DarkSydePat managed to develop a Stand based on his astonishing ability to be immediately punished by a videogame for doing or saying anything from any position of authority to the point to where it actively teleported him 15 feet into electrified wires in The Evil Within 2, Woolie doesn't know how to read or know right from left and was responsible for Snailborne, and Matt... well let's just say the Bully LP is still a quarantine zone. The only reason the Best Friends end up looking good in all this is because Pat'sThat was definitely the highlight moment of this entire LP. I liked the time decisions and how they put some pressure on you as a player to make a call, but like there's not that much pressure. And yet, off he went. Getting the actual worst outcome.
I've not ever really followed a lot of their material but is their game sense this bad in other games? I've been watching Pat and Woolie playing God Hand and beyond being rusty they're quite good at that. But then I watched them played Armored Core: For Answer and I was just about ready to turn into Char Aznable and drop an asteroid on the Earth.
Your joking may be too inside for Ford to handle.DarkSydePat managed to develop a Stand based on his astonishing ability to be immediately punished by a videogame for doing or saying anything from any position of authority to the point to where it actively teleported him 15 feet into electrified wires in The Evil Within 2, Woolie doesn't know how to read or know right from left and was responsible for Snailborne, and Matt... well let's just say the Bully LP is still a quarantine zone. The only reason the Best Friends end up looking good in all this is because Pat'ssistergirlfriend Paige is so riddled with Lupus that she'll spend 30 minutes on an RE7 shadow puzzle and experience more forward momentum in Portal by bumbling literally ass-first through a solution by accident.
The name is one of the options presented (Cole) even if the player didn't learn it. If they did learn it though there's the unlocked symbol next to. Asking for it seems a bit stupid to me anyway, if he doesn't tell Connor why would he even consider that he'd know it and the other wouldn't?
The beginning is great but it tanks towards the end. (Though it does perk up slightly.) Definitely shows off Matt's strength and weakness as a LPer the best imo.Don't watch their Bully Let's Play. It is frustrating.
Dad of Boi is good tho. Shame they clearly got spoiled at the end there.
Equally applicable to the Yakuza 0 LP.The beginning is great but it tanks towards the end. (Though it does perk up slightly.) Definitely shows off Matt's strength and weakness as a LPer the best imo.
I hope they can rope Liam in for the stream if he's up for it.Equally applicable to the Yakuza 0 LP.
In any case there's already a pretty popular thread begging the Zaibatsu to replay Detroit so clearly something unexpected has occurred in this fusion accident. They reran Heavy Rain in stream format with both of them there to spectate for Woolie so I really hope they get all three together again if there's another playthrough because the one-LPer-per-character system was easily the best part and honestly makes me wonder if the next Quantic Dream game might not be better off with some sort of asynchronous multiplayer mode or element if it's gonna stick with the multicharacter gimmick.
(Everyone was so mad Battle For Detroit didn't have Kill 'Em All 2038 Trashbot Pat vs Markus X Woolie PVP)
((How many women is it possible to kill in a single playthrough of Detroit? Because Paige's stream will 100% that particular stat.))
Because SHUT UP.I saw it pointed out by someone else but why couldn't Hank just compare the model numbers on the conners jackets to know which one was real?
"okay let me get close enough to-" *neck snap*I saw it pointed out by someone else but why couldn't Hank just compare the model numbers on the conners jackets to know which one was real?
With the amount of daydrinking Hank gets up to at his age I seriously doubt his ability to read text at arms' length, let alone from 15-20 feetI saw it pointed out by someone else but why couldn't Hank just compare the model numbers on the conners jackets to know which one was real?
Bah, Bully was fine.Don't watch their Bully Let's Play. It is frustrating.
Dad of Boi is good tho. Shame they clearly got spoiled at the end there.
I really need to catch up on the Tokyo Mirage Sessions LP. I have been putting it off.Their current Tokyo Mirage Sessions LP is actually pretty strong too.
Bah, Bully was fine.