Devil Trigger (Devil May Cry/Worm AU)

What the hell is SMT???
Shin Megami Tensei. The series is based off of a Japanese novel about the reincarnation of a goddess, and the demons that were summoned in an attempt to stop said reincarnation from coming into her power, as best as I could tell from the anime made of the novel. The SMT title literally means "True Goddess Reincarnation". Sure, Shin can also mean "God", but in this case, the character used means "True". It's a really hard series for newcomers to get into. Especially the current latest, where they took out the ability to buff your character's endurance stat that's applied before armour stats. The very first boss of the original SMT4 is a pain in the rear if you don't get the right partner. One of them will cast a fire spell, which causes the boss to get a buff that means its next attack will be a critical. And that can be a killer. The people of the internet call the series "the Dark Souls of RPGs", which I find weird, since SMT has been around since the NES/Famicom days.

Edit,: Heh, Ninja'd, but I had a bit more in-depth details. Not sure if I should count that as a net gain, or not.
Also one of the games had Dante show up as DLC, which is the origin of the "featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series" meme.
Actually, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, when it was released here in the west, was an updated version in Japan called the Maniax Edition, which had Dante as a guest character. An alternate edition in the game had Raidou Kuzunoha from the Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha games take Dante's place, though that was Japan exclusive until SMT III: Nocturne HD Remaster was announced.
Shin Megami Tensei. That is assuming I remembered right, this franchise is best remembered for it persona branch of games or the one fire emblem crossover it had.
You mean Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE? Its a good game, but many people do agree that it doesn't actually hold up as a crossover.
You mean Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE? Its a good game, but many people do agree that it doesn't actually hold up as a crossover.
It started off really well as one, but then they scrapped the initial idea and turned it into Persona-with-FE-characters.

Anyways, I wonder if Dante remembers his time in the Expanse? Fun Fact, the reason Dante was even added to that particular version of SMT3 was because the lead designer for characters, Kazuma Kaneko, was offered for making the Devil Trigger forms of DMC3. That's why it differed so much from previous games.
The people of the internet call the series "the Dark Souls of RPGs", which I find weird, since SMT has been around since the NES/Famicom days.
And while the series was close to unheard of until Nocturne made it to the West, more people the world over are more familiar with the media franchise it wound up inspiring: Pokémon. No joke, much of SMT's design philosophy, namely recruiting demons, then either evolving or fusing them to better forms while filling in a compendium is pretty prominent in Pokemon's DNA.
And while the series was close to unheard of until Nocturne made it to the West, more people the world over are more familiar with the media franchise it wound up inspiring: Pokémon. No joke, much of SMT's design philosophy, namely recruiting demons, then either evolving or fusing them to better forms while filling in a compendium is pretty prominent in Pokemon's DNA.
Yep, it's the Ur Example of the Mons Genre.
In truth the entire franchise was mostly unheard of until Persona 3, not SMT3. The whole controversy of "initiating battle by shooting yourself in the head" really gained the franchise a shitload of publicity.
In truth the entire franchise was mostly unheard of until Persona 3, not SMT3. The whole controversy of "initiating battle by shooting yourself in the head" really gained the franchise a shitload of publicity.
Fun fact: Persona 3 FES was what ultimately got me into the Shin Megami Tensei series. Devil Survivor just sent me further down the rabbit hole. When SMT IV came out, that was all she wrote. I currently own every SMT and Persona game that is out in the US, and yes, that includes the Persona dancing games.
Fun fact: Persona 3 FES was what ultimately got me into the Shin Megami Tensei series. Devil Survivor just sent me further down the rabbit hole. When SMT IV came out, that was all she wrote. I currently own every SMT and Persona game that is out in the US, and yes, that includes the Persona dancing games.
For me it was actually Strange Journey. The GBA one, with the giant black dome in the middle of Antarctica. After that I played and beat a translation of 1, got to the final dungeon of a translation of 2, then kinda forgot the series until 4 came out. So hype for the remaster of 3, even though I bought (and never played) the original a loooong time ago. Oh my god the final dungeon in 2 was brutal, though, it's basically why I lost interest/got distracted by other things. The whole dating-sim aspect of Persona (or at least in P3) kinda kept me from playing them...

I was trying for a complete demon collection in SMTIV, but I just got so overwhelmed by the inanity of the rare fiends... 1 in 256 chance to spawn... so overpowered even at maxed out levels you get completely curbstomped... yeah. Not cool. Honestly that, and the stupidly impossible DLC bosses, made me quit my second playthrough of it... and I am stubborn enough that I did full completion runs of Xenoblade Chronicles 3D(all items, all quests, all max level, all enemies including superbosses) AND Dragon Quest 11 on Switch(all items, all enemies, all quests, all skills, yes that means I farmed for hours just to get skill point items, all Switch-exclusive 2D content).

Great games, honestly not as hard as people think... but the superbosses are far harder than anyone's worst nightmares...
As fun as this is, we should probably stop before things get de-railed.
I honestly don't mind if the topic gets de-railed, so long as its within reason and the current topic is one I can honestly engage with. In this case, I welcome any and all talks with SMT.
I think my first Atlus game was Persona 4. I beat that, then decided to go beat 3 FES, and have since been hooked. I played Strange Journey (DS, by the way, not GBA) to completion of the one route (Neutral all the way for me, no Anarchy or Stagnation for me, no siree). Fun Fact: there is a demon password in that game that is a math question. If you complete the question, then enter the result as a password, you get another unique demon. Then if you enter the math question as is, you get a different demon that has a unique skill. Can't remember exactly what said skill is, since it was so long ago I played it, but it was an interesting tidbit that I remember to this day. Oh, and certain demons cannot have default passwords assigned to them. If you try to enter those passwords, you'll just get an error. They have actual passwords assigned to them that were never handed out to North America. Case in point, Bugaboo and its Neutral and Law counterparts. And yes, those are a thing. I've used cheats to find this out.

SMT3HD is going to have a DLC for both Raidou Kuzunoha (Devil Summoner, which I've never played) and Dante. I'm kinda wondering what'll happen in game if you have both. Will it just ask you to pick one at a time? Or will it just have distinctive scenes for both? Or maybe they'll be smart, and add a few new cutscenes with the two of them in them? Who really knows. I can't wait to find out, though I have the distinct feeling I'll be disappointed.
SMT3HD is going to have a DLC for both Raidou Kuzunoha (Devil Summoner, which I've never played) and Dante. I'm kinda wondering what'll happen in game if you have both. Will it just ask you to pick one at a time? Or will it just have distinctive scenes for both? Or maybe they'll be smart, and add a few new cutscenes with the two of them in them? Who really knows. I can't wait to find out, though I have the distinct feeling I'll be disappointed.
Sadly, you cannot have both in your party. Raidou is in HD Remaster by default whereas the Maniax DLC, which is the version we got when Nocturne hit the west, has Dante. If I remember right, you can choose whether to play the HD Remaster with Raidou or play the game using the Maniax DLC, which replaces Raidou with Dante.

...since the game's coming to PC, though, I'm fully expecting people to find ways to have Dante and Raidou together. You know it will happen!

As a side note, SO HAPPY they brought in Rueben to voice Dante and Ray Chase to voice Gouto (the talking cat that accompanies Raidou).
As fun as this is, we should probably stop before things get de-railed.

Don't worry about it man, we'll just catch the rails running right beside it :stickouttongue2:

Thanks for the explanation about SMT by the way. Sometimes I see the acronyms and I'm like: dafuq is dis? They're not "new guy" friendly :confused2:
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As a side note, SO HAPPY they brought in Rueben to voice Dante and Ray Chase to voice Gouto (the talking cat that accompanies Raidou).
When I get my hands on SMT Nocturne HD Remaster and we get to see Gouto, all I will hear is the Master of Masters in all his hammy glory. Is that bad?