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[x] Ignore Azura and study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.

man is she pushy, that line of reasoning makes me ever less likely to vote for a wish.
man is she pushy, that line of reasoning makes me ever less likely to vote for a wish.
The only reason why we consider not wishing anything other than insane is because we know we're likely to awaken our mana when we get in real trouble. She's right to push us to make one. For both our sake and for the people we would save's sake.

[x] Ignore Azura and study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.

I'm willing to give this a shot, but it better get results fast.
[x] Ignore Azura and study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.
The way they go on about it you would think theres literally no other potential magic girls in the entire city. Sure Arias potential is absurdly high but that doesnt mean theres no one else who could take her position. Also Azura is crazy. =|
The way they go on about it you would think theres literally no other potential magic girls in the entire city. Sure Arias potential is absurdly high but that doesnt mean theres no one else who could take her position. Also Azura is crazy. =|

they're not looking for any magical girl, they want us because we've got mana, and that is something that only we out of everyone in the city has.
[X] Ignore Azura and study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.

Also Azura is crazy. =|

She's being decently reasonable? She has some strong biases about wanting a new heavy hitter to help her, you know, not die, but other than that she's just acting a bit immature. Which is fair because she explicitly said she stopped aging so she'd keep thinking like a kid.
[x] Ignore Azura and study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.
The way they go on about it you would think theres literally no other potential magic girls in the entire city. Sure Arias potential is absurdly high but that doesnt mean theres no one else who could take her position.
Since Aria believes there are usually less than five magical girls in a single city, that actually wouldn't surprise her.

In the OOC knowledge department (since some players of Ignition already know this): Kyubey tends to pick a few relatively stable candidates and work on keeping them alive for the purposes of PR. The more unstable ones are considered expendable and turned into witches via psychological warfare before other girls can learn about their existence. This gives the illusion of magical potential being a rare and wonderful thing.

For various reasons, Aria is the ideal example of somebody he'd want to keep around.
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they're not looking for any magical girl, they want us because we've got mana, and that is something that only we out of everyone in the city has.

That coobes reasoning sure. But Azura? Im sure theres other girls that could help her. Just saying.

On an unrelated tangent my knowledge of green is kind of lacking. How exactly would a green mage play out in the context of a quest battle? Red was pretty self explanatory for Jade because FIRE but how would green fight? Spawning plants or animals to fight?
On an unrelated tangent my knowledge of green is kind of lacking. How exactly would a green mage play out in the context of a quest battle? Red was pretty self explanatory for Jade because FIRE but how would green fight? Spawning plants or animals to fight?

Spawning minions, making yourself larger (or yes, turning into a bear. If you really wanted to I guess) adding enchantments that make you hit harder. There's some direct damage spells based on insects or knocking things out of the sky, although they're rare, and even a killspell or two that only works on fliers. (Green hates birds, for some reason, in the traditional color pie. Flying hate is almost exclusively a green thing, and reach is common on spiders and archers in Green for similar reasons.)
[X] Ignore Azura and study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.
The only reason why we consider not wishing anything other than insane is because we know we're likely to awaken our mana when we get in real trouble. She's right to push us to make one. For both our sake and for the people we would save's sake.
I can be very a stubborn and contrary person at times, and the way kyubey and Azura are pushing for the wish after Aria's declined makes me, all other factors excluded, less inclined to vote for the wish.
Yeah... I'm not going to start slogging through transcripts to get answers.
People other than Magical Girls can use magic. Even ignoring this setting, Kyuubey says as much. Kyuubey just doesn't give others their ability to as they're trying to maximise efficiency.
:Citation Needed:
Even if you were right about the above, which you're not, as I demonstrated, I'd still be right here as it doesn't change the fact that the wish is the most powerful magic the girl ever performs and it results in zero corruption, proving that more powerful magic can be performed with zero grief cost.
:Citation Needed:
If Kyubey is absorbing the energy during the moment of transformation he could be absorbing that grief. Normally it is protected by the soul where he can't get it but in this case, with all that energy being thrown around, he might have access.
You're missing the point. Kyuubey himself says that the Soul Gems are unnecessary and he could leave the souls in their body if he wanted to.
Unnecessary to what? If Soul Gems are what allows MG's to use magic safely and without Witching out in short order then they aren't necessary. Just highly useful.
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[x] Ignore Azura and study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.
Spawning minions, making yourself larger (or yes, turning into a bear. If you really wanted to I guess) adding enchantments that make you hit harder. There's some direct damage spells based on insects or knocking things out of the sky, although they're rare, and even a killspell or two that only works on fliers. (Green hates birds, for some reason, in the traditional color pie. Flying hate is almost exclusively a green thing, and reach is common on spiders and archers in Green for similar reasons.)
Green buffs are a hell of a drug.
How exactly would a green mage play out in the context of a quest battle? Red was pretty self explanatory for Jade because FIRE but how would green fight? Spawning plants or animals to fight?
*Points at Bear*
There's some direct damage spells based on insects or knocking things out of the sky, although they're rare, and even a killspell or two that only works on fliers. (Green hates birds, for some reason, in the traditional color pie. Flying hate is almost exclusively a green thing, and reach is common on spiders and archers in Green for similar reasons.)
Actually it's probably that they hate Dragons, who are Red, and birds are just an unintended data point.

*Points at Bird*
Actually it's probably that they hate Dragons, who are Red, and birds are just an unintended data point.

There's some birds who are green, sure, but there's about seventy who are blue versus the five green birds. (There's also about as many who are white but eh.)

I blame all the owls and crows, being associated with knowledge and trickery. They've spoiled flying for green at this point.

I can be very a stubborn and contrary person at times, and the way kyubey and Azura are pushing for the wish after Aria's declined makes me, all other factors excluded, less inclined to vote for the wish.

Kyubes doesn't really do a sales pitch. He offers information, and then waits until you're in a position where you'd need to Wish to save a friend or yourself or something, and offers it then. From his perspective this is probably a fair thing to do, since he's just saving your life. He barely needs to engineer the danger for most contractees, too.

Azura is pushing harder but like, she is probably in danger of dying? And according to Alivaril there's only 4-5 candidates in the entire city, of which we're overwhelming the top choice because the other potential contractees are being farmed for grief seeds so turnover is lower. This is, technically speaking, better for us and Azura because it means hunting will be a bit easier.

Just remember that if we can't awaken our green mana soon, we're probably going to be fending off another witch attack from one source or another, and soon. At the very least Kyubey might witch a girl out near us to make it harder to abstain.
You know, its funny, but right now I kind of want to do both Genocide and King of the Hill Green. Basically turn the city into a giant forest, very uickly and very forcibly. If people want to stay and live in it, fine, but if they don't then get out and if they fight us they die.

Basically the MC going Green very hard.

Bonus is we get more Green mana, I think, in our land if we do this.

Oh, also, kill Azura, cause she's a bitch.
[x] Ignore Azura and study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.
[x] Maybe focusing on the wrongness of a Grief Seed would help? Ask Azura to show you one.

This is the only thing I can think of that could possibly help us figure out mana in the current situation. Might as well add it.

Oh, also, kill Azura, cause she's a bitch.
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Rolling real quick for events waaay in the past.

EDIT: Meh.
Alivaril threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: GU Total: 54
54 54
Alivaril threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: I swear, if this is high... Total: 72
72 72
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[x] Ignore Azura and study your pendant. Kyubey seems to think it creates the same energy as you could. See if you can find it.
-[X] Maybe if you can figure it out they will leave you alone. You don't want that unnatural gunk in your body. That girl... she stopped that natural growth of her body and now acts strangely. She won't leave you alone. She's trying to force you into doing something you don't want to do. If you could just access the energy within yourself. Your natural potential... You Wont Be Powerless Anymore.
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