Am I making a horrible mistake?

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    Votes: 14 5.7%
  • YES!

    Votes: 233 94.3%

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Why have any stats at all? Most of them will probaby be ignored for plot purposes anyway. And don't get me started on the bauxite thing. Does he even know what bauxite is?

Getting stunned by bullets and feeling them as more than raindrops or something of the like isn't exactly what I would call bulletproof, but I didn't expect anything else from this story. The less we say about the torture stuff the better, even though the way it is carried out is probably still full of plot holes and incredibly stupid.

Anyway I'll try to refrain from asking any further questions about this story, as the answers given to us by the author will most likely be contradictory and unsatisfying, but before that one last question: Did anyone in this whole mess of a story actually treat the ship girls like the intelligent beings they are, calmly explain the situation to them and then ask them for their help or are all ship girls immediatley subjected to brain hacking or torture and coercion upon activation?
Why have any stats at all? Most of them will probaby be ignored for plot purposes anyway. And don't get me started on the bauxite thing. Does he even know what bauxite is?

Getting stunned by bullets and feeling them as more than raindrops or something of the like isn't exactly what I would call bulletproof, but I didn't expect anything else from this story. The less we say about the torture stuff the better, even though the way it is carried out is probably still full of plot holes and incredibly stupid.

Anyway I'll try to refrain from asking any further questions about this story, as the answers given to us by the author will most likely be contradictory and unsatisfying, but before that one last question: Did anyone in this whole mess of a story actually treat the ship girls like the intelligent beings they are, calmly explain the situation to them and then ask them for their help or are all ship girls immediatley subjected to brain hacking or torture and coercion upon activation?

To answer your question mate, NO ONE, absolutely every shit stain in this trash story treats the ship girls like tools/toys/ whateverthefucktheauthorcomesupwith.

And yes, the heart of the matter is that the author's rules are contradictory and unsatisfying.
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To answer your question mate, NO ONE absolutely every shit stain in this trash story treats the ship girls like tools/toys/ whateverthefucktheauthorcomesupwith.

And yes, the heart of the matter is that the author's rules are contradictory and unsatisfying.
Well, I don't know what I expected. I mean even the supposedly good natured fake-german just went "oh well", when Damon brainjacked someone right in front of him.
Why have any stats at all? Most of them will probaby be ignored for plot purposes anyway. And don't get me started on the bauxite thing. Does he even know what bauxite is?

Getting stunned by bullets and feeling them as more than raindrops or something of the like isn't exactly what I would call bulletproof, but I didn't expect anything else from this story. The less we say about the torture stuff the better, even though the way it is carried out is probably still full of plot holes and incredibly stupid.

Anyway I'll try to refrain from asking any further questions about this story, as the answers given to us by the author will most likely be contradictory and unsatisfying, but before that one last question: Did anyone in this whole mess of a story actually treat the ship girls like the intelligent beings they are, calmly explain the situation to them and then ask them for their help or are all ship girls immediatley subjected to brain hacking or torture and coercion upon activation?

To answer your question mate, NO ONE, absolutely every shit stain in this trash story treats the ship girls like tools/toys/ whateverthefucktheauthorcomesupwith.

@Guilop And yes, the heart of the matter is that the author's rules are contradictory and unsatisfying.

The stats thing is from a chapter that tries to answer the question of "What if AFS was made into a game?". You can view that sheet here Ambience: A Fleet Symphony Chapter 169: Ambience: A Fleet Symphony Stat Sheet, a kantai collection fanfic | FanFiction

@Zone-Meister On the contrary, there is at least one person in this fic who, in Guilop's words...

Treats the ship girls like the intelligent beings they are, calmly explain the situation to them and then ask them for their help

One of the FLEET Project devs, Kiyoshi Araki (Apparently a descendant of Furutaka's final captain, Tsutau Araki), does in fact treat ship girls like actual human beings. After finding 3 ship girls (Furutaka, Fusou, and Kitakami) in San Francisco, he asks them to come along with him to Boise, away from the overpopulated west coast, because after all, he re-activated the girls without the government's knowledge, so he has the incentive to stay low-key and just settle down some place to integrate himself and his girls into society once more, and does just that in Boise.
Up until they come into contact with Damon and his fleet in New Chicago (They moved there from Boise approx. 9 years or so before the first chapter began), Kiyoshi ran a tailoring business out of his home with the help of Fusou, Furutaka was working construction, while Kitakami was part of the QC team at a factory that produced much of the tools and electrical equipment that the town needs. All this time they were essentially a family, with Kiyooshi as the father, and the girls as his daughters.

I will edit this post later if necessary. I'm kind of strapped for time right now.
The stats thing is from a chapter that tries to answer the question of "What if AFS was made into a game?". You can view that sheet here Ambience: A Fleet Symphony Chapter 169: Ambience: A Fleet Symphony Stat Sheet, a kantai collection fanfic | FanFiction

@Zone-Meister On the contrary, there is at least one person in this fic who, in Guilop's words...

One of the FLEET Project devs, Kiyoshi Araki (Apparently a descendant of Furutaka's final captain, Tsutau Araki), does in fact treat ship girls like actual human beings. After finding 3 ship girls (Furutaka, Fusou, and Kitakami) in San Francisco, he asks them to come along with him to Boise, away from the overpopulated west coast, because after all, he re-activated the girls without the government's knowledge, so he has the incentive to stay low-key and just settle down some place to integrate himself and his girls into society once more, and does just that in Boise.
Up until they come into contact with Damon and his fleet in New Chicago (They moved there from Boise approx. 9 years or so before the first chapter began), Kiyoshi ran a tailoring business out of his home with the help of Fusou, Furutaka was working construction, while Kitakami was part of the QC team at a factory that produced much of the tools and electrical equipment that the town needs. All this time they were essentially a family, with Kiyooshi as the father, and the girls as his daughters.

I will edit this post later if necessary. I'm kind of strapped for time right now.

Ahh, i forgot about old Araki...and there you see another problem...this fic so steeped in negativity, both in how it portrays shipgirls, and how the humans are complete scum, that a good guy like Araki is forgotten.

The MC is a moron with delusions of greatness and a Mad Max villain wannabe.

The shipgirls are not only off character, they have also suffered say nothing about those rape victims and how some of the other shipgirls are portrayed in Ambulance.

I could go on and on, but you know what i mean man. Araki is a cool guy and i'm ashamed i forgot about him, but then again, with a fucked up world and shitty characters, a shitty plot and other shit....i think it's understandable why me and @Guilop forgot about any "legit good guys". This fic does a great job of making that happen.

Note : Didn't mean to sound sharp towards you or anything.
One of the FLEET Project devs, Kiyoshi Araki (Apparently a descendant of Furutaka's final captain, Tsutau Araki), does in fact treat ship girls like actual human beings. After finding 3 ship girls (Furutaka, Fusou, and Kitakami) in San Francisco, he asks them to come along with him to Boise, away from the overpopulated west coast, because after all, he re-activated the girls without the government's knowledge, so he has the incentive to stay low-key and just settle down some place to integrate himself and his girls into society once more, and does just that in Boise.
Up until they come into contact with Damon and his fleet in New Chicago (They moved there from Boise approx. 9 years or so before the first chapter began), Kiyoshi ran a tailoring business out of his home with the help of Fusou, Furutaka was working construction, while Kitakami was part of the QC team at a factory that produced much of the tools and electrical equipment that the town needs. All this time they were essentially a family, with Kiyooshi as the father, and the girls as his daughters.
I assume the three of them are still headstabbed by Damon eventually?
I assume the three of them are still headstabbed by Damon eventually?


While Araki had dreamt of a day where the girls would be able to go out into the world and find their remaining sisters and other fellow ship girls (He's too old for this stuff), he didn't exactly expect that opportunity to come in that manner. Nor did he exactly expect to be extended an offer to join the fleet alongside his girls as support, because they needed devs like him.
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How about we save every shipgirl from that suffering story like what Sheo did to Kumo.

Or I just got carried away due to the amount of torture they all went through.

I definitely want to save Shoukaku there. Plus that's another thing that I wanna address. How long till the author take to go look for his other ships especially after that battle with the abyssals. Where the hell is Zuikaku after that? Did the Abyssals capture her.

Oh yeah, another thing that pissed me off was when edgelord slapped her.

I'm starting to get some HITEN... vibes from whats happening to good girl Crane.

I guess he's gonna pit the US Shipgirls and Abyssalized IJN shipgirls eventually.
I definitely want to save Shoukaku there. Plus that's another thing that I wanna address. How long till the author take to go look for his other ships especially after that battle with the abyssals. Where the hell is Zuikaku after that? Did the Abyssals capture her.

So at this point, I'm presuming you're referring to the raid on NAS Norfolk. I'm gonna give you a brief summary of events from that and shortly after.

* Support fleet in Chesapeake Bay engages Coalition fleet.
* Abyssals decide to crash the party.
* Both fleets co-operate in taking out the Abyssals, but in the confusion, Kaga and Zuikaku are captured by the retreating Abyssals.
* An Abyssal outpost is located in Concepcion Bay, north of Gander, Newfoundland.
* Rescue op is launched on the outpost. Kaga and Zuikaku rescued, some data and resources secured, as well as a Ru-class who succumbed to her injuries.
lol, Chunni-apocalypse implies that a child with a hyper-active mind wrote this, which is cute, children write this sort of thing and i encourage it to expand their views to a degree....THIS on the other hand....well..i think the author is on crack....

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Read a bit of this heaping pile of dung because of this thread.... (should've known it was a bad idea hindsight, I just thought it couldn't be THAT bad, only to be proven otherwise as the Chuuni Edgelords Edge only became sharper and the Grimderp returned with a vengeance [or maybe it never left] as the fic continued).

Why did I even try, The Crawling in my Crawl (G-Major) sums up my mental state afterwards pretty well (just what in the deepest pits of Hell did I even read just now, and why, just why, is there so much more of it. There's no end to it).

I need a drink or two after this. Maybe more.... a lot more.
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