That was definitely the highlight moment of this entire LP. I liked the time decisions and how they put some pressure on you as a player to make a call, but like there's not that much pressure. And yet, off he went. Getting the actual worst outcome.

I've not ever really followed a lot of their material but is their game sense this bad in other games? I've been watching Pat and Woolie playing God Hand and beyond being rusty they're quite good at that. But then I watched them played Armored Core: For Answer and I was just about ready to turn into Char Aznable and drop an asteroid on the Earth.
DarkSydePat managed to develop a Stand based on his astonishing ability to be immediately punished by a videogame for doing or saying anything from any position of authority to the point to where it actively teleported him 15 feet into electrified wires in The Evil Within 2, Woolie doesn't know how to read or know right from left and was responsible for Snailborne, and Matt... well let's just say the Bully LP is still a quarantine zone. The only reason the Best Friends end up looking good in all this is because Pat's sister girlfriend Paige is so riddled with Lupus that she'll spend 30 minutes on an RE7 shadow puzzle and experience more forward momentum in Portal by bumbling literally ass-first through a solution by accident.
DarkSydePat managed to develop a Stand based on his astonishing ability to be immediately punished by a videogame for doing or saying anything from any position of authority to the point to where it actively teleported him 15 feet into electrified wires in The Evil Within 2, Woolie doesn't know how to read or know right from left and was responsible for Snailborne, and Matt... well let's just say the Bully LP is still a quarantine zone. The only reason the Best Friends end up looking good in all this is because Pat's sister girlfriend Paige is so riddled with Lupus that she'll spend 30 minutes on an RE7 shadow puzzle and experience more forward momentum in Portal by bumbling literally ass-first through a solution by accident.
Your joking may be too inside for Ford to handle.
I'm learning. :V

When I follow LPs it's usually recommended stuff from the LP Archive, and whatever its other qualities Something Awful has generated some stunning LPs over the years. I'm pretty used to shit like mkob's God Hand LP, where the player is incredibly skilled and knows the game inside and out. These new release LPs are new for me. It's been a whole Detroit experience.
It depends on the game too, isn't it? If you're watching an LP based on 'what should I do at this moment' a la GameFAQ walk through then watching a not-first time playing LP is the way to go. If you want to watch an LP because of the personality playing then even the release-LP is good enough, heck it may even be better because their reactions are genuine.

I guess it's just because I don't really follow a single Let's Player instead of watching LPs based on the games I want to watch. I do have favourite Let's Player though.

Games like Detroit though is better as release-LP I think because of the different paths the players can take the first time. Odd managed to get the Golden Endings for all the characters while SBFP managed to get the lowest percentage choices made by worldwide players so there's variety there.
I exclusively watch LPs of games I've already played (or, in Detroit's case, watched a playthrough without commentary) because I really enjoy reaction videos. LPs are... basically very long reaction videos.
As much as I would occasionally be like 'for god's sake' it actually was really interesting to watch this, because they got really different outcomes than I did, in a quite natural way. Also because they had such a storied history with Quantic Dream, their responses made for good viewing. Like seeing how things clicked for them and what they recognised and so on.
The name is one of the options presented (Cole) even if the player didn't learn it. If they did learn it though there's the unlocked symbol next to. Asking for it seems a bit stupid to me anyway, if he doesn't tell Connor why would he even consider that he'd know it and the other wouldn't?

because if that option he talks with empathy and volunteering of information as opposed to new connor's probable simple statement of facts
@Ford Prefect

Considering how it seems like most folk here are quite familiar with the Zaibatsu, it's interesting to see a fresh impression on 'em.

If you're interested, I highly recommend watching their XCOM 2 playthrough. It's probably one of their best (if not most entertaining.) LPs they ever done. At least in my opinion.
Don't watch their Bully Let's Play. It is frustrating.

Dad of Boi is good tho. Shame they clearly got spoiled at the end there.
The beginning is great but it tanks towards the end. (Though it does perk up slightly.) Definitely shows off Matt's strength and weakness as a LPer the best imo.
Equally applicable to the Yakuza 0 LP.

In any case there's already a pretty popular thread begging the Zaibatsu to replay Detroit so clearly something unexpected has occurred in this fusion accident. They reran Heavy Rain in stream format with both of them there to spectate for Woolie so I really hope they get all three together again if there's another playthrough because the one-LPer-per-character system was easily the best part and honestly makes me wonder if the next Quantic Dream game might not be better off with some sort of asynchronous multiplayer mode or element if it's gonna stick with the multicharacter gimmick.

(Everyone was so mad Battle For Detroit didn't have Kill 'Em All 2038 Trashbot Pat vs Markus X Woolie PVP)

((How many women is it possible to kill in a single playthrough of Detroit? Because Paige's stream will 100% that particular stat.))
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Equally applicable to the Yakuza 0 LP.

In any case there's already a pretty popular thread begging the Zaibatsu to replay Detroit so clearly something unexpected has occurred in this fusion accident. They reran Heavy Rain in stream format with both of them there to spectate for Woolie so I really hope they get all three together again if there's another playthrough because the one-LPer-per-character system was easily the best part and honestly makes me wonder if the next Quantic Dream game might not be better off with some sort of asynchronous multiplayer mode or element if it's gonna stick with the multicharacter gimmick.

(Everyone was so mad Battle For Detroit didn't have Kill 'Em All 2038 Trashbot Pat vs Markus X Woolie PVP)

((How many women is it possible to kill in a single playthrough of Detroit? Because Paige's stream will 100% that particular stat.))
I hope they can rope Liam in for the stream if he's up for it.
I honestly thought Pat would pull through, but he dropped the ball big time. I'm legit irate at Pat for getting Connor killed.

I'm honestly surprised Kara survived all things considered. I was half expecting a total party kill, but at least Matt didn't fail.

I won't lie I did have fun with the LP, though there were many times I internally shouted at them (mostly at Pat for obvious reasons).
Most of SBFP's appeal is definitely for the personalities. When they get hyped you can feel their hype, and they do have an element of authenticity in their reactions.

Their quality varies but for the most part they've got good stuff.
I'm wondering what speed runs of this game are going to look like. Considering how much more variable scenes seem in how long they can take and how you can kill off an entire character super early it should be pretty easy to just cut huge chunks of time out of the game. Kara is suboptimal.

It would be pretty hilariously twister to watch, and you'd go straight to hell for doing so.

EDIT: Actually, thinking about this more, is it possible that it cuts off time to get Connor killed over and over? Because it seems to skip a lot of dialogue with Hank sometimes.
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