylor: Fuck! Fine, clip.


Drew peeked out from inside the Vespa corpse that he and Jada were hiding within. They were eighty feet down the hall from the junction where the fighting was taking place and his minimap showed the red of solidly-packed Vespa reaching from where they were to as far out as his map showed.

Drew: Leo, there's such a thing as doing too good a job of being bait.

Calliope: What? Not my fault if they come in big groups. I could have pulled a lot more than that if I'd wanted to.

Jada: Seriously, there's easily a thousand of them. Probably more.

Calliope: What can I say? I'm thorough.

Drew ignored the byplay and watched the Vespa stream past. The battle plan had been, by necessity, fluid. The first part had gone off smoothly but this second part was the tricky one: should he stop the Vespa horde from continuing until the first batch was dealt with, or should he clip off the swarm, letting some through and stopping the rest? It would allow the main team to continue with the 'defeat in detail' strategy, but it would also require them to deal with that next detail immediately, despite not having completely cleaned up the first batch yet.

The reluctant consensus being 'clip', he waited a few seconds while the first fifty-ish Vespa streamed past. They were moving too fast for an accurate count, but that seemed like it was in the ballpark.

"Any time now," Jada whispered, her voice tight. The two of them were hanging out in the breeze here; the hall was wide, but the Vespa were passing not more than six or seven feet from where she and Drew huddled. If they were spotted they would be dead before they could react.

Drew nodded and slammed his fist into his palm. "Gravity Anvil!"

Fifteen gravities of force slammed down in a seven-meter radius. It pancaked dozens of Vespa into the floor and instantly converted them to crunchy paste. There was no visual marker for the edge of the effect; more and more Vespa crossed the invisible threshold and were instantly killed.

The Gravity Anvil spell lasted for as many seconds as the caster's Intelligence score. Calliope had, reluctantly, loaned Drew her Mutable Ring, giving him an extra 10 Intelligence and therefore raising the duration of the Anvil to 18 seconds in combination with Drew's other gear. He wasted two of those precious seconds staring in amazement at the continuous river of Vespa crashing into the boundary and being slurried. He only snapped out of it at Jada's demand to, "Move it, Romeo!"

The two of them forced the Vespa corpse off of themselves and ran for the junction where the others were still fighting. A trio of plastic tubs dropped out of Drew's inventory, their lids remaining behind so that the smoke within boiled out.

"Smoke Form," Drew said as he ran.

Behind them, the smoke coalesced into two vaguely humanoid shapes, standing in the center of the Gravity Anvil's effect. The color of the smoke shifted, becoming closer to Drew's and Jada's respective flesh tones. The smoke still billowed and swirled within the confines that Drew had laid down for it; it wouldn't even momentarily have fooled anyone with two neurons to rub together. The Vespa, fortunately, did not (metaphorically) have two neurons. They shrieked at the sight of the 'enemy' and charged forward, getting splattered the instant they crossed into the area affected by the spell.

Jada has left Team Trick Shot!

"Hate to see you leave, gorgeous," Drew gasped. Members of the caster's party were able to move freely in the midst of the Gravity Anvil, and thus it had been necessary for Jada to change affiliation briefly.

"Hey, congrats for not saying 'but I love to watch you go'," Jada laughed. "Rend!" She placed her hands together and then yanked them violently apart. Ahead, one of the flying Vespa had its head torn off.

"I would never say such a thing!" Drew said. "Marina! Set!" he shouted over to where Team Valkyrie was fighting.

Marina slung her bow around her neck just long enough to spin her arms in opposite circles, bring her hands together as though cradling a softball, and then thrust both palms forward, all the while shouting: "Star Power: Infernal Breakthrough!"

In the time it had taken Drew and Jada to run to the junction, Teams Trick Shot and Valkyrie had killed what was left of the original batch of Vespa and the majority of the new batch. The last handful were hovering in the center of the junction while firing acid blobs at whichever human caught their faceted eyes, all while flitting back and forth in avoidance of missile weapons. When Marina thrust her hands forward, the area around the surviving bugs was suddenly filled with sparks and bangs and smoke as her spell (which was in fact the prosaically-named Fireworks) triggered.

"Smoke Form!" Drew said, swirling his hands as though molding the smoke like clay. It was completely unnecessary; the smoke responded to his thought, but the hand gestures were dramatic and presumably audience-pleasing.

The smoke from the Star Power: Infernal Breakthrough (née Fireworks) spell was thick and heavy. Drew packed it into dense groups, wrapping some of it around Vespan eyes and ramming the rest up against four of the Vespas' abdomens, where lived the tracheae that, against all principles of reason or biology, served them in place of lungs. Within seconds the bugs staggered in the air, their legs twitching as they did the equivalent of gasping for air, and then they hit the ground.

"Fire in the hole!" Taylor shouted. Jada and Drew dove for cover behind one of the carefully-prepared piles of Vespa corpses as two bags of fire gel arced into the air.


The Detonator Caps triggered and piles of charcoal that had previously been Vespa crumbled to the ground.

"Fall back!" Tina called. "Everybody out! Taylor, I've got the washer, you get the missiles!"

"Gold Grabber!" Taylor cried, holding up one hand.

Dungeon coins, as it turned out, were almost pure gold with a few traces of something or other that kept it from being so soft it would scratch in the course of normal commerce. They were easy enough to melt in a propane-powered crucible.

"How the hell do you have a crucible?" Lois had demanded.

"Doesn't everyone?" Taylor asked, eyes innocently wide.

Once melted, daggers and arrows could be carefully dipped in the melted metal in order to give them a thin coating that Taylor's spell could latch onto.

Twenty arrows and seven daggers tore free of the corpses they had been embedded in and zipped across the room, hitting Taylor's upraised hand and stopping dead before falling into the plastic trash bin he had positioned there for the purpose. Once he had everything, he threw the bin into inventory and ran.


There were three more junctions that Team Valkyrie had prepared. At each junction they repeated what had come before; let a block of Vespa through while stalling the main body of the insect army for a few seconds, kill the vanguard, repeat, fall back.

Everyone in the group had plenty to contribute. Drew's Gravity Anvil had likely killed a couple hundred of the bugs. Lois's Firenado spell did for fifty more. The refilled pressure washer, still functional although much the worse for wear after its near-miss encounter with the firenado, took out easily a hundred before running dry. Calliope's Feathers Fall spell, previously regarded as useless, turned out to be anything but. It formed a cloud of feathers thick enough to block sight and apparently uncomfortable enough that the Vespa preferred to wait a few seconds for the feathers to stop falling instead of passing through it. It slowed the mobs' advance enough to let the crawlers manage.

Blue-ribbon best in show, however, went to the fine and completely non-magical art of chemistry.

The teams retreated from the first junction into a low-ceilinged hallway leading to the second pre-prepared junction. Halfway down the hall, Taylor dumped a bucket of bleach into a bucket of ammonia, then left a torch and a bag of fire gel on the floor. The oxygen fountaining out of the chemical reaction hit the torch and exploded, spreading the fire gel everywhere and feeding its flames into something so intense that Taylor needed to use Heal three times to get the blisters off his back after not running quite fast enough. The Heal spell did not regrow crisped hair, so he ended up with the anti-mullet: long-ish in the front, missing in the back.

The second junction that Team Valkyrie had prepared was significantly smaller and lower-ceilinged than the first. Once again, there was only one entrance and one exit. Tina waited at the exit while everyone else continued on to the third junction. Taylor dropped a half-full bin in the center of the room and kept going without slowing down. The moment he was through the exit, Tina dropped a pre-prepared barricade and Taylor helped her duct-tape some plastic sheeting across it to produce an approximately airtight seal. The moment that was done, the two of them fled.

The bin that Taylor had left behind contained his remaining stock of bleach and ammonia, several gallons of each. By the time the Vespa army arrived, the junction was filled with enough chloramine gas to kill scores before one of them managed to tear the barricade aside and resume the chase.

The third and final junction was small, an oblique encounter between only two hallways, and adjacent to a critical location. Both teams had posted up at the entrance, weapons ready, everyone looking anxious until their leaders arrived.

"Good to see you guys," Jada said. "Romeo here has been regaling me with plans for the dates he'd like to take me on."

Taylor: You okay, Drew?

Drew: Yeah, pretty much. Actually, let's just go with 'yeah'. It's been fun flirting when I know that it's just for fun and not going anywhere, plus I even get prompts from the lady in question. Although I still can't believe she told me to start off with 'so, do you wanna fuck or should I apologize?'

"Good to be seen," Taylor panted, leaning over with his hands on his thighs as he struggled to catch his breath. "As many as we've killed, they still reach all the way to the end of my minimap. Calliope, you way overdid it."

Taylor: She what now?

Drew: She said it was a line she'd read somewhere and thought it was hilarious. She's always hoped that some guy would have the stones to use it for real.

"Taunting, it is my art," Calliope said primly. "You wouldn't expect Picasso to leave a painting half-finished, would you?"

Taylor: ...That is a very odd woman that you are fake-romancing.

Drew: I know, right? Cute, too. Glad she's the one who volunteered to be fake-romanced.

"Nah," Lois said, spinning her warhammer around its long axis and then balancing it with the handle on her palm. "You did good, honey. Haven't had this much fun since we got here."

"I say we go with Sunny Butch right from the jump," Taylor said.

Tina grimaced. "I still say that's a bad name. You do know how the movie ends, right? Butch and Sundance get riddled with bullets."

"Hey!" Calliope said. "Spoilers! I haven't seen it."

"It's from 1969," Tina said. "That's probably before your mother was born. Statute of limitations on spoilers is up."

"Whatever we call it, I say it's the plan," Taylor said. "Objections?" He looked around at the two gathered teams. Some looks were exchanged, but no objections were raised.

"Cool," he said. "Let's get into the exit. We'll give them one last volley, then the kiss off."

"If we're going with plan Sunny Butch then I want to try the Ginsu Glide before the kiss off," Calliope said. She held out her hand to Drew. "Gimme my ring back, Uncle Drew. I need the mana points."

Taylor rubbed his eyes. He absolutely hated everything about the Ginsu Glide play. Not just the ridiculous name that Calliope insisted on, not just the way it left Calliope and someone else in an exposed position for far too long, not just the fact that it meant she was separated from the rest of the group and therefore they couldn't retreat without abandoning her, not just the fact that if she got the timing even slightly wrong then both she and her assistant would probably die. He hated every aspect of it. Still, he could tell that arguing with Calliope wasn't going to work; she had that set to her jaw that said she wasn't going to be convinced. Besides, there was no time to argue; he could already hear the buzzing of onrushing Vespa. Apparently the chloramine had dispersed or been absorbed enough that it was no longer a barrier and thus the enemy army was advancing again.

Of course, the thing he really hated was that Calliope's stupid plan would probably be extremely effective and that this was the perfect situation for it.

"Fine," he said. "I'll be the porter. Leo, grab your board and let's get into position. Moose, Drew, go wait by the exit. Ladies, could you spread this stuff around?" He started dropping things out of his inventory. "Uh, be careful with that one. Probably best to keep it in inventory while you're moving it."

Min, who had been in the process of picking up the indicated plastic tub, froze. She looked at Taylor for a second, then lifted the container very carefully and slipped it into her inventory.

"Center of the room would be good for that one," Taylor suggested. Min nodded and moved off.


Taylor watched his minimap nervously. The Vespa were clearly in a rage; they were coming down the hall faster than ever and they were still in numbers high enough that their entire section of the map was red.

"Go," Calliope said, raising her skateboard with both hands.

Taylor straightened up, taking a firm grip on Calliope's legs so that she didn't fall off of his shoulders as he moved. He took a breath and started jogging.

Two steps later, he lurched to the side as Calliope was suddenly pulled to his right. He caught his balance, tightened his grip on her legs, and moved quickly across the mouth of the hallway which the Vespa were three seconds away from.

"Bustin' shins / for the win! / for your sins / gonna bust those shins!" Calliope chanted as Taylor jogged.

He completed the pass across the hallway and turned to run towards where the rest of the teams waited behind a trio of steel barricades at the far end of the room.

"You do not...have a career...in rap!" he panted.

She laughed and wiggled until he let her slip down off his shoulders and onto her board.

"Grab on," she said, stretching one hand out to him. He did, holding wrist-and-wrist for security. She tilted gravity for herself, accelerating and helping pull him along.

They were halfway to the barricades when the murder wasps came in sight. Their buzzing rose to a crescendo and they lunged down the last bit of corridor and into the junction, clearly intending to get inside, rip the heads off their mammal tormentors, and drink deep from said tormentors' life fluids as though enjoying a nice Chianti and some fava beans.

This was when the Vespa learned the nature of Calliope's 'Ginsu Glide' tactic.

The Shin Breaker spell creates a low wall of force, 30 centimeters high, 1 centimeter wide, and, given Calliope's current stats, 540 centimeters long. The wall was always in contact with the ground and always vertical, which greatly reduced its utility.

Unless, of course, you had the ability to shift gravity around and could thus freely redefine 'down' and, by implication, 'the ground' and 'vertical'.

While Taylor carried her past the mouth of the hallway, Calliope had turned gravity so that her version of 'down' was towards the wall. She had laid down six separate Shin Breakers across the mouth of the tunnel, placing them like vertical and invisible prison bars.

The leading pair of Vespa slammed into the Shin Breaker bars and had their heads caved in. The Vespa in the second rank, not knowing what had happened and flying too close to stop, slammed into the leading Vespa and forced them forward, driving the bars deeper into them. The Vespa in the third rank slammed into the ones in the second rank, forcing them forward...

Given the mass and speed of the Vespa, the Shin Breaker spells worked like dull knives. Slices of Vespa came through the bars along with a geyser of bug guts and blood-analog. The destruction continued, rank after rank of Vespa being crushed and then forced through the bars, until the spell timed out, 15 seconds after casting.

Several dozen Vespa died, yet there were still hundreds behind them—some that Calliope had attracted but far more than had been drawn in by the sounds of combat and the pheromone stench of dead Vespa. Those survivors burst into the junction, determined to finally have their vengeance—

—and discovered that there was a reason the humans had posted up here: this junction contained a stairway to the third floor.

"Tricked you, motherfuckers!" Taylor shouted, clicking the remote trigger and then hurling it so that it bounced off the head of the closest Vespa. While it was still in midair, he turned and ran down the stairs.

Just as he touched the door to the third floor and felt himself vanish into the sparkles of teleportation, the trigger activated and every scrap of explosive and incendiary substance he owned went up. The room above, the hallway, and the previous junction instantly turned into a hellish inferno; hundreds of Vespa were wiped away by the hand of a wrathful fire god, dying so fast that they didn't even have time to scream.
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damnnnnnnnnnnn that's a lot of carnage

also, the faux flirting was oddly cute 👀
mfw they catch real feelings and then die

Also this is evidence for my theory that as long as a plan sounds sufficiently fun it will probably mostly work. We got our big boom, and if that doesn't make the recap I don't know what will.
Chapter 22: Drew Enters the Race
Chapter 22: Drew Enters the Race

Taylor reappeared, head swiveling frantically to be sure that his friends had made it out ahead of him. They had; Drew, Calliope, and Moose were all present. Of Team Valkyrie there was no sign, but they had gone down with the others so hopefully they had simply appeared elsewhere.

Thankfully, appearing on the third floor had been equivalent to a thorough bath; all four members of Team Trick Shot were scrubbed and shiny, their clothes stain-free and neatly pressed. Taylor's teeth felt dentist-fresh and Moose's fur was straight-from-the-groomer floofy and brushed.

The stairs let out into a circular atrium, perhaps forty feet wide, with a corridor leading off to the left. The floor and walls were black marble shot through with flecks of gold that seemed to be sunk into the surface, making Taylor feel as though he were walking through the night sky. There was no ceiling; the walls towered fifty feet up and blue sky was visible above, a few wispy clouds drifting slowly by. A bird soared past, something gull-like and white.

"Wow," Calliope said, looking around. "This is something."

Drew was staring up at the far-off sky in awe. "Aren't we still underground?"

Taylor pulled a small crescent wrench out of his inventory and hurled it up as hard as he could. It tinked off an invisible ceiling thirty feet up.

"Really good illusion," Drew said. "Still, feels good to see sky, even if it's not real. Didn't realize how tired I was getting of tunnels."

"Teetee," Calliope said, also staring wistfully up.

"Come on," Taylor said, tearing his eyes away from the sight. It felt like balm on a wound to his soul that he hadn't realized he was carrying, but it was ultimately a lie. "We're burning time and I'm stoked to see what classes and races they've got for us. Personally, I want to be a dragon." He picked up the crescent wrench and dropped it into his inventory, then moved for the exit with his yo-yo spinning in lazy circles so as to be ready for ambush. Two steps later, he thought to check the critical information: the party's social numbers.

Turns out, baiting in and destroying a literal army of murder wasps by means of fire and explosions and toxic gas was good for drawing audience attention. It was also good for experience.

Crawler #5: Taylor
Level 15
Race: Human
Class: Not yet assigned

Views: 3.7 Trillion
Followers: 1.4 Trillion
Favorites: 881 Billion

Crawler #7: Calliope
Level 14
Race: Human
Class: Not yet assigned

Views: 3.1 Trillion
Followers: 1.4 Trillion
Favorites: 762 Billion

Crawler #12: Drew
Level 14
Race: Human
Class: Not yet assigned

Views: 2.2 Trillion
Followers: 932 Billion
Favorites: 461 Billion

Crawler #6: Moose
Level 16
Race: Dog (Tibetan Mastiff/Rottweiler/Golden Retriever)
Class: Pet

Views: 5.2 Trillion
Followers: 2.9 Trillion
Favorites: 2.1 Trillion

"You want to be a dragon?" Calliope demanded. "Forget that, Unc. That's tired and lame. I want to be like Shiva, all arms and blue skin and awesome. How about you, Uncle Drew?" She 'strolled' alongside Taylor, trying to look relaxed, but her sword was drawn and leaned casually back on her shoulder.

"Hm...I'm thinking little and cute," Drew said. "Like a Mogwai, but with a crazy high strength so I can punt people. It would be hilarious." He was using his bident as a walking stick and doing a better job of looking relaxed than the others.

"What about Moose?" Calliope asked. "Do you think they'll give him a chance to change?"

Taylor smiled fondly and rubbed his friend's fuzzy shoulder. "Why would he want to? He's the best boy ev—gack!" He wiped the dog slobber off his face with one sleeve while a happy Moose doggy-laughed at him.

Despite Taylor's fears, there was no ambush. The corridor went straight for twenty feet, then turned right and became something more like an alley, open at the top to show sky and sun. At the end of the alley was a door, birdseye maple and varnished until it shone, with brass fittings that gleamed in the light of the illusionary sun. In front of the door was Levi.

The massive rabbit-manatee-man was wearing a tuxedo with tails, a top hat with holes cut in it for his eyestalks and ears, and white fingerless gloves that reached above his elbows.

"Greetings," he called, his voice formal and stilted. "Welcome to the third floor, and to your path selection. Please, come in." He gestured to the door.

The team moved forward, trying to look relaxed as Omusa had said they should. Despite that, their steps were cautious, the prowl of predators on the alert; this situation was unfamiliar and felt off, and in the dungeon 'unfamiliar and feels off' was usually a prelude to violence.

Despite their wariness, nothing happened. Levi stood aside to let them into the familiar tutorial guild and then followed them, closing the door behind himself.

"Oh, thank the Lady," he said, pulling off his hat and tossing it onto a hat rack. "Goddess, I hate this stupid outfit. It binds and pulls my fur, but the showrunners insist that we wear formals when we greet arriving crawlers because views tend to be high right as race and class selection are starting." He peeled the gloves off and threw them at the hat rack without looking (they missed and crumpled to the floor) and started peeling off the tuxedo pants.

"Personally, I'm stoked," Calliope said. "What's the word? How does this go?"

"The word," Levi said, grunting and hopping a bit as he got the pants off over one massive foot, "is that you're going to choose a race and a class from a list of options. The options are tailored to each of you depending on who you are and what you've done, although there are always some standard options available to everyone. Once everyone has made their choices, you'll all be transformed. If you chose a new race, you'll turn into one of them. If you decide to stay your current race, which about 80% of crawlers do, then you'll get a touch-up—more attractive, fix any health issues or genetic abnormalities, whiten your teeth, that kind of thing. Once you're done with that, I'll announce you to the fans and you'll be on your way. Oh, and no one except the showrunners can see you while you're doing selection, for whatever that's worth."

He finished peeling out of his formalwear and crossed the room with a bound so that he could drop into his favorite armchair with a sigh of contentment. "A few things to know: first, now that the training floors are over—"

"Training floors?!" Calliope yelped.

"Yes, training floors. Hush. And sit down, my mother always taught me that it was rude to sit while your guests are standing and I've been standing out there for three hours, so I really want to sit." He waited to continue his briefing until the party had taken their places. (Calliope was forced to sit in an armchair because Moose insisted on floomping his head in Taylor's lap, thereby taking up three-quarters of the couch.)

"Now, as I was saying," Levi continued, "you're done with the traditional dungeon motif, at least for a while. The factor-three floors—the ones divisible by three—are always at least partially open-world, meaning that you can move around under what looks like open sky." He shrugged. "Well, I know it's true of the third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth floors. I'm guessing that the fifteenth and eighteenth are included, although no one knows for sure since only the giga-rich get to go there.

"Those floors are part of a storyline within the crawl. Supposedly we're on top of a volcano right now and there's a creature named Scolopendra lairing down on the eighteenth floor. Some indeterminate time ago she unleashed 'the nine-tier attack', which devastated all six floors—remember, in this story only the factor-three floors exist.

"The third floor, where you are now, is called the Overcity. It's a collection of towns and cities connected by roads, with huge expanses of ruins scattered about. You'll be under open sky and you'll need to worry about weather. The dominant species this season appears to be skyfowl—humanoid birds about the size of a human—with other sapients serving as an underclass. Skyfowl are territorial and xenophobic, so keep that in mind. They also tend to have strong magic users and dangerous high-mobility fighters.

"Oh, I forgot to offer refreshments." He waved a paw and suddenly the coffee table in front of the couch, and the end tables that bracketed the armchairs, were loaded down with teapots, tiny pitchers of cream, bone-china sugar bowls, and high-piled plates of fancy cheeses, hoity-toity crackers, and sliced fruits and vegetables.

Calliope's eyes lit up. Ever the starving teenager, she hurried to snag a trio of dainty sandwiches with the crusts cut off, five of the teeny slices of watermelon, and a bowl of warm mixed nuts. Drew and Taylor smiled at her enthusiasm and took more modest servings of their own.

"The sixth floor is called the Hunting Grounds," Levi continued, serving himself a plate of raw vegetables and nibbling on a carrot. "People from out in the galaxy pay money to come here so they can hunt and kill crawlers." He raised a hand, preempting Calliope. "It's wrong, it's evil, and it's reality. Accept it."

Calliope nodded and didn't interrupt.

"The good news, to the extent that there is any," Levi continued, "is that the crawlers can hunt and kill the hunters. They aren't protected and if you kill them then they are dead-dead, for real and permanently dead. When I was a crawler I killed nine of the bastards. It was delightful." His smile was remarkably predatory for a body that was based on two kinds of herbivore; for a pair of seconds he visibly reveled in the memories, but then he shook them away and came back to the present.

"The ninth floor is the faction wars. It's a giant wargame, where the different alien corporations and nations bring armies into the dungeon so they can fight each other. Crawlers can die but the aliens can't; if something happens that would kill them then the AI simply teleports them out of the dungeon. They can't come back, but the assholes get to keep on breathing perfectly good air that someone who isn't an asshole could be using. My advice? Get off the ninth floor the second you find a staircase, even if that means waiting in stasis for weeks.

"The twelfth floor is the Celestial Ascendancy. I didn't get there, but my understanding is that it's something like a reality show where gods vote each other off the island until one of them gets chosen to be the prettiest princess with the nicest hair. Except the voting happens with axes and fireballs. Anyway, the aliens can buy sponsorships to be a god for a season, which means they get to roam around the dungeon in the body of that god, using all its powers and getting crawlers to kiss their butts in exchange for favors. You aren't too likely to run into a god before the twelfth floor, but if you do then I've got one piece of advice: run. Gods are completely invulnerable before the twelfth floor, their power level is insane, and the aliens who pay to ride them tend to be violent, narcissistic jerks who will kill you rather than look at you."

Levi shifted slightly in his chair and nibbled his sliced cucumber sticks for a moment. "Now, I'm telling you all this because this is likely to be our last long sit-down together. I'm going to be here for the rest of the floor and I'll help you with selection and do the normal tutorial guide stuff for the rest of this floor, but after that you're on your own. No tutorial guides from the fourth floor on, I'm afraid. Also, I've got some very strict rules about what I can and can't tell you during selection. They're complicated and restrictive, but I'll help as much as I can.

"The AI will present you with a list of races and classes, probably a couple hundred of each," he said. "It will offer three suggestions. The suggestions are always good picks in purely mechanical terms but the AI doesn't take socials into account."

"Turning into a giant slime monster might make you a powerful fighter but you'd be so ugly you'd lose all your followers?" Taylor guessed.


"Dude, who wants to be a slime monster?" Drew asked, shuddering. He sipped at his tea.

Levi shrugged. "No argument from me, but you might change your mind if it gave you...I dunno, massive damage bonuses and the ability to teleport at will."

"Is there such a thing as a teleporting slime monster?" Taylor asked, curious.

"Nah, I was making up an example." Levi served himself a cup of tea, sipping while he thought. "Let's see...oh, right. Like I said, there will probably be a couple hundred options on the list. We'll read through every single one of them, but my expectation is that you'll be able to winnow them down to a dozen or so without much trouble. Regardless, this isn't going to be a fast process. This is probably the most important set of choices you'll make while in the dungeon and I want you to think it through carefully. Expect that it's going to take several hours for each of you, and don't get impatient. Whoever is choosing needs to finish their choices and lock them in before we can move on to the next person, but take your time. If you need to take a break before continuing, maybe even catch a nap, for the sake of Her Grace, do that instead of hurrying. For the duration of selection, this room has a bathroom and a bunkroom attached to it so that you can take care of biological needs. Whatever you do, don't rush each other. Got it?" He gave each of them a gimlet stare and waited until he got an acknowledging nod before he continued.

"Now, important thing to know: Some of the races will say that they unlock Earth-exclusive classes. Those classes are usually better than the standard ones. Usually. Sometimes these classes are really good, sometimes they're schmuck bait. Either way, there's usually an incentive to pick them, something like a Gold box and a couple stat points. That sounds very good, but remember that a good race and class choice is much more important than one Gold box. Don't let the reward influence you too much.

"Okay, enough yakking!" he said, clapping his paws on his thighs in excitement. "On to the fun part. Eeny, meeny, miney, moe...Drew, we'll start with you." He pointed and a holographic screen appeared in midair.

Crawler #12. "Drew"
Race: Human
Class: Not yet assigned

Race options:

  • Gravity Elemental
  • Pixie
  • Tir Inqua
  • +217 more...
"Wow," Drew said. "You weren't kidding about lots of options."

"Yup," Levi said. "Let's do this."


It took four hours to read through every single race option. At the end of that time, as Levi had predicted, Drew had pared the list down to something manageable. Levi forced everyone to eat, use the bathroom, drink some water, and spend five minutes stretching and moving around before letting them start discussing the final choices.

Race: Akovishan
  • Intelligence +3
  • Dexterity +5
  • The Spider Limbed benefit
  • The Spider Climb benefit
  • The Spider Eyed benefit
  • +8 to the Chitinous Armor skill
  • +5 to the Dodge skill
  • +5 to the Unarmed Combat skill
  • +5 to the Powerful Strike skill
  • +5 to the Webweaver skill
  • Akovishan silk runes are unlocked
  • Note: Choosing this race unlocks an exclusive Earth-based class
  • Disadvantage: Base Charisma is set to 3. It can be increased only by divine intervention, meaning not through stat points, equipment, spells, etc
  • Disadvantage: You cannot wear anything heavier than cloth or jewelry. In particular, no armor. A lot of regular clothing won't work either
  • Disadvantage: The feet are gross. Ew, ew, ew. Not that you care
Benefit: Spider Limbed
You have eight clawed walking legs and two manipulator appendages. Your legs are covered in fine hairs that detect air currents and vibration.

Benefit: Spider Climb
You can walk on walls and ceilings more or less as easily as flat ground. Gravity remains the same, so tuck your shirt in...oh wait! You can't wear shirts!

Benefit: Spider Eyed
You have eight eyes, pointing in slightly different directions, giving you a nearly 360-degree field of vision. You can see the visible spectrum plus ultraviolet.

Skill: Unarmed Combat
Your damage is increased by 25% per skill level when you are not wielding a weapon.

Skill: Powerful Strike
Your damage is multipled by (Skill Level) when you are not wielding a weapon.

Skill: Webweaver
You can literally pull silk out of your butt! Sticky or smooth, thin or thick, blah blah weave webs and nets, blah blah amazing blah stronger than steel blah. Seriously, you've read a textbook on spider biology at some point, right? It's like that. Wait, you haven't? Sucks to be you, you uneducated nimrod! I guess you'll just have to figure it out for yourself.

"It's a powerful race as far as abilities go," Levi said. "Wall walking, extra senses, silk for making ropes and nets and bridges, all good stuff. I don't know the details of the silk runes except that they're a second magic system divorced from the dungeon's normal system. They don't use mana and you can experiment to discover new 'spells' instead of having to find spellbooks or whatever.

"On the other hand, viewers tend to either love these guys or hate them, so it's hard to predict what it will do to your social numbers. The gear limitations are also an issue; no toes means no toe ring slots, only six fingers means only six ring slots. You won't be able to wear most shirts and lower-body clothes are hit or miss. The inability to wear armor...that one depends on your build. If you're a tank, it's crippling. If you're dodge-based then it's fantastic because Chitinous Armor doesn't slow you down and it's extremely effective once it's boosted high enough. Of course, the only way to train it is to get hit, or to use expensive potions and such."

Race: Aterby
These guys are decent all-arounders, suitable for ass-dragging crawlers who haven't developed a particular style yet. Most people, they've been focusing on punching, or stabbing, or casting, or whatever, and so I know what to recommend. Then there's the people who choose this.

Aterbies are 180-centimeter anthropomorphic skunks with thick fur, sunken eyes, and serious claws on their feet.

  • +1 to all base stats
  • +5 to the Stinky Butt skill
  • +5% Cold Resistance
Skill: Stinky Butt
Cooldown: 60 - (Skill Level) seconds

Your ass is a weapon! You may spray a foul musk at your enemies. If they fail their save they will receive the following debuffs: Queasy, Blind, and Nose Blind. Maximum area affected, duration, effectiveness, and cooldown depend on the level of the skill. Obviously, you can't have anything over your butthole if you want to use this, but the fur will keep you from getting on the censors' naughty list. Of course, it also means the musk will get caught in the fur and you'll stink to high heaven but what can you do?

"That's an extremely powerful skill at high levels," Levi noted. "It's got some downsides, like the part about you smelling bad, but it can absolutely wreck even higher level mobs. Better yet, it doesn't affect your party members. They'll smell a foul odor but it's not as bad as what the mobs get and it won't inflict debuffs on them."

Race: Catkin
Did you honestly think we were going to have a fantasy-themed game without the option to be a catgirl? Please.

  • +3 to Dexterity
  • +5% cold resistance
  • Enhanced senses
  • +1 to the Stealth skill
  • +1 to the Climbing skill due to claws
  • +5% damage to bare-handed fist attacks due to claws
  • Other benefits dependent on randomly-chosen subspecies
  • Note: Choosing this race unlocks multiple exclusive Earth-based classes
You will become a furred, clawed, mobile-eared humanoid cat. Upon choosing this race you will be assigned a randomly-selected subspecies. All Catkin are decent at both combat and stealth work, but different subspecies go well beyond that in one area or another. Tigrans are big, strong, and tough, allowing them to body most enemies of their level. Cheetarans can use bursts of super speed. Who knows what you'll get?

"This one's a gamble," Levi said. "There are some extremely powerful catkin subspecies and there are some very mediocre ones. If the AI likes you and you get lucky on the choice then you'll be sitting pretty, if not then you gave up the chance to get a better race. One thing I will note is that catkin tend to be popular with the audience." He cleared his throat. "Although some of that popularity is a bit...carnal. If you ever get a PR rep or buy the social media upgrades for a personal space, you might want to think carefully before asking to see what people are saying and sensestreaming about you."

Race: Cygnan
Humanoid swans with long necks and wings that have hands mounted on the leading edge of the highest point.

  • -1 Constitution
  • +4 Charisma
  • The Flight benefit
  • +5 to the Golden Layer skill
  • A Club Vanquisher pass
  • Note: Choosing this race unlocks multiple exclusive Earth-based classes
Skill: Golden Layer
Once every (50 - Character Level) hours (minimum of 3), you may lay an egg made of solid gold. Size of the egg is dependent on skill level. This skill cannot be trained. This skill automatically increases by 1 each time you descend to a new floor.
Race: Dryad
A race of shy forest spirits, dryads are normally portrayed as female in Earth mythology. In the dungeon, they will match your gender identity.

  • +3 Charisma
  • The Forestwalk benefit
  • You may animate and control one plant within 50 meters of you, although the plant cannot uproot itself in order to travel. Duration: 30 minutes. Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • +3 to the Plant Travel skill
  • +3 to the exclusive Mystic Plant Growth spell
  • +3 to the Senses of the Forest Mother skill
  • Plants for your library: oak tree, blackberry thicket
  • Note: Choosing this race unlocks multiple exclusive Earth-based classes
Benefit: Forestwalk
In a forest environment you may choose to move completely silently and/or leave no tracks and/or have yourself, your clothes, and your equipped gear receive high-quality camoflage. Functions as a level 15 Climbing skill when climbing plants.

Skill: Plant Travel
You may merge yourself into any plant of approppriate size. You may then step out of that plant or any other appropriately-sized plant within (5 x Skill Level) meters, without crossing the intervening space. 'Appropriate size' depends on skill level; at level 1 it requires a plant large enough to physically contain you, while at level 15 any plant large enough to see with the naked eye will do.

Spell: Mystic Plant Growth
Cost: 5 MP
Range: (Skill Level)x3 meters

Whenever you touch a plant, that species of plant is added to your library. When you use this spell, a plant of your choice from your library grows from the target location. Full maturity requires 30-(Skill Level x 2) seconds (minimum of 0.1 seconds), although you may stop the growth early or grow the plant more slowly if you wish. If target location lacks a biome appropriate for growing plants of that type then the growth will be fueled from your health. 'Appropriate' means the presence of appropriate plant food (soil, compost, etc), water, enough space, and the place isn't on fire or bathed in acid or whatever. Not all locations are valid targets. Living creatures are not valid targets.

Skill: Senses of the Forest Mother
Range: (Skill Level)x10 meters

A skill-based version of the Plant Awareness spell. By concentrating, you may receive full-sensory data from any desired set of plants that you have in your library and are within range. The clarity of the data depends on your skill level.
Race: Entan
Entans are bark-skinned humanoid trees with six lower arms radially distributed around the body. The arms look like thick branches ending in hands. The upper portion trails off into a mass of constantly-rustling leaves of gold, silver, and steel.

  • +5 to Strength
  • +10 to Constitution
  • Six arms/hands with six fingers each: You may wear up to 36 rings
  • +4 to the Razor Grapple skill
  • +3 to the Regeneration skill
  • Plant-based mobs, forest mobs, and various other nature-themed mobs will start off non-hostile and positively inclined towards you
  • Disadvantage: Movement speed is reduced by 10%
  • Disadvantage: Fire damage is doubled.
Skill: Razor Grapple
If you can catch an enemy in your upper branches you can slow or immobilize them and also deal damage from your razor-sharp leaves.
Race: Gravity Elemental
Your final appearance will be a hyperidealized version of yourself.

  • +8 Strength
  • +5 Constitution
  • +5 to the Gravitic Sensing skill
  • The Gravitic Frame Bending benefit
  • +2 to the Gravitic Redirection spell
  • +2 to the Gravity's Grasp spell
  • All gravity-related spells cost 50% less mana, rounded down
  • You do not need to breathe or eat
  • Disadvantage: You lose the ability to see, taste, and smell.
Skill: Gravitic Sensing
You perceive objects through their gravitational effects. This sense is spherical and not obstructed by physical objects. Resolution depends on distance, density, and skill level. At level 5 and within 1 meter you can resolve down to the micrometer level for anything with a density equal to or greater than that of water.

Benefit: Gravitic Frame Bending
The no-cost, souped-up version of the Gravity Resurfacing spell. You may redirect your personal gravity so that 'down' is towards any solid surface within 10 meters, allowing you to travel on or fall towards walls and ceilings.

Spell: Gravity Redirection
Cost: 5 MP (after discount)
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Duration: (Intelligence) x 3 seconds
Range: (Spell Level) x 10 meters
AOE: A sphere from 1 to (Spell Level) meters in diameter around the chosen point

In the affected area, gravity points in whatever direction you choose and may be freely changed throughout the duration of the spell. Creatures within the affected area may attempt to resist the effect, with a chance of success based on their character level and the level of this spell.

Spell: Gravity's Grasp
Cost: 5 MP (after discount)
Duration: (Intelligence)x5 seconds
Range: (Spell Level) x 2 meters
AOE: A sphere (Spell Level) meters in diameter around the chosen point

Within the area of effect, gravity is increased by 30% per spell level. Creatures will be killed, immobilized, slowed, or unaffected based on gravity strength as compared to their stats and character level. Caster is unaffected. Does not stack.
Race: Human
You're already a human. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you don't need a description. If you choose this, you'll get a physical touch-up and these racial benefits:

  • +2 to all base stats
  • Adaptability. +2% faster skill progression
  • Note: Choosing this race unlocks multiple exclusive Earth-based classes
Race: Kinnar
What do you get when a human gets freaky with an emu? One seriously f'd up sensie that goes instantly viral!

Kinnar are a type of centaur, having the head, torso, and arms of a human stuck onto the body of an emu with feathers colored gold and blue and green. Their legs are long and equipped with wicked claws.

  • +1 Strength
  • +1 Intelligence
  • +3 Charisma
  • Another +3 Charisma, but only with winged mobs
  • +25% damage to all attacks that originate below the waist
  • Running speed is doubled
  • Winged mobs will no longer be automatically hostile to you
  • The Flight benefit
  • Falling damage will not reduce your health below 10% so long as you can control your wings
Race: Kitsune
The Naruto weebs are gonna cream themselves when they see this choice!

Kitsune are trickster fox spirits with one to nine tails depending on their power level. They can shapeshift into the form of attractive young women.

  • Shapeshift (fox to human or vice versa; 5 minute cooldown)
  • +2 Intelligence
  • +2 Dexterity
  • +2 Charisma
  • +2 to the Dodge skill
  • +2 to the Hide in Shadows skill
  • +2 to the Move Quietly skill
  • +1 to the Clairvoyance spell
  • +3 to the Distant Poison spell (after reaching level 30)
  • +5 to the Possession spell (after reaching level 50)
  • Note: Choosing this race unlocks multiple exclusive Earth-based classes
"Note that quadrupeds have a slightly different interface from humans," Levi said. "In fox form you'll still be able to open doors, light torches, that sort of thing. Also, you'll be able to loot corpses without touching them, although you'll need to be within a few feet."

Spell: Clairvoyance
Cost: 10 MP
Duration: 60 + (Intelligence) seconds
Range: (Spell Level) x 20 meters
AOE: Radius of 5 meters per spell level Creates an invisible eye that you can see through. The eye appears at your current location. The eye has a completely spherical field of view but can only see things within the area of effect. It has greater visual acuity than normal vision, allowing it to better detect hidden items and entities. Your minimap updates based on the information seen by the eye. By concentrating you can move the eye at a speed of 5 kph, although it must remain within range or the spell ends. You will always know the distance and position of the eye relative to yourself. It can be relocated to your current position instantly. The eye is intangible and can move through solid objects.

Spell: Distant Poison
Cost: 10 MP
Cooldown: 1 minute
Duration: 30 seconds per level
Range: 10 + (Spell Level) meters
Target: One red-tagged mob
If successful, the targeted mob receives the 'Poisoned' debuff and will take damage over time. This effect stacks. Requires that you have seen the mob.

Spell: Possession
Cost: 20 MP
Cooldown: 10
Range: 3 x (Spell Level) meters, requires LOS
Target: One red-tagged mob
Duration: (Charisma)/2 minutes
If successful, you take control of the target's body. You can switch your mental location between your own body and the possessed body or vice versa once every 5 seconds. You can control whichever body you are in, using its senses and abilities as if they were your own. The other body will stand still and do nothing until you return to it. If the possessed body is killed while your mind is inside it, you are thrown back to your own body. If your own body is killed, you're dead.
Race: Pixie
Be glad I didn't give you the 'dies if not believed in' downside!

These guys are straight out of a Disney movie: adorable little glowing humans with wings, 4-6" tall.

  • -5 Constitution (minimum of 2)
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +8 Dexterity
  • The Darting Flight benefit
  • Your mana regeneration rate is tripled
  • +5 to the Dodge skill
  • +5 to the Move Silently skill
  • Enhanced senses
  • Grant the Flight benefit to up to 3 other entities within 2 meters of you. Effect lasts for 1 hour. 30 hour cooldown
  • Disadvantage: The Hide in Shadows skill cannot be used
  • Disadvantage: Cannot equip medium or large weapons and armor
Benefit: Darting Flight
You make hummingbirds look clumsy. You turn on a tiny piece of a dime and cover short distances faster than Florida Man heading for his meth dealer. The only issue is that your endurance isn't great, so long-distance travel isn't your forte. Also, you'll need a lot of calories.
Race: Primal
For the first several seasons of Dungeon Crawler World, all contestants started off as Primals. Primals are blank slates; they start with no particular advantage but they can grow in any direction. Since no one knows what the actual Primals looked like, you will look like a touched-up version of yourself.

  • All skills are unlocked
  • All trainable skills and spells may be trained to level 20
  • Note: Choosing this race unlocks multiple exclusive Earth-based classes
  • Note: Choosing this race removes all requirements from Earth-based classes, aside from stat and social minimums
  • Disadvantage: -1 to all base stats
Race: Scion of the Zree
These guys are freaky weird. They're a eusocial species that actually has enough brains to regard others as something more than food and/or enemies. As a way of adding to the knowledge and power of the hive, they send their kids out into the universe to learn and forge connections with other species. Problem is, their young are massive uggos and they tend to be completely lacking in gorm, which makes them absolute shit as ambassadors. The royals know that, so an advisor is always sent with them to keep them from tripping over their own shoelaces. (No, they don't wear shoes; it's a metaphor, idiot.) Eventually, after they have learned and grown enough, they will metamorphose into their adult form...except there is no adult form of the Zree. They copy the appearance and dietary habits of a race that they want to form closer ties to. Their family dinner table looks friggin' gross, with bowls of curry next to piles of flies and plates of rotting moss. Also, how can you trust anything with no feet?

This rare and exclusive race is only available to crawlers who have a royal or imperial member in their family history within the past 1,000 years. Which isn't that much of a restriction, since your royals and imperials were a conquering, raping bunch and therefore most humans can trace themselves back to someone who qualifies.

Juvenile members of this race look vaguely like massive worms with arms, where the worm has soaked up too much rainwater. They're roughly 60 centimeters thick, 2 meters long, corpse-white, squidgy, and covered in a thin layer of mucus. Their hands have three fingers and a thumb. They have no neck or face, nor visible sensory organs.

Adult members of this race look like members of whatever species they decide to metamorphose into.

Scion of the Zree

  • -2 Strength
  • -2 Intelligence
  • -2 Constitution
  • -2 Dexterity
  • Charisma is set to 3 and may not be raised
  • Omnidirectional vision
  • The Manager benefit
  • Membership in the royal line of succession for the Zree Polity
  • A weekly stipend of 25,000 gold pieces
  • The Zreean Royal Metamorphosis benefit, usable only once and only after achieving required stat minimums
  • Disadvantage: XP awards are reduced by 5%
  • Disadvantage: Movement rate is reduced by 30%
  • Disadvantage: Diminished senses
  • Disadvantage: Fragile skin. All injuries except for fire or acid damage inflict the Bleed debuff. Debuff will expire after inflicting as much damage as the original injury. This debuff stacks
  • Disadvantage: Vulnerability to fire. Fire damage is increased by 50%, although burns do not inflict the Bleed debuff
  • Disadvantage: Morphology prevents use of many magic items due to absence of appropriate equipment slots (e.g., no toes for toe rings, no legs for trousers, etc). Six fingers and two thumbs means only eight ring slots
  • Note: Upon choosing this race, you have the option of commiting to choosing 'human' as the species of your final form. If you do, multiple exclusive Earth-based classes are unlocked. You will not be able to go back on this commitment
Adult Royal Zree

  • Stat penalties to Strength, Intelligence, Constitution, and Dexterity are removed
  • Charisma reduction and cap are removed, returning base Charisma to what it would have been without the reduction
  • +8 Strength
  • +8 Intelligence
  • +5 Constitution
  • +5 Dexterity
  • +10 Charisma
  • XP penalty disadvantage is removed
  • 'Diminished Senses' disadvantage is removed
  • 'Fragile Skin' disadvantage is removed unless possessed by the species of your new form
  • Omnidirectional vision is exchanged for the vision format of your new form's species (which might be blindness, depending on species)
  • Your senses are substantially enhanced as compared to the species of your new form
  • Manager benefit is retained
  • Membership in the royal line of succession for the Zree Polity is retained
  • Stipend increases to 100,000 gold per week
  • You gain a level 4 personal space (available on the fourth floor). If you already have a personal space then it is increased to level 4 or increased by 2, whichever ends up being higher
  • Tier-2 personal space upgrades are unlocked. (Normally they are not available until the sixth floor)
  • Pick one:
    • 3 coupons for tier-1 personal space upgrades
    • 1 coupon for a tier-2 personal space upgrade
  • Pick one:
    • 6 free Gold loot boxes
    • 2 free Platinum loot boxes
    • 1 Legendary loot box (cost: 500,000 gold; will wait in your inventory until you have the funds)
    • 1 Celestial loot box (cost: 5,000,000 gold; will wait in your inventory until you have the funds)
  • Disadvantage: You will acquire all disadvantages and penalties of your new form's species
  • Note: You will acquire a random number (none, some, or all) of the positive aspects of your new form's species
"'Membership in the royal line of succession for the Zree Polity'?" Taylor read off. "What does that means, exactly? Would it give us allies and enemies out in the galaxy?"

Levi hesitated. When he spoke, his words were slow and very carefully chosen. "So long as I am acting in the role of game guide, I'm quite limited in what I can share with you, especially where things outside the dungeon are concerned. What I can say is that the Zree Polity is an actual star nation, not made up for the dungeon. Quite a wealthy one, too."

Benefit: Royal Zreean Metamorphosis

Important: Your base Constitution and Intelligence must be at least 50 before you can use this.

You cocoon yourself for 30 hours while you transform into your adult form. Being removed from your cocoon early is fatal.

Your adult form is your choice of any species a member of whom you have touched. You will count as a member of that species and also as a member of the Zree species and the Royal Zree subspecies.

You gain all disadvantages and penalties of the chosen species. You will acquire zero or more of the positive aspects of that species.

Your final sex and gender are up to you but must be among the options for your chosen species.

Your final appearance is up to you but may not be more than a 65% match for any individual of that species. The only exception to this is that if you choose your original race then you may design a new appearance that meets the restrictions, or you may take your original form, or you may take the form of an idealized version of your original self.
Race: Spirit of Magic
Magic is alive. Eternal spirits twirl and dance along the aetheric currents, invisible to those foolish mortal creatures with their solid and unchanging matter. Every once in a while, one of those spirits will decide to become mortal for a time, in order to learn what it's like. You are one of those spirits. You look human (mostly; you've got that whole 'ethereal and otherworldy' vibe going) but you are, in truth, something...more.

  • Your mana and health are combined into a single pool
  • Your potion cooldown for all standard potions is set to the lower of your mana / health potion cooldown
  • Each time you see a spell cast, you have a chance of learning that spell if you do not already know it
  • Once every (100 - Character Level) hours you may invoke your ties to the forces of magic in order to attain level 5 in a random spell. You will not be able to cast spells for 30 hours afterwards
  • Once every 60 hours, you may teach any spell that you know to another crawler, simply by touching the intended recipient. The recipient must be willing. The recipient will learn the spell at level 1 (they may not learn a spell they already know). The influx of knowledge will render the recipient unconscious for 30 minutes. You will not be able to cast that spell for 12 hours afterwards
"That chance to learn spells by seeing them," Taylor asked. "What exactly are the limits? Does it apply to spells cast by party members, by enemies, by NPCs? Does it matter if they're white-tagged or red-tagged mobs? How about spells that are environmental effects? There's an illusionary sky out there which is presumably being generated by magic—would he be able to learn that illusion just by looking at the sky?"

Levi shook his sirenian head. "No, not environmental effects. Good question, though. That's the kind of angle you want to look for." He leaned forward. "What you're asking, fundamentally, is how the rules work. How do edge cases get decided, what loopholes exist that you can exploit. That's the right attitude, but you're not going to like the answer."

"The AI decides?" Taylor said, knowing where this was going.

"The AI decides," Levi agreed, nodding. "As to your specific question: environmental effects don't count as spells. The ability to learn spells from seeing them would only apply to spells that were cast by crawlers, mobs, or NPCs. It shouldn't matter whether or not the mob is red- or white-tagged, only that you can see it being cast."

Race: Suleizul
What do you get when a god gets freaky with a human? A divine scion, also known as a demigod. Divine scions have more specific type names depending on the identity of their godly parent; for example, the scions of storm gods are called djinn.

What do you get when a djinn gets freaky with a human? One of these watered down, barely magical creatures. Sad. Just sad.

The grandchild of a storm deity, these hemidemigods can still channel a fraction of their progenitor's divine power but they lack the strength and breadth of ability that more direct ancestors have. Their true form is that of an attractive human with swirls of color continually rippling across their body. They can control the flow of color in order to (e.g.) make an artistic display, conceal their nature, or blend into the background. Twice per day they can call upon the totality of the divine power within them in order to temporarily merge with their grandparent's domain.

  • +4 to all base stats
  • The Color Shifting benefit
  • The Storm Merge benefit
Benefit: Color Shifting:
You may change your coloration freely, allowing you to adopt any racial coloring, or go bubblegum pink, or (with sufficient skill) to blend in with the background. Only colors within the human-visible spectrum, you adorable little munchkin!

Benefit: Storm Merge
Cooldown: 12 hours
Duration: (Charisma) x 5 seconds

You may shed your corporeal body and become one with the air. By default you will be no more visible than the wind, but you retain your color shifting powers and therefore can render yourself visible if you so choose. Visible or not, your body is gaseous and therefore immune to kinetic damage, poison, and many other forms of harm. You can form yourself into any shape you desire, travel through the tiniest opening, and so on. You can compress and expand yourself to a moderate degree.

Your ability to perform fine manipulation is greatly reduced in gaseous form.

You may cancel the ability and resume your corporeal form at any time. You will automatically shift back when the duration expires. Shifting back within a space that is not large enough for you is contraindicated.

Shifting form in either direction will reset your health to 100% and will remove many debuffs and status conditions. When you shift back to corporeal form you will resume your base form, meaning that amputated limbs will be restored, scars will be removed, etc.

If this ability is not on cooldown then it will activate automatically whenever your health bar zeroes out.
Race: Tir Inqua
Rowr! Take a few looksies at those tootsies! So smooth and luscious! Oh yeah, baybee!

Members of this race look like particularly attractive humans, having high cheekbones, large eyes, slightly exaggerated chins (square for males, rounded for females, intermediate for others), and skin that varies across the human spectrum and beyond. Their hair and eye colors vary wildly. At race selection you may choose skin, hair, and eye color (choose any human-visible color for each, or specify an ethnicity such as 'White', 'Black', 'Hispanic', etc).

  • +5 Charisma
  • +12 to the Fortuna's Favored Child skill
  • Fortuna's Favored Child may be trained to level 20
  • Note: Choosing this race unlocks multiple exclusive Earth-based classes
Skill: Fortuna's Favored Child
An always-on, skill-based, AOE version of the Fortune Sculpting spell. In a radius of (10 + (Skill Level)) meters around you, probabilities are distorted in the favor of you and your allies (which includes anyone you choose to protect). Falling objects are less likely to hit you or your allies. Chance-based special abilities of yourself and your allies are more likely to activate or succeed while those of your enemies are more likely to fail. Secret doors are more likely to be noticed. Your tracks are less likely to be found, and so on.

The bonus/malus is dependent on your skill level and your Charisma. This effect will stack with Fortune Sculpting and other luck-modifying actionables, although the effects are treated separately instead of having their levels added.

"Wow, this stuff really is crazy," Calliope said, skimming quickly through the possibilities before going back to read more closely. She had been part of the original discussion that resulted in the short list, but there were so many choices that it made sense to refresh the memory.

"I kinda like the Tir Inqua one," Drew said. "Mom used to say that it's better to be lucky than good."

"That's terrible advice," Levi said. "Well, usually. In this case, maybe she's right. That is one heck of a powerful luck-boosting skill, and it's possible that it could be worth it, especially since it will help your allies and harm your opponents." He considered the description for a few more seconds, then leaned back.

"A level 12 Fortune Sculpting spell is a major force multiplier," he said. "It lets you land a critical hit in most fights and have low-probability abilities activate far more often than they should. It makes mobs crit-fail their resistance rolls, causes pursuers to trip on their own feet, stuff like that. The spell doesn't last long, but this racial effect is always on, which is insane." He went silent for a moment, thinking. "Of course, luck is still luck. It won't work every time, it's just that when it does work it will do completely ridiculous things.

"The effect would likely get more frequent as you leveled it up," he continued. "If you somehow actually managed to train it to level 20 then I expect you'd basically be living in a cartoon. Anvils would randomly fall out of the sky to kill your opponents, you could jump off a cliff without looking and land right in someone's bouncy castle, and if you closed your eyes and threw a rock over your shoulder it would somehow push the secret button that opened the secret door that led to the secret treasure chest with the Celestial loot box in it."

"Sounds pretty awesome to me!" Drew said, grinning.

"You'd have to live long enough to level it up that much," Taylor pointed out. "Still, the fact that it's the only benefit of that race suggests that the effect is powerful. And it is one of the AI's suggestions, which makes it worth discussing all on its own."

The debate raged on, people taking different positions on each option and sometimes switching sides just to loosen up the discussion. In the end, the choice was made and there was nothing to do but confirm it.

"Okay," Drew said, trepidation in his voice as he scrolled down through his interface. "Here we go. Man, can't believe I'm choosing this."

"If you're not sure—" Levi began.

"No, no, it's cool." He jabbed his finger forward at one of the interface buttons only he could see. "There we go. Locked in." He sat back with a sigh, the tension gone now that the die was cast.

"Huh," Drew said after a moment, studying his hands and arms. "I don't feel any different."

"The new race isn't actually applied until after everyone has made all their choices," Levi reminded him. "Now, time for a class."

The display shifted before anyone could say anything, bringing up the class options.

"Hooboy," Drew said. "This is gonna be interesting."

Author's Note: This time around you'll be voting on Drew's race, plus any minor decisions that need to be made based on your choices, such as appearance. My current plan is that after Drew is done, we'll do his class, then repeat for Calliope, and then for Taylor. I'm suggesting doing it this way because everyone's choices are going to impact each other, but if people think that's dragging it out too much then we can do it faster.

Moose will remain a dog and will not get a class.

Voting will run until there have been no votes for 24 hours.
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[X] Dryad
I think this fits with Drew's aesthetic the most which is why I'm going with it. The social aspect of the dungeon is arguably more important than the mechanics. Still, I don't think it's mechanically the strongest option, though it isn't bad by any means. It does also unlock earth classes which is good.

[ ] Gravity Elemental
A lot of really cool and seemingly powerful skills come with this class, and it still looks human. Pretty good

[ ] Spirit of Magic
Just really cool all around, and seems pretty versatile. Also a good support role because he can teach us spells too (can he teach Moose spells?)

[ ] Tir Inqua
Strong af ability, and allows earth-based classes, but not much else
[Spirit of Magic Ability]
Each time you see a spell cast, you have a chance of learning that spell if you do not already know it
Does this apply to spells cast by enemies, or spells that are environmental effects (idk, like a Boss Room with several instances of a Pillar of Lava active effect? I doubt Drew would be able to learn the Sky Illusion Spell by looking at the 3rd Floor Ceiling... but maybe Grey areas?)
Does this apply to spells cast by enemies, or spells that are environmental effects (idk, like a Boss Room with several instances of a Pillar of Lava active effect? I doubt Drew would be able to learn the Sky Illusion Spell by looking at the 3rd Floor Ceiling... but maybe Grey areas?)
Only spells and only ones cast by crawlers or NPCs or mobs, but friend/enemy status doesn't matter. As with everything, exact details and edge cases are at the whim of the AI and often not clear to you.
Disadvantage: You lose the ability to see, taste, and smell.
Will Drew still have eyeballs, a nose, a mouth, and ears? The way this is worded, I could see it being a case where "your body is idealized, but your face is a flat plane of skin, with no eyeballs."

It would fit with the idea of an "elemental," and the A.I., in-universe, has been a bit... tricky.
What do Drew's current stats look like? That has a big impact on whether ie. Scion of the Zree is in the running.
What do Drew's current stats look like? That has a big impact on whether ie. Scion of the Zree is in the running.

Strength 4
Intelligence 4
Constitution 3
Dexterity 3
Charisma 4

His gear gives him a total of:
Strength: +2
Intelligence: +4
Charisma: -1

Will Drew still have eyeballs, a nose, a mouth, and ears? The way this is worded, I could see it being a case where "your body is idealized, but your face is a flat plane of skin, with no eyeballs."
Ooh, that's better than what I was thinking. Yes, you are correct. Your body is idealized, your 'face' is a flat plane with no [EDIT: eyes, nose, or mouth. eyes or nose, but still a mouth.]

(Edited because I forgot that they can still speak and therefore need a mouth.)
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[X] Tir Inqua

I like this one for Drew myself. Cartoon bullshit is good views, and we can lean into that for his character.
Scion of Zree is out then, imo
He'll die before he gets there
Note that none of the races / classes that the AI offers are certain death sentences. If it's showing it to you, that means that in the AI's estimation you will theoretically be able to survive to the tenth floor (which is where you first get the option to leave the dungeon) given the resources you have in hand (e.g., party members) and the abilities offered by the race/class.
[X] Tir Inqua

I like this one for Drew myself. Cartoon bullshit is good views, and we can lean into that for his character.
Keep in mind that training something to level 20 is extremely difficult. You almost certainly will not manage it before reaching the tenth floor unless you manage to find a whole bunch of enhancements such as potions, training guilds, etc. Those things are very rare, unreliable, and/or ludicrously expensive.
That sure is a lot of traditionally represented as female options in your short list there, Drew.

[X] Scion of the Zree
It's a huge risk, but the rewards are also huge.

[X] Tir Inqua
Probability manipulation also sounds fun.
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